The Methodist Church, Sandbach Wesley Avenue, Sandbach, Cheshire, CW11 1DG Minister: Rev’d Kim Stilwell Telephone: 01270 762074 E-mail: [email protected] Online at: SUNDAY 26TH OCTOBER 10:30am Rev’d Kim Stilwell. The Door Welcomers are May Norcross and Ann Horsfield, the Reader is Ann Horsfield, the Flowers have been given by Margaret Bell and the Organist is Karen Foster. Please join us for Tea / Coffee after the service. 5:00pm Mrs Norma Stolworthy and Mr Bryan Glassonbury ~ Jigsaw Service. 6:30pm At Haslington ~ Rev’d Jennie Henshall and Rev’d Malcolm Lorimer ~ Local Preacher Accreditation Service ~ Circuit Service. This week, in our groups, meetings and homes, we pray for Khadija, her husband Farhad and their children (refugees from Syria in northern Iraq), who now help new arrivals to access food and housing; REACH’s work with refugees in northern Iraq; a peaceful solution to conflict in Syria, which in time may hopefully enable people who have fled to return home. [From the Christian Aid Prayer Diary.] We pray also for Gordon and Christine Wright’s pastoral group: Irene Beer; Stuart and Margaret Blackwell; Prudence Bowles; Olive Braithwaite; Rachael Cunliffe; Patrick and Deborah Darnes; Laura McLachlan; Ian, Melanie and Emma Parsons; Andrew, Sarah, Rebecca, Michael and Eleanor Sharman; Jean Smith; Andrew, Norma, Stephen and Poppy Stolworthy; Diana Woodman. Amen. Tue 28 Oct 1:30pm to 3:30pm Indoor Bowls. 7:00pm Prize Bingo in aid of Action for Children. Entry 50p (includes refreshments). Please see the poster. Thu 30 Oct 7:30pm Meeting for anyone interested in helping with the Community Christmas Day lunch. This will be held in Room 4 upstairs in the Wesley Centre. 9:45am Midweek Morning Worship ~ led by Bryan Glassonbury. Fri 31 Oct 7:30pm Wesley Guild ~ Christian Service evening ~ Anne Marshall. Sat 1 Nov 9:30am Mission Area Prayer Meeting ~ at Elworth. 10:00am to noon Coffee Morning. 10:00am to 1:00pm Christian Aid Coffee Morning ~ in St Mary’s Hall. Coffee, cakes, bacon baps and usual raffle and stalls. Donations of goods to sell, raffle prizes or money to Deborah Darnes or Ann Horsfield. Please see the poster. From the rosters for the next week:Cleaning . Saturday coffee George and Gladys Haynes, Linda Jones and Keith Leeming. Next Sunday: Stewards George Wood (vestry) and Margaret Cooke (door). Organist Rob Glassonbury. Flowers Glenys Wilcox. Door welcomers June Davies and Linda Smith. Reader Barbara Glassonbury. Offertory counters George Wood and Margaret Blackwell. Coffee Allan and Linda Jones and Roger and Valetta Cranmer. SUNDAY 2ND NOVEMBER Centre and will meet fortnightly for approximately 4 sessions. I hope you can come! The current Sunday Coffee Rota runs out in the New Year and hopefully the present teams are all happy to continue. If you are not on the present rota and would like to offer help on the next one (which involves serving tea/coffee after the service about four times a year) could you please have a word with Barbara before she goes to print. Thanks in anticipation. Shoe Boxes for the children’s Christmas presents for Operation Christmas Child should be forwarded to Margaret or Stuart Blackwell as per the details on the poster. Don’t wait ’til the last date of 9th November – give us the boxes now! If you need a box (and don’t want to buy a pair of shoes) please see Andrew or Norma Stolworthy. 10:30am Mr Tim Cooke. Thu 6 Nov 2:30pm Sat 8 Nov 7:20pm Sat 15 Nov 10:00am 7:30pm Wed 19 Nov 7:30pm Sat 22 Nov 7:30pm £5 tickets now available at coffee for the next Midweek Lunch of Hot Pot and Home-made Sweets. Items requested for the food hampers to be made up for the draw. Meeting for Pastoral Visitors ~ in the Henshall Room. Family Film Evening ~ “Frozen” (PG). to noon Christmas Sale. Items required for the stalls. Christmas Stall (red, green, silver, gold items to Margaret Ashmore or Jean Smith). Christmas tree with prize for everyone (see Lu Burnand for details). Also cakes, bric-a-brac, books and refreshments. Sign on list at coffee if you can help for half an hour to serve tea/ coffee at the sale. Thanks. Born Beautiful. An enjoyable event for all women … looking at beauty ~ with dinner, quiz, jewellery and discussion. Tickets are £5, available from Deborah Darnes. Please see the poster. Start of Advent Course ~ at 16 Park House Drive (the home of Patrick and Deborah Darnes) ~ please see the poster. Concert with Sandbach Ladies Choir. Tickets £5 (includes refreshments) from Lu Burnand on 750377 or Valetta Cranmer on 765553. Please see the poster. “What’s the point of the Methodists?” A very interesting question, considered recently on a programme on Radio 4. Would you like to look back at our amazing roots, and learn from them about being a Methodist today? “Discipleship and the People Called Methodists” is a short course based upon material produced by Martyn Atkins, our General Secretary. The course aims to enrich our relationship with God and to ensure we as individuals and churches do have a “point” – a relevant contribution to make, and that we are effective in making it. The course starts 5th November (very appropriate!), 2:30pm in the Wesley Items for next week’s news sheet to Andrew Stolworthy by 7:00pm Friday please 12 Park House Drive, Sandbach CW11 1YW 01270 767660 [email protected]
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