October 26, 2014 St. Joseph Catholic Church Rectory Office: 402-223-2923 (Secretary) Father Barnhill: 402-806-2821 (cell) Father McGuire: 402-759-1392 (cell) School Office: 402-223-5033 Beatrice, Nebraska 30 Sunday of ordinary time th www.stjosephbeatrice.org Pastor and Superintendent Fr. Robert K. Barnhill Resident Priest Fr. Thomas McGuire Mass Schedule Saturday 5:30pm; Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am Weekdays: Monday-Friday at 8:20am & 5:30pm Confessions Monday - Friday. 15 minutes before all daily Masses Saturday 4:00pm - 5:20pm Wednesday 5:00pm – 5:30pm. Any other time by appointment. Baptism Parents are asked to attend one 60 min. baptism preparation class. Call the rectory office to schedule. Anointing/Hospital Visits Please notify the pastor through the office when you go to the hospital. Matrimony Contact the parish first—6 to 12 months ahead of time. Natural Family Planning (NFP) To schedule an Introductory Session to the Creighton Model Fertility Care System of NFP, engaged or married couples may contact Jo Langley (402-223-3359) or Melissa Powers (402228-3856). Pregnancy Resource Center of Beatrice -402- 228-6411 Knights of Columbus Rod Benson, Grand Knight St. Joseph Catholic School —Sr. Mary Faustina, Head Teacher; Lenece Pinkerton, Secretary 420 N 6th Street Grades K-5) Preschool Denise Behrends (3 & 4 year olds) Red Raven Day Care -18 months—up; located in our school building. Call the school office for information: 402-223-5033 Godparent Religion Program—High School Youth Wed., 7:00pm C.C.D. Program in St. Joseph School, Grades 1-8, Wed., 6:30-7:45pm Parish Office: 612 High St. ([email protected]) Monday - Friday, 9:00am–12 noon, except Holy Days and holidays. Shelli Hubka, Secretary. Bulletin Deadline: noon Thursday. Choir Anyone interested in joining choir may come at 9:30am Sunday before 10:00am Mass or call Kate Ratigan at 402-806-0131. Eucharistic Ministers: Oden/Korus Our gifts to the Lord: Oct. 19, 2014 November 1/2, 2014 5:30pm 8:00am 10:00 am LECT Ashton Kotas Steve Schmit Rob Ostdiek ACOL SERV SERV Clark/Pflanz Jacob Adams Will Reimer Ferneding/Ullsperger Lytle/Runcie Liam Arter Steven Powers MUSC Marilyn Neukirch Pat/Mary Choir USHR Jane Keefover Paul Dougherty Steve Durman USHR Gerald Meyer Dennis Schuster Dave Fujan USHR Pat Meyer Judy Tejral Paul Fullmer USHR Rosemarie Milke LeRoy Tejral Randy Hasenohr ROS Phyllis Truscott Kathy Scheer Judi Knowles Gifts Altar Society LeRoy Tejral Family Jim Lancaster Family Roel Navarrete Adult Envelopes $5,256.30 Building Envelopes $75.00 School $60.00 Loose Plate $289.00 Online Giving 10/13-10/19 $845.00 Parish Collections: $6,525.30 Mission Sunday $688.00 $7,213.30 October 26th – 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th 31st 1st CHURCH DIRECTORY PHOTOS IN THE PARISH CENTER th 2nd 3rd 7pm 4 Degree Knights of Columbus th 4 5th 6th 7th All Saints Day Not an obligation th 8 4pm Extra Sunday Mass 5pm Parenting Presentation MASS INTENTIONS: Oct. 27th – Nov. 2nd Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:20 am 5:30 pm 8:20 am Bev Freeman+ 5:30 pm 8:20 am 5:30 pm 8:20 am 5:30pm 8:20 am Leo Ullsperger+ 5:30 pm Beverly Waters+ For Our Children to Return to the Catholic Faith Molly Ratigan+ Loretta Myers+ Roger Wiedel+ Don Welch+ Living/Deceased Members of Altar Society For Our Children to Return to the Catholic Faith Saturday 9:30am Special Intention @BSDC 5:30pm Sunday 8:00 am Kerri Sherwood (Birthday) Veronica (Bonnie) Nestved+ 10:00am 4:00pm People of Our Parish Souls in Purgatory WEEKLY SEMINARIAN Samuel Peter Bearslee, son of Eugene & Lisa Bearslee and Teresa & Alfred Pitts, he has 3 brothers and 3 sisters and is from St. Clara, Peru, NE. He was born on July 1. He entered St. Charles Borromeo Seminary –in 2011 and is in his second year of Theology. 2015 CHURCH DIRECTORY It is time to sign up to get your family pictures taken for the 2015 Church Directory. We will be taking them October 27th – November 8th in the Parish Center, or you can sign up for a hour session at a place of your choosing for you and any other family members you would like. You will receive a FREE 8x10 and a FREE directory just for participating and there is absolutely no purchase nessasary. PLEASE call Shelli Hubka anytime at 402-2395004 to sign up or for more information. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BREAKFAST TODAY October 26th follow the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Masses. Proceeds go to St. Joseph Snow Removal. Breakfast includes pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, coffee, juice, and milk. JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS! This weekend the Knights are making an appeal at the Masses to join the largest fraternal Catholic Men’s organization in the world. Members will be available after Masses and at the breakfast of October 26th to discuss the opportunities the Knights of Columbus present to you and your families. If you’re interested and would like additional information regarding the Knights please contact Rod Benson 402-239-6624 or Rob Pinkerton 402-223-4526. A first degree exemplification will be held on Tuesday evening November 11, 2014 for qualified candidates. RED RAVEN PRESCHOOL Registration for the 2015-2016 school year opened on October 1 Applications may be picked up in the school office or downloaded from the website. The registration fee is $25, which is non-refundable. We accept children three, four and five years of age. Next year we plan to offer a class for 4-year-old prekindergarteners every day in the afternoon. There will also be a Tues./Thurs. morning 3-yr. old class and Mon./Wed./Fri. morning 4-yr.-old class. Classes are filled as the registration forms/fees are received. Help your child to prepare for kindergarten in a religious, fun, and educational environment! Applications have already begun to come in so reserve your spot soon! Thank you and God bless you! ST. JOSEPH ALTAR SOCIETY will be sending “Care Packages” to college students (and any military people) from our parish before semester tests. If you would like to have your college student included please email Betty Witulski at [email protected] or Kay Glynn at [email protected], or call Betty Witulski at 402228-0694. Information is needed by November 3rd. THE LINCOLN DIOCESAN COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN (LDCCW) recognizes all women in the Diocese on LDCCW Sunday, celebrated this year on October 26th. This is an opportunity for the LDCCW and parishes to thank their PCCWs/Altar Societies for their service to God and his Church through works of mercy, and to encourage all women to take an active role in their Parish, Deanery and Diocesan Councils of Catholic Women. SUNDAY IS ALL SOULS DAY: There will be a 4pm Mass will fufills the Sunday obligation. Sunday, November 2, from 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the parish hall, the St Joseph School Family Association is sponsoring a talk on PARENTING IN AN INTERNET AGE. Father Kilcawley will give a presentation on parental and divine love, and then introduce us to some new tools to watch over and protect our children from unwanted online experiences. Question and answer will follow the presentation. Due to the sensetivity of the topic, this presentation is for parents only. culture - a true plague, infecting nearly every corner of our society. Its disastrous effects are seen in sexual addiction, ruined marriages, and shattered lives. Jeff Cavins notes that many men struggle with pornography. With great insight, he shows how to fight pornography's devastating influence and chart a course to true Christian purity. FROM FATHER BARNHILL Diocese of LINCOLN NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING CREIGHTON MODEL INTRODUCTORY SESSIONS IS Thursday, November 6 and Tuesday, November 18 at 7 p.m. Pre-registration is required. For more information call 488-2040. FUNDRAISING SCHOOL NIGHT OUT on Tuesday, November 11 at 5-8pm at Runza. Come join us for dinner at Runz The Catholic school receives 15% back from all sales during that time. LIGHT OF THE WORLD PARISH RETREAT: The next weekend parish retreat begins on Friday evening, November 14 at St. Joseph Parish. Parish members of all ages and faith involvement are invited. Call Father Barnhill if you have questions or for further information. Registered thus far: 7 THE LDCCW OCTOBER PRO-LIFE DIAPER DRIVE will be coming to a close soon but you still have time to donate. Thank you to those that have already made a donation. Spirit Catholic Radio has Diaper Drive announcements. THE COMMUNITY FOOD PANTRY The items needed for the Food Pantry are coffee/tea, flour/sugar,shampoo/conditioner, fruit cups, soups, spaghetti & spaghetti sauce, pancake mix/syrup, canned fruit, pudding cups, hot/cold cereal, and monetary gifts are always welcome. You can leave the items in the grocery cart at the St. Joseph Church. FOOD PANTRY INGATHERING is November 15. The Food Pantry is in need of help with the Fall Ingathering by counting homes and delivering sacks. For more information or to help call Karen Mains at 223-8975. LIGHTHOUSE MEDIA CDs in the back of church have new titles for your listening. ”Defeating Satan’s Deadly Weapon Against Men” is a new title. Pornography has become pervasive in our WHY CONDUCT THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL CAPITAL CAMPAIGN IN THE DIOCESE? There exist urgent financial needs with regard to Catholic education, funding the formation of our seminarians and supporting our priests in retirement. The diocese recognized an opportunity to address these key areas at once while providing support for new evangelization initiatives and an outlet for parishes to raise funds for local needs. Prior experience has shown us that more can be accomplished by running one comprehensive campaign than many mini-campaigns over a number of years. In an effort to stay ahead of impending financial challenges, the diocese recognized the need to make immediate changes in the way certain ministries are funded. A campaign like Joy of the Gospel provides a platform of support for that transition. Much as they were nearly 15 years ago in the last diocesan-wide fundraising effort – Crossing the Threshold – resources committed to Joy of the Gospel will help us prepare for and stay ahead of future challenges. As the campaign seeks to enhance the life of every Catholic in the diocese, it is indeed right that we all be asked to consider our support of the project. In fact, a number of families at our parish have already made their commitments to the Joy of the Gospel and I wish to thank them for their support. Still others have received calls from fellow parishioners asking for a few minutes to visit regarding the campaign. I thank you in advance for accepting them into you home for a visit to discuss the campaign in further detail. Volunteers are: Kathi and Dennis Wells, Linda and Stephen Schmit, John and Patty Zarybnicky, Don Ferneding, Tim Graff, Correne and Barry Adams Monica Breitinger, John Langley & Wally Valasek
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