Paeroa College College Comment “Excellence in Everything”

Paeroa College
“Excellence in Everything”
College Comment
Thursday 23rd October 2014
The College was blessed with beautiful weather for our annual top team’s competition on Friday
afternoon. This felt like an opportunity to celebrate the strengths of the College and I was delighted with
the enthusiasm of all of our students, staff and associated adults who helped out. Modern learning is
reliant on collaboration and sharing of ideas whilst the traditional values of effort, hard work and a good
attitude to whatever you are doing still ring true. To see this being demonstrated so visibly was a
delightful experience and I felt proud to be associated with the College on such a good day.
Sport of a more competitive nature is also an opportunity to demonstrate the skills mentioned above and
I am (at the time of writing) looking forward to the Sports’ Prize-giving this evening. Paeroa College is
known for the strength of its Sport and this is down in no small part to the enthusiasm and efforts of
Dahli Tui-Taylor, Ava Meek and the legions of volunteers, coaches, managers, Mums, Dads and obviously
the participants themselves. Research has shown that students that are connected to a College are much
more likely to succeed in their overall studies and sport is one of the excellent ways to encourage a sense
of belonging. My thanks obviously goes out to everyone associated with our sports, from the enthusiastic
supporter to the hardiest coach – Thank you!
Finally, we are now entering our final push towards achievement for our Senior Students. One of the
particular extra interventions that we are putting in place this term is a chance for those who are likely
to get close to a Level 1 or 2 and just miss out, an opportunity to gain a few extra credits. This will be on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of Week 4 (following the Academic Prize-giving) and all of Week 5. The
programme is being planned by Ms Grimmer, Mr Van Der Wetering and Mr Coe so if you require any
details please contact those staff. If we believe that your child is at risk of missing out we will contact you
to let you know.
Best Wishes
Doug Black
Important Contact Details
Year 9 Dean – Sharon Hooper extension 259
email: [email protected]
Year 10 Dean – Debbie Laker extension 251
email: [email protected]
Year 11 Dean – Karen Mclean extension 224
email: [email protected]
Year 12 Dean – Darren van de Wetering ext 230
email: [email protected]
Year 13 Dean - Miah Williams ext 240
email: miahw
Careers – Denise Grimmer ext 223
email: [email protected]
Learning Support – Sharon Hooper ext 259
email: [email protected]
Fees/Invoice Issues – Wendy Luckie ext 203
[email protected]
Absences – Extension 201 or dial 1 at the
School Absentees – Txt 022 -132-9917
Student Centre Deb Berry – Extension 201
Debbie Gould – Extension 222
General Enquiries dial 1 at the prompt
Principal – Doug Black ext 204
email: [email protected]
Deputy Principal – Rod Coe ext 205
email: [email protected]
Deputy Principal – Jocelyn Hale ext 206
email: [email protected]
Paeroa College
P.O. Box 144
Phone: 07 862 7579
Fax: 07 862 7578
Top Team
Top Team
About Town
BOT Update
Paeroa Swim Club AGM and registration night is
Tuesday 28th October at 5.30 p.m. at the Paeroa
pool. All new and existing members are welcome to
 thing we learn as BOT members is that if we want our
students to succeed then we need to be forward focused
and have a positive attitude-and not focus on those things
we can't change. At this month's meeting information and
reports were given that show that our school is on track
and moving forwards. Curriculum changes for 2015 are
being finalised, including a new integrated learning
programme for Year 9, a 'Cafe Academy' at NCEA Level 2,
and a Maori Performing Arts Level 1, 2 and 3 course (1
course in total).
Rebekah Warren, Centre Director of Thames Valley
Alternative Education Centre (TVAEC) gave an informative
presentation on what programmes the students are
involved in and how the centre operates. Discussion
followed on how the contributing schools can best be
Term 4 is when family and whanau can join in celebrating
the fantastic achievements of our students this year. There
are several prize-giving events that we would love to see
you attend. Note down the dates.
All the best to our Senior students in their examinations. To
those who are leaving College we wish you the very best-be
forward focused and have a positive attitude.
Next BOT meeting is Monday November 17th at 7pm in the
Seminar Room. All are welcome.
2014-2015 Paeroa Amateur Athletics Season
Wednesday nights starting at 6.30 p.m. sharp from
Wed 22nd October 2014. You are still able to register
so come and have some fun, from $12.50 per child at
the Paeroa Domain every Wednesday night.
Paeroa Lions 25th Annual Guy Fawkes Night
Saturday 1st November gates open at 6 p.m.
Top Team
Our MotoX team came 3rd equal at the
Nailing the Peat event last Friday.
More results next week.
Mon 27 Oct – Labour Day holiday
 Mon 17th Nov – BOT Meeting 7.00p.m.
Tues 4th Nov – Senior Prize-giving
 Tues 2nd – Fri 5th Dec – Year 10 Camp
Mon 10th Nov – NCEA Exams begin
 Wed 3rd Dec – Junior Reports posted
Mon 17th – Thurs 20th Nov – Junior
 Mon 8th Dec – Junior Prize-giving &
Last Day of School