St Joan of Arc, Farnham Fr Niven Richardson 19 Tilford Road, Farnham, GU9 8DJ Tel: 01252 716711 Parish Office email: [email protected] Website: FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT 21st December 2014 Psalter Week 4 Cycle B Year 1 We gather to worship God in union with Francis I, Our Pope. Saturday 20th December 9.30am 5.30pm 6.00pm Sunday 21st December 9.15am 11.15am 3.30pm 6.00pm Monday 22nd December 10.00am Tuesday 23rd December 8.00pm Wednesday 24th December 3.00pm Mass: Holly Shaw RIP Confession & Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Confession Mass: Mrs Teresa Mullen RIP FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Mass: Fr Jim Martin RIP(anniv) Baptism: Charlotte Rose Keating Mass: Anthony & Josephine Rosato RIP (anniv) Baptism: Huggett Parish Carol Concert & Christingle Youth Mass: Frances Daniels RIP (anniv) & Nancy Sables RIP (anniv) Eucharistic Service Mass: Harvey Harnett RIP CHRISTMAS EVE Children’s Vigil Mass:Jadwiga & Adam Goreccy RIP 6.00pm Youth Mass:Kathleen & Neville Dickenson RIP (anniv) 12.00am Midnight Mass: Sue Kirkham RIP Thursday 25th December CHRISTMAS DAY 9.15am Family Mass: Bill & Betty Johnson RIP 11.15am Christmas Morning Mass:Int. Matthew Fernandes. Friday 26th December NO MASS Saturday 27th December 9.30am Eucharistic Service 6.00pm Mass: Charles Walsh RIP (anniv) Sunday 28th December THE HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH 9.15am Mass: Mrs Joan Callagher RIP 11.15am Mass: Jan Baptiste & Marguerite Faure RIP NO EVENING MASS THIS WEEK Thank you very much for your generosity last week. £2,6643.60 (£1518.60 cash £1,145 standing orders). Transformation Project standing orders average £233pw. Mass attendance: Saturday Vigil 6pm=139; Sunday 9.15am =222 Sunday 11.15am =169; 6pm = 210; Total: =740 ST JOAN’S PARISH OFFICE Parish Office & Centre Bookings 01252 716711 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected] The Parish Office will be closed from 12.30 Friday 19th December to Tuesday 6th January Emergency contact: St Josephs, Guildford 01483 562704 email: [email protected] WEEKLY NEWSLETTERS/PARISH MAGAZINE: Please send articles to [email protected] PUBLICITY: Tony Tunstall Tel:703219 email:[email protected] WEBSITE: Contact Mary Nolan at [email protected] with any changes/updates to the website. ARCAID: Funding small charitable projects overseas. If you have a project you would like us to consider, please contact Jenifer Davis Tel: 794369. GIFT AID CONTACT: Gerry O’Donnell [email protected] Tel: 724169 RADIO STATION Sisters of the Holy Spirit: Sr Sujata, Sr Dolorina, Sr Simone, Sr Krystyna Tel: 722329 St Polycarp’s Catholic Primary School: Head - Mrs A.Gunn Tel: 716307 All Hallows Catholic School & 6th Form College: Head – Mrs E. Lutzeier Tel: 319211 The e-logo at the top of column 1 of GROUPS this newsletter can be scanned with a PARISH smartphone or iPhone and will automatically download the parish website. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP: Monday 10.30-11.15am in the Centre Foyer. No group until Monday 5th January 2015. ROSARY GROUP: Meets on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday of the month at 7.25pm in St Joan’s Church. LIFE IN THE SPIRIT PRAYER GROUP: Thursdays 8pm in the Centre Foyer. : No meetings till Thursday 8th January in the Foyer at 8pm. 2015 information online at MOTHERS PRAYERS: Fridays after 9.30am Mass in the Centre Foyer. No meetings till Friday 9th January2015. PRAYER MINISTRY takes place on the 2nd Sunday of every month in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel after Sunday Masses. PARENT TODDLER GROUP: Tuesday 9.00-11.30am in the Centre, during term time. Toddlers return after Christmas on the 6th January 2015. ST JOAN’S YOUTH CLUB: Fridays 7.00-9.00pm Year 7’s and above .Youth Club returns again after the Christmas break on Friday 16th January. Further details please 'phone Clive .07980177601 or Vince 733876 email:[email protected] THE SECOND MONDAY CLUB (2:2 Club) Second Monday of the month 2pm - 4pm in the Centre. All retirees welcome. Games, chat, songs and tea. Next Club 12th January 2015. Everyone is warmly welcome to attend these groups. Let us pray for those in our families who are unwell at this time and especially for Mrs Phil Keough, IIona Main, Terry Taylor, Mary Tracey, Mary Lynch, Lydia Quicke, Clare Caillard, Mary Myers And for all those whose anniversaries occur at this time Holly Shaw, Fr Jim Martin, Anthony & Josephine Rosata, Kathleen Crotty, Lindsay McEwan, Joyce Poole, Ray Jenkins, Vera O’Gorman, Collette Steer, Kathleen & Neville Dickenson, Frances Daniels, Nancy Sables. May the Lord grant them all a place in His Kingdom PARISH FAMILY CHRISTMAS CAROL CONCERT & CHRISTINGLE st SUNDAY 21 DECEMBER at 3.30pm (in aid of Transformation Fund) with refreshments after in Centre All young children are invited to come along dressed in their favourite Nativity costume. CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS FRIENDS OF THE HOLY LAND APPEAL Archbishop Peter Smith has endorsed a request from FHL that parishes donate their crib box collections to help our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land, specifically in and around Bethlehem and the Holy Family Parish in Gaza. For more information on the work of FHL, please visit our website Tuesday 23rd December 9.00am -12 noon. BIG CHURCH CLEAN As many helpers as possible are required to come and get the church ready for Christmas. Christmas Eve Wednesday 24th December 3pm Children’s Vigil Mass All young children are invited to come along dressed in their favourite Nativity costume. 6pm Youth Mass 12am Midnight Mass Christmas Day Thursday 25th December 9.15am Family Mass 11.15am Christmas Morning Mass NO EVENING MASS Homily Summary 13th/14th December 2014 In Baptism we were anointed with blessed olive oil. Firstly, before the Baptism on our heart with the oil of Baptism then with a different oil – the oil of Chrism on the crown of our head after Baptism. In Confirmation we were anointed on our forehead with the oil of Chrism once again. We have been touched by God. He is with us and within us. Knowing this is the cause of our joy not just on rejoice Sunday but on every day of our life. Christmas Message Dear Parishioners as we gather together for Christmas 2014 we are very grateful for our families and our friends. We will eat and drink together and spend time together for fun and to relax. We celebrate the birth of Jesus our Saviour. He has come into the world to lead us through our daily lives to be with Him in heaven. May the Divine Infant Jesus bless you and all your families and friends this Christmas Day. God bless you. Fr Niven PARISH NEWS FOLK AND 60’S EVENING in St Joan's Centre with home-grown talent "Hidden Gem". Saturday 17th January. 8-10.30pm. Free entry. Cash Bar and nibbles. (N.B. No meal.) Raffle and Donations towards Transformation Fund and Apostleship of the Sea. Information from Alastair (01252) 714809 DVD COURSE ON PRAYER Wednesday evenings 7th January to 11th February ‘Strength to strength’ is the latest in the “CaFE” series, with inspiring speakers and the opportunity to strengthen your prayer life. For further details, please contact Alastair Emblem or consult poster in Church Porch. PARENTS please be aware any fundraising requests must come through the Parish Office to avoid a clash of dates and disappointment [email protected] 01252 716711. THE ARUNDEL AND BRIGHTON DIOCESAN TRUST IS A REGISTERED CHARITY NO. 252878 CHILDREN OF ST JOAN OF ARC FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2015 Thank you for all those who have registered their child for the First Holy Communion Programme. Further details will be issued in the New Year. YOUTH OF ST JOAN OF ARC CONFIRMATION EXPERIENCE 2015 Please sit in pews allocated for you at the front of the church on Sunday evenings. Please check your emails for updates .CAROL CONCERT Sunday 21st December 3.30pm Readers, money collectors and those who wish to help with refreshments, please arrive at the latest by 3.15pm.
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