ST. MARY OF THE ANNUNCIATION PARISH 46 MYRTLE STREET, MELROSE, MA 02176 PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH OFFICE: 781-665-0152 Fax: 781-665-2750 Hours: 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Monday—Friday PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Mark E. Ballard Pastor Rev. Sean M. Maher Parochial Vicar Sr. Mary Samson, S.H.C.J. Pastoral Associate [email protected] Mrs. Marie Sweeney Pastoral Associate [email protected] Rev. John Nazzaro Weekend Assistant EUCHARISTIC LITURGY 4:00 PM 7:30, 9:30 and 11:30 AM 9:00 AM Ms. Marge Keohane Operations Manager [email protected] Saturday (Vigil) Sunday Monday through Saturday Mrs. Cynthia Boyle Principal, St. Mary’s School 781-665-5037 Saturday, 3:00 to 3:45 PM or call the Parish Office for an appointment. Mrs. Angela Wrinkle Director of Religious Education 781-665-0152 ext. 22 [email protected] Mrs. Karen Barrows Parish & Rel. Ed. Secretary [email protected] Mrs. Jaclyn Meehan Confirmation Coordinator 781-665-3707 [email protected] Mr. Eric Anderson Music Director 617-974-5948 [email protected] Mr. Joseph Tucceri Maintenance Director SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptisms are celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of each month at 1:15 PM. A Baptism class is held for all new parents and godparents on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Parish Center. To schedule your Baptism or for more information, please call the rectory. SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY Please call the Parish Office to schedule an appointment to begin the preparation process and to confirm a date and time for your wedding. This process should begin at least six months in advance of the desired date. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK If you would like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick prior to hospital admission or any other reason, please contact the rectory. The Sacrament of the Sick is also offered after the 4:00 Mass on the First Saturday of each month. MISSION STATEMENT: St. Mary’s is a Roman Catholic Christian Community centered around the Eucharist, welcoming all, while growing through faith and stewardship. ST. MARY’S PARISH WELCOME TO ST. MARY’S! If you are visiting and looking for a spiritual home, we welcome you to St. Mary of the Annunciation Parish. We hope that you find the worship and liturgy uplifting and an encouragement to your faith. Please introduce yourself to one of the priests after Mass. We want to know you and serve you; we welcome and invite you to become an active member of the St. Mary’s Parish Community. If you would like more information about our parish, please contact Marie Sweeney at 781.665.0152 ext.16 or [email protected]. [email protected]. FEAST OF ALL SAINTS The Feast of All Saints will be celebrated on Saturday, November 1st. As it falls on a Saturday this year, it is not a holyday of obligation, but we encourage all our parishioners to reflect on the lives of all the holy women and men who have been raised to sainthood and to honor them through prayer and Mass. May our lives model their deep faith and love of Christ. PADRE PIO PRAYER GROUP The Padre Pio Prayer Group will meet on Wednesday, November 5th at 7:00 pm in the Lower Chapel. The Franciscan Crown Rosary will be prayed along with our regular monthly devotions. PROJECT RACHEL “Today, thanks to Project Rachel, I am a different person. To experience the power of forgiveness is life altering…” If you or someone you know is suffering from the pain of a past abortion, the Project Rachel ministry of the Archdiocese of Boston will offer a one-day retreat for women on November 15 from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm at a confidential location. Space is limited. For registration, contact Project Rachel at 508.651.3100 or [email protected]. Trust in the tender mercy of God. GRAND ANNUAL COLLECTION To date we have received $32,250 which is 32% of our goal of $100,000. Our thanks to those who have contributed. The Grand Annual is a necessary supplement to our weekly offertory. We are asking our parish families to make possible, but we are most grateful for any every family responds according to their meet our goal. Envelopes area available at church vestibule. Thank you. a gift of $300 if and all gifts. If means, we will the tables in the ATTENTION ALL VOLUNTEERS! WEEKEND FOR CORI RENEWALS THIS WEEKEND After All Masses Everyone who volunteers or works in the Parish in any way is required to complete a yearly CORI (Criminal Offender Record Information) form. Please come to the Lower Church Hall, bring a photo ID and know the last 6 digits of your Social Security number. If you are unable to be at the parish on this weekend, please come to the rectory and see Karen Barrows Monday through Friday 9:00-4:00 pm. If you do not complete the Cori form this weekend, you will be asked to step down from your ministry. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. For more information, please contact Marie Sweeney at 781.665.0152 ext. 16 or [email protected] If you would like to prepare your form in advance, there is a folder on the children’s bookcase in the Church. OPEN HOUSE for 5TH GRADE STUDENTS Saint John’s Seminary cordially invites all 5th grade students and their families, parish priests, religious education directors, principals, and teachers to attend an Open House on Sunday, November 2nd from 2:00 to 4:00 pm. The focus of Religious Education in 5th Grade is the Sacraments. This is a great opportunity to learn firsthand about the Sacrament of Holy Orders and to meet the Seminarians who would like to share their stories with you. In order for us to plan, please RSVP by 29 October to [email protected] or by calling 617.746.5423. We look forward to your visit! PRAY THE ROSARY Are you an early riser? Radio Station WPLM-FM 99.1 broadcasts the Rosary every morning, Sunday through Saturday at 5:30 am. What a great way to start your day! MELROSE, MA Please pray that God will watch over and safeguard our men and women serving in the military: SGT. PAUL C ONSOLI, US A RMY MAJOR MARTIN FORREST, USMC LT. C OL. STEVEN GERARDI, US A RMY C PL. MATTHEW GREGORIO, USMC SGT. DANIEL GOODHUE , USMC LT C OL. VALERIE HACKETT, USAF PVT. MICHAEL BUTLER, USMC L/C PL DANIEL MORELLI, USMC LT. SHELBY NIKITIN, US NAVY L/C PL ROBERT O’K ONIEWSKI, USMC SGT. B RIAN C RAWFORD, US ARMY MAJ. DARCY SAINT-A MANT.US A RMY LT C OL B ERNARD B ANKS, US A RMY CPL B RIDGET C ORSO, USMC CPL MATHEW C ORSO, USMC MAJOR E RIC B ERG, USAF H.C. E VAN C ARROLL, US NAVY PVT. JONATHAN C AMMARATA , USMC LT. JOHN R MORESCHI JR. USN SPC B RADFORD SAUNDERS, US A RMY MAJOR. E RIC DINOTO, US A RMY SPC JOSEPH RITCHIE , US A RMY AFC DEVON E MERY, USAF MS PATRICK TAGAN US NAVY E NS. SHAWN TAGAN, US NAVY LT. PATRICK FORREST, USMC C PL. MARK GREGORIO, USMC AFC JOHN GOODHUE , USAF L/C PL JARED WIMBERLY USMC A1C JULIE FORBES, USAF LT.C OL CHUCK MC GREGOR, USMC TSGT. SCOTT FORBES, USAF SPC JAMES LA C ROIX, US ARMY WO JAMES PAPPA , US ARMY SS JESSICA RAINWATER, USAF JUSTIN E. O'BRIEN, S/F, U.S. A RMY LT. J/G QUINCY K ING, II USAF MELROSE SYMPHONY'S OPENING NIGHT HALLOWEEN "SPOOKTACULAR" Join us on Saturday, November 1st at 8:00 pm as we kick off our 97th season with a “spirited” performance of haunted favorites from the symphonic repertoire. There will be a Pre-Concert Talk with Yoichi Udagawa at 7:15 pm. You will recognize many of these pieces from favorite “frightful” movies including The Sorcerer’s Apprentice - the music featured in Disney’s Fantasia. Also on the program is Saint-Saen’s Danse Macabre or “Dance of Death,” featuring our concertmaster Alan Hawryluk playing the violin solo calling forth the skeletons to “dance for Death” each year on Halloween. Conductor Yoichi Udagawa engaging and informative pieces on the program. “spooktacular” evening of own Melrose Symphony! will speak from the stage with dialogue about each of the You don’t want to miss this frightful music with your very To purchase 50 % discounted tickets, visit and enter the code STMARYS50 BISHOP FENWICK OPEN HOUSE Bishop Fenwick High School invites you to attend our Open House on Thursday, November 13th from 6:30-8:30 pm. For more information about the Open House, the High School Placement Test, to register for our Fridays at Fenwick or other Admissions information please visit or call us at 978.587.8360. FOOD PANTRY COLLECTION November 1st & 2nd Thanksgiving! Already? I haven't put summer clothes away yet! We have so much to be thankful for, especially the generous support of our parishioners, school and CCD classes who donate faithfully, which helps enable us to supply food for 55 families weekly. We also are so appreciative of our staff of volunteers who labor so selflessly. You would be amazed at how many people and man hours of preparation and labor it takes to hand out bags of groceries for one and one half hours each Friday. God bless you all abundantly. Suggestions for Thanksgiving themed food for November: cranberry sauce turkey gravy boxed potatoes boxed stuffing brownie or cookie mix canned fruit canned green beans & corn cranberry quick bread DEEP CATHOLICISM A new monthly class for adult Catholics will be led by Fr. Jurgen Liias on the first Monday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at St. Patrick's Church in Stoneham. Each session will include a teaching lecture followed by questions and discussion; refreshments will be served. The Monday, November 3rd topic is the Church's teaching about what happens to each human being following their death. WELLSPRINGS OF FAITH Recently, Annie Pierce was a guest of Fr. Jurgen Liias. Annie is a recent graduate of Boston University and describes her efforts, together with like minded students, to explain the prolife position and arguments in an often hostile environment on campus. Annie’s interview will be broadcast on Tuesdays and Thursdays from October 23rd to November 4th on Comcast channel 3 and on Verizon channel 39. AUSTIN PREP OPEN HOUSE Austin Preparatory School, an independent Catholic school in the Augustinian tradition serving young men and women in grades 6 through 12, in Reading will be showcasing its Upper and Middle Schools at an Open House on Sunday November 2nd from 11:00 am until 2:00 pm. Learn more about its challenging, productive and satisfying academic programs through tours and conversations with faculty and administrators. THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Saturday, October 25 4:00 pm Kevin Keohane Sunday, October26 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Margaret & Anthony Restuccia and Jack Skerry Patrick and Maureen Carroll Sciara Family Monday, October 27 9:00 am Frederick Small Friday, October 31 9:00 am Amedeo Pilla William J. Kelleher Sunday, November 2 7:30 am 9:30 am 11:30 am Ray Driscoll Jean Riley-Nicol Aurore Gilbert Mary Jane Woodside Logan Rench Linda Stackhouse Joshua Doucette Mary Callen Ed Laskey Carolyn Stowell Frank Zinck Please pray for the deceased members of St. Mary’s Parish. Jane Bushee William Turner Rev. Msg. Richard Little Paul Tighe Our Sanctuary Lamp is lit in memory of Saturday, November 1 4:00 pm Please pray for those in our parish who are ill. Joanne Caples For the Special Intention of the Colaruso Family James Porter St. Mary’s Parishioners. We pray in a special way for all those who are unable to be with us, for whatever reason. We pray for all those who are lonely, all those who have no one to pray for them, and we pray for one another. ROSARY FOR CONVERSION & VOCATIONS FOR OUR YOUNG PEOPLE ADORATION OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Adoration is held every Thursday from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in the Lower Church and on Saturday from 9:30 am to 2:45 pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Please join us. We are committed to having at least two persons present at all times of Adoration. If you can commit to one hour on one evening a month, please email [email protected]. PILGRIMAGE TO THE SHRINE OF THE MOST BLESSED SACRAMENT Fr. Jurgen Liias will lead a Eucharistic Pilgrimage to EWTN Studios and the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament. We will attend a 3 Day Retreat “Living Your Consecration to Mary” held at the Casa Maria Retreat House in Alabama. The date is March 11-15, 2015. Cost of the pilgrimage is $1,200. A $200 deposit is needed to hold your spot. Flyers/Reservation Forms are on the bookcase in the Lower Church. For more information, contact Cathy DiPirro at 781.662.9154 or email [email protected] Please join us in the Parish Center Chapel in praying the Rosary for the conversion and vocations for our young people, and for their spiritual and physical protection. We meet Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. ST. PATRICK CEMETERY STONEHAM The Catholic Cemetery Association of the Archdiocese of Boston will have an informational booth at St. Patrick Cemetery, 120 Elm Street, Stoneham on Monday, October 27th from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Wednesday, October 29th from 12:00 to 2:00 pm, and Saturday, November 1st from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Assistance will be available for anyone with questions or concerns about the cemetery, the St. Stephen section, preplanning, and lot sales. For more information, please call 339.226.1271. Thank you for your generosity. On the weekend of October 18th & 19th we gave: Sacrificial Giving $7,279.00 OCTOBER 26, 2014 ST. MARY’S SCHOOL & PTO NEWS WE NEED YOU! To Be a PTO Liaison SAVE THE DATE! EVERYBODY’S GOTTA EAT, RIGHT? Our friends at Prince Pizza are generously sponsoring a night free from cooking on Tuesday, November 11th from 5:00 – 8:00 pm. Every purchase with a coupon (at the back of the Church) is a donation to St Mary’s PTO of 25% of the sale. So are you looking for a night off from cooking, or even some pizzas to freeze for over the holidays? Join us at Prince Pizzeria on Route One South! BRING THE GIFTS TO THE ALTAR Have you seen our Wooden Fish on the table at the back of the Church at the 9:30 Family Mass? That is a Sign that we need “kids of all ages” to bring the Gifts to the Altar. Please just “take our fish” and let an Usher know you will bring the Gifts to the Altar. This will let everyone know that someone is already set to bring the Gifts to the Altar. When you go back to get the Gifts, please be sure to return our Fish! This is especially a great idea for our young people who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist and Confirmation this year, as they can play another important role and be more actively involved in the Celebration of the Mass. BOXTOPS 4 EDUCATION & CAMPBELL’S LABELS FOR EDUCATION These are two additional ways funds are raised to support the school and to obtain educational supplies and materials for the school. Each BoxTop 4 Education is worth 10 cents. Please continue to help us by clipping these labels and dropping them off at the school or in the envelope located on the Lower Church Hall Bulletin Board. Please check out our website for more information about what’s happening in our school. The goal of the liaisons will be to generate a positive culture and climate, collaborate with and welcome parents in their grade, attend PTO meetings, and support the fundraising events of St. Mary’s School PTO. We hope this will enhance the wonderful spirit of the PTO and integrate new parents into our school community. Can You Help Us? Please contact Julia Diller at [email protected] Join us at our next PTO meeting on Wednesday, November 12th at 7:30 pm in the Parish Center. OCTOBERFEST Friday, October 31st The Student Council will once again host Octoberfest for the school on Friday, October 31st. A variety of fun Fall activities are planned. Potato sack races, mystery box games and painting gourds and pumpkins are just a sampling of what might be in store. It is also a Dress Down Day; so for $1.00 you don’t need to wear your uniform! BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS St. Mary's School offers Before School and After School Programs every day that school is in session. The goal of these programs is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child before and after his/her school day begins. The Before School Program runs from 7:00-8:00 am. Students should enter the main door of the school any time during those times. Students may bring breakfast or snacks to the Before School Program. The After School Program is an educational resource available to all St. Mary's families. The service is available each day from 2:30-6:00 pm. We also provide professional care on Early Release Days, Professional Development Days, and vacations throughout the school year. ST MARY’S VACATION CLUB Did you know that our after school program is available when St. Mary’s School is not in session? The Vacation Club is available during our Christmas, February and April school vacations. Students can attend half or full days. Another benefit to our families and students!
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