Welcome Northern Hills Baptist Church Our Mission: “Love Jesus, Serve People, Change the World” February 15, 2015 love one another earnestly with a pure heart. Jesus Northern Hills Baptist Church 17211 NE 180th, Holt, MO 64048 Email [email protected] Phone (816) 320-3301 www.NHBCWEB.org 1 Peter 1:22a OUR INVITATION TO YOU: The people of Northern Hills Baptist Church join in welcoming you. We invite you to share in the various activities of Worship, Bible Study and Ministry which our church offers. If you do not have a Church Home where you are actively in Christian Service, you may feel the Spirit’s leading to make this your church. If so, we invite you to present yourself for membership by: • A Profession of Faith & Baptism • A Letter from another Church • A Statement of membership in another church where you have accepted Christ as Savior and have been baptized by immersion. WHEN TO COME FORWARD: You are invited to respond at the close of the service when the Pastor offers an open invitation for you to come forward and make your decision known. If you are in doubt about anything, you may come forward and someone will be happy to counsel with you. Interim Senior Pastor Tom Willoughby Pastor of Senior Adults Richard Hubbard, Pastor Emeritus Directors of Youth Mike Jensen Lisa Lawrence Minister of Music Rev. Randy Simmons Opportunities for the Week Worship Service CHURCH OFFICE HOURS February 15, 2015 Call to Worship 9:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri. Come People of the Risen King Congregation Welcome/Announcements Marriage Month Skit Marriage Promises Offertory Hymn Matt & Jennifer Kirkpatrick Sweet, Sweet Spirit #243 Responsive Reading #677 Deacon’s Offertory Prayer 8:00am 10:45am Offertory Special Gary Tracy Ben Troupe Teneshia Petree Defender Worship in Song Congregation God of the Ages 10:45am Children’s Church (K – 3rd grades only) Children come forward at the beginning of the last praise song. Invitation Pastor Willoughby Union of Man ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus 5:15-6:30pm AWANA Trek – Peplow’s MON - Feb. 16 – Presidents’ Day No School at NHCA WEDS - Feb. 18 (continued) 7:00pm Youth Group 7:00pm Men’s/Women’s Bible Study THURS - Feb. 19 8:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Rock Inn 7:00pm Council Meeting 7:00pm Cowboy Church – Lathrop FRI - Feb. 20 4:30pm Trek/JV Praise Team practice 5:15pm Youth Praise Team Practice 6:00pm Finance Meeting 6:00am Prayer Time 6:00pm Gran Prix Machining TUES – Feb. 17 10:00am Music Practice – Sanctuary 6:00pm Family Game Night 9:00am Ol’ Roosters – Catrick’s in Lawson 1-4pm Women’s Quilting Group 7:00pm Men’s Ministry Meeting 8:00am Men’s Bible Study – Youth Center 2:00pm Staff Prayer/2:30 Staff Meeting 5:00pm Youth Praise team practice 6:15 Trek/JV Praise team practice 6:45pm AWANA (continued on next line) SAT – Feb. 21 NEXT SUNDAY–Feb 22 Calvary Bible College Choir “Evidence” Special MBTS Speaker, Tony Preston 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages 9:30am Deacon Training Class 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church 5:15-6:30pm AWANA Trek – Peplow’s 6:30pm Special Business Meeting #411 “The one who loves the least controls the relationship.” Communion & Anointing Dr. Robert Anthony Next Week’s Praying Deacon 10:45am Kenny Omland ONE SERVICE in the F.O.C. gym Next Sunday, February 22 at 10:45am. Children’s Church will be dismissed from the gym that day and parents will pick children up in the F.O.C. Foyer following services. Weekly Summary – 2/8/2015 Attendance Last Sunday General Offering Last Sunday 2014/15 YTD Budget Needs 2014/15 YTD Giving Received 2014/15 YTD Expenses 8:00am Worship Service 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages 9:30am Deacon Training Class 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church WEDS - Feb. 18 I Stand in Awe Message TODAY- Feb. 15 - Communion 294 $11,932.00 $197,545.00 $180,400.00 $129,888.00 TODAY’S NURSERY & WEE WORSHIP WORKERS – Sun., Feb. 15 8:00am Wee Worship Christine Hartman and Lisa Dorsey 9:30am Sunday School Patti Smith 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Brendon and Amy Turpen 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Nathan Ice and Jenna Newsome 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Andrea Newcomer and Julie Votipka 10:30am – Children’s Church Mike and Cathy McElwee, Jordyn Petree NEXT WEEK’S NURSERY WORKERS – Sun., Feb. 22 9:30am Sunday School Kathi Harris 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Barb and Harold Haines 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Katie Alexander and Kristy Jennings 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Julie Gatten and Jessica Sanders 10:30am – Children’s Church Monique A., Linda G., and Lexi Cooper February 01 01 01 02 03 06 08 09 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 David Asher Thomas Graves Jr. Karissa Terry Roy Hutcheon Molley Newsome Kathi Harris Coda Kirkpatrick - 09 Mariah Rainey - 17 Hiroko Gatten Marvin Hodges Jenna Petree Deidre Arnone Lucy Claycomb Shavonne Troupe Curtis Alexander Jessica Burres – 20 Annabella Hohenstein – 5 Birthdays 17 Robert Collins 19 Adam Ashcroft 19 Jackie Subra 21 Tom Chase 21 Andra Cooper - 10 22 Roy Christy 22 Ariel Hutcheon 23 Jim Reed 24 Patty Bergloff 24 Sharon Sykes 25 Annelise Kirkpatrick – 11 26 Angela Crawford 27 Jack Watts – 6 28 Brenda Deaton Over 20 Happy February Anniversaries 06 Roy & Marilyn Christy – 55 yrs 14 Chuck & Sherry Belben – 6 yrs 15 Marc & Rosa Newsome – 29 yrs 17 Randy & Donna Thompson – 42 yrs 28 Pastor Richard & Dee Hubbard – 56 yrs __________________________________________________________ Nominating Team Volunteer Needs for NHBC Buildings Interior Team Leader Exterior Grounds Team Leader If you would be willing to fill one of these positions, please call Stephanie Knoche 320-2115 or Harold Haines 628-5419. __________________________________________________________ NHBC Youth Progressive Dinner – Saturday, March 7 The Youth Department needs volunteers who would like to bless the youth and leaders by participating in a Progressive Dinner for the youth on Sat, March 7th, starting around 4pm. We need 4 or 5 homes willing to host around 25 youth, plus youth leaders, for a short portion of our meal. We will visit 5 homes eating only one course at each house. Appetizers, soups, salads, desserts, main dish, and/or coffee bar are some ideas. Help us build community in our youth group! Thanks, in advance, for being a part of this wonderful opportunity! Contact Amanda Jensen (816) 903-0335 or (816) 665-6874. Message Notes Date: February 15, 2015 Speaker: Pastor Tom Willoughby Message: “Union of Man” Genesis 2:18-25 Living the Message by Eugene Peterson LOVE – If we, deeply in love with someone, begin describing with passionate appreciation what has been unnoticed or ignored by others for years, some people around us are sure to dismiss us, “Love is blind.” They mean that love diminishes our capacity to see what is actually there so that fantasy, tailor-made to fit our desires, can be projected on another and thus make him or her acceptable as a lover. The cynical follow-up is that if this did not happen, if we saw the other truly, we would never get involved. Why? Because everyone is, in fact, quite unlovely, wither visibly or invisibly, or in some particularly unfortunate cases, both. Love doesn’t see truth but creates illusions and incapacitates us for dealing with the hard-edged realities of life. But the popular saying, as popular sayings so often are, is wrong. It is hate that is blind. It is habit, condescension, cynicism that are blind. Love opens eyes. Love enables the eyes to see what has been there all along but was overlooked in haste or indifference. Love corrects astigmatism so that what was distorted in selfishness is now perceived accurately and appreciatively. Love cures shortsightedness so that the blur of the distant other is now in wondrous focus. Love cures farsightedness so that opportunities for intimacy are no longer blurred threats but blessed invitations. Love looks at the one who had no “form or comeliness that we should look at him, and no beauty that we should desire him” and sees there the fairest of the sons of men . . . anointed with the oil of gladness above your fellows.” If we could see the other as he is, as she is, there is no one we would not see as “fairest . . .all fragrant with myrrh and aloes and cassia.” Love penetrates the defenses that have been built up to protect against rejection and scorn and belittlement, and it sees life created by God for love. I Corinthians 13:3 Can be seen at AMC Barrywoods 24, 8101 Roanridge Road,KCMO 64151 Phone: (816) 505-9199. https://www.amctheatres.com/movietheatres/amc-barrywoods-24 (Commitment numbers were not enough for Liberty B&B Theatres to arrange showing the movie.) Please plan to attend “Old Fashioned” on a day and time of your choice beginning Valentine’s Day through the following weekend. You can purchase tickets at the AMC website or at: http://www.oldfashionedmovie.com/ __________________________________________________________ Calvary Bible College Choir “Evidence” Coming to NHBC Sunday morning, February 22! We will have SS at 9:30am and ONE morning worship service at 10:45am in the Outreach Center with special speaker Dr. Tony Preston. Pastoral Candidate, Tom Willoughby and His Family Pastor Willoughby is a native of Indianapolis, Indiana, but has lived in Missouri since August 1987. He is the husband of Stacy and the father of Nicole and Joshua. The Willoughby’s were also blessed to be able to adopt 2 children from foster care, Kristy and her biological brother Josh. They have been foster parents for 16 years. They work with Behavioral, Career and Therapeutic children; most of whom they are helping to transition from residential treatment centers to a family-type structure. Pastor Tom Willoughby has pastored for approximately 20 years, serving as senior pastor at Harwood Baptist, FBC Osceola, FBC El Dorado Springs, FBC Greenwood. He has also served as an associate pastor at Temple Baptist in Frankling, Indiana and staff pastor at Lenexa Baptist Church in Lenexa, KS. He is very passionate about missions and has led every church he has pastored into increased missions involvement and giving. He teaches Old Testament at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary & College in Kansas City, MO; Religion at Charleston Southern University in Charleston, SC; and New Testament at Criswell College in Dallas, TX. He graduated from Southwest Baptist University with a B.A. in Christian Ministries and Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with an M.A. in Biblical Languages. He is currently in the dissertation phase of his PhD in Biblical Studies at Midwestern. He also did doctoral research at Princeton Theological Seminary and was invited back to lecture there this past April and to return again sometime this coming year. He has studied toward an M.A. in Christian Apologetics at BIOLA University in La Mirada, CA and an M.A. in Biblical Archaeology at Midwestern. Pastor Willoughby loves to fish, play piano, is a writer and author, but most importantly, enjoys spending time with his family in a variety of ways whenever he can. ***************** Special Business Meeting Sunday, February 22 at 6:30pm for discussion and vote on our pastoral candidate, Tom Willoughby. We will have a church family time of fellowship in the F.O.C. fellowship hall following the business meeting. Please bring finger foods to share.
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