Welcome Northern Hills Baptist Church Our Mission: “Love Jesus, Serve People, Change the World” January 25, 2015 Northern Hills Baptist Church 17211 NE 180th, Holt, MO 64048 Email [email protected] Phone (816) 320-3301 www.NHBCWEB.org OUR INVITATION TO YOU: The people of Northern Hills Baptist Church join in welcoming you. We invite you to share in the various activities of Worship, Bible Study and Ministry which our church offers. If you do not have a Church Home where you are actively in Christian Service, you may feel the Spirit’s leading to make this your church. If so, we invite you to present yourself for membership by: • A Profession of Faith & Baptism • A Letter from another Church • A Statement of membership in another church where you have accepted Christ as Savior and have been baptized by immersion. WHEN TO COME FORWARD: You are invited to respond at the close of the service when the Pastor offers an open invitation for you to come forward and make your decision known. If you are in doubt about anything, you may come forward and someone will be happy to counsel with you. “For he who finds Me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord.” Proverbs 8:35 Interim Senior Pastor Tom Willoughby Pastor of Senior Adults Richard Hubbard, Pastor Emeritus Directors of Youth Mike Jensen Lisa Lawrence Minister of Music Rev. Randy Simmons Opportunities for the Week Worship Service CHURCH OFFICE HOURS January 25, 2015 Call to Worship 9:00am-4:00pm Mon.-Fri. Make It Loud Congregation Welcome Pastor Willoughby Worship with Song 8:00am Worship Service 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages 9:30am Deacon Training Class 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church FRI - Jan 30 #334 Revive Us Again #469 5:15-6:30pm AWANA Trek – Peplow’s 6:30pm Business Meeting #669 MON - Jan 26 Deacon’s Prayer 8:00am 10:45am Kenny Omland Wayne Sandridge The Old Rugged Cross #141 Offertory Prayer Offertory Special Blessings Worship in Song Open the Eyes of My Heart Emma Ashcroft Congregation Jesus Messiah Your Great Name 10:45am Children’s Church (K – 3rd grades only) Children come forward at the beginning of the last praise song. Pastor Willoughby Message Invitation THURS - Jan 29 Blessed Assurance, Jesus is Mine Responsive Reading Offertory Hymn TODAY- Jan 25 Pass Me Not O Gentle Savior Next Week’s Praying Deacons 8:00am Gilbert Williams 10:45am Eric Howdeshell Weekly Summary – 1/18/2015 Attendance Last Sunday General Offering Last Sunday 2014/15 YTD Budget Needs 2014/15 YTD Giving Received 2014/15 YTD Expenses 315 $12,211.00 $166,353.00 $153,288.00 $102,973.00 4:30pm Trek/JV Praise Team practice 5:15pm Youth Praise Team Practice TUES – Jan 27 9:00am Ol’ Roosters – Catrick’s in Lawson 1-4pm Women’s Quilting Group 7:00pm NHCA School Board Meeting WEDS - Jan 28 8:00am Men’s Bible Study – Youth Center 2:00pm Staff Prayer/2:30 Staff Meeting 5:00pm Youth Praise team practice 6:15 Trek/JV Praise team practice 6:45pm AWANA 7:00pm Youth Group 7:00pm Men’s/Women’s Bible Study 8:00am Ol’ Roosters @ Rock Inn 7:00pm Cowboy Church – Lathrop 7:15pm Praise Team Practice 6:00am Prayer Time 5:00pm Men’s Conference Registration 6:00pm Men’s Conference Dinner 7:00pm Men’s Conference – Ashley Ellison SAT – Jan 31 7:00am Men’s Conference Breakfast 8:00am Men’s Conference – Ashley Ellison 12:00pm Men’ Conference Ends NEXT SUNDAY–Feb 1 Speaker Ashley Ellison 8:00am Worship Service 9:30am Bible Study/SS all ages 9:30am Deacon Training Class 10:45am Worship Service/Ch.Church 5:15-6:30pm AWANA Trek – Peplow’s “Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.” Janet Lane #308 TODAY’S NURSERY & WEE WORSHIP WORKERS – Sun., Jan. 25 8:00am Wee Worship Mary Willis and Jane Alexander 9:30am Sunday School Kathi Harris 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Charlie and Sharen Trammell 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Angela Crawford and Heidi Crum 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Tammy Morgan and Aprylle Morgan 10:30am – Children’s Church Ariel H., Stephanie P., Jordyn Petree NEXT WEEK’S NURSERY WORKERS – Sun., Feb. 1 8:00am Wee Worship Scott and Lisa Mayzsak 9:30am Sunday School Stephanie Pierce 10:30am – Babies (Nursery) Kara Sayles and Vicki Schonewetter 10:30am – Younger Wee Worship Dee Hubbard and Marcella Babcock 10:30am – Older Wee Worship Darlene Burgoon and Bekah Smith 10:30am – Children’s Church Bonnie Robinson, Brenda Haymond Business Meeting Agenda January 25, 2015 - 6:30pm Opening – moderator Prayer Review/Approval of Minutes Joe Dayringer Church Clerk NHCA School Board Report Based on the presentation and discussion of a partnership between NHCA and Northland Christian at the January 18 Special Business Meeting, a vote will be taken at the January 25 Business Meeting on the continued NHBC spiritual and financial support of NHCA for the next three years. This will be a “vote only” and there will be no additional presentation or discussion. Directorate Reports Worship Youth Report Education/Discipleship Operations Internal Ministries External Ministries Human Resource Finance Lanny Rawdon Mike Jensen Mike McElwee Stan Betz Millie Allemang Kurt Stephenson Stan Vest Roy Christy OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Membership changes Proposal for door replacement – F.O.C. Nominating Report Lanny Rawdon Dave Speiser Adjournment ________________________________________________________ Nominating Team Volunteer Needs for NHBC Buildings Interior Team Leader Exterior Grounds Team Leader If you would be willing to fill one of these positions, please call Stephanie Knoche 320-2115 or Harold Haines 628-5419. Message Notes Date: January 25, 2015 Speaker: Pastor Tom Willoughby Message: South Dakota Fishing Trip! Room for 10 Men A movie made to take a stand against “50 Shades of Grey.” Plan to support this movie that depicts true love in modern culture, opening Valentine’s Day. If we receive enough commitments, our local Liberty B&B Cinema will play the movie. (Contact the church office if you are willing to attend.) Visit the website to read more about it and watch the trailer: http://www.oldfashionedmovie.com/ This movie reflects Christian values lived out in a secular world and is excellent for ages 15 to Adult. Sunday, May 17 – Travel to our destination Mon., Tues., Weds., May 18, 19, and 20 – Fishing! Thursday, May 21 - Return home If you would like to join us please call Roy Christy (816) 728-5308 or JD Power (816) 628-4486 for details. __________________________________________________________ NHBC is in Need of a Snow Removal person or persons Someone to take the responsibility of having the sidewalks, steps and entry ways to the church buildings cleared and salted after a snowfall. It would be ideal to have a team of people. The main part of the parking lot is cleared by a contractor. If you would be willing to organize this task to make sure it is accomplished when needed or would be willing to help in any way, please contact Stan Betz at (816) 630-1200 or email him at [email protected]. __________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ Attention Married Couples Join us for a night (or a weekend) with your honey! The Marriage Sunday School class recently finished a study by Matt Chandler titled, “Mingling of Souls” - study on the Song of Solomon Pastor Matt Chandler will be speaking on Friday, February 13 at James River Church in Springfield, MO at 7:00pm. Tickets can be purchased at www.minglingofsouls.com for $25. IMPORTANT! The Marriage Ministry has reserved lodging at a special rate of $90 per night (includes breakfast) for the evenings of Friday, February 13 and Saturday, February 14 (Valentine’s Day) at The Mansion at Elfindale; a Bed and Breakfast in Springfield. You are welcome to stay Friday only, or both Friday and Saturday night at the $90 per night rate. Please call 417-831-5400 to book your rooms. Be sure to tell them that you are with the NHBC group to get the special rate. Make plans for a great weekend with your SWEETHEART! (Matt Chandler will only be speaking on Friday night.) Contact the Turpens with questions Brendon 816-885-8139 or Amy 816-718-8678 Men’s Conference with Ashley Ellison at NHBC Friday, January 30 & Saturday, January 31 Cost is $40. Scholarships available if needed. LAST SUNDAY TO SIGNUP ON THE CLIPBOARD OR TURN IN SIGNUP SLIPS FROM THE FLYER Friday – 5:00pm Registration - 6:00pm Dinner 7:00pm Speaker Ashley Ellison Saturday – 7:00am Breakfast 8:00am Speaker Ashley Ellison Conference Ends at noon on Saturday Sunday – 8:00am Speaker Ashley Ellison 10:45am Speaker Ashley Ellison Read about Ashley at http://cmchurch.com/christian-ministries-southwest-missouri/ To pay your $40, mark the memo of your check “men’s conference” or put your name and cash on an envelope marked “men’s conference” and place in the offering plate. If you need a scholarship, please indicate that on an envelope. See Men’s Conference flyer for more information.
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