29th Sunday of Ordinary Time A October 19, 2014 The Saints Empower Women By Haley Stewart 253-588-2141 Lakewood, WA 5715 108th St. SW I want to share with you how learning about the saints and doctors of the Church taught me to love the diversity and strength of women in the communion of saints. Before converting to Catholicism I felt my gifts did not fit in anywhere in the Church. It was not until I started learning about the saints that I discovered that there is a place for everyone. Just because the Church teaches that men and women have different roles does not mean that Catholic women are rigidly boxed into a narrow "type.” There are holy women who are completely different from each other and each Christian is called to display Christ's love in a unique and beautiful way. If each of us were a stained glass window, we would have our own unique image to display the light of Christ. So what types of women are honored as saints of the Church? There are warriors. Saint Joan of Arc certainly did not fit into a traditional female role. Born a peasant, she was not a homemaker, mother, wife or nun. She was a fearless military leader. Yet, she is held up as a model of Christian devotion. This is an interesting choice for a Church that was criticized for wanting all its women barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. There are mothers. A striking juxtaposition to Saint Joan is Saint Elizabeth Anne Seton, a fellow convert, loving wife and mother, and a lover of literature. She was devoted to education and service and she was the first native-born American to be declared a saint! There is also Saint Monica, the holy mother of Saint Augustine, whose faithful prayers ushered him into the faith. Or Saint Gwen, my confirmation saint, who gave birth to three saints, was kidnapped by Anglo-Saxon pagans, escaped twice and was later martyred. There are holy virgins. Take Saint Lucy, for example, who fiercely defied being bullied into an unwanted marriage with a pagan Roman, undergoing the cruelest tortures her persecutors could imagine. She remained devoted to her Christian faith-despite her torturers' attempts to blind her, burn her and send her to a brothel-and was martyred for her faith. No story is the same. No woman is the same. By holding up these amazing women for all Christians to emulate, the Church affirms that women are courageous, strong, persevering, faithful, intelligent, influential and valuable. Continued on the next page Continued from cover page Perhaps even more astonishing than the diversity of female saints, especially considering the inequality in education that women have encountered throughout history, there are four women who are named Doctors of the Church, a rare title that elevates their writings as greatly influential works that are helpful to the Church. To put this in perspective, there are only two popes who are named Doctors of the Church. I always thought that only folks like Saint Thomas Aquinas held that sort of honor. Not so. I think this speaks volumes to the respect the Church has for a woman's mind. There is certainly a higher percentage of women included here than I encountered in the texts studied in any of my Philosophy classes. One of these amazing Doctors of the Church, Saint Catherine of Siena refused to accept the role her family had in mind for her: to marry well in medieval Italy. Instead, this holy woman devoted herself to a life of consecrated virginity. She was illiterate (until later in life when she was given the ability to read and write by supernatural means) but became the advisor of popes and political leaders. During a time of great turmoil for the Church, this strong and brave woman held great sway and blessed the Church with her holy guidance. Saint Therese of Lisieux, on the other hand, was not a public figure by any stretch of the imagination, and her desire was to serve God through "the little way" or the ordinary, everyday tasks of one's life. She lived a cloistered life and died very young of tuberculosis. Yet, the writings she left behind are honored next to those of popes and bishops. She is, in fact, the youngest of all the Doctors of the Church. Saint Hildegard of Bingen was a medieval abbess and a polymath, musician, poet, illuminator, philosopher, theologian, and visionary. During the era misnamed the "dark age;' Saint Hildegard's stunning intellect and writings shone with her vibrant faith. Even as a little girl, decades before my conversion, I was intrigued by Saint Hildegard's fascinating life and intelligence. Saint Teresa of Avila was a Carmelite nun, mystic, and an influential writer of the Counter Reformation era. Her great works, such as "The Interior Castle;' are prized for their insights on the contemplative life and mental prayer. Warriors, mothers, martyrs, aristocrats, peasants, academics or illiterate, there is room for everyone. Getting to know the saints has given me a new perspective of a "woman's role" in the Church. It is not narrow. It is not rigid. There is a place for everyone to be celebrated for the gifts God has given them and the unique way they can serve His Holy Church HALEY STEWART lives in the Southern United States with her bearded husband and three kids. She went to a Baptist college and surprised herself by coming home Catholic. She just released her first eBook, "Feast! Real Food, Reflections and Simple Living for the Christian Year:' This article originally appeared on Catholic Exchange (www.CatholicExchange.com). October 19, 2014 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time A 8:00am Mass 11:00am Mass 12:30pm Misa (Spanish Mass) Monday, October 20 No Exposition or Mass on Mondays 5:00pm Rosary Tuesday, October 21 4:00pm Reconciliation 6:00pm Mass Mass intentions-Gratitude to Guardian Angels Communal Prayer Service after Mass Wednesday, October 22 6:00pm Misa(Spanish Mass) Thursday, October 23 9:00am Rosary Church 9:45am Bible Study Church 6:00pm Mass Templo Mass intentions-Sam Davila† Church Church Church 7:30am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8:45am School Mass Church Mass intentions– Emilio & Ruby Cano† Church Church Church 2:00pm Reconciliation Church 5:00pm Vigil Mass Church Church Friday, October 24 Saturday, October 25 Sunday, October 26 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time A Church 8:00am Mass Church Church 11:00am Mass Church 12:30pm Misa (Spanish Mass) Templo Daily Mass readings available at www.usccb.org/nab/ Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) REGISTRATION IS STILL OPEN CALLING ALL YOUTH!! COME JOIN US AND GROW IN YOUR FAITH Our next meeting will be Tuesday, Oct. 21 at 6pm (At St. John Bosco Church) 10508 112th St SW Lakewood Washington 98498 Questions or to register call Gaby Grossman at 588-2141 ext. 307 Please pray for the comfort and healing of: Paz Abdon, Ruby Abrigo, Liliana Contino Alfaro, Kayle Almanza, Gloria Almoguera, Carmen Antonio, Curtis and Sophia Barquet, Enn R. & Jaime Barretto, Zach Bibeau, Nikki Blevins, Timea Bozic, Terry Brown, Theresa Byers, Tony Cables, Lois Carter, Cesar Coronado, Cindi Cornwell, Elaine and Michelle Crouse, Sabel Cruz, Catherine Davis. Chris Davis, Normita Davis, Jose Del Rosario, Daniel Delaney,Ofelia DeLuna, Joseph Dinglasan, Marlin R. and Jonathan Dipipi, Evelyn Disbrow, Jandi Dunlap, Janet Engelheart, Anso Farkas, Brett and Cindy Ferrar, David Fruge, Florence Gallo, Fortunato Gappi, Henry Gariando, Andrea Garcia, Makenna Garett, Allison Le Hahn, Borgny Haroldson, Veronica Harzter, Larry Helm, Micaela Henriquez, Hannelore Hogan, Helga Winter Hunn, Doug Jensen, Robert Johnson, Bill and Sarah Jones, Mike Kapala, Ralph & Lesley Klein, Helen Kronaizi, Cesaria Lejia, Brunilda LLeras Marcia Loaiza, Joanne Lott, Lauretta Lucien, Laura Madrigal, Karen Martin, Mary Martin, Camerino Martinez, Gen Mason, Mary McDaniel Kennedy, Jennifer & Brennan McGranaghan, Mary Ann Merrill, Marcella Merrill, Julie Metzger, Sister Carol Ann McMullen, Susan A. Musa, Mel Nelson, Terry Newman and family, Patrick Neidorf, Priscilla Quinata, Ed Paez, Luis Pedraza, Edna Perry, Debbie Pesicka, Sonia Picardal, Kathy Pitts, Teresa Posada, Corazon Reguindin, June C. Reyes, Isaac Rincon, Jesse and Sandy Rivera, Jesse Rivera Sr., John Rose, Terry Roy, Sheila Running Hawk, Katie Rutter, Brenda Ryan, Marianne Sass, Julie Schmidt, Margaret Sousek, Jim Spencer, Marline Spieth, Terri Spracklin, Frank Stiles, Jean Marie Talvo, Myrna Tabios, Jade Thompson, Ricardo Torralba, Kaile Valeros, Astarid Velazco, Jorge Villagomez, Calvin Wadeking, Matthew Warren, Dee Watson, Julie Watson, Elda White, Margaret Wingerter, Taeko Winn, Roger & Irene Young. PARISH GUIDELINES: Please call the Parish Office: 253-588-2141 to offer a name for prayer. Next class will be on Oct. 23 at 7pm in Squier Hall For information call Pat Gums 588-2141 ext. 303 RCIA: Is the path for persons (14 years or older) unbaptized or baptized in another faith who desire to enter into the Catholic Church. Adult Sacramental Preparation: Is the path for baptized Catholics (18 years or older) who desire to complete their initiation with First Eucharist and/or Confirmation. Friendly reminder to Faith Formation families: Mass attendance is required as part of First Communion & Confirmation Preparation, parents and children must attend together. Please remember we keep a record of your attendance Library Faith Formation library Open on Sunday 12pm-2pm Questions? Call Gaby or Pat 253-588-2141 Volunteers Needed Bilingual volunteers needed to gather data for this year’s Christmas Basket program. Working from home or at the parish office is available. Computer skills as well as an email account are needed. If interested please email Donna Corp at: [email protected] CURSILLO/ULTREYA All Catholic men and women, Cursillista or not, are invited to our next Ultreya We will meet from 7-8:30 PM on Tuesday October 21st in the Social Hall of the School at St. Martin of Tours Church in Fife. (off exit 134- I-5). Questions ? Call Andre Bouffard at 253-848-4471 or email: [email protected] FOR YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL REFLECTION: The Gospel for next weekend Masses. A reading from the Holy Gospel according to Matthew 22 :34 - 40 When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together, and one of them, a scholar of the law tested him by asking, "Teacher, which commandment in the law is the greatest?" He said to him, "You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments." The Gospel of the Lord St. Vincent de Paul Conference In the Gospel today Jesus says: “Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God.” When God is the center of our lives there is no problem with giving others their due. Through your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you are helping your neighbor who is hungry, hopeless and frightened to know that they belong to God. Interested in becoming a Vincentian? Call Bev Krashin 253-984-0700 THEOLOGY ON TAP IN TACOMA! Join young adults (21-39) from across the Archdiocese of Seattle Oct 22, 29, and Nov 4 7:00-9:00 PM for Theology on Tap! Bishop Elizondo, Kevin Glackin-Coley will lead us in discussions about Catholic Social Teaching. This is a series you do not want to miss! Join us for Mass at 6:15PM at St. Leo’s Parish (710 S 13th St, Tacoma, WA 98405) before the evening gets started at The Swiss Restaurant & Pub (1904 Jefferson Ave, Tacoma, WA 984025) at 7:00PM. If you have any questions please contact Caitlin Lanigan at [email protected] or 206-382-2010 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS THANK YOU FOR DONATIONS Thanks to all who generously contributed to our community project, SPECIAL OLYMPICS, during our Tootsie Roll Drive last weekend. Our knights will be conducting another drive on Oct. 31 & Nov. 1 at the Fred Meyer Shopping Center at 67th & Bridgeport. We are only about half way to our goal. Remember these donations are tax deductible. Thanks again for your support of this worthy cause. Our lady of Guadalupe maternity center Needs volunteers to help on Mondays 10am to 12pm If interested, please call Vivian Bell 253-566-7021 (Volunteers would greet people, sort clothes, help with check out, etc.) Rachel’s Corner In a survey conducted by the Elliot Institute (www.afterabortion.org), almost three of every five women who have had an abortion have suffered from suicidal thoughts. Saturday 5:00 PM Oct. 25 Come with us on a Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat. We will help you face that pain, opening yourself to God for Him to heal you November 7-9, 2014 Call Valerie: 1-800-822-HOPE (4673) You are loved with an everlasting Love! Sunday 8:00 AM Oct. 26 Stewardship of our Treasure St. Frances Cabrini School News For all who have made a pledge during our recent Phone-A-Thon or who have already mailed in a donation, please know of our gratitude! Your support means so much to the students and the staff. If you haven’t made a pledge yet, we ask you to consider us as part of your charitable giving and annual stewardship, investing in the education of our youth. All registered parishioners were mailed our recently published 2013-14 Annual Report, “The Good News”. We hope you found the various articles in it of interest. If you did not receive one and would like a copy, please call us at the phone number listed below. Parish Raffle tickets are being mailed to those interested Parishioners who have bought and/or sold tickets in the past. The mailing will be the week of 10/17/14. Other parishioners will have an opportunity to buy tickets after future Saturday and Sunday Masses. Thanks in advance for your continued support of the children of St Frances Cabrini School. Please contact the Dev elopm ent O ffice 253-584-5748 if you have any questions. Sunday 11:00 AM Oct. 26 Lector Enricque Montalvo Anthony Montalvo Bev Krashin LEAD Joan Hunn Porfiria Marana Theresa Brown Angie Roarty Lucia Mandapat Ruth Hoss Shirley Poff Albert James Michael Gums Josephine Kaiser Judy Swortz LEAD Lucy Gallagher Joy Molleston Starlene Enfield A J McGranaghan John Kaiser Polly Downer Wayne Downer Andie Gernon John Piacitelli Alfonso Carreño Alfonso Carreño Jr. Jimeria Carreno Linda Robydek LEAD Diana Sullivan Dorothy Zarelli Graciela Meza Muriel O’Brien Nora Salcedo Arianna Njonge Mike Isenberg Project Rachel is a program of Catholic Community Services. For weekend of Oct. 11/12, 2014 including mail in donations Our parishioners generously gave: $9,430.37 Eucharistic Minister Altar Server Hope and Healing After Abortion Hear Ye Hear Ye Hear Ye Magnifico! Magnifico! We can’t say “Thank You” large enough to each and all who participated in our Fall/Holiday Bazaar!! Catholic Daughters Court #1850 Connie Hunsinger, Regent Congratulations to all the raffle winners! DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME Ends at 2am on SUNDAY, NOV. 2nd Please remember to turn BACK your clocks one hour on —Nov. 1st -Saturday night!
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