Queen Parish Site: Queen of Peace 820 North Hills Avenue, Ardsley, PA 19038 of Peace Parish Parish E-mail: [email protected] Parish website: www.qofpeacechurch.org Rectory Phone: 215-887-1838 Rectory Fax: 215-887-8328 Worship Site: St. John of the Cross 2741 Woodland Rd, Roslyn, PA 19001 Convent Phone: 215-887-4785 PREP Phone: 215-886-3014 Pastor Rev. John J. Nordeman E-mail: [email protected] Deacon Deacon Raymond Jacobucci Sunday Ministry Rev. Rene Barczak, O.F.M. Joseph Costello - Parish Business Manager E-mail: [email protected] Music Ministry Dee LeFevre Organist/Pianist Parish Secretary E-mail: [email protected] Marie DePasquale Adult/Youth Choir Director Parish Services and Support Coordinator Email: [email protected] Chris Marsh - St. John of the Cross Worship Site Skipp Webb & Joe Wright Maintenance P.R.E.P. Anne Florian E-mail: [email protected] Mon. – Fri.: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM & 1:00 PM-4:00 PM Masses Saturday Evening: 5:00 PM, Sunday: 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM Daily: 8:00 AM (Monday thru Saturday) !"#!" New Parishioners Catholic families who are living within the boundaries of Queen of Peace Parish are encouraged to register at the rectory. $ % $%'% *+//";<#'= < '< > ? <<<K =#<' T<$#U <<% $ $%$< =#<' $ <<< Sacrament of Marriage Couples planning to marry should contact the Pastor at least six months to =%V <% X == #<% marriage can be made. Care of the Sick Each week the Holy Eucharist is brought by an Extraordinary Minister to = <%< Y %%'<Y$ <<$Z<<[' %\#%$ZVY '<=X<Y%=< Good Shepherd Catholic Regional School Phone: 215-886-4782 | Fax: 215-517-6708 | School Website: www.gscregional.org Principal: Sister Patricia Healey, I.H.M. | E-mail: [email protected] Advancement Director: Mrs. Barbara A. Gress School Business Manager: Mrs. Marilyn Shapiro Phone: 215-886-0126 Phone: 215-884-1591 | Fax: 215-887-9241 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] October 26, 2014 THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday, October 25, 2014 5:00 PM Living and deceased members of the Joseph H. Joret Family req. by Lea Joret Sunday, October 26, 2014 Ex 22:20-26 / 1 Thes 1:5c-10 / Mt 22:34-40 7:30 AM Deceased members of the Farrell Family req. by Doreen Hildebrand 9:30 AM Joseph Dominick (40th Anniversary) req. by Betty & Joan Dominick 11:00 AM Michael & Josephine Tillger req. by Michael Tillger & Family Monday, October 27, 2014 Eph 4:32 – 5:8 / Lk 13:10-17 8:00 AM Missa Pro Populo (Mass for the People) Tuesday October 28, 2014 Eph 2:19-22 / Lk 6:12-16 8:00 AM Nick & Nicolina Rossi (53rd Wedding Anniversary) Wednesday, October 29, 2014 Eph 6:1-9 / Lk 13:22-30 8:00 AM Pasquale Fragale req. by Angie Fittipaldi Thursday, October 30, 2014 Eph 6:10-20 / Lk 13:31-35 8:00 AM Eleanor & Edward Milewski req. by Theresa & Clarence Windish Friday, October 31, 2014 Phil 1:1-11 / Lk 14:1-6 8:00 AM James Kenny req. by Eleanor Soboleski Saturday, November 1, 2014 All Saints Rv 7:2-4, 9-14 / 1 Jn 3:1-3 / Mt 5:1-12a 8:00 AM Paul Pileggi req. by his wife & family 5:00 PM Daniel DiFrancesco req. by his wife Sunday, November 2, 2014 All Soul’s Day Wis 3:1-9 / Rom 5:5-11 / Jn 6:37-40 7:30 AM For the intentions of All Souls 9:30 AM For the intentions of All Souls 11:00 AM For the intentions of All Souls SANCTUARY LIGHT MEMORIAL Week of October 26, 2014 This week the Sanctuary Light is dedicated in memory of Andrew Naessens Requested by The Naessens Family Offertory Collections October 18/19 Weekend Weekly Collection: $ 12,440.00 Thank you and God Bless you for your generosity. REST IN PEACE: Queen of Peace Parish expresses our sympathy and the promise of our prayers to the family and friends of: Elizabeth Dominick, Albert Frank PLEASE PRAY for all those who are ill at home, in nursing homes, in hospitals and especially for: Savilla O’Brien, Bob Price, Tracy Nagle, Robert Engerer, Edward & Kathleen O’Lone, Maryann Ostrowski, Joe Zaro, Mary Rose Maletta, Kendall Anderson, Samantha Lohr, Elanore Oakes, Joan Murphy, Gilbert Lewis, Irene MacAdams, Harry Wilson, Irene Pomerink, Brigid Cawley, Charles Nicholson, Joe Quinn, Alice Opdyke, Eleanor Slavin, Roberta Leadford, Eleanor Simpson, Marie Valoris, John Regan, Tom Mitchell, Geri Fritz, Beatrice DiSandro, Steven Ring, Livia West, Tony Powers, Elaine Hopham, Dominic Kramer, Mary Krivitzki, Philip Kennedy, Joseph Greco, Keith Yarnell, Sloane Kalin, Bill Acker, Jim Blurton, John Cawley (of England), Marion Kash, Margaret Hebert, Joann Infantado, Baby Francesca Dever, Phil Adamo, Jr, Marianne Bellesorte, Anne Campbell, Evelyn Ciquero, Bill Concannon, Mary Donahoe, Margaret Forcey, Thomas Forcey, Andy Funk, Matthew Gallagher, Tom Henry, Joseph Kendra, Jessica Kennedy, Ryan Kraenbring, Steven Knox, Joseph Kraft, Florence McDermott, Sr. Marcille McEntee, IHM, Barbara McKenna, Kate McManus Stephen Pearson, Tommy Tilman, Rebecca Voltmer - Francis Walter, Donna Whelan, Joseph Wolos, Sr., John Wrigley, Rose Manzo, Vivian Razler, David Tack, John Kozlevcar, Donna Mellon, Stephen Costello, Betty Jean Smith, Pauline Tack, Martin Lennon, Anne Gouak, Mary Kay Mooney, William Trippel, Michael Dougherty, Sr., Marian McCullough, Michael Tillger, PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS all people serving in our Armed Forces at home and overseas, especially: 1st Lt. Sean Dudley, Jake Kelley, Jeffrey Rohrback, DC.FA Thomas A. Forcey (Japan), Scott Chilman, Josh Verlin, Bill Dougherty, Edward Short, Drew Pascuzzi, Thomas Meehan (Afghanistan), Jimmy Bell (USS George HW Bush Air Craft Carrier) QofP– 149 p.2 PASTOR’S COLUMN: Dear Friends In Christ, One of the questions that priests are asked most often is "How do I pray?". I am going to offer 2 suggestions. Neither one is cutting edge or new but both have certainly stood the test of time. The first suggestion is related to our Lord's words in the Gospel today. I am going to recommend that you pray the shema prayer which is a deeply rooted part of our Judea-Christian faith (i.e., things held in common by both Jews and Christians). The shema prayer, the version stated by Jesus, is easily memorized and offered: You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind and... You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Memorize it, pray it, reflect upon it. The second suggestion I have, as we come to the end of the month of the Holy Rosary, is to pray the Rosary. If it has been a while or has never been your habit to pray the rosary, start with a decade a day for a week or two and work toward praying the whole rosary. On Sunday, November 17, 2013, Pope Francis said this to the crowd of 60,000 gathered in Saint Peter's Square: Now I would like to recommend a medicine for you. Some of you may be wondering, 'Is the Pope now a pharmacist?' It is a special medicine which will help you. It is a small box containing 59 beads on a string. This little box contains the medicine, and will be distributed to you by volunteers as you leave the Square. Take them! It is a rosary. The Rosary is spiritual help for your souls and for spreading love, forgiveness and brotherhood everywhere. Do not forget to take it, because it is good for you. It is good for the heart, the soul, and for life in general! Have a blessed week! Yours in Christ, Fr. John Nordeman Do you have questions or concerns that you would like to share with the Transition Team? YOU CAN SEND AN E-MAIL TO THE TRANSITION TEAM! In order to facilitate communication with your transition team, there is now available an e-mail for any questions or feedback. This will help the team to work in collaboration with Fr. Nordeman as we continue to merge and become one parish. Please feel free to contact the Transition Team through email at [email protected]. PRE-JORDAN/BAPTISM CLASSES Our next available Pre-Jordan class will be Sunday, November 9th at 7 p.m. in the PREP office in Lynaugh Hall. All first time parents must attend this class before having their child baptized. Please contact the rectory to register. Archdiocese of Philadelphia CANDIDATE QUESTIONNAIRE: 2014 GENERAL ELECTION (visit www.PaCatholic.org to view interview transcripts and survey responses) A Candidates Questionnaire was prepared by the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference (PCC) and distributed by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Office for Communications. The PCC traditionally interviews gubernatorial candidates regarding their positions, but, according to the PCC, Tom Wolf declined their request for an interview. Therefore, the PCC researched his positions and presented them for informational purposes. Additional information prepared by the PCC includes an interview with Governor Tom Corbett and a column outlining positions of the two candidates. See the PCC’s website at www.PaCatholic.org for more information. Candidates were surveyed on a broad range of topics of interest to Catholic voters, and their responses are being published without comment. The Archdiocese expresses no preference for any particular response to any question. The Archdiocese does not endorse or oppose any candidate for political office, nor does it intervene in political campaigns in any way. The Archdiocese urges voters to become fully informed about candidates’ positions. The qualifications of candidates for public office cannot be fully assessed by reference to this or any other single candidate questionnaire. Voters are therefore encouraged to obtain as much information about candidates for public office from as many sources as possible. To learn about your legislative district or to locate your polling place, contact your County Board Elections ELECTION DAY IS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2014. POLLS ARE OPEN FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M. Please make every effort to vote. November 20-22, 2014 St. Raymond of Penafort 1350 E. Vernon Road Phila., PA 19150 Do you find yourself struggling, feeling hopeless, longing to belong? There is an answer: Christ. This conference will lead you to tap into the potent power of the Gospel and discover the depth of the Father’s love. For more information: www.heartofthefasther.com or call 610-9523019 QofP – 149 pg. 3 THE JACKPOT IS NOW $100,000.00! The winning numbers for October 20, 2014 were: 2 - 3 - 23 - 26 - 33 There were two consolation prize winners, Each receiving $250.00 T. Mallozzi sold by B. Dugan Tom Donahue sold by Fran Miller Our next drawing will be Mon., October 27, 2014 LECTOR SCHEDULE ALL SAINTS DAY Saturday, November 1, 2014 we celebrate the Feast of All Saints Day. This year the Holyday is not a Day of Obligation. According to the rules set forth by the U.S. Bishop Conference, if All Saints Day (Nov. 1) falls on a Monday or a Saturday, then that year the Feast is still a Holyday but not a Day of Obligation. Mass on All Saints Day will be at 8 am. YEAR A – 2013-14 30th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 10/25 – 5:00 PM Fred Lempa Sister Rita Magraff 10/26 – 7:30 AM Ellie Luczkowski 9:30 AM Alma Gass Terry Kittredge 11:00 AM Chris Carson Meghann Ruhling ALL SOULS DAY 11/01 – 5:00 PM Liz Evans Anne Lyons 11/02 – 7:30 AM Priscilla Auriello 9:30 AM Sister Rita Magraff Carol Hopkins 11:00 AM David Daniel Cathy Bryson ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25 5:00PM – Andrea Sokolski, Jessica Sokolski, Megan Strange SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 7:30AM – Enzo Kerwood, Alyssa Sacco 9:30AM – Sophie Buttry, Sayla Garcia, Christopher Gress 11:00AM – Kevin Discavage, Jubel & Cassandra Simenthy St John of the Cross Parish Center Wednesday October 29, 2014 2:00 PM UNTIL 7:00 PM The Blood Drive is this Wednesday! Please remember your appointment. There are still a few appointments available – call the Red Cross at 1-800-RED CROSS or you can sign up online at wwwredcrossblood.org. Our sponsor code is 0222553. Attn: ALL members of our new parish! QoP is going to be creating new posters of our deceased loved ones for display on All Souls Day (Sunday, Nov. 2), and we need your pictures. Please place your nonreturnable 2x4 or 3x5 pictures with the deceased’s name and date of death on the back in an envelope in the collection basket or drop them off at the rectory. QUEEN OF PEACE SODALITY Sodality Meets Tuesday evenings from 6:45 to 7:20 p.m. for prayers for the Perpetual Novena in Honor of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and devotions. All are welcome to join us Tues., October 28th for the Rosary & Miraculous Medal Devotions ST. JOHN OF THE CROSS SCHOOL ALUMNI MASS St. John of the Cross Church, 2741 Woodland Rd., Roslyn, PA Sunday, November 9th at 5:00 PM. We will have a special mass to remember our deceased alumni of St. John of the Cross school, as well as friends and parishioners of SJC. All are welcome to attend. MOQOP CASINO BUS TRIP The Men of Queen of Peace will host a Casino Bus Trip to Resorts’ Casino in Atlantic City on Sunday, November 9th The Bus will leave Queen of Peace Parking Lot at 11 a.m. The cost is $30.00 per person but each person will receive $25.00 in “Resort’s Dollars”. Call Don Miller at 215-8868650 to reserve a seat or for more info. QofP – 149 pg.4 Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Anne Florian e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 215-886-3014 Religious Education Office is open daily, Mon-Fri. 10-3 CONFIRMATION NEWS The Rite of Confirmation within Mass will be celebrated at Queen of Peace Parish on Sunday, March 1, 2015, at 11:00 a.m., by the Most Reverend Timothy C. Senior. OCTOBER/NOVEMBER PREP CALENDARS October 22 Regular Class October 29 Regular Class November 5 Regular Class November 12 Regular Class November 19 Regular Class NO PREP November 26 Thanksgiving Holiday RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) The RCIA is the sacramental process by which a person seeks full initiation into the Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Catholic, please contact Anne Florian at the PREP Office at 215-886-3014 SACRAMENT SUNDAY Attention Parents/Guardians whose children are preparing for Reconciliation and First Eucharist and Confirmation. There will be a Parent Sacrament meeting on Sunday, November 16, in Lynaugh Hall, after the 11:00 Mass. Whether your child attends Good Shepherd Regional School, PREP, Private Catholic School or Home School, at least one parent per family is asked to attend this important gathering. Sister Mary Catherine Chamberlain, IHM, from St. David Parish, Willow Grove, will speak on Reconciliation and Eucharist and Donna Heeney, Director of Religious Education for St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, Warrington, will speak on Confirmation. Children need not attend. We look forward to seeing you. Private School and Home School Parents, please contact Anne Florian to obtain the Confirmation Application and Sponsor Information sheets needed for your child preparing for Confirmation in March. ATTENTION ALL 5TH AND 6TH GRADERS Did you have fun at our last game night? Or miss it, but wanted to attend? It was such a huge success, we’re having another one! Join us on Friday, November 7 from 7 pm – 9 pm in Lynaugh Hall for games, pizza, snacks, and drinks. Registration forms can be found in the main vestibule of church or can be picked up in the rectory office. Please call 215-887-1838 with any questions. Hope you can join us! ATTENTION ALL 7TH AND 8TH GRADERS Join us for a fun-filled evening of music, entertainment, and food! We are hosting an Open Mic Night for any child in 7th or 8th grade. The evening will include pizza, snacks, and drinks and will take place in Lynaugh Hall on Friday, November 14 from 7 pm – 9 pm. Registration forms can be found in the main vestibule of church or can be picked up in the rectory office. Please call 215-887-1838 with any questions. Hope to see you there! ATTENTION ALL HIGH SCHOOLERS We need your help with a Christian community service project! You can help those in need and also acquire some service hours! We are going to be collecting food items for families in need during the month of November in conjunction with the food collection drive of West Chester University’s Catholic Newman Student Association. Join us on Wednesday, November 5 at 7 pm to prepare bags for distribution (and to eat pizza, too!). We’ll then have you drop off the empty bags to neighbors on your own street and pick them up on Saturday, November 22 to bring them to Lynaugh Hall where you’ll sort and repack the bags (10 am – 2 pm). These bags will be taken to West Chester University where they’ll be delivered to St. Agnes Day Room and Project 1, two major food distributors for families in need. Registration forms can be found in the main vestibule of church or can be picked up at the rectory office. Please call 215-887-1838 with any questions. Hope you can help! CRUSADER’S FOOTBALL BEEF ‘N BEER Sat, November 1st 7:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Crusader Football will be having a Beef ‘N Beer on Saturday, November 1st, 2014 from 7 pm. – 11 pm at St. John of the Cross Church basement, 2741 Woodland Road, Roslyn, PA $15 per person/$25 per couple. DJ, Door Prizes. 50/50 To order tickets, e-mail Berndatte Klohoker at [email protected] or [email protected] Parents & Alumni, please note that donations are needed for prize packages. E-mail Bernadette to donate. QofP – 149 pg.5 Good Shepherd Catholic School A School fostering: God + Scholarship + Community + Service What does GSC offer?... As a school community we model the Gospel values of faith, hope and love to lead our students to a deep and meaningful relationship with GOD. We challenge our students to value SCHOLARSHIP as a life-long love of learning. We lay the foundation for our students to become caring, responsible members of the global COMMUNITY. We lead our students to reach out to others through acts of charity and SERVICE in our parishes and neighborhoods. This is the MISSION of Good Shepherd Catholic School. GSC has all the advantages of a private school experience, but without the private school cost! Come join us! Visit GSC’s Pumpkin Village… GSC students will display their creative “Pumpkin Exhibits” in the school auditorium during the week of Oct. 27. You can vote for your favorite pumpkin by putting loose change in the jug sitting in front of the pumpkin. Proceeds from this event will benefit the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary living at Camilla Hall Nursing Home. The creativity of our GSC students is amazing! A+ School Rewards… Giant Food Stores support our GSC school community. You can help to add your support of GSC by registering your “Bonus Card” and linking it to GSC. The steps are simple: Log on to www.giantfood.com/aplus and choose “customer Registration” to register your card online. Then each time you shop at Giant using your Giant Card, you will earn cash for GSC. Our school ID is as follows: 05822. Thanks for helping to support Catholic Education at GSC. GSC/QUEEN OF PEACE CHRISTMAS BAZAAR (formerly known as Demo Night) Friday, Nov 21, 2014, 6:30 P.M. – 9:00 P.M. Saturday, Nov 22, 2014, 9:00 A.M. – 3:00 P.M. Sunday, Nov 23, 2014, 10:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M. In the school auditorium Interested in being a vendor? Please contact Kathie Haney at 215-659-2931 or [email protected] for additional information. From the Advancement Office Good Shepherd Catholic School Experience GSC – Parent Testimonials “I recommend GSC every chance I get?” . . . We are blessed with many valuable assets at GSC; wonderful families, deep-rooted community commitment, an excellent faculty, and exemplary leadership . . . In addition to all of these gifts, our greatest assets are our parents. I am honored to share with you our Parent Testimonials. These gifts add to our most valued treasures, we hope you agree. . . We chose GSC because God lives in this school. I love the spirituality of the staff that is graciously instilled upon my children. GSC not only focuses on academics but also strongly emphasizes the importance of God. The setting at GSC is more personalized and places high value on morals and values. Our school is led by a wonderful Principal, Sister Patricia, along with a terrific, supportive faculty. We value that the Principal and faculty know all the students. Sister Patricia is the heart and soul of GSC. GSC has done everything for our child who is thriving both academically and socially. One of the greatest strengths of GSC is the community. It is a place where your entire family feels at home. The faculty love and lead our children by exemplifying the school mission of God, Scholarship, Community, and Service. Sister Patricia’s quiet spirituality gives GSC students and their families that “feeling” of home when you walk in the doors. GSC is academically challenging, the faculty expect a lot from their students. Success is the only option in a school where every faculty member knows every student by name. GSC is worth every sacrifice! Thank you for continuing to share the great news from the halls of Good Shepherd Catholic School with your community of friends and family. We warmly welcome families to visit our beloved school. Please Support Good Shepherd Catholic School students through OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS The * OSTC Program is like free money for GSC from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . . . Please consider using your State tax dollars to help Good Shepherd Catholic School students. As a business owner you can do this by simply redirecting to GSC the State taxes you already pay. Please contact me to begin your participation in this program on behalf of GSC students. I am happy to provide you with more information and to answer any questions you may have. My office # is 215-886-0126. Please feel free to contact me via email as well at [email protected]. * Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit Program QofP – 149 pg.6 Michael F. Breslin, Esq. KNAPP’S SERVICE STATION INC. PARISH MEMBER 1196 Easton Road • Roslyn, PA 19001 Wills, Trusts, Estates, Real Estate, Tax & Business Law COMPLETE AUTO SERVICE 215-881-7789 ANGELONE FUNERAL HOME, INC. Domestic • Foreign • Light Trucks • Vans Exhaust • Brakes • Tire Batteries PROVIDING QUALITY SERVICE FOR 45 YEARS 501 North Easton Road • Willow Grove 215-659-0202 Leandro N. Angelone, Jr. - Supervisor 215-884-9520 Hrs: M-F 7-8, Sat 7-5, Sun - Closed MONTCO REHAB PHYSICAL THERAPY Choose us for Personal Care MICHAEL GIULIANI, MPT, PhD 1345 EASTON RD., ROSLYN 215-885-2022 COATES & COATES P.C. ANDREW A. COATES • MARYANNE C. COATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW • PARISHIONERS Wills • Estates • Elder Law • Trusts • Estate Planning & Administration 2739 Limekiln Pike, North Hills 215.576.6007 215-572-1105 ED HUGHES & SONS PLUMBING Heating • Air Conditioning Drain Cleaning 215-425-4737 Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 $16.99 2 large plain pizzas Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 Follow us on: Or go to burialplanning.com for free planning kit. Numerous locations. Present this ad to save up to $2,500.00 on a complete burial. EAT-IN • TAKE-OUT • DELIVERY www.jerzeesglenside.com Free Estimates Carpet • Vinyl Hardwood Renish Old Hardwood 215-657-1880 Roslyn Anthony C. Sweeney DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS Plumbing & Heating FOUNDATION REPAIR Registered Master Plumber, OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT Parishioner • Licensed & Insured EMERGENCY SERVICE 215-884-8375 FREE INSPECTIONS WATER HEATERS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: All Types of Plumbing & Heating: Repair or Installation From Small Jobs to Big www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com RIGHTWAY WATERPROOFING CO. FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured Since 1996 3005 Mt. 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Accepts HMO, PPO and Commercial Insurance plans Frenchy & Dee Soups And Stuff, LLC 15% OFF “Home Made Soups” Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Lobster Bisque, Beef Barley, Shrimp & Crab Bisque, Chicken Corn Chowder, Chili PLACE YOUR ORDER TODAY! Parishioner Visit our Website: soupsbyfrenchy.com ELECTRIC Certied & Insured Commercial & Residential Cable • Phone • All Electrical Needs 215-370-0693 Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair CLEANING SOLUTION INC. 215-520-5881 [email protected] MATT ADELSBERGER $75 OFF PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM 149 Queen of Peace, Ardsley, PA (I) Rt. D ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major re hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding Licensed & Insured 1.866.264.8444 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT CHURCH MEMBER DISCOUNT John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net Est. 1979 W ILLIAM R. M AY F U N E R AL HOM E, INC. Carpeting • Hardwood • Ceramic Tile No Wax Floors • Window Treatments 180 SOUTH MAIN STREET AMBLER, PA 19002 215-793-9000 State Inspection Emissions A Family Tradition of Care Easton Rd. & Keswick Ave. Glenside, PA 19038 Harry M. May, Supv Main St. & Elm Ave. North Wales, PA 19454 Michael J. McDonald, Supv. FITZGERALD’S 215-884-8410 TIRE & AUTO SERVICE JENKINTOWN & EASTON RDS. GLENSIDE 215-699-3442 (215) 885-1100 Alignments Brakes Tune-Up W W W. M AY F U N E R A L H O M E . C O M 15% OFF Let us Host Your Next Event DINNER ENTREES Showers • Christenings Confirmations • Communions Funeral Luncheons Dine In Only All Pasta & Dinner Entrees NOW Include Salad SUNDAY thru THURSDAY ONLY 215-576-6888 1185 Easton Rd., Roslyn Alice J. Tillger Attorney At Law 215-657-7440 PARISHIONER, SENIOR CITIZEN & VETERANS DISCOUNTS Wills • Probate Elder Law Medicaid Planning Real Estate ~ Since 1998 ~ Serving The Parish Since 1989 www.StoneFinishRemodeling.com (215) 997-4100 24 Hr. Emergency 215-880-9945 Painting • Patios/Decks • Home Repair/Remodeling Jason Stone - Owner • Free Estimates OPEN HOUSE Sunday, November 9, 2014 NEED ELECTRICAL WORK? EIGHTH GRADE SCHOLARSHIP AND ENTRANCE EXAM Saturday, December 6, 2014 Donald J. Miller Donald J. Miller Please visit our website at www.lschs.org for information on scholarships, financial aid, and transportation. Parishioner Commercial • Residential • Fully Insured 813 Glenside Ave. Wyncote, PA 19095 (215)886-9513 #PA026511 * Member PA & NJ Bar Thomas Bowman ATTORNEY AT LAW (215) 886-7489 Look a Cut above the rest!!! by Anne Marie 215-277-1624 AT THE HEART OF CHARITY IS Maripat King Realtor® “Your Neighborhood Expert” Home Delivery Servicing, All Make & Models Owner Tech Local Diocese Member The Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia is your single source for charitable giving by supporting what you care about most. 215-659-0891 DK AUTO REPAIR DAVE KAISER Direct: 215-358-1066 www.maripatking.com All Major Brands & Micro Brews 1305 EASTON RD ROSLYN, PA 19001 Open for Lunch & Dinner Mention This Ad For 10% OFF 501 Old York Rd., Jenkintown Jenkintown Plaza • 215-886-2266 215-882-1220 (215) 358-1100 1409 Easton Rd., Roslyn, PA Residential & Commercial Electric Contractors Family Owned & Operated Since 1948 813 E. Abington Ave., Wyndmoor, PA 19038 Phone: 215-233-0598 • Fax: 215-233-0133 Email: [email protected] • www.frankduffelectric.com Matt & Patti Duff • Parishioners Since 1993 Hairstyling Criminal Law - DUI & Juvenile Cases Wills & Estates • Accidents - Personal Injury 162 South Easton Road, Glenside, PA 19038 Frank Duff Electric Service, Inc. 215.587.5650 CatholicFoundationPhila.org Waterproofing One Wet Basement? Call today Basement Waterproofing Mold Removal, Removal, Foundation Repair waterproofingone.com 484-410-4110 Dublin Woods Family Dentistry Dr. Robert Brett, D.D.S., F.A.G.D. & Associates 1390 Fitzwatertown Rd., Roslyn, PA 19001 (215) 659-4477 149 Queen of Peace, Ardsley, PA (B) Rt. D 3401 W. Moreland Rd. Willow Grove, PA [email protected] • Family and Cosmetic Dentistry • Preventative Care • Orthodontic/Orthopedics • Day and Evening Hours • Sleep Apnea/TMD • Implants • Laser BARRY F. DAROCHA, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. SUSAN M. ROTZAL, D.M.D., M.A.G.D., F.I.C.O.I. 230 N. 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