Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Founded: 2006 Mass Schedule Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM, Noon & 6PM Pastor Rev. Paul C. Brandt Weekend Assistant Rev. Robert A. Pesarchick Weekend Assistant Rev. Raymond W. Smart Permanent Deacons Deacon Louis F. Hoelzle Deacon David M. Kubczak Deacon Thomas G. Phillips, Jr. Daily Masses Monday 8:00 AM (Eucharistic Prayer Service) Tuesday 7:00 PM Wednesday 8:00 AM Thursday 8:00 AM Friday 9:00 AM Holy Days Vigil 7:00 PM 6:30 AM, Noon & 7:00 PM Mailing Address 256 Swamp Pike • Schwenksville, PA 19473 Residence 284 Swamp Pike, Schwenksville, PA 19473 Church and Parish Office 256 Swamp Pike • Schwenksville, PA 19473 Office Phone: 610-287-2525 • Fax: 610-287-7565 Business Manager Tammy Brock Confession Saturday 4-4:30 PM and in the parish office by appointment Adoration Wednesday all day after the 8:00 AM Mass concluding with Holy Hour 7:00 - 7:30 PM (Rosary, Evening Prayer, Benediction) Office Manager Maureen Mochwart Director of Parish Services Shawn Marie Brown Baptism Every Week during any Mass or at 1:30 PM Youth Minister/Music Director John Seitz Office of Religious Education Deborah Rorabaugh 610-287-2500 School 256 Swamp Pike, Schwenksville, PA 19473 Principal Jane Merritt Phone: 610-287-2500 Fax: 610-287-2543 Child Care Jackie Stiles Phone: 610-287-2500 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish Mission Statement The Roman Catholic Family of Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish recognizes the importance of following in the footsteps of our patroness in sharing our time, talent and treasure. Through ordinary and simple actions, we strive to teach and spread the Catholic faith, leading all to know God in a personal and loving way. In the celebration of the Eucharist, the parish community receives energy to care for the needs of all people through acts of kindness and love. 29th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Parishioners, What belongs to God? This is the concluding directive that Jesus gives in the Gospel today. The answer is actually in the second reading from Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians. The Gospel has come in power and the Holy Spirit. It is in this Gospel that each one of us is called to be open to the power and movement of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit works through each of our lives every day. We need to be open to where we are being called to live out the Gospel; and pray for the willingness to carry out that call. Fr. Brandt October 18 - 19, 2014 Brian Lavergne, George Cioci, Daniel DeOrzio, Madeline DiDonato, Walter & Ruth Long, Joseph Compton, Jane Centrella, Joe Wausnock, Eileen Fowler, Rev. Peter Thornberg, Megan Kephart, Anthony DiDonato, Jill Frain, Terrence Goff, Nicholas Maiale, Msgr. John Galyo, Concetta Auer, Charlene Ianni, Clara Casciano, Bryan Kaplan, Helen Xibos, Eileen Fowler, John Gallo, Madeline Paris, Rose Marinari, Marion Brady, Molly & Gary Dietz, Elizabeth Jean Koury, Betty Vespaziani, John Lorenz, Lynda Jones, Aaron Gulla, Regina McQuaid, Leo MacEntee III, Zachary Sinnk, Colleen McQuaid, Larry Scaver, John Clark, Matthew Salvo, Russell Oister, Jr., Bill German, Joanne Gallagher, Bob Geisel, Jean Mariano, Pearl Minnich, Donna Buckley, Kimberly Petaccio, Cindy Butler, Ashley Margetich, Christopher Riley, J. Vitus Hammerle, Aceline Galloway, Rudy Bonaduce, Debbie Dickerson, Abby Dawson, Helen Yocum, Monica Mastricolo, Jerry Hoff, John Hoffman, Janie Hartman, Polly Neeser, Kathleen Beaudoin, Frank Hosack, Jack Bono, Roselle Casey, Armando Mastrocolo, Sabrina Palermo, Raymond Keeler, James Gennaro, Mary Wheatley, Michael John Reimer, Mrs. Ann Gabor, Sara Bozzini, Crystal Everly, Angie Danaker, Zack Lofton, Thomas Tegler, Carl Barron, Maddie Mauer, Debbie Guy, Peg Nesmith, Ryan Welder, Alexander Piermani II, Domenic Bono, Nancy Paschal, James Vesey, Steven Conrad, Sharon Bieber, Teresa Busarak, Damone Hopkins, Jim Olshefski, Sr., Karen Murray, Lynn Jackson, Rosie Lang, Donald DiFilippo, Anthony Petaccio, Jr., Concetta Bozzini, Ciejay Bond, Emil Washko, Bob Roetz, William Taylor, Aidan Lorch, Roman Grudzien, Bobby Wolf, Kathy Semetti, Sharon Geisel, Margie Loeper, Kenna Faust Cavenish, Marie Strizziere, Cathy Casey, Tracy Garay, Charlie Daniels, Ethel Mulvihill, Stephanie Mongiello, Carrie Prout, James McGonagle, Audrey Joyner, Clara Basile and the sick and suffering of the parish. The essential thing is not what we say, but what God says to us and through us. All our words will be useless unless they come from within. Why not try and hold your tongue? You know what you can do but you do not know how much the other can bear. Mother Teresa FULFILLING OUR VISION FROM A LEGACY OF FAITH: PHASE II As of October 5th the following campaign totals are: Total Pledged: $5,563,196.00 Total Money Collected to Date: $4,066,741.83 SUNDAY COLLECTION (10/05/14) (10/06/13) $22,025.00 $20,909.00 MASS OF RECOGNITION OF OUR DECEASED PARISHIONERS We will soon invite parishioners to attend our 12:00 PM Mass on November 2nd to remember their loved ones in a special way. A very light reception will be held afterwards in the Education Center. A roll call is read during the Mass and as the names are announced, the parishioners come up and receive a flower, and put it in a vase to be placed in the sanctuary area of the Church. HANDICAP PARKING We have been reminded by the Limerick Fire Department that it is a violation of fire code to park along the curb and in the roadway. To accommodate the needs for handicap parking, we have created seven new handicap parking spaces; three on the east side of the Church and four on the west side of the Church. I ask parishioners to allow only those parishioners with handicap designation to park in these spaces and no one is to park in the roadway. PRE-CANA CLASSES Pre-Cana classes led by Deacon Tom Phillips and his team are scheduled at BTC Parish for Friday, January 9th from 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM, and Saturday, January 10th from 9:30 AM - 6:00 PM. The cost is $100.00 per couple and must be paid in advance. Classes are held in the Guardian Angel Center modular next to the Education Center. The second day of the session opens with pastries and coffee, a lunch is provided. An opportunity for Confession at 4:00 PM, and ends with the group attending the 5:00 PM Mass. Any couples interested in attending Pre-Cana may contact [email protected] or call (610) 287-2525 ext. 100. RHINE RIVER GETAWAY VIKING CRUISE Fr. Brandt will be the chaplain on this cruise from June 11th – 21st. This trip will visit the magnificent cities of Amstersam, Kinderdijk, Cologne, Kablenz, Heidelberg, Strasbourg, Breisach and Basel. The cost of the trip is $6,599. To register, please contact (855) 842-8001 or (508) 340-9370. You can also register online at ………..135 1 SATURDAY 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 10/18/14 Mass of the Healing Francis Nailon SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM 10/19/14 Joseph D. Morrone Parishioners Vincent Polo Helen Altieri Cathy Staley MONDAY 8:00 AM 10/20/2014 Eucharistic Service TUESDAY 7:00 PM 10/21/2014 Frank Calafano WEDNESDAY 8:00 AM 10/22/14 Matthew Romanowski THURSDAY 8:00 AM 10/23/14 Cornelius J. Dougherty FRIDAY 9:00 AM 10/24/14 Mary Ann Fabian SATURDAY 5:00 PM 10/25/14 Kevin Knoth and Charles Saffer SUNDAY 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 Noon 6:00 PM 10/26/14 Parishioners Margaret Messer Bertha Horvath George Yanisko High School Youth of Parish Oct. 20 Oct. 23 Oct. 23 Oct. 25 Oct. 26 Oct. 26 Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 2 Nov. 4 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 6 Nov. 11 Nov. 12 Nov. 16 Nov. 19 BAPTISM Arrangements are to be made two months prior to the date you would like to have the Baptism. All new parents must attend a Pre-Jordan class before the Baptism of their child. To schedule, please call Shawn Marie Brown at (610) 287-2525 ext. 100. ELIGIBILITY CERTIFICATES Sponsors for Baptism and Confirmation must be at least sixteen years of age and have received Confirmation and are actively practicing their Catholic faith. Those that are married must be validly married in the Catholic Church. Please call Shawn Marie Brown, (610) 2872525 ext. 100 at least two months in advance. PRE-JORDAN CLASS The next Pre-Jordan Class will be held on Tuesday, November 11th at 7:30 PM in our Chapel. All new parents are reminded that you must attend a Pre-Jordan Class before the baptism of your baby. Please call the Parish Office to register. JOB OPPORTUNITY A part time custodian position is available at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Church 2-3 evenings per week (M-F), occasional Saturday. Please submit resume to Tammy Brock at [email protected] or mail to 256 Swamp Pike, Schwenksville, PA 19473. PRO-LIFE DRIVE We will be collecting diapers for Birthright of Pottstown all through the month of October, all sizes are welcome! WEDDING WISHES Congratulations and Best Wishes to Gary & Dezaray (Michener) Martin who received the Sacrament of Matrimony on October 11th. Market Day Orders Due Protecting God’s Children Class Catechetical Course-The Person of Jesus Trivia Night S.H.O.P. – Women’s Bible Study Youth Group Meeting Market Day Pick up Kings Men Meeting Mass for Deceased Parishioners – 12 Noon BTC Seniors Meeting Pre-Jordan Class KOC Meeting Catechetical Course – Foundations of the Church Pre-Jordan Class Holy Name Society Meeting KOC Pancake Breakfast Reconciliation Presentations for Parents CATECHETICAL CERTIFICATION Catechetical Courses – Fall 2014 This fall, the following course will be offered and meet once a week for four weeks at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish. The schedule is as follows: Foundations of the Church – November 6th, 13th, 20th & December 4th from 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM. BTC UNITED WAY NUMBER: 8772 ……135 2 BLESSED TERESA OF CALCUTTA SCHOOL NEWS Educating Faith Filled Learners for the 21st Century P.R.E.P. (CCD) NEWS Email: [email protected] Learning about God through fun and educational activities Please see the calendar on the school website for important events and information. NEW STUDENT REGISTRATION - You can download a new registration form on the parish website under P.R.E.P. or pick up a form from the pamphlet rack in the Parish Office hallway. Boscov's Friends Helping Friends Fundraiser Shopping passes for 25% off your purchases on October 21st are available in the School Office for $5.00. Contact Kelly Grimm for any questions at [email protected]. Registration Requirements: • Parish registration – Become a member of the parish by completing the form found in the pamphlet rack in the Parish Office hallway • Baptismal Certificate – If not baptized at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta • $50.00 non-refundable family tuition deposit Winter Coats Collection - As the weather gets colder keep in mind that our Student Council will be collecting slightly worn winter coats after all Masses the weekend of November 1st and 2nd. These donations will be given to the Open Door Ministry in Royersford. Thanks in advance for your assistance in helping others less fortunate. Students transferring to Blessed Teresa of Calcutta P.R.E.P. will need to bring a progress report from their previous P.R.E.P./private school. Neumann Scholarship - Please pray for the wisdom our 8th Graders will need as they compete for a Neumann Scholarship sponsored by the Connelly Foundation to be used towards their Catholic high school experience. This year we have 17 out of 30 students who have met the very high qualifications needed to sit for this test. We are very proud of these students and wish them much success. STUDENT LECTORS Any students interested in being a Lector for the Children’s Mass should contact the Religious Education Office at (610) 287-2500 ext. 2. Reconciliation – There will be a presentation for parents only on Wednesday, November 19th from 6:45 PM – 7:45 PM in the Education Center. If you have a child preparing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, please plan on attending this meeting. BTC LADIES BINGO BASH Join us for BTC Ladies Bingo Bash on Friday, November 7th in the All Purpose Room. 20 Rounds of Bingo, 5 special games and raffles. (Open to those 18 and older only). Tickets are: $ 25 per person. Doors open at 6:30 PM and Bingo starts at 7:00 PM. Special advanced ticket game to be played at 7:00 PM. Bring your own food and beverages. Prizes include: designer bags (Vera Bradley, COACH, thirty-one), health & wellness baskets, spa gift cards, cosmetic bags, and salon gift cards. Questions, contact Michelle YoungSchellinger at [email protected]. Confirmation Books - Confirmation books for students in BTC Grade 6 and P.R.E.P. Level 6 will be blessed and distributed at the 12:00 PM Mass on Sunday, November 9th. These students are preparing to receive Confirmation in 2016. SEEDS SEEDS is a program that brings the Sunday Gospel to preschool children (ages 3 to 5 but not yet in Kindergarten). The SEEDS program is every Sunday during the school year at the 10:30 AM Mass. BTC MUSIC MINISTRY The Music Ministry is planning a Christmas Concert on Friday evening, December 12th. The adult choir would like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to join us in this program. We are looking for sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:00 PM. If you love to sing and would like to be a part of this event, please come and join us—and bring a friend. For more information please contact Marcia Cook, Choir Director at (610) 539-5994 or Marian Washko, Organist at (610) 323-7745. INFANT AVAILABILITY IN BTC CHILD CARE Our Child Care Center has space available for infants 6 weeks of age through 1 year. It is our goal to provide a loving atmosphere that emphasizes development of the whole child - mind, body, and spirit. We take pride in our teachers and staff who are dedicated to providing quality care and education for our children. Please visit our website at and click Child Care. To schedule a tour, please email Jackie at [email protected] or call (610) 287-2500 ext. 3. ……….135 3 NEW BTC ALTAR SERVERS Training with Deacon Dave Kubczak will be on Saturday, November 22nd in Church from 9:00AM – 12:00 PM OR 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM. All boys and girls in 5th through 8th grade, who would like to be an Altar Server, please contact Shawn Marie Brown, Director of Parish Services by Wednesday, November 19th at [email protected] or call (610) 287-2525 ext. 100. YOUNG PARENTS’ GROUP Mom's Night - All mothers with young children are invited to join us for a Mom's Night! We will be getting together for a casual bite to eat on Thursday, November 13th at 7:30 PM at Parc Bistro, 4067 Skippack Pike in Skippack. Come meet other women in the parish, share stories about family and work, and enjoy a fun evening out! Please RSVP to Danielle by November 10th at (610) 287-7514 or [email protected]. Playgroup - We welcome all families with children ages 0-5 to join us for an upcoming playgroup! Playgroup will meet on Thursday, October 23rd at 10:00 AM, November 13th at 10:00 AM and December 11th at 10:00 AM. Parishioners volunteer to take turns hosting this fun, casual playtime, with conversation and coffee for the adults and a light snack for the kids. New families are welcome at any time! For directions and to RSVP please contact Danielle at (610) 287-7514 or [email protected]. TRIVIA NIGHT Get your teams ready for the BTC Trivia Night, Saturday, October 25th. First round starts at 7:00 PM. Must be 21+ to play. Maximum teams of 8. The Trivia Night committee will combine smaller teams. Tickets are $15 per person. Cash prizes for first place and best dressed table. BYOB and snacks. We are in need of door prizes and raffle items. Contact Marie Beehler (610) 489-1591 or [email protected] to reserve your seat or table, or to make a donation. BTC CYO NEWS CYO Cheerleading Registration - will be open on the parish website until November 1st for school and P.R.E.P. levels 5th - 8th. No registrations will be accepted after November 1st. The registration fee is $75. If you have any questions please contact John DiBricida at (610) 405-6721. PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Mandatory Class The Archdiocese of Philadelphia requires all adult volunteers and employees that have contact with children at BTC attend a mandatory Protecting God’s Children class. You need only take this class once. The Archdiocese will present Protecting God’s Children on Thursday, October 23rd at 6:30 PM at the Education Center. Registration for the class must be done online by going to If you have questions, please call Shawn Marie Brown at (610) 2872525 ext. 100. MOTHER TERESA'S HELPING HANDS MISSION (formerly BTC Project Outreach) The holidays will soon be here and as a Parish community we would like to assist families that are in need. If you know anyone needing assistance this holiday season, please contact Jeff or Jacqueline Delaney (610) 495-1417. Please remember anyone requiring assistance will be kept strictly confidential. DECISION POINT CALENDAR Our new Confirmation program, Decision Point, will meet this year on the following dates: November 10th & 11th; 17th & 18th December 1st & 2nd; 8th & 9th; 15th & 16th See future bulletin for next year’s dates. MOTHER TERESA'S HELPING HANDS MISSION HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE Our Annual holiday food drive will begin starting the weekend of November 1st & 2nd. A bin will be available in the Narthex of the Church and the lobby of Education Center until December 21st. We ask that when you come to Mass or drop your children off at school or P.R.E.P., please bring a non-perishable item to help someone in need. PLEASE NO GLASS JARS/CONTAINERS. PROFESSIONAL PASTORAL COUNSELING FOR INDIVIDUAL ADULTS AND COUPLES If you are dealing with any kind of stress, emotional or relationship issue, or you just need someone to listen, please call our pastoral counselor, Dianne, at (610) 3238806. All information is strictly confidential and all fees are negotiable. Laundry soap and toiletries are welcome. If you have any questions or would like to help sort, please contact Jeff or Jacqueline Delaney (610) 495-1417. Thank you for your generosity. ……..135 4 If you would like information about joining the Knights of Columbus, members of the Knights of Columbus will be in the back of Church following the Masses on the weekend of October 25th and 26th. World Meeting of Families-September 2015 As has been announced, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will host the World Meeting of Families in September 2015. There is every expectation that Pope Francis will be attending this meeting. In an effort to try to incorporate all parishes within the Archdiocese in this event, each parish is asked to have at least one representative for the planning of this event. Anyone who would like to represent Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Parish in this international event, contact Shawn Marie Brown in the Parish Office at [email protected] or (610) 287-2525. Join the Knights on November 16th from 8:00 AM – Noon in the Education Center for our next Pancake Breakfast! Let us serve you a delicious breakfast of pancakes and eggs as you enjoy a meal with your family and friends. For more information, please see the Pancake Breakfast flyer on the Knights website at BTC SENIORS The BTC Seniors will hold a luncheon on Tuesday, October 21st, Noon at the Railroad Inn. All Seniors are welcome. S.H.O.P. Women’s Bible Study Program - will take place on Sunday evenings in the Education Center, twice a month, from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM. Our next meeting is Sunday, October 26th at 7:00 PM in the Library of the Education Center. Contact Jill Seitz if you are interested in joining at [email protected] or (610) 551-2738. POPE JOHN PAUL II HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Attention Class of 2019! The Class of 2019 Scholarship Test will be offered Monday, October 20th from 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM. A scholarship test registration form link is available on Eighth grade Visitation Day will be held at PJP on Thursday, November 13th from 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM. Students at parish and regional schools in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia will learn more about this event and sign up with their eighth grade homeroom teachers. Eighth grade students who attend public and private schools are asked to sign up for this event with our Director of Admissions, Ms. Callen, at [email protected]. "THE WAY OF ST. JOSEPH" The King’s Men Catholic apostolate will be holding a Night of Reflection on Thursday, October 30th at 7:00 PM in the Education Center library for all men 18 and older. Please join us to learn more about how you as a Catholic man can become a leader, protector and provider of your family and community. Food will be served. For more information, please contact Mark Ricchini at (610) 287-8271 or [email protected] MARKET DAY If you would like to place an order via internet, go to by 11:00 PM Thursday, October 23rd or paper orders are due to the office by Monday, October 20th. Pickup for the Market Day orders will be held on Wednesday, October 29th from 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM in the Education Center hallway. If you have any questions, please contact Jacqueline Delaney at (610) 842-2193. CRAFTERS WANTED Saint Mary’s Craft Show and Bazaar is looking for crafters! This show has been running for over 18 years and last year we had over 75 crafters! For more information please visit email Stephanie at [email protected]. Please pray for: Sr. Airman Brian Yerger, Lcpl. Tyler Thomas A. Collier, Lance Cpl. Thomas M. Labosky, Mark R. Rumler, Charles Brown, & Staff Sgt. Robert Troemel, who are in Iraq or Afghanistan and also keep their families in your prayers. 10/07/2014 10/08/2014 10/09/2014 10/10/2014 10/11/2014 10/12/2014 10/13/2014 CELEBRITY CALENDARS #750 Edward Greth #786 Not Sold #901 Brian & Nicole Saxon #193 Ed Bauman #152 Carol Grabowy #044 Jennifer Wittenberger #733 Not Sold ……..135 5 156 W. Ridge Pk. Limerick, PA 19468 CATTERMOLEKLOTZBACH 484-498-4000 Funeral Home 610-948-7330 553 West Ridge Pike Limerick, PA 19468 600 Washington St., Royersford, PA Damian M. Petaccio, F.D., Supervisor William E. Harner, IV, F.D. Joshua T. Klotzbach, F.D. Dr. Karen A. McCormick Dr. William C. Keenan Dr. Jill C. Slutak Serving Berks, Chester & Montgomery Counties and Surrounding Areas Since 1993 610-495-0101 Orthodontist • Residential Listings, Sales & Rentals • Commercial Sales & Leasing Collegeville 610.489.6032 • Senior Residential Housing Gilbertsville 484.945.0336 • New Construction Representation David McSurdy, DMD Sarah Pavlow, DMD COMMUNION DRESSES AND SUITS RELIGIOUS GIFTS AND BOOKS 592 Schuylkill Rd. - Rt. 724, Phoenixville 610-917-9470 610-496-9094 PA License # RS-199510L 70 Buckwalter Rd. Suite 508 Royersford, PA 19468 610.948.9600 Office 610.948.0700 Fax Website: DR. JOHN L. LIGNELLI DR. PAUL G. SMITH Dental Implants 500 HERITAGE DR., POTTSTOWN (610) 326-7880 An Exciting and Dynamic place for all Catholics in the Region DR. JOHN L. LIGNELLI, II DR. JAMES A. WARD 20 PHILA. AVE., BOYERTOWN (610) 367-6074 PA Lic. #006806 215.679.2237 For all activities, programs and events please visit: FAITH***FAMILY***FELLOWSHIP SPRING FORD COUNTRY CLUB We Welcome We Weellcome A All ll Non-Member Catered Events Dr. Michael McCandless, AuD Charles Lindsay, M.A. Gigi Madison, HIS Free Hearing Consultation 5% OFF Any Instrument Purchase “Better hearing through professional care.” Licensed & Insured RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST 610-337-0988 MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE 215-622-7106 FREE INSPECTION 26 East Sixth Street, East Greenville, PA 18041 ASSOCIATES IN AUDIOLOGY LIFE Pottstown Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery St. Philip Neri Catholic Family Life Center Donald E. Moore, Supervisor H E A LT H SETH ROSENCRANCE, PT, DPT email: [email protected] Debby Singleton Angels of Our Lady SPINE ERIC BRAUN, MPT, CSCS email: [email protected] 610-948-0580 Trusted care in your neighborhood 701 E. High St. 610-323-7077 610.495.0594 We offer online scheduling! Palmerio Plumbing 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Registered Master Plumber Palmerio Plumbing 484-942-9976 [email protected] Fully Licensed & Insured HIC Reg# PA029922 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Home CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT (610) 222-3824 • Cell (610) 504-4800 The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. Check out our reviews on: 135 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (inside) UPS Licensed & Insured ~ Parishioner Discount ~ No Job Too Small 30 Years Experience • Fully Insured 629 N. Lewis Road • Limerick, PA 19468 Tom Reed, General Manager (610) 495-7076 ext. 516 Carpet Stretching & Repair INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Piazza Honda of Pottstown 25% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 1.866.264.8444 $69 Air Conditioning Tune-Up TOM MAGUIRE SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 20% OFF CLEANING SOLUTION INC. Drain Cleaning • Emergency Sewer Repair Backflow Devices & Testing Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding Residential & Commercial Plumbing Parish Member $75 OFF 215.587.5650 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Living at home with a little assistance. Long & Short Term Care Recovery ~ Respite When you need us, we are here. Free Assessment with Ad Phoenixville 610-933-0660 2012 People’s Choice Award Recipient John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • WARKER - TROUTMAN FUNERAL HOME 726 High Street Pottstown, PA 19464 Beer & Soda Distributor Proud To Serve All Of Our Blessed Teresa of Calcutta Families 610-326-1510 Christopher W. Warker, F.D. William D. Troutman, F.D. Exceptional Service • Conservative Costs • Prearrangments Family Business Since 1952 79 W. Ridge Pike ~ Limerick ~ 610-489-7555 LANDSCAPING & TREE SERVICE, INC Locally Owned & Operated Since 1980 610-287-6955 Park Town Plaza Royersford NATALE & ONUFER HOME REMODELING, INC. ROOFING•SIDING•BATHS•BASEMENTS REPLACEMENT WINDOWS•KITCHENS ADDITIONS•SEAMLESS GUTTERS z t l a W Catholic Directors Serving Your Parish Since 1964 John E. Onufer, Parishioner FUNERAL HOME & Cremation Center, Inc. 610-792-8801 Ages 18months & Up Kelly Stento, Director FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED ALL PHASES OF REMODELING 610-287-6002 Mention Ad to Receive a FREE T-shirt! Golf Farm "Caring and Compassionate Service" SERVING YOUR PARISH IN THE LIMERICK, ROYERSFORD AND POTTSTOWN AREAS Jason Pozar, Supv. Gregg S. Catagnus, F.D. ROYERSFORD 610-948-1950 POTTSTOWN 610-323-4440 Ridge Pike, Limerick 610-489-7859 Tim Beehler Painting Interiors/Exteriors Pressure Washing BOYERTOWN 610-367-4440 Peter J. Dolan, Esquire AƩorney & Counselor at Law Residential & Commercial Fully Insured AUTO • HOME • BUSINESS • LIFE AND HEALTH 212 W. Main Street, Suite 1 Trappe, PA 19426 (610) 489-9442 TAG & NOTARY SERVICES AVAILABLE! 484-744-2322 Collegeville Trappe Parish Member Tags & Notary town Glass Potts 610-323-3178 GLASS FOR EVERY PURPOSE erne’s Glass LaV610-323-5912 Offices in Po stown and Reading POTTSTOWNGLASS.COM Personal Injury, Divorce, Wills, Probate, Disability At your request, 10% of my fees will be paid to BTC Capital Campaign Christian Bookstore Join us for Sunday Brunch Adults $12.95 ~ Children (5-10) $8.95 4 and under FREE Weddings • Rehearsal Dinners • Christenings • Luncheons 610-705-0130 1st Communion • Confirmation 204 Shoemaker Rd. Pottstown Members of the Diocese 610-906-3147 10% OFF Lunch or Dinner to all Blessed Teresa Parishioners w/coupon 594 W. Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA (484) 938-7082 Joseph Corropolese Bakery & Deli 610-495-8332 Weddings • Baby & Bridal Showers • Christenings • Funeral Luncheons • Retirements • Golf Outings Parties of 40 to 200 guests • Located just five minutes from Blessed Teresa of Calcutta in Limerick 29 Kugler Rd. (Foxridge Shopping Center) Limerick, PA 19468 La Massaria at Bella Vista Golf Course • 2901 Fagleysville Rd., Gilbertsville, PA 19525 610-705-1855 x229 • [email protected] • M-F 7am-7pm; Sat. 8am-6pm; Sun 8am-4pm Here to Listen - Here to Help Experience Peace of Mind: Counseling Children and Adults Sharon L. Redding, M.Ed, LPC Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Stress Management Women Issues Autism Spectrum 610-327-4839 [email protected] NEED OF ELECTRICAL WORK??? We do detailing! IN Electrician, Fully Registered & Insured, Pa. Lic# 081853 Mon-Sat 8am-5pm Or go to for free Sunday 9am-3pm planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this 838 N. Lewis Rd. ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. 610-495-1730 ROOFING • SIDING • GUTTERS 484-653-5800 DELPHI FAMILY HEALTH CENTER Dennis A. DeBias, M.D., Member of St. Eleanors Board Certified in Family Practice For All Your Health Care Needs 1000 Gravel Pike (Rte. 29), Schwenksville 610-287-6650 135 Blessed Teresa of Calcutta (back) UPS SCOTT PUPEK P PUPEK LANDSCAPING TREE SERVICE ARISHIONER 610-585-6481 LIMERICK FREE ESTIMATES AND FULLY INSURED Make the Right Connection! G CANNON FREE ESTIMATES • ADDING LIGHTS & OUTLETS CEILING FANS • OUTDOOR LIGHTING • SERVICE UPGRADES GENERATOR INSTALLATIONS • POOL & HOT TUB WIRING Discounts for Parishioners of Blessed Teresa Call John @ 610-454-8206 local parishioner or E-Mail: [email protected] FUNERAL PLANNING PLEASE SEND ME INFORMATION ON THE FOLLOWING SERVICES Cremation Costs Monuments Traditional Funeral Costs NAME Deron J. Haines 484-213-7065 ELECTRICAL SERVICES Professional • Affordable Licensed & Insured H.I.C. Reg. #PA 034865 Accepts ALL Major Credit Cards 15% PARISHIONER DISCOUNT ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP Mail to: HOUCK & GOFUS FUNERAL HOME, INC 955 N Charlotte St., Pottstown, PA. 19464 Russell J. Gofus, Supv. 610-323-8220 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 •
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