Sisällysluettelo / Contents

Sisällysluettelo / Contents
Pääkirjoitus / Editorial�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������4
Agnico Eagle Finland Oy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������8
BDO Oy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������9
Business Kitchen���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11
Codemate Oy��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13
Codenomicon Oy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������14
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16
Department of Communications Engineering and CWC������������������������������������������������������������������17
Destia Oy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������18
Digia Oyj���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������19
Digital Identity Solutions Europe Oy����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20
EB, Elektrobit��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21
Espotel Oy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������24
Fennovoima Oy����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25
Fortum Oyj������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������26
FS Dynamics Finland Oy Ab������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������27
Kirkon palvelukeskus�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������28
Lewel Group Finland Oy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������29
Metsä Group����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31
Nokia Solutions and Networks (NSN)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������32
Onnenpaikka / Raahen ja Ylivieskan seutukuntien rekrytointihanke����������������������������������������������33
Osuuskauppa Arina����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������34
Oucons Oy / Comatec Group�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������35
Oulun Energia�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36
PehuTec Oy�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������38
Peikko Group��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������39
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40
Polar Electro Oy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������41
Ponsse Oyj�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������42
Procomp Solutions Oy�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������43
RD Velho Oy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45
Stora Enso Oyj������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������47
Tekniikan akateemiset - Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland – TEK����������������������������49
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������50
Tietotekniikan osasto / Department of Computer Science and Engineering����������������������������������51
Valtion koulukodit, Limingan koulutuskeskus�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������53
Wapice Oy�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������55
WSP Finland Oy���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������56
Yara Suomi Oy������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������58
Messualue / Fair area map�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������60
Summer Jobs 2014: Apply by
Field of Operation
Power and automation technologies
Offices in Finland
Factories in Vaasa, Helsinki and
Porvoo. Other operation on 30
Turnover of the Company
In Finland 2,4 billion euros
In Finland about 6600, worldwide
about 145 000
Open Positions
Summer trainees, thesis writers
and also permanent positions.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n
Power technology, mechanical
engineering, process technology,
industrial management, environmental engineering
Other Relevant Information
We are looking for people who
are initiative and target oriented.
People with co-operation skills,
desire to develop oneself and language skills that like working in an
international environment.
ABB on johtava sähkövoima- ja automaatioteknologiayhtymä,
jonka tuotteet, järjestelmät ja palvelut parantavat teollisuus- ja
energiayhtiöasiakkaiden kilpailukykyä ympäristömyönteisesti.
ABB:n palveluksessa on noin 145 000 henkilöä noin 100 maassa.
Asiakkaiden luottamus ja tyytyväisyys ovat perusedellytyksiä
liiketoimintamme menestymiselle. Siksi asiakas on aina ensisijalla kaikessa toiminnassamme.
Uskomme yhtiömme kaikkien toimintojen jatkuvaan kehittämiseen, sillä se, mikä tuo kaupan kotiin tänään, ei riitä enää
huomenna. Niinpä osaamisen kehittäminen on suunnitelmallista organisaation kaikilla tasoilla.
Kun vielä lisätään hyvä yhteistyö niin lähimpien työtovereiden
kuin muiden ABB-yksiköiden kanssa, meillä on kaikki edellytykset varmistaa yhtiön ja henkilöstön menestys.
ABB is a leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental impact. The ABB Group
of companies operates in around 100 countries and employs
about 145 000 people.
Customer trust and satisfaction are the foundation of our business success. Hence, the customer is always a priority in all of
our operations.
We believe in continuous development of all our operations,
for what closes a deal today might not be enough tomorrow.
Therefore, competence development is systematic on all organizational levels.
And when we add in the great cooperation with our colleagues
and other ABB business units we have met all the requirements
for ensuring the success of our company and our people.
Accenture Finland
Porkkalankatu 5
00180 Helsinki
Accenture is among the world’s leading companies within
technology consulting, management consulting and outsourcing. Globally Accenture employes 275 000 employees in 52
countries and serves clients in approx. 120 countries. In Finland Accenture employes around 1400 employees in Helsinki
and Tampere.
Field of Operation
Management consulting, Business
process outsourcing and Technology
At Accenture we work with our clients in challenging and various types of projects. The work we do varies depending on our
current project, role and field of expertise. In general, the work
at Accenture consists of:
Turnover of the Company
US$28.6 billion for Fiscal year 2013
Offices in Finland
Helsinki and Tampere
Approximately 1400 in Finland
Management Consulting
-Improving business processes
-Identifying and planning new business opportunities
-Executing transformational programs
Open Positions
-System definitions in cooperation with client
-IT planning, design, implementation,and testing
-Defining IT infrastructure in client projects
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Business Process Outsourcing
-Managing and developing client’s services
-Technical and functional application support and enhancements
Accenture is continuously looking for recent graduates, summer interns as well as students to prepare their diploma work
(Master’s Thesis, college diploma) for our projects. Follow our
career sites for open graduate positions.
Agnico Eagle Finland Oy
Pokantie 541
Puh. +358 (0)16 3380700
Fax. +358 (0)16 33807701
[email protected]
Field of Operation
Mining industry
Turnover of the Company
185 million
Open Positions
Year 2014:
Summer workers/trainees about 60
Thesis workers 4-6
Degree Programme
PO, YMP, geology
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
[email protected]
The Kittilä mine is owned by Agnico Eagle Finland Oy, a subsidiary of Agnico Eagle Mines Limited, which is a long established, Canadian based gold producer with operations in Canada, Finland and Mexico, and exploration in Canada, the USA,
Mexico and Scandinavia. It is located in the Lapland region of
northern Finland, approximately 900 kilometers north of Helsinki and 150 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle.
The Kittila mine area is one of the largest known gold deposits in Europe with proven and probable reserves* containing
almost 4.8 million ounces (33 million tons at 4.5 g/t). Operations in Kittilä began with open-pit mining in 2008 from two
pits (Suuri and Roura). The first doré bar was poured in January 2009. Underground mining was commenced in October
2010. As the open-pit mining was completed in November
2012, Kittilä became an underground-only operation. At current production volumes, the mine’s known ore reserves are
expected to produce gold until 2037. The company’s explorers
are, however, working to find new ore deposits.
Approximately 3,000 tons of ore per day are fed to the processing plant. The ore at the Kittila mine is treated through grinding, flotation, pressure oxidation and carbon-in-leach circuits.
The Kittilä mine has the company’s only pressure oxidation
circuit (autoclave), which is required because of the ore’s refractory nature. Gold from the leach circuit is stripped from
the carbon and recovered from solution using electro-winning, and then smelted in a furnace and poured into doré bars.
The 3,000-tonne-per-day operation is expected to pour about
150,000 ounces of gold in 2013 and to average 162,000 ounces
of gold a year from 2014 through 2015. An expansion project
is underway to increase the throughput capacity at the mine
by 25% to 3,750 tonnes per day, starting in the second half of
*As per December 31, 2012
Vattuniemenranta 2
00210 Helsinki
Tel. 020 743 2920
Fax 020 743 2935
[email protected]
BDO tarjoaa laadukkaita tilintarkastus- ja neuvontapalveluita
niin omistajavetoisille pk-yrityksille, julkishallinnon organisaatioille kuin kansainvälisille organisaatioillekin.
Palveluvalikoimamme käsittää tilintarkastuksen lisäksi kattavat sisäisen tarkastuksen, julkishallinnon, IT-neuvonannon,
verotuksen, taloushallinnon ja yritysjärjestelyjen asiantuntijapalvelut.
BDO on maailman viidenneksi suurin tilintarkastusorganisaatio työllistäen yli 55 000 henkilöä lähes 140 maassa. Suomessa
työskentelemme useilla eri paikkakunnilla yli 150 asiantuntijamme voimin. Työmme laadun perusta on kokenut ja ammattitaitoinen henkilökunta sekä ymmärrys asiakkaidemme
toimintaympäristöistä ja niihin liittyvistä riskeistä.
Tarjoamme työntekijöillemme yksilöä kunnioittavan, avoimen ilmapiirin jossa tiimimme jäsenenä pääset kehittämään
niin omaa osaamistasi, kuin yritystämme. Kansainvälisen organisaatiomme ja verkostomaisen toimintamallimme ansiosta
pystymme tarjoamaan sinulle viimeisimmät työvälineet sekä
mahdollisuuden päästä tutustumaan kansainvälisiin asiakkuuksiin.
Mikäli laatu ja poikkeuksellisen hyvä asiakaspalvelu ovat sinulle tärkeitä asioita ja suhtaudut työhösi intohimoisesti, sovellut loistavasti joukkoomme!
Field of Operation
Tilintarkastus- ja neuvontapalvelut
Offices in Finland
Toimialueemme kattaa koko
Suomen ja tarjoamme työskentelymahdollisuuksia maanlaajuisesti.
Toimistomme sijaitsevat Helsingissä, Turussa ja Tampereella.
Turnover of the Company
14 milj. €
Open Positions
Katso avoimet työpaikkamme
Degree Programme
Year of Study
4, 5
Other Relevant Information
Haemme uusia tulevaisuuden lupauksia, joilla on kyky oppia nopeasti
ja halu menestyä kansainvälisessä
organisaatiossa. Tarjoamme haasteellisia tehtäviä ja mahdollisuuden
kehittää asiantuntijuuttasi viihtyisässä työyhteisössä. Olemme kiinnostuneita monen alan osaajista.
Voit lähettää avoimen hakemuksesi
ansioliitteineen osoitteeseen
[email protected]
Field of Operation
Exploration, mining, smelting and
metals recycling
Boliden is a metals company with a commitment to sustainable development. Our roots are Nordic, but our business is
Turnover of the Company
Appr. 4 595 MEUR (40 001 MSEK)
The company’s core competence is within the fields of exploration, mining, smelting and metals recycling. We supply our
customers with top grade zinc, copper, lead, gold and silver.
4 800
Open Positions
Summer trainees: appr. 200 annually (in Finland)
Thesis work: 4 - 5 annually (in
Open vacancies: appr. 40 annually
(in Finland)
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n
Other Relevant Information
Application period for summer
jobs is in January - February (in
Finland). Information about application periods in Sweden, Norway
and Ireland can be found from our
The Boliden Group operates mines and smelters in Sweden,
Finland, Norway and Ireland. In Finland Boliden has two
smelters: Boliden Harjavalta (copper smelter) and Boliden
Kokkola (zinc smelter).
A total of 4 800 people work for Boliden, 900 of whom are in
Business Kitchen
Torikatu 23, 4th and 5th floor
FI-90100 Oulu
Interested in gaining practical experience from company assignments? Wanting to learn vital skills needed in today’s working
life? Considering starting a business of your own? Come and visit
us in Business Kitchen!
Field of Operation
Company assignments, Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Business Kitchen is an open innovation and co-working space; an
entrepreneurship hub of University of Oulu, Oulu University of
Applied Sciences, and BusinessOulu. On the fourth and fifth floor
in Torikatu 23, you’ll find Demola Oulu (Company assignments
to students), Oulu Student Entrepreneurship Society (OuluSES),
Student Incubator and Ripa Business Services (University of Applied Sciences), and Business Blender Services (business development), as well as BusinessOulu Start-up Services.
In Demola Oulu students and companies co-create solutions to
companies’ problems. Work in a multidisciplinary team to create
innovative solutions for real-world needs. It could mean a new
product, or a service concept, or even something that is totally
new. Not only do you get to practice in real business projects, develop future products, create connections, but also earn credits.
We facilitate meetings of students and entrepreneurs through variety of events, trainings, business idea competitions, and happenings. Join Business Kitchen and OuluSES on Facebook to
learn more and to stay tuned!
Degree Programme
Year of Study
Other Relevant Information
Come and visit Business Kitchen
when you are interested in entrepreneurship or you want to get
practical experience from company
assignments as part of your studies.
Walk in to our premises in the
center of Oulu!
The doors are open for all – whether you are a student or an entrepreneur. When you are working on your business idea or looking
for a team to put your ideas into practice, come and utilize our
inspiring collaborative space.
Business Blender Services, Accelerator, and Student Incubator offer you tailored advice and perspectives to get your business into
higher level. Our business development experts will work with
you and your company to enable growth and internationalization.
Together we can!
We create a competitive business environment for businesses operating in or relocating to Oulu that have the desire and potential for
growth. Our aim is to increase the overall volume of local investments substantially. We offer business development services together
with our local, national and international partners. Contact Business
Oulu to make sure you get the best possible support for your new
From business idea to business establishment
When you are setting up a company or planning to start a business,
you must ponder with lots of questions. What do I need to do in
order to turn my business idea into profitable operation? How do
I set up a company? We assist you with such tasks as business idea
evaluation and risk assessment, business plan and financial calculation compilation, as well as issues related to the start-up grant and
other forms of funding and incentives, licences, search of premises,
compilation of company charters, registering your company, financial administration arrangements and mandatory insurances. We
also offer services for expatriates.
BusinessOulu StartUp!
BusinessOulu StartUp! helps start-up entrepreneurs and those planning new operations for their business develop their business idea
into profitable operation. The service is targeted at entrepreneurs
who have the desire and need to further develop an innovative business idea, seek growth and operate internationally. We develop your
business with a systematic long-term approach. Co-operation with
our partners ensures help and support for all key areas of business.
New businesses can be taken in the all times without any specific
application periods. The service is available for all industries, but the
business idea must be realistic and innovative and feature growth potential.
Visit our stand to hear more about
The Oulu Region Enterprise Agency: offers information and advice
for people planning to establish a company and become entrepreneurs.
Yritystakomo: an innovative work environment for entrepreneurminded people who are interested in developing new product ideas
and businesses. is the place where skilled knowledge
and open positions get connected. Start to build your career today!
Nordic activities: We have concrete contacts and on-going activities
to northern parts of Norway and Sweden. There are many new opportunities for work, entrepreneurship and co-operating in Norway
and Sweden and we help companies, employees and activities to
match in Nordic program of BusinessOulu.
Codemate Ltd.
Kasarmintie 21
90130 Oulu
Tel. 020 755 1050
[email protected]
Codemate is specialized in developing web-based services and
mobile applications according to the visions of our clients. We
are the outsourcing partner for efficient and flexible software
Codemate guys and girls are hardcore software professionals,
being able to handle complex back-end systems and the latest
front-end technologies. Our mobile developers create apps for
iOS, Android and WP8. These pros also strengthen our clients’ teams as consultants. Our own UX design team adds the
needed intuitiveness and wow! to the service.
What makes Codemate special is the ability to utilize our own
offshore unit in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Combined with the Finnish project management expertise, we can provide true R&D
scalability and cost-efficiency to our clients.
Our work atmosphere is relaxed and fun, yet the tasks are challenging enough to keep us learning all the time. We are not
back-office nerds, but coders deal with the clients too.
We are looking for talents who love to code and can jump into
the shoes of project management when needed. Open Source
web techs, iOS, Android and WP mobile platforms are important.
Codemate welcomes all applicants interested on mobile and
web development to visit us on the stand number 30!
Field of Operation
Software development services
Offices in Finland
Oulu, Helsinki
Turnover of the Company
3 milj.
Open Positions
Software Engineers (web front-end
& mobile)
Marketing Assistant (SEO, digital
Year of Study
Pätevät pärjää aina
-Web-based software
-Responsive web services
-Mobile applications
-Hybrid/HTML5 applications
Send your CV to
[email protected]
Codenomicon Oy
Pesti 2014
Tutkijantie 4 E
90590 Oulu
Tel: 0424 7431
Field of Operation
Software development, Security
testing tools
Open Positions
Summer trainees
Degree Programme
Year of Study
3, 4, 5, n
Other Relevant Information
Hobbies: Computers and programming. Good spoken and written
Please come and see us at our
PESTI booth or check out our
webpages at:
Good Offense is the Best Defense!
Founded in 2001, Codenomicon is a leading developer of innovative security testing solutions. Codenomicon makes security and quality testing software which allows you to quickly
find and identify known and previously unknown flaws before
business-critical products or services are deployed. The Codenomicon product range includes tools for testing the reliability
of VOIP-system, critical security services, Internet Core protocols and routing infrastructure.
Our unique, targeted approach to Fuzz testing of networked
and mobile applications exposes more flaws and weaknesses
than any other testing platform. Companies rely on our solutions to mitigate threats, which could increase liability damage
business reputation and cripple sales.
In our dynamic and global team you can develop yourself according to your skills and interests. We value experience in
software engineering, knowledge of communication networks
and an open mind towards new ideas. At Codenomicon you
will experience the benefits of working in a truly international
company combining the best aspects of both small and big
Come and work for us and see the results of your own work in
this new evolving area software testing.
Send your application and CV to [email protected].
Please apply before the 31st of January 2014.
For more info please visit:
[email protected]
Componenta is a major casting solutions provider in Europe.
With local presence in key markets we serve our customers by
providing them solutions, from engineering to components.
Componenta personnel comprises of 4,300 people working in
several countries. The Group has production in Turkey, Finland, the Netherlands and Sweden. Componenta customer
service centers are located, in addition to the mentioned countries, also in France, Germany, Italy, UK and USA. Componenta has a lean and transparent operational structure and Way to
Operate, with a strong focus on customer service. Our performance is based on common values and sustainability.
Componenta’s customers are manufacturers of vehicles and
machines and equipment in various industries. Most customers are global players and market leaders in their sectors. The
Group’s offering to them is based on knowledge of the customers’ business and excellence in engineering, casting and machining services.
Field of Operation
Metal industry
Turnover of the Company
In 2012 the Group’s net sales were
EUR 545 million
Approx 4,300 people
Open Positions
International Trainee Program offers summer jobs and thesis topics,
as well as interesting challenges in
Componenta after the graduation.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n
Componenta shares are quoted on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki. The share of the Group’s subsidiary Componenta Dökümcülük AS is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange.
All the above-mentioned degree
orientation options.
Cast your future in an international company!
We offer challenging and interesting career opportunities for
example in engineering, finance, production and quality management. If you have ability to make it happen and drive to
success - you may be the one for us.
For further information please visit at
CSC - IT Center for Science Ltd
P.O.Box 405
02101 Espoo
Tel. 09-457 2001
[email protected]
Field of Operation
Software, telecommunication and
ICT services
Unique employment opportunities with CSC, the Finnish IT
center for science
CSC is constantly recruiting specialists in such areas as database, system administration, application and network development or maintenance.
Open Positions
Summer trainees 6-8 / year
We are also recruiting specialists
in different areas, please visit our
pages for more
Degree Programme
Year of Study
4, 5, n
Other Relevant Information
Summer 2014 we will probably
take summer trainees also to our
Kajaani office as well as Espoo.
CSC is the only supercomputer center in Finland and a center
of expertise in computational research.
CSC is responsible for the operational management of Funet,
the academic telecommunications network. CSC’s mission is
to develop and provide services in information technology as
part of the Finnish research system. CSC is also at the forefront
in several international projects.
CSC is a computational research center administered by the
Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. It is a non-profit,
limited company that offers data, technical support and resources for universities and research institutes: this includes
modeling, computing and information services. Researchers
can use the largest selection of scientific software and scientific databases, as well as the most powerful supercomputers,
through Funet data communications in Finland.
CSC needs competent and innovative IT professionals to develop, maintain and support its services. Join our energetic
team to become a professional in a modern and relaxed working atmosphere with friendly workmates. The powerful supercomputing environment and Funet network offers unique
framework for developing scientific IT technology and IT system services.
Department of Communications Engineering
University of Oulu
P.O. Box 4500, Linnanmaa
90014 University of Oulu
[email protected]
The Department of Communications Engineering (DCE) provides master- and doctoral-level training in Wireless Communications Engineering. Research within DCE is organised under the Centre for Wireless Communications (CWC), which
conducts leading academic wireless communications research
renowned by the world-wide research commu­nity.
The fundamental research at CWC focuses on signal proces­
sing and radio engineering, radio access and network topologies and future wireless internet. In addition CWC conducts
application oriented research answering research interests of
the industry. In application oriented research new technologies, such as beyond 4G, disaster prevention and recovery ICT,
test environments for cognitive networking and me­dical ICT
are identified as strong future opportunities. New emerging
openings explored by CWC include also smart energy grids
and mobile clouds.
Become a researcher!
We hire both master’s thesis students and doctoral stu­dents
to work in ongoing research projects. We provide you with a
stimulating and an international wor­king environment with
great possibilities to pursue a researcher career.
Field of Operation
Wireless communications engineering
Open Positions
Master thesis students: changes
Doctoral students: changes annually
Degree Programme
Year of Study
Final year
Other Relevant Information
Applications in English
Electronic application www.cwc.
Constant project cooperation with the industry and other research organisations all over the world provide you with skills
and connections that give you the ultimate competitive edge
for your future career.
If you are enthusiastic about wireless communications engineering and looking for motivating tasks in an international
environment: apply now!
More information:
Kehityspäällikkö Pertti Niemi
p. 0400 628 965
[email protected]
Field of Operation
infra- ja rakennusala
Turnover of the Company
noin 500 milj. euroa vuonna 2011
Open Positions
Destia tarjoaa mielenkiintoisia
haasteita ammattilaisille rakentamis- ja hoitotehtävissä. Lisäksi
meillä on tarvetta teknillisen
koulutuksen saaneille osaajille
johtamis- ja esimiestehtävissä sekä
erilaisissa asiantuntija-, konsultointi- ja suunnittelutehtävissä.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
Harjoittelupaikkoja voi hakea ensimmäisen vuosikurssin jälkeen.
Destia - Toimivampi maailma
Destia Oy on suomalainen infra- ja rakennusalan palveluyritys. Rakennamme, ylläpidämme ja suunnittelemme liikenneväylien lisäksi liikenne- ja teollisuusympäristöjä. Palvelut
ulottuvat kattavasta maanpäällisestä toiminnasta myös maanalaiseen rakentamiseen.
Toimimme kotimaisissa paikallisprojekteissa sekä valtakunnallisissa suurhankkeissa. Destian asiakkaita ovat teollisuus- ja
liikeyritykset, kunnat ja kaupungit sekä valtionhallinnon organisaatiot.
Harjoittelupaikat ja opinnäytetyöt Destiassa
Tarjoamme opiskelijoille vuosittain lukuisia harjoittelupaikkoja ympäri Suomea. Harjoittelupaikkaa voi hakea täyttämällä
avoimen hakemuksen internetsivuillamme
Teetämme myös useita diplomi- ja opinnäytetöitä vuodessa.
Destia myös järjestää vuosittain alan oppilaitosten kanssa kilpailun parhaasta lopputyöstä.
Digia Oyj
Elektroniikkatie 10
90590 OULU
Tel + 358 10 303 3000
Freedom and right for inventions
Digia values your goal orientated attitude and research capabilities as well as your will to develop yourself as a professional.
We offer you a chance to work with latest technologies in versatile agile projects. You can develop your skills among other
highly skilled professionals around the world.
Top level competences and good opportunities for personal
We appreciate experienced professionals and also future talents to join us. You might have plenty of experience but also
have an urge for continuous learning or you might be a bright
new brain wanting a kick-start to your professional career.
At Digia we value our highly skilled employees. In order to
be inventive we maintain an inspiring atmosphere and invest
in competence development. Digians achieve their excellent
work results via deep insight to various technologies and industries we work with. We share the passion and the ability to
provide inventive solutions to our customers.
Digia is a Finnish software solutions and service company. We
have nearly 1,000 professionals creating inventive solutions
and bringing success for people, businesses and communities
in everyday life.
Field of Operation
Software solutions and services
Offices in Finland
Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä,
Rauma and Oulu
Turnover of the Company
100,5 MEUR
Approx. 1100 (in Oulu 50)
Open Positions
Qt related technical positions
Degree Programme
Year of Study
4, 5, n
Other Relevant Information
Follow us at Facebook & Twitter:
Digia, Qt is responsible for all Qt activities including product
development and commercial and open source licensing. Digia is the only software house that can offer a one-stop shop for
Qt development including licensing, support, training and services. In Oulu we work in various Qt areas, including Product
development, Services and Support.
[email protected]
Field of Operation
Offices in Finland
Helsinki, Oulu
Open Positions
Sovelluskehittäjä, SW developer
Sovellusarkkitehti, SW architect
Degree Programme
Year of Study
3, 4, 5
Other Relevant Information
Preferred skills: Java, Python, Intersystems Ensemble; MySql, Postgres, Intersystems Cache; LDAP,
AD; Webservices, REST, JSON;
Modern web technologies; Linux
(CentOS / RedHat) & Windows
Application + CV by email
Digital Identity Solutions Europe Oy on vuonna 2005 perustettu pieni mutta pippurinen sähköisen identiteetinhallinnan
ratkaisuihin erikoistunut yritys. Ratkaisumme eivät rajoitu
teknologiaan vaan lähestymme ongelmia aina asiakkaan toiminnan näkökulmasta. Toimistomme sijaitsevat Oulussa ja
Työyhteisömme on rento ja avoin, mutta työskentelemme
samalla tavoitteellisesti ja pitkäjänteisesti haluten tarjota asiakkaille parhaan mahdollisen ratkaisun. Tarjoamme työntekijöillemme jatkuvasti uusia haasteita ja mahdollisuuden kehittyä alan ammattilaiseksi.
Digital Identity Solutions Europe Oy, established in 2005, is a
company focused on overcoming challenges in digital identity
management. Our solutions are not only based on technology
– the goal is always to approach the problems from the customer’s perspective. Our offices are located in Oulu and Helsinki.
The working environment at DISE is open and relaxed, but at
the same time we aim to work goal-directed and persistent to
provide the clients with the best possible solutions. To our employees we offer constantly new challenges and a possibility to
become a true professional
EB is a company that specialises in challenging embedded
software and hardware solutions for wireless and automotive
Field of Operation
Wireless and Automotive technologies
In the Wireless Business Segment EB offers products and product platforms for defense and public safety markets as well as
for industrial use. Further EB offers product development services and customized solutions for wireless communications
markets and for companies needing wireless connectivity for
their products.
Offices in Finland
Oulu Kajaani Tampere
As an employer EB is able to offer interesting projects with latest technologies. EB values innovation and pushing technical
boundaries. Our customers are the leading companies in the
wireless and automotive markets and they expect the kind of
excellent work, products and solutions that we deliver. EB has
a long history of delivering successful technology development
projects around the world.
As a publicly listed Finnish company we are one of the few
whose headquarters are in Oulu. We have app. 400 engineers
of our wireless business working at Oulu Technopolis. We are
always looking for the best future talents of wireless technologies!
For more information on the career possibilities we offer,
please visit our job portal at
Turnover of the Company
185,4 MEUR
1700 persons globally
Open Positions
Thesis workers, trainees, part- and
full time designers according to
project needs.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
Other Relevant Information
In our international teams you will
need fluency in written and spoken
English language.
Oy L M Ericsson Ab
Elektroniikkatie 10, 90590
Torikatu 15, 90100 OULU
Johan Fagerström, Head of R&D
Oulu site
Kaisu Laurila-Seluska, Partner
Aulis Koivisto, Portfolio & Innovation
Jyri Hämäläinen, Technology R&D
Saila Tammelin, Head of AnalogMixed Signal Design, MODEMS
Field of Operation
Turnover of the Company
SEK 55,5 billion / USD 7,7 billion
(Ericsson Group, Q3/2011)
100 890 globally (Q3/2011), more
than 800 in Finland
Open Positions
Take a look on the job openings at
Ericsson - A leading ICT player
Ericsson is a world-leading provider of telecommunications
equipment and services to mobile and fixed network operators. Over 1,000 networks in more than 180 countries use our
network equipment, and more than 40 percent of the world’s
mobile traffic passes through Ericsson networks.
We are one of the few companies worldwide that can offer endto-end solutions for all major mobile communication standards. Our networks, telecom services and multimedia solutions
make it easier for people, across the world, to communicate.
And as communication changes the way we live and work, Ericsson is playing a key role in this evolution. Using innovation to empower people, business and society, we are working
towards the Networked Society, in which everything that can
benefit from a connection will have one.
Our vision is to be the prime driver in an all-communicating
Ericsson Oulu Radio Networks R&D site started its operations
in the beginning of 2012. The site is focusing on developing
small cell radio access products and solutions thus enhancing Ericsson Radio business offering. R&D business model is
based on agile and lean ways of working in tight collaboration
with key partners and own Ericsson experts at site. With this
collaborative model we aim to enhance knowledge base and
build a successful business ecosystem.
Ericsson R&D has also design unit in Oulu focusing on development of analog-mixed signal and RF integrated circuits (IC
for Ericsson MODEM solutions.
Esju Oy
Konekuja 8
90620 OULU
puh. +358 400 681 500
fax +358 8 882 1570
email: [email protected]
Esju is a privately owned high-tech company founded in 1991.
Our offices are located in Oulu and Shanghai, China. Our enterprise covers electronics product development, consultancy,
research, training, and EMC laboratory services.
Company overview
Esju’s edge is in our competitiveness, rapid growth and in our
ability to deliver complete design projects. We combine RF,
EMC, electromechanics, and embedded systems knowhow
into a unique package. Moreover, we have collaborated on an
increasing number of patents and we regularly publish in telecommunication industry publications. Among our clients,
we boast several international telecommunication companies
both in Finland and abroad. We also count defence industries in our important customer segments. In recognition of
our work, Esju was awarded the ISO 9001 quality certificate
in 2003.
Along with design projects we at Esju offer our clients such
services as consultancy, simulation, research, and education.
In consultancy services we tailor both EMC and RF solutions;
our EMC audits are the company’s specialty area. Another area
of expertise is simulation which covers EMC, signal integrity
(SI), power integrity (PI), and interoperability (IOP). Simulation is valuable to our clients because it leads to remarkable
cost savings in test and product development processes. Research services in turn give our clients a chance to benefit from
our expertise, innovative testing and our ability to create both
unique analytic models and demanding electromagnetic 3D
solutions with circuit simulation.
Field of Operation
Sähkötekninen suunnittelu
Offices in Finland
Turnover of the Company
n. 5,7 milj. € (2012)
n. 50
Open Positions
BTS HW I&V test engineers, BTS
Radio SW developers
Degree Programme
elektroniikan suunnittelu, tietoliikennetekniikka, informaatiotekniikka
Other Relevant Information
Meidän arvomme ovat: valpas avuliaisuus, leikkimielellä tosissaan,
osaaminen ja hyväksyminen.
[email protected]
Espotel Oy
Elektroniikkatie 8
90590 Oulu
Tel. +358 9 8565 8600
Field of Operation
The leading provider of professional R&D services in the field of
embedded systems.
Offices in Finland
Espoo, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Oulu,
Tampere, Wroclaw, Poland
Turnover of the Company
25,9 MEUR (2012)
n. 280
Open Positions
Degree Programme
Year of Study
4, 5, n
Espotel Oy is the leading provider of professional R&D services in the field of embedded systems in Finland. We design
electronics, mechanics, embedded software and advanced test
systems for our customers that manufacture and market telecommunications products, medical electronics, automation
systems and measurement devices. Espotel has currently c.
280 professionals working in its offices in Espoo, Tampere, Jyväskylä, Kuopio, Vaasa, Oulu and Wroclaw, Poland. Espotel’s
turnover in 2012 was 25,9 MEUR.
We are looking for employees to work in SW Design, Electronics Design and Test Design Projects.
Careers in Espotel:
SW-, HW- and RF-Designers, Test Designers, Mechanical Designers, Project Managers and students/trainees.
If you are interested in an opportunity in any of the areas mentioned above, please fill in the application form on our website Open application form is also available.
Fennovoima Oy
Salmisaarenaukio 1
00180 Helsinki
Phone 020 757 9200
Email [email protected]
Fennovoima is Finland’s third nuclear power company. It was
founded in 2007.
Field of Operation
Fennovoima is owned by a large group of Finnish companies
in need of their own electricity.
Fennovoima will build a new nuclear power plant to a greenfield site in Pyhäjoki in Northern Finland.
Fennovoima is a Mankala company, a form of cooperative producing electricity for its owners’ needs at production cost in
proportion to their ownership share.
In autumn 2013 we have 80 employees. In the future years we
will continue growing.
Fennovoima’s employees are both experienced and newcomers. In autumn 2013 our average age is around 40 years. The
gender distribution is quite even: some 40 per cent of us are
female and some 60 per cent men.
Open Positions
Fennovoima grows fast. People
from various different fields are
needed in our big international
project. Mostly we are recruiting
people from different technical
fields but we also need new people
to join our project management,
quality, administration and communications units.
People from various different fields are needed in our big international project. Mostly we are recruiting people from different technical fields but we also need new people to join our
project management, quality, administration and communications units.
Field of Operation
Energy industry
Turnover of the Company
Fortum’s sales totalled EUR 6.2
billion and comparable operating
profit was EUR 1.7 billion
We employ approximately 10,400
Open Positions
We are recruiting people with all
kinds of background, personalities
and skills. However, they have all
something in common: an open
and curious mind, the ability to
tackle challenging tasks together
and a desire to develop their own
Degree Programme
Other Relevant Information
Find out more on
Via our online recruitment system
found on our careers page.
Fortum tutkii kaiken aikaa, miten energiaa voidaan tuottaa ja
käyttää entistä tehokkaammin ja puhtaammin – kestävää kehitystä edistäen. Näin energiamme edesauttaa niin nykyisten
kuin tulevien sukupolvien elämää. Jos löydät itsestäsi samaa
energiaa, tervetuloa töihin. Tarjoamme sinulle monipuolisia
mahdollisuuksia kasvaa, kehittyä ja mennä eteenpäin omalla
urallasi. Luodaan yhdessä uuden sukupolven energiaa!
Summer Energy - Energisiä kesätöitä tarjolla
Summer Energy on vuosittainen kesätyökampanjamme, joka
järjestetään sekä Suomessa että Ruotsissa. Tarjoamme useita
kesätyöpaikkoja erilaisiin tehtäviin ympäri Suomea. Voit hakea
kesätöihin esim. Loviisaan, Naantaliin tai Espooseen. Viime
vuoden kampanjamme oli jälleen menestyksekäs ja saimme
paljon hyviä hakemuksia. Mahtavaa, että niin monia kiinnosti
tulla meille töihin!
Mikäli olet kiinnostunut hakemaan meille kesätöihin, voit rekisteröityä alla olevien ohjeiden mukaisesti, niin saat muistutuksen kampanjan alkamisesta sähköpostiisi.
1. Kirjaudu osoitteeseen
2. Syötä valkoiseen Code -kenttään SUMMER2014
3. Klikkaa Login -linkkiä
4. Klikkaa Ilmoittaudu -painiketta ja täytä yhteystietosi
FS Dynamics Finland Oy Ab
Hermiankatu 1
33720 Tampere
FS Dynamics delivers advanced simulations to industry in the
field of structural and fluid dynamics.
FS Dynamics is fully focused on technical calculations and
simulation. Everyone of us is committed to deliver added value
for our industrial customers via simulation and technical calculations. Our aim is to make sure that customers get a real
benefits from technical calculations like CFD and FEM.
FS Dynamics aims to commit long term with customers and
employees. With long term focus the correct knowledge is
gathered. Knowledge will give competitive edge for employees
and customers as well as for the company. Our assignments
can be either long term partnerships type of development
work or quick and fast problem solving tasks.
FS Dynamics is internationally growing company, which offers
excellent opportunities to learn new simulation methods and
apply existing knowledge in different industry segments. FS
Dynamics background is in Swedish automotive- and energy
industry. FS Dynamics headquarter is in Gothenburg Sweden.
Today we have 7 offices in 4 countries and over 150 employees.
Which makes us one of the largest FEM and CFD service providers in the Northern Europe.
Field of Operation
Structural and Fluid Dynamics
Offices in Finland
Turnover of the Company
2,5 million in Finland (group 15
18 in Finland (group about 150)
Open Positions
Engineer, Structural Dynamics
Engineer, Fluid Dynamics
Degree Programme
Year of Study
teknillinen mekaniikka
sustainable energy
teollisuuden ympäristö- ja biotekniikka
Kirkon palvelukeskus
Isokatu 9
PL / PB 156
90101 Oulu / Uleåborg
Field of Operation
Talous- ja palkkahallinnon palvelut
Offices in Finland
Kirkon palvelukeskus (Kipa) on valtakunnallinen taloushallinnon palvelukeskus, joka tuottaa kirjanpito- ja palkanlaskentapalveluja. Kipa on kirkkohallituksen alainen erillisyksikkö,
joka päätoimipaikka on Oulussa. Lisäksi Kipalla on ruotsinkielisiä asiakkaita palveleva toimipiste Porvoossa. Kipan asiakkaita ovat seurakuntataloudet, kirkkohallitus ja tuomiokapitulit.
Degree Programme
Kipa on toiminut vuodesta 2012 saakka ja kasvanut voimakkaasti koko ajan. Asiakkaat siirtyvät Kipaan vaiheittain, ja vuoteen 2017 mennessä kaikki Suomen seurakuntataloudet ovat
Kipan asiakkaita. Tällä hetkellä Kipassa on noin 95 työntekijää. Vuoteen 2017 mennessä työntekijämäärä kasvaa noin 130
Avoimen hakemuksen voi lähettää
nettisivujen kautta
> Kirkkohallituksen avoimet työpaikat > avoimet työpaikat> avoin
hakemus > Avoin haku seurakuntaorganisaatioihin > Kirkon
Kipassa on tiimiorganisaatio, jossa on muun muassa palkanlaskenta-, kirjanpito-, osto- ja myyntilaskutiimejä. Lisäksi
Kipassa on asiakkaan vastaanottotiimi, koulutustiimi, asiakastukitiimi ja johdon tukitiimi. Tyypillisiä työntekijöiden
tehtävänimikkeitä Kipassa ovat palkanlaskija, kirjanpitäjä, ostoreskontran hoitaja, myyntireskontranhoitaja, pääkäyttäjä ja
Open Positions > Kirkkohallituksen
avoimet työpaikat
Kipan arvot ovat avoimuus, luottamus, kumppanuus, osaaminen, työhyvinvointi ja inhimillisyys. Arvot näkyvät Kipan
jokapäiväisessä toiminnassa. Kipa on asiakasta varten, ja arvot
määrittelevät asiakaspalvelun periaatteet. Jokainen kipalainen
on sitoutunut arvoihin ja tiimien pelisäännöt perustuvat niihin.
Kipa on koettu sekä kiinnostavaksi että halutuksi työnantajaksi. Kuluneen vuoden aikana Kipaan on saapunut satoja
työpaikkahakemuksia, ja Kipaan on rekrytoitu noin 50 uutta
työntekijää. Kipassa pääsee tekemään monenlaisia työtehtäviä
ja ottamaan vastuuta palvelukeskuksen toiminnasta sekä vaikuttamaan omaan työympäristöön. Kipassa innostutaan työstä
ja arvostetaan työn iloa ja yhdessä tekemistä.
Lewel Group Finland Oy
Elektroniikkatie 10
90590 Oulu
[email protected]
Do you want a career with top experts and role in the forefront
of R&D technologies?
We did and now we are a group of over 90 professionals in the
broad range of technologies!
Lewel Group is a reliable and comprehensive R&D service provider to our customers. We have specialized in product development of life sciences, wireless and industrial technologies.
We offer specification, design, development and testing solutions with manufacturing services. We also provide the introduction of products to the global markets cost and time efficiently. Our excellent R&D services competence has partnered
us with the major companies in the field.
We provide excellent opportunities for our employees. Interesting and multi-disciplinary projects together with inspiring
tasks ensure successful project realization - keeping in mind
your own self-development progress. We can offer great colleagues; new, convenient premises; personnel and recreational
benefits with a comfortable working environment.
Field of Operation
Product development of life sciences, wireless and industrial
Turnover of the Company
8 M€ (estimated for 2013)
Open Positions
Take a look at our current needs at
Degree Programme
Year of Study
3, 4, 5, n
Willing to join the Lewel-people?
You are a great team player with “can do” attitude and desire to
learn. You also enjoy individual tasks and are an enthusiastic
If this describes you, you may be the person we are looking for.
Explore our websites and follow our open positions at www. You will also meet us at booth 47!
Lewel Group – Excellence in every step
Offices in Finland
Oulu, Kokkola, Vaasa, Jyväskylä,
Kuopio, Rauma, Turku, Tampere
and Helsinki.
ManpowerGroup™ , the world leader in innovative workforce
solutions, creates and delivers high-impact solutions that enable our clients to achieve their business goals and enhance
their competitiveness. ManpowerGroup maintains the world’s
largest and industry-leading network of nearly 3,800 offices in
80 countries and territories.
Manpower offers interim and permanent staffing solutions and
assessment services and is one of the largest authorized private
employment agencies in Finland. We provide our clients with
better access to talent, a better approach to matching the right
individual to the job, with better business results faster. From
small assignments to volume solutions and auxiliary services.
Interim staffing covers employer responsibilities.
Experis helps organizations find result-oriented specialist professional talent for mission-critical positions. We bring our clients the right individuals with needed skills and experience,
by connecting the passion of people with the ambition of businesses across IT and Engineering, Finance and Accounting,
Sales, Marketing, Communications and HR.
Right Management creates and implements workforce transition and outplacement services to proactively develop, redeploy and transition employees to meet changing market and
workforce needs.
ManpowerGroup Solutions creates, delivers and administers
tailored and scalable recruitment, consulting and outsourcing
service solutions that support and drive our customers’ core
Typically the solutions cover workforce management and systems, and share the risk and the return with the customer.
P.O Box 10, 02020 METSÄ
Revontulenpuisto 2, 02100
Metsä Group is a Finnish forest industry company operating
in international markets and offering products and services
that uniquely combine renewable raw material, a customeroriented approach and sustainability. The high-quality products have been developed for the needs of corporate customers
and consumers. The main raw material is sustainably grown
Nordic wood. Metsä Group focuses on tissue and cooking papers, consumer packaging paperboards, pulp and wood products as well as wood supply and forest services.
Metsä Board is Europe’s leading producer of fresh forest fibre cartonboards, the world’s leading manufacturer of coated
white-top kraftliners, and a major paper supplier. It offers premium solutions for consumer and retail packaging, graphics
and office end-uses. The sales network serves brand owners,
carton printers, corrugated packaging manufacturers, printers,
merchants and office suppliers. Metsä Board is listed on the
NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
Metsä Board Kemi’s production capacity is 375,000 tonnes/a.
The mill produces coated and uncoated white top kraftliner,
and employs 100 people.
Metsä Fibre is a world-leading producer of softwood pulp in
a globally growing market. The company’s four mills in Kemi,
Äänekoski, Joutseno and Rauma produce 2.4 million tonnes
of pulp. The company employs a total of around 900 people.
Metsä Fibre’s product brand Botnia combines pulps of the best
quality with services and know-how that support customers’
competitiveness. Metsä Fibre is committed to sustainability
and the promotion of safety at work. The company is a leader
in the efficient production and use of bioenergy: Did you know
that Metsä Fibre mills account for one fifth of all wood-derived
electricity generated in Finland?
Field of Operation
Forest industry
Turnover of the Company
Metsä Group’s sales totalled EUR
5.0 billion in 2012
11,500 globally
Open Positions
Take a look at our current needs at
Summer traineeships and thesis
worker positions for students.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Other Relevant Information
We value good communication
and language skills as well as positive and active attitude.
In addition, thanks to recent investments, the Joutseno mill
is the first entirely carbon dioxide neutral mill in Finland. In
coming years all Metsä Fibre mills will become carbon neutral.
Come and find your path at Metsä Group!
Field of Operation
Offices in Finland
Espoo, Helsinki, Oulu, Tampere
Turnover of the Company
13.4 billion EUR
63 000 globally, 6 000 in Finland
Open Positions
Take a look at our current needs at
Summer traineeship and thesis
worker positions for students. In
summer 2013 we had about 300
summer trainees.
Degree Programme
Other Relevant Information
English skills. Teamwork skills. Interest in learning new skills. Open
mind for challenges.
Application period for summer
traineeship starts in February.
Please send your application in
English via
Nokia Solutions and Networks is the world’s specialist in mobile broadband. From the first ever call on GSM, to the first call
on LTE, we operate at the forefront of each generation of mobile technology. Our global experts invent the new capabilities
our customers need in their networks. We provide the world’s
most efficient mobile networks, the intelligence to maximize
the value of those networks, and the services to make it all
work seamlessly. We had net sales of approximately 13.4 billion
euros in 2012 and we operate in approximately 120 countries.
In Finland, we have operations in Espoo, Oulu and Tampere.
We have approximately 6000 employees in Finland, more than
a half of them work in research and development. Espoo is our
center for end-to-end solutions in mobile broadband, In Oulu
we focus on radio technology and in Tampere, our focus is on
network and customer experience management solutions.
Interested in a job in NSN?
Pekka Antti-Roiko
[email protected]
044 4691 380
Leena Harju
[email protected]
040 8303 079
Löydä uusi työpaikka – onnen paikka!
Haluatko uusia haasteita? Muutoksia työnkuvaan? Lisää palkkaa? Elämänlaatua? Raahen ja Ylivieskan seuduilla on tarjolla
paljon hyviä työpaikkoja – onnen paikkoja.
Yhdeksän kunnan monialainen teollisuus- ja palvelurakenne
mahdollistaa alueen monipuolisen työpaikkatarjonnan. Kullakin kunnalla on vahvuutensa ja oma erityinen luonteensa,
joka on muodostunut erikoistuneiden elinkeinojen ympärille
ja niiden ansiosta.
Offices in Finland
Raahe, Ylivieska, Kalajoki, Oulainen, Sievi, Siikajoki, Pyhäjoki,
Alavieska, Merijärvi
Open Positions
100-200 open positions
training and diploma works in the
area for several employers
Alueella toimii noin 6 000 yritystä, joissa avautuu työpaikkoja
lähes alalta kuin alalta. Toimialoista löytyy konepajateollisuutta, Kalajoen hiekkasärkät – yksi Suomen ykkösmatkailukohteista, maan potentiaalisin tuulivoimatuotantoalue, puuteollisuuskeskittymä, palveluita ja paljon muuta. Pyhäjoelle
rakennettava ydinvoimala tuo toteutuessaan työtä ja toimeliaisuutta koko alueelle. Jättiprojekti tuottaa uusia yrityksiä, kehittää palveluita ja tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia alasta riippumatta.
Nykyisen yrittäjäkunnan eläköityessä sadat myyntiin tulevat
elinvoimaiset yritykset tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia myös uuden
sukupolven yrittäjille. Myös julkisella sektorilla kunnallisten
palvelujen ylläpitäminen tulee tarjoamaan runsaasti uramahdollisuuksia henkilöstön eläköitymisen kautta. Vaikka keskittäminen tehostaa toimintoja täälläkin, ei yksiköiden koossa
päästä koskaan etelän lukuihin, joten palvelujen henkilökohtaisuus ja inhimillisyys säilyvät tulevaisuudessakin.
Yli 150 vuotta sitten syntyneet tapulikaupunkiemme maailmanlaajuiset meriyhteydet sekä alueen halkova rautatien
päärata mahdollistaa sekä vilkkaan henkilöliikenteen että tehokkaan tavaraliikenteen Raahen ja Kalajoen satamiin ja sieltä
maailmalle. Meillä on meri, jokia, metsää ja kaunista maaseutua, joten voit nauttia luonnon läsnäolosta vaikka jokaisena
arkipäivänä. Se on elämänlaatua, jos mikä.
Tervetuloa keskelle kauneinta Meripohjolaa!
Osuuskauppa Arina
Nuottasaarentie 1
90400 Oulu
Field of Operation
Turnover of the Company
600 miljoonaa euroa v. 2011
Open Positions
Oletpa sitten opiskelija etsimässä
ensimmäistä työharjoittelu-, työssäoppimis- tai kesätyöpaikkaasi
tai oman alasi rautainen ammattilainen, saattaa Arinassa olla juuri
sinun osaamisellesi tarvetta.
Other Relevant Information
Käy Avoimet työpaikat –sivulla,
tutustu ja hae sinua kiinnostavia
tehtäviä tai jätä avoin hakemus.
Kun lähetät hakemuksen, voit pian
löytää itsesi S-ryhmän ammattilaisten kasvavasta joukosta.
Osuuskauppa Arina on pohjoissuomalainen osuuskunta, jonka
omistavat yli 145 000 asiakasta, yli 64 % alueen kotitalouksista.
Arinan tehtävänä on tuottaa palveluja ja etuja asiakasomistajille sekä huolehtia Pohjois-Suomen ja pohjoissuomalaisten
hyvinvoinnin kehittämisestä. Osuustoiminnassa omistamme
yhdessä ja jaamme hyödyt yhdessä.
Arina tuottaa Pohjois-Suomessa monipuolisia market- ja erikoisliikekaupan, liikennemyymälä- ja polttonestekaupan sekä
matkailu- ja ravitsemiskaupan palveluja. Arinan vuoden 2012
myynti oli 854,5 miljoonaa euroa. Myynnistä n. 78 % oli ns.
bonusmyyntiä eli myyntiä asiakasomistajille. Arina on investoinut 2000-luvulla uusiin palveluihin n. 300 miljoonaa euroa,
avaten eri toimialoille kymmeniä uusia toimipaikkoja. Arinan
asiakasomistajat saivat vuonna 2012 Bonusta ja maksutapaetua 26,8 miljoonaa euroa. Omistajahyötyjä (esim. Bonus, ostoedut, maksutapaetu ja maksuttomat pankkipalvelut) kertyy
keskimäärin lähes 200 euroa taloutta kohden. Osuuskauppa
Arinan kasvusta ja menestymisestä syntyvät hyödyt kohdistetaan aina suoraan tai välillisesti pohjoissuomalaisten asiakasomistajien hyväksi.
Arinan palveluksessa on lähes 2500 työntekijää. Meillä on
mahdollisuus jatkuvaan oppimiseen, hyvät kouluttautumismahdollisuudet, luotettava palkanmaksu ja loistavat henkilöstöedut. Työympäristömme on nykyaikainen ja koko ajan
kehittyvä. Löydä oma paikkasi hyvässä seurassa!
Oucons Oy
Kaarnatie 14
90530 OULU
Mob. 0400 542 547
Oucons Oy:llä on Oulussa 30 vuoden kokemus koneensuunnittelusta, mikä tekee Oucons Oy:stä todellisen asiantuntijan.
Oucons tarjoaa koneteknisiä suunnittelupalveluja teollisuudelle, erikoisalueena materiaalinkäsittelylaitteet; kuljettimet,
syöttimet, siilot ja purkaimet sekä erilaiset teräsrakenteet ja
teollisuuden kunnossapitoon liittyvä konetekninen suunnittelu. Ouconsin osaamiseen kuuluu myös staattisten teräs- ja
ristikkorakenteiden suunnittelu ja tekninen laskenta.
Oucons kuuluu Comatec-konserniin, joka on alansa johtava
kone- ja laitesuunnitteluun erikoistunut asiantuntijaorganisaatio, jonka toimialaan kuuluvat liikkuvat työkoneet ja erikoisajoneuvot, tuotantolaitteet ja -järjestelmät sekä kattilat
ja voimalaitokset. Comatecin palvelut koostuvat ideointi- ja
konseptipalveluista, projektin hoito-ja johtopalveluista sekä
suunnittelu- ja asiantuntijapalveluista. Suunnittelupalvelut
kattavat mekaniikka-, sähkö-, ja automaatiosuunnittelun.
Muita konsernin asiantuntijapalveluita ovat mm. testaus, tekninen laskenta, tuoteturvallisuus sekä elinkaaripalvelut. Tampereen, Vantaan, Järvenpään, Turun, Lahden, Hämeenlinnan
ja Joensuun toimipisteiden lisäksi konserniin kuuluvat myös
Insinööritoimisto Metso Oy Lappeenrannassa ja Imatralla
sekä painelaite- ja kattilasuunnitteluun erikoistunut Rantotek
Oy Varkaudessa, APK-Ohjelmointi Hyvinkäällä, Oucons Oy
Oulussa sekä Comatec Estonia Virossa Tallinnassa.
- Esiselvitykset ja esisuunnittelut
- Tarjousasiakirjojen ja -erittelyiden luonti
- Layout- ja perustussuunnittelu
- Laite- ja järjestelmäsuunnittelu
- Työpiirustukset
- Lujuuslaskenta
- Kunnossapitosuunnittelu
Sami Luhtaanmäki,
Puh. 0400 542 547
Field of Operation
Turnover of the Company
Vuoden 2012 liikevaihto Oucons
Oy 0,7 M€, Comatec Group 26 M€
Oucons 11, Comatec Group 385
Year of Study
≥ 4 TAI 4, 5, n
Toivomme hakijoiden suuntautuneen koneensuunnitteluun tai teknilliseen mekaniikkaan. Etsimme
myös sähkö- ja automaatiosuunnittelijaa, joka hallitsee mekaniikkasuunnittelun. Voit myös tiedustella
DI-, insinööri- tai kandintöitä
tilanteesi mukaan.
Jätä avoin hakemuksesi osoitteessa:
[email protected] tai katso kotisivuilta avoimet paikat:
OPTIOT (Comatec Group):
- Sähkö- ja automaatiosuunnittelu
- Asennusvalvonta
- Työmaa- ja projektinhallintapalvelut
Field of Operation
Offices in Finland
Kasarmintie 6, 90130 Oulu
Turnover of the Company
230 million
Oulun Energia – Northern Power
Oulun Energia is a leading energy group in Northern Finland.
Oulun Energia incorporates an integrated group of energy
companies with a focus on serving the Oulu region and other
parts of northern Finland. Group´s operations cover the entire
value chain of the energy sector: production of raw materials;
production, sales and distribution of electricity and heat and
various services in the sector, such as network management,
contracting and maintenance.
The group includes following companies: Oulun Energia municipal enterprise, Oulun Sähkönmyynti Oy, Oulun Energia
Siirto ja Jakelu Oy, Oulun Energia Urakointi Oy and Turveruukki Oy. Total number of employees is around 360 and the
net sale is about EUR 230 million.
Northern Power – Pohjoista voimaa – describes the essence
and operations of the Oulun Energia Group. The Group relies
on the natural resources and expertise of the north, it produces
key commodities and services for the people and enterprises
in the region, and it channels the proceeds of its operations for
the benefit of its own economic region.
Outokumpu is the global leader in stainless steel and high
performance alloys. We create advanced materials that are efficient, long lasting and recyclable – thus building a world that
lasts forever. Stainless steel, invented a century ago, is an ideal
material to create lasting solutions in demanding applications
from cutlery to bridges, energy and medical equipment: it is
100% recyclable, corrosion-resistant, maintenance-free, durable and hygienic. Outokumpu employs more than 15 000 professionals in more than 40 countries, with headquarters in Espoo, Finland and shares listed in the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
Outokumpu’s biggest site is located in the Tornio and Kemi
region in the northern Finland. Outokumpu Tornio site is the
most integrated stainless steel production facility in the world
providing stainless steel coil and plate for the global market.
With the nearby Kemi Mine providing the vital chromite ore
for the start of the process, to the Port of Tornio marking the
beginning of the journey to market, every step of the stainless
steel production process is in one location.
The unique integrated production process in Tornio delivers
many benefits for example in production efficiency, environmental performance and energy efficiency and is a clear example of Outokumpu’s strategy of sustainability.
Field of Operation
Metal Industry, Stainless Steel
Turnover of the Company
Eur 4,5 mrd
More than 15 000 professionals in
more than 40 countries
Open Positions
Tornio site
Summer trainees 600/year
Diploma thesis 20/year
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n
Other Relevant Information
Good basic skills in computing
[email protected]
[email protected]
Field of Operation
Tietoliikennejärjestelmien ohjelmistosuunnittelu
Turnover of the Company
1 500 000
Open Positions
Degree Programme
Year of Study
Asenne ratkaisee
Other Relevant Information
Etsimme oma-aloitteisia ja asiastaan innostuneita opiskelijoita.
PehuTec is privately owned, fast growing high-tech service
provider company operating in telecommunication systems,
technology and product development. Pehutec was founded in
the year 2010, on the region of southern Oulu province. Our
offices are located at SmartHouse of Ylivieska technology park,
at Smarthouse of Oulu technology park and the head office in
PehuTec is a high-tech company working in the business areas:
* R&D service of telecom technology development, telecom
product testing, wireless systems and medical devices.
* Product development for advanced software development
PehuTec is an active contributor of various national research
activities with the leading international product companies
to further drive development of technological competence in
Finland and evaluate future business opportunities.
Company core asset is the competent people. Now we are further growing our team in the area of telecommunication radio
networks, like 3G and 4G radio networks R&D. We are looking
for enthusiastic and motivated people, who are aimed becoming technology professionals or like to work in cutting edge of
Minna Lähteenmäki
Voimakatu 3
15170 Lahti
Puh. 044 7123 567
Email: minna.lahteenmaki@
Peikko Group Corporation is a leading global supplier of concrete connections and composite structures. Peikko’s innovative solutions make the customers’ building process faster, easier and more reliable. Peikko has subsidiaries in 30 countries
in China, Europe, the Middle East, and North America, with
manufacturing operations in 9 countries. Peikko’s net sales in
2012 were EUR 110 million. Peikko is a family-owned and run
company founded in 1965, and is headquartered in Lahti, Finland.
Peikko’s aim is to serve its customers locally with leading solutions in the field in terms of quality, safety, and innovation.
Peikko has a clear focus to regularly introduce new, tested innovative solutions and services. That is why Peikko’s investments in R&D are among the highest in the field.
Peikko’s international team consists of some 900 people representing some 40 nationalities, located in some 30 countries.
Our core values are an open international atmosphere, respect
and trust in each other, continuous development and customer
orientation. Peikko is simultaneously both international and
local. The personnel around the world is familiar with local
conditions and practices, and is able to offer customers best
possible service, in local languages.
Field of Operation
Turnover of the Company
110 MEUR
In Finland about 250, altogether
globally over 900
Open Positions
Trainees at the end of their studies,
master’s thesis workers and permanent personnel.
Open positions:
R&D Engineer (tuotekehitysinsinööri)
Technical Support Engineer (asiantuntija, tekninen asiakaspalvelu)
Project Engineer (projekti-insinööri)
Degree Programme
rakennesuunnittelu- ja rakentamisteknologia
Sähköpostitse avoin hakemus ja
CV osoitteeseen
[email protected].
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan työ- ja
Torikatu 34-40
90100 Oulu
Puh. 0295 056 500
Field of Operation
Public Employment Service
Open Positions
Vacancies at
Degree Programme
All programs
Most services can be accessed via
e-services at
Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto (The Employment and Economic Development Office, TE office) is a public employment office. We offer
services to job seekers and employers. Services for jobseekers cover
information on: open vacancies, guidance on to how to seek work,
information on training opportunities, help on professional development and employment measures. Most services can be accessed
via e-services at
Työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto (TE-toimisto) palvelee sinua, kun etsit
työtä, haluat kehittää osaamistasi, harkitset yrittäjyyttä ja etsit laajempaa tukea työllistymisellesi. TE-toimisto palvelee myös työnantajia.
TE-toimisto välittää kaikkien toimialojen työpaikkoja ja työntekijöitä koko Euroopan laajuisesti. Meiltä saat myös ammatinvalinnan, uraohjauksen ja koulutusneuvonnan palveluita.
Yhä suurempi osa palveluistamme on käytettävissä sähköisesti
osoitteessa Tutustu esimerkiksi avointen työpaikkojen tarjontaan, työpaikkavahtiin ja CV-netti -palveluun.
Mikäli haluat rekisteröityä työnhakijaksi, voit tehdä niin jo opintojen loppuvaiheessa ennen tutkintotodistuksen saamista. Täytä
työnhakijalomake verkkopalvelussamme ja odota yhteydenottoamme.
Pohjois-Pohjanmaan TE-toimiston asiointipaikat sijaitsevat Oulussa, Haapajärvellä, Kuusamossa, Pudasjärvellä, Raahessa ja Ylivieskassa. Voit vapaasti valita asiointipaikkasi. Voit hoitaa osan
asioinnista myös TE-toimiston palveluita tarjoavan yhteispalvelupisteen kautta. Lue lisää:
Tutustu palveluihimme osoitteissa:
Kansainvälisen työnhaun ja rekrytoinnin palvelut (EURES):
Polar Electro Oy
Professorintie 5
90440 Kempele
tel. (08) 5202 100
Listening to your body is one thing, understanding what it is
telling you is an altogether different story. Polar helps you get
under the skin of your training. We put it down to a combination of expertise in sports, physiology and electronics, coupled
with a deep understanding of customer needs. It’s no surprise
then that we’ve been leading the way in technological innovations and heart rate monitors since 1977.
Field of Operation
Electronics industry
And we cater for all levels of fitness by offering a comprehensive product range, along with essential support and advice.
Everything from improving an athlete’s sports performance to
helping people enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and aiding rehabilitation and weight management.
Open Positions
Summer trainees: 5-10 /year
Permanent/part-time employment:
5-10 /year
This desire to be the best is made possible by ambitious and
highly talented professionals who still believe as passionately
in what we do today, as we did over 30 years ago. And our success is clear to see. Today, Polar employs 1200 people worldwide, has 26 subsidiaries globally and manages a distribution
network supplying over 35,000 retail outlets in more than 80
countries. Now that’s what we call the power behind Polar.
Turnover of the Company
150 million
Degree Programme
Year of Study
4, 5
We expect you to have active and
positive working style and good
communication skills to success in
an international business environment.
Open vacancies :
Ponsse Oyj
Ponssentie 22
74200 Vieremä
Puh. 020 768 800
Field of Operation
Metsäkoneiden suunnittelu,
tuotanto, myynti ja huolto sekä
puunkorjuuseen liittyvät tietojärjestelmät
Turnover of the Company
315 Meur (2012)
Open Positions
Haemme työntekijöitä lyhyt- ja
pitkäkestoisiin tehtäviin ja kesäharjoitteluun.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
Kaikki vuosikurssit
Toivomme hakijoiden suuntautuneen koneensuunnitteluun,
tuotantotalouteen, hydrauliikkaan,
elektroniikkaan, ohjelmistotuotantoon tai tietojärjestelmiin.
Other Relevant Information
Arvostamme hakijoiden tietotekniikkataitoja, vuorovaikutus-, kielija viestintätaitoa sekä mahdollista
aiempaa työkokemusta.
Ponsse Oyj on tavaralajimenetelmän metsäkoneiden myyntiin, tuotantoon, huoltoon ja teknologiaan erikoistunut yritys,
jonka toimintaa ohjaa aito kiinnostus asiakasta ja tämän liiketoimintaa kohtaan.
Yhtiö kehittää ja valmistaa kestävän kehityksen mukaisia, innovatiivisia puunkorjuuratkaisuja asiakastarpeiden mukaisesti. Se on koko historiansa ajan ollut tavaralajimenetelmään perustuvien puunkorjuuratkaisujen edelläkävijä.
Metsäkoneyrittäjä Einari Vidgrén perusti yhtiön vuonna 1970.
Ponssen kotipaikka on Suomessa Vieremällä. Konserniin kuuluvat emoyhtiö Ponsse Oy:n lisäksi tytäryhtiö Epec Oy Seinäjoella sekä tytäryhtiöt Ruotsissa, Norjassa, Ranskassa, Isossa-Britanniassa, USA:ssa, Venäjällä, Brasiliassa, Uruguaissa,
Kiinassa ja Hong Kongissa.
Yrityksen osakkeet noteerataan NASDAQ OMX:n pohjoismaisella listalla.
Ponsse Plc specialises in the sales, production, maintenance
and technology of cut-to-length method forest machines and
is driven by genuine interest in its customers and their business operations.
Ponsse develops and manufactures sustainable and innovative
harvesting solutions based on customers’ needs. Throughout
its history, Ponsse has been the pioneer of timber harvesting
solutions based on the cut-to-length method.
Timo Mäntylä
Business Area Director
Procomp Solutions Oy
Kiviharjuntie 11
90220 OULU
tel. +358 50 3317548
[email protected]
Procomp Solutions Oy on vuonna 1995 perustettu huippuosaajien ohjelmistotalo.
Field of Operation
Toiminta-ajatuksenamme on tehostaa asiakkaiden liiketoimintaa tietotekniikan avulla. Erityisosaamistamme ovat logistiikan
ja työajanhallinnan tietojärjestelmät, optimointi, mobiilijärjestelmät, tietojärjestelmäintegraatio sekä projektimuotoiset asiakastoteutukset - mm. web-kehitys ja tietokantasovellukset.
Turnover of the Company
~4 500 000
Tervetuloa rakentamaan uraa Procompille! Toimintamme perustuu vahvalle tiimityölle ja osaavaan joukkoomme kuuluu 64 alan
ammattilaista. Panostamme vahvasti henkilöstön kehittymiseen
ja hyvinvointiin.
Open Positions
Haemme jatkuvasti ohjelmisto- ja systeemisuunnittelijoita sekä
projektipäälliköitä mielenkiintoisiin ja haastaviin ohjelmistokehitysprojekteihin työskentelemään uusimpien teknologioiden
parissa. Jos etsit uusia haasteita tai olet työurasi alkuvaiheessa
ensimmäistä työpaikkaa vailla, jätä hakemus nettisivuillamme
Procomp Solutions Ltd is a software house, which has offices in
Oulu and Kuopio. Our business idea is to intensify the customer´s
business processes with the help of information systems. The
company founded in 1995 has grown to be an organization of
sixty four professionals. Our special knowhow is the information
systems of logistics, workforce management, optimization, mobile solutions, system integration and software project services i.a. web development and database applications.
You are warmly welcome to build your career in our company!
Procomp is a house of software development professionals and
we are currently employer for 60 people. Our business is based on
a strong team work, individual career development and personnel well-being. Caring about our employees is the most important
factor in our success.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Tietojenkäsittely, Informaatiotekniikka, sulautetut järjestelmät,
informaatioverkostot, tietoliikennetekniikka, elektroniikan suunnittelu
Other Relevant Information
We offer you responsibility and
assignments according to your
preferences in suitable relation, a
possibility to combine work and
studies, flexible hours, a competitive salary and a relaxed working
We are constantly looking for software and system designers and
project managers to work in our challenging and interesting software development projects with the latest technology. If you think
you are up to the challenge and would like to join us, follow open
positions in our web pages
Field of Operation
Consulting and engineering company
Offices in Finland
Our extensive office network covers 20 cities in Finland.
Turnover of the Company
775 milj. €
In Finland about 2 000, world wide
about 6 500
Open Positions
Trainees at the end of their studies,
master’s thesis workers and permanent personnel.
Degree Programme
geography, biology
Year of Study
4, 5, n
Applying through websites
Pöyry on kansainvälinen konsultointi- ja suunnitteluyhtiö.
Palvelemme energia-alan ja teollisuuden asiakkaita maailmanlaajuisesti. Paikallispalveluissa keskitymme avainmarkkinoillemme. Tarjoamme strategista neuvonantoa ja suunnitteluasiantuntemusta sekä vahvaa projektien toteutuskykyä.
Keskeisiä toimialojamme ovat voimantuotanto, -siirto ja -jakelu, metsäteollisuus, kemian- ja biojalostus-, metalli- ja kaivosteollisuus-, liikenne-, vesi- ja kiinteistöalat. Pöyryllä on laaja
paikallistoimistoverkosto ja yhtiön palveluksessa on noin 6
500 asiantuntijaa. Pöyryn liikevaihto vuonna 2012 oli 775 miljoonaa euroa, ja yhtiön osakkeet on listattu NASDAQ OMX
Helsingin pörssissä.
Pöyry is an international consulting and engineering company.
We serve clients globally across the energy and industrial sectors and locally in our core markets. We deliver strategic advisory and engineering services, underpinned by strong project
implementation capability and expertise. Our focus sectors are
power generation, transmission & distribution, forest industry, chemicals & biorefining, mining & metals, transportation,
water and real estate sectors. Pöyry has an extensive local office network employing about 6,500 experts. Pöyry’s net sales
in 2012 were EUR 775 million and the company’s shares are
quoted on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki.
RD Velho Oy
Voimatie 6C
90400 Kempele
Kosti Niemela, Site Manager
[email protected]
RD Velho is rapidly growing engineering office with 110 professionals in Finland. We have offices in Oulu, Ylivieska, Vaasa,
Tampere, Hyvinkää and Vantaa. Our core competences can be
found in Mechanical engineering, Industrial design, Structural
analysis (FEM) and Package design.
Field of Operation
Product development services
Our customers are leading technology companies, such as
Kone Oyj, Wärtsilä and Metso Oyj.
Turnover of the Company
6,3 M€ (2012)
Referring to our experience of many years in product development projects, production and customer service tasks, we dare
to say that we are ”The Wizards of our business”.
We’re looking for talented people to join our team. You’ll find
us at booth 46, welcome!
RD Velho - Your strategic product design partner
Offices in Finland
Hyvinkää, Oulu, Tampere, Vaasa,
Vantaa, Ylivieska
Open Positions
This year 20-30 persons in Finland.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
4, 5, n
Machine design, FEM-calculation
Other Relevant Information
Follow us also on LinkedIn:
Check our website during year
2014 for open positions:
Field of Operation
Metals industry
Offices in Finland
Head office in Helsinki. Production
units in Raahe and Hämeenlinna.
Other units (processing, stock,
sales offices) in Seinäjoki, Vimpeli,
Alajärvi, Kankaanpää, Lappohja,
Järvenpää, Hyvinkää, Pulkkila,
Oulainen, Ylivieska, Kalajoki,
Naantali, Espoo, Kouvola, Vaasa,
Pietarsaari, Oulu, Kuopio, Turku,
Uusikaupunki, Toijala, Tampere
and Pori.
Turnover of the Company
€ 2.8 billion (2012)
9 000
Open Positions
Summer employees: around 800
per year in various positions at our
different sites. We also offer thesis
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n
All orientation studies of the training programmes mentioned above.
Studies in process metallurgy appreciated.
Other Relevant Information
Watch what Ruukki employees
around the world think about their
work at Ruukki:
Ruukki specialises in steel and steel construction. Ruukki provides its customers with energy-efficient steel solutions for better living, working and moving. Ruukki operates in some 30
countries and employs around 9,000 people.
Ruukki actively seeks to reduce the environmental impacts
originated from steel production. We are among the best in
the world in iron making CO2 efficiency. Ruukki uses nearly
the minimum amount of carbon raw materials possible with
current technology.
Ruukki has an extensive distribution and dealer network across
some 30 countries including the Nordic countries, Russia and
elsewhere in Europe and the emerging markets.
Strong expertise is needed in meeting tomorrow’s challenges.
We continuously develop new energy-efficient solutions, like
solar panel façades, fully recyclable and reusable Ruukki life
panels and Ruukki Classic Solar Panel roof. Our R&D focus
areas in Ruukki Metals are special steel products, i.e. highstrength, wear-resistant and coated steels.
Based on feedback from the summer employees’ questionnaire
2013, students really enjoy working for us. The “TOP 3 Best at
Ruukki” were:
1. Nice colleagues and good atmosphere
2. Versatile and meaningful job
3. Benefits for studies & learning new things
In addition, 98% of respondents stated that they could consider applying to Ruukki again.
Come and meet Ruukki people at PESTI Career Day and follow us in Facebook:
Interesting blog posts of our green building and smart steel
Stora Enso is the global rethinker of the paper, biomaterials, wood
products and packaging industry. We always rethink the old and
expand to the new to offer our customers innovative solutions
based on renewable materials.
The Group has some 28 000 employees in more than 35 countries worldwide, and is a publicly traded company listed in Helsinki and Stockholm. Our customers include publishers, printing
houses and paper merchants, as well as the packaging, joinery and
construction industries.
Our annual production capacity is 5.2 million tonnes of chemical
pulp, 12.1 million tonnes of paper and board, 1.3 billion square
metres of corrugated packaging and 6.0 million cubic metres of
sawn wood products. Our sales in 2012 were EUR 10.8 billion,
with an operational EBIT of EUR 618.3 million.
Stora Enso uses and develops its expertise in renewable materials to meet the needs of its customers and many of today’s global
raw material challenges. Our products provide a climate-friendly
alternative to many products made from competing non-renewable materials, and have a smaller carbon footprint. Our solutions
based on wood therefore have wide-reaching benefits for us as a
business, for people and for the planet. Being responsible – doing
good for the people and the planet – underpins our thinking and
our approach to every aspect of doing business.
The world is full of challenges - and so is Stora Enso. Actually,
every employee at Stora Enso has challenges in their job. We need
dedicated people with the right attitude who can rethink and turn
challenges into opportunities. With united efforts we will create
an even stronger and more responsible business.
Field of Operation
Forest Products Company
Turnover of the Company
Sales in 2012 were EUR 10.8 billion
Stora Enso Group 28 000
Open Positions
In Finland:
Summer trainees: 1000/year
Master thesis, other: 100/year
Career challenges: www.storaenso.
Degree Programme
KO, PO, TUTA, YMP, TAL, Chemistry
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, summer trainee
All earlier mentioned degrees.
Other Relevant Information
Cooperation skills and ability to
rethink appreciated.
Stora Enso is transforming to a value-creating, growth markets
renewable materials company. We will focus more on growth
markets in China and Latin America.
Stora Enso motivates it’s personnel into continuous development
by offering challenging internal training programmes. Also the
Global company provides many global career challenges globally.
Mobility is appreciated. Career challenges:
Meri Merkkiniemi
Linnankatu 7
90100 OULU
+358 40 5852140
[email protected]
Field of Operation
Nuorten osaajien henkilöstöpalvelut
Offices in Finland
Turnover of the Company
16 miljoonaa euroa
Talent relations
Studentwork on erikoistunut osaajasuhteisiin. Meille se tarkoittaa sitä, että tunnemme parhaat ihmiset ja mielenkiintoisimmat
Mikä sitten on osaaja? On tiettyjä henkilökohtaisia ominaisuuksia, jotka ovat arvokkaita riippumatta siitä, minkälaista työtä etsit.
Vastuunkanto, reippaus ja halu tarttua toimeen, nöyrä asenne ja
tekemisen meininki. Näitä asioita ei opeteta koulussa. Juuri nämä
tekevät sinusta nuoren osaajan meidän silmissämme.
Open Positions
Linkki suoraan avoinna oleviin
Laitamme paljon energiaa työntekijätarpeiden kartoitukseen asiakasyrityksissämme. Voimmekin hyvällä omallatunnolla sanoa,
että tarjoamme valtavan määrän mielenkiintoisia uramahdollisuuksia ja vaihtelevia työympäristöjä.
Degree Programme
Rekisteröi CV:si ja tule osaksi verkostoamme. Selaa työpaikkoja
kotisivuiltamme ja hae – teemme parhaamme, jotta urasi lähtee
meillä hyvin käyntiin!
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Talent relations
Studentwork is a talent relations company. And talent relations
to us is simply knowing the best people and the best companies.
What is a talent then? There are certain personal characteristics
that are always valuable, regardless of what job you are looking
for. That you are responsible and willing to dive in when needed,
that you are humble and not afraid to roll up your sleeves to get
the job done. This is something that no school can teach you. It’s a
mindset. And this is what makes you a talent in our eyes.
We put a lot of energy into keeping an updated network of companies, and we are pleased to say that there are plenty of exciting
employers and career possibilities out there. So register your CV
and become a part of our network. Browse through our vacancies
and we will do our best to help your career take off.
TEK Oulun Aluetoimisto
Teknologiantie 1
90590 Oulu
Puh. (08) 551 5555
TEK on noin 73 000 jäsenellään maamme suurin diplomiinsinöörien ja arkkitehtien järjestö. Jäsenistä noin 22 000 on
teekkareita ja matemaattis-luonnontieteellisten alojen opiskelijoita.
TEKin opiskelijajäsenenä saat palvelua ja neuvontaa seuraavissa:
Teekkarin Työkirja on teekkareiden oma työnhakuun ja harjoitteluun liittyvä työnhakuopas. Tule hakemaan omasi TEKin
messuosastolta 33!
Tee työsopimus kirjallisena! TEKin lakimiehet auttavat sinua
työsopimuksen kiemuroissa.
Tutustu TEKin harjoittelupalkkasuosituksiin. Katso millaista
palkkaa voit pyytää kesä- tai diplomitöistä.
Hanki työttömyysvakuutus jo opiskeluaikana. TEKin opiskelija-jäsenenä voit liittyä IAET-kassaan jo opiskeluaikanasi. Jotta
ehdit täyttää työssäoloehdon opiskeluaikanasi, kannattaa liittyminen tehdä heti ensimmäisten kesätöiden alussa. Liittymishetkellä sinun on oltava työsuhteessa
Field of Operation
Etu- ja palvelujärjestö / Nonprofit
Organization Management
Turnover of the Company
16,4 Milj. euroa
Open Positions
Teekkarin työkirjan päätoimittaja
(only finnish language)
Degree Programme
Kaikki koulutusohjelmat
Year of Study
3, 4, 5, N
Email: [email protected]
TEK tarjoaa jäsenetuna useita lehtiä, tutkimuksia, oppaita ja
muita julkaisuja, joista saat tietoa työelämän muutoksista ja
ammattikuntasi asemasta työmarkkinoilla.
Lisätietoja TEKin jäseneduista opiskelijoille löydät osoitteesta
You will find additional information about the members’ benefits: (TEK student membership)
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj
Puh. (02) 83 811
Field of Operation
Turnover of the Company
About 355 million
About 800
Open Positions
Trainees: about 200/year
Thesis: a few/year
Degree Programme
Applicable programmes
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Applicable orientations
Teollisuuden Voima Oyj (TVO) supports the sustainable wellbeing of the society by producing electricity to Finnish society
in a safe, economical and environmentally friendly manner.
Our aim is to be a recognised Finnish nuclear power company,
a forerunner in the nuclear field.
Over the past 30-plus years, we have produced in Olkiluoto
more than 400 billion kilowatt hours of electricity to Finnish
society. The nuclear electricity produced by TVO in Olkiluoto
accounted for about one sixth of the electricity consumed in
Finland in 2011. A centre of nuclear expertise has been developed over the past decades on the Island of Olkiluoto, and
the infrastructure needed for the safe production of nuclear
electricity is already in place on the plant site.
Olkiluoto is undergoing years of major projects. Our existing plant units are being modernised and at the same time we
are constructing and designing two new nuclear power plant
units. The excavation of a final disposal facility for spent fuel is
also in the works.
In addition to benefiting the Finnish society, clean energy production also contributes to the reduction of the global environmental impact.
Tietotekniikan osasto (CSE) kuuluu Oulun yliopiston uuteen
tieto- ja sähkötekniikan tiedekuntaan. Osastolla tehdään maailmanluokan tutkimusta älykkäässä informaationkäsittelyssä (esim.
biosignaalit), konenäössä, tietoturvallisessa ohjelmoinnissa, robotiikassa ja jokapaikan tietotekniikassa.
Field of Operation
Tutkimus / Research
Osastolla toimii viisi tutkimusryhmää: Biomimetiikan ja älykkäiden järjestelmien ryhmä (BISG), Interactive Spaces, Konenäön
tutkimuskeskus (CMV), Lääketieteellisen tekniikan tutkimusryhmän biosignaalien tutkimustiimi (BME) sekä MediaTeam Oulu.
Turnover of the Company
Kokonaisrahoituksemme on n. 8 milj.
€/vuosi, josta tutkimusrahoituksen
osuus n. 4 milj. €. CSE total annual
budget is about 8 MM €, out of which
4 MM € for research.
Tutkimusryhmämme tekevät sekä soveltavaa että perustutkimusta yhteistyössä lukuisten tunnettujen tutkimusryhmien kanssa
Euroopassa, Kiinassa, Japanissa ja Yhdysvalloissa. Myös yritysyhteistyömme on vahvaa. Tutkimustamme rahoittavat muun muassa
Suomen Akatemia, Tekes ja Euroopan unioni.
Etsimme lahjakkaita, itsenäiseen työhön kykeneviä DI-työntekijöitä ja harjoittelijoita osallistumaan mielenkiintoisiin tutkimushankkeisiimme. Aiheet vaihtelevat tutkimusryhmittäin.
Department of Computer Science and Engineering (shortly CSE)
belongs to the new Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering at the University of Oulu. The CSE carries out
world-class research in intelligent information analysis (e.g. biosignal processing), machine vision, information security, robotics and ubiquitous computing.
There are five research groups under CSE: Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group (BISG), Biosignal Processing Team of Biomedical Engineering Research Group (BME), Center for Machine
Vision Research (CMV), Interactive Spaces, and MediaTeam Oulu
Research Group.
The research groups collaborate with a number of distinguished
research teams located in Europe, China, Japan and USA. In addition, we have created a strong collaboration with the industry. Our
research is promoted with external funding from sources such as
the Academy of Finland, Tekes - the Finnish Funding Agency for
Technology and Innovation, and the European Union.
We are looking for talented students, capable of working independently in our inspiring research projects. Every research group has
its own focus.
Offices in Finland
Oulun yliopisto / University of Oulu
Noin/about 170
Open Positions
Harjoittelijoita/Trainees: 4
DI-töitä/Master theses: 3
Degree Programme
MUU (hyvinvointitekniikka)
Year of Study
3, 4, 5
Informaatiotekniikka, sulautetut
järjestelmät, informaatioverkostot,
sovellettu matematiikka, tilastotiede,
tietojärjestelmät, biofysiikka, fysiikka, hyvinvointitekniikka
Other Relevant Information
Hyvä opintomenestys, ohjelmointitaito ja sujuva englanti ovat eduksi.
We appreciate good grades, programming skills and fluency in English.
Vapaamuotoisella hakemuksella
erikseen jokaiseen tutkimusryhmään,
tarkemmat ohjeet löydät verkkosivuiltamme. Haku päättyy 1.2.2014.
Please apply separately to each
research group by Feb 1, 2014. The
application details are given at our
Outi Aavaluoto
[email protected]
Open Positions
Uranoste järjestää yrityskontaktipäiviä, joissa pääset verkostoitumaan potentiaalisten työnantajien
Degree Programme
Year of Study
3, 4, 5, N
Other Relevant Information
Uranoste offers CV workshops and
field trips to several corporations.
All events are held in Finnish.
Ilmoittaudu mukaan:
Tule hakemaan ständiltämme ilmainen työnhakuopas!
Uranoste järjestää työnhakuun ja työelämään liittyviä koulutuksia. Autamme sinua esimerkiksi saamaan CV:si ja työhakemuksesi edustuskuntoon, jotta voisit vakuuttaa rekrytoijan
heti ensi metreiltä.
Lisäksi järjestämme yrityskontaktipäiviä, joilla pääset tutustumaan potentiaalisiin työnantajiin ja laajentamaan omia verkostojasi. Yritykset myös rekrytoivat kauttamme.
Uranosteen tarjoamat koulutukset ovat maksuttomia eikä ilmoittautuminen projektiin sido mihinkään.
Mukaan voi ilmoittautua osoitteessa
Tuoreimmat tiedot koulutuksista ja muista tapahtumista voit
tarkistaa verkkosivuiltamme.
Projektiimme voivat osallistua korkeakoulututkinnon suorittaneet tai opintojen loppuvaiheessa olevat opiskelijat.
Tervetuloa mukaan!
Uranoste esittelee toimintaansa Pesti-päivillä TEK:n osastolla ja tarjoaa myös henkilökohtaista neuvontaa markkinoivan
CV:n tekemiseen.
Teija Tuuliainen
Valtion koulukodit/Limingan koulutuskeskus
Lännentie 1
91900 Liminka
[email protected]
p. 029-5244205
Valtion koulukodit ovat vaativan lastensuojelun asiantuntijoita. Koulukoteihin sijoitetaan huostaanotettuja peruskouluikäisiä lapsia ja nuoria, jotka ovat jollain tavoin joutuneet umpikujaan elämässään.
Koulukotien ydinpalveluita ovat oma koulu, erityinen huolenpito, osastohoito, perhekotihoito sekä itsenäistymis- ja jälkihuoltopalvelut.
Limingan koulutuskeskus on kuudesta valtion koulukodista
suurin ja vanhin. Koulutuskeskus sijaitsee Limingassa, 26 kilometriä Oulusta etelään.
Field of Operation
Sosiaalipalvelut, lastensuojelu
Limingassa n. 70 työntekjää
Open Positions
Etsimme eri mittaisiin sijaisuuksiin opiskelijoita kouluumme sekä
Sosiaali- ja terveysala
hakemukset sähköpostitse
PL 1000,Tekniikantie 4A Espoo
02044 VTT
PL 1100, Kaitoväylä 1
90571 Oulu
Tel. 020 722 111
[email protected]
Field of Operation
Technology and research services
Offices in Finland
Main locations: Espoo, Oulu, Tampere, Jyväskylä and Turku
Turnover of the Company
300 Meuros
Open Positions
Please find open positions in
Degree Programme
In field of science, technology or
business applicable to the open
positions available.
Year of Study
3, 4, 5, n
Applicable to the open positions
Other Relevant Information
We expect passion for learning
and personal development, and an
open-minded attitude towards new
technology. We appreciate well
performed studies in an applicable field of science, technology, or
Online application form in the address: .
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Working in a globally networked top-level research organization opens up a fascinating spectrum of career opportunities
for professionals with various backgrounds. At VTT you can
challenge yourself in developing future technologies or managing international research projects with a focus on scientific
breakthroughs. You can work tightly together with customers, finding solutions to their R&D problems, identifying new
business models, or helping them to create a competitive technology strategy. Do you know how to commercialize emerging
technologies into the global market? Or is it your dream to
become a technology entrepreneur? VTT offers you the possibility to develop your competences and build your career path
in countless ways.
We are looking for trainees and thesis workers. While completing your Master’s thesis you will get the full support of the
experts in your team. The duration of traineeship typically varies from a few months to a year.
As a VTT employee you can develop your own profile in your
chosen fields:
• Technological and scientific top expertise
• Customer-oriented solution selling and consultation
• Management of research projects and programmes
• Personnel management and leadership
• Entrepreneurship and commercialization of technology
Welcome to a workplace where you can learn something new
every day!
All positions available for students are listed in the section
Open positions at . Please apply for your
chosen position using the specific online application form.
Technology Partner
Kati Korolainen-Kujala
HR Manager
+358 10 277 5146
At Wapice we like to keep things simple and efficient – we
work behind the scenes to make our often internationally operating industrial customers succeed. Our customers’ success
is our success.
We are a leading technology partner. Mastering the art of software development, electronic design and industry best practices. We integrate smoothly into organizations, run globally
distributed projects, build innovative solutions or enhance our
client’s performance across all functions by injecting information technology at its best. Our services are supported through
tailorable solutions and best practice consulting.
Founded in 1999 in Vaasa we are an independent and privately
owned company operating in 6 locations around Finland. We
employ over 260 software and electronic experts. Thanks to
our satisfied and successful customers, we belong to the fastest
growing Finnish and European High Technology companies.
We are constantly looking for new experts to join us. We value
constant self-improvement, can-do attitude, excellent team
working skills and willingness to challenge yourself in our customer projects. You will be offered a possibility for long-span
competence development with your professional and easy going team mates. Our core technologies include: Linux, C/C++,
Qt, .NET and Java EE. In embedded systems we work with
microcontrollers and fieldbuses. Protocols and PLC-programming are used in machine automation projects.
Field of Operation
Offices in Finland
Vaasa, Tampere, Seinäjoki, Hyvinkää, Jyväskylä & Oulu
Turnover of the Company
14 Me
Open Positions
Several SW Developers’ roles. For
more, check our webpage.
Degree Programme
Tietotekniikka yhdistettynä esim.
tuotantotalouden, sähkötekniikan
tai konetekniikan opintoihin.
In case you want to know more, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Find the open positions from our webpage:
If you don’t find what you are looking for you can send an open
application to [email protected].
WSP Finland
Kiviharjunlenkki 1 D
90220 Oulu
Field of Operation
Rakenne- ja yhdyskuntasuunnittelu
Offices in Finland
Toimistot Oulussa, Helsingissä,
Tampereella ja Jyväskylässä.
Turnover of the Company
30 M€
Open Positions
Kesäharjoittelijoita: 10/vuosi
DI-töitä: 5/vuosi
Vakituisia/osa-aikaisia: 13/2/vuosi
Henkilöstötarve vuoteen 2015
mennessä: 20 orgaanisena kasvuna.
WSP Finland on monialainen, luova ja luotettava suunnittelu-,
konsultointi-, tutkimus- ja muotoilupalveluja tarjoava yritys.
WSP on yhtä kuin WSP:n osaajat ja menestyksemme rakentuu
asiantuntevasta kumppanuudesta asiakkaidemme kanssa.
Aito yhdessä tekeminen yli osaamisrajojen on osa jokapäiväistä tekemistämme. Näin kykenemme luomaan innovatiivisia ja
asiakkaan tarpeet tyydyttäviä ratkaisuja.
Ydinosaamisalueitamme ovat yhdyskuntasuunnittelu, rakennesuunnittelu ja korjausrakentaminen.
WSP:ssä työskentevillä asiantuntijoilla on monenlaisia opiskelutaustoja. Eniten meillä on AMK- ja diplomi-insinöörejä.
Pääasia on, että tähtäät kovan luokan tekijäksi jollain WSP:n
tarjoamalla palvelualueella.
Degree Programme
Pidämme hyvää koulutusta tärkeänä, mutta työn tohinassa
hankitaan kuitenkin se ammattitaito, jolla projektejamme toteutetaan. Opiskele siis monipuolisesti ja ole aina valmis oppimaan lisää – niin mekin olemme!
Year of Study
3, 4, N
Tutustu työpaikkoihimme:
Rakennesuunnittelu, yhdyskuntasuunnittelu
Seuraa meitä facebookissa:
Internetin kautta osoitteesta www. tai sähköpostitse
[email protected]
WSP Finland is a multi-disciplinary consultancy company. We
offer sustainable planning, consulting, inspection and design
services. Our core competencies are urban planning, design
and engineering, structural design as well as renovation and
inspection services. We have a track-record of succeeding in
challenging projects both in Finland and internationally. Our
350 experts work in Helsinki, Oulu, Tampere and Jyväskylä.
WSP Finland belongs to the international WSP + GENIVAR
Group, with 15,000 experts working in over 300 permanent
offices in 35 countries.
Application deadline 28.2.2014
At Wärtsilä, People are the Ultimate Power Source
Wärtsilä is a global leader in complete lifecycle power solutions for the marine and energy markets. By emphasising technological innovation and total efficiency, Wärtsilä maximises
the environmental and economic performance of the vessels
and power plants of its customers.
In 2012, Wärtsilä’s net sales totalled EUR 4.7 billion with approximately 18,900 employees. The company has operations in
nearly 170 locations in 70 countries around the world. Wärtsilä is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki, Finland.
Wärtsilä operates globally. Markets are in Europe, Asia, the
Americas and Africa. Today 1 % of the world’s energy is produced by Wärtsilä power plants. Every third ship sailing the
oceans is powered by Wärtsilä. Every second ship is serviced
by us.
Wärtsilä’s locations in Finland include Helsinki (headquarters), Vaasa and Turku. Altogether, Wärtsilä has about 3600
employees in Finland.
Field of Operation
Complete lifecycle power solutions
for the marine and energy markets
Turnover of the Company
4.7 billion
18 900 globally, 3600 in Finland
Open Positions
Students in technical, business and
legal study fields are offered final
thesis and summer jobs at Wärtsilä. In 2013 we had 500 summer
trainees in Finland.
Take a look at our open positions
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, n
Mechanical engineering, process engineering, environmental
engineering, electrical engineering,
computer science and engineering and industrial engineering and
Other Relevant Information
We are looking for people who
capture opportunities and make
things happen. People with teamworking and English skills that
like working in an international
Field of Operation
Offices in Finland
Siilinjärvi Uusikaupunki Harjavalta
Kokkola Espoo Vihti
Turnover of the Company
11 miljardia euroa
Open Positions
Kymmeniä kesätyö- ja harjoittelupaikkoja Yaran eri paikkakunnilla.
Lisätietoja sivustolta.
Degree Programme
Year of Study
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Lähetä hakemuksesi ja cv palkkatoivomuksineen web-sivuillamme
Yara tuottaa ratkaisuja kestävään maatalouteen ja ympäristön
suojeluun. Lannoitteemme ja kasvinravitsemusosaamisemme
auttavat tuottamaan ruokaa maapallon kasvavalle väestölle.
Teollisuustuotteemme ja ympäristöratkaisumme vähentävät päästöjä ympäristöön, parantavat ilman laatua sekä tukevat turvallista ja tehokasta tuotantoa. Yaralla on myyntiä 150
maassa. Turvallisuus on meille ykkösasia.
Yara Suomi Oy on Yara International ASAn tytäryhtiö. Yritys
valmistaa ja markkinoi kivennäislannoitteita, typpipohjaisia
kemikaaleja teollisuuskäyttöön sekä ympäristönsuojeluun
käytettäviä tuotteita. Yaralla on Suomessa tuotantolaitokset
Uudessakaupungissa, Harjavallassa, Kokkolassa ja Siilinjärvellä, jossa toimii myös Länsi-Euroopan ainoa fosfaattikaivos.
Vihdissä sijaitsevalla Kotkanimen tutkimusasemalla tehdään
viljelyyn liittyvää tutkimus- ja kehitystyötä. Yara Suomen hallinnollinen toimipiste on Espoossa.
Yara työllistää Suomessa lähes 900 henkilöä valmistuksen, tuotekehityksen, myynnin ja markkinoinnin parissa. Yritys tekee
aktiivista yhteistyöstä eri oppilaitosten kanssa ja tarjoaa mahdollisuuksien mukaan opiskelijoille haasteellisia harjoittelu- ja
lopputyöpaikkoja etenkin tuotanto-, kaivos- ja ympäristöteknologian sekä kunnossapidon eri osa-alueiden tehtävissä kansainvälisessä toimintaympäristössä.
[email protected]
Our purpose and dream is to build a worldwide decision helping
community where people help each other in all kinds of decisionmaking situations. We have a young and extraordinarily good team
making this all happen. We are HUNGRY and eager to do whatever
we are challenged to. We play by our values and our values are what
makes us whole.
Offices in Finland
Oulu, Espoo
Our most important value is LOVE. We love our fellows at work. We
love our customers. We love what we do. In every action, we remember to love and spread love.
Second one of our values is PASSION. We have a dream and we will
achieve it. We are willing to change the world. We Act Now.
As a third, we are BRAVE. We are brave to change. We are brave to
change the world. We never give up!
With 4 tools, we’re conquering the world step by step. Our products
are: Votingaid, Sales Engine, Evaluation Engine and Livezhat. We’ve
already made hundreds of different kind of tests and product selectors… For example:
”Find Your Future Career” for a training center – 100.000 leads to
sales in one year.
”Bike Finder” for a market chain – 5 billion euros worth of leads, data
and sales in one month
”Dog Breed Finder” for a media house – 2.2 billion users, that is almost half of whole Finland.
”Birdsonality test” for Rovio, the maker of Angry Birds – Huge Success in Facebook
We are constantly on lookout for guys, or girls, to be our lawfully
wedded front-end developer. We really really like you if you have
some kind of interest in back-end things also, but that’s not 100%
necessary. What we hope to see in you, is that you fit into our group,
share our culture and values, like new technologies and have interest
in changing the world with coolest apps ever built.
Oh, one more BIG thingie.. We’re really good at making fun of Internet Explorer, so if you have some kind of weird connection between
IE or other fun stories about that, please send your application as
soon as possible.
Well, you better start typing in your application. To get to know our
people, tools and tech stack, check the site:
See you!
Regards, ZEF-Team