Church of the Assumption 28 Monmouth Road - Wrightstown, NJ Chapel, Parish Office & Mailing Address: 76 Evergreen Road, New Egypt, NJ 08533 Parish Office: (609) 758-2153 Religious Education Office: (609) 758-3535 Served by Rev. Joseph J. Farrell, Pastor Weekend Assistants: Rev. John Gibbons and Rev. Rafael (Tony) Ramos Deacon, Vincent P. Ricciardi, Sr. Deacon, Raymond W. Staub, Jr., Retired Minister of Music, Mr. Mark Hoeler; Email: [email protected] Director of Religious Education, Mrs. Diane Gregorio, (609) 758-3535; Email: [email protected] THE EUCHARIST Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 AM Sunday: 12:30 PM Spanish Liturgy (Liturgia Española) Monday - Friday: 8:00 AM in the Chapel Miraculous Medal Novena: Monday morning after 8 AM Mass Eve of the Holy Days: 7:30 PM Holy Days: 7:30 PM Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 - 4:30 PM PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday - Friday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Parish Secretary, Mrs. Kathleen Falletta Email: [email protected] Parish Office Assistant, Mrs. Janet Sheaffer Email: [email protected] Business Manager, Mrs. Mary Steen Email: [email protected] RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAMS Pre-K & Kindergarten Programs: Sundays during the 9:30 AM Liturgy. Traditional Classroom Program: Grades 1-3 are held on Tuesday, Grades 4-6 are held on Thursday, Grades 7-8 are held on Wednesday. Sessions on both days are offered from 4:30 - 5:45 PM and 6:30 - 7:45 PM at the church in Wrightstown. Family Based & Summer Immersion Programs are offered as alternatives to the traditional classroom program. BAPTISM Baptisms will be held on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 12:30 PM. Parents must attend Baptism Preparation. Please call the Parish Office to register for Baptism and for Preparation schedule. MINISTRY TO THE SICK Please call the Parish Office if you wish a family member to receive the sacrament of the sick, be prayed for, or be visited by a Eucharistic Minister with Holy Communion. MARRIAGE Notification of marriage should be 1 year in advance. Couples are expected to attend Pre-Cana or Engaged Encounter and to meet several times with the priest or deacon who will officiate. SPIRITUALITY MINISTRY Meets every third Tuesday of the month at 7:00 PM in the Parish Hall. This ministry works to provide information and programs to fill and nurture our spiritual lives. All parishioners are invited. LOAVES AND FISHES MINISTRY Provides food pantry assistance to those in need who reside within our parish boundaries. Located in the Parish Hall, 76 Evergreen Road, New Egypt. Pantry is open every third Friday of the month from 5-7 pm for assistance and donations. Donations may also be left in the appropriate receptacles in the Church narthex. Contact 609-259-3197 for additional information. ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY Meets on the last Thursday evening of the month at 7:00 PM and receive corporate communion on the first Sunday at the 8:00 AM Mass. YOUTH GROUP KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Students in Grades 8-12 are welcome to participate in parish and diocesan level service and spiritual activities as well as social events. Meet on the first and third Friday evenings at 8:00 PM and receive corporate communion on the second Sunday every quarter. CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION NEW EGYPT & WRIGHTSTOWN, NJ OFFERING Weekly Offering-Oct. 12: World Mission Offering $ 4,940 $ 484 Last Year $ 5,067 $ 720 Thank you for your generous support! Sunday, Oct. 19, 2014 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 pm Vigil 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm Linda Lentine/ Michael & Helga Lentine Souls in Purgatory Robert I. Hallock/ Hallock Family Robert Rathschmidt/ Don & Lucy Paladino John F. Devine/ Marta Rombach C. Scott Rombach/ The Pavljuk Family Jenni Noon/ Victoria & Arthur Roeder People of the Parish Monday, October 20, 2014 8:00 am Madge Alessi/ Friends Please remember all of our parishioners who are ill or homebound and their family members and caretakers who would like to be remembered in a special way in your prayers. Your prayers are especially requested for: Ruth (Pinky) Gokey James Levers, Sr. (father-in-law of Barbara Levers) Maria Menditto Katherine Tappen Tuesday, October 21, 2014 8:00 am Agnes Jenschke/ Parish Staff Wednesday, October 22, 2014 8:00 am Faye Dunn/ Janet Sheaffer Thursday, October 23, 2014 8:00 am Peter Hallock/ Hallock Family Friday, October 24, 2014 8:00 am Beatrice Bruno/ Guzzardo Family John Hope/ Ryniec Family Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:00 pm Vigil People of the Parish Sunday, Oct. 26, 2014 8:00 am 9:30 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Raymond Staub, Sr. / Sutton Family Lena Mariani & John Menditto/ Maria & Mike Menditto Marg Menges/ Kathy O’Brien Peter Conneely/ Jimmy, Mary & Patrick Zavacky Henry Lopez/ Family Our parish community welcomes Dominic Ryan O'Donnell, Nora Rose Kelly and Ariana Alexis Ross into the waters of Baptism this Sunday. Please keep these children and their families in your prayers. October—Month of the Holy Rosary The Rosary Altar Society will pray the Rosary in the Chapel this Thursday evening at 7:00 pm. All are welcome! JOYFUL on Monday and Saturday LIGHT on Thursday SORROWFUL on Tuesday and Friday GLORIOUS on Wednesday and Sunday Readings for the Week of October 19, 2014 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6/1 Thes 1:1-5b/Mt 22:15-21 Monday: Eph 2:1-10/Lk 12:13-21 Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22/Lk 12:35-38 Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12/Lk 12:39-48 Thursday: Eph 3:14-21/Lk 12:49-53 Friday: Eph 4:1-6/Lk 12:54-59 Saturday: Eph 4:7-16/Lk 13:1-9 Next Sunday: Ex 22:20-26/1 Thes 1:5c-10/Mt 22:34-40 ©Liturgical Publications Inc. Congratulations to Frances Kisko and Anita Lenart who were recently inducted into the Rosary Altar Society. "Show me the coin that pays the census tax." Then they handed him the Roman coin. He said to them, "Whose image is this and whose inscription?" They replied, "Caesar's." At that he said to them, "Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God." - Mt 22:19-21 Excerpts from the Lectionary for Mass ©2001, 1998, 1970 CCD. 29TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME This Week at Assumption: Sun., Oct. 19 Sun., Oct. 19 Sun., Oct. 19 Mon., Oct. 20 Mon., Oct. 20 Tues. Oct. 21 Thurs., Oct. 23 Bagel Breakfast after all Sunday Masses 11:00 am Mass - Confirmation Commitment Liturgy 12:30 pm Baptisms in the Chapel Choir Rehearsals: 5:30 pm Cherubs 6:00 pm Juniors 7:00 pm Teens 7:00 pm Baptism Preparation (Must be registered) 7:00 pm Spirituality Meeting in the Hall 7:00 pm Pray the Rosary in the Chapel 7:30 pm Rosary Altar Society Meeting in the Hall MARYKNOLL Student Essay Contest Students in grades 6 through 12 are eligible to enter. There are 2 age divisions and 3 prizes per division. Additional information and entry forms are available in the Church narthex or visit On Friday, November 7, 2014 Father Tony Ramos will celebrate a bilingual mass along with Deacon Vince and the Divine Mercy Healing Teams. Mass will start promptly at 7:30 pm followed by the exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the laying on of hands. Anointing of the sick will be administered by Father Tony. Please join us for this wonderful gift of healing from Jesus. If you would like more information, please see Deacon Vince. Come Join the Music Ministry!!! We have a place for everyone. Rehearsals take place on Monday evenings. 5:30 pm – Cherub Choir: All children 4 years old through 1st grade 6:00 pm – Junior Choir: All children 2nd grade through 8th grade 7:00 pm – Teen Choir: All parish members 13 through 18 years of age 8:00 pm – Adult Choir: All parish members 18 years of age and older. Singing is beneficial for your body, your mind, and your soul. Come Join Us!!! OCTOBER 19, 2014 BAGEL BREAKFAST & Fellowship after the 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am Masses next Sunday, October 19, in the Religious Education Wing. Refreshments and fellowship following the 12:30 Mass. Refrescos y compañerismo después de la misa en español de 12:30. The Spirituality Ministry will have its regular meeting on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 7:00 PM in the Bradley Zipp Hall. New Members welcomed. Call Elaine at 758-1716 or Julia at 758-0217 for information. FOOD DONATIONS NEEDED Assumption’s Loaves and Fishes Ministry is in need of the following food donations for the Thanksgiving food baskets for local families: turkeys, dessert mixes, stuffing mixes, canned fruit, cranberry sauce, turkey gravy, instant mashed potatoes, canned vegetables and canned yams. Please place donations in the box in the kitchen of either the Church (weekends) or the Parish Hall (during office hours Monday through Friday) no later than Nov. 17 to allow plenty of time for volunteers to sort and prepare for delivery to the families. Turkeys may be placed in the freezer in the Parish Hall. Thank you in advance for your support! If you have a need for assistance, please contact this ministry at 609-259-3197. Assumption’s Loaves & Fishes Ministry provides for families within our parish boundaries: North Hanover Township, New Hanover Township, Wrightstown, New Egypt, Cream Ridge, Plumsted Township, Chesterfield and Cookstown. Please leave a message with your name, complete address, phone number, as well as the number of adults and children in your family. Is God Calling You? If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month’s discernment meeting on October 26th, from 4pm to 6pm at Saint Gregory the Great Parish, 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton Square, New Jersey. Join Rev. Michael McClane and Rev. Tom Vala, as they share their experiences of the priesthood, followed by prayer and concluding with a great meal and conversation. Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office: [email protected] or by calling (609) 406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation! Please pray for our parishioners who are serving in the military: Corporal Kyle C. Abbott, USMC
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