Schedule of Classes Winter Session 2015 Jan. 5 – Feb. 8, 2015 Your Future Begins Here Go to for updates to this schedule. 1 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time UPDATED 10-16-14 Day Instructor Location COLLEGE CALENDAR: Winter Session 2015 Dropping a Class Section # Time Day Instructor Location Los Angeles Valley College accepts applications year-round. WINTER SESSION 2015 CLASSES BEGIN January 5, 2015 WINTER SESSION 2015 CLASSES END February 8, 2015 WINTER SESSION 2015 FINALS Last day of class If you stop attending a class (or wish to drop a class) on or before January 31, 2015 for Winter Session 2015, you must drop the class yourself – officially – over the Internet or in-person at the Office of Admissions and Records. Failure to do so may result in a grade of “F” in that class. General Calendar Dates Drop Dates Dec. 16, 2014 Concurrent Enrollment Admissions Application Deadline for students 14 years old and under. Jan. 4, 2015 Residency Determination Date Jan. 10, 2015 Drop classes without incurring fees or with refund of enrollment fees • by Internet only Jan. 5, 2015 DAY AND EVENING CLASSES BEGIN Jan. 10, 2015 Drop classes without receiving a “W” • by Internet only Jan. 9, 2015 LAST DAY TO ADD* OR AUDIT Jan. 10, 2015 Saturday classes begin Jan. 31, 2015† Drop classes with a “W” • by Internet only Jan. 9, 2015 Last day to challenge prerequisites Last day of class Final Examinations Feb. 8 , 2015 Winter Session ends †Letter Pass/No-Pass/Audit Dates Priority Registration Groups Oct. 27 - 29, 2014 Group 1: Active military, veterans, Foster Youth, EOPS, DSPS and CalWorks. Oct. 30 - Nov. 6, 2014 Group 2: Fully matriculated continuing students. Nov. 7 - 13, 2014 Group 3: Fully matriculated new & returning students. Nov. 17 - 24, 2014 Group 4: Non-matriculated continuing students. Nov. 25 - 28, 2014 Group 5: Students with 101 or more degree applicable units Districtwide. Continuing students who are not in good standing (on academic or progress probation for two semesters.) Nov. 29 - 30, 2014 Group 6: New and returning students applying after the cutoff date to assign priority registration appointments. Jan. 5, 2015 First day to petition Jan. 9, 2015 Deadline to petition Holidays Jan. 19, 2015 late enrollment for reasons relating to student enrollment, level of financial support, or any other reason at the discretion of the LACCD (District) and Los Angeles Valley College. LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT BOARD OF TRUSTEES Group 7: Continuing K-12 students, new and returning K-12 students, and K-12 students who apply after the cut-off date for priority registration appointments. *Late adds will not be permitted. Students cannot add, transfer or change basis of grading to audit after this date. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Los Angeles Valley College Martin Luther King, Jr. Late Enrollment: The college reserves the right to cancel or extend Miguel Santiago, President Scott J. Svonkin, Vice President Mike Eng Mona Field Ernest H. Moreno Nancy Pearlman Steve Veres LaMont G. Jackson, Student Trustee Dec. 1, 2014 grade required from this date forward Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor Dr. Adriana D. Barrera, Deputy Chancellor Bobbi Kimble, Interim Vice Chancellor for Educational Programs and Institutional Effectiveness Dr. Felicito Cajayon, Vice Chancellor for Economic and Workforce Development Dr. Albert J. Roman, Vice Chancellor for Human Resources Jeannette Gordon, Chief Financial Officer/ Treasurer Camille A. Goulet, General Counsel James D. O’Reilly, Chief Facilities Executive COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION Dr. Erika A. Endrijonas, President Karen L. Daar, Vice President, Academic Affairs Florentino Manzano, Vice President, Student Services Mike Lee, Vice President, Administrative Services ACADEMIC SENATE Joshua Miller, President Dr. Darby Southgate, Executive Vice President Dr. Rebecca Frank, Curriculum Vice President Rick Murray, Treasurer Dr. Yih-Mei Hu, Secretary 5800 Fulton Avenue • Valley Glen, CA 91401-4096 • (818) 947-2600 • 2 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Location How to Read the Schedule of Classes Course Name You must complete classes under Prerequisite before enrolling in this class section Short Course Description Course Number Course Title Transferability Symbol Units MATHEMATICS 245 - COLLEGE ALGEBRA (UC:CSU) - 3 UNITS Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in Mathematics 125; or appropriate skill level demonstrated through the math placement process. First college level course in algebra. New topics include theory of equations, matrix algebra, more on sequences and series, and binomial theorem. 0486 0487 0488 8:00- 9:25 MW 9:00-12:10 Sat 11:20-12:45 TTh L F Marzillier JANasr FV Lane B10 MS105 B2 A Natian A Natian CC210 B73 Building and Room Number Evening Classes Evening Classes in Bold Print 3287 3288 Section Number 6:45- 9:55 6:45- 9:55 M Th Time Class Meets Day Class Meets LOS ANGELES VALLEY COLLEGE CLASS SCHEDULE Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4. Bold face type denotes Evening Classes. For building abbreviations, see list on this page. TBA means To Be Arranged “RPT” followed by a number shows the number of times that a class may be repeated for credit. 5. Information in ( ) applies only to section listed directly above. Course descriptions: 1. UC–this course is acceptable for unit credit at all branches of the University of California. 2. CSU–this course is acceptable for credit at all branches of the California State universities and colleges. 3. NDA (Non Degree Applicable)–this course is offered for college c redit but cannot be applied toward graduation requirements for the associate degree. MISSION: Los Angeles Valley College serves as a leader in student success, with pathways for certificates, degrees, transfer, and continuing education. We enable students to advance their education, personal development, and quality of life, empowering them to be productive and engaged members of the global community. Instructor Abbreviations of buildings used in Class Schedule A Administration AHS Allied Health Science APEC Adaptive Physical Education Center Art Art BSC Behavioral Sciences B Bungalow BJ Business –Journalism CC Campus Center CDFC Child Development Center & Family Complex E Engineering EST Emergency Services Training FC Fitness Center FH Field House FL Foreign Language H Humanities LARC Library & Academic Resource Center MS Math Science MP STD Motion Picture Studio M Music NGYM North Gym Pln Planetarium TA Theater Arts TV STD TV Studio 3 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Accounting Anatomy ACCOUNTING 001 - INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNTING I (UC:CSU) - 5.00 UNITS ANATOMY 001 - INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY (UC:CSU) - 4.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Note: Not open for credit to students who have had Physiology 8 and 9. Recommended: Math 115 and English 28, or English 363 or placement into This course covers sole proprietorship accounting, with emphasis on recording basic transactions and preparation of financial statements. English 101. Prerequisite: Biology 3 or Biology 6 with a grade of C or better. Credit is allowed in only one: Accounting 1 or the combination of Accounting 21 and 22. Evening Classes 3114 5:15- 9:45 MTWTh CHUNG, S N MS 106 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) This course offers a detailed study of the structural organization of the human body: gross and microscopic structure of the integumentary, skeletal, muscular, nervous, sensory, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, excretory and reproductive systems, from cellular to organ system levels of organization. Laboratory work includes dissection of fresh and preserved mammalian organs, use of anatomical models and histology. This course is primarily intended for nursing, allied health, kinesiology and other health related majors. 1010 LEC 10:00-12:35 MTWTh BROCKMANN, E H & LAB 12:45- 3:20 MTWTh BROCKMANN, E H ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE 001 - INTRODUCTION TO ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Anthropology Prerequisite: None. The history and philosophy of administration of justice in Europe and America, including the identification of the various subsystems and the procedures that govern them. 8:00-10:35 MTWTh WADE, N M AHS 247 AHS 247 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Administration of Justice 1024 Location EST 101 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) ANTHROPOLOGY 101 - HUMAN BIOLOGICAL EVOLUTION (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. A study of human evolution and genetics, including comparative studies of living primates and an examination of the human fossil record. 1008 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh STRAUSS, E M AHS 143 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) African American Studies Evening Classes 3104 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh MCDOWELL, P V AHS 143 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES 004 - THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. A survey of African-American History from pre-colonial Africa through the Civil War. Included is a survey of the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. 1018 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh MORRIS, K (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) H 102 ANTHROPOLOGY 121 - ANTHROPOLOGY OF RELIGION, MAGIC AND WITCHCRAFT (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. This course examines the functions and varieties of religious beliefs and practices cross-culturally, with a special emphasis on small-scale societies. 1015 8:00-10:35 MTWTh SCOTT, E K (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) AHS 143 4 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Location BIOLOGY 040 - THE SCIENCE OF BIOTECHNOLOGY (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Art Prerequisite: Biology 6 and Chemistry 101 with grades of C or better. This is an advanced Biology class intended for Biology majors. This course offers hands-on laboratory skills in the field of Biotechnology. $20 lab fee to be paid with registration. ART 101 - SURVEY OF ART HISTORY I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. An introductory survey of the arts of the Western World from the Prehistoric Period through the Middle Ages. Evening Classes 3106 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh BLACKWELL, P A EST 110 9508 OR & OR LEC 8:00-11:50 LEC 8:00-11:50 LAB 11:50- 3:40 LAB 11:50- 3:40 MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF MTWThF GREEN MARROQUIN, B L BYRD WILLIAMS, P B GREEN MARROQUIN, B L BYRD WILLIAMS, P B AHS 251 AHS 251 AHS 251 AHS 251 (2 Week Class - Starts 1/20/2015, Ends 1/30/2015) (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) ART 102 - SURVEY OF ART HISTORY II (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. An introductory survey of the arts of the Western World from the Renaissance to the Modern Period. 1012 8:00-10:35 MTWTh STAFF ART 103 Chemistry (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) CHEMISTRY 051 - FUNDAMENTALS OF CHEMISTRY I (CSU) - 5.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: Mathematics 115. Astronomy A descriptive course encompassing basic concepts of inorganic, organic and biological chemistry with applications to health and environmental issues. This course is for students requiring a physical science with lab (liberal arts, elementary education and allied health related majors) but is not intended for students planning to enroll in Chemistry 101. ASTRONOMY 001 - ELEMENTARY ASTRONOMY (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS 1005 LEC 10:15- 1:05 MTWThF FRIEDMAN, E S & LAB 8:00-10:05 MTWThF FRIEDMAN, E S Prerequisite: None. (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) A study of the history of astronomy, celestial motions, the solar system, stellar origins and evolution, nebulae, galaxies and cosmology. 1004 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh FALK, D J PLN 1025 LEC 10:15- 1:05 MTWThF FRIEDMAN, E S & LAB 1:15- 3:20 MTWThF MILLIGAN, J A EST 109 AHS 346 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Chicano Studies Biology BIOLOGY 003 - INTRODUCTION TO BIOLOGY (UC:CSU) - 4.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Lecture and laboratory study of major concepts of biology, cellular structure and function, genetics, evolution and organization of living organisms. Field trips are included in lab activities. 1009 LEC 8:00-10:35 MTWTh KOVNAT, G D & LAB 10:45- 1:20 MTWTh KOVNAT, G D AHS 156 AHS 155 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3021 LEC 4:30-7:05 MTWTh STAFF AHS 156 & 7:15- 9:50 MTWTh STAFF AHS 155 LAB EST 109 AHS 346 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015 ) CHICANO STUDIES 007 - THE MEXICAN-AMERICAN IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. Chicano contribution to United States history, with emphasis on the pre-Columbian era through the early nineteenth century. 1016 8:00- 10:35 MTWTh LOPEZ, P J (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) BSC 103 5 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location CHICANO STUDIES 008 - THE MEXICAN-AMERICAN IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES II (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS The Chicano socio-historical, political experience in the United States from the mid 19th century through the twentieth century. Emphasis will be on Chicano participation, contributions and experiences in American society. This course fulfills the state graduation requirement in U.S. History and state and local government and (US-1) of the CSU American Institutions Requirement. 8:00- 10:35 MTWTh STAFF BSC 108 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1019 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh LOPEZ, P J Time Day Instructor Location Communication Studies Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. 1021 Section # H 103 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) COMMUNICATION STUDIES 101 - PUBLIC SPEAKING (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS (Formerly Speech 101) Prerequisite: None. Introductory speech course stressing techniques of public speaking; may include informative, persuasive speaking and panel discussion among assignments. Meets AA degree and CSU transfer certification requirements in oral communications. 1001 8:00-10:35 MTWTh SMITH, D W H 103 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1002 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh SMITH, D W H 105 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1035 8:00-10:35 MTWTh BRIANCESCO, K R H 105 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Child Development 1612 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh BRIANCESCO, K R H 110 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes CHILD DEVELOPMENT 001 - CHILD GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: English 28, English 363, with a grade of C or better, or 3101 3102 Developmental theories from pre-natal to adolescents will be covered in this course. The following developmental domains will be discussed: physical, mental, social and emotional. This course will examine the major developmental milestones for children from conception through adolescence in the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive domains. Emphasis is placed on issues that affect typical and atypical development through the study of theories, research and child observations. 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh BACA, T J MTWTh STAFF H 110 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF H 100 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) placement into English 101. 1193 6:30- 9:05 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) CC 210 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) COMMUNICATION STUDIES 104 - ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATE (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS (Formerly Speech 104) Prerequisite: None. This course is a critical thinking class in the foundations and strategies of argument, logical reasoning, rational thinking and decision making. Emphasizes conflict resolution skills. 8001 8:00-10:35 MTWTh MILLER, J E H 100 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) COMMUNICATION STUDIES 105 - CRITICAL THINKING (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Cinema (Formerly Speech 105) Prerequisite: English 101 with a grade of C or better. This course teaches basic principles of argumentation and critical thinking including learning how to write argumentatively. CINEMA 107 - UNDERSTANDING MOTION PICTURES (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS 8002 Prerequisite: None. This course provides students with an analytical critical survey of motion pictures as an art form, communication medium and entertainment medium. 1013 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh RODRIGUEZ, A (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8:00-10:35 MTWTh MILLER, J E H 100 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) CC 10 COMMUNICATION STUDIES 151 - SMALL GROUP COMMUNICATION (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. This is an introductory course stressing elements necessary for effective small group interaction and Hybrid Languageleadership skills. Emphasis is on group performance and participation. 1003 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh CALDER, P P (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) H 100 6 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Location Cooperative Education English COOPERATIVE EDUCATION 195 - WORK EXPERIENCE - GENERAL I (CSU) - 1.00 UNITS ENGLISH 021 - ENGLISH FUNDAMENTALS (NDA) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: English 33 with a passing grade or appropriate skill level See Seminar Schedule demonstrated through the English assessment process. Cooperative Education at Los Angeles Valley College allows students to earn college credit for work experience and or formal internships that take place during the semester. Offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. How to Apply: Cooperative Education is open to all students who are in paid employment positions or involved in structured internships where a supervisor is open to partnering with LAVC to create learning objectives for the student. Self–employed students, volunteers (other than formal internships), temporary or substitute positions do not qualify. Fill out a Cooperative Education Application obtained at Please return the application to Cooperative Education before Thursday, January 8th. Upon submission and approval of the application, you will be provided an add permit. Please call 818 947-2334 to schedule an appointment to have your application reviewed prior to January 8th. This course teaches the fundamentals of English grammar, reading; and the writing of sentences, paragraphs, and short essays. 1208 8:00-10:35 MTWTh HUNTER, P B H 115 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1211 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh MAYER, L W H 115 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3003 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh OBERMAN, T J H 102 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 3004 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh ALEXANYAN, V H 105 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Program Expectations: First time students must attend two (2) three-hour seminars covering employability topics that include job search techniques, career advancement, resume writing, interviews and goal setting. Seminar dates and locations will be posted and confirmed by January 8th, 2015 and are offered on various days and times to accommodate working students. Students must complete all assignments by due dates. Students are evaluated by their supervisor on their success in learning three learning objectives during the semester and by their instructor for their final grade. ENGLISH 028 - INTERMEDIATE READING AND COMPOSITION 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: English 21 with a passing grade or appropriate skill level demon- strated through the English placement process. May not betaken for Pass/No Pass. ADD PERMITS MAY BE OBTAINED THROUGH JANUARY 8TH, 2015. This course is an introduction to the writing of short essays and to the reading of non-fiction essays. The Cooperative Education Office is located in Bungalow 3. For more information please contact: 1164 Douglas Marriott, Director or E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 818-947-2572 9490 3:20 hrs TBA H 111 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Patricia Guerrero, Sr. Office Assistant Email: [email protected] Phone: 818-947-2334 MARRIOTT, D C 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh ROSOW, L D B3 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1227 8:00-10:35 MTWTh ROSOW, L D H 111 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3006 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh BROWN, B M BSC 103 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 3010 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh YEGORYAN, K H 103 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) ENGLISH 033 - BASIC VOCABULARY (NDA) - 3.00 UNITS Economics Prerequisite: None. Offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. This course teaches vocabulary in the context of reading. It focuses on reading comprehension, including summarizing and responding to texts in writing in order to prepare students for developmental English classes. ECONOMICS 001 - PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. An introductory microeconomics course that explores the decision making process of the individual, the firm, and the industry when confronted with scarcity. Meets the Social Science Requirement. 1020 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh AKSOY, E G (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) CC 204 1209 8:00-10:35 MTWTh SHIFFRIN, N C (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) H 104 7 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location ENGLISH 101 - COLLEGE READING AND COMPOSITION I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: English 28 or English 363 with a grade of C or better or appro- Section # Time Day Instructor Location Geography priate skill level demonstrated through the English assessment process. GEOGRAPHY 001 - PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Cannot be taken for Pass No/Pass. This course teaches students the basic principles of writing college-level essays, reading non-fiction essays, and writing research-based essays. 1100 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh STAFF H 104 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1196 8:00-10:35 MTWTh STAFF H 102 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1198 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh GHAFFARI, I CC 208 Prerequisite: None. This course is an overview of the global environment and the geography of Planet Earth. Topics covered include weather and climate, plate tectonics, landforms change, human-environment interaction and the tools of geographic analysis including Geographic Information Systems. Optional field trips are offered. 1007 1202 8:00-10:35 MTWTh STAFF CC 208 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 6:30- 9:05 AHS 136 Evening Classes 3005 Evening Classes 3007 8:00-10:35 MTWTh GAUTHIER, D J (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 6:30-9:05 MTWTh STAFF AHS 136 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015 ) MTWTh YABLON, B A H 115 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 3015 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF H 114 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015 ) 3019 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh ZUCKER, A H 111 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) ENGLISH 103 - COMPOSITION AND CRITICAL THINKING (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS HEALTH 011 - PRINCIPLES OF HEALTHFUL LIVING (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: English 101 with a grade of C or better. Cannot be taken for Pass No/Pass. Prerequisite: None. This course stresses the development of critical thinking skills and their application to reading and written argumentation and analysis. 1031 8:00-10:35 MTWTh STAFF CC 207 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1216 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh HALL, D D BSC 106 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 6:30- 9:05 This course will address today’s health care crisis and how our society’s health needs have changed overtime. An emphasis will be placed on prevention strategies and lifestyle behavior change techniques. Health topics will include family health, stress management, mental health, fitness, nutrition, and weight management, drug prevention, sexuality, epidemiology, and environmental health issues. 1022 Evening Classes 3018 Health MTWTh WALLIS, W G 8:00-10:35 MTWTh STAFF BSC 101 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) H 104 Evening Classes (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 3113 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF BSC 101 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Environmental Science ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE 001 - THE HUMAN ENVIRONMENT: PHYSICAL PROCESSES (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. This course introduces students to an interdisciplinary approach to the science behind human-environment interaction. Real-world case studies cover challenges related to climate change, agriculture, energy, and human population, and educate students about ways to live more sustainably. 1006 8:00-10:35 MTWTh LEONARD, M L (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) AHS 152 History HISTORY 011 - POLITICAL AND SOCIAL HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. This course covers several key moments in United States history including the initial stages of formation of America, the Civil War, and the Constitution which Americans live by. 1030 8:00-10:35 MTWTh HOFFMAN, A CC 210 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3112 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh KERZE, M A (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) CC 210 8 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Location KINESIOLOGY 350-1 - WEIGHT TRAINING-1 (CSU) - 1.00 UNITS Humanities (Kinesiology Family K02) Prerequisite: None. This introductory weight training course introduces students to the specific types of physical activity that relates to weight training, cardiovascular exercise, and nutrition. Students will be introduced to and practice the skills and knowledge of each activity covered. HUMANITIES 001 - CULTURAL PATTERNS OF WESTERN CIVILIZATION (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. This course is an introduction to the general concepts of Humanities. Mythology, music, history, philosophy, painting, drama, sculpture and architecture are studied and compared in relation to their background, medium, organization and style. The course surveys in depth the classical heritage of Greece and Rome. Emphasis is placed upon the awareness of cultural heritage, values and perspectives as revealed in the arts. 7001 10:30 hrs TBA HEIKKINEN, D L 8100 LEC & LAB MTWThF STAFF MTWThF STAFF FC FC (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 5100 LEC 6:30- 6:55 MTWTh STAFF FC & 6:55- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF FC LAB (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) INTERNET (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8:00- 8:20 8:20- 9:55 KINESIOLOGY 350-2 - WEIGHT TRAINING -2 (CSU) - 1.00 UNITS Prerequisites: Kinesiology 350 or Kinesiology 350-1 with a grade of C or better. Journalism This is a beginning weight training course that offers instruction and practice in the proper techniques of the development of muscular strength, endurance, and flexibility. Emphasis is placed on beginning applications of scientific principles and methods used to build, improve, and maintain proper muscular and cardiovascular fitness. Body composition and nutrition for health and overall fitness at a beginning level is discussed. JOURNALISM 105 - MASS COMMUNICATIONS (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS 8101 LEC & LAB This is a survey course designed to acquaint students with print, and broadcast media such as film, newspapers, magazines, radio and the Internet. The course is developed for both journalism and non-journalism majors. 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh DAUBER, W J MTWThF STAFF MTWThF STAFF FC FC (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Prerequisite: None. 1363 8:00- 8:20 8:20- 9:55 Evening Classes 5101 LEC 6:30- 6:55 MTWTh STAFF FC & 6:55- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF FC LAB (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) EST 107 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Kinesiology Athletics Kinesiology KINESIOLOGY ATHLETICS 552 - INTERCOLLEGIATE SPORTSCONDITIONING AND SKILLS TRAINING (UC:CSU) - 1.00 UNITS Rpt 3 KINESIOLOGY 045 - ADAPTED FITNESS (UC:CSU) - 1.00 UNITS (Kinesiology Family K02) (Formerly Phys Ed 552) Prerequisite: None. Prerequisite: None. This course is designed to meet the needs of students with disabilities who require restricted or modified activities. Individualized exercise programs will be performed by students with instruction covering the basic elements of physical fitness and training principles. Students enrolling in Adapted Physical Education Courses must provide a physician-signed Adapted Physical Education Exercise Guidelines form before utilizing any fitness equipment in the Adapted Physical Education Center. Forms may be obtained from the instructor or the Services for Students with Disabilities Office. This course prepares the participant for the physical and mental rigors of the athletic season. This class is open to students who are current team members. 4003 9:00-11:35 MTWTh MALLAS, D C (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) APEC Basketball Team (Men) 2400 10:30 hrs TBA WATSON, V SOUTH GYM (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Cheerleader (Co-Ed) 2401 10:30 hrs TBA PAUL, R A SOUTH GYM (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Softball Team (Women) 2402 10:30 hrs TBA GARCIA, F R SOUTH GYM (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Kinesiology 552 continues next page 9 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location 10:30 hrs TBA HANG, M SOUTH GYM (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 10:30 hrs TBA LOPORCHIO, P W SOUTH GYM (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Swim/Waterpolo Team (Men) 2405 10:30 hrs TBA MCMILLAN, J M SOUTH GYM (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 10:30 hrs TBA VENGER, G S SOUTH GYM 10:30 hrs Review of arithmetic and introduction to basic algebraic concepts. Students may not earn credit for both Math 110 and the combination of Math 105 and Math 112. 1203 MALLAS, D C SOUTH GYM MS 113 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 3024 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh MARTINEZ, M E MS 107 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) TBA NAVARRO, J Prerequisite: Mathematics 112 or Mathematics 110 with a grade of C or better, or appropriate skill level demonstrated through the math placement process. Football Team (Men) 10:30 hrs 11:00- 1:05 MTWThF CASTILLO, S J MATHEMATICS 115 - ELEMENTARY ALGEBRA - 5.00 UNITS TBA (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 2410 Location Prerequisite: None. Recommended: Mathematics 105; or appropriate skill level demonstrated (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Baseball Team (Men) 2408 Instructor Evening Classes Soccer Team (Women) 2407 Day through the math placement process. Swim/Waterpolo Team (Women) 2404 Time MATHEMATICS 112 - PRE-ALGEBRA (NDA) - 3.00 UNITS Basketball Team (Women) 2403 Section # SOUTH GYM (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) The course will cover a basic review of arithmetic and pre-algebra; fundamental operations on polynomial, rational, and radical (index 2) expressions; polynomial factoring; solving linear, quadratic, special polynomial, rational, radical equations, and systems of linear equations; graphing a linear equation in two variables; setting up and solving a variety of word problems. 1177 Learning Skills 8:00-11:30 MTWThF STAFF MS 105 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1178 8:00-11:30 MTWThF BARAKAT, M A MS 106 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) LEARNING SKILLS 040 - INTRODUCTION TO LEARNING DISABILITIES (NDA) - 1.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Evening Classes 3008 3011 Enrollment by add card until the deadline to add. Students must obtain add card from the Services for Students with Disabilities Office in Student Services Annex Building, Room 175. Individualized diagnostic assessment procedures are administered. Students with learning disabilities identify strengths and weaknesses in achievement and learning skills. Individual educational plans are developed outlining learning goals, objectives, strategies, and recommendations. 7:05 hrs TBA MTWTh NATIAN, A MS 111 5:15- 9:45 MTWTh LIANG, S MS 110 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Offered on a Pass/No Pass basis only. 4000 5:15- 9:45 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) MELKONIAN, S SSA 175 MATHEMATICS 120 - PLANE GEOMETRY - 5.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Mathematics 113 and 114 or Mathematics 115 with grades of C or better or appropriate skill level demonstrated through the math placement process. The first course in geometry. The course covers points, lines, angles, plane figures and logical proof. Evening Classes 3013 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 5:15- 9:45 MTWTh STAFF MS 109 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) MATHEMATICS 125 - INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA - 5.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Mathematics 113 and 114 or Mathematics 115 with grades of C Mathematics or better or appropriate skill level demonstrated through the math placement process. MATHEMATICS 110 - INTRODUCTION TO ALGEBRAIC CONCEPTS (NDA) - 5.00 UNITS This course covers topics beginning with arithmetic through beginning algebraic concepts in preparation for Elementary Algebra. Students may earn not credit for both Math 110 and the combination of Math 105 and Math 112. 8:00-11:30 MTWThF KAWAI, J LARC 227 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 5:15- 9:45 8:00-11:30 MTWThF VO, P H MS 107 MTWTh YEN, C A (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1101 8:00-11:30 MTWThF CALEODIS, G P MS 110 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 1134 8:00-11:30 MTWThF PAGET, G J MS 103 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3009 5:15- 9:45 MTWTh STAFF MS 113 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3023 1033 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Prerequisite: None. 1201 This course reviews concepts learned in Math 115 and applies them to more complicated problems; also covers inequalities, absolute values, relations and functions, conic sections, and exponential and logarithmic functions. MS 101 3012 5:15- 9:45 MTWTh STAFF MS 103 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 3020 5:15- 9:45 MTWTh STAFF (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015 ) MS 105 10 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location MATHEMATICS 227 - STATISTICS (UC:CSU) - 4.00 UNITS Prerequisites: Mathematics 125 with a grade of C or better or appropriate skill Section # Time Day Instructor NURSING SCIENCE 200-2 - HEALTH SCIENCE LEARNING CENTER AND SKILLS LABORATORY -2 (NDA) - 1.00 UNITS level demonstrated through the math placement process. Prerequisite: Nursing Science 106 or 109 or 110. This course uses technology to analyze and interpret data sets. Topics include measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, graphical techniques, probability, hypothesis testing, sampling, estimation, correlation, prediction, and linear regression, collection and analysis of data and how inferences about a population are made from samples. This is an open-entry, open-exit course. 1204 8:00-10:50 MTWThF CASTILLO, S J MS 113 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3046 6:00- 9:30 MTWTh HE, F Y MS 114 This course allows second semester students to practice simulated nursing care and/or health-client care in a simulated hospital setting. This course consists of a variety of computer and/or video programs as well as organized workshops to assist the learner to improve comprehension, synthesis and/or critical thinking skills including improving clinical skills. Students enrolled will be able to practice at their own pace. This course is offered on a “Pass/ No Pass” basis. 8061 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 10:30 hrs TBA appropriate skill level demonstrated through the math placement process. Prerequisite: Nursing Science 107 or 111. Solving triangles; proving identities; and other practical and theoretical uses of trigonometric functions. This is an open-entry, open-exit course. MS 101 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 10:30 hrs TBA COX, M A AHS 335 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) NURSING SCIENCE 200-4 - HEALTH SCIENCE LEARNING CENTER AND SKILLS LABORATORY -4 (NDA) - 1.00 UNITS MUSIC 111 - MUSIC APPRECIATION I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Nursing Science 108 or 112 or 114. Prerequisite: None. Introduction to Western art music; survey of major style periods; techniques of perceptive listening. 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh HU, Y EST 104 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3107 This course allows third semester students to practice simulated nursing care and/or health-client care in a simulated hospital setting. This course consists of a variety of computer and/or video programs as well as organized workshops to assist the learner to improve comprehension, synthesis and/or critical thinking skills including improving clinical skills. Students enrolled will be able to practice at their own pace. This course is offered on a “Pass/ No Pass” basis. 8062 Music 1014 AHS 335 NURSING SCIENCE 200-3 - HEALTH SCIENCE LEARNING CENTER AND SKILLS LABORATORY -3 (NDA) - 1.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Mathematics 120 and 125 with grades of C or better or 8:00-10:35 MTWTh HITO, M M COX, M A (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) MATHEMATICS 240 - TRIGONOMETRY (CSU) - 3.00 UNITS 1011 Location 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF EST 104 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) This is an open-entry, open-exit course. This course allows fourth semester students to practice simulated nursing care and/or health-client care in a simulated hospital setting. This course consists of a variety of computer and/or video programs as well as organized workshops to assist the learner to improve comprehension, synthesis and/or critical thinking skills including improving clinical skills. Students enrolled will be able to practice at their own pace. This course is offered on a “Pass/ No Pass” basis. 8063 10:30 hrs TBA COX, M A AHS 335 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Nursing Science Personal Development NURSING SCIENCE 200-1 - HEALTH SCIENCE LEARNING CENTER AND SKILLS LABORATORY -1 - 1.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. This is an open-entry, open-exit course. Prerequisite: None. This course allows first semester students to practice simulated nursing care and/or health-client care in a simulated hospital setting. This course consists of a variety of computer and/or video programs as well as organized workshops to assist the learner to introduce/assess comprehension, synthesis and/or critical thinking skills, including improving clinical skills. Students enrolled will be able to practice at their own pace. This course is offered on a “Pass/No Pass” basis. 8060 10:30 hrs TBA PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT 020 - POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION: THE SCOPE OF CAREER PLANNING (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS COX, M A (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) AHS 335 This course introduces students to the role of higher education in society and to their role as students. Topics also include: personal attributes needed for college success, effective study strategies, career planning, transfer and educational planning, and an overview of campus resources and policies. 1023 11:00-1:35 MTWTh RODRIGUEZ, S H (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) BSC 102 11 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Location Philosophy Political Science PHILOSOPHY 001 - INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS POLITICAL SCIENCE 001 - THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. A survey of the fundamentals of philosophy, Western or Eastern with selected philosophers or topics in the history of philosophy, theory of knowledge, metaphysics, ethics, philosophy of religion, and philosophy of science. 1017 8:00-10:35 MTWTh KNORR, Z D CC 205 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 6:30- 9:05 This course examines the political system, process and structure of the national and state governments within the United States. 1029 1032 8:00-10:35 MTWTh O’REGAN, A 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh O’REGAN, A CC 203 CC 203 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 3108 Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. Evening Classes MTWTh PLACENCIA, N R CC 205 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 3111 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF CC 206 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) PHILOSOPHY 006 - LOGIC IN PRACTICE (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. This course is intended to introduce fundamental issues of logic, epistemology, rationality, argument, persuasion, and critical thinking, with examples of sound and unsound thinking, for analysis and debate. Topics will range from current public discourse to perennial political and philosophical issues. 1218 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh KNORR, Z D CC 205 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Psychology PSYCHOLOGY 001 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. An introduction to the scientific study of behavior and mental processes through the discussion and evaluation of major psychological theories, concepts, and research results. Physical Science 1219 8:00-10:35 MTWTh MAHMUD, A BSC 100 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes PHYSICAL SCIENCE 001 - PHYSICAL SCIENCE I (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS 3062 Prerequisite: None. Designed for the non-science major, this course provides an introduction to the Laws governing our physical universe; how they help us understand our physical environment and modern technology. Evening Classes 3103 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh ALTOUNJI, J H (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF BSC 100 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) EST 113 PSYCHOLOGY 002 - BIOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: Psychology 1 with a grade of C or better. This course covers the biological and physiological basis of behavior and experience. It explores the structure and functions of the brain and nervous system and their effects on behavior. 1189 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh FARRIS, T W (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) BSC 105 12 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Respiratory Therapy Statistics RESPIRATORY THERAPY 005 - APPLICATION OF RESPIRATORY THERAPY AND CLINICAL EXPERIENCE III - 5.00 UNITS STATISTICS 101 - STATISTICS FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES (UC:CSU) - 4.00 UNITS Location Prerequisite: Respiratory Therapy 4, 7 and 8 with grades of C or better. Prerequisite: Mathematics 125 with a grade of C or better. The student is exposed to the total treatment of the patient including neonatal and pediatric case presentations. The course focuses on data collection, organization, and analysis using appropriate technologies (e.g.,statistical software) in the context of real data sets. Topics include tabulation and graphic presentation of data; measures of central tendency and variability; the normal curve and its properties; introduction to probability and statistical inference; hypothesis testing; correlation; linear regression; analysis of variance; and research methods. 1585 8:00-12:35 M & 12:50- 3:55 M OR 12:50- 3:55 M & OR MORRISON, G S MORRISON, G S PEARSON, C MORRISON, G S DIZON, B M AHS 331 AHS 331 AHS 331 HOSP HOSP 1187 8:00-11:30 MTWTh CHRISTIAN-BROUGHAM, R R BSC 110 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) (8 Week Class - Starts 1/12/2015, Ends 3/6/2015) Supervised Learning Assistance Sociology SOCIOLOGY 001 - INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY (UC:CSU) - 3.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. Recommended: English 28, English 363, or placement into English 101. Students examine the social behavior of human beings and organization of society including subjects such as culture, deviance, sexuality, media, social stratification, and the institutions of the family, religion, education, politics, and the economy. 1186 11:00- 1:35 MTWTh SCOTT, L C BSC 103 Evening Classes 3115 6:30- 9:05 MTWTh STAFF BSC 102 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Spanish SPANISH 001 - ELEMENTARY SPANISH I (UC:CSU) - 5.00 UNITS Prerequisite: None. (Not recommended for native Spanish speakers. See Spanish 35). This course introduces the student to basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary. The focus is on the development of the four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing, with special emphasis on communication in cultural settings. It introduces the student to diverse Hispanic cultures. This is a web-enhanced course requiring students to perform online coursework. Evening Classes 3109 5:15- 9:45 MTWTh STAFF (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) BSC 104 SUPERVISED LEARNING ASSISTANCE 001T - SUPERVISED LEARNING ASSISTANCE (NDA) - 0.00 UNITS Rpt 9 8952 23:50 hrs TBA WEIGAND, S M LARC 229 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8953 23:50 hrs TBA WEIGAND, S M LARC 226 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8954 23:50 hrs TBA WEIGAND, S M LARC 229 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8962 23:50 hrs TBA WEIGAND, S M INTERNET To obtain login information and more information on this class, please go to the LAVC Virtual Valley website at the following link: (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 13 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Time Day Instructor Location Section # Time Day Instructor Location N ON CREDI T CO URSES ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - NONCREDIT 024CE - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - SPEECH II (NDA) - 0.00 UNITS Rpt 9 English as a Second Language - Noncredit Prerequisite: None. This open-entry, open-exit course emphasizes listening/speaking, grammar, and pronunciation at an intermediate level. ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - NONCREDIT 001CE - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - BEGINNING I (NDA) - 0.00 UNITS Rpt 9 Prerequisite: None. The focus of the course is on understanding and engaging in increasingly extended conversations, discussions, and lectures. 8710 8:00-12:15 MTWThF STAFF CC 202 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) This open-entry/open-exit course emphasizes listening/speaking and reading/writing skills at a beginning level. The focus of the course is on understanding and participation in basic communication skills in routine social situations. 8701 8:00-10:05 MTWThF STEINBERG, R L CC 200 CC 201 Vocational Education CC 200 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION 114CE - MICROCOMPUTER LITERACY I (NDA) - 0.00 UNITS Rpt 9 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8702 8:00-10:05 MTWThF STAFF (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 8703 6:00- 8:35 MTWTh STAFF (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8712 6:00- 8:35 MTWTh BAEZ, R S CC 207 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - NONCREDIT 002CE - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - BEGINNING II (NDA) - 0.00 UNITS Rpt 9 Prerequisites: None This is an open-entry, open-exit course that is a continuation of ESL NC 1CE. The emphasis of the course is on listening/speaking and reading/writing skills at a beginning level. 8704 10:20-12:25 MTWThF STAFF CC 200 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8705 10:20-12:25 MTWThF STAFF CC 201 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) Evening Classes 8706 6:00- 8:35 MTWTh CRUZ, A E CC 201 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) 8708 6:00- 8:35 MTWTh BUTLER, K A CC 208 (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - NONCREDIT 023CE - ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE - SPEECH I (NDA) - 0.00 UNITS Rpt 9 Prerequisite: None. This open-entry, open exit course emphasizes listening/speaking, grammar, and pronunciation at an intermediate low level. 8709 8:00-12:15 MTWThF STAFF (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) CC 206 Prerequisites: None This open-entry/open-exit course familiarizes students with computer workplace skills. Students will be exposed to a demonstration of word processing and the Internet. 8716 LEC 12:30-12:55 MTWTh AYDEDJIAN, V & LAB 12:55- 2:05 MTWTh AYDEDJIAN, V (5 Week Class - Starts 1/5/2015, Ends 2/8/2015) B 85 B 85 14 Los Angeles Valley College n WINTER 2015 SCHEDULE Section # Instructor Location Section # Time Instructor Go to for campus mapDayupdates. For the latest campus map, visit Time A Day B C D G F E 19 H I J Abbreviations of buildings used in the class schedule CHILD DEVELOPMENT & FAMILY COMPLEX A1 A2 A3 AHS APEC ART BSC B BJ CC CDFC LOT B PARKING LOT D PARKING MUSIC Main Stage Theater Gallery RECEIVING M&O EMELITA STREET MONARCH CENTER Construction Aug 2013Sept 2015 PARKING STRUCTURE B us ine s s O ffic e Visitor Parking LIBRARY & ACADEMIC RESOURCE CENTER M&O Office COLLEGE SHERIFF TWO WAY Adapted PE Center NORTH GYM Aquatic Center (Pool) ADMIN 3 COMMUNITY SERVICES COMMUNITY SERVICES CENTER CENTER Construction Aug 2013 – Aug 2015 MANITIES ER W NT PO LA P UDST EUND E AN T SNE T NAEN RVSICER X NE EVIC X S E SOUTH GYM Ticket Office Community Services Trainers Office 12 10 8 5 6 2 2 1 Continuing Ed Noncredit 13 TWO WAY ALLIED HEALTH & SCIENCES CENTER 52 51 50 49 45 46 47 48 70 71 78 Drawing /Music 24 14 25 26 15 16 31 LOT H Faculty/Staff Parking 30 12 N 11 9 8 VISITOR BLEACHERS ARCHERY RANGE FOOTBALL PRACTICE FIELD PIKE FIELD (BASEBALL) ATHLETIC TRAINING FACILITY Construction Oct 2014 – Jan2016 WEIGHT ROOM RESTROOMS A B Academic Affairs (A1) Adapted PE Ctr (APEC) Administrative Services (A3) Admissions and Records (SSC) Art Gallery & Patio (ART) Assessment Ctr (SSC) ASU Offices (SSC) Bookstore (CC) Business Office CalWORKs/GAIN (B8/B14) Career/Transfer Ctr (SSA) CCaTT Lab (BJ) Child Development Ctr (CDFC) Child Development Dept (CDFC) College Road North (Faculty/Staff ) College Road South (Faculty/Staff ) Community Services (FH) Cooperative Education (B3) Continuing Ed Noncredit (B13) C D G-9 H-9 F-8 C-5 E-13 C-5 C-5 E-10 F-11 F-2 C-5 F-4 H-18 H-18 A-14 A-8 J-7 E-2 F-2 E F G COFFEE HOUSE 3 2 36 37 33 3 4 35 38 Counseling (SSA) Information Technology Office (CC) EOPS (SSC) Extension Program (A3) Faculty Lounge (B83) Family Resource Center (CDFC) Financial Aid (SSC) Fireside Room (CC) Fitness Center (FC) Foundation Office (A3) Free Speech Area General Tutoring (LARC) Gymnastics Center (GYM CTR) Historical Museum (LARC) Horseshoe Theater (TA) Institutional Effectiveness (A3) Job Resource Center (B3) Job Training Program (A3) Lost & Found / Sheriff’s Office (M&O) H C-5 E-10 C-5 F-8 G-7 G-18 C-5 E-9 H-7 F-8 D-11 C-11 J-4 C-12 B-13 F-8 E-2 F-8 H-14 6 5 4 3 TENNIS COURTS LOT G PARKING 2 BURBANK BOULEVARD 1 7 LOT M PARKING 72 73 CalWORKs QUAD PARK Concession Stand 76 74 13 Food Truck MONARCH STADIUM TWO WAY LOT A PARKING 11 9 7 3 4 BUSINESS & JOURNALISM LAV 3 14 10 LOT L PARKING GYMNASTIC CENTER G ER NE EN GI PLAN. 15 CONSTRUCTION AND SUPPORT AREAS Patio Ticket Office 17 16 Designated smoking areas HOME BLEACHERS STADIUM FIELD HOUSE Construction Oct 2014 – Nov 2015 COLLINS STREET ST 4 Fitness Center IN ES S VIC E ER VIC T S SRER EN TTE R UD EENN TE ST TUCD CEN S RY ST MI E CH ALUMNI WALK ONE WAY SICS 85 84 83 82 81 80 EMERGENCY SERVICES TRAINING AL IOR AV CE BEHSCIEN FIELD HOUSE HU PHY 5 ADMIN 2 Access Services pick-up/ drop off HATTERAS STREET Health Center ONE WAY Fireside Room GN FOREI AGE LANGU COLLEGE ROAD SOUTH Faculty/Staff Parking 8 Patio Monarch Hall TWO WAY Project Management ADMIN 1 Community Workforce Development Center\ New Administration Building Construction Aug 2014Jan 2016 Bookstore Monarch MAT H S C I E N C E 9 Free Speech Area MONARCH SQUARE ARE CAMPUS CENTER 10 G-18 D-4 F-6 J-7 C-7 D-7 C-11 H-14 E-4 C-14 B-15 C-14 I-8 E-4 C-5 C-5 B-14 B-13 18 COLDWATER CANYON EXTENSION THEATER ARTS Horseshoe Theatre ART ETHEL AVENUE Omega Data Center NORTH MALL Motion Picture NORTH MALL FULTON AVENUE 13 TV Studio E EST FH FL H LARC M&O MS MP STD M ODC Pool PLN SSC SSA TV STD TA S 14 P atio COLLEGE ROAD NORTH Faculty/Staff Parking 15 G-9 F-9 F-8 H-4 H-9 E-14 E-7 E & H 2-3 F-4 E-8 LOT F PARKING LOT C PARKING Admin 1 Admin 2 Admin 3 Allied Health & Sciences Ctr Adapted Physical Education Ctr Art Behavioral Sciences Bungalow Business-Journalism Campus Center Child Development & Family Complex Engineering Emergency Services Training Field House Foreign Language Humanities Library & Academic Resource Ctr Maintenance & Operations Math Science Motion Picture Studio Music Omega Data Center Aquatic Center Planetarium Student Services Center Student Services Annex Krupnick Media Arts Center Theater Arts Walking Track CAMPUS DRIVE 16 6 P O 19 17 7 N Los Angeles Valley College 18 11 M OXNARD STREET COLLEGE ROAD 12 L K Location I 1 J K Mailroom / Faculty Mail Boxes (CC) Main Stage Theater (TA) Master Calendar Office (CC) Media Services (LARC) Monarch Hall & Patio (CC) Monarch Square Monarch Stadium North Gym (NGYM) Parking Lot A Parking Lot B Parking Lot C Parking Lot D Parking Lot F Parking Lot G Parking Lot H (Faculty/Staff) Parking Lot L Parking Lot M Payroll/Personnel (CC) President’s Conf. Rm – PCR (A2) L M E-8 C-13 E-8 C-11 E-9 D-10 N-8 I-9 B-3 D-17 E-15 G-16 P-4 O-2 G-2 K-6 K-3 E-8 F-9 N O P President’s Office (A1) Professional Development Ctr (LARC) Public Relations (A3) Receiving Office (M&O) Registration / Admissions (SSC) Reprographics (CC) Sheriff’s Office (M&O) Softball Field South Gym Student Health Center (NGM) Svcs to Students w/Disabilities (SSA) TAP/Honors Program (SSA) Tennis Courts TRiO (SSC) Visitor Parking (Metered) Walking Track Weight Room (WT ROOM) Writing Center (LARC) G-9 C-11 F-8 H-1 C-54 E-8 H-14 H-12 H-6 I-9 C-5 C-5 K-2 C-5 A-11 M-5 K-4 C-11
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