October 26, 2014 St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Church The Church of Florissant that prays always Ministers of Our Parish Fr. Thomas W. Wyrsch, Pastor Fr. Frank A. D’Amico, Associate Pastor Deacon Robert Mayo Deacon Bill Johnson Deacon Dennis Barbero Mr. Ken Morr - Principal Sr. Emily Meehan, CDP - Elders and Homebound Mrs. Peggy Baker - Parish Nurse Romans 8, High School Youth Ministry Isaiah 64, Middle School Youth Ministry Saint Vincent DePaul Helpline - 442-6477 Contact our Website at: www.strpdparish.org Weekend Mass Schedule: Saturday: Sunday: 5:00PM (Guitar and Choir) 7:00AM (No Music) 8:30AM (Piano and Choir) 10:30AM (Contemporary Ensemble) Daily Mass Schedule: Monday - Friday: 6:30AM (Church Site) Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday: 8:30AM (Church Site) Wednesday: 8:00AM (School Site) during the school year Holy Day Schedule: 6:30AM, 8:30AM and 7:00PM Confessions: Saturday: 4:00 - 4:45PM, and by appointment Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Tuesday: 6:30 & 8:30AM (Church Site) Eucharistic Adoration: Adoration Chapel 7:00AM to Midnight Monday through Friday Anointing of the Sick: First Saturday of the month at the 8:30AM Mass Baptismal classes held second Wednesday of month. Call the Parish Office. Weddings: No date can be set before meeting with the priest. Six month preparation time needed. Bulletin Announcements: Present written copy to Parish Office by Monday afternoon or email to [email protected]. Office: Phone: Fax: 1210 Paddock Florissant, MO 63033 837-3410 837-6628 School: Phone: Fax: 3500 St. Catherine Rectory: 2650 Parker Road Florissant, MO 63033 Florissant, MO 63033 921-3023 Phone: 837-7177 921-6724 Fax: 837-6628 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time ST. ROSE PHILIPPINE DUCHESNE CHURCH Mission Statement Inspired by St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, our Parish serves God and community with its many ministries by witness of faith, through ongoing faith formation and evangelization of youth, while embracing cultural diversity and social justice. October 26, 2014 Monday, October 27 6:30AM Mary Hugger 8:30AM Betty Rohde Tuesday, October 28, Sts. Simon and Jude 6:30AM Annette Lammers 8:30AM William & Mary Hubecky Wednesday, October 29 Peggy Creely & Family 6:30AM 8:00AM(school site) Warren Kern Thursday, October 30 6:30AM Communion Service 8:30AM Jim Toebe Friday, October 31 6:30AM Special Intention (AS) Jose Jorge Chavez, Jr. 8:30AM Saturday, November 1, All Saints (not oblig.) 8:30AM Hilda Volpo 5:00PM Rayleen Schuler Sunday, November 2, All Souls Milton Bradley 7:00AM 8:30AM People of the Parish 10:30AM Dale & Edith Seymour O h My! Rectory open Halloween evening 5:30 - 7:00PM for Trick or Treaters of all ages (have a joke or trick!) Group Photo on the lawn at 6:30PM Treats (candy bars, etc.) will be handed out outside • • Not too scary for the little ones! October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Eucharistic Adoration In your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of Helen Derhake and Vera Lisenby, parishioners. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Amen. Saturday, November 1, All Saints Day. is NOT a Holy Day of Obligation this year. Daylight Savings ends on Sunday, November 2nd. Set your clocks back! Altar Server Training We are offering Altar Server Training for: 1. Parish Youth (PSR/SRPD/Home Schooled) 5th Grade and up for Saturday and Sunday Masses and 2. Adults for Sunday 6:30 a.m. weekdays 6:30 and 8:30 am Masses Two classes (1 hour each) will be held in the church after school and/or Saturdays. Dates and times to be announced. Training will be conducted by Fr. D’Amico, Deacon Bill Johnson and Bob McGrellis. Permission slips (youths) will be available from the parish office 837-3410 or Bob McGrellis 831-7434. Prayer Chain Eucharistic Adoration The Importance of A Specific Hour In order to have a constant vigil of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament, we must make sure that each hour is covered. Therefore it is necessary for each person to commit to a specific hour once a week. Is Jesus important enough to you to set aside one special hour each week to be with Him? Just one hour once a week! This is a simple matter of putting first things first. “In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success.” (Prov. 3:6) Because we can’t see Jesus, sometimes we take His love and Presence in the Blessed Sacrament for granted. Your faith will make this commitment easy! “Faith is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:11) Your faith will help you realize this with conviction: The most important thing that you will do this week is spend an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The following hours need to be filled: Tuesday 6:00-7:00PM and 8:00-9:00PM First Friday 7:00-8:00PM and 11:00-12:00 midnight First Saturday 3:00-4:00AM If you prefer a different hour, any hour is open to be shared. We also need substitutes. Please call Blanche 837-2652 or Millie 837-7938. You are always welcome to come and pray anytime. Readings for the Week For prayer requests, please email Sandra Patten at [email protected] MONDAY Ephesians 4:32—5:8 Luke 13:10-17 FRIDAY Philippians 1:1-11 Luke 14:1-6 The next RCIA class will meet on SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 at 9:30 a.m. in the Parish Center Room #1. This week the topic will be the importance of the Blessed Mother and the Communion of Saints in the Catholic tradition. The classes are open to anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith. Even if you’re a life-long Catholic, you’re most welcome to come and participate! TUESDAY Ephesians 2:19-22 Luke 6:12-16 SATURDAY Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 I John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1-12 WEDNESDAY Ephesians 6:1-9 Luke 13:22-30 THURSDAY Ephesians 6:10-20 Luke 13:31-35 SUNDAY Isaiah 25:6-9 I Thessalonians 4:13-18 John 11:17-27 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Contributions St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry For the Week of October 12, 2014 Please help us to restock our pantry so we can continue to respond to the families who come to us. We are very low on the items listed below. Academic Improvements Capital Improvements General Fund Permanent Diaconate Other St. Vincent DePaul World Missions Youth Ministry “Romans 8” $ 3,200.00 34.00 8,943.00 349.00 1,173.00 550.00 90.00 150.00 Contribution totals include $1,763.00 from Online Giving. Parish Festival Although it’s over seven months away some thoughts are already in place for Festival 2015. Last year we collected Shop n’ Save stickers to acquire Rachel Ray dishes for a raffle basket. We were able to gather enough stickers for THREE entire sets. One was raffled last year and two will be raffle next time. Shop n’ Save has started a new reward offer…..COOKWARE. We would love to get enough stickers to have an entire set of cookware at the Festival also. If you could send any stickers to the parish or school office it would be greatly appreciated. Please mark them Parish Festival/Trish. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION Second month in the development of the unborn baby Your baby is growing very quickly. He is now 1¼ inches long and weighs 1/30 of an ounce. If he were to keep growing all 9 months as fast as he grows during this second month, he would be 14 tons at birth! Luckily, the growth rate slows dramatically so that he will probably weigh somewhere between 7 and 8 pounds at birth. All internal organs, his heart, stomach, liver and kidneys, are present and beginning to work. Brain waves have been recorded at 40 days. Your baby’s fingerprints are formed and will never change except for size. Soup Canned Meat Rice Gravy Cooking Oil Laundry Soap Sugar Beans Canned Fruit Thank you for any support you can give. If there are any parishioners who need food help, PLEASE call the St. Vincent de Paul line, 442-6477. Open House Trinity Catholic High School, the only Archdiocesan high school in the Northeast deanery, is having an Open House from NOON to 4:00PM on Sunday, November 2nd. Did you know that virtually 100 percent of Trinity Catholic students graduate and nearly 99 percent of them go on to post-secondary education? Did you know Trinity Catholic is a 1 -to-1 iPad school and offers its students 58 hours of college credit? Find out about this and much more at Open House. Be sure to ask about the $2,000 tuition scholarship and registration incentive for current 8th grade families. For more information contact Dan Grumich in the Trinity Catholic Advancement office at [email protected]. 741-1333, ext. 223 or Help Needed We need more Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound on Fridays. We meet on Friday mornings at 9:00AM in the Parish Office to discuss the previous week’s visits, to receive our assignments, and to pray. The number of homebound we visit is increasing, yet we want to spend time with each, since they look forward to our visits. Usually we are finished by 12NOON, unless we have many to visit. If you can assist every Friday, or act as a substitute please call Dorothy Podry at 838-8570. October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time FRIED CHICKEN Myths About Breast Cancer Chances are that you have heard a few myths about what causes breast cancer or increases the risk of breast cancer. A little myth-busting is in order so you can get the facts straight. 1. Underwire bras cause breast cancer: This is absolutely false. This myth was based on an old theory that the underwire could reduce the lymphatic drainage and increase your risk. However, there is no data to prove this theory even with all the studies that have been conducted. 2. Antiperspirants’ cause breast cancer: Again there is no clinical proof linking antiperspirants to breast cancer. 3. Radiation from screening test causes cancer: Although mammograms do give off a small amount of radiation, it is less than what a CXR gives off. MRI”S and ultrasounds give off no radiation at all. 4. You have to have a family history to get cancer: Family history is a risk factor but less than 10% of breast cancer patients get it because of family history. 5. There is nothing you can do about an inherited risk: Just because you have the family risk factor does not mean you will get cancer. Genetic testing can be done but you should do everything you can to reduce your risk such as a low-fat diet, exercise and moderate alcohol consumption. 6. Breast cancer only occurs in older women: Age increases risk but it can occur at any age. It tends to be more aggressive the younger the woman is. Speak with your doctor for when you should have a mammogram. Please be sure to get your annual mammograms if you are over 40 years old. Articles for the bulletin should be submitted in writing by Monday afternoon or emailed to: [email protected]. DINNER St. Rose Philippine Duchesne FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7th 4:00 - 7:00pm Dine-in or Carry Out Dinners (Choice of 2 side dishes) 2 pc. Dark………….……….$7 2 pc White…………….…… $8 3 pc Tenders………………. $7 Kids Tender Meal…………..$7 Side Items: Mashed Potatoes & Gravy, Cole Slaw and Green Beans Senior Club If you know of a St. Rose Senior Club member who is sick or in the hospital, please call Mary Schwarzbauer, 838-9024. 150 Club Winners June - Robert & Margaret Belaska July - William & Carol Linck October - Barry & Christina Ross If you would like to dedicate flowers to remember someone or celebrate an anniversary or special occasion contact the parish office to find out how. Each week we have beautiful flowers from The Flower Pot and often families dedicate these flowers. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 St. Rose Logo Items Annual Fall Clothing Drive This Weekend October 25—26 Before & After all Masses in the Parish Hall • Clean clothing can be packed in boxes, paper or plastic bags. • We accept children’s toys, and books and small baby furniture • Please do not leave donations at the rectory • For more information call Karen at 741-1570 *** Tax donation receipts are available at the door of the parish hall, Door #9. Clothing will benefit St. Patrick’s Center Marriage Encounter Hello to all couples, priests & religious who have ever made a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend. A 2014 Enrichment will be presented just for you on Saturday, November 8th, at Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Begins with Mass at 4:30PM and closing prayer at 9:00PM. Simple pot luck (bring a meat dish or appetizer to share) and presentation. RSVP by November 1 to Sam & Liz Cohen at 636.256.9055 or by email: [email protected]. No strings attached beyond a free will donation toward expenses. St. Rose Home & School has a FALL SPECIAL order form for long sleeve t-shirts, hooded sweatshirts and golf umbrellas all featuring the St. Rose Logo. You can find the Spirit Gear order form online by visiting www.strpdparish.org/school and clicking on Parent Resources. Copies are also available in the school and parish offices. Deadline for orders in Monday, October 27th. Mission Week Trivia Night The 2014 Mission Week Trivia Night for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade girls will be Saturday, November 15th from 7:00 to 8:30PM. (doors open at 6:30) at St. Joseph’s Academy DePaul room. Cost is $8, collected at the door. The theme is Hawaiian and prizes will be given for the best dressed table. All proceeds will go towards the senior class mission week fund, so come support the missions in Peru and Uganda! St Angela Merici Trivia Night Saturday, November 15th A Night of Laughs Doors open at 6:30PM Questions start 7:00PM *Dress like your favorite comedian, character in a comedy, or come as you are* ***50/50 Raffles *** Funniest Costume Prize*** $20/person (Tables of 8) Reservations or Questions: contact Karen Walch, (314)355-4813 St. Louis Faith Journeys is a new program on AM 1460 KHOJ Catholic radio every Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. and Saturday at 3:30 p.m. The show highlights converts and reverts to the Catholic faith in St. Louis. For a program schedule call toll-free 1-877-305-1234. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Meat Shoots Quilt Bingo at St. Ferdinand October 26, November 2 & 9 Shoots Start at Noon Each Sunday Knights of Columbus Grounds 50 Rue St. Francois St. Bingo starts at 1:00PM in the School Gym 1735 Charbonier Rd Sunday November 2. Doors open at 11:00AM. Free Bean Soup. Food and Drinks are Available. Proceeds from these shoots help provide Food Baskets to your Parish on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter Please come and help us help your Parish 12 Handmade Quilts Cash Prizes - Raffle - Pull Tabs Refreshments Available Smoke Free Environment Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Dorothy Flake Gene & Mary Gettemeier Chad & Tonya Cattoor Peggy Nowland Fmily Norma Farrar Delores Behlmann Bernie Hoffmann Nick Baker James & Joyce Donovan Family Ed Gruenloh Eileen Gruenloh Harold & Mabel Nielsen Ethan Nugen Nora Rechtien Anthony Reinkemeyer Marysa Baker Bob Walters Ed Gruenloh Don Moreland Teri Ibay Mitchie Hanrahan COMMENTATORS GIFT BEARERS GREETERS SERVERS USHERS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS CHURCH CLEANING 10/31 Jacob Doerle Celeste DuFour Nicole DuFour Ethan Koen Bill Risley Rich DuFour Dan Huggins Dick Kellett Deacon Shelly Cavlovich John Hartwell Connie Hartwell Ann Meredith Bill Meredith Anthony Unterreiner Ronald Fernandez Rochelle LePage Harry Loomis Matthew Wunderlich Jackson Bauer Grace Beane Leslie Stewart Arthur Harding Jack Shinstock Kris Sontheimer Deacon Marge Comeau Barb Gantner Marybeth Ligibel Ray Zahra Susan Zahra Stell Reichert Ruth Umhoefer Helen French Jesse Szwargulski Ed Wombacher Gary Behlmann Bill Creely Deacon Gloria Cufaude Mary Gettemeier Edward Wombacher Jim Gierer P. Koenig J. Toebe Deacon Eileen Gruenloh Jim Ehrhard Sandra Patten Mary Ann Spring Mary Sumner Morgan Smith Beverly Smith Patricia Korando S. Bastas A. Borgmeyer ALTAR LINENS 10/31 MONEY COUNTERS Bohn/French 11/2—Team #5 Helen Distor Robbyn Louis-Higgins Beth Lappe Barbara Burton Family Susan Novak Mariellyn Hays Bryan Koen 10:30 AM Pearl & Joe Salazar Jean Horner Winona Maness Norma Rehme Tom Lauman Larry Schuettenberg Beth Uhlenbrock Dick Boudreau Kathleen Carpentier LECTORS 8:30 AM 7:00 AM 5:00 PM St. Rose Philippine Duchesne November 1—November 2 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 26, 2014 Advertising here helps your parish & your business. Please Support Catholic Education email: [email protected] Your ad could www.jspaluch.com be in Call Ken Perkins 800.945.6629 this space! Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. WHY IS IT A man wakes up after sleeping under an ADVERTISED blanket on an ADVERTISED mattress and pulls off ADVERTISED pajamas bathes in an ADVERTISED shower shaves with an ADVERTISED razor brushes his teeth with ADVERTISED toothpaste washes with ADVERTISED soap puts on ADVERTISED clothes drinks a cup of ADVERTISED coffee drives to work in an ADVERTISED car and then . . . . refuses to ADVERTISE believing it doesn’t pay. Later if business is poor he ADVERTISES it for sale. WHY IS IT? Serra for Priestly and Religious Vocations Book of the Gospels A special gift for your parish, deacons, ordinations, weddings. Bonded leather with illustrations from the Vatican art collection. Gift Boxed. $350.00 800-566-6150 World Library Publications Serra for Priestly and Religious Vocations the music and liturgy division of J.S. 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STURGEON & SONS Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. EXPERT AUTO BODY REPAIR ALL MAKES 540 St. Ferdinand 837-3392 (314) 921-3880 Serving Florissant for over 40 yrs. #5 St. Anthony Lane Shuttle Service ~ Meals Private Pay ~ Medicaid ~ Respite Care OPEN MON.-FRI. 6AM-6PM Ph: 314-838-4707 500 Greenway Manor Drive Florrisant, MO 63031 RONSICK’S AUTO CARE 314-837-6250 St. Rose Parishioners OIL CHANGE 1995 $ TOWING SERVICE 14241 New Halls Ferry Florissant, MO 63033 up to 5 qts Most cars. Must present coupon prior to service. Cannot be combined with other offers. One per family. KEVIN R. KELLY Attorney at Law Parishioner Garrett Office Center 401 Chez Paree Hazelwood, MO 63042 Office: (314) 838-2800 Home: (314) 839-4207 Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 son Daw ROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 www.dawsonroofing.com Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. BALDI ELECTRIC CO. A Whole New Way of Doing Business. www.claycooleytoyota.com Michael Baldi (314) 355-5803 Mention this ad for a $100 donation to your church with a car purchase. [email protected] Parishioner 982239 St Rose Philippine Duchesne (A) www.jspaluch.com JoAnn C. Donovan Attorney at Law Parishioner (314) 921-6600 www.lawdonovan.com 330 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 IN BUSINESS OVER 60 YEARS • New Construction • Remodeling • Repairs MARK F. HILTON, DDS, PC 100-200 AMP Services Underground Services Washington Professional Arts Bldg. 4585 Washington St. Panel Replacement Florissant, MO 63033 Safety • Reliability (314) 831-4660 Residential & Commercial Bathroom Remodeling Free Estimates 9091 Dunn Rd. • Hazelwood • 314-731-0911 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Winschel CARPET SERVICES For All Carpet Needs Truck Mounted Carpet Cleaning Installation Carpet Sales & Repairs 2060 N. HIGHWAY 67 831-8181 (314) 895-3433 For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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