October 26, 2014 Morning Worship Service 10:45 a.m. Announcements (scrolling on screen) “Wondeiful Grace of Jesus” Opening Hymn #205 Welcome Dave Mansfield Prayer “Come To Jesus” Chorus (on screen) Hymn #216 “No, Not One!” Hymn #447 (greeting chorus) “Seek Ye First” Offering Children’s Church Dismissal d 3 r grades “Before the Throne of God Above” Chorus (on screen) Message “Faith - - Pastor Dean Walter How It Can Be Recognized” j 1YE Psalm Closing Hymn #239 5jtjj 1jfjjj 1o3:il “I’ve Found a Friend” cia(ham 1E1RAL PRESS p!iJi’ a/ /&41e 3 HOME OF LATHAM CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 495 Watervliet Shaker Road Latham, New York 12110 Phone (518) 785-5916 _ Latham Bible Baptist Church Home of Latham Christian Academy 495 Watervliet-Shaker Road, Latham, New York 12110 (518) 785-5916 www.lathambible.com Dean 1. Walter Senior Pastor, cell phone: (518) 956-4833, - home phone (518) 783-1817 Bryan 3. Fry- LCA Administrator, phone: (518) 250-7555 Prayer Chain 753-7597 Upcoming Events October 26,2014 Weekly Ministries Sundays Children’s Sunday School Youth & Adult Bible Studies Morning Worship Service Evening Service .. . . . . 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:45 AM 6:00 PM Wednesday Evenings Teens for Christ 6:30-8:15 PM th 7 ( th 12 grades) AWANA. 6:45-8:15 PM th (3 yrs 6 grade) Prayer Meeting / Bible Study 7:00 PM (Adults) - 10/26 Christmas Choir Practice 5 pm 10/27 Men’s Basketball 7 pm 11/1 Men’s Prayer Time 11/2 Communion AM Service 11/16 Fall Harvest Dinner Last Week at LBBC Sunday School Morning Worship Evening Service Budget Need per Week Budget Giving Designated Gifts . 53 90 48 $3,732.06 $4,559.26 $270.00 *Fitit qo.ttc frtmt [ost tudaj’s buctni.c mt&ig ar avaLob[& cnttke. calendars for this annual D I N N E R church dinner which will be held on Sunday, th November 16 at 5:00 pm. Meat, beverage, and table service will be provided; each family should bring a side dish and either a salad or a dessert. Choir practice for special Christmas music will take place Iw every Sunday evening CHOIR PflACTICE at 5:00 p.m. Don’t forget to set your clocks back on Saturday night! A HUGE “Thank You” to everyone who helped make the Fall Festival a success! Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated! Happy Birthday! - . - -- Cleaning Schedule Many thanks to all who help clean the church. The schedule for the next several weeks is as follows: 11/1 Cara Cashman & Mary Arzoumania n 11/8 The Fishels - - Janet Kreason is greeting you today. °______ OUR EtTJON Mark your //In Coffeetime Schedule 11/2 Cara Cashman 11/9 Mary Arzoumanian 11/23 Celia Donnelly 11/30 Coffee Only The mission of Latham Bible Baptist Church is to glorify God by introducing people to Jesus Christ and by providing opportunity for believers to mature spiritually.” Shirley Goodwin Chris Kosa Loe Jonathan Whitman 3J Carolyn Cole Our .i WLCOM TO 01CR CI4ICRCU We are delighted to have you in our services today. Thank you for choosing to worship here at LBBC. What a great way to start a new week by worshipping God and fellowshipping with believers. If you are visiting us for the first time, we especially welcome you. An usher will be giving you information about the ministries here and a registration card. Please fill it out and note any way we might be of help to you. Thank you for being here today. 10/30 Philomena Arthur 10/31 Sarah Kettlewood VER FOR T14 WEEK: Habakkuk 3:18-19 “Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places.”
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