ST. THOMAS THE APOSTLE NEWSLETTER TWENTY NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 19TH OCTOBER, 2014 MA SS/LITURGY CA LENDAR MONDAY OCT. 20th 9.10am Mass TUESDAY OCT. 21st 10.00am Mass WED. OCT. 22nd 9.10am Mass 10.30am Mass at St. Thomas’ Retirement Village THURSDAY OCT. 23rd No Liturgy FRIDAY OCT. 24th 10.00 am Mass SATURDAY OCT. 25th 10.00am Reconciliation 6.30pm Vigil Mass SUNDAY OCT. 26th 8.30am, 10.30am and 5.00pm Mass YEAR A Dear Parishioners, You and I don’t like conflict. It is painful, and often proves hard to get good outcomes as we try to understand all the underlying currents and details of the differences. But we are part of the human race and differences are part and parcel of existence. Our gospel today has Jesus at odds (again) with the religious authorities of his day. He is confronted by a seemingly innocent question but in reality is loaded against him. He sees into the questioners’ approach and contains his annoyance by using an argument that leaves them amazed and floundering. We need that kind of wisdom, don’t we! And as I write these words I am aware that change is always part of our lives. In the church we have new TV type screens fitted. Hopefully we won’t experience too many teething issues and they should make our praying and singing far more enjoyable and effective. And this week our young ones, some 50 of them, made their first reconciliation. I guess we all remember that first day for ourselves. For many, it was with a lot more anxiety and fear, but today we aren’t caught up with getting all the words just right and so on. Congratulations young ones, for this step, and a big thank you to both parents and teachers for your assistance in bringing our newest generation closer to God and to each other. Little further to report on either Fr Chris or Br James. James, by the way, spent the past week with us. He looks well, however he has still some very difficult days ahead with further invasive medical procedures. We continue to hold both in our prayers. Blessings, Fr Frank msc MURPHY’S LORE Our main aim is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand. Liturgy - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A A Vocation View: We do not choose a vocation completely on our own. We must prayerfully reflect on how we can best give to God what is God’s , and then live as though everything depends on God. Please remember the following in your prayers... Sick: Fr Chris Murphy, Br James Maher, Kevin Dwyer, Therese Irwin, Kevin Patterson, John Francis, Germaine Symonds, Dao Le, Patrick Johnston, Ron McDonald, Irene Arthur, Tony & Clare Hill, Luigi D’Aloisio Recently Dec’d: Pat McQuitty Funeral Notice: Anniversaries: Mary Hartigan, Catherine Hawkins, Charlotte Clarke Entrance Antiphon: Ps 16:6,8 To you I call; for you will surely heed me, O God; turn your ear to me; hear my words. Guard me as the apple of your eye; in the shadow of your wings protect me. Gospel Acclamation: Phil 2:15-16 Alleluia, alleluia! Shine on the world like bright stars; you are offering it the word of life. Alleluia! First Reading: Isaiah 45:1, 4-6 I have taken the hand of Cyrus to subdue nations before his countenance. Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21 Give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and to God the things that are God’s. Responsorial Psalm: Ps 95:1,3-5,7-10 Give the Lord glory and honour. Communion Antiphon: Ps 32:18-19 Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, who hope in his merciful love, to rescue their souls from death, to keep them alive in famine. Second Reading: Thessalonians 1:1-5 We are mindful of your faith, hope, and love. PIETY STALL OPENING TIMES: BEFORE & AFTER MASS Compass Magazine at $3 each Br. James CD’s available Greeting Cards hand-made by Sr. Angelica of the Disciples of Divine Mercy for the Orphans of Myanmar at $3 per card or 4 for $10 Friends of Same East Timor Ground Coffee @ $7.50ea Pocket sized hand carved NZ crosses at $8.95ea SHORT PRAYER REFLECTION On Monday 20th October, there will be a short Prayer Reflection time (about 15 minutes) directly after the 9.10am Mass for Refugees and Asylum Seekers. SPRINGTIME FAIR 25th OCT. A small favour for a worthy cause. We are requesting parishioners to provide Scones for a Devonshire Tea. 12 dozen in total is all that is required and a signup sheet is in the Narthex to add your details. With many thanks, Fair Committee. All enquiries re Youth Ministry activities can be made to Denise at the parish Office. SIX2EIGHT: We will meet next Friday night the 24th Oct. Come join the fun! YMAT: The next meeting will be on Tuesday 21st Oct at 7.30pm in the Presbytery. YOUTH FEST: SUNDAY 9 NOVEMBER. This is our annual event to thank our young parishioners (Years 3-12) who are involved in various ministries in the parish. It will be held from 2.30pm, finishing with the 5pm Mass which will be a Youth-led Mass. Flyers are on the Youth Ministry notice board. BOOKS FOR THE SPRINGTIME FAIR (FETE) Parishioners, we would be glad to accept paperbacks and other books for sale at our Fair, but please NO computer, accountancy or school books. We will accept books up to the day of the fete and they could be left in the Church Narthex. If books need to be collected please ring either of these numbers: 9802 6809 or 9878 5010. Gary Harkin President St. V de P. CAKES STALL AT SPRINGTIME FAIR Please assist in baking a cake, slices and biscuits for the Fair by taking a plate and bag located in a box in the Narthex. Many thanks Fair Committee St Francis Xavier Catholic Parish, Montmorency invites you to an evening with Fr. Shay Cullen. Hear Fr. Shay, triple nominee for the Nobel Peace prize, speak of his work amongst the poor and abused in the Philippines. At St. Francis Xavier Parish Hall, Mayona Road, Montmorency on Wednesday 22nd October at 7.30pm. Learn of the work of the PREDA FOUNDATION which Fr. Shay founded in 1974. PREDA works to bring freedom and new life to children who are in jails, in brothels and on the streets. For more details see the Noticeboard in the narthex of the Church. STEWARDSHIP CORNER CATECHETICS CLASSES: Tuesdays 4pm-5pm (during School Terms) FIRST FRIDAY PARISH MASS & LUNCHEON: First Friday of the month starts at 12noon. CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Sundays at 10.30am Mass. During School Terms only. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION AFTERNOON/EVENINGS: Tuesdays at 7.30pm in the Quiet Room of the Church. Contact Phil Collins on 0410 668 140 or email at [email protected] New comers most welcome. Monday afternoons at 4pm at the Retirement Village Centre. Contact Geni Hunt on 9802 2078 or email: [email protected] ST. THOMAS’ PLAYGROUP: On Wednesdays at 9.15am till 11am. Location front Portable at the school. All families with pre-school children (0-4yrs) are very welcome. Please bring a piece of fruit for each child. Please contact Julie O’Donnell on 0434 408 122.or email [email protected] (During School Terms) Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of the gifts God has given each of us. All God is asking is that we give back a portion of what He gave us. This is the essence of Stewardship. God should be our first priority in everything. All else comes second. Anyone wanting Spiritual Direction can enquire at Parish Office on Ph.: 9878 0818. St. Thomas’ Social Scene What’s On………. SPOT SKETCHING/PAINTING Will be held on Wed. 12th Nov., meet at 9.30am New Comers most welcome! CARDS NIGHT: The next card night is to be held on Thurs. 6th Nov. All welcome. Enquiries Don & Pat on 9878 4790 SCRABBLE Join in the fun for a social game of Scrabble in the Parish Hall on Thurs. 6th Nov. —7.30pm start. All Welcome. Any queries contact Maureen on 9884 4376 or Carmel on 9894 7950 1ST FRIDAY PARISH CHRISTMAS MASS AND LUNCHEON : Bookings for Christmas Mass & Luncheon are now being taken, please contact Evelyn Tan 9877 5548 PRAYER FOR PEACE God of hope and peace, be the spirit of wisdom, reconciliation and justice in the words and actions of the leaders of all nations. Protect those communities affected or threatened by violence in troubled areas. May the memories of those who have died urge all people towards an international community of security and peace. Mary Help of Christians, pray for us. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR UPCOMING EVENTS….. FIRST FRIDAY PARISH LUNCHEON on Friday 7th November, 2014. Come along and enjoy the CUP FEVER . Mass at 12Noon in the Church followed by lunch in the Hall. MELBOURNE CUP theme and EVERYONE is expected to wear a HAT! A FUN DAY. Enquires: Dympna 9877 3346 OPEN DAY - YARRA THEOLOGICAL UNION (YTU) On Sunday 19th October 2014 from 2.00pm to 5.00pm at 98 Albion Road, Box Hill. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses available. All welcome. Ph: 9890 3771 or email: [email protected] Website: FETE RAFFLE TICKETS The fete is almost upon us and a big thanks to those who have returned the proceeds of their sold raffle tickets. We appreciate your efforts to sell one book per family and as the due date is now upon us, ask that you promptly return the ticket stubs and payment (or any unsold tickets). You can do this by placing in an envelope marked ‘Fete Raffle’ and returning via the Sacrificial Offering basket at Mass this weekend, handing in to the school office or Presbytery, or mailing to St Thomas Presbytery 57 Central Road Blackburn 3130. Any cheques should be made payable to ‘St Thomas the Apostle Parish Fete’ (please don’t mail cash). **We need to account for all tickets so please return any unsold tickets. ST THOMAS THE APOSTLE PARISH 57 CENTRAL ROAD (PO BOX 395), BLACKBURN PARISH PRIEST – Fr. Chris Murphy, MSC Email: chrismurphy34@hotmail .com ROSTERS FOR WEEKEND OF THE 25TH & 26TH OCTOBER, 2014 Mass Commentators Lectors Special Ministers Altar Servers Welcoming Committee 6.30pm P. Brooks C. Raisin T. Keaney M. Gartland C. Wittick Khoi P. Bergin A. Fraser S. O’Connor A & D Lodge 8.30am M. Burchell T. Case M. Munro F. D’Souza P. Crowe Peter K. Castanelli 10.30am A. Bailey Q. Bailey P. Northrop L. Shaw O. Shaw H. Grogan J. Gomez M. Brodrick L. Thompson M. O’Loughlin 5.00pm M. Negro H. Newton J. Defina Susan Collins B. Bodin A. Rego J. Canoneo A. McGrath ASSISTANT PRIEST & FORMATOR: Fr. Frank Dineen, MSC PARISH PHONE: 9878 0818/9877 7693 PARISH FAX: 9877 9519 Children’s Liturgy: Leader: Monica O’Shannassy Piety Stall: Team 1 Money Counters: Team 2 PARISH EMAIL: [email protected] Web: ST.VINCENT de PAUL SOCIETY: www.stthomastheapostle. Call Centre for assistance – 1300 305 330 Weekdays 10am-3pm. PARISH SECRETARIES: Susan Collins, Luise Hendricks & Luisa May Ringwood Centre Ph. 9870 9124, Unit 1B/76-82 Maroondah Hwy Ringwood. (cnr Murray Pl.) Furniture & White goods pickup -1800 621 349 PASTORAL ASSOCIATES: Sr. Marg Burchell Denise Lyons 0478.169.114 Email: [email protected] PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL : A Prayer for Priests God, grant them the joys of their vocation, health of mind, body and spirit; a strong faith and a light heart to do the Lord’s work in this world; and the love and support of their friends, family and parishioners. Holy Spirit, guide them and give them grace. Amen FIRST AID EQUIPMENT Attention Parishioners: A First Aid kit is available in the Kitchen on the bench top. First Aid items (blankets etc.) which are provided by the Church are stored in a large plastic tub in the crying room (right sliding cupboard.) EMMAUS COLLEGE - OPEN DAY All parents with children in Years 3-4-5 are invited to attend the Open Day at the Vermont South Campus. OPEN DAY - Sunday 8th February 2015 Information Sessions: 2pm & 3.30pm Joan Morgan 9877 3472 SCHOOL PHONE: 9878 8268 SCHOOL FAX: 9878 1233 SCHOOL EMAIL: [email protected]. Web: ARCHDIOCESE OF MELBOURNE POSITIONS VACANT NOTICE Please check our Notice board in the Narthex for positions/jobs that are available for interested persons. MATHS TUITION A fully registered Math's Teacher with 25 years experience. Please call Andrew on 9894-7893. Specialty in VCE 11-12 (can also help with Yrs. 6-10 Math's) EMMAUS COLLEGE REUNIONS: Classes of 1984; 1994 & 2004 Reunion dates for the above Year classes, respectively, are as follows: 25/10/2014 & 15/11/2014 Any further details and all other past student queries, please contact Michael Jones, Alumni Rep. Ph. No: (03) 9758 7784 or email: [email protected] LOST PROPERTY LOCATED BY NOTICE BOARD. PLEASE CHECK IF ANY ITEMS BELONG TO YOU. MANY THANKS PRESBYTERY OFFICE . Time for a cuppa and a chat after Mass………..
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