Vol. 18, No. 10 Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division Under the Leadership of Archbishop Michael J. Sheehan November 2014 Upcoming Events, Classes and Announcements for All in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Office of Pastoral Outreach Deacon Robert Vigil Josephine War Director 505-831-8229 [email protected] Secretary 505-831-8174 [email protected] Volunteers Needed Upcoming Christmas Events Goodie bag preparation: Tuesday, December 2 through Friday, December 5 from 8am-4pm at Lourdes Hall. Please call Josephine (see box) to sign up. YDDC Christmas Party: For more information call Josephine (see box). Camino Christmas Party: For more information call Josephine (see box). Christmas Caroling at Penitentiary of NM: Thursday, December, 18. If you would like to join us, your paper work must be in by November 17! For more information call Josephine (see box). Donations: Unwrapped gifts are needed for the children of the incarcerated. The deadline is Wednesday, December 3. Call Josephine (see box) for more information. The Office of Pastoral Outreach provides the following ministries and needs volunteers to help in all ministries. Prison / Detention, Thresholds, Blessings of Age for Seniors, People Living with Disabilities, Veterans, Substance Abuse, Nursing Homes. The Pastoral Outreach Office is a liaison to Brothers of the Good Shepherd and St. Vincent de Paul. If you would like to volunteer for any of these ministries, please bring a letter of good standing from your Pastor, as well as a certificate of completion of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe Abuse Awareness Training for Adults to the Pastoral Outreach Office. For more information call Josephine (see box). Potluck for Deaf Community Nativity Of the Blessed Virgin Mary (9502 4th Street NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104) after the 5:30pm Mass in the Parish Hall. Saturday, November 1 Saturday, December 6 If you are interested in attending any of the Potlucks please call Josephine (see box). Mass for the Incarcerated Saturday, December 6 beginning with the rosary at 4pm at Sacred Heart Parish in Albuquerque. Saturday, December 13 beginning with the rosary at 4pm at Our Lady of Sorrows in Bernalillo. Mark Your Calendars Detention Day Lunch: Saturday, January 3, 2015 (all volunteers). For your more information please call Josephine (see box). Christmas Story: Saturday, December 13. The Disabilities Ministry will be having a Christmas Story BeFriender Workshop is coming February 23-27, 2015. To register call Josephine (see at Sacred Heart in Albuquerque. Rehearsal is at 1pm. box). The play will start at 2pm. Call Josephine (see box) for more information. Inside This Issue Family Life 2 Office of Religious Education 3 Pastoral Planning & Evangelization 3 Formation for Christian Service 4 Priests’ Birthdays 4 Social Justice & Respect Life 5 Youth and Young Adult 6 Hispanic Ministry 6 Ministry Resource Center 7 Office of Worship 8 Native American Ministry 8 The Archdiocesan Website: www.archdiosf.org November 2014 PMD Express — 2 Office of Family Life Vision—Every family, a holy family; every home, a holy place. For information on NFP sessions offered in the Northwest Deanery, Los Alamos, Santa Fe and IHM areas: contact Leslie Esquibel at 505690-3710, or visit www.losalamosfertility.com. Families of Americas Natural Family Planning Method: This simplified teaching technique shows how the signs of a woman’s Director Secretary fertility are very similar to the seasonal changes in fertility of the 505-831-8208 505-831-8117 earth. Couples discover the beautifully created and delicately [email protected] [email protected] designed functions that govern their ability to conceive in one threehour class with two private follow-up sessions as desired by the Enrichment and Support for Married Couples couple. Instruction is available in ABQ, Santa Fe, and Tucumcari. Healthy Relationships 101: a series of six classes on how to express Call the office (see box) to schedule a class. The cost is $35 per ideas clearly; become a better listener; resolve conflicts in a healthy couple. Online instruction is available at www.learnnfponline. way; and discover joy & happiness in your relationship. These classes Couples are advised to follow up with an ASF approved Families of are for Dating, Engaged and Married Couples. Next classes will be the Americas or Billings Ovulation Method instructor. Call or email October 15, 22, 29 and November 5, 12 and 19. Call the office (see the Family Life Office (see box) for instructors’ contact information. box) to register. Cost is $30 a couple. Beth Lukes Yvette Duran Retrouvaille Parenting Support Love and Logic Parenting Classes: A four session course on parenting A lifeline for troubled marriages. Next weekend will be held in Febru- skills for children of all ages. The cost is $10 per person/couple. Clasary. For information or to register, call the Family Life Office (see ses will be 4 consecutive Wednesdays, beginning October 29 and box). ending November 19, from 7 to 9 pm at the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. Contact the office for more information or to regArchdiocesan Pre-Cana Classes ister (see box). Weekend for Engaged: Preparation for Marriage for engaged couples. October 31, November 1-2 at Our Lady of Belen. To register call Family Grief and Addiction Deacon Rudy & Lucille Zamora at 505-864-8872. St. Jude Pre-Cana: Preparation for Marriage for engaged couples. October 20, 22, 29, 30 and November 1 at St. Jude Parish. For more Information call 898-0826. Recovery Ministries Healing Hearts Parish Support Groups: Peer support for widowed, separated and divorced persons, led by trained facilitators. 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at Risen Savior in ABQ at 7pm. The November 7-9 Engaged Encounter Weekend has been cancelled. Call 505-821-1715. 2nd & 4th Monday at St. Joseph on the Rio Grande in ABQ at 6:30pm. Natural Family Planning (NFP) Call 505-839-7952. Couple to Couple League: The Sympto-Thermal Method of Natural 1st & last Monday at St. Anne Parish in Santa Fe at 6pm in the Renew Family Planning will be taught by the Couple to Couple League in a Room. Call 505-983-4430. series of three sessions. This method uses natural indicators of hormone changes in a cross-checking way. The effects of nutrition, life- 1st & 3rd Thursday at St. Mary’s Parish Hall in Vaughn at 6pm. Call style, and breastfeeding on fertility, as well as natural methods of 575-584-2954. dealing with marginal infertility, are described. CCL offers both virtual On Wednesdays for an 8 week session at Santa Maria de la Paz in classes via the internet and a home study course using materials orSanta Fe at 6:30pm. Call 505-473-4200. dered on the internet. To register for a course go to www.ccli.org. Click on “Learn/Register” and choose the course option that fits your Children’s Grief Ministry: For children grieving the loss of a loved schedule. Certificates are generated upon completion. one due to death or the estrangement due to separation or divorce. Sessions are offered for groups of 4 or more, as needed. To register The Creighton Model Fertility Care System™: St. Joseph FertilityCare for the next session, call the office (see box). Center in Albuquerque, NM, invites you to learn about the Creighton Model FertilityCare System for family planning. Leave chemical con- Mariposas: a Catholic prayer support group for families suffering the traception behind, and enrich your marriage with this highly effective addiction of a loved one. The group meets Tuesday evenings from system of family planning. Let us help you identify and correct your 7pm-8:30pm at the Catholic Center in the Kiva Room. Call the office gynecologic and fertility problems, with the morally acceptable and to register (see box). new reproductive science of NaProTechnology. St. Joseph FertilityCare is affiliated with FertilityCare Centers of America, and Dr. Be an Answer to Prayer. Thomas Hilgers at the Pope Paul VI Institute. Services are also availaBecome a Family Life Ministry Volunteer. ble in Sandia Park, Santa Fe, Los Alamos and Española. NFP instruction and promotion/English and Spanish Introductory Sessions offered the 2nd and 4th Thursday of every month 7-9pm, at Lourdes Hall (rooms 130 & 132) in Albuquerque and Children’s Grief Minister by appointment. Lourdes Hall is located behind St. Pius High School. Parish Leaders for Young Adults (30-40) Singles Group Persons interested in forming a group for families with a loved Long-distance instruction is available via Skype. For information call one suffering a mental or physical handicap St. Joseph Fertility Care Center at 505-831-8222 or email Volunteers for Marriage Encounter weekends [email protected]. November 2014 PMD Express — 3 Office of Religious Education Catechists’ Corner Maria Cruz Cordoba Kathy M. Garcia Maria Garcia Director 505-831-8127 [email protected] Secretary 505-831-8129 [email protected] Part-time Secretary 505-831-8151 [email protected] Written by Kathy M. Garcia In Pope Francis’ Evangelii Guadium document, (November 26, 20143) he shares the importance of catechesis in his writings: “Every form of catechesis would do well to attend to the ‘way of beauty’ (via pulchritudinis). Proclaiming Christ means showing Leslie Farias Shirley Zuni that to believe in and to follow him is not only someCatequesis en Español Native American 505-831-8129 Religious Education thing right and true, but also something beautiful, [email protected] Coordinator capable of filling life with new splendor and profound 505-831-8104 joy, even in the midst of difficulties. Every expression [email protected] of true beauty can thus be acknowledged as a path leading to an encounter with the Lord Jesus.” In Mark 16:15, the scripture declares: “And then he told them, ‘Go into the entire world and preach the Good News to everyone.’” We have been commanded to go out into our world to share, teach, guide and set the example of discipleship to the whole church, including children. When we hear the word ‘beauty’, what images come to mind? Perhaps a new born baby, a sunrise during the fall or the first fallen snow in the winter season. It is interesting that Pope Francis equates the teaching of the faith with beauty, new splendor and profound joy. Pope Francis’ reflective statement should encourage each catechist around the world to begin teaching with joy. When children arrive to class with anticipation to learn about Jesus and his church, are they received with enthusiasm? To bring this joy into the classroom, catechists should strive to possess in their own lives joy, beauty and the wonder of God’s creation. Only by possessing these attributes themselves teachers are able to exemplify what Pope Francis asks from each of us. In everyday life challenges arise, and each catechist whether new or seasoned, brings to the classroom her/his own personal faith and life experiences, distractions and obligations. Children also, arrive to class with distractions such as television, social media and sports. How then, do we as catechists, bring forth beauty into the classroom, our parishes and the world in the midst of challenges? We must begin, by examining our own walk with the Lord. As people of faith, followers of Christ, we must make our lives a testimony of Christ’s love for us. Growing in our own spiritual lives can include: attending classes to increase our knowledge of the faith, deepen our own prayer life with others or in solitude and allowing God’s joy to shine through us by our words and deeds. In the October 2014 issue of Creative Catechist, Susan Kay makes the statement “The Catechist’s first obligation is to love the learner”. To love the learner requires not only the desire to teach, but also to bring joy into the classroom and as the Holy Father states, ‘to bring something beautiful capable of filling life with new splendor.’ Oftentimes safety, following rules and lesson planning takes priority when teaching Religious Education classes, while creating a joyful setting may not be. Pope Francis has set a new standard for all catechists to strive for; to create an environment where beauty, splendor and joy go hand in hand with teaching and guiding future generations of faith-filled Catholics eager to proclaim to world the good news of Christ. The office of Religious Education provides classes that equip catechists to reach their full potential. Classes such as Creativity and the Catechetical Environment and Storytelling in Catechesis provide substantial ideas that can be implemented in the classroom for any grade level. For information of upcoming classes, beginning or completing certification, contact Kathy at the Office of Religious Education (see box). Abuse Awareness Workshops Archdiocese of Santa Fe 2014 Abuse Awareness Training for Adults: Creating a Safe Environment for Our Children. Revised 09/20/2010. (formerly known as the Sexual Abuse Misconduct Prevention Workshop) Attendance at the workshop is encouraged for all Catholic adults and is required of the following persons: a) All priests and deacons currently serving in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe; b) All religious employed by or volunteering for the Archdiocese or any of its entities; c) All employees of the Archdiocese, Catholic schools, parishes and affiliated entities; d) All volunteers serving in Archdiocesan and affiliated Catholic schools; e) All volunteers in Archdiocesan parishes whose services place them in regular contact with or close proximity to children and youth; and f) All persons who supervise those who work with children and youth in any capacity. Pre-registration is necessary. These workshops are sponsored by the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. Note: Do not bring children. No one under age 18 is allowed in the workshop. If you are late you will not be allowed to enter the training. To register and for more information contact: Annette the Victims Assistance Coordinator at 505.831.8144. Thursday, November 13 from 6-9pm at Catholic Center (4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque 87120) Thursday, December 4 from 6-9pm at Catholic Center (4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Albuquerque 87120) Office of Pastoral Planning & Evangelization Michelle Montez Denise Frias Executive Director 505-831-8221 [email protected] Executive Assistant 505-831-8165 [email protected] Neighbors Reaching Neighbors Take some time this fall to reach out to Inactive Catholics living around your parish! Let Neighbors Reaching Neighbors give you all the tools you need to invite those in your community to connect with your parish! Not sure where to get started with door-to-door evangelization? A great way to begin is planning a social event such as: Fall Fest, or Pet Blessings for your parish. Then use Neighbors Reaching Neighbors to get the word out about your exciting event! Social events are a low-pressure way to invite people to be a part of your parish community. Get started with the Neighbors Reaching Neighbors Tool Kit. Click here http://www.pemdc.org/Neighbor-ReachingNeighbors-Tool-Kit.aspx. November 2014 PMD Express — 4 Office of Formation for Christian Service Deacon Keith Davis Della Montaño Rosalie Romero Director 505-831-8187 [email protected] Part-time Secretary 505-831-8142 [email protected] Part-time Secretary 505-831-8179 [email protected] Basic Theology Courses Intensive Level Programs Intensive level programs are designed for those seriously interested in ministry. They are three year college-level formation programs. Caminos de Fe: For information or to enroll, call or email Joanne Dupont Sandoval at 505-689-2404 or 505-351-9961, [email protected]. Jornada de Fe: For information or to enroll call or email Joel Hopko Introduction to Church. Tuesdays, November 11-December at 505-466-8412, [email protected]. 16 from 6:30-8:30pm at Lourdes Hall in Albuquerque. Instructor: Connie Smith. $10 course fee. Register online at: https:// secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie at 505-8318179. Emmaus Journey: For information or to enroll, call or email Dcn. Introduction to Church History. Saturdays, November 15 & 22 from 9am to 2pm at St. John the Baptist in Santa Fe. Instructor: Joel Hopko. Register online at: https:// secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie at 505-8318179. Advanced Level Courses Forming Intentional Disciples. First Tuesdays, October through February (no class in December) from 6:30pm-8:30pm at Our Lady of the Assumption in Albuquerque. Instructor: Dr. Jason Rodarte. There is a $10 course fee. Register online at: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie at 505 -831-8179. Frank & Rita Lucero at 505-831-8126, [email protected]. This a 3 year program. Escuelas de Ministerios (Español). Courses are held in Albuquerque, Santa Fe and Clovis. Contact Rocío González at 505-831-8152, [email protected]. Want to Host A Class at Your Parish? Contact Deacon Keith Davis (see box). Hosting a class boosts attendance for your catechists and ministers! It also serves as a source for adult faith enrichment. Forming Intentional Disciples. Wednesdays, October 8, November 5, January 7 and February 4 from 6:30pm-8:30pm at Our Lady of the Assumption in Albuquerque. Instructor: Dr. Jason Rodarte. There is a $10 course fee. Register online at: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie at 505 -831-8179. November Priests’ Birthdays The Spirituality of St. Teresa of Avila. Saturdays, Oct. 11 & Nov. 8. 9am to 3pm. St. Anne, ABQ. Dr. Jason Rodarte, Instructor. $10 course fee. Register online at: https:// secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie at 505-8318179. Theology of Pastoral Ministry. Thursdays, November 6December 11 (no class on 11/20) from 6:30 - 8:30pm at Lourdes Hall Room 132. Instructor: Dcn. Keith Davis, Ed.D. $10 course fee. Text book is additional. Register online at: https:// secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e or call Rosalie at 505-8318179. To register online: https://secure.acceptiva.com/?cst=3cbb4e For the most current schedules visit the FFCS website: http://www.santafe.parishesonline.com/ scripts/HostedSites/Org.asp?ID=21641 Rev. Francisco Alanis, OSB 11/16 Rev. Christopher Bernabe 11/3 Rev. Msgr. Robert S. Calles 11/01 Rev. Simon Carian 11/9 Rev. Patrick J. Chavez 11/11 Very Rev. David T. Fitzgerald sP 11/8 Rev. Millan J. Garcia 11/11 Rev. Andrew Ifele 11/11 Feliz Cumpleaños! Rev. Diego Mazon, OFM 11/20 Please remember to pray Rev. James McGowan 11/25 for our priests! Rev. Douglas Mitchell 11/24 Rev. Peter Hung Nguyen, SOLT 11/25 Rev. Irby Nichols 11/24 Rev. Nicholas Nirschl, O.Praem 11/18 Rev. Gabriel Paredes 11/24 Rev. Fernando Saenz 11/07 Rev. Msgr. Sipio Salas 11/01 Rev. Charles Ugochukwu 11/26 Rev. James Vance 11/23 Rev. Msgr. Bennett J. Voorhies 11/11 November 2014 PMD Express — 5 Office of Social Justice & Respect Life who lack the basic necessities of life and the voice to defend themselves. One way we can do this is by supporting the Catholic Campaign for Human Development in its annual Janet Olmsted Anne Avellone Secretary Director collection. 505-831-8167 505-831-8205 CCHD was founded by our Bishops to end [email protected] [email protected] the cycle of poverty in the United States by funding organizations that help people help Nancy Sanchez Sandra Arpero themselves. With the tradition of improving CRS Intern CCHD Intern 505-831-8235 education, housing situations, and economic 505-831-8235 [email protected] [email protected] development, CCHD continues to make a positive impact in communities nationwide. Words to Inspire from Pope Francis Your contribution will defend human dignity and help those living on the margins of our "It is necessary to respond to the globalizasociety. Please visit www.povertyusa.org to tion of migration with the globalization of charity and cooperation, in such a way as to learn more about how CCHD helps those in need. The collection is usually taken up in our make the conditions of migrants more huArchdiocese on the weekend before Thanksmane. At the same time, greater efforts are giving, November 22-23 weekend. Please be needed to guarantee the easing of conditions, often brought about by war or famine, generous! You can schedule a presentation for junior which compel whole peoples to leave their native countries. Solidarity with migrants and high and high school youth, confirmation refugees must be accompanied by the cour- groups, young adults or adults, in English or age and creativity necessary to develop, on a Spanish, by contacting Sandra Arpero (see box). Be thankful to God by helping others, world-wide level, a more just and equitable support CCHD! financial and economic order, as well as an increasing commitment to peace, the indisIn the Spirit of Thanksgiving: CRS pensable condition for all authentic proOffers Faith, Action, Results gress." - Message for 2015 World Day of MiIn the spirit of Thanksgiving, Catholic Relief grants and Refugees, Sept. 3, 2014 Services (CRS) is making major strides in the fight against global poverty that are making a Election Day is Nov. 4, Remember to Vote and Be a Faithful real difference in people’s lives. Citizen! During Lent 2015, Visit www.faithfulcitizenship.org to explore CRS Rice Bowl how you can love your neighcatechetical bors by advocating as a faithful program will citizen on behalf of those who celebrate its 40th year anniversary. Through are poor and vulnerable. As you Rice Bowl, you will be introduced to people prepare to vote in early Novem- from Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Syria, and ber, read the U.S. bishops' the Democratic Republic of the Congo and statement on Forming Conlearn how CRS is bringing faith, action and sciences for Faithful Citizenship, results to individuals and their families in watch videos, download podcasts, and access those countries. You will also learn about other great resources on faithful citizenship. how 25% of all Rice Bowl funds collected during lent benefit our local hunger proExpress Your Thanks and Help grams. Don’t forget to order your FREE Rice Bowl Supplies for Lent! Call the office to Others: Support the Catholic Campaign for Human Development! place your order now! To give thanks is to do whatever it takes to pull together, and especially to pull up those who need an extra hand, whether they are across the street, across the border In the month of November we give thanks to or across the world. We must be people of God for the many blessings we have received thanks, putting that thanks into action, and from Him. We also remember those people helping spread our many gifts around espeon the margins of our society who are living cially for those who need us the most. For in poverty and are not as fortunate as we more information about CRS and the Rice are. As sons and daughters of God we are Bowl 40th Year Anniversary, call the office! called to solidarity towards our brothers and (see box). sisters, especially the poor and vulnerable Early Bird Registration Now Open for Catholic Social Ministry Gathering 2015 in Washington, DC Registration for the 2015 Catholic Social Ministry Gathering (Feb. 7-10, 2015) is now open! The new schedule begins on Saturday afternoon and concludes on Tuesday with our day of advocacy and reception on Capitol Hill. CSMG is sponsored by USCCB, CRS, CCHD, St. Vincent de Paul, the National Catholic Partnership on Disability, Catholic Charities USA, the Roundtable Association of Catholic Diocesan Social Action Directors, the Catholic Labor Network, Catholic Rural Life, and other allied social concerns groups. Join USCCB President Archbishop Joseph Kurtz (Louisville), Archbishop Thomas Wenski (Miami), Monsignor Ray East, Father Daniel Groody, other notable speakers and hundreds of Catholic leaders as we pray, learn and advocate around our theme To Go Forth: Encountering Christ in the Heart of the World. For early bird registration, Register now. There will be a delegation from our Archdiocese attending. Scholarships are available. Please call the Office (see box) for more information on the scholarships. Explaining U.S. Bishops' Concerns about Abortion Coverage Materials are available to help Catholics understand the bishops' longstanding concerns about abortion coverage in the Affordable Care Act, including an analysis of how the Affordable Care Act treats abortion coverage and Cardinal O'Malley's letters to Congress to Congress endorsing the "No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act" (H.R. 7) and the "Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act" (H.R. 3279). CRS Rice Bowl 2015 Materials Available Is it ever too early to start preparing for Lent? New materials for CRS Rice Bowl 2015 are available now. As we celebrate our 40th year, we want YOU to be part of the journeyorder FREE faith-formation resources today. Call the office (see box) to order! Reflections on the Joy of the Gospel Members of the Catholic Charities USA network reflect on important themes from Pope Francis' Joy of the Gospel, or Evangelii Gaudium. Questions are included for reflection and discussion. Get resource here. November 2014 PMD Express — 6 Youth and Young Adult Ministry Bernadette Jaramillo Della Montaño Meagan Chavez Director 505-831-8145 [email protected] Secretary 505-831-8142 [email protected] Part-time Support Staff 505-831-8234 [email protected] Taylor Kingston Deacon Sidney Martin Deacon Anthony Trujillo Middle School & Young Adults Coordinator 505-831-8216 [email protected] Native American Youth Ministry Coordinator 505-831-8108 [email protected] Hispanic Youth Ministry Coordinator 505-831-8234 [email protected] For more information contact Della in the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry (see box). Events are subject to change. Note: Chaperone a Must. One chaperone for every six youth and should be 21 years of age or older and must have attended the Archdiocesan Abuse Awareness Workshop. The Youth and Young Adult Ministry Website: www.asfym.org Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/asfyoungadults. Archdiocesan 3rd Annual Middle School Conference Search for Christian Maturity #136 Saturday, November 15 at St. Jude Thaddeus in Albuquerque, from 11am – 6pm (will be joining the parish community for Mass). For grades: 6th to 8th. The fee is $10 per person. The registration deadline is Wednesday, November 5. Friday -Sunday, November 28-30 at Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe-Pojoaque from Friday 6pm Check-in through Sunday 3pm. For ages 15 -18(still in HS). The fee is $40. The registration deadline is Friday, November 14. ABC High School Advent Retreat Saturday, November 22 at Risen Savior from 11am – 5pm (Mass @ 4pm with Risen Savior Community). The fee is $5 per person. For ages 14-18 (in HS). The registration deadline is Wednesday, November 12. Adult Catholic Christian Leadership Institute Friday, November 7 and Saturday, November 8 from 9am - 5pm, Saturday 9am – 5pm at the Catholic Center (Sandia Rm.) 4000 St. Joseph Pl. NW Alb. NM 87120. The fee is $25 per person. The registration deadline is Monday, October 27. For Youth Ministers, Confirmation & HS Rel. Ed. Teacher, Pastors, DeaSF High School Advent Retreat Saturday, November 22 at Cristo Rey in Santa cons and Ministers in training for Youth MinFe from 10am -6:30pm. The fee is $5 per per- istry. This is for ages 21 and older. son. For ages 14-18 (in HS). The registration SW High School Advent Retreat deadline: Tuesday, November 18. Sunday, December 7 at Our lady of Guadalupe at Peralta from 11am – 3pm. The fee is: $5 per person. For ages 14-18 (in HS). The registration deadline is Wednesday, December 3. Office of Hispanic Ministry Spanish TV Mass In an effort to reach out to our brothers and sisters whose primary language is Spanish and who are not able to attend Sunday Mass at Rocío González Elvia Becerra Claudia Ceballos their local parishes due to illness, age, or other issues, Director Assistant Part-time Secretary 505-831-8152 505-831-8147 505-831-8244 the Archdiocese offers the transmission of the [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] day Mass in Spanish. This is an archdiocesan ministry offered in collaboration with the Offices of Hispanic Upcoming Classes Ministry and Worship and Christian Initiation. The These sessions are presented in Spanish: Spanish TV Mass airs every Sunday at 6:30am on Univision Channel 41 on regular TV, and Channel 15 on Formación para el Liderazgo Hispano Cable (check your individual TV signal provider for other channels). November 8 at St. Anne in Santa Fe. The Sunday Mass in Spanish can also be seen online any day and at Session 3: Liderazgo Colaborativo – Trabajo con any time by accessing www.noticiasnuevomexico.com and searching Grupos for La Misa Católica under the heading Comunidad. Presenter: Lourdes & Armando Garza Escuela de Ministerios Año II November 15 at the Catholic Center in Albuquerque. Session 3: Historia de la Iglesia Parte I Presenter: Dr. Jason Rodarte Mi Casa Es Su Casa Newsletter Is the monthly publication from the Office of Hispanic Ministry that strives to connect the Pastoral Offices of the Archdiocese of Santa Fe with the Spanish Speaking faithful in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe. This newsletter, published in Spanish, offers messages from Archbishop Sheehan, information about Escuela de Ministerios Año I happenings around the Archdiocese and special November 15 at Our Lady of Guadalupe in Clovis. dates/celebrations in the church’s calendar and in Session 3: Catecismo Parte II: Lo que Celebramos, Los Sacramentos parishes. It also offers information regarding events Presenter: Jesús Ollervides and opportunities for faith formation, as well as information regarding local organizations that provide services and resources to the Spanish Speaking community. If you would like to receive the Mi Casa Es Su Casa newsletter, or would like to announce a parish event in this publication, please contact the Office of Hispanic Ministry (see box). November 2014 PMD Express — 7 Ministry Resource Center Deacon Keith Davis Rosalie Romero Director 505-831-8187 [email protected] Secretary 505-831-8179 [email protected] Ministry Resource Center Hours: Mondays - Fridays 8:30am - 4:30pm (Closed 12-1 for lunch) The MRC is OPEN on Saturdays through May (10am to 1pm). Holiday Weekends excluded. eBooks are Here!!!! Not currently a patron? You can register online. Just visit our website at: http://library.archdiosf.org/opac/santafe/ index. For more information, contact Deacon Keith (see box). Find the MRC on Facebook The MRC has contracted with Overdrive to provide eBooks to our patrons. eBooks will be available through the MRC’s On-line Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in October. They will be free to borrow but you must download the Overdrive reader. Only registered patrons are eligible to borrow eBooks. You must have a valid user name and password registered with the MRC. Make sure and check out the resources available through the Guttenberg Collection on the OverDrive website. Over 10 million e Resources are available from the public domain and searchable through the web site. Just click on the button marked “Additional eBooks Always Available.” You can go directly to the MRC eBook web site at http:// asfmrc.lib.overdrive.com. If you would like to contribute eBook resources, contact Deacon Keith at the MRC. UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON VIRTUAL LEARNING COMMUNITY FOR FAITH FORMATION (VLCFF) Santa Fe Archdiocese in partnership with VLCFF credits these courses towards ministry certification! St. Norbert College (New Mexico Campus) Graduate Pastoral Theology Master of Theology Degree available in ABQ Contact Becky Candelaria 505-873-4399 Ext. 229 http://eimnm.net/program_description.htm TO SIGN UP: Click on “Become a New Student”, go to “Create a Profile”, be sure to select “Archdiocese of Santa Fe” under “Diocese/Partner”, and NEW SCHOLARSHIPS receive our discount automatically! AVAILABLE! Cycle 7: Oct. 26—Nov. 29 Register by October 22 36 classes are currently scheduled! Affordable Undergraduate Catholic Education Lewis University in ABQ offers a Pastoral Theology Minor. All active Catholics attending receive a 10% 2440 Louisiana Boulevard NE, Ste 100 discount on tuition. For info contact either Jim Albuquerque, NM 87110-4405 Saya or Joyce Montoya Roach at 505-255-3947. Thanks to a generous gift from the Our Sunday Visitor Foundation, the Archdiocese is now offering scholarships for those seeking a bachelor’s or master’s degree toward their work as a lay minister. Some restrictions apply. Contact Dcn. Keith at 505-831-8187 or apply online at: https://adobeformscentral.com/? f=AI7FMViWEwQ-FgIgoDuhGw November 2014 PMD Express — 8 Archdiocese of Santa Fe Pastoral Ministries Division 4000 St. Joseph Place, NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Return Service Requested If you no longer wish to receive the PMD Express, or if there is an address/name change please contact Maria Garcia at [email protected] or 505-831-8151. Thank you! Native American Ministry Office of Worship Angela Flores Office Manager 505-831-8194 [email protected] Fabian Yañez Chas Glicco-Flores Deacon Sidney Martin Shirley Zuni Director 505-831-8128 [email protected] Secretary 505-831-8192 Coordinator 505-831-8108 [email protected] Associate 505-831-8104 [email protected] [email protected] RCIA 102 Workshop: Saturday, November 15 from 9 am to 3 pm, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary in Albuquerque. This workshop will cover Purification & Enlightenment, and Mystagogy. Concert & Music Ministry Workshop: Friday/Saturday, January 16 & 17, 2015. The concert will be an evening of music, stories, and reflection. The workshop will be for music ministers. Native American CLI Friday, November 7—Saturday November 8 at the Catholic Center in Albuquerque. This event is sponsored by the Youth and Young Adult Ministry. More information coming soon. For any questions contact Della from the Youth Office at 505-831-8142. Southwest Liturgical Conference (SWLC): January 21-24, 2015 in Amarillo, TX. The website is http://www.swlc.org. Keyboard Workshop: January 23, 2015. This two-hour workshop is devoted to the keyboardist who has little or no experience in playing the organ. Presented by Dr. Jennifer Pasqual. She is director of Music at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City and the first woman to hold this position, one of the most prestigious sacred music appointments in the United States. Jennifer earned a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree in Organ Performance. For registration or more information about any of the above workshops, go to: http://santafe.parishesonline.com/scripts/HostedSites/Org.asp? ID=21647 Help Us Conserve Resources and Trees! If you have an email address we can send you this publication, via e-mail, which will save printing materials. Simply send a message to [email protected]. St. Basil Chant School: February 9-13, 2015 at Immaculate Heart of Mary Retreat Center in Santa Fe. The website: www.chantschool.org Hispanic Music Conference (SWLC): June 25-27, 2015 in the Diocese of Las Cruces. The website is: http://www.swlc.org/HPMC.html We wish to thank all who are contributing to the Annual Catholic Appeal, making the ministries of the Pastoral Ministries Division possible. Published by the ASF Pastoral Ministries Division 4000 St. Joseph Place NW Albuquerque, NM 87120 Michelle Montez Denise Frias Rita Lucero Maria Garcia Executive Director & Editor 505-831-8221 [email protected] Executive Assistant & Assistant Editor 505-831-8165 [email protected] PMD Associate 505-831-8126 [email protected] Assistant Editor 505-831-8151 [email protected]
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