1 Miranda artbook III 2014-2015 Artwork & Projects 3 WHA m t i t ä MIRANDA ART V O L U M E N 3 MENU H U N G R Y ? N Ä L K Ä ? E S T This is the 3rd publication of the art magazine ”Miranda Art”. Hopefully it will be published annually. – 1 9 9 0 This volume provides an overview on the year 2014 and has a very strong focus on art and design from the point of view of trash design. During the creative process there’s not always time nor space for analyzing one´s own artwork. 1,- .....................COVERKANSI 4,- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W H AT ? M I T Ä ? 5,- ...............................MENU I hope this magazine brings to all you readers either pleasure or even aversion and furthermore awakens some new ideas and developes thinking towards trash in art and design. 6,- ...............TIMELINEAIKAJANA 8,- . . . . . . . . . . D R AW I N G S P I I R U S T U K S I A I would like to share all the good and positive things that i’ve learnt with you guys, excluding the ‘BADDIES’! 10,- ...............MIRANDA_ART_EXPO 12,- ....................TRASH_SCULPTURE 14,- ....................TRASHDESIGN_EXPO HABITARE Tämä on “Miranda Art” -taidelehden 3. julkaisu. Lehti ilmestyy, toivon mukaan, vuosittain. 18,- .....................TRASHART_EXPO GALLERIA_LUME Tässä julkaisussa käsitellään vuoden 2014 taide- ja muotoilukenttää vahvasti kierrätysmuotoilun parissa. 22,- ....SKROT_PILOT–TRASHDESIGN 26,- . . PA I N A J A I N E N _ 1 0 t h _ A N N I V E R S A RY 10-KERHO 30,- ....................................3D That’s why this publication is such a good way to export the art and to get feedback. Luovan prosessin aikana ei AINA riitä tarpeeksi aikaa omien tuotosten läpikäyntiin, siksi tämän julkaisun kautta on hyvä analysoida, sekä saada palautetta aikaansaannoksistaan. Toivon julkaisun tuovan lukijalleen jonkin asteista mielihyvää, miksei inhotustakin, sekä herättävän myös ideoita ja kehittävän ajatustapoja mm. romusta taiteessa ja muotoilussa. Haluan jakaa kanssanne kaiken sen hyvän, mitä olen oppinut paitsi jos te olette ‘PAHIKSIA’! J Ä ÄT E L Ö I C E C R E A M J Ä ÄT E L Ö I C E C R E A M J Ä ÄT E L Ö J Ä ÄT E L Ö I C E C R E A M J Ä ÄT E L Ö I C 5 SYM BO L H L U Se merkit Helsinki 1 Exhibitions /näyttelyt Lahti 2 Events /tapahtumat Uppsala 3 Projects /projektit Solo expo /Yksityisnäyttely 4 Studies /opiskelu oo Timeline /aikajana Ce A Collaborative expo /yhteisnäyttely m Metropolia AMK A R T ROUTES linjat Miranda timeline Aalto-yliopisto H Se L Miranda Art Expo Penthouse Atelier 1 Aalto-yliopiston joulumyyjäiset Ce L Penthouse Atelier Expo Kaupungin kirjasto Se H Galleria Lume trash art L Painajainen 10-kerho 2 Habitare Trashdesign H Skrot Pilot Trashdesign Ce H 3 m H Metropolia AMK 4 U Ce Metropolia Motorsports formula student A H Aalto -yliopisto oo 2014 2015 7 Drawings 9 Scifi heads plaster, trash electronics, spray trashart sculpture 2014 11 art exhibition 8 . - 10 .8 . 2 014 Pe nt hou se Ateli er, La hti Scifi heads plaster, trash electronics, spray, trash art sculpture 2014 Megadolomania & Bill killed him-self oil on canvas & oil on plywood 2013 Futura Hombre Machina metal, welding, sculpture, 2014 Cool phone phone parts, paint, trashart sculpture 2014 13 Habitare 10.-14.9.2014, Messu keskus, Helsinki El dorado motherboard, on canvas, spraypaint 2014 The Orange Scissors scissors, acryl on canvas, spraypaint, glue 2014 Motherboard Relief Motherboards, paint, wood, 6x1.5 m 2014 15 Sculpture installation Iron Man & Future Machina Metal sculptures 2013 & 2014 Astral Sleep aculpture 17 trash art expo 6 .-17.10.2 014 , G a l l e r i a Lum e, H elsi nki T he Bubble M ot herboard la m p s mot herboa rds 1,5x1,5m Ba c k to t he d ro n e ! rc- c ar, 4x pc f a n s , scrub el ec tro n i cs Bla ck White 19 Alvar futura El Cello 21 d e s i g n skrot pilot 14. - 24. 11. 2014, Sk r o t C e n t r a l e n, Upps a l a , Swe de n 23 Quashqai Sofa Trash Design made a workshop in Uppsala participating on the finnish culture month of Sweden. It was done in the local recycling centre. Shark Lamp Musculos 25 Painajainen: 10th anniversary I participated to the event by playing cello, decorating, designing a print and the poster. Print design 27 PAIN AJAI NEN Painajainen 10th anniversary poster 3D Rhinoceros 5, Autodesk Showcase Metropolia Motorsport Formula Student V i ntage f l y i ng c ar M otobi k e c onc ept The formula project is a Metropolia University of Applied Scienses engineer project in which I participated as the designer. 31 Pilatus PG-12 Rhinoceros 5, Autodesk Showcase notes: 3D printable standards 1:100 33 to be continued... 35 ISBN 978-952-68084-2-0 (nid.) ISBN 978-952-68084-3-7 (PDF)
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