LECTOR / CANTOR 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year A – October 18-19, 2014 Call to Worship Lector: Good morning / Good afternoon. Good Evening. (PAUSE) Welcome to Good Shepherd for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. We extend a special welcome to visitors and new parishioners. 5:00, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00: We invite you to fully participate in the liturgy in word and song. The reference numbers for the hymns and responses are found on your song sheet. 6:30pm: We invite you to fully participate in the liturgy in word and song by following your song sheet. 5:00pm Our Presider is Father Zacarias (ZAC-uh-REE-as) Martinez. 7:30am & Our Presider is Father Mike Hann. 9:00am 10:30am Our Presider is our pastor, Father Tom Ferguson, assisted by Deacon Tom White. 12:00pm Our Presider is our pastor, Father Tom Ferguson. 6:30pm Our Presider is Father Zacarías (ZAC-uh-REE-as) Martinez. So that we may worship as friends, please stand to greet those around you, especially someone you may not already know. (After a few seconds the cantor will announce the Gathering Song.) -1Lector-Cantor Script: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A 1 October 18-19, 2014 LECTOR / CANTOR Liturgy of the Word All readings are from Cycle/Year A 10:30 will use separate script!!! General Intercessions Presider: Confidently we offer our concerns to our compassionate God. Lector: (Do not announce a response. Slight pauses indicated by “…”) 1. For our Holy Father, Pope Francis: that he leads the Church to stand against injustice and suffering in the world…we pray… 2. For many blessings as Pope Francis celebrates the beatification of Blessed Pope Paul VI…we pray… 3. For leaders of nations: that they responsibly use the power entrusted to them…we pray… 4. For societies all over the world: that they strive for fairness and equality…we pray… 5. For all victims of violence and abuse, and for their loved ones - and we recall in a special way the McCann and Graham families: that they may be comforted by our prayers and support…we pray… 6. For a greater respect for the sanctity of life from conception to natural death and the dignity of every human person …we pray… 7. For all who serve our nation and our local communities: that God will keep them from harm and guide them in protecting others…we pray… 8. For the sick and homebound, (including): and for all on our parish prayer list …we pray… -2Lector-Cantor Script: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A 2 October 18-19, 2014 LECTOR / CANTOR 9. For those who have died, (including): Elijah Martine, Armondo Martinez & Herman Martinez, relatives of Father Zacarías and for all who mourn their passing … we pray… 10. For the prayers we hold in our hearts (pause several seconds), and for: 5:00pm 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am 12:00pm 6:30pm Betty Methven the intentions of Casey & Madison Maddox Everett Reiser the intentions of Richard & Emma Niemiec (NEE-mik) Willett Elmore Kay Carlisle (CAR-lyle) whom / which we remember in this liturgy, we pray… Presider: Generous God, you lavish your bounty on your people. Your Holy Spirit bids us ask for your mercy and blessing in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. SPECIAL NOTE: LECTOR PLEASE STAY AT THE AMBO AND MAKE THE FOLLOWING SHORT ANNOUNCEMENT The second collection is for our Facilities Maintenance. The special envelope for World Missions should be placed in the regular offering basket. Thank you for your generosity. \\grace\Data\Good Shepherd\Liturgy\Liturgical Seasons & Feasts\Liturgy cycle a\Lector Scripts\Ordinary Time\ORD 29 (A) Lector 14.doc -3Lector-Cantor Script: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle A 3 October 18-19, 2014
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