Prayer Request TODAY IN WORSHIP Sunday, October 26 Ryan Newton, Doug Ryan, Nancy Vining Date: _________________________________ Prelude FBC Orchestra Name of person making request: You are invited to a ________________________________________ ________________________________________ “To The King” “Whom Shall I Fear?” Sarah Alpe Monday, October 27 Cathy Gunnels, Jeff Holt, Preston Ellington bride elect of Eric Neihouse “How Great Is Our God” TODAY 11:00 AM 5:00 PM 6:15 PM for 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Fellowship Hall Life Group (Adults) First Worship Service Life Groups (All Ages) Hispanic Sunday School - 310 S. Glenwood Life Groups Hispanic Worship Service - 310 S. Glenwwod Second Worship Service Pastor’s Bible Study - Sanctuary Adult Life Groups C-3 Children’s Life Groups “3” Worship Service - Fellowship Hall 10:50 AM Wedding Shower Phone number of person making request: 8:00 AM 9:15 AM 9:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM-11:45 AM 5:30-8:30 PM Tuesday, October 28 Offertory “Christ Is Able” FBC Choir & Orchestra She is registered at Millyn’s, Rose Drug, Flowers Etc, Belk Message - Jay Ham is available in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall on Sundays and Wednesday evenings for those of you who use Bible apps which require internet access. “The Nations & Mission: To the Ends of the Earth” “Christ Is Risen” Look for network name “Sunday FBC.” Tami Hollowoa 6:15 AM 9:30 AM-2:30 PM Wednesday, October 29 5:00 PM 6:00 PM-7:30 PM 6:00 PM-7:00 PM How Many October 26, 2014 Wednesday Night Meal - Fellowship Hall AWANA Adult Bible Study led by Keith Shipley - E100 Men’s Bible Study led by Jay Ham - Upper Room Women’s Bible Study - E225 Hispanic Bible Study - 300 S. Glenwood Discover FBC Class - E 233 Adult Choir Rehearsal Orchestra Rehearsal Men’s Bible Study - led by Jay Ham - Upper Room 6:00 PM - 7:15 PM 6:00 PM-7:30 PM 6:30 PM-7:30 PM 7:30 PM Thursday, October 30 Jack Snider, Ron Newton, Drew Smith Precept Bible Study - Colossians - Room W 216 Women’s Bible Study - Led by Kristel Hines - FH Mother’s Day Out Women’s Book Study - in homes Precept Bible Study - Colossians - Room W 216 9:15 AM 9:30 AM-11:30 AM 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM 1:00 PM 7:00 PM “511” October 29, 2014 Men’s Bible Study - led by Mike Cloud - FH Mother’s Day Out Kevin Beavers, Nathaniel Lutz, Doise Horn, Ashlyn Dale, Kathy Brunetti, Quentin Hanna, Melanie Elmore, Greg Hatfield, Paige Thomas, Megon Oliver The password is SancT2014. Wednesday Meal Reservation Bells of Joy Handbell Rehearsal Senior Adult Outreach Choir Celebrate Recovery Dinner, Worship & Small Groups When “511” is displayed on the black security panels in the sanctuary, it means that we have more children than expected and need help. If you can help, please report to the newborn nursery (Room E-102) for further instructions. Friday, October 31 Noah Knight, Bob Williams, Brad Palmer FBC Russellville 200 South Denver (72801) PO Box 36 (72811) Russellville, AR 968-1316 Thank you for responding quickly. Meal #1 ($4.00 each) Chili Dog, Fritos, Salad Bar, Cookie 5:00 PM-10:00 PM College/International Students dinner & fellowship Saturday, November 1 Becky Frazier, Kent Bartlett, Lauren Goodman, Dylan Rice, Logan Monk, Austin Housley Meal #2 ($3.00 each) Hot Dog, Cheetos, Cookie Your Name: ___________________________ Please check here if you would like to be placed on the permanent reservation list. Cancellations and new reservations must be made by noon on Tuesday. For more info, or to make your reservations, please call Janice at 968-1316, ext 275. October 26 .indd 1 Pastor First Baptist Church Greg Sykes 970-5797 [email protected] Family Pastors Children & Families Youth & Families College/Int Students Brandon Mistler Dusty Lindsey Justin Myrick 970-5008 970-5003 970-0038 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Equipping Pastors Education & Assimilation Missions/Outreach/Recreation Worship/Music Generosity (Finance/Administration) Mike Cloud Jay Ham Robert Ramsey Larry Walker 747-0333 970-5004 970-5009 970-5351 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Staff Preschool Ministries Facilities Pastor-Mision Bautista Ebenezer Senior Adult Ministries Darlene Jernigan Darren Richardson Manuel Mendoza Keith Shipley 747-9226 857-2183 747-7090 857-5911 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 10/22/2014 4:39:47 PM Welcome to FBC! 2015 Deacons On November 9th, we as a church will be voting to approve the following men who were nominated by the church and who meet the biblical qualifications for serving as a deacon of the First Baptist Church of Russellville. If approved, an Ordination/Installation service will take place on Sunday, November 16th at 5:00 PM in the sanctuary. ~Our Church Family~ Our deepest sympathy is extended to: Diane, Jon Dylan & Brittany West, Debbie Crow, Sheri Sykes in the loss of their husband/father/brother-in-law/ uncle, Barry Tippen Hour of Worship (circle one) 9:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Kevin Rogers - Kevin and his wife Melissa have been members of FBC since 2008. They have 2 young sons - Beckett & Cooper. Mr. Turn your clocks back 1 hour this Saturday evening before you go to bed! night! November 2nd - “Discipleship and Mission: Make Disciples” - Keith Shipley November 9th - “Integrity and Mission: Character Counts” - Greg Sykes October 26 .indd 2 We had a great time at the Awana Grand Prix on Wednesday. We had some very unique race car designs. Our clubbers showed great sportsmanship. Way to go racers!! Ed Freyaldenhoven Bob Jones Rodger Magness Brad Palmer Wendell Van Es Staff Sermon Series TODAY - “The Nations and Mission: To the Ends of the Earth” - Jay Ham Mrs. Miss (circle one) Address__________________________________ Deacons who will continue to serve for the 2015 year Tom Baker David Bauman Gary Denton Ben Goodman Jacob Hill Hank Jacobs Glen Kile Jim Knight Danny Lyons Kent McCoy Bill McKelvy David Nelson Tim Pugh Dan Raines Chuck Stuckey 6:15 p.m. Name____________________________________ Previously Ordained/To be Installed Stacy Barton - Stacy has been a member of FBC since 2006. He and his wife Tracy have 2 daughters - Brady and Brenlee. Kenny Bell - Kenny joined FBC in 2003. He and his wife Celeste have a grown daughter, Monica Irwin and 2 grandchildren. Bruce Brown - Bruce joined FBC in 1997. He and his wife Debbie have 2 grown children - Austin & Taylor. James Carter - Jim has been a member of FBC since 1971. He and his wife Wanda have 4 grown children - Jamie Sykes, Tim, Todd, Mark and several grandchildren. Joe Cloud - Joe joined FBC in 2004. Joe and his wife Cheri have 3 grown sons - Rus, Corey, Joshua and 2 grandchildren. Marvin Collier - Marvin joined FBC in 1995. He and his wife have 3 grown sons - Dirk, Brad, Scott and several grandchildren. Gabe Freyaldenhoven - Gabe has been a member of FBC since 1991. He and his wife have 3 young children - Madison, Logan and Molly. Lance Garner - Lance joined FBC in 1996 (moved away in 2002; returned in 2007). He and his wife Brittney have 4 children Payton, Hannah, Haley and Harmony. Greg Hines - Greg has been a member of FBC since 1993. He and his wife Missy have 3 children - John Coday, Hannah and Holly. (Please Print) Date _________________________________ Shane Hughes in the loss of her mother, Shannon Ingram. To Be Ordained Guest Information Welcome to Our Guests From Our Pastor: Thank you so much for joining us for worship and Bible study this morning! It’s certainly our prayer that you feel welcome and enjoy your visit to FBC. If you are a visitor, I’d ask you to please fill out the form to the right of this note and either drop it in the offering plate or hand it in at one of our welcome desks -- we’d love to present you with a gift and thank you for your visit. Jay Ham, our Pastor of Missions, Outreach and Recreation, continues our staff sermon series on missions today with a look at “The Nations and Mission - To the Ends of the Earth,” from Matthew 9:35-38. State___________ ZIP_____________ Phone (H)________________________________ Phone (C) ________________________________ E-mail________________________________ Marital Status (circle one) Married Single Widow Are you an active member of another church? (Circle one) Yes No _____ 1st time guest _____ 2nd time guest _____ Regular Attender Please list yourself & family members visiting with you: PRESCHOOL EXTENDED TEACHING CARE 10:45 AM Preschool Desk Kristi Babb Back Hall Jennifer Taylor Upstairs Desk Brandi Richardson Cocoon 1 Kristel Hines, Jay Jernigan, Brooke Ramsey, Deanna Kile Cocoon 2 Linda South, Brad & Lydia Miller Roly Polies Rebecca Blythe, Nathaniel & Lisa Chaffin Caterpillars Jim Abele, Preston & Angie Ellington Lady Bugs Lea Canady, Josie Chacon Today’s Deacons: Honeybees Alisha Beason, Paige May Grasshoppers Kathy & Keagan Shipley, Ben Brixey Crickets Grant Gebhardt, Holly Hines Dragonflies Terry, Susan & Summer Russell Centipedes Rob Jacobson, Anna Hughes Harry Simcox - 1st Service Prayer Mission Hall Welcome Center - 9:00am Ed Freyaldenhoven - 2nd Service Prayer Denver Street Welcome Center - after service Bob Jones - 5:00 PM Prayer Denver Street Welcome Center - 10:45am Bill McKelvy- Nursery - 10:50am Gap Prayer - Ed Freyaldenhoven, Bob Jones, Bill McKelvy Spiders Earleen Hambrick, Kristy Freyaldenhoven Thanks to our volunteers serving in Children’s Church today for Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: Joyce Larkin, Chad & Melissa Moorhead, Craig & Connie Campbell, Danny & Amber Vines City_____________________________________ Then He said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” Matthew 9:37-38 Name Age ______________________________ ______ ______________________________ ______ ______________________________ ______ ______________________________ ______ Guests: Please take a moment to complete the “Welcome to FBC!” form to the right, so that we can get to know you better and minister to you more effectively. ______________________________ ______ Please check all that apply: ______ I am interested in joining FBC ______ I would like someone to visit me. ______ I am interested in attending a Life Group. ______ I would like to know how to become a Christian. Please take this form to our Welcome Booth in the East Foyer or in the Mission Hall to receive a gift. Thank you for worshipping with us. 10/22/2014 4:39:54 PM
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