Welcome Northern Hills Baptist Church Our Mission: “Love Jesus, Serve People, Change the World” October 26, 2014 Northern Hills Baptist Church 17211 NE 180th, Holt, MO 64048 Email [email protected] Phone (816) 320-3301 www.NHBCWEB.org OUR INVITATION TO YOU: The people of Northern Hills Baptist Church join in welcoming you. We invite you to share in the various activities of Worship, Bible Study and Ministry which our church offers. If you do not have a Church Home where you are actively in Christian Service, you may feel the Spirit’s leading to make this your church. If so, we invite you to present yourself for membership by: • A Profession of Faith & Baptism • A Letter from another Church • A Statement of membership in another church where you have accepted Christ as Savior and have been baptized by immersion. WHEN TO COME FORWARD: You are invited to respond at the close of the service when the Pastor offers an open invitation for you to come forward and make your decision known. If you are in doubt about anything, you may come forward and someone will be happy to counsel with you. Interim Senior Pastor Tom Willoughby Pastor of Senior Adults Richard Hubbard, Pastor Emeritus Directors of Youth Mike Jensen Lisa Lawrence Minister of Music Rev. Randy Simmons Opportunities for the Week Worship Service CHURCH OFFICE HOURS October 26, 2014 Call to Worship 9:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri. Come People of the Risen King Welcome Congregation Pastor Willoughby Missions Video Worship in Song Deacon’s Prayer Offertory Hymn John Piper Praise to the Lord the Almighty Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee 8:00am 10:45am #14 #7 Mike Frederick Darrell Baggett Victory in Jesus #426 Offertory Prayer Offertory Special The Broken Beautiful Lisa Mayzsak Worship in Song Pouring It Out for You Congregation I Will Rise I Give You My Heart 10:45am Children’s Church (K – 3rd grades only) Invitation Pastor Willoughby Do You Love Me? Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus Honduras Mission Team Commissioning 10:45am Next Week’s Praying Deacons 8:00am Eric Howdeshell 10:45am Gilbert Williams Weekly Summary – 10/19/2014 Attendance Last Sunday General Offering Last Sunday MTD General Giving Received MTD Expenses 2014/15 YTD Giving Received 2014/15 YTD Expenses 244 $8,895.00 $27,617.00 $17,194.00 $27,617.00 $17,194.00 8:00am Worship Service 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages. 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church MON - October 27, 2014 9:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Rock Inn 4:30pm Trek PT/5:15pm Youth PT Practice WEDS - Oct 29, 2014 (continued) 7:00pm Youth 7:00pm Men’s/Women’s Bible Study THURS - October 30, 2014 8:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Rock Inn 6:30pm Precepts Bible Study 7:00pm Cowboy Church – Holt Arena 7:15pm Praise Team Practice FRI - October 31, 2014 TUES – October 28, 2014 6:00am Prayer Time 9:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Lathrop 1-4pm Women’s Quilting Group 4:00pm NHCA McTeacher Nite – McDonalds 6:330pm NHCA School Board Meeting SAT – November 1, 2014 WEDS - October 29, 2014 8:00am Men’s Bible Study – Youth Center 9:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Lathrop 2:00pm Staff Prayer/2:30 Staff Meeting 5:00pm Youth Praise/6:15 Trek praise prac 6:45pm AWANA 10:00am -12:00pm Music Practice – Sanc 10:00am-4:00pm NHCA PTF Craft Fair NEXT SUNDAY–November 2, 2014 8:00am Worship Service 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages 9:30am Deacon Training Class 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church 6:00pm I Stand Sunday Live Webcast Daylight Savings Time Begins Next Sunday, November 2! Be sure to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday night! Children come forward at the beginning of the last praise song. Message TODAY- October 26, 2014 Mission Month In-Gathering Praise & Worship, Sunday, November 9 at 6:30pm #320 TODAY’S NURSERY & WEE WORSHIP WORKERS – Sun., Oct. 26 8:00am Wee Worship Mary Willis and Jane Alexander 9:30am Sunday School Stephanie Pierce 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Kandi Patterson and Beverly Reynolds 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Darlene Burgoon and Bekah Smith 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Marcella Babcock and Dee Hubbard 10:30am – Children’s Church Mike & Cathy McElwee, Jordyn Petree NEXT WEEK’S NURSERY WORKERS – Sun., Nov. 2 8:00am Wee Worship Scott and Lisa Mayzsak 9:30am Sunday School Brandi Cundiff 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Charlie and Sharen Trammell 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Cheryl Simmons and Kayla Smith 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Jennifer and Annelise Kirkpatrick 10:30am – Children’s Church Monique A., Linda G., Lexi Cooper November Birthdays 01 01 02 05 05 05 06 07 07 08 08 08 08 09 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 Theresa Graves Jack Sykes Beverly Carter Alivia O’Dell - 10 Rhonda Holt Ethan Whitehead - Virgil Crum – 5 Craig Evans Nancy Omland - Randy Byrd Silas Crum – 4 Nathan Ice - 18 Beverly Reynolds Charlotte Pursell Dustin Cundiff Mike Jensen Steven Smith Alexia Smith – 12 Kelly Evans Jim Pursell Richard Eaton Kristy Jennings 15 16 18 19 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 26 27 28 28 28 29 30 Bill Thompson Cheryl Gizler Nina Hodges Julie Gatten John Newsome Karly Evans - 7 George Smith Kim Frederick Luke Pierce – 7 Nathan Smith Jordyn Petree - 12 Suzanne Witthar Lanny Rawdon Colby Hinshaw - 13 Steve Martin Ken Tomlinson Vicki Silvey Zach Sanders Over 20 November Happy Anniversary 04 Dave & Carol Sanders – 25 yrs 08 Brendon & Amy Turpen – 5 yrs 1 0 David & Shelene Erwin – 24 yrs 1 8 Brian & Grace Terry – 23 yrs 20 Dave & Kimberly Sidden – 15 yrs 28 Darrell & Barb Baggett – 27 yrs 28 Stan & Dolly Vest – 42 yrs 29 Robbie & Jennifer Chambers – 29 yrs Message Notes Date: October 26, 2014 Speaker: Pastor Willoughby Message: “Do You Love Me?” John 21:15-17 Last Sunday for Mission Month! Today, October 26 is the In-Gathering! We are collecting donations and pledges TODAY during the offering time for the International Mission Board Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and North American Mission Board Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. (feel free to use the envelopes in the pew and chair pockets). Our goal is $4,000. One hundred percent of what is collected will be sent to these two missions; sixty percent to Lottie Moon in December and forty percent to Annie Armstrong in April. Please write “Mission Month” on your check or envelope to designate. ____________________________________________________ Cowboy Church – High Point Arena, Holt 7:00pm, Thursday, October 30 Dessert Night” following the service Cowboy Church Revival at the Lathrop Fairgrounds Church 7:00pm Thursday, Nov. 6, Friday Nov. 7, and Saturday, Nov. 8 Speaker Jack Martin from the Cowboy Church in Wiley, CO. Cowboy Church will continue to meet each Thursday evening at 7:00pm at the Lathrop Fairgrounds Church through the fall and winter months. __________________________________________________________ FAITHFULNESS Clay-Platte Baptist Association Baptist Women World Day of Prayer Monday, November 3 at 9:00am Hosted by: Winnwood Baptist Church 4513 N Jackson Kansas City MO 64117 Through the Fruit of the Spirit: Faithfulness Hebrews 10:23 Matthew 25:23 Last Sunday for Minister Appreciation Month Be sure to encourage those that minister in the church throughout the month through prayer, cards, words of encouragement, etc. More ideas continued: 11. Send the wife of the pastor or a church leader a gift and/or encouraging note. 12. Participate in the theme or activity that is being promoted within the church (such as mission month and giving to missions). 13. Post a letter of appreciation on the Pathway website or other news publication so others can read of your appreciation of your pastor/church leaders. __________________________________________________________ Youth Snacks - NHBC Youth Group needs individuals who would like to donate snacks for Weds. nights on a rotating schedule. You and a friend can team up, or we can pair you up, to provide snacks for about 30 people. It doesn't have to be gourmet! Simple is great! Teens will eat most anything! Your generosity is most appreciated! Please contact Kyndal Lawrence (816) 812-7949 or Amanda Jensen (816) 665-6874 to be put on the schedule! Thanks! ____________________________________________________ Tuesday, Oct. 28 – NHCA McTeacher Night at McDonalds from 4pm to 8pm. Have your evening meal at McDonalds and the school will receive 20%. __________________________________________________________ Northern Hills Christian Academy Craft Fair Saturday, November 1 - 10:00am to 4:00pm Come and do some Christmas Shopping early! __________________________________________________________ New Women’s Sunday School Class Carol Sanders is facilitating the women’s class in the F.O.C. upstairs. The study that will be covered is “Slaying the Giants” by Dr. David Jeremiah. Come join us! Speakers for “I Stand Sunday,” November 2 at 6:00pm Sunday, November 2 Live Webcast at 6:00pm to 8:30pm Hosted at Northern Hills Baptist Church Join Christians across America for I Stand Sunday. Sponsored by Family Research Council and other partners, speakers from across the nation will gather at Grace Community Church in Houston, Texas to focus on the freedom to live out our faith free of government intrusion or monitoring. We will stand with pastors and churches in Houston, Texas “who have been unduly intimidated by the city's Mayor in demanding they hand over private church communication.” (www.IStandSunday.com) See the reverse side for the lineup of speakers and organizations they represent. Stand for religious freedom online using #IStandSunday DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATES OF YOUR CHOICE AT THE POLLS ON NOV. 4!
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