Datex Business Intelligence (BI) Base Configuration | Workflow Introduction

Datex Business Intelligence (BI)
Base Configuration | Workflow
When we started Datex in 1998, we knew that we were solving a real problem. We knew
this because we were working closely with a set of highly dedicated, visionary clients
spending six figures annually to make their real estate portfolios smarter and more efficient.
A few years ago, this led us to think long and hard about the common “core product” that
underlies each client’s workflow, and more specifically, how it could be streamlined and
improved upon.
The product that this yielded we call Datex Business Intelligence, or Datex BI. It comes
in two flavors: Base Configuration and Workflow. Base Configuration is an overlay
to your property management and accounting software. It uses data warehousing
to enable you to better track, visualize and understand the different flows of your
business. Workflowis focused on automating best practices.
Base Configuration creates a data store of your core real estate portfolio data, and numerous
ways to visualize and work with that data in a pushbutton fashion.
Workflow is built around the rules that govern your business. It systematizes, automates and
tracks the key recurring processes in your organization.
Does it Work?
In a typical deployment, Property Managers, Accountants, Executives and In-House Leasing
personnel use Datex BI on a daily basis to get their jobs done.
Users are given access to just the portions of the data that correspond to their role, region
or portfolio.
As property managers and accountants see the greatest measureable productivity gains with
Datex BI, we did a review of key clients representing 25 million square feet of retail space
and 4,500 retail merchants. We wanted to gauge the operational efficiency of Datex BI, by
comparing “Before Datex” to “After Datex” outcomes. What we found was pretty astounding.
The conclusion is that headcount expense is a category that can be made more efficient
through introspection, automation and pushbutton simplicity. The ROI is clear.
Fair and Transarent Pricing
Datex BI is priced under a Per Lease Subscription Pricing Model. Pricing includes training.
The only fixed out-of-pocket cost is the Implementation Cost, which works out to $5,000
(or less) in Standard Configurations.
In addition, the platform can be customized to meet a client’s specific workflow, user
experience or integration needs (additional cost).
Finally, there are optional modules for Site Visits, Investor Portal, Tenant Portal, and
Construction Tracking.You can pick and choose based upon your needs.
Schedule a Demo
Datex Business Intelligence delivers significant cost
reduction, yields operational efficiencies, process &
quality control, and provides clear mechanisms to
identify and capture upsidein your portfolio.
Best of all, it’s battle-tested. Judge for yourself by
scheduling a demo today.