Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE MPEP Partners with ENI on onshore blocks RSF-‐5 and PSC-‐K 30th July 2014, YANGON -‐ Myanmar Petroleum Exploration and Production Ltd (MPEP) is pleased to announce the signing of the Production Sharing Contracts (PSC) for onshore blocks PSC-‐K and RSF-‐5 on 30th July 2014. The Joint Venture (JV) for both blocks consists of ENI Myanmar B.V. (holding 90% participating interest and operator on both permits) and MPEP (holding 10% participating interest). Following the signing of the blocks and during the six-‐month preparation phase as per the PSC, the JV intends to undertake environmental and social impact assessments (ESIA) on both blocks, which will strictly conform to local regulations and the new ESIA legal framework. U Moe Myint, Chief Executive Officer of MPRL E&P, stated, “the signing of onshore blocks PSC-‐K and RSF-‐5 marks another key milestone that we have achieved. I would like to recognize the strong partnership that has been established between ENI and MPEP. ENI is a world class operator and we look forward to combining their experience and expertise with our local subsurface knowledge and capabilities in establishing and undertaking robust exploration activities in both blocks.” The 2013 Myanmar Onshore Blocks Bidding Round, the second bidding round conducted in Myanmar, consisted of 18 blocks made available for bidding. The 1st Myanmar Onshore Block Bidding Round was conducted on 8th July 2011 and consisted of 18 blocks made available for bidding and a total of 9 blocks awarded. About MPEP • • MPEP is an affiliated company within the MPRL E&P Group of Companies with full technical and financial support from MPRL E&P MPEP’s workforce is 95% national staff For media inquiries, please contact: 1) Ms. Anastacia Howe Corporate Social Responsibility Officer MPRL E&P Pte Ltd. Mobile: +959 862 4504 [email protected] 2) U Kyaw Zin Htun Communications Officer MPRL E&P Pte Ltd. Mobile: +959 420 166 266 [email protected]
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