FRIDAY, 17 t h October, 2014 Week 2 Term 4 PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Father in Heaven, you have created us and you love us. You give us a plan to live by that will make us happy. Help us to keep your commandments. Amen. PARENTS PROCLAIMED Parent Proclaim, which is a Diocesan initiative to evaluate and revitalise the Catholic mission and parent partnership in Catholic education, was held in the MPA here at St Joseph's on Tuesday evening. The night was viewed as a vibrant, insightful and collaborative experience where discussion was directed to understanding the nature of contemporary families and the relevance and significance of Catholic values and associated behaviours and how Catholic schools can revitalise our mission in a society which often is promoting quite different values and behaviours. There will be follow up readings related to Parent Proclaim over the coming weeks. CONSIDERATIONS FOR CLASSES 2015 You are invited to inform me via letter of any considerations which may affect your child’s grouping into new classes for 2015. Teachers for grades are not known at this stage. Please communicate these considerations for 2015 by Friday 31st October (Week 4) as teachers will be creating class lists in the following days. It is unlikely requests will be accommodated after this date as there are many factors taken into consideration when establishing classes for the following year. SCIENCE INNOVATIONS Our innovative partnership with the Primary Education faculty of Newcastle University continues to go from strength to strength. Next Monday morning teachers will st meet with the 1 year Bachelor of Education students to mentor them on a science learning experience they will th deliver to small groups of children on Monday 27 October. We look forward to this afternoon when rich and exciting learning is facilitated for our students through these enthusiastic beginning teachers. We thank Newcastle University for their continued partnership with us creating new opportunities in the learning of Literacy, Numeracy & Science. BOOKPACKS FOR 2015 Teachers have finalised the contents of the grade Bookpacks for next year. Each Student is required to purchase a school Bookpack. Please be aware that the cost will be broken into two parts - $48 to be paid for the Basic Bookpack to be issued in December, and then a second cost for the ‘extras’ which can be paid off during Term 1 next year. The costs for the ‘extras’ vary for each grade, depending on the online subscriptions chosen to provide more breadth and depth in learning. We hope our planning reduces the financial Remember, if you have a concern, would like to express your appreciation or are uncertain about anything, please phone, email or call in and see us. burden of these costs and we are confident that the resources chosen by each grade will lever engaged and rich learning. A note with further details will be sent home next week. DINE OUT WITH THE P & F MEETING NEXT TUESDAY EVENING Parents and Friends are invited to THE VILLAGE CAFÉ on William Street (towards the bridge from the Mantra and across the road from the old ‘Food for Less’ building) to attend our next Tuesday evening’s P & F Meeting at 7:00pm. We will look at the planning of the Bago Family Fun Day and our Christmas Carol Evening. We warmly invite you to come and join our very pleasant evening mixed with a ‘lil’ business to promote our community building and fundraising activities which maximise our children’s opportunities in learning and well-being. CELEBRATING A WONDERFUL STAFF st Friday, 31 October is World Teachers Day. Teaching is a privilege and a joy; it is also very complex and demanding. St Joseph’s children are blessed to attend an excellent school with caring, passionate, dedicated and talented staff, who embrace their own learning journey. If you get the chance please pass on your appreciation to our wonderful staff, as I know they really value your recognition and appreciation. SHAKE IT UP DISCO DUDES AND DIVAS - Next Thursday evening our little ones will be shakin’ and shimmerin’ as they transform into Disco ‘dudes’ and ‘divas!’ An invitation went home in Week 1, and is now posted on our website. Any parents who are able to assist on the evening please contact Aunty Heather in the Office. ‘BALANCING THE LEDGER’ - PAYING THE BILLS Though we are very mindful of keeping costs down in Term 4, we are also attempting to settle school accounts. You can really help us by clearing money owed a soon as possible. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact Mr Leary as soon as possible, so we can support your circumstance. With every best wish, Geoff Leary & Leisa Fisher Principal – Mr Geoff Leary Assistant Principal – Mrs Leisa Fisher Email - [email protected] Website – Phone: 6583 3848 Fax: 6583 6976 SUNSHINE CAFE ROSTER th Monday, 20 October st Tuesday, 21 October nd Wednesday, 22 October rd Thursday, 23 October th Friday, 24 October Week 3 Term 4 ARLENE HIAM, TRACEY PRESTON SARAH MORGAN, BEVERLY FORSYTH NICOLE CHUWEN, HELP PLEASE!! HELP PLEASE!! ALLY GARTH, ROBYN HUNT If you are unable to attend on your rostered day it would be appreciated if you could organise your replacement. This would really help Annemaree enormously!! MASS OF THE ANGELS Mass of the Angels will be held in St Agnes Church on Wednesday, 22 October at the 5.15pm Mass. This Mass provides an opportunity for grandparents, parents, individuals and families to remember the ones in their lives who are no longer with them. The children may have died as infants, pre-natal or youth. All parishioners are invited to come together to pray for one another and for all who grieve the loss of a child. Mass will be followed by a light supper. For more information please call the Presbytery office on 6583 1024. BAPTISM INFORMATION NIGHT The next Baptism Information night will be held on Thursday, 23 October at 6.00pm in the St Agnes Church. If you are planning on having a child baptised it is important for you to attend an information session prior to booking your baptism. For more information please call the Presbytery Office on 6583 1024. ARE YOU MOVING BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF FEBRUARY 2015? At the end of each year some families are affected by work transfers which require them to re-locate to another town or state. If you know you will be leaving Port Macquarie at the end of this year we would appreciate you letting us know as soon as possible as we have a number of families on a waiting list for various classes next year. Congratulations to Peter Murphy, Campus Principal at St Paul’s, who in 2015 will be the new Principal at Mary MacKillop High School in Highfields, Toowoomba, Queensland. Peter has been at St Paul’s for 15 years and has done an outstanding job in developing a culture that has combined pastoral care with an environment where students are encouraged to achieve excellence in everything they do. St Paul’s, under Peter’s leadership and working with a committed staff, has laid the foundations for thousands of students to successfully further their studies and training at the senior level. I am sure you will join with me in congratulating Peter on his contribution to Catholic education in St Agnes’ Parish and wish him, his wife Mel and children Sam, Monica, Lucy and Clara all the very best for the future. John McQueen, Director Parish Education INTENSIVE SWIMMING – Kindergarten To Year 2 - A reminder that all students in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 will participate in an Intensive Swimming Program for two weeks from Monday 18th November. A note has gone home with your child today. THE COMPETENCY SLIP MUST BE RETURNED BY FRIDAY 31ST OCTOBER AS NO APPLICATIONS AFTER THIS DATE CAN BE INCLUDED IN THE SWIMMING PROGRAM. The swimming program is optional, the children who have not returned the slip by the above date will stay at school with a teacher whilst their class is at the pool. The cost for this program is $75.50. If payment is made in full before the Swimming Program starts your child will be placed in a lucky draw to win a sports voucher. Alternatively, the cost of the program is $7.00 per day for 10 days plus $5.50 on the Infants Swimming Carnival day – Tuesday 2nd December. Please note that if your child is away or sick during the swimming program you are still required to pay the full amount even though the day’s lesson, bus travel and pool entry has been missed. NOTE FROM SKOOLBAG to let you know that with Apple’s latest iOS 8 update they have managed to break various functions in the Skoolbag App. Skoolbag are aware of these issues including push notifications not working, and to rectify this we are currently updating the Apps with a new version. Please note that the issue does not affect users who are still running iOS 7. For current Skoolbag customers your App will be upgraded to 2.6.0 version. Updates are being submitted daily to Apple who then take around 5 - 7 days to approve them. You can expect the update will be ready for download within the next 2 - 4 weeks. For new Skoolbag customers (within the last 7 days) your Apps are being submitted with the new 2.6.0 version. If you have any more questions, please email [email protected] We thank you for your patience in this matter, as this was an issue that was beyond our control. Port Macquarie Junior Cricket Registrations are still open with spots available for this season in 9’s, 10’s , 13’s opens (U14 to U16) Also Milo cricket starts Thursday 23 October 4pm to 5pm for anyone from 6 to 8 years of age. Register online! This can be easily done via the PMJCC website Any difficulties contact Mathew Fens on 0437653177 or email [email protected] WHAT’S ON NEXT WEEK Monday th 20 October Core Executive Meeting – 7:45am Mr Rick Galvin – LSL –Mr Pat Kelly Mr Robert Walker – LSL – all week Staff Meeting 8.15 am – Newcastle University Science Program Assembly 9 am Visiting Teachers from St Pat’s, Macksville – Year 1 Ready to Teach Graduate – Ms Anna Hill – working in Year 1 (3 weeks) ASPECT Information Session – 9.30-11 am - PLR Tuesday st 21 October Band – 8am and Music Tuition Early Bird Reading & Homework Help – 8:30am 9:00am SRC & Sport Captains photo Kenny Little’s Fruit & Veg Platters – Crunch & Sip Mrs Fisher & Mrs Post – Aps Proclaim Meeting 1 pm Joeys Junior Glee Club – K-2 – lunch time – Mrs Toole Cyber safety Parent Evening – St Agnes Primary School – 6.30 pm P & F Meeting 7 pm at The Mantra in William Street Wednesday nd 22 October Professional Learning Team Meeting 8:15am Years 5 & 6 Cyber safety Talk – Constable Wendy Hudson – 9.15 am Trinity College Speech & Drama practice - lunchtime – Mrs T Thursday rd 23 October Joey’s Senior Glee Club – 8:10am – Hall – Mrs Hawkins Early Bird Reading & Homework Help – 8:30am Sport – Kinder to Year 6 School Disco Friday th 24 October Staff Meeting 8:20am – Prayer & Pastoral Care ‘Pete the Sheep’ Performance – The Glasshouse – Kinder & Year 1 Sharing Our Learning Assembly – 2.10 pm – Year 2 PRIMARY AWARDS 3C 4D 5B 6G MIA PERKINS EMMA FREEMAN MADISON FORSYTH GRADY BULL CHASE CALDER ASTRID FAIRHURST CAITLIN WALKER JACK JONES JOSH MARSHMAN ASHLEIGH EDWARDS TARA YOUNG NATHANIEL BENTLEY 3R 4S 5K 6P Page 3 Week 3 Term 4 JACOB SOMERS TENAY BONNEY JACK ALCHIN AINSLEIGH BAKER TYSON JONES LACEE WILLIAMS HANNAH FREEMAN JESSICA SEDGWICK MATTHEW GLEESON JORDAN DICKSON ETHAN SAGE RYAN VANDERJAGT NOTES SENT HOME THIS WEEK – Permission notes and/or money must be returned to school for a child to be able to attend any excursion. * Year 6 Graduation * Year 1 & Year 5 - Head Lice * Hastings Summer Sports Trials * Indigenous Education Fund * Year 5 BYOD * Joey’s Sunshine Café Canteen Menu * Infants Intensive Swimming INFANTS AWARDS KH KT 1K 1M 2K 2M CRUZ REBECCHI ERIN LITTLE JACK DUNCAN MASE ALABAN SOPHIE BENTLEY KYUSS BATTERSON NIAH EVANS MADISON WYNDHAM REEF CHAPMAN NATALIJA KOS KIARA RYAN BLAKE MOY RILEY BAKER JIMMIE CARNEY LILY ROSE BAJT ADAM DARE MIKA DAVIS XANDER RICKARD Advance Dates th Monday 27 October th Thursday 30 October st Friday 31 October st Friday 31 October th Tuesday 4 November Zone Summer Sports Trials Year 4 Aged Care visit Year 1 Assembly – Sharing our Learning – 2.10 pm World Teachers Day Melbourne Cup Sausage Sizzle Day (parent helpers required) th Friday 7 November Kindergarten Assembly – Sharing our Learning – 2.10 pm th Monday 10 November Bago Planning Meeting th Tuesday 11 November Remembrance Day th Friday 14 November OUT OF UNIFORM – for a Christmas Hamper donation th Tuesday 18 November P & F AGM th th Wed 19 OR Thurs 20 Nov Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Day th Wednesday 19 November Kindergarten 2015 Parent Information Evening rd Sunday 23 November Bago Family Day th Thursday 27 November Second Kindergarten 2015 Orientation Day th Sunday 30 November St Joseph’s Youth Mass – 5 pm – St Agnes’ Church rd Wednesday 3 December Christmas Carols Evening th Monday 15 December Year 6 Graduation Mass & Dinner Dance Forward dates are noted on our School Google Calendar which can be found on our Website. The members of St Joey’s Garden Club would like to thank the P & F and Mrs Rennes for providing us with our new veggie garden beds. We have planted a wide range of fruit and vegetables such as watermelon, tomatoes, beans, thyme and rocket. Our hopes are that the watermelon will grow before the end of the year, so we can get to enjoy it. Bridie & Jodi (on behalf of the Garden Club) PARENT TALKS Paul Dillon from Drug and Alcohol Research and Training, Australia is the keynote speaker at the RRISK Seminars. Paul provides the latest drug and alcohol research and information of interest to parents and anyone who works with adolescents. th The parent session is offered free of charge – Port Macquarie Panthers – 6 November 4-6 pm. Cyber Safety for Parents St Agnes’ Primary School Hall Tuesday 21 October 2014 6.25pm for a 6.30pm start Are you struggling to keep up with the changes in this highly technological age …… Are you worried about your child being online……..? Andrew Burgess from the Catholic Schools Office in Lismore will be presenting to parents on up to date and current Cyber trends and information regarding: Digital Citizenship; Safe use of technology and the internet; Children's use of the internet and emerging technologies; Potential risks for adults and children online; Tips to help children and adults stay safe online; Where to get help. Please log on to and follow these simple instructions, to RSVP’s for this Information Evening. Bookings will be open from today, and close Monday 20 October 2014. Free babysitting is available, if required, please confirm this when making your booking. When you click finish, your interview confirmation will be emailed to you automatically - check your junk mail folder if you do not receive your email immediately. Alternatively, if you cannot access the internet, please phone St Agnes Primary School Office on 6583 7433 to RSVP. We look forward to seeing you there. Thank you for your support. Parent Assembly, Hastings Macleay Region JOEY’S BUSINESS LISTINGS We thank these businesses for their generosity in supporting our School. Please mention that you saw their ad in Joey’s Jottings. Our services can help you with your school projects: School books Stationery Laminating Binding Scanning Poster Printing Colour copying & Printing Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 8.30am- 5pm – Sat 9.00am – 1pm Page 5 Office National, 150 Lake Road, Port Macquarie 2444 Tel: 65811011 Fax: 65811081 Email: [email protected] Ken Little’s Quality Fruit & Veg 35 Munster Street, Port Macquarie Phone: 6583 5685 Supplying both retail & wholesale customers for 30 years. Free home deliveries in the Port Macquarie area for any orders over $10. e-mail:[email protected] If you would like to advertise your business on this page please call the School Office – we would be pleased to assist you.
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