Welcome Northern Hills Baptist Church Our Mission: “Love Jesus, Serve People, Change the World” April 12, 2015 Northern Hills Baptist Church 17211 NE 180th, Holt, MO 64048 Email [email protected] Phone (816) 320-3301 www.NHBCWEB.org OUR INVITATION TO YOU: The people of Northern Hills Baptist Church join in welcoming you. We invite you to share in the various activities of Worship, Bible Study and Ministry which our church offers. If you do not have a Church Home where you are actively in Christian Service, you may feel the Spirit’s leading to make this your church. If so, we invite you to present yourself for membership by: • A Profession of Faith & Baptism • A Letter from another Church • A Statement of membership in another church where you have accepted Christ as Savior and have been baptized by immersion. WHEN TO COME FORWARD: You are invited to respond at the close of the service when the Pastor offers an open invitation for you to come forward and make your decision known. If you are in doubt about anything, you may come forward and someone will be happy to counsel with you. Senior Pastor/ Tom Willoughby Richard Hubbard, Pastor Emeritus/Pastor of Senior Adults Directors of Youth/Mike Jensen and Lisa Lawrence Minister of Music/Rev. Randy Simmons Opportunities for the Week Worship Service CHURCH OFFICE HOURS April 12, 2015 Call to Worship 9:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri. Make It Loud Congregation Welcome VBS Announcement Worship in Song Hallie Watts Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee We Have Heard the Joyful Sound Deacon’s Prayer Offertory Hymn 8:00am 10:45am Congregation Cliff Ragsdale JD Power As the Deer Congregation Offertory Prayer Offertory Special Worship in Song To the God Who Reigns Jenna Petree This Beating Heart Jesus Son of God We Believe Children come forward at the beginning of the last praise song. Invitation Don’t Be Swallowed By a Fish Pastor Willoughby Glorify Thy Name Congregation Next Week’s Praying Deacons 8:00am George Smith 10:45am Curtis Stephenson Weekly Summary – 4/5/2015 Attendance Last Sunday General Offering Last Sunday 2014/15 YTD Budget Needs 2014/15 YTD Giving Received 2014/15 YTD Expenses 8:00am Worship Service 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages 9:30am Deacon Training Class 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church 411 $10,909.00 $280,721.00 $271,291.00 $184,538.00 Wednesday continued 7:00pm Youth Group 7:00pm Women’s Bible Study THURS - April 16 5:15-6:30pm AWANA Trek – Peplow’s 6:30pm Praise & Worship 9:00am Ol’ Roosters @ JJ’s in Kearney 7:00pm Council Meeting 7:00pm Cowboy Church – Lathrop MON - April 13 FRI - April 17 2:00pm Staff Prayer/2:30 Staff Meeting 4:30pm Trek/JV Praise Team practice 5:15pm Youth Praise Team Practice TUES – April 14 9:00am Ol’ Roosters – Catrick’s in Lawson 1-4pm Women’s Quilting Group WEDS - April 15 10:45am Children’s Church (K – 3rd grades only) Message TODAY April 12 8:00am Men’s Bible Study – Youth Center 11:30am Senior Citizen’s Lunch - Kearney 5:00pm Youth Praise team practice 6:15pm Trek/JV Praise team practice 6:45pm AWANA continued on next line 6:00am Prayer Time SAT – April 18 10am-12pm Music Practice 6:00pm Family Game Night NEXT SUNDAY–April 19 Communion 8:00am Worship Service 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages 9:30am Deacon Training Class 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church 5:15-6:30pm AWANA Trek – Peplow’s Praise & Worship TONIGHT! April 12 at 6:30pm Pastor Tom Willoughby will be giving the devotion. Join us for a time of worship thru song and testimony. TODAY’S NURSERY & WEE WORSHIP WORKERS – Sun., April 12 8:00am Wee Worship Tammy Pew and Cheryl Reed 9:30am Sunday School Kara Sayles 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Kandi Patterson and Beverly Reynolds 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Angela Crawford and Heidi Crum 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Jennifer and Annelise Kirkpatrick 10:30am – Children’s Church Monique A., Linda G., and Lexi Cooper NEXT WEEK’S NURSERY WORKERS – Sun., April 19 8:00am Wee Worship Ray and Deidre Arnone 9:30am Sunday School Brandi Cundiff 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Charlie and Sharen Trammell 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Rosa Newsome and Susan Rosemann 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Darlene Burgoon and Rebekah Smith 10:30am – Children’s Church Mike/Cathy McElwee, Jordyn Petree NHBC MAY HAPPENINGS • AWANA Boys Club Royals Game/Sleepover – Friday, May 1 thru Saturday, May 2 - Begins at 5pm Friday night and ends at 8am Saturday morning. Contact Mike McElwee with question or for more information (816) 591-6676. • Deacons’ Meeting – Tuesday May 5 at 7:00pm • New Wednesday 6pm Bible Study for All Begins May 6 Taught by Pastor Tom Willoughby in the NHBC Sanctuary. • National Day of Prayer Service at NHBC Thursday, May 7 at 7:00pm – Please Plan to Attend! • Mother’s Day – Sunday, May 10 • Last Day of School at NHCA – Wednesday, May 20 • Offices Closed for Memorial Day – Monday, May 25 • NHCA 6th Annual Trap Shoot – Sat., May 30 at KCTA • 5th Sunday Youth Breakfast – May 31 – Call Eva Smith if you would like to help provide breakfast dishes for the Youth SS! ----------------------------------------------------- Help with Camera Operation and Video Recording Needed If you are over the age of 12 years and would be interested in serving in this area of ministry, please fill out your name and contact information below and place this slip in the offering plate: Name _____________________________Phone _____________ ----------------------------------------------------- Invitation to a Senior Citizens’ Lunch from Pastor Hubbard at the Kearney Community Center Wednesday, April 15 at 11:30am No Cost! Menu: Main Dish is Beef Pot Pie and Dessert is Cobbler All Meals include Salad, Bread, Coffee and Tea Please sign up below for the Senior Citizen Lunch & place in the offering plate: Name _______________________________ Phone ______________ Message Notes Date: April 12, 2015 Speaker: Pastor Tom Willoughby Message: “Don’t Be Swallowed By a Fish” Jonah 1:1-3 Family Game Night at NHBC – Saturday, April 18 at 6:00pm With the exception of the month of May, every third Saturday you can bring your favorite games and snacks to the NHBC Fellowship Hall in the F.O.C. and join with others for an evening of fun and fellowship! __________________________________________________________ NHCA has one opening for a School Board Member. Please contact Randy Simmons (816) 320-3469 Ext. 228 if you are interested. __________________________________________________________ Support the Adoption Journey of Ben & Amber Stafford! They are working to raise money and receive grants to adopt a precious child into their home. Plan to attend a fundraiser event this Friday! Spaghetti Dinner & Auction Fundraiser April 17th at 6:00pm Shoal Creek Community Church, 6816 S. Church Rd., Pleasant Valley, MO Tickets are $10 adults, $7 children 5 to 11, 4 and under free Visit www.staffordadoption.com for a summary of their story. Follow their blog at staffordadoption.wordpress.com To purchase tickets to the Spaghetti Fundraiser see Ben or Amber in the foyer between services or catch them in the Marriage Sunday School Class. Or contact Amber any time prior to April 17 at 816-365-5390. __________________________________________________________ M-Month Coming in October Plan Now for the Impact You Can Make on Missions! Our coming month to give to missions starts in the heart TODAY! Our Goal this year is $4,500! Our emphasis through October will be on local, International & North American missions. You can set aside now what you will contribute, or you can turn in regular offerings marked M-Month and it will go toward the total that will be collected in October. VBS WORKERS NEEDED!! Vacation Bible School is right around the corner and we are in need of workers. You are encouraged to come and be a part of the wonderful work God will do in not only the lives of these children but in your own life also. VBS Dates - June 8- 12 (Monday thru Friday) 6:00pm-8:30pm Family Night will be on Friday, June 12 in place of normal VBS activities. Sign-up sheet is in the foyer. Feel free to contact VBS Team Leader, Hallie Watts, with questions or for more information 816-519-2533. __________________________________________________________ Thanks for the prayers, cards, and calls during the loss of my mother, Eula Jordan. You are a special church family. Love, Linda Gramling __________________________________________________________ At the 5th Sunday Youth SS Breakfast on March 29 the youth ate every bit of the wonderful food provided by loving hands! Thank you to all of you who made food for us. We are grateful for you! Thank you also to Dr. Thoman for sharing part of his story in how Jesus Christ has worked in his life. Anyone who would like to help with the next 5th Sunday Youth SS Breakfast, please contact Eva Smith 816.582.3182 prior to May 31. The help and food provided is greatly appreciated! __________________________________________________________ OUR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES T.J. Garr Nathan Ice Connor Pritzel Marissa Redmond Kara Sayles Rebekah Smith Lance Welch Graduation Sunday is May 3 during the 10:45am service Graduates please fill out the form below with your information as soon as possible to let us know if you will be participating. (*see below) *If you are graduating this year from high school or college, we will need your name, school name, education credentials, plans for the future, etc. We will email you a questionnaire to help you prepare and submit the information we need. Please also plan to submit two or three pictures (baby/child picture and senior picture) by Thursday, April 24. You can send pictures to Lisa Lawrence at [email protected] or [email protected]. Sixty percent of what is collected will be sent to International Mission Board Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and forty percent will be sent to North American Mission Board Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. ----------------------------------------------------- Be prayerfully considering what you will give to missions above and beyond your regular tithe giving to the church. NAME ____________________________________________________ *Graduates, please place information in the offering plate so we can include you on the list and have a way to contact you. Thanks! PHONE ________________ EMAIL ____________________________
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