Church of Our Lady of Lourdes 2222 Genesee Street, Utica, NY 13502 November 15 & 16, 2014 The Mission of Our Lady of Lourdes Roman Catholic Parish is to Reveal the Compassionate Face of God. Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 pm Sunday Masses: 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:15 am & 5:00 pm Daily Mass - Monday thru Friday: 8:00 am Reconciliation: following the Saturday Vigil Mass Parish Office & Rectory: (315) 724-3155 Fax: (315) 732-3770 Intercessory Prayer Ministry: (315) 733-0616 Notre Dame Elementary School Office: (315) 732-4374 e-mail: [email protected] web site: Faith Formation Social Media: Website - (grades preK-6) and (grades 6-10) Facebook - Grades 6-10: Our Lady of Lourdes Teens Twitter - Grades 6-10: @LourdesTeens Facebook - Young Adult Ministry: Our Lady of Lourdes Young Adult Ministry page 2 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. Prayer Remembrances for the week of November 15th through November 21st We pray for all members of the parish living and deceased, but especially Living: Rich Pettigrew Wayne & Diane Smoulcey Deceased: Gary Toukatly James P. Moore Fortinata ‘Nettie’ Petrone Thomas Nelson Thomas Revels Christine Mangano James Plehn Annamary Costello Requested by: Greg & Joanne Jamrosz Tom & Alice Requested by: Rose J. Toukatly Mark & Linda Toukatly Family Kay Noon OLOL Parish L. Ricci Wife OLOL Parish Rose Butler Carol Cahill Anthony DiMambro Wife, Children & Grandchildren Dominick A. Cafarelli ~ 36th Anniversary Family Geraldine Weimer Rose Moccaldi Nelly Jean Dapice Husband Don Mulvihill Family Florence Hagan Jo Ginnity Ann Keeler ~ Birthday Daughter, Maureen William G. Cahalan Mary Rose Cahalan Beverly Martino ~ 1st Anniversary Mary Alice Hebert & Joan Martino Katherine ‘Kay’ Godfrey Nancy Spetts & Family Peter Thompson Erin Scalise Rosalie & Joe Colacicco Mary Lourdes Petrone Dorothy Osien Maureen Ho Joseph J. Bonanza, Jr. ~ 22nd Anniversary Wife, Children & Grandchildren John B. Fusco, Jr. ~ Birthday Angie, Children & Grandchildren JoAnn & Russ Barbara Ambrose Cahill Judy Williams John C. Brady Judy Williams Sunday, November 16, 2014 Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time For all of you are children of the light and children of the day. The Word of the Lord Readings for Sunday, November 16th Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Psalm 128 1-2, 3, 4-5 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 Readings for Sunday, November 23rd Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 Psalm 23:1-2, 2-3, 5-6 1 Corinthians 15:20-26, 28 Matthew 25:31-46 LOURDES CALENDAR Unless otherwise indicated, events take place in the dePaul Room of the Seton Center. 6:00 pm 7:30 pm 6:30 pm 12:00 pm 12:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 11:30 am 6:00 pm 7:30 pm Monday, November 17 ACOA ~ Lawler Hall A.A. ~ Lawler Hall Tuesday, November 18 Fianance Wednesday, November 19 Catholic Women’s Club ~ card party MV Breastfeeding Café ~ Lawler Hall RCIA Eternal Father Rosary Group ~ Seton Chapel Thursday, November 20 Christ Child Society Adult Choir ~ church Friday, November 21 Comhaltas Saturday, November 22 A.A. Monday, November 24 ACOA ~ Lawler Hall A.A. ~ Lawler Hall ……………………………………………………… Monthly Memorials November The gift of bread has been given in memory of Joseph & Anna Parisi by Joseph & Maria Parisi The gift of candles has been given in memory of Brian J. McCoy by Betty & Don McCoy The gifts of missals has been given in memory of Augusto & Rosa Cecilia by Daughter, Maria & Family The gift of wine has been given in memory of Casper & Gloria Vassallo by Greg & Joanne ……………………………………………………… The Sanctuary Lamp for the week of November 15th is in memory of Noel Castonguay by Family CHRISTMAS NOVENA We will celebrate the Christmas Novena each Monday at the 8:00am Mass until Christmas. We commend to God those who have recently passed on to their eternal reward. Henry Stanton, Sr. Dolores Pufpaff Jane Ann Clair Steven Gruebel Rita Reul Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. page 3 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. WESHARE ONLINE GIVING KICKOFF WEEEKND Save Time and Donate Online! THANKSGIVING DAY MASS Please join us as we celebrate Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes at 10:00am on Thanksgiving Day. INTERFAITH THANKSGIVING EXPERIENCE The Interfaith Project of Greater Utica presents ‘Breaking Bread: An Interfaith Thanksgiving Experience’ on Tuesday, November 25th at 7:00pm at RCIL on Genesee Street in Utica. This free event will feature area clergy and light refreshments. CHRISTMAS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Beginning the weekend of November 22nd & 23rd there will be baskets at the church doors filled with ‘Stars of Compassion’ as we begin the Parish’s annual outreach to families in our area. Each year, thanks to your generosity, Our Lady of Lourdes provides food, toys and other gifts for neighbors facing illness and financial difficulty. You can help by taking a star, purchasing the item on the star, and placing your unwrapped gift with the star firmly taped to it near the statue of our Blessed Mother in early December. Thank you for your help! BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS FOR THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Due to holiday publishing schedules, submissions of Prayer Remembrances and all other parish announcements for inclusion in the November 29th & 30th bulletin must be to the editor no later than November 18th. FAITH FORMATION & LIFETEEN NEWS The next faith formation class for grades PreK-8 is Sunday, November 23rd from 10:00am-11:00am. And Life Teen, for grades 9 and 10, will be Sunday, November 23rd at 5:00pm in the Seton Center. Online Giving is NOW available for parishioners with WeShare, an easy and convenient way to save time and support the church. Donating is simple, safe, and completely secure. If you would like to enroll in Online Giving, please see your bulletin insert for instructions or visit If you have any questions or concerns about the program or would like help setting up your account, please call Marie at our parish office, 724-3155, Monday thru Thursday from 9:00am to 3:00pm and Friday from 9:00am until noon. Signup and leave your checkbook at home! Stewardship Pledge Weekend Just a reminder, this weekend is pledge weekend for sacrificial financial giving to our church. Please place your pledge cards in the collection basket, give to a volunteer who staffs our Information Table or mail to the church office. We are grateful to those who already returned their pledges and look forward to a successful Stewardship Campaign. God bless you for all you do for the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes! FATHER SEAN O’BRIEN Father Sean O’Brien, of the Syracuse Diocese, has been called to active duty with the U.S. Navy. Fr. O’Brien has been deployed to Djibouti, Africa with the Combined Joint Task Force. Father O’Brien was most recently the pastor of Christ Our Hope Parish in northern Oneida County. Many years ago he was assistant pastor at Our Lady of Lourdes. We ask that you keep Father O’Brien and all of our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines in your thoughts and prayers. WORLD MARRIAGE DAY CELEBRATION The 29th Annual World Marriage Day will be celebrated on February 8th at 2:30pm at The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Syracuse. The Most Reverend Robert J. Cunningham will celebrate the Mass and renew the marriage vows of all couples in attendance. He will honor those couples celebrating silver anniversaries, golden anniversaries and those beyond 50 years in 2014. All couples are invited and encouraged to attend. Contact our parish office at 724-3155 to register for this celebration. page 4 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. HEALTHFRIENDS THANKSGIVING FLOWER SALE HealthFriends, in Utica, annually responds to 600 requests from uninsured, income eligible people (children, adults, seniors) in need of prescription medication that they cannot afford. Many people would have to choose between buying prescription medicine or food for their families. Each month HealthFriends must pay a nearly $4,500 pharmacy bill for the help it gives. Funds come from free will offerings, grants and fundraisers. You can help by purchasing a “Thanksgiving Bouquet” the weekend of November 22nd & 23rd in the vestibule of church. If you or someone you know needs help from HealthFriends for your medication call 724-0988. WEEKLY COLLECTION The collection for the week of November 8 & 9 393 Envelopes….………………. $10,760.00 Plate…………………………… $1,703.07 Total……………………………… $12,463.07 Thank you for your continued support and generosity. THE MOHAWK VALLEY CHORAL SOCIETY AND ORCHESTRA The Mohawk Valley Choral Society and Orchestra under the direction of Randy Davis will perform its Christmas Concert on Sunday, December 7th, 7:30pm at the Church of Our Lady of Lourdes. The choir and orchestra will perform Vivaldi’s Gloria and the Bach Magnificat featuring Soprano, Anita Firman, Mezo-Soprano Lucille Beer, Tenor, Stephen Humes and Bass, Michael Roddy. Concert tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door and can be purchased from any Choral Society member or by calling 823-1615. PLEASE HELP FEED THE HUNGRY THIS THANKSGIVING For several years, the Notre Dame community has worked with St. John’s Outreach to collect non-perishable items for Thanksgiving. The Notre Dame National Honor Society works hard to collect as many goods as possible. Students are asked to donate three canned goods each, but that doesn't seem to be enough to meet the need in our community. This year, they are reaching out to the Our Lady of Lourdes parish in an effort to collect a greater amount of non-perishable food items. Everything collected stays in the community to benefit the less fortunate among us. Liturgical Assignments for November 22 & 23, 2014 Altar Servers Chalice Eucharistic Ministers Bread Eucharistic Ministers Lectors 4:00 pm Team C Dan Boyle Mary Alice Hebert Ann Meyer Teresa Bushinger Gayle Cleveland Diane Fiore Mary Ann LaPorte Kay Noon Jackie Santoro Kevin Coates Shirley Hilts Shirley Hilts-Adams 7:30 Team C Nancy Kneller Joan McGuire Tim Bonney Gina Burke & Colleen Schaaf Diane Waskiewicz Paul Lazzaro Heather Bonney Colleen Schaaf Team C Suzanne Appleton Laura O'Shaughnessy Patricia Rosato Ron Rubman Alice Connors Austin Eddy Thomas Forsythe Shelly Withers Christine Eddy Anthony Bianco Herman Van Hatten Aurelia Greico 11:15 am Team C Shannon Acquaviva Regina Clark Betsey Fortino Tanya Gomez Mary Ellen Van Allen Cheri VanEtten Lucia Borrometi Cornelius Deep Lucy Deep Marilyn Murphy David Scharf Jennifer Dunlap Tom Coyne JP Gilroy 5:00 pm Team C Sheila Ambrose Rodger Potocki Bob Cheron Anne Popeo Dan Verna Chris Potocki Doug Ambrose Mass 9:00 am Greeters Kathleen Gates Anne Gates Peter Deep Mary Ellen Van Allen Maria Burynski Ray Burynski Office Volunteer Jim Powers Cheri VanEtten Anne Popeo page 5 CHURCH OF OUR LADY OF LOURDES, UTICA, N.Y. BAPTISMS: We joyfully welcome all into our Church family through this sacrament. For couples expecting a child, we encourage preparation to begin during pregnancy. Please contact parish offices to make arrangements as soon as possible. MARRIAGES: Couples seeking to be joined in the Sacrament of matrimony are asked to make arrangements with our Pastor at least six months in advance of the celebration. R.C.I.A.: Our church welcomes new members through a process called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults and Children. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a Catholic or completing their entrance into our church through Confirmation or Holy Eucharist, please call the parish office. NEW PARISHIONERS: A thousand welcomes! We are happy that you are joining our faith community! Please enroll at parish office. HOSPITAL VISITS: When entering a hospital or nursing home, please inform its staff that you are a parishioner of Our Lady of Lourdes Church so that we may be properly notified. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Chapel located in Seton Center. Every Monday thru Thursday ~ 9:00 am - 3:00 pm Friday ~ 9:00 am - noon (closed on holidays) Mass is a time of prayer and reflection. Out of respect to our clergy & parishioners, please turn your cell phones off during Mass. If it is necessary to leave your phone on due to your profession or a family emergency, please switch your phone to the ‘vibrate’ mode. PASTORAL STAFF Pastor & Regional Vicar: Rev. Joseph A. Salerno Parochial Vicar: Rev. Lukasz Kozlowski Deacon: Rev. Mr. William Hotaling Parish Minister: Sr. Lois Mary Paciello Outreach Ministries: Larry Hagan Youth Ministry & Faith Formation 6-10: Mark Ranieri ~ phone:765-1030 Faith Formation K-5: Nina Ranieri ~ phone: 534-3830 Music Director: Randy Davis Folk Group: Michael DeSantis Sunday Evening Liturgical Coordinator: Chris Bord Sunday Evening Music: Irena Lingley ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Business Administrator: Marie Morosco Receptionist/Bookkeeper: Paula Loin Administrative Assistant: Jim Powers Communications Specialist: Elyssa Arnone - Earl Summer Fun Program Director: Janis Farley FACILITIES & MAINTENANCE STAFF Facilities Manager: Joe Poupart Maintenance Assistant: Anthony Joaquin Housekeeper: Laurie Pensero We are equipped with a hearing assistance system. Please go to the sacristy before Mass. Father will assist you. Child Church is available for your convenience behind the Sacristy. A restroom and baby changing table are available in the room.
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