SAINT FRANCIS DE SALES PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Thomas V. Doyle, Pastor Rev. John S. Wtulich Rev. Patrick Longalong Deacon Vincent LaGamba Deacon Armand D’Accordo Mr. Robert Ruggiero, Religious Education Mr. Christopher Scharbach—Principal Mr. Jonathan D’Amico – Music Ministry PARISH OFFICE 129-16 Rockaway Beach Blvd. Belle Harbor, NY 11694 MISSION STATEMENT St. Francis de Sales, a parish steeped in tradition, rich in natural beauty and bountifully blessed with a community devoted in love to serve God and our neighbor. We seek to live actively the Word of God through the example of our patron saint, a life devoted to energetic, generous and constant fidelity to the will of God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit we will grow in our faith through continuous education, formation, communication, and out-reach, while passing these values on to our future generations. We endeavor to be a most vibrant community of faith which will effectively utilize the talents, resources, and treasures of our parish for the good of all God’s people. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Monday to Friday: 6:30am and 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am; 9:00am and 5:30pm (Vigil) SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 7:30am; 9:00am; 10:30am, Noon, 5:30pm and 7:00pm (Polish) HOLY DAY SCHEDULE Vigil of Holy Day at 7:30pm Holy Day at 6:30am; 9:00am and Noon CONFESSION/SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm Seasonal Penance Services during Advent and Lent CARE OF THE SICK If there is an elderly, sick or infirm parishioner who wishes to receive Holy Communion or the Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Communal Celebrations of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick will take place in the Fall and in the Spring. OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Evening—by appointment Saturday—by appointment Sunday—No Office hours BAPTISM Parents are asked to contact the Parish Office to schedule an appointment with a priest or deacon to complete the Baptismal Registration Form. Parents are required to attend a Baptismal Instruction at 7:00pm on the First Thursday of the month. Baptisms are celebrated on the Second Sunday of the month at 2:00 pm. MARRIAGE Preparations for the Sacrament of Marriage are very important and take time. Couples planning to be married at Saint Francis De Sales are asked to contact the Parish Office no less than eight months prior to the wedding date. Please do not schedule the catering hall prior to making arrangements at the parish. Couples are required to attend the Pre-Cana Program of the Parish at least six months prior to the wedding. PARISH WEBSITE: PARISH TELEPHONE NUMBERS Parish Office/Rectory Parish Office/Rectory Fax Parish Email [email protected] Parish Religious Education Office Saint Francis De Sales School Saint Francis De Sales School Fax 718-634-6464 718-634-0716 718-634-6464 718-634-2775 718-634-6673 ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, October 26, 2014 SEA BREEZE TRIPS Masses for the week of 10-26 -11-2, 2014 Thursday, November 13th – Sunday 911 Memorial – Tour of 7:30 AM For the People of the Museum and Show – Price 10:30 AM Thomas and Kevin $101 (40Min) and $112 Coleman (U/40) Thursday, November 20th – 12:00 PM Mr. and Mrs. Richard South Pacific – Westchester Cassone Broadway Theatre – Lunch Monday and Show – Price $85.00 6:30 AM Robert Chapey Monday, March 16th – Andy Cooney Concert at 9:00 AM Angela Radday Westbury – Show and Tuesday Dinner at Swan Club – Price 6:30 AM Patrick Keena (A) $89.00 For more information call: Mary 9:00 AM Mary Lynch Ellen at 718-634-6307 or Kate Wednesday Hanratty at 718-634-1941. 6:30 AM Martin Egan 9:00 AM Sheila Buckley St. John’s Preparatory School – announces the Peter F. Vallone Thursday Scholarship Examination on 6:30 AM James Murphy Saturday, November 15th. 9:00 AM Tom and Mary Cotter Applications on website: or Friday call the Admissions Office at 7186:30 AM Drury Gallagher Jr. 721-7200, ext. 699 9:00 AM Kerin Deutsch (A) Saturday - All Saints Day Masses - 8:00 and 9:00 AM 5:30 PM Mary E. Kennedy Sunday – All Souls Day 7:30 AM For the People of the Parish 10:30 AM Patrick J. Darcy 12:00 PM William O'Hagan BREAD AND WINE: to be offered at the Masses for this week is donated in memory of Mary Gildea. 500 Club Weekly: Congratulations! Winners are: $100 #450 Jay and Jeanne Ferriola 50 #005 Peter J. Larkin 25 #111 Mike and Lorraine Boyhan Gifts from Bethlehem Olivewood Handcrafted from the Holy Land - They will be here the weekend of Nov. 1 and 2nd at our parish. The handcrafts trade evolved as a cultural tradition of Christians in the Holy Land for Centuries. The olive wood craving market is the major sources of income in the Bethlehem area. More than 60 percent of the income of the community in Bethlehem comes from this work. Please stop by after the 5:30 PM evening Mass on Saturday, Nov. 1st and also after all the Masses on Sunday, Nov. 2nd in the small hall. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES PARISH Sunday, October 26, 2014 FROM THE DESK OF FATHER DOYLE Dear Parishioners: Next weekend (November 1st and 2nd), the Liturgy focuses our attention on the world beyond the grave. It is viewed as the world where Saints are alive and well and happy. It is also viewed as the world of purgatory, where in some mysterious way, those who are immature and incomplete at the times of death are brought to full stature in a process that seems to include both peace and suffering. One could easily spend time and energy in useless speculation about what the other world is like, because we have no experience of it. But we do know Christ. He is real. He is in both worlds. His loving presence joins us to the dead. His loving Father calls all of us his children. In the second reading of the Mass for All Saints, the author writes – Beloved, we are God’s children now; what we shall be has not yet been revealed. We know that when it is revealed we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. Do you recall the incident which occurred shortly after Easter when Jesus prepared a picnic breakfast for Peter and John early one morning at the shore of the Lake of Galilee? To my mind that is one scene which shows how close together both worlds really are. Jesus had come back from the tomb. He showed himself to his disciples and friends over a period of forty days. He gave them his peace. He gave them His Spirit. He invited Thomas to touch his hand and side where he had been wounded. These wounds were acquired in “this world,” Jesus still had the marks of this world. Yet he was different. He appeared and disappeared at will. He moved from one place to another without effort. Notice the close link between Jesus and Peter. Between Peter who denied Christ and the Lord who took the trouble to acknowledge the denial and forgive. For Jesus asked Peter – Simon, Son of John, do you love me more than these? Our Lord asked this question three times. Many people think that this was done deliberately because Peter had denied Jesus three times. Those three denials were canceled by the three strong affirmative which Peter gave to the questions of Jesus. Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you. Jesus, risen from the dead, was in touch with Peter’s failure in this world and brought forgiveness from the world beyond the tomb. Is this an oversimplification? I don’t think so. I am impressed by the words of Saint Paul. Jesus is Lord both of the living and the dead. This loving and forgiving Lord brings peace to the living and the dead. The attention we give to the Saints and to our own dear ones among the “Faithful Departed” will be rewarded a hundred-fold if we pay attention at the same time to Jesus, alive in both worlds. Much peace! Rev. Fr. Thomas V. Doyle Pastor TODAY IS PRIESTHOOD SUNDAY To be servants of God, we are called to be humble as Jesus himself was humble. Today the Church in the United States observes “Priesthood Sunday.” Through the lens of the paschal mystery – that is, Christ’s own life, death, resurrection and subsequent Spirit-gift who unites us to God’s very self – all of the baptized are called to mission. Faithful servants, whether lay or ordained, recognize that life is a journey. None of us is perfect, which is why we seek God’s grace to mold our hearts into the image of Divine Love. We do not do this alone. We belong to a community called Church. This ordered community is served by parish priests who lead us ministerial and spiritually. Today, in particular, we pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire he mission of Christ and to strengthen the humble service of our priests. The ministers of the Church are many and varied, but God shows God’s goodness by sending priests to care for the people of God. Today we ask God to bless Father Doyle, Father John and Father Patrick who faithfully build up the Body of Christ here at Saint Francis De Sales. A BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE A Book of Remembrance has been place by the Paschal Candle and Baptismal Font, please list the names of deceased relatives and friends who you wish to have remembered throughout the month of November, these names will be collectively remembered in the masses. ALL SAINTS DAY – NOVEMBER 1ST For this feast day, our questions shift from “What am I going to be for Halloween?” to “How am I going to live as a disciple of the Lord Jesus?” Today we join with the Community of Saints in giving praise and thanks to God. Thanks be to God we have countless men and women in the communion of saints who have given us an example of witnessing to the love of Jesus in the world. Who is your favorite saint? How is he or she an example to you of being a disciple of Jesus? Masses will be celebrated at 8:00am and 9:00am on Saturday, Nov. 1st. CELEBRATING NATIONAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WEEK Parishioners are cordially invited to join our students in the Parish Religious Education Program as we celebrate Exposition and Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament – “Encountering Christ Every Day.” Our Liturgy will be celebrated on: Monday, November 3rd at 7:00pm; Wednesday, November 5th at 4:00pm and Thursday, November 6th at 4:00pm. CLOSING HOLY MASS FOR CELEBRATING NATIONAL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION WEEK Parishioners are cordially invited to join our students in the Parish Religious Education Program for Holy Mass on Sunday, November 9th at 10:30am and we conclude our celebration of “National Religious Education Week.” SCHOOL OF EVANGELIZATION – FAITH FORMATION/MISSING SACRAMENTS If your child has not been baptized or has not received First Holy Communion and is beyond the age of 7 years old, please contact Mr. Ruggiero at the Parish Office at 1-718-634-6464. Even if your child is presently enrolled in the Religious Education Program, kindly bring it to the administration’s attention. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – FAITH FORMATION PROGRAM We are in need of dedicated Catechists for Grade 6 to teach on Monday. If you are interested in becoming a catechist, please contact Mr. Ruggiero at the Parish Office 1-718-634-6464. MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD Join Father Charles Mangano and his sister Laurie as they join us for a Night of Recollection recalling the great gift of God to us. The evening begins at 7:30pm and is a 2 hour program combining music, readings, testimony and preaching. It is our hope that this night will touch your heart, help you to feel the presence of the Lord and come to know Jesus in a more personal way, realizing we are never alone, and that with the Lord, we can do the unthinkable, unimaginable and even forgive the unforgivable.
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