Well done to our senior engineering students. They had a great time in Timaru over the weekend and were rewarded for their efforts by coming home from the event with one of the overall trophies. The competition was judged over a number of categories, from presentation to straight line speed. The team did well and were awarded the Hayden Pope Memorial Trophy for the relay event. This event tested the team work of the groups as well as the durability of the kart. The boys can feel very proud of their efforts and also a big thanks to Mike Kemen for the role he played in getting the students and the kart to the event. By the sounds of it they all had a blast. The kart and trophy are on display in the office foyer. Be sure to stop in and have a look. Other success stories in the school that are more than worthy of a mention are our Year 13 students who have gained scholarships for 2015. Well done to Anna Clark for being awarded the University of Otago Alumni Scholarship, Sean Ryan for being awarded the University of Canterbury Emerging Leaders Scholarship and Josh Allan for being awarded the University of Canterbury College of Business and Law Scholarship. All of these scholarships will make significant contributions to the cost of their tertiary study next year and are highly deserved. These students plus the other students in our Year 13 have raised the bar around what we can expect of our students. They are all excellent ambassadors for our school and we really look forward to hearing about how they get on in the years to come. further up the school. It is intended that this teacher will teach that group for more than one subject and provide closer guidance and consistency for the students. We feel this will also give a much clearer point of contact for parents and allow us to more effectively deal with issues and concerns that exist within year levels. How this will look in our Year 11-13 groups will be slightly different. We are developing the concept of Supported Learning Groups, where students will work alongside a senior teacher in a mentoring type role. The key idea behind this is to better support and monitor student’s progress as they work through their NCEA years in an academic and pastoral mentoring role. Career pathways will have a strong focus within this and will become an integral part of what we do in the school. We often have the idea that as students get older they all can better manage their own learning. The reality is that this is not the case for all students and a lot of evidence tells us that it actually is the opposite. As we head into timetable development for 2015 how this exactly looks will begin to take shape. I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy an extra day off over labour weekend. Nāku noa, nā Stephen Beck Principal Our seniors only have two weeks before they head into exams. It is critical that they now know exactly what they need to do for their exams and should be in full revision mode. There will be no excuses come exam day and a little consistency and well planned study now will pay off. To support this better next year we will be modifying how we group our senior students. Building on what I shared last week in the newsletter with the development of learning communities, we will be extending this thinking through to Year 8-13, with an eye to provide better pastoral care and guidance. The biggest changes will be the removal of whanau time in the morning and after lunch. Year 8-10 students will instead be grouped in traditional year level groups and have a homeroom teacher who will have overall responsibility for them. This will replicate what is in place already for Year 8s but will shift this concept a little Week ending 24th October 2014 SCOTTS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS LTD Hawarden Phone 314-4422 Enter to learn Leave to serve Whakauru Ki Te Ako, Wehe Atu Kia Manaakitia SCHOOL NOTICES Buses and signing students out of school. A reminder that if you are picking your children up from school that you must do so from the office and all students need to be signed out. Two main reasons for this are that we have a duty of care alongside all students and need to be aware who they are leaving school with and we are also frequently having issues with student not being taken off bus lists. This creates delays and mix ups at the buses. Students are not always reliable in passing on the correct message and if you intend for changes in arrangements we ask that a signed note is sent in to school or a phone call made. Athletics A reminder that the Hurunui College athletic sports are the first Tuesday back after Labour Weekend. Coming Events Week 2 24/10 Primary assembly Week 3 27/10 Labour Day, school closed 28/10 Full school athletics. 28/10 Board of Trustees meeting, 7pm. 29/10 Christchurch Music festival. 31/10 Postponement date for athletics. Week 4 Term 4 7/11 Last day for Year 11-13 students Greeze, The Reunion DVDs are now available from the office for $5 each. Events Coming Up: The Hawarden Licensing Trust Youth Scholarship 2014 The Hawarden Licensing Trust is inviting applications for their Youth Scholarship from students currently attending Hurunui College and who will be returning to the school for the full year 2014. Full details of the scholarship are available from the school office along with application forms. Applications are to be sent to the secretary of the Trust by 31st October. The licensing trust wishes to advise that the funding provided by the Trust for the scholarship is not derived from the proceeds of poker machines or the sale of alcohol. Board of Trustees Election Nominations are invited for the Week 5 Term 4 10/11 NCEA exams start 11/11 Hurunui Primary Schools Athletics 12/11 ppd HPSSA athletics 13/11 BoT Day, school closed 14/11 Canterbury Show Day, school closed Week 6 Term 4 19/11 Year 10 Waitohi River 20/11 Year 6 Leadership celebration 20/11 Year 9 Waitohi River 21/11 Primary assembly Check our www.hurunuicollege.school.nz and follow the link to our school calendar for further school events. North Canterbury Junior Basketball competition Draw for Friday 24th October as follows: Hurunui Hustlers v Leithfield Rotors @ Mega 2 Hurunui Hoopsters v KNS Clippers @ Kaiapoi HS Hurunui Hotshots v Cust Cougars @ Mega 2 Hurunui Hurricanes win by default. (no game) Results from Friday 17th October were as follows: Hurunui Hoopsters lost 29-10 Hurunui Hotshots won 47-6 Hurunui Hurricanes won 29-8 Hurunui Hustlers lost 15-35 Any parents willing to assist on the day with time keeping etc please feel free to contact us in the school office, 314-4430. Don’t delay, ring now!! Tuesday 11th November: Primary Zone Athletics at Cheviot ppd Wednesday 12th November. 4.45pm 4.45pm 7pm Whole school Athletics Day Tuesday 28th October or ppd Friday 31st October. Everyone most welcome to attend. This year we will be holding the track events over in the domain. Primary High jump and long jump - some events will be held on the day, in the school grounds. Senior: 1500m, 3000m, long jump and high jump will be held in school time when time permits, as we are unable to fit everything in on the day. election of two parent representatives to the Board of Trustees. A nomination form and a notice calling for nominations will be posted to all eligible voters. Additional nomination forms can be obtained from the school office. Nominations close at noon 7th November 2014 and may be accompanied by a signed candidate’s statement. The voting roll is open for inspection at the school and can be viewed during normal school hours. There will also be a list of candidate’s names, as they come to hand, for inspection at the school. Voting closes at noon on 21st November 2014. P. Manning, Returning Officer. COMMUNITY NOTICES CHURCH SERVICES for Sunday, 26th October 2014 Anglican 10am Waikari Catholic 10.am Hawarden Presbyterian 10am Waikari Living Waters Hurunui 10am to 12 noon 47 Princes Street, Waikari. All welcome. Waikari Gospel Hall 11:15am Sunday School and Bible teaching, Denham Terrace BAKING DONATIONS PLEASE I am organising a de-stressing workshop at Ashburton College for workers in the community affected by the recent shootings. I am holding a small morning tea at work (Princess Margaret Hospital) on Tuesday next week to raise money towards petrol for the volunteers running the workshop. Any baking donations would be gratefully accepted (please drop them to Mel at 4 Square) by 4.30pm on Monday next week. Thanks very much! Michelle Cole RN, School Based Mental Health Team, CDHB. PINK RIBBON APPEAL Many thanks to all who donated to the Pink Ribbon Appeal, raising funds for Breast Cancer research. $295 was raised for this worthy cause. Thanks also to local businesses for having collection boxes on site. Jan Brooker Appeal Coordinator HAWARDEN PLAYCENTRE -The Hawarden Playcentre has sold. The money from the Community owned land will be deposited into an account with the Hawarden-Waikari Community Trust, and will be distributed back to the Youth of our community. The Land Trustees would like to congratulate Nicky Gardner from Waiau on purchasing the land and building. Nicky is opening a preschool, Sunflowers Preschool Ltd, early Our vision for Hurunui College is as an inspirational learning community where all students are empowered to stand tall and reach their full potential. next year. We wish her all the best and are sure the community will be pleased to have retained a childcare service in our area and will be excited by a preschool opening. Kate, Sam & Rachel SUNFLOWERS PRESCHOOL Hawarden: 45 Seymour St A fun learning adventure Opening early 2015 Servicing the Hurunui District Early Childhood Education for children 2-5 years. Monday to Wednesday but the days will depend on child bookings and parent interest. Time: 8.30am-3.30 – All day To secure a child space Contact: Nicky Gardner 021 048-5415 Email: [email protected] LABOUR WEEKEND MAIL DELIVERIES. Please be advised that there will be no mail or newspaper deliveries on Monday 27th October, services returning to normal on Tuesday 28th. HURUNUI SEARCH AND RESCUE GROUP. A general training will be held at the Hawarden Fire Brigade on Tuesday 28th October at 7.30pm. Marg.Wright, Secretary WAIAU FIREWORKS DISPLAY Date: Saturday November 1st (ppd if wet or windy Nov 8th ) Where: Waiau Sports grounds, Leader Road Time: Gates open 5.00pm Cost:$10 per person (Max $40 per car load, Preschoolers Free!!!) Loads of entertainment including face painting, dress up contest, lolly scramble, pony rides, zorb balls, climbing wall and even LIVE BAND – Test of Time!! Come along for a jam packed night of family fun!!! A night full of entertainment and delicious food!!! Please Note: No personal fireworks is permitted at the event. Well see you there!!! HAWARDEN GOLF CLUB Annual General Meeting Wednesday 5th November 2014 at 7.30 p.m. At Club Rooms. All members welcome THE BOOKBINDER Written and performed by Ralph McCubbin Howell Directed by Hannah Smith 'They say you can get lost in a good book. But it’s worse getting lost in a bad one…' From award-winning company Trick of the Light Theatre (The Road That Wasn't There) comes a story of mystery, magic and mayhem. The Bookbinder weaves shadow play, paper art, puppetry, and music into an inventive performance for curious children (8+) and adventurous adults. Winner of Best Theatre and Best in the Fringe - NZ Fringe 2014 The Old Mill 6 Singleton Rd, Waikari Saturday 8th November 6pm and 8pm Adults $20. Students/Children $10. Seats are limited so make sure you don't miss out. Book tickets at www.eventfinder.co.nz/2014/the-bookbinder/waikari. For more information, or to watch the trailer, visit www.trickofthelight.co.nz HAWARDEN-WAIKARI GARDEN CLUB are having a day out on the Double Decker bus on Monday 3rd November. The total cost including lunch at Governors Bay is $50 per person. This promises to be a fun trip and booking is essential. Everyone is welcome. Please ring Lynne Wallace 314-8880 or Lynne Frost 314-2313. HAWARDEN COMMUNITY LIBRARY The Hawarden Library will be trialling a late night Friday, staying open until 6pm. The trial will run from 17th October till 28th November. It will help the Library Committee decide whether to reintroduce a permanent late night. HAWARDEN SWIMMING CLUB AGM Thursday 30th October 7.30pm in Community Library. All welcome to come along and have your say on the future of your locally run pool. Apologies to Paul Munnerley 314-4541 or Bronwyn Gunn 314-4411. HAWARDEN-WAIKARI RED CROSS We will be having a stall outside the Hawarden 4 Square on 24th October at 9 am. There will be cakes, produce, some white elephant items and a raffle with many draws. Get your homemade supplies for Labour Weekend. HAWARDEN-WAIKARI PLAYGROUP has started again for term 4. We meet at Medbury Hall 10am-12pm Thursdays. All pre-schoolers welcome to attend. Now that the weather is warming up please bring sunhats etc for playing outside. There will be no playgroup 30th October due to the Fete. Contact Jenna 027 278-9773 for more information HURUNUI CANCER SOCIETY PRESENTS MOVEMBER. Registrations 31st October 7pm at Star and Garter. Must be clean shaven or ring Coreen, 314-4565 if unavailable to be there to register. Judging for best mo will be at 8pm on November 28th at Star and Garter with prizes and spot prizes. If you do not want to grow a mo you can have your head shaved on the judging night. This is to support prostate cancer. All donations go back to your own community. Give it a go HURUNUI DISTRICT COUNCIL Refuse and Recycling arrangements in Hawarden and Waikari, there is no change to the collection arrangements for household and commercial refuse and recycling due to Labour Day. Collections will be as normal on a Thursday. To ensure collection, official Hurunui Council refuse and recycling bags must be securely tied and placed at the kerbside by 8am on collection day. Only official Hurunui Council refuse and recycling bags will be collected. These can be purchased from the Council offices in Amberley, the Amberley transfer station and Amuri service centre. Transfer Station Arrangements due to Labour Day The Councils transfer stations will remain closed on public holidays. For further information on waste and recycling in Hurunui, phone 314-8816 or visit www.hurunui.govt.nz 2015 HURUNUI YOUTH COUNCIL Applications are now open for the 2015 Hurunui Youth Council apply online at hurunuiyouth.co.nz/youth-council/apply/ Applications close Friday 31st October 2015. If you require more information or have trouble viewing the application form please make contact. Rochelle Faimalo - Youth Programme Coordinator Enter to learn Leave to serve Whakauru Ki Te Ako, Wehe Atu Kia Manaakitia Honda Crf250 x 2007 $5000 Tidy well maintained, mechanics report available ex Waikari Auto. New rear tyre and mudguard. Done 105 hours total. Ring 314-4260 for more info. Does your dog suffer from allergies? Would you be interested in trying natural dog food? Chicken vege mix, $7 per kilo. Phone 314-4995 or (03) 312-7190. Mini lop Baby Rabbit black with a white dot on her head. Ready to go now $40. Phone 314-2527 ART IN A GARDEN 30th Oct –Nov 2nd Flaxmere, Hawarden. Wet or Fine. 75+ sculptors, artists, potters & jewellers exhibit their work for sale. Live music and cafe. Children's classes BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL. See website under ATTRACTIONS. Chance for children to exhibit at Art in a Garden. If your child is keen to exhibit a sculpture or artwork please contact Pip Miller [email protected] $20(cash) gate entry or book on-line. Children free. For further info www.artinagarden.co.nz THE CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FÊTE Thursday 30th October, 2014 Wynyard, Culverden 10am – 4pm NEW ZEALAND’S BIGGEST AND MOST POPULAR FÊTE. Bursting with hundreds of remarkable gift ideas, food and wine, live music and loads more. Michael van de Elzen (of TV Food Truck fame) in the FMG Demonstration Marquee at 10am and 2pm. www.thefete.co.nz for tickets and video! Weed Trimmers - Brush Cutters Lawnmowers - Rotary Hoes Sales and Service Honda 4 Stroke and Mitsubishi 2 Stroke Weed Trimmers and Brush Cutters SCOTTS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS LTD Hawarden Phone 314-4422 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOR SALE Horse Manure $3 per bag. Phone John Crean 314-4311. 1x Steer Yearling for sale. Friesian offers around $250, approximately 150 – 200kg. Phone 314-4110. 2 x Texel cross rams, 2 tooth and very friendly 6 tooth. Phone 314-4110. Standing Hay Available 2- 2½ acres. Please phone 314-4110 Desk any offers and visit welcome. Money goes to the LIONS. Phone Mairi 314-4317. REAL ESTATE Land 40 ha (100acres) bare land, flat heavy land located on Horsley Down Road, $690,000 + GST. Phone Adrian Costello 0274 840 -198 House for Rent – Large 3 bedroom house in Waikari with paddock. Available beginning November $300 per week. Phone 314-4692 or 027 260-3885. Wanted to Rent: Rural Farmhouse - Would like to be able to move in sometime over the summer holidays. 2-3 bedroom for school bus driver and partner. We are middle aged, house proud and have excellent references. Must be long term and allow pets. Please phone Jacqui 022 364-5588 or Michael 022 384-3041 EMPLOYMENT Wanted: Good keen person for forestry work, must have chainsaw experience and preferably with unit standards. Phone Wade 314-4955 evenings. Wanted: Someone to mow lawns and general gardening at Hurunui Village. Phone Rodger 314-4162. Hawarden Four Square Full and Part time positions available. Must be enthusiastic, reliable and able to work as part of a team. Experience is not necessary although a willingness to learn and good personal presentation are essential. Full range of duties including serving customers, filling shelves, cleaning and receiving incoming goods. Hours will be tailored to suit the successful applicants where possible. Send applications with CV and references to PO Box 130, Hawarden or drop in at the shop. Applications close 5th November. If you want further information please phone Wendy, 314-4037 CONTACT DETAILS School Phone Fax Cancellation Email Web Principal 314-4430 314-4559 314-2320 [email protected] www.hurunuicollege.school.nz [email protected] Board of Trustees Chairperson Linda Allan Secretary Judith Topp Parent Elected Representatives Sharon Earl Bronwyn Gunn Bernie Dobbs Paul van der Meer Whanau Representative: Dean Smith Student Representative: Joshua Allan Staff Representative Melissa Brown Principal Steve Beck Our vision for Hurunui College is as an inspirational learning community where all students are empowered to stand tall and reach their full potential. 314-2462 314-4420 314-4112 314-4411 314-4014 314-4622 314-4404 314-2462 314-2454 314-2551
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