Tiger Pause Cobain Kurt sun

Tiger Pause
Issue VI
North Intermediate High School
Volume X
Here comes the sun
Remembering Sophomore
staff goodbye
t h i s Gossip
Issue feature
Kurt letters
Page 2
Tiger pause
Editorial Page
May 2009
ByDa’Rae Friday
New law tramples Afghanistan women’s rights
The recent law made by Afghanistan legislature making rape legal among husbands and wives was
absolutely insane! After the world reaction that struck controversy, the Afghanistan law now claims that
they will “revise the law”. This law clearly demonstrates that the practice of equal human rights has yet
to reach the Middle East. It’s ironic how the U.S. and Afghanistan are countries of the same modern
times but have completely different ways of life. It’s a devastation how the men treat their women as
inferior to them. They have no voice of their own. I have great fear for the women, but even greater fear
for the little girls who, without choice, must grow up around such unfair circumstances. How will they
view their self-worth and self-esteem, if they have any left? Another generation of unconfident women
will come to adulthood, as if the vicious cycle has no end. With all the money that the U.S invests into
Afghanistan, in the attempt to change the country, their should be a law established to protect the rights
of the women.
2008-2009 Tiger Pause Newspaper Staff
Editor-N-Chief-Sarah Dickenson
News Editor-Tyler English
Feature Editor-Sara Higinbotham
Layout Editor-Chantel Leiker
Layout Editor-Cassie Higinbotham
Sports Editor- Korey Deubler
Photographer-Ryan McLoughlin
Photographer-Kariann Hudson
Reporter-Savannah Remington
Reporter-Ethan Isbell
Reporter-Justin Cacy
Reporter-Da’Rae Friday
Reporter-Katie Vibbert
Reporter-Conor Wolff
Reporter-Zack Bailey
Advisor-Joe Nations
Broken Arrow Public Schools (BAPS) does not discriminate
on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or
age in its programs and activities. The following people at
BAPS have been designated to handle inquiries regarding
the non -discrimination policies.. The Executive Director of
Human Resources should be contacted for all non-student
and/or employment related issues at 918-259-4300; The Director of Student Services should be contacted for all student
issues except those related to Title II of the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 at 918-259-4300; and the Compliance Support Coordinator should be contacted for all student issues related
to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 at 918-259-4540.
Inquiries concercing non-discrimination can also be made
to the United States Department of Education’s Assistant
Secretary for Civil Rights.
May 2009
Tiger pause
Page 3
“Drama is life with the dull bits
cut out.”-Alfred Hitchcock
In April, Mr. Eversole’s determined drama students worked tirelessly on their mask projects. Upon arriving to take some pictures, we
found his 2nd hour class hovering over an array of paint cups, balloons, feather boas, glue,
and paper grocery sacks. Their assignment
was to create a mask and then act with their
bodies instead of using facial expressions.
Photos taken by: Sarah Dickenson
Tiger pause
May 2008
A column
Da’Rae Friday
Dear Readers,
Thank you so much for going on this journey with me this year, reading
my column, and exploring the concepts of diversity. I have learned so
much about people and about myself. Special thanks to all the people who
allowed me to interview them, go inside their lives, and tell their stories.
And thanks to all the teachers and counselors who have supported my
dream to become a journalist. This may be the end of Voiceless Distinction,
but from the death of it a new chapter of journalism can be born. I will
continue to pursue journalism, revealing the truths that no one else wants to
discuss. In the words of Winston Churchill“, This is not the end. This is
not even the beginning of the end. It is, instead, the end of the beginning.”
Usually for my column I discuss the elements of one topic and interview
people to find out their opinions, but for this last issue I’m going to do something different. I’m interviewing
only one person, myself.
What influenced you to become a journalist? I had always had an interest in writing so I kind of fell into
journalism. Who are you inspired by? Soledad O’Brien CNN Correspondent! What problems do you notice in
the world? SO MANY THINGS! There is no complete form of racial unity. Everything that our ancestors died
for was for nothing. Why are we racially separated, it’s the 21st century! I am disgusted with the elements of
the social system. There is too much unacceptance, judgement, stereotyping, and categorizing. Just because
we are humans doesn’t mean we have the right to fit people into little boxes and label them. The social system
is corrupt, and I believe that by now it’s too late to change it. We are the way we are because of ourselves;
we are our own victims and enemies, hypocrites that are destroying our cultures. And you know when it is all
said and done, who cares! Who cares if we are disintegrating as a people. No one cares because no one has
had enough courage to change it. We have become a selfish population only focused on pursuing our own
interests. That’s what the “American Dream” has come to be.
And soon to perish along with the “American Dream” is individuality. Individuality is the particular
qualities that distinguish one person from other people. But today it is becoming lost among the currents of
conformity(when one is required to be like others).
But why would you want to be like everybody else, why are people trying to be like everyone in the crowd.
Because of their insecurities and their fear of being themselves. You don’t have to compare yourself to other
people, life isn’t a competition DON’T LISTEN TO THE WORLD!!!!!! You become a conformist when you
deny who you are for everyone else.
“….Accept no
one’s definition
of your life, but
define yourself”Harvey Fierstien
“To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best night and day to make you like everybody else
means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight and never stop fighting”- E.E Cummings
May 2009
Tiger pause
Page 5
From our sophomore staff to
north: A final word & Farewell
Dear North,
I’ve enjoyed the year and a half
I have spent here. I believe I have
learned more at North Intermediate
than I would have at my previous
school, Tulsa Memorial. I can’t say
that I appreciate the clogged hallways.
It took a while to acclimate to the six
hour schedule and waking up earlier
wasn’t easy either.
I’m glad I had the opportunity
to attend this school, but I am ready
to move on and start on my next big
-Conor Wolff
Dear North,
This year in journalism was defiantly
an adventure. I don’t think I have ever
yelled at a computer program more
than In Design. I’m sure it would have
yelled back “you stupid girl, it’s not my
fault” if it had a voice. Being a layout
editor had its challenges, but I loved
it (even the occasional arguments
with inanimate objects). This was my
first year on the Tiger Pause staff, and
everyone was very patient with me not
knowing what the heck I was doing.
The staff really feels like an extended
family, and I’m looking forward to
working with the sophomores moving
on to Tiger Life at the senior high.
I have to thank Mr. Nations, our
advisor, and my freshman English
teacher for teaching me to be more
creative, and helping me to be a better
writer. Mrs. Swisher- your class has
been the most difficult English class I
Dear North,
Farewell. The past two years at North have been good, well as far as
meeting new people. I’ve never been a huge fan of school, but North has
treated me well. I have met some of my closest friends during the two
year period. As far as advice goes to you current freshman, do not let
those friends go. You will more than likely have them for the rest of your
life, everyone else you probably will not see again after you graduate.
I would like to personally thank a few teachers who helped me discover
myself, and helped me out in bad situations. First I would like to thank
Ms. Aycock and Mrs. Pray. Without them, I probably would not have
gained the interest I now have in government and politics, they made me
realize that government is not “Big Brother”, or “Out to get you”, but
that it is there for the good of the people. Mr. Nations and Mrs. Jackson,
I would like to thank you next. Mrs. Jackson, thank you so much for
letting me redo my hero project, I still owe you for that. Cornholio (the
alter-ego of Beavis) is not my hero; I don’t even know why I chose to do
my project over him in the first place. Mr. Nations, thank you for giving
me guidance and sparking my interest in journalism. Last but not least I
want to thank Mr. Hill (the Mr. H Machine) and Mrs. Howard. We have
awesome conversations and they are two of the best teachers I have ever
had. Thank you all so much. Farewell North, I will miss you.
-Steven Tyler English
(P.S Mrs. Pfeiff, thank you for putting up with our 6th hour class all
year. That was my favorite class of all time so far. Not for the subject of
have ever taken, thank you! When I have a grammatical crisis I hear your
voice in my head reviewing Quick Time and explaining why to use a
semicolon or how to fix misplaced modifiers. Without these two amazing
teachers I would not be the writer and editor I am today.
A bittersweet goodbye to North is eminent, for me Sophomore year was
the hardest year yet, but the work and late night studying was worth it.
North will be in the past, but never forgotten.
-Chantel Leiker
Page 6
Tiger pause
May 2009
From our sophomore staff to
north: A final word & Farewell
North Intermediate High School,
After two years as a student I am ready to move
on. The years spent here have been of mixed
quality, having both bad and good days. Several
classes I struggled in, but pulled through at the
end. I’d like to thank Mr. Eversole, for giving me a
new view of the world; Mrs. Pray, for teaching me
about Oklahoma’s extensive history and how our
government works; Mr. Emerson, for not giving
up on me and helping me understand Algebra I;
Mrs. Howard, for being the best Physical Science
teacher I’ve had; Mr. Nations, for his help in honing
my writing ability; Mr. Fuller, for helping me
with assignments I missed; Coach Schultheis, for
creating a fun class and doing several mock trials;
Mrs. Swisher, for pushing me to achieve higher
goals and for doing the drawing; Mrs. Reynolds,
for pushing me to succeed in Geometry; Mr.
Hardin, for putting up with my incessant talking
and coughing; and Mrs. Leeburg, for being the most
fun, quirky history teacher ever. These years may
not have been the best, but they certainly will be
memorable. I’ll remember the friends I made, the
occasional fights in the hallways, and most surely,
the time spent goofing off in Newspaper class. I
will miss this school, but you can’t get anywhere
in the world without sacrifice. To all freshman and
future freshmen: enjoy your time at North, because
before you know it, your time here will be over.
From a leaving sophomore,
Ryan McLoughlin
Dear North Intermediate High School students,
I wanted to take a moment to say good bye. These
2 years have been great. I remember my first day
here at North. It was scary, and I don’t think I have
ever seen so many kids in one school. I will never
forget my Oklahoma history teacher Mrs. Pray.
She is one teacher you can talk to and not feel
uncomfortable. Mrs. Gaylor, she is a teacher who
does not judge. She can help you out of almost any
situation. Then there’s Mr. Nations. I have been with him
for two years now, and I have got to say he is one of my
favorite teacher’s I have gotten the privilege to know. He
has helped me and encouraged me to do things I thought I
would never be able to do. Coming back to North for my
sophomore year was so much better than my freshman
year was. I knew who most of the people were and knew
my way around the school. Mrs. Bowdle and Mrs. Duvall
are crazy teachers that you will love. Coach Ashley is a
teacher you could have a good conversation with about
baseball and prison break, but don’t make fun of his
height; remember he controls your grades. I have learned
so much from the kids that go here, and I hop that the next
2 years are going to be as good as these were.
Kariann Hudson
Dear North,
I think this year was very fun, I loved all of my teachers
and the subjects I took. One of the best things about North
is that I have all of my friends here with me. I am happy to
be going to the Senior High but I will miss coming here.
One of the worse things at North would be the hallways; I
hate how they are always so crowded. I will miss all of my
freshmen friends! I hope they have a good time next year
being sophomores. And will not be too hard on the new
freshmen who begin coming to North. I’d like to thank Ms.
Leeburg for being an amazing teacher and making history
fun. I also want thank Mr. Nations for helping me to learn
about journalism and how to write and for sparking my
interest in photography.
Sara Higinbotham
May 2009
Tiger pause
From our sophomore staff to
north: A final word & Farewell
To my school,
Moving to Broken Arrow my freshman year was a blessing. Coming from my old school to here was like waking
up from a bad dream. I’ve had nothing short of a great experience here at North. I’ve been very happy with the
majority of my classes and I’d like to first show my complete gratitude to Madame Grayless. She has inspired me
everyday with her enthusiasm and love of teaching. Learning the French language from her has come very easily.
I believe she’s one of the best teachers I’ve ever had and I will be sad to leave her.
I have to thank Mrs. Jackson and Mr. Nations for helping to fuel my passion for journalism. They have supported
and guided me immensely through these two short years. I’ve also made some amazing friends here and I’m
looking forward to being reunited with some of the students at the senior high.
Being editor-N-chief of the Tiger Pause Newspaper has been wonderful. This year, I have gained even more desire
to be a journalist after high school. I know this wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t attend North Intermediate.
Well, only two more years to go. Wish me luck!
Farewell from a determined journalism student,
Dear NIHS,
Sarah Dickenson: Editor-N-Chief
My sophomore year has been one of my
best years yet; being a journalist just makes
it even better. The best part of the year that
I always look forward to is the journalism
trip to OU. Riding in a bus full of your
best friends is one of the most interesting
situations ever.
North is filled with crazy teachers and fun Dear North,
To all that read this,
people. My favorite teacher is Ms. Leeburg;
When I moved to
Farewell. I wanted to let you
she keeps the lagging days interesting and Broken Arrow I felt scared and
know that this is my last month
actually makes history fun, our class was alone, but NIHS completely
here at North. I will be going to
so much more than just history, it was changed it around for me. It
the high school next year. I have
life. The most inspirational teacher is Mr. opened its arms wide open
enjoyed my time here and will miss
Nations; our class was filled with fun and and I felt so welcome. NIHS
my friends and the great teachers.
games but also filled with seriousness has been good to me over the
Thank you for all the support and
of being a journalist. Mrs. Jackson, I
years, and I have been good to
help you have provided me over
really missed being in your class for my
it. I’m sad to be leaving NIHS,
the past two years. I would like to
sophomore year, I really loved how people
but at least I’ll always have
say that Mrs. Howard’s Biology
could be themselves around you and how
the memories. I’ve learned
class was the best last year and
you were patient even when it was hard.
this year Mr. Shultz’s Chemistry
I’ve met plenty of new friends and hope
class. I had a good time and made
to see them next year, but high school isn’t regret a thing. I only hope the
a lot of friends.
all about friends, it’s planning for your Senior High can reach my
Korey Deubler
future. I’m going to miss NIHS, but my
-Justin Cacy
memories from friends and teachers will
never fade.
Cassie Higinbotham
Page 8
Tiger pause
May 2009
From our sophomore staff to
north: A final word & Farewell
Highschool………..is scary. You don’t know what you’re doing and you don’t know what to expect. It’s like being a baby
who’s learning to walk….you have to crawl before you can run. Along the way you will stumble and fall many times, but there
will be someone there to help you get up and try again; everyone that I have met at North, thanks for putting me back on my
feet. I couldn’t have survived these two years without loyal friends and supportive teachers. Mrs. Rackley and Mrs. Weeks thank
you so much for your advice and guidance. Mrs. Shipley thanks for helping me understand geometry. Mrs. Howard and Mr.
Fuller thanks for sparking my interest in science and biology. If teaching doesn’t work out Mr. Fuller you should do comedy:). Mrs. Jackson you’re one of the most caring teachers I’ve ever met, it was fun dancing with you last year during FAME.
Ms. Leeburg your class was more than just about history, it’s about everything! It was fun, but at the same time a learning
experience. Many thanks to Mrs. Swisher. To some people your class may have been hard, and if it was easy to them then that’s
an insult. You pushed me and challenged me past my limitations. Now I love English more and am comfortable doing any part
of the subject. And to Mr.Nations……it’s complicated:- ) Despite the debating, conflicting, and murdering of all my papers(that
never stood to see the light of day), having you as a teacher has been interesting and inspiring. With your help and constructive
criticism I feel that I can become a better journalist. Every teenager despite who they are, where they came from, and what
they look like, are all trying to find their epicenter of self-identity. I found my identity in one of the best classes; journalism.
Anything that you could possibly do in a class we did. We talked about real life, and everybody was completely themselves.
Elements of many different personalities came together to produce an awesome paper! I will really miss them. Good luck next
year on magazine and I wish you much success in the future!
Da’Rae Friday
Front row from left-right: Cassie Higinbotham, Da’Rae Friday, Sara Higinbotham, Kariann Hudson,
Ethan Isbell, Sarah Dickenson, Chantel Leiker. Back row from left-right: Conor Wolff, Katie Vibbert,
Zack Bailey, Korey Deubler, Justin Cacy, Tyler English, Ryan McLoughlin
Tiger pause
May 2009
Page 9
Dane Cook Avenged Sevenfold concert proves
comes to the the place to be
BOK Center
By Katie Vibert
By Zack Bailey
Dane Cook is coming to BOK
center, June 18 at 8:00pm, tickets
are currently on sale now. Prices
are $102, $77, $57, $32. Fresh off
the heels of the announcement of his
Comedy Central special and comedy
album, ISolated INcident. The
upcoming Comedy Central special
which was aired on May 17, 2009
with the CD/DVD release following
on May 19. Cook performs to a
crowd of only 30 people, at the
Laugh Factory. He performs the new
material live for the Isolated Incident
- Global Thermo Comedy Tour,
which began on April 25.
Cook announced plans to take
his material on the road with the
ISolated INcident - Global Thermo
Comedy Tour which is touted as the
largest comedy tour in history. Cook
will travel within the US, Canada,
Africa, Brazil, Australia, the UK and
“Taking this new tour around the
world is a desire I’ve wanted to
fulfill for sometime now, based on
the tremendous response I received
during the select few dates I have
done internationally. To travel the
globe and see beautiful places, while
entertaining fans from every corner
of the earth is massive. I promise
tons of special surprises while
looking forward performing around
100 shows over the next year, and in
the process I expect to rack up some
serious frequent flyer miles,” said
Avenged Sevenfold played the Brady Theater Monday April 6th with Papa
Roach, Rev
Theory, and
To Vegas.
Even though
Violence To
Vegas’ set was
less than 30
minutes, they
were awesome
and most
of the crowd
cheered for
Rev Theory
went on stage
after Violence
To Vegas and
rocked it out.
Rev Theory
got the crowd
on its feet and
chanting for
15 minutes prior
to their set of “
Hell Yeah.”
Rev Theory, I
would have to
say was the best
Papa Roach
opened up with
“Days of War”
which turned
into “Change
or Die.”
Everyone went
wild. No one
could move
without losing
their spot. They played for an hour before exiting.
I was pulled out of the pit in a unique way, crowd surfing.
After Papa Roach then Avenged Sevenfold came on. A little secret that only the
bands and I know is that Avenged Sevenfold was playing to a tape. They opened
up with “Critical Acclaim.” During the show M. Shadows thanked everyone
for spending their hard earned money to come out and see one of the best rock
shows. The last song of the night was “A Little Piece of Heaven” to hit the
I rate the show a 15 out of ten stars.
Nintendo expands DS to
new limits
By Zack Baily
The Nintendo DSi is the third generation of the Nintendo DS handheld
developed and manufactured by Nintendo. The handheld was unveiled
on October 2, 2008 in Tokyo, Japan during the Nintendo Conference. It
was released in Japan on November 1, 2008, Australia on April 2, 2009,
Europe on April 3, 2009 and North America on April 5, 2009.
This generation retains many attributes such as having a clamshell
design with two LCD screens inside—with the bottom being a
touchscreen—and adds new features. The lower-case “i” character in DSi
is symbolic of its two cameras representing an “eye” and also the subject
“I” and its personal individuality. The console’s official slogan in North
America is “What will you and i do?”
Page 10
Tiger pause
May 2009
Riddles: the last of the year
By Kariann Husdon
1. I never was, am always to be, none ever saw me, nor ever will.Yet I am the confidence of all who live
and breathe on this terrestrial ball.
2. There is one that has a head without an eye, and there’s one that has an eye without a head. You may find
the answer if you try; And when all is said, half the answer hangs upon a thread.
3. I am the black child of a white father; a wingless bird, flying even to the clouds of heaven. I give birth to
tears of mourning in pupils that meet me, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air.
4. A vital body part am I, without my first I fall from the sky, remove two more and without a doubt you
will never find me out.
5. By every miss I’m valued much, beloved and highly prized. Still my cruel fate is such,
by boys I am often despised
6. Four more than a spider’s legs one less than a baker’s eggs
7. It has a face, two hands, it moves before your eyes. When it goes its body stands, and when it stands it
8. I have no head, and a tail, I lack but oft have arms and legs in back. I like to sit when I’m able to be in a
house around a table.
9. Loved in every age and clime at every celebration since the start of time loud, soft, slow, or sad it makes
hearts proud or glad.
10. One of us in glass is set, and the next is found in jet. Another you will see in tin, and the fourth a box
within. If the fifth you should pursue, it will never fly with you.
11. Passed from father to son, shared between brothers, yours is very important, but is used more by others.
12. Shared between two, most often to woo, sometimes hot and sometimes cold, the beginning of us all
young and old.
13. Sometimes sour sometimes sweet, red or yellow, sometimes green. Often found in a proud parent’s eye.
14. The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female. All four letters signify a brave
15. Too much for one, two is okay shared, by more it goes away.
16. A break that kids take in the middle of the day time in the schoolyard when everyone plays.
17. Given away in front of guests, a change in name and a brand new dress.
18. I run through hills and veer around mountains, I leap over rivers and crawl through forests without ever
19. Thousands of ribs and two backbones have I, run through the land, but on the ground I lay .
20. When you do not know what it is then it is something, but when you know what it is
then it is nothing.
1. Tomorrow
2. Pin and needle
3. Smoke
4. Brain
5. Doll
6. Dozen
7. Clock
8. Chair
9. Music
10. Vowels
11. Name
12. Kiss
13. Apple
14. Hero
15. Secret
16. Recess
17. Bride
18. Road
19. Railroad
20. Riddle
May 2009
Tiger pause
A beach just for you
Page 11
By: Katie Vibbert
Looking for something to do over summer break? Get in the car or book a flight and check out these
10. Cumberland Island, Georgia: It is well known for its sea turtles, wild turkeys, wild horses,
armadillos, abundant shore birds, dune fields, maritime forests, salt marshes, and historic
structures. Experience: sun and sand, beautiful vistas and relaxing atmosphere.
9. Caladesi Island State Park, Florida: Caladesi Island has something for everyone. Picnic pavilions,
bathhouses, and a park concession all make the visit more comfortable.
8. Ocracoke Island, North Carolina: It is one of the barrier islands of the Outer Banks of North
Carolina where the pirate Blackbeard is known to have once roamed. Its 16 miles of sun-swept
wilderness beaches offer something for everyone.
7. St Joseph Peninsula State Park, FL: This beach has miles of white sand beaches, striking dune
formations, a heavily-forested interior and a favorable climate for year-round outdoor recreation
characterize this peninsular state park.
6. Fort Desoto Park, Florida: Fort De Soto Park, a Pinellas county park which offers fine beaches,
fishing, nature trails, camping, boating, and much more.
5. Bahia Honda State Park, Florida: This park has several white sandy beaches for you to enjoy.
There are several small pavilions in this area and a bathhouse with outdoor, fresh water showers.
4. Carolina Beach, Wilmington, North Carolina: Located along the Atlantic Coast the beach here is
packed full of water activities from deep-sea fishing to body surfing. Plus, the locals keep the sand
clean making it ideal for families.
3. Malibu’s Legendary Beaches: Zuma and Surfrider beaches inspired the 1960s surf music that
embodies the Southern California coast experience are located not far from Malibu Pier and L.A.’s
best waves. Loaded with amenities, including snack bars, restrooms, and jungle gyms.
2. Coronado Beach, San Diego, CA: Along with its flat sandy beaches perfect for kite flying,
volleyball, tide pool exploration, and just lounging in the sun.
1. Huntington Beach, Huntington Beach, CA: The waves are a unique natural effect caused by edgediffraction of ocean swells by the island of Catalina, and waves from distant hurricanes.
If the opportunity comes up and you have the chance, go have fun and relax at one of these fantastic
10 beaches. Soak up some sun, go surfing, just have a fun day at the beach.
Social site’s popularity grows
By: Sara Higinbotham
Twitter is one of the latest technologies we have on the internet. Some people don’t know what Twitter is. The
basic idea of having a twitter is to tell people what you’re doing at that exact minute. You can send messages up
to 140 characters in length; senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow
anybody to access them. A lot of people that are busy use twitter because people always want to know where
they are or what they are up to, but some people just think it’s a big hassle. A lot of band members or people
that travel have twitters to help them advertise what they are doing. Users can send and receive tweets (The
messages) by the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications. The service is free
to use over the Internet, but using SMS might require phone service provider fees. The spontaneous O’Rielly,
has recently said, “Twitter really has been in the headlines for quite sometime now. Twitter itself has gained
celebrity like craze!”, and he is correct.
According to the site http://www.officialwire.com there are over 10,000 people per day signing on to twitter,
making it one of the fastest growing sites on the internet.
Page 12
Tiger pause
May 2009
All that remains Saving Abel Shinedown
Top 25 Active Rock National Airplay:
1. Papa Roach-Lifeline- 5 weeks at #1
2. Disturbed- The Night
3. Slipknot- Dead Memories
4. Drowning Pool- 37 Stitches
5. Green Day- Know Your Enemy
6. Seether- Careless Whisper
7. All That Remains- Two Weeks
8. Theory Of A Dead Man- Hate My Life
9. Shinedown- Sound Of Madness
10. Red- Death Of Me
11. Metallica- Cyanide
12. Pop Evil- 100 In A 55
13. Saving Abel- Drowning (Face Down)
14. Mudvayne- Do What You Do
15. Shinedown- Second Chance
16. Mudvayne- Scarlet Letters
17. Pearl Jam- Brother
18. Burn Halo- Dirty Little Girl
19. Nickelback- Something In Your month
20. Hurt- Wars
21. Veer Union-Seasons
22. Hinder-Up All Night
23. Cavo-Champagne
24. Trapt- Contagious
25. Halestorm- Get Off
This chart can be found at www.
radioandrecords.com. See if your favorite bands
made the chart
Top 25 active rock national
May 2009
Tiger pause
Page 13
Gossip fl ies at the speed of sound
By Chantel Leiker
Gossip: a six letter word has the potential to wreck lives, change careers, and end friendships. Everybody gossips,
the only difference between the friendship-wrecking kind and harmless chatter, is the amount of truth that it
contains, and the sensitivity of the material. According to the American Psychological Association, “More than
rumor, gossip tends to have an ‘inner-circleness’ about it, in that it is customarily passed between people who have
a common history or shared interests.” Popular usage defines gossip as ‘small talk’ or ‘idle talk,’ but gossip is hardly
inconsequential or without purpose” Gossip has turned into a major problem in society causing verbal and physical
fights and loss of employment. Society has always had gossip, but with the advancements in technology, word travels
fast and remains forever.
There is nothing to ensure the truth of electronic conversations on these sites, Facebook and Myspace, but people
are still responsible for what they say. These posts are subject to slander and libel laws; which means if the poster
publishes lies or slanders someone else, he or she can be sued.
Employers are now searching for potential employee’s blogs and personal networking sites. What employees say is
being taken seriously. If bloggers are starting and spreading rumors this may jeopardize their chances for a job.
Besides the loss of a potential job, or lawsuits, gossip wrecks friendships and makes enemies. Generally, talking
about people behind their back in a derogatory manner ends badly. The person will eventually hear about it, maybe
through friends or over hearing conversations in class. People can almost always track down the root of a rumor.
Even if the rumor is true, it can be very damaging, and a grain of truth eventually turns into a big elaborate lie and
grows with every mouth it passes through.
Thinking twice before gossiping would be a wise decision. There is a formula for rumors according to The
American Psychological Association: “Allport and Postman called their most far-reaching assertion “the basic law of
rumor.” It declared that rumor strength (R) will vary with the importance of the subject to the individual concerned
(i) times the ambiguity [uncertainty] of the evidence pertaining to the topic at hand (a), or R ≈ i × a.”
We do not need a formula to understand rumors fly, but one person can stop the spread of this epidemic with the
plain and simple truth.
Feeling Alone
By Kariann Hudson
Feeling alone, feeling you here,
Some things not right this can’t be real.
Lost in this place of the unknown
no reason to stay no reason to go.
This thing they called love can’t be real.
You told me not to cry you would be back have no fear.
Lost in limbo my life is now.
Why can’t I just turn back time?
No more loss no more strife.
You told me not to cry when you left;
but can one tear really be that bad?
This house feels so empty and desolate.
This empty bed left cold and abandoned;
The kitchen once filled with sweet aroma now left dark
and dreary.
These walls surrounded by lifeless frames;
with faded old faces left to torment me with this life I
used to have.
You said you would come back for me.
You said you would be there when all hope was lost.
How can I still be here thinking you’ll come back?
It’s been ten years since the war and still no word.
I’m left to sit forever in a house once filled with life
now left dark and desecrated;
To set forever, empty on this vacant lot.
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Kurt Cobain: a death, a tragedy
May 2009
By Tyler English
Everyone who knows Kurt Cobain as the depressed, lovesick, and
talented singer of the late Aberdeen based grunge band, Nirvana, knows
about the controversy that is still lingering around his early demise.
Cobain was born on February 20th, 1967, and had a rough early life.
At the age of eight, Cobain’s parents divorced, which drew a dramatic
change in his life. Some believe this was the start of his depression.
Cobains’s death has two possibilities. He either committed suicide,
which was on the official police report, or he was set up for murder.
The probable date of his death was April 5t, 1994. A cable worker found
him dead in the greenhouse of his Seattle home. When the investigators
came they found Cobain with a shotgun, a note, and heroin near and around
his body. Cobain tried to kill himself in Rome previously by overdosing on
pills. His wife, Courtney Love, claimed that he had always been suicidal.
Some believe that Nirvana’s final album “MTV Unplugged in New York”,
recorded in late 1993 was Cobain’s “funeral”. A reason for this claim is that
water lilies and candles were all over the stage. The band also played depressing songs, some of which being “Polly” and their
famous take of the Vaseline’s song “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam” which Nirvana turned into “Jesus Doesn’t Want Me for
a Sunbeam”. With lyrics such as “Sunbeams are not made like me” and “Don’t ever ask your love of me” people believe Kurt
was depressed beyond belief, and took his own life. “I hate myself and want to die” is one of his quotes, which was intended
as a joke to his depression,
why many people believe
he committed suicide.
Conspiracy theorists,
however, believe that Love
became jealous of Kurt
and his success, and thus
devised a plan for his
murder. Love’s band “Hole”
was not near as successful
as Nirvana, which in turn
would lead one to reason
that Love was being envious.
Tom Grant, the private
investigator for the case,
believed that evidence
pointed towards murder.
There are several key
components to his theory.
The toxicology report
from the case determined
that “the level of heroin
in Cobain’s bloodstream
was 1.52 milligrams per
liter.” Four times the lethal
dose, Grant believes
that Cobain could not have
operated the gun in order
to kill himself, and that the
heroin was only used to
incapacitate Kurt, not kill
him. Second, the shotgun
that Cobain was killed
with. The Seattle Police Department’s follow-up report shows that the shotgun was inverted on Cobains’s chest
with his left hand on the barrel. This would place the ejection port of the firearm to the right side of Cobain’s body.
However, the same report states that the fired shell was found on the left side of his body on top of a corduroy jacket.
Meaing that the shell could not have been ejected to his left, which led to suspicision that the crime was “cleaned up”.
Another key point in the investigation was the fact that the shotgun contained no legible fingerprints. To add
further evidince to the possibility that the crime scene was cleaned, Cobains’s finger prints were not present on
his suicide note, or the pen that was poked through it many times. A final piece of evidence in his suicide note
shows that it may not have even been written by him. “For Frances, for her life, which will be so much happier
without me.” Was the second to last line in the note. That line makes minimal scence due to the fact that Frances
(his daughter) was the love of his life, and she meant everything to Kurt, which could lead to his note being fake.
So, what is the truth behind his death? Evidence points towards murder, but offical reports point to suicide. Was the crime cleaned
up? Or is the whole thing just an odd conicidence? Many belive Cobain was murdered and brought to an untimely end. There
are many sites that support Cobains’s justice to this day. However, the case will probably remain an “Unsolved Mystery” until
May 2009
Tiger pause
Summer injuries
to avoid
By: Conor Wolff
A note from the Tiger Pause staffDon’t try these at home!
Every summer there is always a way to inadvertently bring harm
to oneself. Most ways involve building some sort of machine or
performing a stunt. Some of the most outrageous ways of bringing
harm to oneself or those surrounding one are:
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1) Attempting to launch someone or something from a
2) Rocketing off of a ramp solely made of cardboard or
3) Using an abandoned oilfield as a playground or
jungle gym.
4) Trying to make home made bombs out of M80
fire crackers and tape, then reenacting the battle of
midway in the family pool.
5) Running through a forest with meat strapped to
one’s person.
6) Trying to sniff a scratch-and-sniff sticker on the
bottom of a pool.
7) Replacing shampoo in a shampoo bottle with hairb-gone.
8) Using a bear trap as a mousetrap in a retirement
9) Looking for buried treasure in atomic testing
10) Attempting anything performed by MTV’s Johnny
Knoxville or Steve-O
Paranormal teams
investigate haunting
Photo by Sara Higinbotham
By: Conor Wolff
Many people experience an
unexplainable phenomenon known
as “haunting”. This “haunting” is
described as a manifestation of “ghost
activity”. This is due to the belief that
the dead are still among us in some
ethereal form. Many locations in Tulsa
experience this “haunting,” Claimed
haunted areas in Tulsa include: Tulsa
University, Cain’s Ballroom, Tulsa Little
Theatre, Gilcrease Museum, Brady
Theatre, Abbott Mansion, Tulsa Hex
House, Tulsa Garden Center, and North
Intermediate High school’s Auditorium.
Tulsa even has its own local
paranormal research team, Paranormal
Investigation Team Tulsa
or PITT. PITT defines
haunting as “the repeated
manifestation of strange
and unexplainable sensory
phenomena, like sounds,
smells and sensations
caused by a ghost that is
attracted or attached to
that particular location.”
INsight Paranormal, is a
member of TAPS (The
society). INsight classifies
haunting into four categories, “These are intelligent
(responsive), Poltergeist ( likely initiated by pent-up
stress on a subconscious level), residual (replay), and
demonic (non-human origin)” TAPS has been featured
on SciFi’s Ghost Hunters. TAPS also produces a
paranormal magazine available for subscription
online. Prices start at six issues for twenty-nine dollars
Many cases of haunting are sometimes cataloged on
the internet, giving those who are interested a chance
to examine evidence collected by the research teams.
Below are the websites for INsight, PITT, and TAPS.
TAPS: http://www.the-atlantic-paranormalsociety.com/
PITT: http://www.pittok.com/
INsight: http://www.insightparanormal.org/
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May 2009
If you could go anywhere for the summer, where would you go?
Las Vegas
Ariel Vehrs:
so I can go
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Funny facts and quotes By Korey Dubler
These are funny and hilarious quotes from some of the most famous peple. Enjoy.
“I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don’t always agree with them.”
-George W. Bush
“Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly.”
-Batman costume warning label
“I get to go to lots of overseas places, like Canada.”
- Britney Spears, Pop Singer
“Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident... you know you have to do something about it because you know you’re
the only one that can really help.” - Tom Cruise
“I want to make sure everybody who has a job wants a job.” – George W. Bush
“I’m not going to have some reporters pawing through our papers. We are the president.” - Hilary Clinton
“Solutions are not the answer.” - Richard Nixon
“This is a great day for France!” --Said while attending Charles De Gaulle’s Funeral.
- Richard Nixon
“...I don’t know if I could kill someone with a frozen turkey because that is a lot of evidence to eat. Unless I found a whole room of
people who also wanted that person dead...” - Dane Cook
“And the ball is out of here. No, it’s not. Yes it is. No, it’s not. What happened?”
- Phil Rizzuto, NY Yankees announcer
These are some random facts that I found that I found funny. Enjoy!
-President Kennedy was the fastest random speaker in the world with upwards of 350 words per minute.
-In the average lifetime, a person will walk the equivalent of 5 times around the equator.
-Odontophobia is the fear of teeth.
-The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had.
-According to suicide statistics, Monday is the day most occur.
-Cats sleep 16 to 18 hours per day.
-It is believed that Shakespeare was 46 around the time that the King James Version of the Bible was written. In Psalms 46, the 46th
word from the first word is shake and the 46th word from the last word is spear.
-Karaoke means “empty orchestra” in Japanese.
-The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips
in times of war or other emergencies.
-It would take 11 Empire State Buildings, stacked one on top of the other, to measure the Gulf of Mexico at its deepest point.
-The Neanderthal’s brain was bigger than modern man.
-Each of the suits on a deck of cards represents the four major pillars of the economy in the middle ages: heart represented the Church,
spades represented the military, clubs represented agriculture, and diamonds represented the merchant class.
-The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly.
-1 in 5,000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue.
-A skunk’s smell can be detected by a human a mile away.
-The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache.
-The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.
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Tiger pause
May 2009
Vampire novel with a unique twist
By Sara Higinbotham
Blue Bloods is a story of an ancient family living in New York who descended from the families that came to America from
England on the pilgrim ship, the Mayflower. Skyler Van Allen is one of these descendents, but doesn’t know all of her family
history, and is taken care of by her grandmother. Skyler doesn’t fit in well at Duchesne private school; she wears old clothes
instead of Prada and doesn’t have as much money as all of her classmates.
But when she turns fifteen she receives a special invitation to learn about her family history and is invited to a private club of rich
teens. That is where she finds out that the richest teens and their families, including Skyler and her grandmother, are Blue Bloods,
angels that fell from heaven with Lucifer that are forced to take a human and suck their blood. To get back to heaven they must
do good deeds and help the humans with their many problems.
When mysterious deaths occur in the Blue Blood clan, Skyler tries to find the killer or more people might die.
Overall the book is very interesting, but some people don’t like how it shows that the teens can do whatever they want and never
get into any kind of trouble or experience the backlash. But the people that do like the book love that fact, and the fact that the
book is written in third person. Melissa de la Cruz is a very unique writer that doesn’t follow the traditional vampire storyline. If
you love stories with drama you’ll like this book, but if you like stories about vampires you’ll like this book even more.
High School drop out rates too high
By Cassie Higinbotham
High school dropout rates seem to be rising faster every year. Why do high school students dropout? Is dropping
out of school really worth it? Can a GED help you or hurt you?
There is no single reason why students choose to dropout of high school. Surveys show students dropout
because it’s boring, an uncomfortable environment, lack of connection, depression, poor peer support, or personal
problems. Students don’t realize how important an education is in today’s society.
• More than one million student’s dropout every year.
• Dropouts are more then eight times as likely to be in jail or prison as high school graduates.
• Past studies have shown that 75% of inmates in state prisons, 59% of federal prisoners and 69% of local
jail inmates are high school dropouts.
• Dropouts are more likely to be unemployed, in poor health, living in poverty, and single parents.
• Dropout rates are likely to increase substantially through 2020 unless improvements are made.
• Every 29 seconds another student gives up on school
• 2,500 students drop out of high school every day
• More than 120 students dropped out of Tulsa County middle schools during the 2006-2007 school year
Source: http://right-mind.us
Students think that if they have their GED they will have the same acceptance as a high school graduate. GED’s
are not accepted in a few colleges and universities but does serve as an effective high school diploma in looking
for a job. If you are planning on going to college a GED is not enough because it is a simple certificate that shows
the basic level of reading, writing, math, and science.
• The Broken Arrow school drop out rate for grade 9-12 was 4% in 2005.
• The National high school drop out rate is more than 40%.
• Oklahoma’s average drop out rate is 14.1%
Source: http://www.enidnews.com
High school is important in pursuing your future, so maybe students should think twice before giving up on
school. “The single most important issue facing our country is an education,” stated Houston Mayor Bill White.
May 2009
Tiger pause
Comic books crack up!
By Justin Cacey
Comic Books
have been a symbol
of childhood for
youth in America, as much as apple
pie. Countless kids have been seen,
running to the comic book store to get
that new issue of their favorite comic
book as far back as 1934 when the
comic book was first invented. Action
Comics was the first comic book series
which also introduced Superman, the
first major superhero character as the
term is popularly defined. Comic Books
have been a part of childhood American
history for decades, but the writers
didn’t always make things and sensible
as they could have been. Over the years
it been pointed out that the illustrators
and artists have made some mistakes.
One example of these is from the
comic book, “The Adventures of
Batman and Robin”. It shows Robin
looking out of the Batmobile saying,
“Batman, pinch me. I--I think I see
a dinosaur-- DINOSAUR!” Batman
quickly replies, “Don’t get gay! You
know as well as I do that dinosaurs
went extinct millions of years ago! This
would be very normal back in the old
days when it first came out, but in the
21 Century, it just seems a little off.
There is a very confusing comic book
cover, based on a Nike commercial
in the late 90s. It is a one issue comic
called, “Barkley vs. Godzilla. The
cover of it shows Charles Barkley,
former professional basket ball player
Page 19
and Godzilla, a Japanese fictional
gigantic lizard, fighting. No one
really knows where or why it was
thought it would make a good comic
book, but it didn’t. At least it gave the
people over time, a couple of laughs.
Another funny comic book cover
is from an old comic, Strange
Adventures. It was a science fiction
anthology which told a different story
every issue. You could always expect
something weird from this comic book,
but one cover was a little too strange.
It showed a couple of snowmen who
were alive! They were walking and
apparently invading the Earth. What
doesn’t make sence is that they were
shooting heat ray beams from their
eyes, and they’re snowmen, shouldn’t
the heat vision melt the snowmen?
We all think that publishers never
make mistakes but obvilously they
do. Superdickery.com, is an internet
website that shows all the mistakes
comic book writers have made over
the years and all the funny pictures,
headings, and covers. You can
browse this site to view everything
that has been deemed “wrong”.
Sonic Comics, nearly 200 issues, 2 decades
By Savan a Remminton
Sonic the Hedgehog is known among those who play video games as SEGA’s most popular character, what
few may know though, is that he is also a very popular character in comic books. The Sonic the hedgehog
comic series has been in publishing for nearly 20 years, before many Broken Arrow students were born. They
first started with the Sonic the Hedgehog mini series, which was published by Archie Comics in 1991, around
the time of the release of the first Sonic the Hedgehog video game for SEGA Game Gear. The comic series has
continued ever since. The comic series includes a few characters that never appeared in the games, but they do
appear in the Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series from the early ‘90s.
The 200th issue of Sonic the Hedgehog goes on sale in comic specialty shops on May 13th, 2009. Archie
Comics has also produced four spin-offs of the popular series, the Sonic Archives, Sonic X, Sonic Select, and
the newly released Sonic Universe comics, which are all tied into one other. The Sonic comics also feature
prologues of some of the games, which, in some cases, help the game make a little more sense. The Sonic
Comics have been in production for about as long as the games have, and they’re still going strong. Who
knows what will happen to Sonic and his friends in the years to come?
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May 2009
Seventh generation starts stir-up
By Justin Cacy
Many game systems have been developed and mass produced and then forgotten since the early years of pong
and pacman. Video games have somewhat become part of life in America. In 2009 it has resulted in 3 mainstream
systems, the Wii, XBOX 360, & Playstation 3. There are good and bad things about these systems. But which is the
The Wii is the latest Nintendo game system to come out. It
is the first Nintendo system to have a 12 cm Optical Disc. It
has free internet access when you have a internet connection.
It also has an SD card menu which allows you to download
games from the Wii Shop channel directly to the SD card and
then launch the game from the SD card. It allows you to create
your own avatar or “Mii” which you can use for certain games
as your character, some are Wii Sports, Mario Kart Wii, and
Dr. Mario RX Online. It can connect to the Nintendo DS; it
allows the player to use the Nintendo DS microphone and
touchscreen as inputs for Wii games. The Wii Remote is the
primary controller for the console. It uses a combination of
built-in accelerometers and infrared detection to sense its position in 3D space when pointed at the LEDs within the
Sensor Bar.
The XBOX 360 is the second video game console by Microsoft. The most prominent feature of the Xbox 360 is its
integrated Xbox Live service that allows players to compete online and download content such as arcade games, game
demos, trailers, TV shows, and movies. Major features of the console include its Windows Media Center multimedia
capabilities, mandatory support of high definition in all games, movie rentals and game downloads from its online
marketplace and the ability to watch HD DVD movies with an add-on drive. The Xbox 360 has three configurations:
the “Arcade,” the “Pro,” and the “Elite” console, each with its own selection of accessories. The Xbox 360 supports
videos in .wmv-format, as well as high-definition .wmv-videos, H.264, MPEG-4, and PlaysForSure WMV videos.
The December 2007 dashboard update added support for the playback of MPEG-4 ASP format videos. The console
can also display pictures and perform slideshows of photo collections with various transition effects, and supports
audio playback, with music player controls accessible through the Xbox 360 Guide button. Users may play back their
own music while playing games or using the dashboard, and can play music with an interactive visual synthesizer.
The PlayStation 3 is the third home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment, and the
successor to the PlayStation 2 as part of the PlayStation series. A major feature that distinguishes the PlayStation
3 from its predecessors is its unified online gaming service, the PlayStation Network, which contrasts with Sony’s
former policy of relying on game developers for online play. Other major features of the console include its robust
multimedia capabilities, connectivity with the PlayStation Portable, and its use of a high-definition optical disc
format, Blu-ray Disc, as its primary storage medium. The PS3 was also the first Blu-ray 2.0-compliant Blu-ray
player on the market. Sony has included the ability for the operating system, referred to as System Software, to
be updated. The updates can be downloaded from the PlayStation Network directly to the PS3 and subsequently
installed or downloaded from the official PlayStation website to a computer, transferred to portable storage media,
and subsequently installed on the system. Updates can also be installed from game discs that require the update to
run the game.
Each game system has things that make it unique and better, in a way. The Wii is more futuristic with its wireless
Wii remote. The XBOX 360 is more of a party system, meant to play with lots of friends. The Playstation 3 is for
May 2009
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Page 21
Parting Shots
Photo By Sara Higinbotham
Photo By Da’Rae Friday
Photo By Chantel Leiker
Photo By Kariann Hudson
Photo By Chantel Leiker
Photo By Katie Vibbert
Photo By Sara Higinbotham
Photo By Sara Higinbotham
Photo By Sara Higinbotham
Photo by Zack Bailey
Photo by Ethan Isbell
Photo by Justin Cacy
May 2009
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Photo By Katie Vibbert
Photo by Zack Bailey
Photo by Tyler English
Photo By Chantel Leiker
Photo By Chantel Leiker
Photo by Tyler English
Photo by Justin Cacy
Photo by Ethan Isbell
Photo By Kariann Hudson
Photo By Da’Rae Friday
Photo by Tyler English
Photo By Da’Rae Friday