St Joseph’s newsletter Burton Road Derby DE1 1TJ T: 01332 343777 M: 07771 965 935 Sunday 26th October 2014 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A Mass next weekend – All Saints & All Souls Next Sunday (2nd November) the Church celebrates the Feast of All Saints (transferred from 1st November). The commemoration of All Souls will then be celebrated on Monday, 3rd November, (transferred from the usual date of 2nd November). Our prayers for those who have died remind us of the love that continues to bind us together both now and in eternity. As always in St Joseph’s in November we pray as a parish for those who have died. Please complete the names of those you wish to pray for on the envelopes in the church porch and hand in to the presbytery. These names will then be placed on the altar for the month of November. William Higgins, RIP William will be received into the church on Monday at 5.00pm and the Funeral Mass is on Tuesday at 10.00am. May he rest in peace. Childrens’ Liturgy We hope this will resume on 16th November. Lorraine Hay is unable to continue taking major responsibility for this – sincere thanks for her hugely significant work in the past few years. For the future, new teams will be formed. With a view to this, we invite all young people (Year 7 and above) who are interested in helping to attend a meeting after the 10.15am Mass on Sunday, 9th November. This is clearly an important development and, even if you are a little nervous about volunteering, give it a try! Contacting the Parish Priest: I will be available to meet with parishioners with no appointment on Wednesday, 29th October from 4 - 6pm. (note change of time) This time also includes time for confession. (best to phone in advance to let me know when you are coming at other times.) Fr John Mass Count Today, as every Sunday in October, the number of people at Mass is counted. This is for the official national statistics. Smile Please! Imelda, a parishioner and photographer, will be available to take photos, single or small family groups (max 5) this weekend. Saturday 25th Oct. at 5.00 - 6.30pm and Sunday 26th Oct. after 10.15am Mass. A small donation of £4 is requested plus the price of the photo which will be a small amount. All profits go to the Sick & Retired Priests Fund. Please come along and support us – bring Granny, Grandad, Aunts and Uncles – and have a lovely Christmas Photo. Our prayers for those who are unwell: Alex & Joanne, Angela, Audrey, Richard Ashmore, Mr Baggins, Pat Donaldson, Anne Eames, Tasha & Dylan Fisher, Paul Henchcliffe, Sarah Lowndes, Elizabeth McCord, Leo Macdonald, Ellen McElroy, John McCrea, Caul McGuinness, John Madden, Carla Maffei, Michael Manghan, Donald Massey, Alfredo Matangga, Victoria Merritt, George & Sue O’Connor, Geoffrey Prichard, Rosemary & Brendan, Michael Sellers Those who have died recently: David (also known as Vince) Jones, William Higgins Anniversaries that occur at this time: David Morris, Canon James Beel, Leslie Litting, Alan Elliott, Dave Green, Jenny Gilligan SERVICES THIS WEEK Saturday 25th Oct. 6.00pm 6.30pm Confessions Iwan Parasyn, RIP Sunday 26th Oct. 8.45am 10.15am Gaston Cao, RIP Jenny Gilligan, RIP Monday 27th Oct. 8.30am 9.00am Exposition Sean Temple, RIP Tuesday 28th Oct. 10.00am Funeral Mass for William Higgins, RIP Wed. 29th Oct. 9.00am Alan Sabu Mathew Friday 31st Oct 8.30am 9.00am Exposition Holy Souls Saturday 1st Nov. 6.00pm 6.30pm Confessions James McManamon, RIP Sunday 2nd Nov. 8.45am 10.15am Mac & Daisy Fredrix, RIP Carmine Parlato, RIP World Mission Sunday The second collection last week raised £299.19 for this important work in the Church. Many thanks. African Sung Mass: at St George’s Church, Derby DE23 8SZ next Sunday, 2nd November, at 2.00pm. See leaflets in church porch for more info. The Irish Rambling House Variety Concert back by popular demand (music, song, dance and story-telling) will appear at the Derby Irish Centre, Becket Street, on Sunday, 2nd November Admittance £10. Concert starts at 8.00pm. To book tickets contact 07941621488 or Derby Irish Centre (Organised by Derby St Patrick’s Day Committee) Rosmini Centre Ratcliffe: Saturday 8th November. “Martin Luther King”, Nick Walsh, Head of RE at Ratcliffe College; 11.00 to 2.00 pm; shared lunch. Saturday 22nd November. Afternoon Retreat 3.00-7.00pm; reflection theme “Eucharist”. Sunday 7th December. Retreat Day given by Fr. John Daley IC. 10.30 am to 4.00 pm; lunch included. Call 01509 813078 or email rosminicentreinfo@ gmail.come. Donations appreciated to cover costs. ST JOSEPH’S PARISH – NOTICES Parish Priest: Fr John Trenchard T: 01332 343777 Mobile: 07771 965 935 E: [email protected] Parish Pastoral Council Following decisions made by the previous PPC last spring there is now a new Parish Pastoral Council which met for the first time on 8th October. The following parishioners (with the group they represent) are now members of the PPC: • Joachim Barnett (Finance Committee) • Cathie Bishop (Church cleaning) • Tracey Churchill (Headteacher, St Joseph’s School) • Kathleen Elliott (Catechetics) • Deirdre Fleming (Parish Centre Committee) • Eileen Fleming (Readers) • Michael Furey (Altar servers), • Margaret Harper (Eucharistic Ministers) • Liz Haynes (RCIA) • Julia Lammond (musicians) • Ann Larkins (Flower arrangers) • Brian Martin (Maintenance Committee) • Irene Murphy (Youth Club) • Jo Palfreyman (First Holy Communion) • Sabu Mathew (St Thomas Catholic Community) • Nicola Rollinson (Catechetics) • Angela Swift (Safeguarding) Deirdre Fleming was agreed as Chair and Joachim Barnett as Vice-chair. Many of the PPC members undertake a variety of tasks. My thanks to all of the above to kindly agreeing to be part of the PPC: and thanks to those who have done this work in the past few years so successfully. At its first meeting PPC members introduced ourselves to each other and looked briefly at the strengths and weaknesses of St Joseph’s Parish. It was also proposed that there should be a “suggestion box”, as in past years, in which parishioners can submit ideas for improvement. We will take this proposal forward as soon as possible. International Mass on Sunday, 23rd November at 10.15am. Chris Ejiofor or Fr John will be in touch with various groups to prepare for this event which is on the feast of Christ the King. Families and Faith - Diocesan Day on Saturday, 22nd November at Christ the King Voluntary Academy, Darlton Drive, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 7JZ. The guest speaker is Bishop John Sherrington, who will be focusing his talk on the issues raised by the current Synod of Bishops in Rome. The workshops during the day are focussed on helping today’s families with resources available. There are some application forms for the Day in the church porch, together with a list of options for the Workshop choices. If you are interested in going do please complete the forms as soon as possible and return to Fr John. There is a payment of £12 for each person attending the Day but please return the competed form to Fr John and St Joseph’s Parish will make the necessary payment. The deadline for sending the completed forms to the Diocese is 5th November – so do please complete asap. Any queries, contact Fr John. Faith in Families Boxes: The total for the recent box collection is £340 bringing our total to £593 for the year. Many thanks to all who contributed. Please remember to collect emptied boxes from the ‘newspaper table’ in the porch. Repository There are now Christmas Cards, Calendars and Diaries on sale in the Repository (open between the morning Masses every Sunday). Further job vacancies www.stjosephderby. Our Parish Ministry Lists Counters: Margaret Smith, John Smith Cleaning: Team 1 Readers: Tony Yore (6.30pm), Kieran Mullin (8.45am), John Dziunka 10.15am) Coffee Morning: St Jo’s Tinies to Tots (plus cakes & raffle) St Jo’s Tinies to Tots, would like to thank everyone for their support last Sunday. We raised £57.90 from the cakes and £21.30 from the raffle. This is fantastic. We will be selling cakes after the 10.15 am Mass today and will also be having another raffle. We look forward to seeing you there. The group starts on the 14th of January, if you are interested in joining us please e-mail us at [email protected], call 01332609203 or look for information about the group on facebook. Red Mission Box Holders Please return them to Fr John. Would all new red box holders please make sure that your name is on the box. Thanks. Vacancy at CAFOD Diocesan Office Do you have a strong interest in global justice and international development? Are you able to support a growing team of volunteers working in partnership with CAFOD within parish and school communities within our Diocese? CAFOD is seeking to recruit a Diocesan Officer with strong communication & IT skills and a willingness to travel throughout the diocese, to be based in the CAFOD Nottingham Office at The Briars, Crich, Derbyshire. For further details and an application form for this part time post, go to the CAFOD web page : www. Closing date 6th November. CAFOD gifts for purchase for Christmas available in the church porch. Please take a free booklet and see what is available. Calendar 2015 from Divine Word Missionaries, Roscommon, £1 - please put money in Cash Box in porch or direct to Fr John PARISH OFFERINGS Envelopes £538.96 Loose £ 437.38 Total paid into our Parish Account £976.34 In addition, standing orders through the Bank equal about £160 per week. Many thanks. * Please let Fr John have items for the weekly newsletter by Thursday
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