Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Lower Susquehanna Synodical Women’s Organization Volume 63 Number 5 Purpose Statement September/October 2014 Inside this issue: As a community of women created in the image of God, called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, President’s Letter 2 Project Report 3 LWR 4&5 Triennial News 6-8 Covered with God’s Love 9 Fair Trade Fair 10 Camp Hebron 10 Board Listing 11 We commit ourselves to grow in faith, affirm our gifts, support one another in our callings, Camp Hebron attendees—There will be a craft time Saturday afternoon at Camp Hebron. Craft Items - Needed to Bring Please bring a pair of scissors for the craft project. engage in ministry and action, and promote healing and wholeness Address Corrections in the church, the society, Tenth Triennial Gathering 9th Triennial Theme Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in. Isaiah 58:12 Pre-register now for the Tenth Triennial Gathering, July 1316, 2017, to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota—effective now through December 31, 2014, for the reduced price of $280 (great savings!) To preregister go to: http:// www.welcatg.org/ preregistration-for2017. Remember to send your snail mail and email corrections for News & Views to Donna Greifzu, 422 Cleveland Avenue, Waynesboro, PA 17268,or email changes: [email protected]. Please let your women know that if they have the internet, they can access their own copy of the newsletter on the synod website. Go to www.lss-elca org. Once at the home page, see across the top of the page to CONGREGATIONS (fourth option) and WOMEN OF THE ELCA is the fourth option down the list. Very easy find! President’s Message Women of the LS SWO Prayer Ministry The Women of the LS SWO has an ongoing prayer ministry - "Prayer Warriors" and they would like to have you on their prayer chain. If you want to participate as a “Prayer Warrior,” contact Mary Hafer at 234-5442 and talk with her. This prayer ministry is set up much like many prayer chains that are in our congregations. Currently there are 10 participants and new women are welcome to join in this prayer ministry at any time. Dear Fellow Lutheran Women, I would like to introduce myself. I’m your newly elected President of the Lower Susquehanna Synodical, Women of the ELCA. While I am a bit overwhelmed with this responsibility, I am also joy filled to serve our organization. We are powerful, faith-filled , active, women called to service in Christ. There are many gifted women, quilting, advocating for justice, making up LWR Kits and myriad of other ministries. We also grow in faith through Bible Study, prayer, and our relationships with each other. Please pray for me, our Board, and organization so that we can carry out the tasks, and service Jesus asks of us. You can access the minutes for the 27th Annual Convention, of the Women of the ELCA, Lower Susquehanna Synodical Women’s Organization at the synod website. God is truly in control and will lead us to great heights if we but follow. So please join me and keep on doing all your marvelous things. God will surely bless us. Go to: www.lss-elca.org - then select “Congregations” (fourth option across top) and then see down the list to the fourth option, “Women of the ELCA”. Select the minutes from the list of options. In Christ’s Love, Joyce Ray, President of the LS SWO Newsle er Deadlines Year Deadline Mailed Issue 2014 October 29 November 7 Nov./Dec. 2015 December 31 January 2 Jan./Feb. February 25 March 6 March/April April 29 May 8 May/June June 24 July 3 July/August Email your newsletter articles to [email protected], or mail them to her at 422 Cleveland Avenue, Waynesboro, PA -2- Happiness is getting your “News & Views” Newsletter. LS SWO YEARLY PROJECTS June 2013-July 2014 By: Shirley Johns Congregational Units in the LSS were asked to report to the Women of the ELCA Mission Committee the many different projects their units had participated in so that we can rejoice together in the many ways the Women of the ELCA in the LSS reach out to serve our neighbors. Thank you for your service to humankind and to the God we serve. There were 13 Congregational Units that responded. The results are: Lutheran World Relief Gettysburg Seminary Food Bank Bars of Soap - 467 Personal Care Kits - 837 Baby Care Kits - 91 Mission Quilts - 684 School Kits - 836 Fabric kits—3 Gift Cards $1,120.00 Food Items - 152 Paper Products - 85 Personal Care Items - 51 Cleaning Products - 1 OTHER PROJECTS Local Community Outreach Local Community Agencies ♦ Christ Lutheran Health Ministries ♦ Prayer Shawls ♦ Bethesda Women’s Shelter ♦ Christmas Stockings ♦ Pinnacle Health System ♦ Blankets ♦ Sell Fair Trade Items ♦ Quilts ♦ Cards for Shut-ins ♦ Food Banks ♦ VA Hospital ♦ Cleaning Supplies ♦ Caitlyn Smiles ♦ Hats ♦ Lebanon County Ministries ♦ Mittens ♦ Harrisburg Schools ♦ Fire Victims ♦ Church World Service ♦ Personal Care Items ♦ Agape Shelter ♦ ♦ Domestic Violence Intervention Labels & Box Tops for Education ♦ Lap Robes ♦ Salvation Army ♦ Clothing ♦ Rummage & Yard Sales ♦ School Kits ♦ Lancaster Women’s and Babies Hospital ♦ Lititz Women’s Club ♦ Lititz House of His Creation There were 9 children’s quilts made for the “Covered With God’s Love” quilt project. -3- OCTOBER 4 & 5 LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF (LWR) INGATHERING The LWR Ingathering mailing that in the past was sent out to each congregation is now on the synod's web site and can be read and printed out by going to www.lss-elca.org. (then click on "Mission", followed by clicking on "Global" - then see "Celebrate Global Church Sunday" and go to the bottom of the page and see 2014 Fall - LWR - Packet. PDF). Tips for helping congregations in preparing, packing and reporting Mission Quilts, kits and soap as well as where and when to deliver your items so they can be transported to the New Windsor, MD processing center and warehouse are included. Reports on the 2013 Ingathering to be shared; a report on Heifer International; and LWR Fair Trade projects are also in this report online. FLEECE TIED BLANKETS INFORMATION LWR recently announced that groups within congregations such as Sunday school classes, youth groups, Vacation Bible School classes and Intergenerational groups can now make fleece tied blankets. These new style blankets are not to replace Mission Quilts - but are an option for groups not wanting to sew, as no sewing is required. BAR CODE LABELS AND TRACKING We encourage you to print and use the bar code labels for your boxes of quilts, soap and kits so that you can learn when your goods left the warehouse and to what countries they were sent. A flyer explaining the bar coding system and a "How to Guide - Quilt and Kit Tracker" are also on the same web site, in case you mislaid the ones in the spring packet. LWR COFFEE PROJECT PRICES TO FARMERS In a recent conversation with Jaime at Equal Exchange, I learned that Equal Exchange pays either $1.70, $2.40 or $3.40 per pound for coffee beans. ALL the payments are Fair Trade prices and the differences depend on WHEN the beans are PURCHASED and from WHAT COUNTRY they came. Some of the beans are very high premium kinds. Also, Equal Exchange pays $1.00 extra per pound as a social premium that goes to the community the beans come from - and is used as a benefit for the community, to do things like building a school or a health clinic or fixing a bridge, etc. Another "extra" is that the company pays $.20 per pound to LWR for their work. So be assured that when your congregation uses Equal Exchange coffee for church functions and offers it for sale to your members, you are greatly helping the coffee farmers! -4- YOU ARE INVITED TO A 70TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION FOR HEIFER INTERNATIONAL In 1944, Heifer International sent the first shipment of cattle to Puerto Rico to help feed the malnourished children there. To celebrate the history of this wonderful organization, there will be a series of 20 events throughout the U.S. and our area has been chosen to host an event since there were so many farmers who donated animals and so very many of the original "cowboys" (that we will be honoring) were from our area. The event will be held on October 25, at the Manheim Farm Show buildings in Manheim. There will be displays, live animals, games and crafts for children, ethnic foods, music and special speakers - and we are honored to have as the keynote speaker, Pierre Ferrari, the CEO and President of Heifer International from Little Rock, AR. Reservations are not necessary, but would be helpful for this FREE event so that we can prepare enough food, etc. You can register locally with Mark Nestleroth at [email protected] or 664-2159 or with Norma Good at [email protected] or 399-7697. We hope that you can join us on Saturday, October 25, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for this celebration of family farming as this year marks both the 70th. anniversary of Heifer International and the United Nations proclamation of 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming. LWR and Heifer article submitted by, Norma Good Visit the Women of the ELCA churchwide website at: www.womenoftheelca.org W/ELCA LS SWO Visit the Lower Susquehanna Synodical Woman’s Organization at the synod’s website: www.lss-elca.org - then select “Congregations” (fourth option across top) and then see down the list to the fourth option, Women of the ELCA. The September/October issue is now on the synod website. The postmarked deadline for the Camp Hebron Retreat is Saturday, September 13. The registration form is online as well as in the July/ August News & Views. -5- Ninth Triennial Convention and Gathering The convention opened July 22, in Charlotte, North Carolina, with a service Holy Communion Service. Following the opening worship, delegates received instructions on Robert’s Rules and balloting. For two and a half days, executive board members and officers were elected, and resolutions passed. It was incredible to see many faith-filled and dedicated women accept responsibilities to lead the Women of the ELCA churchwide from 2014-2017. Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, Churchwide Bishop of the ELCA, shared with us the visions of the church that propels us, Lutheranism which promotes meaningful relationships with others, and the Church for the sake of the world. She emphasized that we are the Body of Christ - more powerful together than apart. We are bigger than the Salvation Army and other charitable organizations because we are a national and international body. The church works together with Lutheran Disaster Relief, Refugee Services, Immigration, The Lutheran World Federation, and advocacy programs. It is what we get to do as the synod for example, 19 million dollars has been raised for World Hunger. During the convention and gathering over $60,000 was raised in offerings. 50% of the offerings will go to churchwide programs, 25% to Immigration and Refugee Services, and 25% to On Eagle’s Wings, a North Carolina agency that works against human trafficking. Two resolutions were passed. The first concerned our need to respond to the crisis of human trafficking support. The second resolution called upon us to educate ourselves about the humanitarian crisis of unaccompanied children crossing the bor- ders. It encouraged working with our Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services as well as having our congregations be places of hospitality for these children who seek refuge from violence. After these first days of work and inspiration, the Gathering started on July 24, with an opening worship. The music throughout was lively, fun, and joyous. Can you imagine 2,638 people singing in English, Spanish and Swahili. All the words were on huge screens as well as the cameras capturing the speakers and worship leaders. I especially enjoyed Susan Sparks, a former trial lawyer, now a pastor in a New York Baptist church, a stand-up comedian, a motorcyclist, and breast cancer survivor. She also worked at Mother Teresa’s mission in Calcutta. I look forward to reading her book, Laugh Your Way to Grace, Reclaiming Humor in the Spiritual Path. Becca Stevens, an Episcopal Priest, founded Magdalene, and Thistle Farms, a community and social enterprise that stands with women recovering from violence, prostitution, or addiction and life on the streets. She was a powerful advocate. There were wonderful workshops on the upcoming Gather Bible study, Transforming Life and Faith. Thought provoking films on current themes brought lively discussions. It is hard to describe meeting women from all over the U.S. and parts of the world united in faith and purpose. Shopping enabled us to bring home some beautiful items while helping those affected by violence, poverty, addiction or injustice. The next triennial will be in Minneapolis, Minnesota, the second week in July 2017. Meanwhile we have a lot of work to do a WOMEN OF THE ELCA! Respectfully submitted by, Joyce Ray, Voting Member, 9th Triennial Convention -6- 2 of 4 Memorials Voted on at Triennial Convention Memorial 1 – Awareness and Preven on of Human Trafficking On the ma er of awareness and preven on of human trafficking, the Memorials Commi ee recommended adopon of this resolu on as amended (amendments are in bold). RESOLVED, that each synodical board convene a commi ee, in which at least one but no more than half of commi ee members shall be board members. This commi ee shall be charged with reviewing resources and helping the synodical organiza on to promote resources that can help units to inform, educate, and mobilize their congrega ons and communi es, through prayer, ministry and poli cal ac on. RESOLVED, that units use this commi ee and the resources they recommend to inform, educate, and mobilize their congrega ons and communi es, through prayer, ministry and poli cal ac on. RESOLVED, that each synodical president report to the 2016 Conference of Presidents about how the recommended commi ee has func oned in her synodical women’s organiza on. The conven on voted: 314 aye, 41 no Memorial 2 – Bullying, Harassment and Related Violence On the ma er of bullying, harassment and related violence, the Memorials Commi ee recommended adop on of this resolu on as amended (amendments are in bold). RESOLVED, that the delegates of the Ninth Triennial conven on encourage synodical organiza ons to iden fy other organiza ons that are working to combat bullying, harassment, and related violence, and partner with these organiza ons to facilitate presenta ons at synodical events to introduce curriculum that: a. U lizes posi ve, inclusive, empowering and developmentally appropriate materials, b. Raises par cipants’ awareness about the issue, c. Focuses on preven on, d. Seeks to change bystander behavior into ally behavior, e. Creates partnerships between youth and adults; and be it further RESOLVED, that all expressions of Women of the ELCA champion this concern for safety of our children and to advocate for congrega onal educa on to prevent bullying, harassment, and related violence in church, school and society. As part of an en bloc ac on, the conven on voted: aye 331, no 20 To read about the other two memorials, and the resolu on voted on at the Ninth Triennial Conven on, Google “Women of the ELCA” and then click on the op on “Ninth Triennial Gathering”. See the middle paragraph on this page “Read and study the ac ons taken” to learn more. An interes ng discussion at your circle mee ng. -7- Three films were shown at the Gathering, offering different ways to explore the gathering theme and our organization’s commitment to promoting healing and wholeness in the church, the society and the world. All three films are available through our LSS Resource Center and could be used as a program for you unit. “Miss Representation” is broken down into 3 segments and there is a study guide online available to use for discussion. To reserve a copy, call or email Marty Shifflett at the Resource Center (717) 652-1852, ext. 115 or [email protected]. “I BELIEVE YOU: Faiths’ Response To Intimate Partner Violence” is an hour-long interfaith documentary that explores the stories of survivors of abuse and the response of faith groups to address their needs. It was written and produced by Debra Gonsher Vinik and directed and edited by David Vinik. The documentary was nominated for two 2012 Emmy Awards for Best Religious Programming and Best Editing. “harvest of empire” Spanning 500 years—from the first New World colonies to our nation’s nineteenthcentury westward expansion, from the days of gunboat diplomacy to the turn of the millennium—“Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in the United States” features family portraits of real-life immigrants from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala and Nicaragua along with sketches of the political events and social conditions that compelled them to leave their homeland. “miss representation” “Miss Representation,” by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, explores how the media’s misrepresentations of women have led to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power and influence. In a society where media is the most persuasive force shaping cultural norms, the collective message that our young women and men overwhelmingly receive is that a woman’s value and power lie in her youth, beauty and sexuality, and not in her capacity as a leader. Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And he’s allowed me to go up to the mountain. I looked over, and I’ve seen the promised land. -Martin Luther Bible Truth Behind Quote: “My times are in your hand” Psalm 31:15 -8- A Project of the Congregational Units of Women of the ELCA - LSS Women of the ELCA, in the Lower Susquehanna Synod, have been collecting and distributing children’s quilts since 1988 specifically for babies with AIDS and/or drug addiction through the Children’s Quilt Project. Information and treatment have improved and the Children’s Quilt Pro“Covered with ject was no longer deemed necessary. However, there is still an onGod’s Love” going need for small-size quilts. Women of the ELCA engaged in quilt-making are encouraged to continue making these small quilts. The quilts are now distributed to places in your communities―WIC, homes for abused women and children, special camps, and fire victims are just a few of the potential areas. Guide to Making Quilts Size Materials Style Colors Finishing Please Babies - 36” x 36” Crib - 40” x 48” Lap Robes - 40” x 48” (Sorry we cannot accept 60 x 80 size Single Bed Quilts - 72” x 54” quilts - they are to be shipped to LWR) Cotton or poly/cotton fabrics (best to prewash) Polyester bats (best if bonded) or cotton flannel Any style or combination of styles: Pieced patchwork (any pattern) Juvenile prints or panels Washable stenciling Appliqué or embroidery Some children love the bright and happy colors and patterns, Some children prefer the calm and cool, Some adults love the bright and happy colors and patterns, Some adults prefer the calm and cool. But to all - adult or child - the gift of a quilt is love. Hand or machine quilted or tie minimum of 4” DOUBLE-CHECK for pins and needles in finished quilts Do not add attachments such as buttons Do not wash fabrics or quilts with harsh detergents Method for distribution and/or collection of quilts ✥ Give them to an agency or person in need in your community ✥ Questions - Call: Shirley Johns (717-545-4307) or Chris Todd (717-439-6071) (Co-Coordinators) You may bring your units baby and crib size quilts to the annual Convention of the Women of the ELCA Lower Susquehanna Synod. Someone will be there to accept the quilts. Your help with this project is very much appreciated. -9- EIGHTH LUTHERAN WORLD RELIEF FAIR TRADE FAIR Saturday, November 1, 2014 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. St. Luke Lutheran Church, Schaefferstown, PA Sponsored by the Women of the ELCA Enrich your life and change the world at the same time! The Women of the ELCA of St. Luke will sponsor a Fair Trade Fair and feature fairly traded handcrafts from around the world. Purchase a gift from our sale and you will provide income, dignity and hope to people in developing regions of the world. All profits will be returned to Lutheran World Relief Bring your family, friends and neighbors to visit our LWR Fair Trade Fair. Mark you calendars for Saturday, November 2. Hope to see you there. For more information or directions contact: St. Luke Lutheran at 949-3375. 25th Annual Camp Hebron Fall Retreat It is less then 1 week until the postmarked registration deadline of Saturday, September 13, to attend this year’s Camp Hebron retreat. Go online to the synod website, www.lss-elca.org, and under “Congregations” see down the list to the fourth option: “Women of the ELCA”. If you misplaced your registration form, it is located at the site. If you are planning on attending on Friday night, we are going to have a “dress as your favorite Bible character”. This will be an optional activity for those who wish to participate. It promises to be a lot of fun. Also, we will once again have the book exchange. Bring your well-read books, and then take a few new ones home. The wagon ride will take place on Saturday afternoon, (Peggi Norman will be the reservationist for this activity) and there will be an optional craft in the afternoon, led by Sue Miller. Also, if you have clothing or jewelry with butterflies, please bring it to wear on Saturday. As usual, for those who wish to participate, the gift exchange will take place on Sunday morning. For more information, please refer to your confirmation letter – driving directions will be included along with the letter. The Camp Hebron Fall Retreat Committee -10- WOMEN OF THE ELCA - LOWER SUSQUEHANNA SWO 2014-2015 EXECUTIVE BOARD SWO BOARD OFFICERS President Joyce Ray 3567 Turnberry Drive Chambersburg, PA 17202 717-709-0907 ( 717-658-6077 (C) [email protected] Vice President Shirley Johns 1141 Fairmont Drive Harrisburg, PA 17112 717-545-4307 Cell – 717-418-2489 Secretary Gloria Hostetter 526 Oak Lane Lititz, PA 17543 717-625-2158 Cell- 717-940-7847 [email protected] Treasurer Gertrude Kampmeyer 2632 Sarah Place Chambersburg, PA 17202 717-264-0760 717-404-4838 [email protected] BOARD MEMBERS Alice Jane Boeshore 1075 Old Harrisburg Rd #106 Gettysburg, PA 17325-3100 717-337-2998 [email protected] Deborah Johnson 34 Springers Lane New Cumberland, PA 17070 717-774-2083 Thejohnsons34@ hotmail.com UPCOMING EVENTS Linda Lubold 1846 Wexford Rd Palmyra, PA 17078 717-805-1295 – cell 717-533-5853 – home 717-652-1852x 108 – work [email protected] Susan Wenger 8870 Nyesville Rd Chambersburg, PA 17202 717-532-9634 [email protected] Linda Zilinski 556 North Second St Lykens, PA 17048 717-453-7768 [email protected] NON-BOARD LISTING Deborah Calvert Associate Executive Director Director of Operations, Region 8 8765 W. Higgins Road Chicago, IL 60631 1-800-638-3522 Ext. 2739 [email protected] Barbara S. Bullock 636 Center St, Millersburg, PA 17061 717-692-3896 [email protected] Donna L. Greifzu 422 Cleveland Ave Waynesboro, PA 17268 717-377-1780 [email protected] "To mobilize women to act boldly on their faith in Jesus Christ." -11- FALL RETREAT Camp Hebron Halifax, PA Oct. 31-Nov. 2, 2014 (Registration deadline Saturday, September 13) DAY OF RENEWAL to be announced 28TH ANNUAL LS SWO CONVENTION Memorial Lutheran Shippensburg, PA August 14-15, 2015
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