BEAVER RIVER CENTRAL SCHOOL PO BOX 179, 9508 ARTZ ROAD BEAVER FALLS, NY 13305 315-346-1211 October/ November 2014 Volume 48, Issue 2 Leueen Smithling Superintendent Dear Parents and Community Members: We’ve had a wonderful fall at Beaver River. Our Homecoming activities were fabulous with the beautiful fall colors and wonderful new facilities to enjoy. We had spectacular crowds in attendance at the boys and girls soccer games, modified football, cross country invitational and varsity football games. Thank you for coming to support our student athletes. It’s been a joy to see the bleachers filled to capacity and hear the crowds cheering our teams on to victory. During October we recognize Board of Education members for service to our schools. Board members volunteer their time with countless hours for meetings and attend many of the school events. Our Board has spent a great deal of time working on a capital project that has resulted in a beautiful renovation of athletic fields and soon to be a remodeled primary east wing. We are very grateful to our seven Board members for their generous donation of time and dedication to the youth and staff of our school district. Thank you for a job well done. Front Row: Christine Lashbrooks and Marian Opela. Back Row: Bobby Cobb, David Meyer, Brian LaChausse, Gary Herzig, Todd Lighthall Academic Recognition From Business First Magazine On October 17, 2014 Business First named Beaver River as the 3rd best school in Northern New York out of 33 public schools. We were rated 2nd best in 2011 – 2013. The rating is based on analyzing graduation rates (10%), high school Regents exams (50%) and elementary and middle school grades 3-8 test scores (40%) over a four year period. Business First gathers a composite of the 429 upstate NYS schools. In the table below you can see how we have ranked for the last 4 years. 433 Upstate NYS Schools Core Subject 2011 2012 2013 2014 Mathematics 35 79 96 103 Social Studies 44 38 42 36 Science 69 63 92 92 English/Language Arts 135 140 107 128 Out of the 432 upstate schools in NYS, we ranked 79 overall. In addition, we were recognized for the following indicators: Have the highest percentage of children living with married parents in Lewis County 78.33% (LaFargeville is the highest in our BOCES at 86.43%) 90.21% of the adults in our district have a high school diploma; 12.15% have a bachelor’s degree; 3.3% have a graduate degree 277 out of 433 for teacher salaries Rank 53 for teacher experience; up from #69 last year Came in last for student access to AP courses and online courses Rank 83 for administrative efficiency Rank 221 most affluent school out of 432 schools in upstate NYS Youth poverty rate is 12.93% and our combined wealth ratio is 0.543% Highest numbers of pupils/administrators, service, teachers & aides of all schools in Lewis County: 200.9 pupil/administrator 285.2 pupil/service 15.5/teacher 67.0 pupil/aide Aspirational Measures: 54.29% for females; 45.10% for males College Readiness is 48.8%; Dropout rate is 3.5% Advanced Diploma Rates is 35.14%; 97.3% We always see ourselves as a work in progress and set our benchmarks very high as we want to continue to improve. Did you know that our Beaver River graduates have to earn 24 credits to graduate compared to the SED requirement of 22 credits. This Board adopted requirement has been in place for more than 10 years. Most of our students have no problem meeting this requirement. We often find our seniors have 28 – 30 credits in June. The students who make a habit of not passing courses are the ones who encounter difficulty. We are grateful for all of the support from parents, community members, teachers and everyone who help to make Beaver River the kind and caring place it is. Your support of our students is what it takes to help our students be successful! th School will be closed on Tuesday, November 11 for the Veterans Day holiday. We appreciate the members of the Armed Forces who serve and have served in the military to protect our freedom. In observance of the Thanksgiving holiday, school will be closed on November 26, 27 and 28, 2014. We hope that you have time to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with friends and family. School will resume on Monday, December 1, 2014. When we return to school after the Thanksgiving holiday, the winter holiday concert season begins. Find your warm clothes and prepare to come to school at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, December 9th for the high school concert and on Thursday, December 11th for the Elementary and Middle School concert. The annual Advent Concert will be held at St. Stephen’s Church on Wednesday, December 17th. Our last day of school before the Christmas holiday will be Tuesday, December 23rd. On behalf of the Board of Education and Staff, happy holidays to you. Sincerely, Leueen Smithling Superintendent of Schools Elementary Principal Mrs. Kimberly Lyman-Wright Dear Parents and Guardians, Thank you for your support of the K-12 school spirit week as we celebrated Homecoming. Students were very excited to be able to participate in the Paint the Town Pink contest and show their school spirit. October was Breast Cancer Awareness month and I think almost everyone knows someone whose life has been touched by this cancer. My own paternal grandmother was a breast cancer survivor and I remember it being a scary experience for our family to go through. Staff and students did a wonderful job as they decorated the hallways pink to raise awareness for breast cancer. Students also enjoyed all of the athletic events and activities that coincided with Homecoming, On October 14th, staff and students participated in the PARP kick off. This year’s theme is Once Upon a Book and we linked it to the high school musical Once Upon a Mattress. Thank you for your support at home and encouraging your child to read. Home and School will sponsor the Fall Festival Parade on October 31, 2014 at 1:45 p.m. Please follow the safety guidelines that were sent home to all students. Each classroom teacher will also send information home about their classroom plans for that school day. Home and School will host a Scholastic Book Fair in November that coincides with parent teacher conferences. More information will be sent home with students. We will have parent-teacher conference days on November 19, 20, and 24, 2014. Information will come home with students from their classroom teachers. Please note that the three conference days are 1/2 days for students in grades K-5. Pre-Kindergarten will not be in session on the parent teacher conference days. I wanted to share some tips and resources for you I have learned about Common Core math. I have two unique roles as both a principal and a parent. Another parent pointed out to me I have an insider view of the math curriculum. I observe all of our teachers teach math and I review math homework with my first grade daughter. The math I was taught is now being demonstrated with new terms to our children. For example, when doing math homework with my daughter and she asks for help, I ask do you need help with your number bonds or your math story problem? The translation is do you need help with addition or your word problem? Other terms I have learned are composition = addition, decomposition = subtraction, and number bonds = fact families. What hasn’t changed is ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, number line etc. I hope that you found some of this information helpful. If you are still confused with the new language, I have found a great website written for parents. It is http:// by Eureka Math. The website demonstrates how to help your child with the new math. One important fact to keep in mind is that the NYS Math 3-8 scoring guides will give students credit for showing their work and thinking in the answer space. So whether its new math or old math, if the work is correct but the answer is incorrect, students are still awarded partial credit. Homework is an opportunity to practice skills learned in class. If you are unsure how to help your child, please send your child’s teacher a note or email. Homework is a way for teachers to gauge who has learned the lesson taught in class. If your child is struggling, they will benefit from having the lesson retaught. Sincerely, Kimberly Lyman-Wright Pre-Kindergarten News Our year is off to a great start! In October and November we have a lot of exciting things happening. We made some fall themed pink decorations in support of breast cancer awareness. We used them to decorate the hall and our doorway, so if you come by school be sure to check them out! In October we learned about families, communities, and community helpers. We also collected pennies and read lots of books for PARP. In November we will learn about Veteran's Day and Thanksgiving. We will also continue to work on the alphabet and our numbers. By the end of November we will have learned the alphabet up to the letter K! Kindergarten News We are off to a great start in Kindergarten. We have been busy learning our letter sounds and sight words. Our Orton Gillingham phonics program provides the students with a solid foundation and allows for constant review of each letter and sight word. Please take a few minutes and review the letters and sight words at home as well. We also completed units on fall, apples, farms and our community. We would like to thank all the businesses in Croghan that allowed us to visit. As we look ahead to November and December, we would like to remind parents that everyone will need warm outdoor clothes for recess. Please write your child’s name inside their winter gear. First Grade News Our year in first grade has started off really well. We have learned about friends, family, ants and communities. In Phonics we have learned a couple new spelling rules that we will use every day. At the end of the school year, we hope that you will be amazed to see the progress your child makes in spelling, reading and writing. Our students are very eager to learn new reading rules in order to become great readers and writers. Over the next two months we will learn a few new spelling rules along with working on breaking words into syllables. To accomplish this, our students will learn how to determine if a vowel makes a long or short sound. From there they will learn how to label vowels and consonants in a word in order to break a word down into syllables. This will help them read some of those bigger words they encounter in their books. At the end of October we will take a field trip and celebrate the Fall Festival. We will travel to the one room schoolhouse in Lowville and show our students about how classrooms have changed from then to now. That same day we will travel to the Mennonite Heritage Farm in Croghan to see how families lived long ago. Our field trip will begin our long ago unit and continue through the month of November. In December we will learn about owls, chocolate (delicious) and winter holidays. Finally, the First Grade Teachers hope you enjoyed a great Fall as we all prepare for another holiday season. Second Grade News Thanks to all who were able to join us at Open House on September 24. We enjoyed meeting you and we look forward to working with you and your child this year. We continue to discuss and spend time on the theme of friendship. Second graders enjoyed reading The Secret Garden and worked cooperatively to create their own secret gardens. We hope that this will continue to build a foundation of kindness, tolerance, and friendship that will last throughout their lives. During the month of October, students learned about communities, Native Americans, fairy tales and fire prevention. Math topics in second grade have included basic addition facts, strategies to add and subtract and measuring in inches, feet, yards, centimeters and meters! Second graders are so excited about measuring. The second graders were excited to hear from the Beaver Falls Fire Department about fire safety. The students also participated in a presentation on abduction prevention and staying safe by Mr. Bradish, from the SUPER Ed program. We were also lucky enough to have local beekeeper, Patrick O’Brien, join us during our unit on bees. He taught us a lot of new bee facts that we didn’t know! In November we will move on to adding and subtracting two digit numbers. In social studies and science we will move on to tall tales and habitats. It will still be important for students to continue to practice their addition and subtraction facts at home. As the days begin to get cooler, please have your child dress for the weather. It is important for them to wear sneakers and a sweatshirt or jacket onto the playground for recess. Happy Thanksgiving to all of our families and community members from the second grade teachers. Third Grade News Third graders have been very busy this fall, and with the beginning of the year behind us, our learning is in full swing! In ELA, we have learned about many different genres of literature, read many different poems, discussed articles in our Time for Kids magazines, comprehended various reading passages and have learned all about the writing process. We have already learned so much about personal narratives in writing. By the end of November we will be well on our way to writing friendly letters. In math, we are diving right in to multiplication and division, as well as some different problem solving activities, in which students need to use many of the skills taught in previous lessons to come up with a solution to some rather complex mathematical problems. Students should also practice their math facts each night at home and soon they will be master mathematicians! Science and Social Studies have kept us active as well! We will finish up our study of animals, animal adaptations, and ecosystems in science; and, we will move into our earth science unit by Thanksgiving. We will also begin our study of North America and the United States by the end of October. In November we will discover Christmas traditions around the world (which will continue into December), with some of our Thanksgiving traditions weaved in. We would like to thank our parents for their continued support of our classes. We appreciate your help reading with your students each night so they can meet our reading goal of 25 books by the end of the school year. Fourth Grade News Mr. McLane from the Beaver Falls Fire Department discusses fire safety. Fourth grade students traveled to Beaver Camp on September 26, for a hands-on learning experience. While at Beaver Camp, students gained an appreciation and knowledge of the diversity of plants, insects, and animals found in the Beaver River habitat. Students also learned safe boating practices and experienced a short boat trip on Beaver Lake. This field trip was made possible through a grant from the Beaver River Advisory Council/Brookfield Power. In social studies, the fourth grade curriculum deals with New York State as our focus of study for the year. Our first unit focused on geography and students learned the names of many lakes, rivers, mountains, and cities. Mr. Patrick O’Brien, a local beekeeper discussed honey bees with the 2nd grade students. In social studies we will discuss New York's early people coming to this area and how they changed their way of life over time. The Algonquins and Iroquois, ancestors of these first people, became the main focus of study. Students have been engaged in the building of an Iroquois model longhouse to share with their parents during conferences. In closing, the teaching and the learning process is truly a two-way street and it requires a great deal of effort from everyone. As teachers, we cannot do it alone! Parental support and open communication are crucial to the success of each student! We appreciate your help in making this a successful year for your child. Fifth Grade News The fifth graders have worked hard and adjusted well to switching classes for Math, ELA, and Science/ Social Studies. We had a great time celebrating PARP and we would like to thank all of the fifth grade families for their support and enthusiasm with reading at home. In ELA with Mrs. Vigliotti, students have been reading the novel Esperanza Rising. This historical fiction novel takes place in Mexico and California in the 1930’s. It tells the tale of Esperanza, a young girl who is facing many hardships and human rights challenges that she must rise above. We have focused on reading the text closely, as well as using evidence from the text to support our ideas and inferences about the text. After students finish reading Esperanza Rising, they will continue to work with the book in order to write their own Reader’s Theatre script for a chosen scene from the novel. In Science with Miss Tabolt, students studied how to classify different types of organisms. They have also learned how to use and create a dichotomous key. In November, students will begin a new Social Studies unit, in which they will study Canada and Mexico. In this unit, we will compare and contrast Canada and Mexico with the United States. In Math with Mrs. Batuyong, students will work on multiplying and dividing two and three digit whole numbers and decimals. We will also continue to practice math facts, as well as place value in the millions through the thousandths. Students should continue to practice at home as well! We have had a great first quarter in fifth grade, and we look forward to seeing many families at Parent Teacher Conferences. News from BOCES Title 1/Resource Room Parents as Reading Partners (PARP) is an important event at BRCS each year to promote reading and writing. The theme for PARP for the 2014-2015 school year is Once Upon a Book. This theme was chosen in conjunction with the BRCS Musical Once Upon a Mattress. Books, stories, quotes and characters from Fairy Tales, Folklore and Nursery Rhymes will be emphasized. The kick-off assembly was October 14 with a Fairy Tale Jeopardy Game. The conclusion of PARP will occur on November 7, with a special presentation of selected scenes from Once Upon a Mattress for elementary students. During the four week time-frame of PARP, students had the opportunity to earn prizes for reading with partners at home, eat a special Royal Lunch, select a free book, wear PJs, donate Pennies for PARP, dress as characters from Fairy Tales, and bring in their beloved stuffed animals. Check out the BRCS web site for pictures, slide shows and videos of PARP happenings. Take time to enjoy reading with your child! Multi-age Classrooms (Mrs. Murphy & Mrs. Piche) October was filled with many wonderful activities. The students read about Christopher Columbus sailing the ocean blue and had a great time demonstrating their school spirit during homecoming week! Parents As Reading Partners (PARP) was great fun as well. We look forward to seeing our PARP winners participate in a school performance of the musical Once Upon A Mattress in November. ant milestone. Instead, the child tends to use the right hand on the right side of the body and the left hand on the left side, disrupting the development of future hand preference. Midline crossing, use of both hands together, and hand dominance are important developmental milestones that pave the way for the development of more advanced motor skills. Mrs. Beyer-Physical Therapist Intramural Basketball News Does your child W-sit? October is National Physical Therapy (PT) Month, so in order to celebrate the profession lets tackle a common question. What is wrong with W-sitting? This is a somewhat common sitting position in which the child’s bottom is planted firmly on the floor, with each foot resting against the hip. Many children choose this position during play and whenever observed it should be corrected immediately; here are the reasons why. Orthopedic Concerns: In a W-sitting position, the hips are placed in extreme rotation, predisposing the child to future orthopedic problems. In this abnormal position, the risk of hip dislocation becomes a concern. Pre-existing orthopedic conditions can worsen when major muscle groups are placed in shortened positions and begin to tighten. These shortened muscles are at risk to form a permanent shortening of the muscle. Balance: W-sitting compromises balance development. Because W-sitting allows the child to balance themselves in a straight position, the trunk muscles are not challenged and balance reactions are not needed. As a result, trunk control and balance are slower to develop and delays due to nonuse are likely. Midline crossing: Since trunk rotation does not occur during W-sitting, midline hand use is avoided. Children naturally begin to bring their hands together at midline to manipulate objects, but a child who regularly W-sits is discouraged from engaging in this import- Beaver River Intramural Boys and Girls Basketball program will conclude on Wednesday, Nov. 5th. The final evening is open to all parents, relatives and community members with a start time of 6 pm in the High School Gymnasium. Each team will play a short game to showcase their skills that were practiced over the course of the last 7 weeks. As with past years, the players are encouraged to stay after school with Coach Moser to finalize the evening activities and have the final pizza party. This year there was a total of 38 boys and 25 girls from the grades of 3rd – 6th. Collin LaGree and Justen Moser were student coaches/referees for the program and their work effort is truly appreciated. Silent Auction Looking for donations... It's time once again for the Annual Silent Auction sponsored by the BRCS Special Education Department. Every year during the week of the musical, the Special Education Department hosts a silent auction. All of the proceeds benefit Relay For Life and our Beaver River families. If you would like to donate an item or a themed basket please contact Janet Andre at 346-1211 extension 513. All donations are needed by October 31st. Thank you in advance for your support!! Middle School Principal Mrs. Christine LaBare Middle School Students of the Month Dear Parents and Guardians, The leaves have been so spectacular this fall. We have had so much to celebrate in the Middle School. At the end of September we were honored to host the University of Albany as they studied our Middle School program and interviewed teachers and support staff. Beaver River Middle School is recognized as high performing and was one of 18 Middle Schools selected in NYS to participate. It was a wonderful, rewarding experience. For me an experience full of pride and honor. A new tradition in the Middle School is the Beaver River Middle School Students of the Month. Students who we celebrated in the Month of October are Zoie Lehman and Hunter Nagy. Zoie is in the seventh grade and Hunter is in the sixth grade. Both of the students were nominated by their Math teachers. Congratulations to both of them. The Middle School Students have had two game nights in the month of October. The first one was during Homecoming Week and the second one was October 24. The students love to be together for a couple of hours to swim, dance, and play in the gym. The Middle School Beaver River Junior Honor Society have met and elected officers; President, Kaitlyn Metzler, Vice President, Skylar Schmitt, Secretary, Trent Meyer, Co-Treasurers, Julia Schwendy and Megan Walseman. The celebration of Veterans Day and Thanksgiving are reminders of all the blessings we have. May those blessings carry into family gatherings and celebrations of what we have cultivated in our families and in our communities. Sincerely, Christine LaBare, Middle School Principal Hunter Nagy and Zoie Lehman Sixth Grade News In sixth grade math, we have spent the first few weeks reviewing our math skills as multiplication facts up to 12 x 12 need to be mastered! We have started our study of basic algebra and the students are doing a fine job with this new endeavor. In Social Studies, sixth graders continue to study the ancient world. With Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Nubia behind us, we look forward to India and China. Parents are reminded that the last day to turn in news diary entries for the first quarter will be Monday, November 10th. In ELA the students have finished their first novel King of the Wind. In Reading, the students have completed their summer reading for the paper bag book talk presentation and their poster. Students have started to work on their book chats with the two books they must read per quarter. In Science, students have studied the scientific method and how scientists answer questions. We looked at what makes an experiment reliable and how to make conclusions based on the data collected in an experiment. We also looked at the metric system of measurement and learned to convert between the different measurement units for mass, length and volume. We also discussed the fact that there are some non-standard systems of measurement such as the smoot. Ask your child who Oliver Smoot was and what he measured. Parents, a big thank you for allowing your child to take part in the Homecoming Game Night!! Eighth Grade News The eighth graders have gotten off to a great start this year. In Social Studies we have explored the US during Industrialization. We looked at how Western Expansion was promoted by government investment and the impact it had on Native Americans. The eighth graders have also created games to help them understand and remember how our economic system works. We have delved into immigration during the early 1900s and how the rich diversity helped to spur creativity and economic growth. We will move onto the Progressive Era and how people dealt with the seemingly overwhelming problems we faced as a nation during this time of growth. Library News Please visit the library’s website to see examples of student work, search for books we have in the library, and visit all of the fun activities found on the site: We had a great start to the new school year in the library! Students in grades 1-3 have participated in library centers. They have enjoyed sitting in beanbag chairs to read out loud to a stuffed animal at the Book Buddies, learned how to take care of (and listen to) books-on-tape, created their own bookmarks, learned the parts of a books, identified genres and fiction/ nonfiction, written book recommendations, wrote postcards to their class while they pretend to be their favorite character in a book, learned how to sign out magazines and how to take care of them, and listened to Mrs. Wright read a story so they can act it out in Drama center. For PARP each class in grades 1-5 will collaborate to write a fairy tale which will be read at the final PARP assembly in November. We can’t wait to see what they come up with. On a side note, please make sure your child returns his library books promptly. We have had a few students come in with books that have gotten ruined from their snack or lunch drink leaking onto the book in their backpacks. We ask that students make sure their book is in a separate pocket of their backpack so that it doesn’t get ruined. It would be appreciated if you could check to see if they are doing this at home. Thank you! In addition to their library classes, students in grades K-2 have began to attend computer classes for 20 minutes once a week with Mrs. Wright. All of the students have started to learn how to use a mouse, how to identify the mouse, monitor, and keyboard, how to log into the school’s computer system, and have be- gun to find the letters on the keyboard. Many of the keyboarding games and lessons are found on the library’s website under the title of Keyboarding. In the Middle/High School library students have been doing a great job of using the library as a place to study or work quietly in small groups. Students who have chosen to participate in the monthly student surveys get the opportunity to have their name drawn at the end of the month for a candy bar prize. All responses are added to the survey bulletin board. Students also responded to our October Breast Cancer Awareness display by posting the name of a loved one who was diagnosed with cancer on a pink Post-It note. These Post-It notes were added to our display. It was quite sobering to see the number of Post-It notes used. In Library 7 students have learned the ins and outs of digital citizenship. They have learned how to protect their identity and personal information online, how to identify a scam or phishing email, and how to handle cyberbullying situations. Students have also learned about copyright law, plagiarism, Creative Commons, public domain, and Fair Use. Library 7 will complete a research project and presentation upon an approved topic of their choice. Library 8 students have created Book Trailer videos of their favorite books and a select few have been added to the library’s webpage. Students have learned about how media can use photo-editing to influence consumers and media users into believing false information. Students are being shown how the fashion industry and media instill an unattainable image identity on our teenagers today by using photo-editing. Students will create their own photo-edited image and create a news cast or magazine article to go along with the photo to sway their audience to believe something that is untrue or exaggerated. They will have to show us the before picture as well. It will be interesting to see what they decide upon for a topic! High School Principal Mrs. Rebecca Dunckel - King Dear Parents, The beginning of the school year has been one of great excitement. Students have entered ready to learn and have settled in for another productive year. This is the first year of full implementation of the Common Core Learning Standards in Geometry and English 10. The teachers of those classes have been busy revamping their curriculum during the summer in order to begin the school year with more rigorous expectations. Beaver River offers a multitude of resources for students who need additional help, including after school work sessions. If you would like more information on these sessions, contact the high school office. AP Biology and Forensics Beaver River AP Biology and Forensics students recently had the opportunity to attend a fascinating lecture at Cornell University, entitled DNA: Fact, Fiction and the Future. The renowned speaker, Dr. Hillis, wove together CSI episodes, and his own experience as an expert witness in court cases with an update on cutting edge developments in Molecular Genetics. He highlighted advances in gene sequencing while connecting these to themes ranging from human health initiatives to the preservation of endangered species. In addition to attending a reception after the Lecture at Cornell’s iconic A.D. White House, during our late afternoon visit, students had the opportunity to experience the vast campus, and catch a glimpse of the diverse research and student activities taking place there. Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) During the month of September, two of our Beaver River teachers attended training at Clarkson University on Robotics. Clarkson University has long supported robotics outreach since 1998. Clarkson offers a FIRST Robotics Competition for high school students and a FIRST LEGO League program for elementary to middle school students. At Beaver River, we will focus our energy on a FIRST Tech Challenge program for our high school students. If you are interested in this program, please contact Marcus Bush [email protected], Catherine Yancey [email protected] or Mrs. Dunckel-King [email protected] . You can also visit the Clarkson Website to gain more information on this exciting initiative! Sincerely, Students pictured include Sean Burke, Shawn Brown and Leah Lapp. Regents Chemistry Mrs. Dunckel-King Regents Chemistry students will spend the year looking at matter and the chemical reactions that occur between different types of matter. Chemistry began the year with the basics of matter such as the structure of the atom and how the current atomic model was developed throughout history. We will look at the development of the periodic table and how it helps us understand the interactions between matter on a chemical and atomic level. Other specific reactions that will be discussed include Oxidation/Reduction reactions, Acid/Base chemistry, Organic chemistry and Nuclear chemistry. Yearbook News So far the year has been productive for the yearbook staff and we are excited to welcome a new Co-Advisor – Mrs. Renee’ Moser. As the December deadline quickly approaches for the yearbooks first 40 pages, the staff have been very active in taking pictures of events around the school and community. The staff has agreed upon a color scheme, templates, fonts, cover design and theme. Co-Advisor Mr. Don Moser, along with Melena Johnson, McKinzi Middleton, Riley Joslin and Ashley Hirsch left Beaver River on September 26th at 5:30 am to attend an all-day yearbook workshop at Hobart WilliamSmith College in Geneva, NY. The workshop allowed students to hone their photography skills, meet with the yearbook graphic design team to finalize details concerning the 2014-15 cover, engage in layout workshops and most importantly, network with other yearbook staff and advisors. Melena Johnson & McKinzi Middleton Preparing a mock layout spread Community, we need your help. If you have taken any photographs at sporting events, banquets, fundraisers, student oriented events, the yearbook staff would like to invite you to post them to our yearbook website. All you do is, type in: and use the code name: beavers and you can upload photos for the yearbook staff to browse through and possibly use. Also, if you are a business owner and would like to place an ad in the yearbook, contact Mr. Don Moser at: [email protected] or 346-1211 ext. 208. Dog Breeders, Dairy Farms, Loggers, Maple Syrup Producers, Landscapers, Tax Accountants, Fire Departments, Jewelry Designers….you are all invited. Yearbooks are still on sale and can be purchased at $70.00 or by placing a down payment of $20.00 by Nov. 25th to be placed on a payment schedule. Please contact: Don Moser 346-1211 ext. 208 [email protected] ***A reminder to all who have purchased a yearbook and are on the payment plan, payment dates are as follows: 2nd payment – before Nov. 25th 3rd payment – before Jan. 30th 4th & final payment – before March 13th. CHRISTMAS CONCERTS The BRCS music department announces the following schedule of concerts for the 2014 Christmas season. All performances begin at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Mark your calendar and join us as we celebrate the season in song! Tuesday, Dec. 9 High School Concert Thursday, Dec. 11 Elementary/Middle Concert Wednesday, Dec. 17 Advent Concert -St. Stephen’s Church, Croghan ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL CONCERT Beaver River elementary and middle schools will present a combined Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 11, at 7:30 p.m. The concert will begin with Fifth Grade Chorale singing Kling Glockchen, Bless Us All, and Dona Nobis Pacem. Fifth Grade Band will present Magnificent Five, Jing-A-Ling Bells and Gingerbread Men On Parade. Sixth Grade Chorus will sing Let’s Take A Sleighride, All on a Silent Night and A Merry, Merry Christmas. Sixth Grade Band will play Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!, Christmas Tree Samba, and A Christmas Proclamation. The Seventh and Eighth Grade Chorus will perform A Festive Madrigal, Beautiful December, and The Bells of Christmas Medley. The Seventh and Eighth Grade Band will present A Christmas Festival, Have A Holly Jolly Christmas and Still, Still, Still. Bi-County Music Festival Two BRCS musicians were selected to participate in the 2014 JLCMTA Bi-County Music Festival. Middle school musicians who represented Beaver River Central School in the Junior High Band were: Natalie Streeter, clarinet and Patrick Golden, tuba. The band consisted of 80 seventh and eighth grade musicians. The ensemble included student musicians from 17 school districts in Jefferson and Lewis counties. Students were chosen to participate in this Bi-County Music Festival based on past accomplishments in music, including performances at NYSSMA Solo Festival and BRCS Solo Festival. The musicians learned four pieces in preparation for a full day of rehearsals on Tuesday, October 28. They rehearsed together again on the following Saturday, and presented a concert at 2:00 p.m. on November 1 at Indian River High School. This festival was the first of three annual music festivals sponsored by the Jefferson-Lewis County Music Teachers’ Association. The second festival will be held in January at Harrisville High School, and feature an elementary band and high school chorus. The third festival will be hosted by South Jefferson High School in February, and will include a high school band and junior high chorus, as well as a solo performance by this year’s winner of the senior soloist competition. EL Bi-County Chorus Four musicians were selected for the Elementary BiCounty Chorus held at Indian River in October. Selected students were Conrad Freed, Chelsea Greenwood, David Duell and Emma Roggie. Great job singers! CHORALEERS NEWS The 2014-2015 Choraleers would be very happy to perform at community functions this year. We are a select chorus of 38 students in grades 9-12. If you are interested in having us perform for your event, please contact our director, Mrs. Kendra Virkler at 346-1211 ext. 572. Choraleer members are: Kiley Ardison, Jack Bristow, Jordan Cornell, Connor Demo, Karissa Gerdon, Zachary Gould, Dana Halladay, Zachary Irish, Melena Johnson, Riley Joslin, Jacob Kennedy, Joel Kloster, Jessie Landis, Caitlin Lashbrooks, Emily Lighthall, Kerrigan Mahoney, Anthony Metzler, Madeline Monnat, Sierra Nagy, Makenna Olmstead, Joshua Peters, Mallory Petrie, Isaiah Pominville, Emma Puddington, Meghan Puddington, Andrew Purcell, Troy Purcell, Andrew Rice, Michael Rice, Michaela Rice, Lucas Schmitt, Cameron Smith, Reganne Smith, Matthew Sundberg, Aaron Turck, Clare Woolschlager, Brett Worden and Noah Zehr. RILEY JOSLIN SELECTED FOR ALL-STATE We are proud to announce the acceptance of senior bass, Riley Joslin into the New York State Conference All-State Mixed Chorus! Riley is among 60 basses selected from across the state to be part of this prestigious ensemble. He will spend 3 days in Rochester honing his skills under the baton of Dr. Joe Miller, director of choral activities at Westminster Choir College of Rider University. The culmination of the event is a performance at the beautiful Eastman Theater. Congratulations Riley! Area-All State Beaver River was proudly represented by 19 musicians at the 2014 Area-All State Music Festival held at the Crane School of Music, Potsdam on November 21 and 22. Jessie Landis was a member of the orchestra. Clare Woolschlager was a member of the band. Members of the chorus were Kiley Ardison, Macey Halko, Zachary Irish, Riley Joslin, Joel Kloster, Kerrigan Mahoney, Anthony Metzler, Sierra Nagy, Joshua Peters, Isaiah Pominville, Meghan Puddington, Andrew Purcell, Michaela Rice, Lucas Schmitt, Reganne Smith, Brett Worden and Noah Zehr. This November we will have our annual musical performance. This year’s selection, Once Upon a Mattress, is based upon the fairy tale entitled The Princess and the Pea. We have a cast 35 students who have practiced since the first day of school to put on a spectacular and entertaining show. Our cast members include Caitie Lashbrooks as Queen Aggravain, Josh Peters as Prince Dauntless, Sierra Nagy as Princess Winnifred the Woebegone, Taine Millward as King Sextimus the Silent, Riley Joslin as Sir Harry, Reganne Smith as Lady Larken, Josh Greenwood as Jester, Aiden Millward as Wizard, Brett Worden as Minstrel, Chrissy Coggiano-Chun as Princess Number 12, Sean Burke as Sir Studley, and Skylar Schmitt as the Nightengale of Samarkand. We also have many Ladies-in-Waiting, knights, maids, wenches, and princesses. This year our show coincides with PARP’s fairy tale theme of Once Upon a Book. A sample of the musical performance will be shown to the students as a part of the closing celebration for PARP on November 7th. Please make the time to come watch our cast as they put their heart and soul into the performance of Once Upon a Mattress on November 6th and 7th at 7:30 pm, and the matinee performance on November 8th at 2:00 pm. We hope to see you there! Sierra Nagy, Caitie Lashbrooks, Kristen Van Horn, Meghan Puddington, Makenna Olmstead, and Kerrigan Mahoney prepare for the upcoming musical Once Upon a Mattress. National Honor Society The La Verne A. Norton Chapter of the National Honor society will be holding its annual induction ceremony for new members on Tuesday, November 25. Candidates from the junior and senior classes who demonstrate outstanding achievement in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character will be eligible for induction. To be considered for membership, a candidate must have a 90.0% cumulative average for all high school courses. Scholarship alone is not grounds for selection into NHS—ignoring the qualities of leadership, service, and character is a violation of the NHS Constitution. In order to evaluate these criteria in prospective inductees, the principal is responsible for annually forming a five-member faculty council. This council consists of five voting members of the BRCS faculty. Additionally, the chapter advisor serves as a non-voting, sixth member of the faculty council. The faculty council reviews each academically eligible candidate in regard to the categories of leadership, service, and character. The student who exercises leadership is thoroughly dependable in any responsibility accepted, exemplifies positive attitudes, and is a forerunner in the classroom, at work, and in school or community activities. The student who serves and works well with others, is willing to take on difficult or inconspicuous responsibilities, cheerfully and enthusiastically renders any requested service to the school, and shows courtesy by assisting visitors, teachers, and students. The student of character consistently exemplifies desirable qualities of behavior, upholds principles of morality and ethics, actively helps rid the school of bad influences or environment, and shows concern and respect for others. In the process of evaluating potential inductees, each voting member of the faculty council will rate each candidate in the areas of leadership, service, and character using the following scale: 5 points..…the student always demonstrates outstanding qualities for the given category 4 points…..the student frequently demonstrates outstanding qualities for the given category 3 points…..the student sometimes demonstrates outstanding qualities for the given category 2 points…..the student rarely demonstrates outstanding qualities for the given category 1 point …...the student never demonstrates outstanding qualities for the given category The points received by a candidate for each individual category will be added and averaged to the nearest tenth of a point, giving that candidate separate averages for leadership, service, and character. The sum of all three averages will then be taken. To be granted membership, a candidate must receive a total score of at least 12.0 and receive scores of at least 3.0 in all three categories. A candidate will be denied membership if he or she scores below 3.0 in one category but still manages a total score of 12.0 or above. Student information forms are available to candidates who wish to provide the faculty council with information that may influence the selection process. These forms are not to be considered applications (there are no official applications to NHS), but they may be helpful in revealing aspects of a candidate that the faculty council may otherwise be unaware of. During the course of the selection process, the faculty council should focus more on why a student should be inducted into NHS and less on why a student should not be inducted. Candidates should not be selected simply because they have sufficient grades and the faculty council has nothing bad to say about them (this is not to suggest, however, that major shortcomings in any of the three categories be ignored). Rather, the faculty council should emphasize the positive characteristics of a potential member that demonstrate why that candidate deserves to be selected. Induction into NHS is an honor that must be earned. All decisions made by the faculty council are binding and cannot be appealed to higher levels of the National Honor Society. Selection into NHS is strictly a local manner. It is the faculty council’s duty to carry out the selection process as objectively as possible. No student has the right to be inducted into NHS—students only have the right to be fairly considered for membership. Anyone with further questions about the selection process should direct them to Mrs. Rebecca Dunckel-King, High School Principal. HAPPY AUTUMN FROM THE BEAVER RIVER GUIDANCE OFFICE It is the time of year when seniors need to get serious about organizing their college applications. This is especially so for those looking to apply for “early decision” consideration. Ninth through eleventh grade students will have their normal opportunities for individual meetings with their guidance counselors in a few months to receive career and educational counseling. Parents are always welcome to participate in this planning process. Please call the Guidance Office to make an appointment. Grades six through eight are busy with classes, sports, and the upcoming musical. Please have your child stop in the Guidance Office for any assistance (schedules, AWS or bullying issues). Also, if families are in need of the backpack program, please call Mrs. Joslin at 346-1211 (Ext. 525). SENIORS TO COMPLETE COLLEGE APPLICATIONS Seniors have begun the process of completing their college applications. This process can either be very time consuming or relatively simple depending on the particular college. SUNY college application forms can be quite basic and students may even use one form to apply to up to seven different colleges. Private college applications often require more of the students such as essays and teacher recommendations. The recommended application deadline for SUNY colleges is December 1. Although SUNY will accept applications after this date, adhering to this deadline can make a difference in acceptance to competitive programs. It also may make a difference in securing available housing on some campuses. The application deadlines of private colleges vary (approximately December through late spring). It is each student's responsibility to contact the colleges he or she is considering to find out their deadlines. College applications should be completed carefully and thoroughly, with the awareness that students are giving admissions personnel the first impression of themselves. Attention to detail is exceptionally important. Most applications can be done on-line. Please see Mr. Barrett before applications are submitted. Please be aware that some colleges do not have an application fee if you apply directly to the college. For instance if you apply directly to Jefferson Community College there is no fee, but if you apply through the SUNY Application Processing Center the fee is $50. All applications that are not submitted online (and corresponding fees) are to be submitted to the Guidance Office where they will be checked for accuracy and forwarded to the colleges with copies of their high school transcript. Students who are applying to colleges online are also to notify the Guidance Office so that copies of their transcript will be mailed to the appropriate schools. This information was explained by Mr. Barrett to the seniors in their English classes. Students and parents are invited to contact Mr. Barrett if they have questions about this process. MORE NOTES FOR COLLEGE BOUND SENIORS Students should be continuing to look through college catalogs and websites, meet with college representatives in the Guidance Office, have on campus admission interviews and attend college open houses! Students should make sure they’ve taken all tests (SAT 1, ACT, SAT 2, etc.) that are required by the colleges to which they are applying! They should also ensure that their scores are forwarded to each college. Searching for scholarships is a lot like exploring colleges--the more you put into it, the more you’re likely to get out of it! Application deadlines for various scholarships occur throughout the senior year. How to search for scholarships will be explained to students in their English classes. If you have questions about the college exploration process, please contact Mr. Barrett. STUDENTS TAKE ASVAB TESTS Any high school student interested in taking the ASVAB will have the opportunity on November 19th at Beaver River. The ASVAB consists of eight short tests which cover the areas of General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Auto and Shop Information, Mathematics Knowledge, Mechanical Comprehension, and Electronics. As a result of taking these tests the students will receive information on themselves (such as interests and abilities), information on the world of work, and ideas relating to specific careers they may be well-suited for. This test is no longer just for military-bound students. The ASVAB does an excellent job matching a student’s academic strengths and general interests with both civilian and military careers. All juniors will be encouraged to take this free assessment. See Mr. Barrett with questions. COLLEGE OPEN HOUSE INFORMATION Attending a college open house/campus visitation day is an excellent way to gain firsthand information about a college as well as to meet with other students who are interested in the same college. The college visit is so important that some colleges require it before accepting a student. Students should check the websites of the colleges they are considering to get information regarding these events. For a listing of SUNY open house dates visit and click on “programs” and then “visit us”. SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION Please visit the website for complete scholarship information. Click on the “High School Guidance” link, then on “Scholarship Information”. Feel free to call the Guidance Office with questions. ATTENTION 17 AND 18 YEAR OLD MALE STUDENTS If you are not registered with Selective Service, you must do so within 30 days of turning 18. You must register. This is not a school requirement, it’s the law. If you fail to register it will affect your ability to receive Federal college loans and grants, and student aid in most states. In addition, it will affect your ability to receive job training or to gain citizenship if you are a male immigrant seeking U.S. citizenship. It will even curtail your opportunities to get many good jobs in the future. Go on-line at or fill out a registration card at any US Post Office. See Mr. Barrett if you have any questions. FINANCIAL AID WORKSHOP The Financial Aid Workshop for juniors and seniors will be held on January 22 at 6:30. Our speaker will be Mariya Clemons, a Financial Aid Counselor from Jefferson Community College. She will speak at length about the financial aid application process and the Free Application for Financial Aid. Juniors and seniors and their parents are urged to attend this workshop. The FAFSA should be submitted as soon as possible after January 1. Check in with the Guidance Office at 346-1211 (Ext. 522) or schools/Beaver River/webpages/abarrett for updates. AN IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR JUNIORS A year from now most of you will be preparing application forms for college. With the multitude of colleges to choose from, the process of exploring your options can be interesting and fun but also confusing and very time consuming. This is why NOW--THE JUNIOR YEAR--is the time to seek out information and identify the types of schools you’d be interested in. Mr. Barrett will be working with you throughout the year to provide a variety of ways you can obtain the information you need. If you or your parents have questions about the college selection process, you are encouraged to see or call Mr. Barrett. PSAT/NMSQT Sophomore and Junior students took the Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT) on Wednesday, October 15th. Students had the opportunity to sign up to participate and were provided with information prior to this exam which included sample questions and testtaking tips. The benefits of taking this assessment include the following: 1. It provides practice for taking the SAT I, a college entrance test which most juniors will take for the first time in the spring. 2. Students can predict their SAT I scores from the PSAT/NMSQT scores. This information will be helpful this year as students explore colleges and consider the admission requirements of particular schools. 3. Students may choose to participate in a service that will forward their names to various colleges that are seeking students like them. They then will receive information from these colleges. 4. Students are automatically entered in scholarship competitions by taking the PSAT/NMSQT. Even if they are not actual “winners,” being named a “finalist” or “semifinalist” will greatly help in the college admission process. 5. Scores on the PSAT/NMSQT will indicate if students have the reading and math skills they need for college. COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES The following student has been advised of his acceptance at college for the 2015-2016 school year: Lane Zehr, son of Jason and Barbara Zehr, at the Southeast Lineman Training Center in the Electrical Lineworker program. Lewis County Amateur Hockey Association registration for Youth Hockey and other programs will be held at Lewis County Fairgrounds Forest Park Pavilion. Tuesday, November 04th 6-7:30 pm Programs: Learn to Skate – All ages young & old Initiation to Hockey (Mites) Program - Girls & Boys ages 4-7 Squirts Team – Girls & Boys ages 8-10 PeeWee Team – Boys ages 11-12 Mountain View Prevention Services Student Assistance Program The Student Assistance Program (S.A.P.) will once again be provided to the BRCS students during the 2014 -2015 school year. S.A.P. is a school based, prevention/intervention program designed to assist students in grades 6-12, with a variety of personal problems including those related to alcohol and or drugs. The student assistant works with students to develop coping skills, making positive lifestyle choices, practicing healthy decision making and making alternatives to alcohol/drugs, and encouraging students to focus on education. The S.A.P. is not treatment, nor therapy. This not a discipline program, students are not in trouble if they are referred to the program. Referrals to the Student Assistance Program can be made by the following: 1. Parents/Community members may contact the Student Assistant at school or at 376-2321. 2. Teachers, students, staff who have concerns regarding a student can either fill out a referral form located in the Administrative offices, the Guidance office or see the Student Assistant to discuss the referral. Self – referrals may be made by contacting the Student Assistant, an administrator or the Guidance Office. S.A.P. is both voluntary and confidential to all students that choose to participate. All referrals are also confidential. Mrs. Kylie Simpson is available at school on Mondays and Tuesdays at ext. 577 or can be reached at Mountain View Prevention Services by calling 376-2321. Season starts November - March. Practice is 2 nights a week with games on Saturday & Sunday. Cost to Register if $100.00. Equipment provided for 1st year players. For more information go to or call at 376-0196. Military and Family Life Counselor Program Mrs. Susan Hoenninger, MS, LMHC, Children & Youth Behavioral Military & Family Life Counselor (CYB-MFLC, pronounced M-FLAC) will be available to provide free short-term non-medical situational problem solving counseling to our Fort Drum active military children and their parents and families for issues and stressors that impact them. These may include deployments, reunions following deployments, relocation adjustments, behavioral issues and parenting, anger management, sadness, grief and loss, separation, peer pressure, decision-making & coping skills. A parental consent needs to be signed and returned to the school in order for services to be provided and for children to participate in individual counseling and groups. A brochure with more detailed information including a phone number to contact Mrs. Hoenninger will be sent home with the children. 2013 - 2014 FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEALS 2014 FFA Fruit Sale The FFA is holding our annual Citrus Fruit Sale starting on November 3rd -November 21st 2014. All of the Lewis and Jefferson County FFA Chapters are ordering from Peejay`s Fresh Fruit because of high customer satisfaction and they make a contribution to the New York FFA Foundation annually. Extra tangelo and red grapefruit will be available but please contact an FFA member to guarantee your order. The delivery date for the fruit will be December 8th. Fruit must be picked up at the overhead door by the district office before 8:00 p.m. on December 8th. Please contact a FFA member or Tara Taylor at 346-1211 ext. 138 or email [email protected] to place an order. All orders must be handed in to Ms. Taylor by November 21st. Thank you for supporting the agriculture program! Florida Navel Oranges Large box -$32.00 Small box -$22.00 Florida Red Grapefruit Large box - $25.00 Small box - $17.00 Florida Orlando Tangelo Large box - $25.00 Small box - $17.00 Navel/Grapefruit Mix Box Navels/Grapefruit $25.00 Tangerines Small box- $22.00 Citrus Mix Box Navel Oranges, Tangelos & Red Grapefruit- $22.00 Anjou Pears Small box - $18.00 7” Plain Cheesecake 20 oz. - $10.00 8” Strawberry Cheesecake 32 oz. - $14.00 Golden Pineapples Case of 3 - $16.00 8” Cookies & Cream Cheesecake 32 oz. - $14.00 The following chart lists income levels according to household size and income received either yearly, monthly or weekly. If your total household income is the same or less than the amount on the chart below, your children can get reduced price meals. You will be notified if you are eligible for free meals based on income. 2013 – 2014 INCOME ELIGIBILITY GUIDELINES FOR FREE AND REDUCED PRICE MEALS REDUCED PRICE ELIGIBILITY INCOME CHART House Size Annual Month 2x per Month Every 2 Weeks 1 2 $21,590 $29,101 1,800 2,426 900 1,213 831 1,120 416 560 3 $36,612 3,051 1,526 1,409 705 4 $44,123 3,677 1,839 1,698 849 5 $51,634 4,303 2,152 1,986 993 6 $59,145 4,929 2,465 2,275 1,138 7 $66,656 5,555 2,778 2,564 1,282 8 $74,167 6,181 3,091 2,853 1,427 +289 + 145 Weekly For each additional family member add: +$7,511 + 626 + 313 If your income is at or below the scale shown above, we urge you to apply for meal benefits. You may do so by calling the school at 346-1211 and ask for Mrs. Diane Farney, ext. 535. You may also complete an application in person by coming to the school. If you have any questions about income eligibility or would like information regarding the breakfast or lunch programs, please call Mr. Thoma at 346-1211, ext. 532. If you do not qualify now but expect a change in income or family size, you may complete an application at anytime throughout the year. NutriKids NEWS Coming soon……parents will have the option to make payments for school meal accounts on-line through MySchoolBucks. Parents will enjoy 24/7/365 access to their student’s school meal account balance and purchase history. Also, parents will have the ability to create low-balance reminders and configure automatic payments for meal purchases. Flyers explaining the optional process will be sent home with students soon. Adult Education Adult Education at BRCS is designed to meet the academic and recreational needs of our community in an adult’s only setting. If you have a special talent or skill you would like to share or a class you would like to see offered, please call Nicole Kuhl at the school at 346-1211 ext.154, or e-mail at [email protected]. The following classes are being offered during the month of November to any interested community member. Please call the appropriate instructor without delay as some classes have seating limits. Some classes may be cancelled if insufficient interest is shown, at which time you will be notified if you have already signed-up. Participation in each class requires a signed physical injury district release form, which the instructor will have prepared for each student during registration. The classes will be offered as scheduled while school is in session. If school closes for a holiday or emergency, the adult education class will also be cancelled. CLASS INSTRUCTOR DATE/TIME/PLACE FEE COMMENTS Family Swim Certified Life Guards Wednesdays 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Pool $2.00 per session Morning Lap Swim Certified Life Guards $2.00 per session Evening Lap Swim Certified Life Guards Zumba Fitness Class Janice Lehman PiYO Fitness Class Becky Lyndaker Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 7:00 – 8:00 a.m. Pool Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Pool Mondays and Thursdays 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. *subject to change - updates found on the Facebook page “Zumba with Jan” Elementary Cafeteria Fridays 6:30 – 7:45 p.m. Elementary Cafeteria No registration necessary. Every child must be accompanied by an adult who stays while the child is swimming and provides adult supervision in the locker room. No registration necessary. Held only when school is in session. If school is delayed for any reason, morning lap swim is cancelled for that day. No registration necessary. Held only when school is in session. Extreme Couponing Workshop Katie Steele and Cassi VanTassel Thursday November 20 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. Room 154 $15.00 $2.00 per session $5.00 per session $5.00 per session Coupon binders will also be available for sale that evening. Zumba is a mix of Latin dance and cardio and incorporates hip hop and other types of dance. It is an upbeat and exciting way to get fit. No registration or dance experience necessary! Contact Jan at [email protected] with questions. PiYO takes you through stretching, strengthening, and body weight resistance-based exercise at a fast, flowing pace to sculpt and define every muscle while you burn major calories using nothing more than a yoga mat and your own body weight! No registration necessary but bring your own yoga mat. Come and learn the basics of extreme couponing including vocabulary, store policies and regulations, budget planning as well as where to get coupons and how to set up a coupon binder. Also discussed will be couponing for items other than groceries, couponing for a cause, and how to get freebies. Each participant will receive a copy of store policies, a coupon handbook, and tips. To register please e-mail Nicole Kuhl at [email protected] or call 346-1211 ext. 154 by November 14. November/December 2014 Sports Calendar Nov. 1 V Cross Country @ VVS 10:00 AM Dec. 16 V B Swimming vs. Carthage 4:30 PM Nov. 8 V Cross Country @ Canton 10:00 AM V Wrestling vs. Copenhagen 6:00 PM Nov. 21 7th Grade Volleyball @ South Lewis 4:30 PM JV B Basketball vs. Lyme 6:00 PM 8th Grade Volleyball vs. South Lewis 5:45 PM V B Basketball vs. Lyme 7:30 PM JV B Basketball vs. Adirondack 6:00 PM V B Basketball vs. Adirondack 7:30 PM JV Volleyball @ Lowville 6:00 PM Mod B Swimming @ South Lewis 4:30 PM V Volleyball @ Lowville 7:30 PM V B Swimming @ South Lewis 4:30 PM JV G Basketball vs. Sandy Creek 6:00 PM JV G Basketball vs. LaFargeville 6:00 PM V G Basketball vs. Sandy Creek 7:30 PM V G Basketball vs. LaFargeville 7:30 PM V Wrestling vs. Indian River 6:30 PM JV Volleyball vs. Sandy Creek 6:00 PM V Volleyball vs. Sandy Creek 7:30 PM V B Basketball @ Sandy Creek 7:30 PM JV B Basketball @ LaFargeville 6:00 PM Dec. 23 JV G Basketball @ South Lewis 6:00 PM V B Basketball @ LaFargeville 7:30 PM V G Basketball @ South Lewis 7:30 PM V B Swimming @ Lowville 4:30 PM JV Volleyball vs. Carthage 6:00 PM Mod B Swimming @ Lowville 4:30 PM V Volleyball vs. Carthage 7:30 PM JV G Basketball vs. Sackets Harbor 6:00 PM JV B Basketball vs. South Lewis 6:00 PM V G Basketball vs. Sackets Harbor 7:30 PM V B Basketball vs. South Lewis 7:30 PM JV Volleyball @ Thousand Islands 6:00 PM Dec. 27 V Wrestling @ Lowville (Dual Meet) V Volleyball @ Thousand Islands 7:00 PM Jan. 3 V B Basketball vs. South Jefferson 2:30 PM JV B Basketball @ Sackets Harbor 6:00 PM Jan. 5 JV Volleyball @ Indian River 5:30 PM V B Basketball @ Sackets Harbor 7:30 PM V Volleyball @ Indian River 7:00 PM 10:00 AM JV G Basketball @ Lowville 6:00 PM V G Basketball @ Lowville 7:30 PM JV B Basketball vs. Lowville 6:00 PM Nov. 25 Dec. 2 Dec. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Dec. 18 V B Swimming @ Indian River Dec. 19 JV B Basketball @ Sandy Creek 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 10:00 AM Dec. 6 V Volleyball vs. Lowville Dec. 8 JV G Basketball @ Alexandria Bay 6:00 PM V G Basketball @ Alexandria Bay 7:30 PM V Wrestling vs. South Jefferson 6:00 PM V B Basketball vs. Lowville 7:30 PM JV Volleyball @ South Lewis 6:00 PM V B Swimming vs. Watertown 4:30 PM V Volleyball @ South Lewis 7:30 PM Jan. 7 V Wrestling @ Lowville 6:00 PM Dec. 9 V B Swimming vs. Gouverneur 4:30 PM Jan. 8 JV Volleyball vs. Watertown 6:00 PM Dec. 10 JV B Basketball vs. Alexandria By 6:00 PM V Volleyball vs. Watertown 7:30 PM V B Basketball vs. Alexandria Bay 7:30 PM V B Swimming @ South Jefferson 4:30 PM JV Volleyball vs. Belleville Henderson 6:00 PM V Volleyball vs. Belleville Henderson 7:30 PM JV B Basketball @ Belleville Henderson 6:00 PM V B Basketball @ Belleville Henderson 7:30 PM Dec. 13 V Wrestling @ General Brown 8:00 AM Dec. 15 Mod Wrestling @ S.L. - League Meet 5:30 PM JV G Basketball @ Lyme 6:00 PM V G Basketball @ Lyme 7:30 PM JV Volleyball vs. South Jefferson 6:00 PM V Volleyball vs. South Jefferson 7:30 PM Dec. 12 Jan. 6 Please note that this schedule is subject to change. To view the most up to date version of the Beaver River sports schedule please go to the following website: There will also be game cancellations posted on the Beaver River website at Beaver River Central School PO Box 179 9508 Artz Road Beaver Falls, NY 13305 Non Profit U.S. Postage PAID Car. Rte. Pre Sort Beaver Falls, NY Permit No. 3 Postal Customer Important Dates: Day Event Time/Place Friday, October 31 Fall Festival 1:45 p.m. Parade/Outside Front Circle Thursday, November 6 Once Upon A Mattress 7:30 p.m./Auditorium Friday, November 7 Once Upon A Mattress 7:30 p.m./Auditorium Saturday, November 8 Once Upon A Mattress 2:00 p.m./Auditorium Monday, November 10 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m./Library Conference Rm Tuesday, November 11 NO SCHOOL Wednesday, November 12 Picture Re-Take Day 8:00 a.m./By appointment Wednesday, November 19 1/2 Day for Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences 12:45 p.m. Dismissal Thursday, November 20 1/2 Day for Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences 12:45 p.m. Dismissal Monday, November 24 1/2 Day for Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences 12:45 p.m. Dismissal Monday, November 24 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m./Library Conference Rm Wednesday, November 26 Friday, November 28 NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Vacation Monday, December 8 Board of Education Meeting 7:00 p.m./Library Conference Rm Tuesday, December 9 High School Christmas Concert 7:30 p.m./Auditorium Thursday, December 11 Elementary /Middle School Christmas Concert 7:30 p.m./Auditorium Wednesday, December 17 Advent Concert 7:30 p.m./St. Stephens Church Wednesday, December 24 Friday, January 2 NO SCHOOL Winter Vacation
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