October 22, 2014 THOUGHTS FROM BRYAN I have always wondered about Paul’s name change, and I read this article that explains it well. I reprinted it for your (and my!) benefit. “Although it has been popularly assumed that Paul’s name was changed when he converted from Judaism to Christianity, that is not the case. His Jewish name was "Saul" (Hebrew: ,שָׁ אוּלModern Sha'ul Tiberian Šāʼûl ; "asked for, prayed for, borrowed"), perhaps after the biblical King Saul, a fellow Benjamite and the first king of Israel. The testimony of the book of Acts is that he inherited Roman citizenship from his father. As a Roman citizen, he also bore the Latin name of "Paul"—in biblical Greek: Παῦλος (Paulos), and in Latin: Paulus. It was quite usual for the Jews of that time to have two names, one Hebrew, the other Latin or Greek. In the book of Acts, when Paul had the vision that led to his conversion on the Road to Damascus, Jesus called him "Saul, Saul,” in Aramaic. Later, in a vision to Ananias of Damascus, the Lord referred to him as "Saul, of Tarsus.” When Ananias came to restore his sight, he called him "Brother Saul.” In Acts 13:9, Saul is called Paul for the first time on the island of Cyprus — much later than the time of his conversion. The author (Luke) indicates the names were interchangeable: "...Saul, who also is called Paul.” He thereafter refers to him as Paul, apparently Paul's preference since he is called Paul in all other Bible books where he is mentioned, including those he authored. Adopting his Roman name was typical of Paul's missionary style. His method was to put people at their ease and to approach them with his message in a language and style to which they could relate.” I love Paul’s heart. It did not matter what name people referred to him by, his goal was to put them at ease, connect and meet them where they were. As he tells the Corinthian church, “Though I am free and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible.” 1 Corinthians 9:19. What a great example – deny self, focus on others, with their spiritual needs being the reason. Let us go and do like-wise. Hope everyone has made plans to attend our Fall Festival. It will be a lot of fun for our children and even our adults to enjoy this time of fun and fellowship. Please RSVP to the church office how many in your family and friends plan to attend. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE Our next blood drive is coming up on November 2nd after morning services as usual. Please plan to be here and give. Also, PLEASE PLEASE fill out a blue sign up card when they go around. This is very important so that the Red Cross will know how many workers to send out. It is also important in helping us plan for how much food to buy for lunch. Page 2 Herald of Encouragement BUILDING OUR DREAMS FAITH AVENUE By John Klimko, Jr Bible Reading Marathon Green team – 66.67% Blue team – 43.69% Red team – 67.74% November 16th On Sunday, November 16th, we will have a very special day here at Central Avenue! Our Spiritual Enrichment Groups will meet that day, but Sunday morning will be a very special time for the Central Avenue family. We will have more details in the coming weeks! Thank You Liz and I continue to be amazed by the generosity of our Central Avenue family. Your cards, phone calls, visits, food, and most importantly your prayers, have meant so much to us! Words cannot begin to describe the joy and the power associated with your outpouring of love. “For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.” Psalm 100:5. —————————————————— THANKSGIVING FOOD BASKETS It’s time to start collecting items for the Thanksgiving Baskets. Copies of the items are in each bible class and in each foyer. Our youth will deliver these Sunday, November 16th. The Thanksgiving Baskets Menu is listed below: 2 bags or boxes — Stuffing 1 bag or box — Rice 2 cans — Candied Yams 3 cans — Green Beans or Green Peas 2 cans — Corn 1 can — Cranberry Sauce 1 cans — Pumpkin Pie Mix 1 — 5 oz. can of evaporated milk 1 Pie Crust “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” II Corinthians 3:18. Upstairs at Faith Avenue we have a tremendous amount of volunteers that work with our children on Sundays and Wednesday nights. Penny Bell and O’Neal Grant are in charge of our General Store, and Faye Grant is their helper. They deal with lots of eager customers ready to spend their hard-earned Bible Bucks! It is always great fun to observe these transactions! Thank you to Mr. O’Neal, Mrs. Penny, and Mrs. Faye! Our Reel Truth Theater is a popular place to be on Sundays! What could be more fun than a bag of popcorn at 9:30 in the morning? Zach West and Faith Rogers are the hosts of our theater and they do a marvelous job! This week our movie is entitled “Growing Generous Kids,” and is designed to encourage our children to be selfless and help others. We appreciate the time and effort Mr. Zach and Miss Faith put into our theater! Please join us this Wednesday night as we continue with our regular classes and also practice songs for our Holiday Play! We begin at 7:00. Our new rotation is entitled: “The Widow’s Mite.” Our new memory verse is: “Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second commandment is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39. The memory verse for the four year olds continues to be: “For God is the King of all the earth.” Psalm 47:7. The two and three year olds have a new memory verse: “I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go.” Genesis 28:15. We are looking forward to Sunday! VISITATION Thanks to all who encourage others through the visitation ministry. The visitation team for this Sunday, October 26 is listed below. Please pick up assignments from the folder on the table in the office hall foyer near the Large Auditorium. M/M O’Neal Grant M/M Richard Hamlen M/M Jack Hayes M/M Maynard Herring M/M Kenny Holton M/M Larry Jonas M/M Albert Little Mrs. Phyllis Lowe M/M Jerry McMullen, Jr. M/M Chris Prine AREA EVENTS The Newsome Street Church of Christ, 202 Newsome Street, Hahira, GA., invites all ladies to their Ladies Inspiration Day, Saturday, October 25th. Registration and continental breakfast is from 8:15 to 8:45 am, and the program begins at 9:00 am. Guest speakers: Matilda Gibbons of Brunswick, GA., and Dorothy Dye of Valdosta, GA. The topics: “A Luau with the Lord, Facing Our Giants, and Breaking the Chains.” Lunch will be served immediately after the program. The Fitzgerald Church of Christ, 215 South Merrimac Drive, Fitzgerald, GA., invites everyone to their 4th Annual Lectureship Day, Saturday, November 1st, 9:00 am—3:00 pm. Guest speakers will be: Allen Wright from Savannah, GA., Ted Rush from Woodruff, SC., Michael Lamb from Fitzgerald, GA., Larry Searcy from Ocilla, GA., and Ryan Tuten from Valdosta, GA. Lunch will be provided. BUD VASES NEEDED The ladies in the Flower Group are in need of bud vases to use in the Nursing Homes. Please bring your donations of vases to the cabinet near the Nursery. Page 3 NURSING HOMES HERITAGE HOUSE: Irene Brown, Jackie Mathis, Louise DeLoach PRESBYTERIAN HOME: Melba Webb FELLOWSHIP HOME: Sylvia Higgins, Joyce Paine, Jeanne Jarvis, Sherolyn Ellenberg, Jane Little LAKEHAVEN: Margie Dasher, Frances Copeland LANGDALE PLACE: Margaret Hendry WILDEWOOD DOWNS COLUMBIA, S.C.: Phoebie Slocum CRESTWOOD: Linda Jones ALPHARETTA: Gordon & Elaine Teffeteller BAPTIST VILLAGE: Stella Laurene Taylor REMEMBER IN PRAYER SGMC: George Ann Thomas CENTRAL MEMBERS: Nick, Wendy & Collier Copeland, Anne S. Dasher, Fannie Dasher, Marilyn Ellis, Karen Evans, Joe Fanning, Glenn Geren, Rudene Harris, Peggy Herring, John Klimko, Allen Lancaster, Laura McCall, Debbie Paine, Charlie (Hawke) Parrish, Craig Prince, Leo & Mary Nell Wells, Ronnie West, Lloyd Williams, Jenny Wisenbaker MILITARY: James McMullen,III, Skyler Pittman, Johnny Tucker, Nick WalkerPotts DAILY PRAYER LIST October 23: Jason, Kristy, Jaci, Karsyn & Braylon Black & Kyra Callahan October 24: Michael & Patsy Black October 25: Blanche Blanton October 26: Greg & Kathy Blanton October 27: Don, Teresa, Sarah & Hannah Bonner FRIENDS & FAMILY: October 28: Chad, Carrie, Mac & Lawson Bowling Abbie Barfield, Delores Britt, Tim October 29: Kevin & Thressea Boyd Brogdon, Allison Bryan Carter and Children, Wanda DeWeese, Joe & Harriette Gray, Laura Johnson Griggs, Stacey McDowell, MISSION OF THE WEEK Jimmy Jackson, Ray Norvell, Sr., Steve & Ron Clayton (India) Sandi Parrish, Wayne Shear, Donnie TomlinP. O. Box 1448 son, Pat Vann, Mitch Walker, Larry Youmans Hamilton, AL 35570 Phone: (205) 921-9003 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] BIRTHDAYS BAPTIZED Colton and Trent Broome was baptized Sunday, October 19, 2014. They are the sons of Barry and Laurie Broome and their address is: 808 Pine Point Circle, Valdosta, GA. 31602. Their father Barry had the pleasure to baptize them. Colton attends Lowndes High School and is in the 9th grade. Trent attends Hahira Middle School and is in the 7th grade. Colton and Trent are grandsons of Janet Webb and nephews of Sammiann Haskin. Ani Mohanty was baptized Sunday, October 19, 2014. She is the daughter of Bikram and Lana Mohanty and their address is: 4121 North Lake Dr., Valdosta, GA. 31602. Ani attends Lowndes High School and is in the 11th grade. October 25: Jan Carter Carolyn Gillis Sidney Jackson October 26: J. C. McMullen October 27: Wyatt Goldman Jim Hampton Ryan Jackson October 28: Ron Ellenberg Logan McLendon Dale Rowell October 30: Liz Klimko Ron Williams October 31: Kyra Callahan ———————————————————— FEEDING THE FLOCK Our next Feeding The Flock will be Wednesday, October 29th. The menu: Sloppy Joes and Hot Dogs, Baked Beans, Coleslaw, Chips, Halloween Truffle, and Cookies and Cream Trifle. Please sign up on your attendance card this Sunday, October 26th, how many your family plan to attend. AT A GLANCE October 25: Fall Festival October 29: Feeding The Flock November 2: Red Cross Blood Drive November 16: Thanksgiving Baskets Deliveried Men’s Prayer Group: Tuesdays at 7 am in the Annex Ladies Bible Class: Tuesdays, 10:30 am in the Connector Christian Student Center: Devotional, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Page 4 Herald of Encouragement Central Avenue Church of Christ 304 East Central Avenue Valdosta, GA 31601-5704 ELDERS: Homer Anderson, Kevin Boyd, Byron Brown, Jerry DeLoach, G.R. Holton, Bill Malone, Leon Weeks MINISTERS: Bryan Jarvis, John Klimko, Jr. DEACONS: Jay Barfield, Donny Bryan, Jeremy Colson, Richard Hamlen, Anthony Herring, Ted Hundley, Pendleton Little, Jerry McMullen, Sr., Matt Malone, Chris Prine, John Stephenson, Clyde Tomlinson, Phillip Walker Church Office: Leigh Carter...........................................................Secretary Gail DeLoach…………................................................Bulletin Phone: (229) 242-6115........................Fax:(229) 242-6116 Visit Central on the Web.......................www.cacoc.com THE SHEPHERDS VOICE MISSIONS: Paraguay, New Zealand, Ukraine, China, Malawi, India, Preaching the Gospel (TV) Central Avenue Church of Christ Family Gatherings Sunday Bible Class...……………………………...………...…………….….9:30am Worship.………………..….…………………..………………………..….....10:30am Evening Worship……………………..……………………….…………….…6:00pm Wednesday Bible Class.……………………………………………..……….7:00pm For the Record: October 19, 2014 Bible Classes 278 AM Worship 415 PM Worship SEG 3rd Sunday 164 Mid-week PM 237 Budget $12,450 Contribution $11,356 Under Budget $1,094 WOULD YOU ROB A BANK? Recently, I read an interesting question that was once proposed by a minister: “What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?” Hmmm . . . Compete in a marathon? Tryout for the Atlanta Braves? Rob a bank? There was a point in my life when I might have answered that question similar to the above, but that was before Christ came into my life. Today as a Christian I can honestly say that I would answer by saying I’d keep right on doing what I’m doing and wouldn’t change a thing. And yes, that means I’m attempting to accomplish exactly what I sincerely believe God wants me to achieve with my life. How about you? Have you determined God’s will for your life? If not, I highly recommend that you do. Some would say that there are many things that can be done without God such as acquiring wealth, becoming famous, obtaining power, or accomplishing some major feat like climbing Mt. Everest. One look at this fallen world will confirm that those among us without Christ in their lives seem to prosper (and sometimes greatly). But we should remember that it’s only when we are within God’s will that we find peace, true joy, fulfillment, and love. I know plenty of wealthy, famous, powerful people who have accomplished all kinds of things, but they’re miserable. The tabloids are full of stories about their tragic, sad, and unhappy lives. Peace, joy, and love only come from God and being within his will for our lives is the key that unlocks the door to them. So how do we determine what He would have us to do? The Bible gives us the answer. We should read it, pray about such matters, and seek affirmation… then He will reveal His will to us. We read in Psalm 25:14 – ”The Lord confides in those who reverence Him. He makes His covenant known to them.” John 7:17 – “Anyone who chooses to do God’s will, shall know it.” Proverbs 3:5 – “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek his will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.” I think it is important to clear our minds when seeking God’s will. I often ask myself, is it possible that what I’m really after is not God’s will at all, but only His gifts and blessings? I earnestly pray that such is not the case. I want to do His will because I love Him, I know He loves me and He has a perfect plan for my life if I will just follow Him and plug into it. If I’m indecisive I wonder if my indecision might be coming from a fleshly desire to avoid pain. Sometimes the “right” choice is the one that yields the most struggling and heartache. The apostle Paul suffered prison, beatings, and hardship, and I’m sure it weighed heavily on him, (after all he was human just like us), but he persevered to the end. What he accomplished for Christ is unequalled and well worth all that he endured and now . . . well, now his reward is everlasting and I trust that he heard God Himself say: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ If I’m indecisive I wonder if it my indecision might be coming from a fleshly desire to avoid pain. Sometimes the “right” choice is the one that yields the most struggling and heartache. The apostle Paul suffered prison, beatings, and hardship, and I’m sure it weighed heavily on him, (after all he was human just like us), but he persevered to the end. What he accomplished for Christ is unequalled and well worth all that he endured and now . . . well, now his reward is everlasting and I trust that he heard God Himself say: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ God will pave the way and straighten the crooked roads, but I’ve got to do my share. My response to the naysayers of the world is sometimes we have to be like Peter and step out of the boat, eyes solely focused on Christ, and walk on water. It’s only when we take our eyes off of Him and begin to focus on our circumstances that we’ll find ourselves sinking. So, I’ll ask again . . . “What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail?” I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’ ~ Isaiah 46:10 - Bill Malone
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