Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick

Fred Thomas Drive, Takapuna. Come along and bring a
friend. contact: Basil Rassam on 443 5755.
“An invitation to all. Work to Live. A hui talanoa, celebration,
sharing stories, and planning action to reduce inequality and
poverty in South Auckland. Friday 7th November, 6 – 8pm. Te
Puke o Tara Newbury Street Otara
In celebration of Eucharist and in your own personal prayer, please remember:
Recently Deceased: Roger Hoe, Val Mutch, Brian
Maynard, Henk Leenderts, Liz Hilton
Others who have died: Colleen Quinn (5th Ann),
Leonie Griffin (2nd Ann), Jack Johnson (17th
Ann), John Bos (4th Ann), Anna Yeoh (2nd Ann),
Maurice Murray (4th Ann), Bert Brydon (13th
Ann), Edith Hayden (18th Ann), Jennifer
Pritchard (31st Ann)
For the sick: Maureen Stephens; Mick Neenan;
Florence Ho, Pat Hamlet, Lynette Castle, Joan
Schischka, Kristen Smith, Joseph Ross, Joan
Wass, Marie Traue, Joan Arnott, Warren Holt,
Scott Pirie, Peggy Smyth, Josephine Aoun, Lisette Wesseling, Lovest Reynolds, Agnes Duffy,
Sarah Dwyer, Heidi McGowan, John Clapham,
Jack Roux, Cassie Moody, Peter & Margaret
Honnan, Shirley Moore, Carla Enright, Cade
Lucinsky, Dr. Vipul Upadhyay, Virginia Keith,
Brian Dodd, Francis McNabney, Sebastion Bell,
Rosie Rowan, Bert Woolcott, David Maguire,
Ilona Demjen, Thomas Chant, Delia Morris,
Nola Goosman, Jane Millard, Eileen Waldmeyer,
Dang, Lydia Schweder, Phil Kemble, Ferdinand
Sombrero, Nola Wolfe, Glen Wedlock, Hercille
Kirchner, Louise Noble-Campbell, Katie Murray, Joan Carne, Caroline Egan, Toni Egan,
Maura Poots, Priscilla Stuart
Please contact the Parish Office to add or remove
names in the prayer list. Thank you.
CLEANING: Gaye Miles, Debbie Jenkins, Bridget Sutherland,
Kathy Long
FLOWERS: Jackie Charkow, Jeannette Wylie
LAWNS: Phil Clarke, John Walshe
CHILDREN’S LITURGY: No Children’s Liturgy
Co-Ordinator: Bryan Tutty
Hall Preparation: Cummins & Tutty
Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church, Howick
5.00: Karl Cummins, Bryan Tutty
6.30: Kevin McCormick, Elizabeth Stolten
8.00: Diane Church, John Cole
9.30: Joseph Xulue, Beatrice Copestake
5.30: Steve Carne, Loraine Elliott
5.00: Celine & Edmund Lee
6.30: Brandon & Eunice Tam, Wilma Viegas,
Aylwin Suva, Trish & Noel Vaughan, Ine Whitley,
Joseph Chiu
8.00: Holly Cho, Norma Crestanello, Sheryl De
Souza, Sandie D’Mello, Paul Dwyer, Gerard
Fletcher, Soji & George Joseph
9.30: John Downie, Erling Aronsen, Phillipa Bennetts, Carole Brajkovich, Peter Cary
5.30: Anthony Mukhtar, Ami Cooper, Fran Carne,
Nathan D’Mello, Melanie Fairweather
6.30: Trish & Noel Vaughan,
8.00: Teresa Jeffrey, Edward Borkin
9.30: Muller Family
5.30: Carne Family
6.30: Johanes Gouw, Rex O’Brien
8.00: Jeanine Tomasso, John Walshe
9.30: Anthony Spencer, Mark Spencer
5.30: Kieran Henkin, Patsy Dwyer
6.30: Irene Vas, Karen Noble-Campbell
8.00: Debbie & Andre Jenkins
9.30: Bernadette Pereira, Mark Spencer
5.30: Margaret Quiding
6.30: Dominic & Christian Stolten, Agape Rante
8.00: Nigel D’Mello, Jude Payne, Nathan Thachankary
9.30: Lewis Ng, Kelly Mascarenhas, Grace Mascarenhas
5.30: Bridgette Carne, Liam Bailey, Mariel Ponio
3pm Blessing of Graves & Benediction: Daniel
Bousfield, Amelia De La Vega, Justin Gumafelix
6.30: Maugan Stevens 8.00: Ria George 9.30:
Misha Pieters 5.30 Mary Ponio
6.30pm: Karen Noble-Campbell 8.00: Jeanine
Tomasso 9.30: Bernadette Pereira
6.30: Theotokos 8.00: Organ 9.30: 5.30: Organ
COUNTING: Pauline Chant, Mary love, Anneke
Office & Parish Centre: 18 Par khill Road, PO Box 38-276, Howick
Church: Cor ner of Picton & Par k Hill Roads
Parish Priest: Fr Tony Dunn
Parish Secretary: Linda Van Heer den
Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 10.00am -12.30pm; 1.00pm - 3.00pm
Phone: 534-8710 Email:[email protected]
Fax: 535 7563 Web address: www.howickcatholic.org.nz
Beachlands Mass Centre: Beachlands Community Hall
49 Wakelin Rd, Beachlands
26 October 2014, 30th Sunday In Ordinary Time
Masses for Sunday
Weekday Masses
Mon, Tue, Thur & Fri:
9.15am Mass
9.00am Mass
8.00am Mass
Reconciliation - Rite I
Saturday: After 8.00am Mass
1st Friday : After 9.15am Mass
Rosary: Weekdays after Mass
Novena: Our Lady of Perpetual
Help Wednesdays after 9.00am
1st Friday: Adoration 10.00am - 3.30pm
1st Sunday: Divine Mercy 2.50pm
3rd Friday: Healing Mass 9.15am
In Parish Centre:
St Vincent de Paul Committee:
Meeting every first Wednesday at
10.00am (downstairs).
Food bank open every Wednesday
after 9.00am Mass.
Need help? Please contact: David on
273 8859 or Patsy on 534 3940
Interested in becoming a Catholic?
An enquiry group meets every 2nd &
4th Tuesday at 7.30pm in the Parish
Centre or contact the parish office.
Ex. 22:20-26; Ps. 18; 1 Thes 1:5-10; Matt. 22:34-40
Is. 25:6-9; Ps. 26; Rom. 5:5-11; Matt. 11:25-30
Fit For Mission
This weeks Fit For Mission quote from the Diocese:
“An authentic faith which is never comfortable or completely
personal, always involves a deep desire to change the world
to transmit values, to leave this earth somehow better than we
found it.” What did you do this week to make the earth a
better place? What value did you transmit to those you met?
November is the month we remember our deceased family and
friends. Names of family and friends may be placed in the book
of remembrance which will be in the church during the month of
November. Please print name clearly and include date of death if
possible. The book of remembrance will come up with the offertory procession at each Mass and be placed in front of the altar
during the month of November.
A cross will also be placed in the sanctuary during November
where you will find two baskets of pebbles. You are invited to
write the names of your deceased loved ones on the pebbles and at
the end of the month they will be placed in the graveyard.
When we are baptised we become part of a living organism; the
Risen Body of Christ. Our hope of resurrection hinges on that
truth. Death, we hope, intensifies that incorporation into Christ.
The blessing of the graves reinforces our prayerful communion
with our dead and reminds us of our common baptism into Christ.
They need our prayer, as we do theirs. Prayer is the bridge over
the River Styx that carries our memories, our love and forgiveness
to them and theirs to us. You are encouraged to join the parish for
this time of prayer on the 2nd November at 3pm.
Pastor’s Column....
The late Cardinal Fulton Sheen tells the story of a seminar he was taking on the existence of God. He was
reflecting on God as the first cause, based on the simple
logic, that if you see an effect, you assume there was
something to cause it. You are watching TV at night
alone, you hear the back door bang, if you are of a
practical temperament you think a gust of wind caused
it, if you are inclined to fevered imaginings, you may fear
a crazed, knife wielding maniac has just broken into
your house. The Cardinal was arguing that you cannot
logically have an infinite number of causes; ultimately
something started the ball rolling. A woman interjected
and said; " No Cardinal you are wrong. The earth was
carried here and rests on the back of a giant turtle."
"Oh," said the Cardinal, "And where did the turtle come
from?" With a look of triumph the woman remarked:
"You can't catch me out Cardinal - its turtles all the way
Thinking about God is challenging and worth the challenge, since as St Paul said, quoting the ancient Cretan
philosopher Epimenides, "In Him we live and move and
have our being." Acts 17: 28
We are then challenged by St Thomas Aquinas when he
wrote: "Because we cannot know what God is, but
rather what He is not, we have no means for considering
how God is, but rather how He is not." (ST, 1, Q.3,
From this we can discover five attributes of God: Simplicity, Perfection, Infinity, Immutability and Unity.
We can indirectly get hints of what God is. It is Revelation that tells us Who God is: Father, Son and Holy
Spirit - one God, Three Persons.
It was the anonymous author of the spiritual classic;
"The Cloud of Unknowing," who rightly said that in this
life we may not ever grasp God with our minds, however
we can always reach Him with longing darts of love."
We have all come from God, we are here to freely chose
to accept God's friendship and our destiny is to immerse
ourselves in His life of infinite Beauty, Goodness and
Surely it is insanity not to love Him with our whole heart,
our whole mind and soul?
St Augustine says it succinctly: "You are great, O Lord,
and greatly to be praised; great is your power and your
wisdom is without measure. And man, so small a part of
your creation, wants to praise you; this man, though
clothed with immortality and bearing the evidence of sin
and the proof that you withstand the proud. Despite
everything, man, though but a small part of your creation, wants to praise you.
You yourself encourage him to delight in your praise, for you
have made us for yourself, and our heart is restless until it
rests in you."
That is why churches should be temples of encounter with
the living God, oases of silence and beauty, where the Real
Presence of Jesus is reverenced and where people can
pray, listening to" the only Word spoken by the Father, a
Word spoken eternally in silence". (St John of the Cross).
As Vatican II teaches: "Without the Creator, the creature
vanishes" (GS 36)
If love is evaluated by what we do, not so much by what we
say, is it too much to ask that we give God, our Father, one
hour out of the 168 that make up our week, to worship,
thank, ask and adore Him in the Eucharist, in and through
His Son Jesus, into whose Risen Being we are incorporated
through Baptism.
God Bless you all, Father Tony
Despite the wet weather the recent Gala Day was a great
success with a grand total of approximately $58,000 raised.
Thank you to the many parishioners who supported us with
donations, purchased cowpat lottery tickets or your presence at school on Gala Day, helping out at stalls or spending!! Your spirit of generosity is very much appreciated.
The Gala is a Community day and a wonderful celebration
of the school/parish family working together. Thank you.
These are still available from the parish office during office
Last chance to put your order in for the above. Please bring
completed forms, with payment to the Parish Office by
Sunday 26th October.
Thank you for your generosity. Amount collected from last
week’s collection amounted to $2177.90
Good Shepherd College invites you to the launch of a book
by Fr. Mervyn Duffy sm on Tuesday 28 October, 7.30pm at
St. Columba Centre, 40 Vermont Street, Ponsonby. More
information on noticeboard.
Baptised & Fit for Mission. Sunday 9 November 1.00pm
to 5.15pm (concludes with a light meal at 5.15pm and
Mass at 6.30pm.) Hosted by Bishop Patrick Dunn & Diocesan Presenters. St. Mark’s Parish, Pakuranga Rd.
Registrations essential. Register by Monday
3 November at [email protected] or call (09) 576 7959.
More information on noticeboard.
Mass Of Remembrance With Bishop Patrick Dunn
Friday 21st November at 7:00pm, St Mary’s 117 Onewa
Rd, Northcote. For all mothers, fathers and family members who have suffered the loss of a baby through miscarriage, still-birth or abortion. Also remembered at this Mass
will be the frozen embryos from IVF programs, due to be
discarded from November 22nd this year. For more information on the frozen embryos, visit Family Life International website www.fli.org.nz/prolifeevents or call Mark on 629
“Abby Johnson” a former Planned Parenthood clinic
director turned pro-life advocate will be sharing her powerful conversion story from being immersed in the abortion
industry to being an influential life advocate. Be inspired
and also get an inside view of what really drives the antilife agenda. Fr Jeremy Palman and Mrs Michelle Kaufman
will also be speaking at the mini-conference on December
6th 2014 2pm – 5pm at the Bruce Mason Centre in Takapuna. FREE entry although collection taken. Refreshments served.
For further info see www.fli.org.nz or
phone 08003675433
The Catholic Discipleship College invites you to a series
of evening retreats with Fr Dominique Faure. Monday 10
November – the Mystery of the Fatherhood, Wednesday
12 November – Adoration & Contemplation, Thursday 13
November – The Human Body in the Wisdom of God,
Friday 14 November – The Mystery of Suffering. 6.30pm –
Adoration, 7.30pm – Shared dinner (bring a dish to share),
8pm – Talk. CDC is at 103 College Road, Northcote. Please phone Anne Marie on 09 480 0548, or email:
[email protected] to book. Check out our website: cdc.ac.nz
for more details.
Auckland Fiji Catholic Community Fair
Sat 8th Nov 2014, 9:00am–4:00pm. St Pius Parish School
Grounds, 101 Castledine Cres , Glen Innes. All Welcome.
Amazing food, great music, books, clothing, entertainment,
white elephant, quick fire, games/ toys, sweets and baking.
A wonderful day of family fun , come and be part of this
Inaugural Event and great Community. Loads of free parking. Contact : James Kado 0211672845 / Jason Kean
Hi All
The next Youth Event is our Youth families BBQ & Bonfire
Night. This will be held on Saturday 8th November. An
email with the details of this event will be sent to Youth
Group members shortly.
The next Youth Leaders meeting is in early November.
We hope you will all be able to make it along this time.
Youth Contacts: Fran and Steve on 530 8911
[email protected]
Recent Papal Tweets: Pope Francis@Pontifex
‘To change the world we must be good to those who
cannot repay us.’
Diocesan Activity:
Check out the noticeboard for the ’Diocesan Youth Events’
or go to www.akyouth.org.nz to keep up to date.
Side-by-side Mentoring trains everyday people to be the
link between our young families and our church and school
communities. It affirms parents/carers in their most important role of raising children, and offers the love, wisdom
and the experience of the faith community to support them.
It is a voluntary ministry and so works around the time
each mentor has available, as well as their preferred way
of approaching and supporting people. An information
evening for those interested will be held on Thursday 6
November at Pompallier Diocesan Centre, Poynton Room
7 - 8pm. To register please contact Delia on 360 3027 or
Sr. Sian on 360 3056
Mercy Spirituality Centre
104 The Drive, Epsom. 09 638-6238
[email protected] Booking is essential
Contemporary Reflections on Advent and Christmas
with JOY RYAN-BLOORE (Christchurch), Friday eve –
Sunday 31 Oct-2 Nov. Residential or non-residential.
Introduction to Dreamwork with MARGARET
BOWATER, 7-8 November
Retreat Day -- In-Seeing with ANDREW PRITCHARD,
Friday 21 Nov (for artists, writers and crafters).
Edwina Gateley (USA) retreat Day in Auckland 15 February 2015. Early-bird fees apply. Booking is essential.
Joshua Men’s Fellowship next monthly meeting. Wed 29
October 2014 - 7.30pm - 9.30pm St Josephs Centre,