St Christopher’s Cathedral Parish, Canberra The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed 1/2nd November 2014 Weekend Mass Times St Christopher’s Cathedral (SCC) Cnr Franklin & Furneaux Streets, Forrest (Manuka) ACT Sunday: 8.00am, 11.00am, 5.30pm Archdiocese of Canberra & Goulburn Archbishop: Most Rev Christopher Prowse DD STD Vicar General: Mgr John Woods Acting Administrator: Fr Varghese Vavolil St Peter Chanel’s Church: Fr Peter L’Estrange SJ ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Just as Jesus died and has risen again, so through Jesus God will bring with him those who have fallen asleep; and as in Adam all die, so also in Christ will all be brought to life. RESP. PSALM. R: The Lord is my light and my salvation. St Peter Chanel’s Church (SPC) Cnr Weston & Loch Streets, Yarralumla ACT Saturday: 6.00pm Vigil Sunday: 9.30am Weekday Mass Times St Christopher’s Cathedral Monday: 12.15pm Tuesday to Friday: 6.45am, 12.15pm Saturday: 12.15pm St Peter Chanel’s Church Tuesday: 5.30pm Thursday: 10.00am, following 9.30am Adoration GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! This is the will of my Father, says the Lord, that I should lose nothing of all that he has given to me, and that I should raise it up on the last day. Alleluia! COMMUNION ANTIPHON: I am the Resurrection and the Life, says the Lord. Whoever believes in me, even though he dies, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will not die for ever. As a parish we pray for… Those to be baptised Grace Rezo Reconciliation Those to be married Makis Marmaridis & Lucy Stackpool St Christopher’s Cathedral Those who are ill Betty O’Brien, Helen Burt, Hazel Lamdin, Frances Beattie, Terry Conlan, Henry Friend, Gwen Winchester, Elizabeth Hall, Melanie Swan, Ana Marko, Timothy Batinich, John Wilson, Rachel Capps, Fr Phil Harding Thursday: 6.00 - 6.30pm Saturday: 11.00am - 12noon St Peter Chanel’s Church Tuesday: 6.00 - 6.30pm Saturday: 5.15 - 5.45pm Perpetual Novena to Mary St Christopher’s Cathedral Wednesday: 6.00pm Anointing Mass First Thursday of the month at St Peter Chanel’s Church, 10.00am Mass for the Anointing of the Sick. ______________________________________________________ Baptisms by appointment on second and fourth Sundays at St Christopher’s and on third Sundays at St Peter Chanel’s. Weddings by appointment on Saturday afternoons. Anniversaries of death Gerald Billings, Anna Maria Murphy, Genevieve & David Crossin, William Stanislaws James Duffy Recently deceased Raymond Fry, Ido Costaganna, Sr Mary Esler RSM Special intentions Families Thompson, Bekar, Calago, Degracia, Pasigna, Mahinay, Cezar, Pipito, Gabriel & James (RIP); Ralph, Allan & Leo Biggs (RIP) _________________________________________________________________________ Holy Days this week Mon 3 Nov Tue 4 Nov Fri 7 Nov Sun 9 Nov St Martin de Porres St Charles Borromeo Day of Penance Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Optional (green) Memorial (white) (green) Feast (white) Parish Office: Cathedral Presbytery, 55 Franklin Street, Forrest ACT 2603 Tel: (02) 6295 9555, Email: [email protected], Website: Office hours: Monday to Friday, 9.00am-12.15pm, 1.15-5.00pm; Parish Secretary: Jacinta Smallhorn OUR PARISH PARISH MINISTRIES Director of Music Jaki Kane School of Religion Muriel Joseph PPC Chair Keith Baker Pastoral Care Practitioner Elizabeth Porra Young Adults Leaders Jonathan Lee & Genevieve Nicoll Accounts Linda Casella & Karina Widjaja Lector/EMHC Coordinators Edwina & Mark Hyman Maintenance Manager Pieter van Gent Devotional Groups in our Parish Serra Club Encouraging and affirming vocations to Priestly and Consecrated life NOVEMBER: MONTH OF THE HOLY SOULS During the month of November the 12.15pm Mass on Fridays at the Cathedral will be set apart for your intentions. November Mass Offering envelopes have been placed for collection in both churches. You may inscribe the names of your dear departed on an envelope with your offering and put it in the collection basket or hand it in at the Parish Office. The All Souls chapel at the back of Cathedral is open from around 6.30am-6.30pm every day for you to pray for your departed family and friends, and is a quiet place to be still and reflect. ‘FIRST FRIDAY’ ADORATION As customary at the Cathedral on the first Friday of the month, Adoration will take place this Friday 7th November from 12.452.00pm, following the 12.15pm Mass. All welcome to join in and pray, particularly for Vocations. MGL ORDINATIONS TO DIACONATE & PRIESTHOOD All are welcome to attend the upcoming Ordinations to the Diaconate of MGLs Isuru Weliwatte and Lenin Thenamirtham, and to the Priesthood of MGL Izak Belyanan, at St Christopher’s Cathedral on Friday 14th November at 7pm. DN DOMINIC BYRNE: PRIESTLY ORDINATION All are welcome to attend Deacon Dominic’s Ordination to the Priesthood at St Christopher’s Cathedral on Friday 21st November at 7pm. MISSION SUNDAY Thank you for contributing to the World Mission Sunday appeal last weekend. If you would still like to make a donation, envelopes are available at the church entrance and can be taken home or placed with your donation today in the collection plate. Cathedral Young Adults Animating parish and Archdiocesan life through prayer and event participation Jesus Youth Catholic charismatic youth reaching out to other young people Good Shepherd Prayer Group Renewing spiritual life through regular charismatic prayer and seminars Syro-Malabar Rite Our Catholic brothers and sisters following the East Syrian Rite liturgy Legion of Mary Sharing the faith through charitable works and Marian spirituality Spanish community Meeting for Mass in Spanish together one Sunday every month African community Meeting for Mass together one Sunday every month St Vincent de Paul Assisting people in need and combatting social injustice in our community Christian Meditation Meeting regularly for silent contemplation in an ecumenical context For contact details of any of these groups, inquire of the Parish Office. LITURGICAL MINISTRIES ROSTER Lectors Mass 1/2 November Extraordinary Ministers of Eucharist 8/9 November 1/2 November 8/9 November 6.00pm (SPC) July Blundell Sheila van Gent Tan Roberts Frances Bulbrook Margaret Phelan Mary Debus Sue Buckingham Margaret McKinnon 8.00am (SCC) Phil Pocock [Assigned] Patrick Jones Mineke Peerboom Betty O’Brien Phillip Pocock 9.30am (SPC) Gloria Osborne Lynn Chan Colliss Parrett Jaye Longland 11.00am (SCC) Edwina Hyman Ceciley Matthews Multicultural Mass Jacqueline Hipwell Mark Hyman Ceciley Matthews Edwina Hyman 5.30pm (SCC) Damien Balachandran Marcelle Disanayake Youth Mass Wilfred & Margaret Lawrence Mary Lou & Robert Davies Helen Jacobs Terry Murphy OUR ARCHDIOCESE & BEYOND ARE YOU BEING CALLED? Vocations Discernment Weekend: A relaxed and prayerful weekend open to all single men and women (in Year 11 or older) who want to reflect on their direction in life - especially on discerning a call to Priestly or Religious life. This weekend will have presenters such as recently ordained Fr Paul Nulley and Sr Therese Mills mgl, and will take the form of a pilgrimage journey from St Christopher’s Cathedral to the Archbishop’s House and then to the scenic monastery at Galong. Cost is $50 (concessions available). Dates: Friday 21st November - Sunday lunch 23rd November; rsvp 17th November. See the flyer in the church foyer for more information, or contact Fr Emil Milat (02) 4474 2024 / [email protected], or visit the Archdiocesan website and click on ‘Vocations’. ‘GUINNESS AND GOD’ Tuesday 11th November: “How pornography is ruining your life”. Melinda Tankard Reist, the co-founder of Collective Shout, is an author and speaker on the objectification of women and girls. She will be exploring the impact of pornography on our daily lives and culture. Venue: King O’Malley’s Irish Pub in Civic. Dinner and some live music from 6.30pm, talk starting at 7.30pm. For more info email [email protected] or call 6163 4300. ST BENEDICT’S, NARRABUNDAH warmly invites all to a Healing Mass, with special attention to praying for the healing of mental health and addictions of all kinds. When: Friday 7th November, 5.30pm. “I came that you might have life, and have it to the full” (Jn 10:10). A FUNDRAISING CARD DAY with proceeds to L’Arche Genesaret will be held on Monday 1st December at the Canberra Bowling Club, Hobart Avenue, Forrest from 10am to 2pm. Cost: $20 per head, including tea, coffee, lunch, wine/juice. If you would like to attend and can arrange a table of 4 to play a card or board game, please contact Di 6241 2658 or Mary 6258 1739. RSVP by 26th November. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION The Australian Christian Meditation Community (ACMC) invites you to take part in “Christian Meditation - the Heart of Creation” with Fr Laurence Freeman OSB in December: Friday 5th (7.30pm-9.30pm) and Saturday 6th (9.30am-3.30pm) at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture, Blackall Street, Barton ACT. Registration in advance for 5-6th December in Canberra via the flyer available in the church foyer; also available from Rod and Susan Page (02) 6281 2378, or by accessing the ACMC website: NationalConference2014.pdf. ‘THE WAR TO END ALL WARS: Our Responsibility to Those who Died’ A public forum to consider Australia’s World War I commemoration and whether it pays appropriate respect to those who died believing in a better world. DATE: Tuesday 4th November at 7.30–9.30pm, followed by tea/coffee. VENUE: Australian Centre for Christianity & Culture, 15 Blackall Street, Barton ACT. Enquiries: Maureen Cummuskey: 6249 7824 / [email protected]; or Sue Warehamph: 6253 1117 / [email protected]. RETREAT DAY AT ST CLEMENT’S on the Spirituality of Charles de Foucauld - conducted by Fr Peter Ryan CSsR: 7-9th November. To book: Jacqueline Donohue on 6251 3950 or Maria Noronha on 0413 617 390. ENGLISH TEACHER NEEDED Volunteer retired secondary school English teacher needed, preferably with ESL experience, to teach East Timorese novices of Missionaries of God’s Love. More information, contact: Fr Ken Barker, [email protected] 0403 044 394. ALL DOMINICAN REUNION LUNCH You are invited to the Canberra All Dominican Reunion Lunch, to be held on Saturday 15th November at The Southern Cross Club, 92-96 Corinna Street, Phillip, at 12noon in the main dining room. Enquiries to Mrs Mary Cruickshank(nee Glover): 6254 4084 / [email protected]; or Mrs Barbara Gardiner (nee Snowden): 6251 1331 / [email protected]. St Martin de Porres: Feast Day 3 November According to the sources, God endowed St Martin de Porres with many graces and wondrous gifts, such as aerial flights and bilocation. He also possessed spiritual wisdom, demonstrated in his solving his sister’s marriage problems, raising a dowry for his niece inside three days, and resolving theological problems for the learned of his Order and for bishops. A close friend of St Rose of Lima, he died on 3rd November 1639 and was canonised on 6th May 1962. ( Readings of the Day - All Souls’ Day First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9 The Lord will destroy Death for ever. On this mountain, the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples a banquet of rich food. On this mountain he will remove the mourning veil covering all peoples, and the shroud enwrapping all nations, he will destroy Death for ever. The Lord God will wipe away the tears from every cheek; he will take away his people’s shame everywhere on earth, for the Lord has said so. That day, it will be said: See, this is our God in whom we hoped for salvation; the Lord is the one in whom we hoped. We exult and we rejoice that he has saved us. Second Reading: Romans 5:5-11 Having been justified by his blood, we will be saved from God’s anger through him. Hope is not deceptive, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given us. We were still helpless when at his appointed moment Christ died for sinful men. It is not easy to die even for a good man – though of course for someone really worthy, a man might be prepared to die – but what proves that God loves us is that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Having died to make us righteous, is it likely that he would now fail to save us from God’s anger? When we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, we were still enemies; now that we have been reconciled, surely we may count on being saved by the life of his Son? Not merely because we have been reconciled but because we are filled with joyful trust in God, through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have already gained our reconciliation. Gospel: Matthew 11:25-30 You have hidden these things from the learned and have revealed them to mere children. Jesus exclaimed, ‘I bless you, Father, Lord of heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing them to mere children. Yes, Father, for that is what it pleased you to do. Everything has been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, just as no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. ‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’ Excerpts from the English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL); and The Lectionary for Mass © 1969, 1981 & 1997, ICEL. All rights reserved. On Praying for the Dead On the Feast of All Souls, we pray for the souls of all those who have died. There are many choices of readings for this day, all focussing on our belief in the resurrection of the dead and Jesus’ promise of eternal life. The Gospel story of the raising of Lazarus offers us many important insights about this aspect of our faith. Jesus was good friends with Lazarus and his sisters Martha and Mary. Lazarus had fallen ill, and Martha and Mary had sent word to Jesus. Jesus delays his journey to them, however, and when he arrives in Bethany, he finds that Lazarus is dead and has been buried for four days. The scene described at Bethany is a sad one; Lazarus and his family have many friends who have come to mourn his death. Martha goes out to meet Jesus when he arrives. She cries with him, saying that if Jesus had been there, Lazarus would not have died. Yet she remains confident that God will do whatever Jesus asks. Jesus consoles her with the promise that Lazarus would rise from the dead. Martha affirms her belief that there will be resurrection of the dead in the last days. Jesus promises her even more; he says that he himself is the Resurrection and the life for all those who believe in him. Martha professes her faith in this, acknowledging that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God. This is the profession of faith we continue to make, and it is the promise on which we base our hope for eternal life for ourselves and for all those who have died. In his death and Resurrection, Jesus has conquered death for all those who believe in him. We believe that we continue to share a relationship with those who have died. When we pray for the souls of the faithful departed, we are praying for those whose souls are journeying through purgatory, being prepared for eternal life in heaven. We believe that our prayers for them will help to speed their journey to eternal life with God in heaven. ( St Christopher’s Cathedral Parish encompasses the areas of Barton, Causeway, Deakin, Forrest, Fyshwick, Griffith, Kingston, Manuka, Parkes, Red Hill, Yarralumla
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