October 2014 BETHANY ALLIANCE CHURCH October 2014 Blessing Our Community What does the community think of when they hear about Bethany Alliance Church? It is an important question to consider as we wrestle with what it looks like to be a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family right here where God has planted us. Does our love for Jesus Christ spill out of our corporate worship and touch lives? Does this community feel like we are a part of it and that we love our city? Are we known for Jesus Christ or for other things? Yes, it matters! One of the things God has been stirring in me is a need for our church to be a leader in this community. What I mean is that we are not just sitting on the sidelines hoping for a place to share our faith, but we are building bridges to our community. We cannot be content with just going through the motions of what churches do, we must constantly look outward, pray, and then respond to the needs of people we see every day. There are people right in front of us that we need to be intentional about reaching with the Gospel because they need to know the truth. That is our mission and our joy in Christ. To that end I propose the month of November be devoted to blessing our community with no strings attached in as many ways as possible. The goal would be to have every person who calls Bethany Alliance Church their church to be involved in some way. It could be that we help someone in our church with something they need done, or it might be something to someone who is not a part of our church. It could be that we thank our city leaders by baking something for them, or we offer to do some form of community service for our city. There are many residents at the Good Samaritan center that could use simple expressions of love. We have school teachers who would certainly appreciate small encouragement from us. We have neighbors right around us that we could simply thank for being good neighbors. Again, we are looking for ways to show the love of Jesus to our community with no strings attached. Let’s see how many lives we can touch in one month. I would ask you all to be thinking and praying about what this might look like for us and then let us know. I don’t know what all the ideas will be, but what I do know is that God has blessings in store for us as we reach out to others. We are here to be a light to the darkness, to offer hope to the hopeless, to love those who just don’t feel loved. Let’s rise to our call and start looking outward to see more people touched with the love of Jesus Christ among us. Pastor Derek Maves Prayer Update September 2014 Five months ago we left Mongolia to Personal Requests as they parent their girls. JoAnna and begin our Home Assignment. While we 1. Pray for the continued healing of Trevor and their family are in St. Paul, have been gone, short term teams have Dennis’ cornea. We are so thankful that MN. Trevor is teaching High School come to help in summer ministries and his eyesight continues to improve with Social Studies, JoAnna continues her building projects, another year of church each Dr’s visit. He just had his 4 month nursing at Fairview University Hospital. leaders training was completed, another checkup. The doctor snipped open some Silas (7 1/2) is in Grade 2, Katherine semester of English classes were of his eye that was partly stitched shut. (almost 6) is in Kindergarten, and Calvin completed, and our team had their He hopes to continue to snip open the just turned 2. Pray for strength for them annual Field Forum at the beginning of eye, and then soon to begin taking out in their work, that they will be lights for this past month. the stitches around the cornea over the Him in their workplace and that God will Mongolia Prayer Requests next 8 months. Pray for healing for the give them great wisdom with their kids. 1. Please pray for the Field Director, problem with double vision and that his Joy and Aaron and their boys are still in Pieter Theron, and Field Leadership body will not reject the new cornea. Kansas City, MO. Aaron and his Team in Mongolia as they lead and make 2. Pray for our upcoming tour ministries. brother, Luke, opened up a Pizzeria strategic decisions for the team. We will be in the North Central District called Providence Pizza just 4 months 2. Pray that the papers that are being from September 12 to November 3, ago. Joy has begun singing again at the submitted to the government for the ministering in 17 of our C&MA churches. International House of Prayer. They have reorganization of CLTC, our leadership 3. Pray for Dennis’ Dad and Marilyn’s two little boys, John (almost 3) and training program, as a new Mongolian Mom who are both having health issues. Dominic (1). Pray that God will bless NGO (registering as Kingdom Leadership Pray for God’s healing touch on their their new business, anoint Joy’s ministry Training Center) will be accepted by the bodies. in music, and give them His wisdom as government. 4. Pray that we will continue to grow in they raise their boys. 3. Pray for the start of English classes in our intimacy and walk with the Lord. Ulaanbaatar. Praise the Lord for the Family Update Thank You arrival of Chelsea Buchwalter, an We are so thankful that we have had apprentice who has come to Mongolia for opportunities to be with our children this We are blessed by those of you who faithfully pray for us, our family and the ministry 2 years. She will be teaching with summer. We were recently able to spend Christina Wahlen. some time with Jonathan, Rachael and For the first 3 months after Dennis’ the girls. They are still living in Santa through your sacrificial giving to the GCF that we along with 700 others are able to surgery on May 7, he was not permitted Rosa, CA. Jonathan continues to work at minister in 54 countries around the world. to travel. Our first flight was to CO for the the Alliance Redwoods Conference Home Assignment Ministries Seminar. Center and Campgrounds. Rachael is THANK YOU so very much for your partnership with us and prayerful support of us, Praise the Lord for a great HAMS the principal at the girl’s Christian school. conference. It was a great time of Eva (8) is in Grade 3, Marah (6) is in debriefing, spiritual refreshment and Grade 1 and Nadia (4) is in preschool. fellowship with other C&MA IWs from Pray that God will continue to lead and around the world who are also on HA. guide them in their work and ministry Page 2 in Mongolia. Thank you especially for giving to the Great Commission Fund. It is our ministry and our family. God Bless You! Dennis and Marilyn “...I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now…” Philippians 1:5 O C T O B E R 20 1 4 September 2014 S&K Creative Access Workers in the Middle East Hey Kids! Hello all the way from the sunny Middle East! We have had a very hot summer (sometimes getting as high as 110 degrees!), but we are looking forward to some cooler weather coming soon. With the cooler weather also comes the start of school. We have a small school here that is very special because we have teachers who volunteer to come here from the U.S. and teach our kids so they can have an education at the same level as you! Our oldest son starts first grade next week. Please pray for him that he would learn a lot and that he would be the light of Jesus to all those around him. Please also pray that more teachers would come and serve at our school. We also just started some new classes at our adult language center. Through these classes we get to meet many new people and build deep friendships with them. Pray that the Lord would help us to build these friendships with people whose hearts He is preparing for His good news. We also have a lot of people around us that have had to move to our part of the country because of some bad things that are happening in their home towns. Please pray with us that Jesus would open their hearts through these hard times so that they would know joy and hope that can only come through our heavenly father. Thank you so much for doing the hard work of praying! We are seeing how God is using those prayers all the time. Please keep it up, even when you don't always get to hear how God is answering. Doing the Work Together with You, S&K and family cmalliance.org/kidz Undercover Workers September 2014 Page 2 Dan & Katie Kolins, in Terrassa, Spain ~ [email protected] (repeat Request) • Pray that we would be able to connect with many new people in the community and that God would give us wisdom and boldness in how to be witnesses for Christ here. • Pray that we would be disciplined in studying Spanish and that God would bless our efforts. Mark & Leah Long, Ségou, Mali ~ [email protected] (Anastasia & Simon) • Praise God that our former language teacher, Abdoula, has made significant improvement from his stroke. • Pray that Mark will meet Malians with a heart for evangelism. • Pray for our continued good health during the malaria season. S & W in Eastern Europe ~ • Praise God for the faithful attendance of a person in our group that is not a Christ-follower. • Pray for the salvation of the one lady who comes regularly but still is not ready to give her life to Christ. • Pray for a peaceful solution to the unrest that is going on in the Ukraine. We are a long ways from the fighting and are safe. David & Chris Manfred, Phnom Penh, Cambodia ~ [email protected] (Joshua, Joel, Janelle, & Jenna) • Praise the Lord that the draft of the New Testament in Bunong is now complete. Pray for the review process that should lead to a finished book by February 2016. • Pray for discernment of our team to know what tools/practices will be most effective in regards to discipleship. Dennis & Marilyn Maves on home assignment from Mongolia~ [email protected] • Praise God for the opportunity to travel and visit each of our 3 children and their families. • Pray for Dennis’ dad and Marilyn’s mom who are both having some health issues. Pray for God’s healing touch on their bodies. • Continue to Pray for healing of Dennis’ recovery from eye surgery and his double vision. Valary & Mally McLoughlin (Mullenix), France ~ [email protected] • Praise God for good connections we had with our neighbors at a picnic. Thank you for praying! • Pray for our family as we start back into school and work routines. • Pray that I would be able to get caught up with my work as I have been traveling much of the summer. Tony & Raeni Roos, Paris, France ~ [email protected] (Fayth & Hannah) • Praise God for great conversations with others who are not believers. • Pray for Fayth and Hannah as they prepare to head back to school. • Pray as fall ministries in local churches start that God would shine His light brightly in the city. James & Lisa Schuenke, San Salvador, El Salvador ~ [email protected] (Skyler, Raeleigh, Makai)(repeat request) • Praise God that our family has sustained good health over these past few months. • Pray that God would provide funds for our last payment of the center. Valerie Stellrecht, Dominican Republic ~ [email protected] • Praise God for the Mission’s Congress held in Quito, Ecuador and for the missionary vision and growing involvement in missions of churches throughout Latin America. • Pray for safe travel as I spend time with my family in Wisconsin this September and for God to guide as I speak at my home church in Shell Lake, WI. Sam & Jen Stemple, BFA in Germany ~ [email protected] (Jordan, Noelle, Matthew & Katrina) • Pray for Sam and his new role. Pray for decisions that he makes with this team and for wisdom. • Pray for our family as we again have a senior in high school, and for Ellie as she starts her last year here. • Pray for the transition for the students as they adjust to life here again, for goodbyes with family that they leave behind. B&M, J&D, E&C, S&K, and T&H, Creative Access Workers around the World BABY News Congratulations! Nathan and Amber Swan on the arrival of their daughter, Emerson Jeannine at 10:30 Tuesday morning. Emerson is 6 lbs. 15 oz. and 19" long. Also Congratulations to Scott & Chris Swan on their new Granddaughter! Update on Ministries in the Church MOPS AWANA We currently have 8 mom’s and 11 moppets. There is potential for 10 mom’s and 15 moppets at our next meeting! Awana is off to a great start! With 16 T&T and 15 Sparks. We are still in need of a Game Leader and male listeners. Please contact Kristina at [email protected] We are still looking for just the right person to lead our moppets, we have 4 committed helpers already! How you can Serve Think of someone who has a hard time getting out and around. Wouldn’t it be a blessing for them to have a visitor or a card sent with a word of encouragement. Visit Remona @ Good Sam, Rm 202 bed 2. Board Meeting Highlights 1) Plans are underway to address some of the building needs. We have been gathering information to have two stair lifts installed on the entryway stairs. The cost will be about $14,000 to have this project completed. We are also looking at the basement floor and the best plan for that. IT was going to be completed this year, but we have not had the money for it. That cost is about $11,000. The board is looking at some grant money from the Western Great Lakes District called "Breaking the Barrier" money. It is intended to help a church get over the barrier to the next level of ministry. We will be submitting our proposal to them. However, we will not get any money from that until June 2015 at the earliest. Help us move this project along with your contributions marked as "Building Fund" We will have detailed proposals for the members at the Annual Meeting. Page 5 BETHANY ALLIANCE CHU RCH Bethany Alliance Church 1155 Jackson St Fennimore WI, 53809 608-822-6946 [email protected] www.bethanyalliancechurch.com “We Proclaim Him…” Colossians 1:28 October 2014 Sun Back Page Story Headline N= Nursery Mon Tue G=Greeter Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 C=Cleaner 5 N-Jenny/ Noah/ CSwan/GKuntz/ Fel- 12 C-Bill U/ N–?/Jaden G-Bill U, Christy 19 Good Sam Service 1:15/ N-Lorri/ Megan/ CZoromski 6 7 13 Women Meet 6:30 14 Board 15 Meeting 6:15/ Oldies pot luck 5:30 16 17 18 20 21 23 24 25 26 N-Christy, 27 Katie/CMansker GStaskal Missions Conference 22 Missions Conference Missions Conference 28 29 30 31
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