October 21, 2014 News Letter #35 IAM&AW Local Lodge 219 Strike News #8 Dear Brothers & Sisters, Local Lodge Meeting – Thanks to everyone that came to the LL 219 regular membership meeting, it was a packed house, with good discussion where your strong voice and determination was heard. Congressman Andy Barr’s Office - Grand Lodge Representative Blevins heard from Congressional Rep. Barr’s office this morning, who assured us, he has a Congressional investigation letter into the situation at the Bluegrass Station with the Inspector Generals office, and a Congressional letter to the Department of Labor about the re-classifications/labor grades. This conversation was very positive and very good news to hear. We did explain to his Legislative Assistance Mr. Eric Landis, that we discussed with our membership that a meeting with the KY State Adjutant General was held last Friday and not the Inspector General’s office, but an investigation letter was sent to the IG office by Mr. A. Barr. We appreciate Mr. Eric Landis call today and the work that Congressman Mr. A. Barr has committed to help seek a solution to end this strike and get 180 Kentucky families back to work. The call ended on a very positive note, we certainly feel this can get some action to end this strike and put an end the finger pointing, “the continuous blame game” which is ongoing between AGM and LMC, these Kentucky families need to see actions against this rogue sub-contractor. New Gate Hours – The LL 219 membership voted last night to change the time and hours for picketing. We are now going to an 8-hour shift from the current 6 hour shift. New picket hours will be 7 AM – 3 PM, 3 PM – 11 PM, 11 PM – 7 AM. LL 219 requirements are for everyone to do at least one shift, additional picketing duty may be required to keep all the gate strike lines. The shifts should start on Saturday. Strike Checks – Your Strike checks will be distributed at the Strike Field Office (Trailer) this Thursday and Friday, and you will need to sign up there for the next week’s picket duty shift. We will be asking for volunteers to sign up for additional times to walk, if extras should be needed. We’re going to the new schedule so we can be sure to fill all our time slots and keep all three gates active. Donations – Our meeting had some honored guests. Our District Lodge President, Ken Koch, and Leonard Douglas from Local Lodge 681 brought food and diapers for the food bank. District Lodge 711, Nashville, TN’s Directing Business Representative, Rickey Wallace and Local Lodge 735 (Nashville) LL President Bill Benson came, and DBR Wallace presented a check for $1,000 for the food bank! President Benson spoke about the 2008 LL 735 strike which lasted 4 months, and how they came out of the strike stronger. He said “we started the strike as friends and co-workers, but we became a strong family!” The 735 strike is a great reminder of the power of solidarity. Many of you met our Southern Territory General Vice President M. Blondin recently when he visited the strike lines. He has donated $500 of his personal money to your strike effort. IAM Local Lodge 859, the government workers at BGAD, will donate $500 a month for the duration of the strike. Additionally, Grand Lodge Rep. Brothers T. Blevins, DBR B. Stivers and Organizer C. Bradley have each donated at least $500.00 or more to your efforts. Help is out there! If you call 2-1-1, that is the number for United Way Assistance. If you need help, give them a call and see what they can do. Stay strong for yourself, your family, your community and we will win this together. To get the facts and Company’s proposal please go to your Local Lodge 219 website at: www.iam219.org Please remember, if we have not addressed the issues here, they are rumors.
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