OVERBROOK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost October 19, 2014 10:30 AM Notes on Today’s Service We are glad you are worshiping with us this morning! If you are a visitor, we invite you to fill out a card in the pew rack and place it in the offering plate. Childcare is available during the service. Worship is for all ages, but should your infant or preschooler become restless during worship, there is excellent childcare provided in our nursery. Worship kits for children are available at the front entrance to the Sanctuary. Large print bulletins are available. Please speak to one of the ushers if you have special needs. Enlarged copies of the hymns for each Sunday are included in the large print bulletins. Leading worship this morning: The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar, pastor; Buck Scott, worship leader; Toffer Mihalka, Tenor; The Overbrook Choir; and Dennis Elwell, Minister of Music. Acolyte: Daniel Biedermann Healing & Wholeness participants: Amarilis Stricker, Caroline Skinner, Lori Mason, Davorka Sabljak, and LoisAnn Furgess-Oler Ushers: Robert Harden, Jr., Bob DeCray, Aimerie Scherluebbe, Will Schick, Trudy Sheau, and Kevin Trindade The chancel flowers are given to the glory of God by Peggy Boatwright and family in memory of parents Minnie and Anthony Lewis. Deacons delivering flowers: Jason Sheau and Mike Rottinger. Please silence all cell phones during the worship service. Thank you. = All who are able, please stand. GATHERING PRELUDE Lord, Keep Us Steadfast in Thy Word Dietrich Buxtehude Psalm—Prelude, Op. 32, No. 2 Herbert Howells Based on Psalm 37: 11; But the meek shall inherit the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity. Remembering Herbert Howells’ birthday, October 17, 1892 CHORAL INTROIT How Lovely Is Your Dwelling Place John Worst CALL TO WORSHIP Psalm 84 How lovely is your dwelling place, O LORD of hosts! My soul longs, indeed it faints for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, Where she may lay her young, at your altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God. Happy are those who live in your house, ever singing your praise. Happy are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion. As they go through the valley of Baca they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; the God of gods will be seen in Zion. HYMN, NO. 393 ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEIN O Day of Rest and Gladness PRAYER OF THE DAY Righteous and gracious Lord, You reveal to us the way of goodness and life. Teach us humility, that we may trust in your power, and not our own, and make us ever grateful; In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. CANTICLE, NO. 399 THEMBA AMEN God Welcomes All GREETING Beloved of God: Grace, mercy, and peace be with you all. And also with you. WORD OLD TESTAMENT READING The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. Jeremiah 14:7-10, 19-22 pew Bible, p. 673 ANTHEM Heinrich Schütz The Pharisee and the Tax Collector The Overbrook Choir Jesus said unto them: Two men went to the temple to pray. The one was a Pharisee, a moral and righteous man. The other was a tax collector, despised by everyone. The Pharisee stood there and prayed with piety. But the tax collector moved off, would not lift up his eyes to heaven. They beat upon their breasts, loudly saying: I give thanks to thee, God, that I am not as other men are. Thieves and rogues! Extortioners! Adulterers! Or even as this tax collector. I always fast two days a week, and give a tenth of all I possess. Lord, be merciful to me. I say to you: This man went back home justified rather than the other. They who exalt themselves, they shall be humbled. But all who humble themselves, they shall be exalted. TIME WITH CHILDREN Deb Rottinger Following the Time with Children, children Pre-K through Grade 1 may depart to Sunday School. Older children and youth will remain in the service until the Exchange of Peace. GOSPEL READING The Gospel of the Lord. Thanks be to God. SERMON Luke 18:9-14 pew Bible, p. 76 The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar “We Are All Beggars” HYMN, NO. 703 ST. CATHERINE Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me AFFIRMATION OF FAITH United Church of Canada We are not alone; we live in God’s world. We believe in God: who has created and is creating, who has come in Jesus, the Word made flesh, to reconcile and make new, who works in us and others by the Spirit. We trust in God. We are called to be the Church: to celebrate God’s presence, to live with respect in Creation, to love and serve others, to seek justice and resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life, in death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God. HEALING AND WHOLENESS CELEBRATIONS AND CONCERNS PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE Lord, hear us: Lord, graciously hear us. LAYING ON OF HANDS AND ANOINTING WITH OIL Those desiring the laying on of hands and anointing with oil may come forward, and kneel or bow. If you have special prayer requests, please share them with one of the ministers or deacons. You are invited to join in our prayer for healing and wholeness: Spirit of the living God, present with us now, Enter you—body, mind, and spirit— And heal you of all that harms you. PRAYER God, our Creator, we are held in your everlasting arms. Jesus, our Savior, we are healed by your wounded hands. Holy Spirit, our Comforter, we are surrounded by your peace. Amen. EXCHANGE OF PEACE The peace of Christ be with you. And also with you. During the Exchange of Peace, children and youth grades 2-12 may depart to Sunday School. OFFERING OFFERTORY Felix Mendelssohn I Will Sing of Thy Great Mercies (St. Paul) Toffer Mihalka, Tenor DOXOLOGY, NO. 606 PRAYER OF DEDICATION OLD HUNDREDTH SENDING HYMN, NO. 819 FINLANDIA Be Still, My Soul BENEDICTION CHORAL BENEDICTION Twofold Amen POSTLUDE Postlude: “Alleluia!” Anonymous Clement Loret 125th Anniversary Celebration 125th Anniversary Celebration - Dinner & Program Saturday October 25, 6:00 to 10:00 PM, at the church. Tickets: $50. Tickets are available following the service until Sunday, October 19. Please make checks payable to Overbrook Presbyterian Church. Worship Service & Reception On Sunday, October 26, at 10:30 AM, we will have a celebratory anniversary worship service involving all four pastors, and with The Rev. Floyd Churn preaching. A special anthem will feature the Overbrook Choir, the Overbrook Junior Choir, the Overbrook Westminster Handbell Choir, trumpet, and piano. Afterwards, enjoy a reception hosted by the 125th Anniversary Committee. If you can assist us with set-up, decorations, ticket sales, etc. or for more information, please contact Keedra Carroll (215-3563224, [email protected]) or Edelene Carroll, (215-2225790, [email protected]). Welcome to Overbrook Presbyterian Church Sunday School schedule for children and youth: • 10:45 AM: Students in PreK-1st grade will leave following the Time with Children • 11:20 AM: Students in 2nd-12th grades will leave during the Exchange of Peace • 11:30 AM: Students in PreK-1st grade are picked up following the worship service in their classrooms • 12:00 PM: Students in 2nd-12th grades will be dismissed Note: Neither Sunday School nor Adult Forum will be in session on Heritage Sunday, October 26. The regular Christian Education schedule will resume on November 2. Please join us immediately following worship for Coffee Hour in the Wistar Morris Room. Hosts: Peggy Boatwright & family. Next Sunday, October 26: The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost. Heritage Sunday. Scripture readings: Psalm 96, Matthew 22:34-40. Preaching: The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar. Worship leader: Keedra Carroll. Acolyte: Amanda Duckworth. Coffee Hour: 125th Anniversary Committee. Flowers given by: The Baker family. Deacons delivering flowers: Vince Gilhool and Elizabeth Mendoza. Coffee Hour Hosts. The sign-up chart is in the Wistar Morris Room. We are in need of hosts for November and December. Contact Amarilis Stricker (484-343-0679) with questions. A note to parents about Coffee Hour. We welcome children and youth playing in the Fellowship Hall during Coffee Hour. Parents, please be sure that children are supervised while they are playing, and that they know to stay off of the stage. This will help to ensure everyone’s safety. Thank you. Parking on Sunday mornings. Please remember if the church parking lot becomes extremely crowded, you can park in the Overbrook Train Station lot. It is just a three-minute stroll along City Avenue, and SEPTA allows free parking on weekends, no payment or permission required. Coming up at Overbrook Presbyterian Church Sunday, October 19 Monday, October 20 Tuesday, October 21 Wednesday, October 22 Thursday, October 23 Saturday, October 25 Sunday, October 26 11:30 AM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 6:00 PM 12:00 PM 10:00 AM 5:00 PM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 6:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:00 AM 6:00 PM 9:15 AM 10:30 AM 11:30 AM Coffee Hour New Members & Inquirers Class Christian Education Comm. Nominating Comm. Mendelssohn’s Elijah AAUW Evening with a Speaker Urban/Suburban Book Group Bible Study Mission & Outreach Comm. Heavenly Harvest Meal 125th Anniv. Planning Comm. Handbell Choir Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal Farmers Market 125th Anniv. Dinner & Program Junior Choir Worship Coffee Hour & Reception New Members & Inquirers Class. Sundays, October 19, November 2, & November 9, 12:00 to 1:30 PM, in McMillan Chapel. Lunch is provided. Childcare is available. RSVP to Wallace Bubar at 215-8772744 or [email protected]. Mendelssohn’s Elijah. Today, at 3:00 PM. To begin Overbrook Church’s 125th Anniversary, The Overbrook Choir, and Gordon Turk, Organist, will present Felix Mendelssohn’s monumental oratorio, ELIJAH. Daniel Lickteig, baritone, sings the title role with the other members of The Overbrook Quartet performing additional arias. Dennis Elwell, Minister of Music, conducts. The concert is free. American Association of University Women. AAUW Philadelphia Branch presents “Evening with a Speaker,” Monday, October 20, in McMillan Chapel. Registration begins at 5:30 PM, and the presentation at 6:00 PM. Guest speaker: Rev. LoisAnn Furgess-Oler. Rev. Furgess-Oler worked for many years as an oncology nurse practitioner before becoming an ordained Presbyterian minister. She is interested in ministering to terminal patients, exploring the nature of suffering, and the spiritual and existential issues experienced at the end of life. For more information or to RSVP, contact Davorka Sabljak at 215-205-0764 or [email protected]. Tickets: $10 each. Urban/Suburban Book Club. Tuesday, October 21, 12:00 PM, at Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church. This month’s selection: The Orphan Train, by Christina Baker Kline. This is a book club of diverse membership involving members of several Presbyterian Churches, including Overbrook. For more information, contact Alyce Marsh at 215-4727886. Bible Study Group. Every Wednesday, 10:00 to 11:30 AM, in McMillan Chapel. Led by Wallace W. Bubar. Fall study: The Book of Revelation. Heavenly Harvest Meals at Calvin’s Kitchen. Every Thursday, 10:30 AM, at Calvin Presbyterian Church, 60th and Master Streets. Volunteers are needed to prepare and serve a healthy and nutritious meal for our neighbors in West Philadelphia. Contact Elizabeth Cosgriff at [email protected] for more information. Overbrook Farms Farmers Market. Every Saturday, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, in the church parking lot. Be sure to stop by to get the first and freshest produce right from the growers. The market is operated by The Food Trust. Adult Forum. Sunday mornings, 9:15 AM, in McMillan Chapel. November series: “One Film, One Overbrook.” No Adult Forum on Sunday, October 26. Book Drive. During October, the Mission & Outreach Committee will sponsor a collection of new and gently used books suitable for all ages, as well as composition notebooks and pencils -- to be donated to Mighty Writers. (www.mightywriters.org) Some of the books, especially SAT study manuals, will be used for their teaching programs. Others will be given to students and parents to take home and enjoy. Bring your donations to the Church Office, marked for Mighty Writers. Keep in mind, these are books for family reading, so please no old text books or anything that you wouldn’t want to read yourself. All Saints Sunday Photographs. This year for All Saints Sunday (November 2), worshipers are invited to bring a photograph of a loved one who has died within the past twelve months. These photographs will be arranged in the Sanctuary for the worship service. Pictures should be in a frame (preferably with a stand), and no larger than 8”x10”. Please drop your picture off in the Church Office in the designated basket by Thursday morning, October 30. Installation Service for The Rev. Susan Tindall. Our former Director of Christian Education will be formally installed as Associate Pastor of her new church on Saturday, November 8, at 4:00 PM, at College Hill Presbyterian Church, 501 Brodhead Street, Easton PA. If you are interested in attending or carpooling up to Easton, please contact Wallace Bubar at 215-877-2744 or [email protected]. Narberth Community Theatre Benefit Performance for Overbrook Presbyterian Church. Wednesday, November 12, 7:30 PM. Featuring “Aida: The Musical,” by Elton John and Tim Rice. Buy your tickets during Coffee Hour or at the door. All the proceeds from this performance go to Overbrook Presbyterian Church. CHURCH STAFF The Rev. Wallace W. Bubar Pastor The Rev. David K. McMillan Cheryl Desmond Pastor Emeritus Office Manager Dennis Elwell Earlene Ford Minister of Music Financial Secretary Margene Biedermann Leonard Robbins Junior Choir Director Custodian THE OVERBROOK QUARTET Iris Fairfax Toffer T. Mihalka Soprano Tenor Lois Babbitt Daniel Lickteig Mezzo-Soprano Baritone OVERBROOK PRESCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN Melissa D’Amelio Director OVERBROOK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 6376 City Avenue Philadelphia, PA 19151 Phone: 215-877-2744 610-642-1051 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.overbrookpresb.org
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