April 2013 The Kitsap Quilter Next Meeting: April 23, 7:00 pm First Lutheran Church, Poulsbo Celebrate Spring! President’s Message—Margaret Mathisson Volume 32, Issue 4 Thank you to Diane Allen for donating geraniums for door prizes. Donations gladly accepted. I also want to thank all of you for keeping me on my agenda last month. I was fuzzy brained last week but my hearing is almost totally restored. Thank you also to Mary Ann Hooker, CarolAnn Jackson, Jaxine Andersen and Linda Johnson who volunteered to be in charge of the 2015 raffle quilt. The 2014 raffle quilt is in the trusty hands of Wanda Rains and as soon as she is finished the binding goes on and then photos can be taken for publicity. What a great group you all are for stepping up when we need something done. Keep up the good work. ~Margaret Guild Contacts President: Margaret Mathisson Vice President and Education Chair: Barbara Gabriel Treasurer: Sherry Loomis Recording Secretary: Marj Deupree Newsletter Editors: Mary Ann Hooker and Christine Townsend Kitsap Quilters was established to foster and encourage the art of quilting, both in its traditional approach and its contemporary adaptation, to bring together those who love the art form and to share the art form with the community. The Kitsap Quilter Volume 32, Issue 4 Page 2 February Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order by President Margaret Mathisson. We have four guests: Elizabeth Boyton from Bremerton, Dawn Robson and Kim Mindor from Poulsbo, ad Di Selfridge from Silverdale. We also have seven new members: Felicia Hord from Silverdale, Elaine Jukam, Cyndi Jacobson and Cheryl Berger from Poulsbo, Margie Lema from Kingston, Verna Rae Oraker from Bremerton, and Elizabeth Mador. The February minutes were approved as published. 2013 Quilt Show: There are still CDs ($6) and notecards ($5) available. See Mary Ann Hooker if interested. 2014 Quilt Show: Marybeth O’Halloran, for Ann Trujillo, announced the dates of February 14-15, 2014, the location of President’s Hall at the Fairgrounds, and the title of “Quilts In Bloom.” The featured artist will be Gladys Schultz. There will be a raffle quilt. And thank you to everyone who completed a survey. Kitsap Cuddles: Vicki White announced that 36 quilts had been turned in, plus Committee Reports: five Easter quilts. She will be having sewing days at her house on WednesPrograms: Barb Gabriel announced day, April 17 through Saturday, April that our April speaker will be Ami 20. She needs 6 people each day. MaSimms. She will give a talk titled “Living terials will be provided. Bring lunch With Quilts.” May will be Quilt Univerand your sewing machine. See her to sity. sign up. Fabric Exchange: The winner this In-House Quilt: Donna Endresen anmonth was: Nancy Parrott. The theme nounced that she has 6 blocks availafor April is blue and lots of flowers of ble. [By the break, these were taken.] all different hues. Newsletter: Mary Ann Hooker anDoll Quilts: Norma Tipton, for Ann nounced that there are still technical Trujillo, read a thank you letter from problems with the newsletter and they the Poulsbo Fire Department. Ann is may have to be sent as an attachment hoping for 500 quilts by September. again in April. She needs a graphic She has 400 so far. Everyone was urged artist to help with posters for next to help her reach the 500 mark early. years quilt show. Hospice: Sheila Wagner has kits availaAnnouncements ble. The quilts need labels so please email her if you need one. Margaret Mathisson had several announcements. She has a pattern for Library: Cheryl McCurdy has “Dogmaking name tags, as was done, in the Gone Murder: A Queen Bee’s Quilt past. It will be printed in the newsMystery” available. She also has letter. “Doubledipity: More Serendipity Quilts” by Sara Nephew, which uses The By-Laws committee with meet in the Clearview triangle ruler. Another April. suggested book is “T-Shirt Quilts Made The raffle quilt for 2015 now has four Easy.” Please return overdue books. committee members. Please be sure to sign out books. There A silver braided earring was found at are many that are missing. the Church several months ago. The play, “The Quilters,” will be at the Port Gamble Theater the first 3 weekends in April. Quilted Strait will be open Friday, April 5 until 7 pm. Sharon Walker announced that there are nametags available for pickup. Linda Moran announced that she has 15 of the 20 quilts needed for the graduating class at Klahowya Secondary School. They are needed by June. There is more information in the February newsletter. Janet Larsen, from Gig Harbor Quilters, has two “bug jar” raffle quilts. Tickets are $1 each. Show and tell was held, followed by the break. Patricia Belyea gave a very interesting talk on her quilting experiences in Japan and on her Yukata cottons. After her talk, she drew names for prizes generously donated by her and StashFest. Door prizes were drawn. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Marj Deupree Ami Simms as the “Ami Burrito” Page 3 April Speaker—Ami Simms, Living with Quilts Ami (which pronounced correctly rhymes with salami), was a teacher of second grade students until declining enrollment brought that career to an abrupt end. She now believes that that layoff was “the luckiest day” of her life. On her website she notes, “I became a professional quilter, combining my two loves: quilting and teaching! After 25+ years on the national circuit I still look forward to every trip. I get to work with people who never fail to inspire me. I only teach subject matter about which I am truly passionate — no spelling or long division — and giggling in class is highly encouraged. I'll show you everything I know as long as you realize there isn't just ONE right way to do anything. You get to pick what works for you.” Library News—Cheryl McCurdy and Florence Debely What a beautiful spring we are having in Kitsap County! So many NEW blooms every day. The Guild Library has two NEW books to share with you this month. Hoffman, Kaufman, Island Batiks, etc., continue to create wonderful jelly rolls, layer cakes, fat quarters, charm squares, and more, to tempt us. There are so many things we make with these short cuts. Sweet Celebrations with the Moda Bake Shop Chefs, compiled by Lissa Alexander, has 35 projects to sew. Celebrate holidays, milestones, and more with this charming book. The second new book for April is Civil War Legacies, by Carol Hopkins. There are several Civil War quilt books available in our quilt world, so choosing one to add to our library was challenging. Step back in time with 15 favorite patchwork-quilt patterns, that will beautifully showcase your reproduction fabrics. This book features clear diagrams and pressing directions, also. It's back, the Overdue Book List. Thank you to everyone who has returned their overdue books. If you have lost one of the Library's books, PLEASE let us know! Members are responsible for book replacement or $$$ for the librarians to replace lost books. ALFORD, Joyce Bella Bella Quilts COLLINS, L. Jane Mariner's Compass Stars; Silk Ribbon Album HENDREN, Marilyn Affairs of the Heart Applique Masterpiece; Thimbletots & Butterflies (redwork) KEIM, Cynthia Fables Flowers; Romancing Ribbons Into Flowers McKEEVER, Debbie The Ultimate Book of Quilt Labels PALMER-DAVIS, Glee Easy Paper-Pieced Baby Quilts PICKENS, Mary Treasures Underfoot; Tropical Paradise ROBINSON, Lori Circles of the East (Japanese Family Crests) Doll Quilts—Ann Trujillo Awesome! Norma said that there were 16 doll quilts turned in the last meeting. The generous hearts of this guild never ceases to amaze me! The Fire Department and police stations though are so grateful when I bring beanie babies and quilts to them. If anyone knows of another place that could benefit by receiving these toys and quilts, I'm sure we could get some to them. Keep them coming! I still have a lot of small toys, so 12 inch quilts are perfect! Thank you for your continuing support, Ann The Kitsap Quilter Page 4 Kitsap Cuddles—Vicki White I've been burning the midnight oil in my Big Valley workshop preparing for the Cuddles Marathon April 17th thru the 20th. As of this writing I only have 3 slots available on Saturday for interested participants. Our plan is to piece simple tops for the at risk babies born at Silverdale Birthing Center. This fun and relaxing work-party is one of the ways you can support the Cuddles program. We also appreciate your contribution of finished quilts and tops, child-like fabrics, fabric and batting. Together we can make a difference in the lives of these babies and their families. Thanks for your support. Volume 32, Issue 4 Vicki White, Chairperson (360) 779-1408 [email protected] Fabric Exchange—Nancy Cave & Marilyn Hendren April brings showers and clouds, and they bring May flowers, so include blue skies and flowers. Fabric exchanges are quarter-yard pieces—either fat quarters or 1/4-yard cuts. Guild Member Inquiry Does anyone have, or know someone who does has, a Bernina 440QE with embroidery module that would be willing to help me learn how to use the embroidery system? Please contact me, Laura Jacobs, [email protected] or by phone, 360-779-9257. Don't forget to phone or e-mail me with any cards you wish to have sent to our members. For any reason—sympathy, happiness, get well or just an "atta girl." Deanie Willmann , 206-842-5991 [email protected] Page 5 It’s Mystery Time Again! — Jaxine Anderson A new mystery quilt is starting this month with the fabric selection. It is a Judy Hopkins 6-month mystery named A Cosmic Delicacy. Following the Supply List, below, I have written additional information to help you in selecting fabric. A new step will be available in each month's newsletter from now until September. If you have any questions about fabric selection, or if you have questions as you work through the mystery, please give me a call. Jaxine Andersen, (360) 930-9442 By Popular Demand... Volume 32, Issue 4 The Kitsap Quilter Page 6 Continued on Back Page for online users; separate page for mailed copies. The Kitsap Quilter Volume 32, Issue 4 Page 7 Birthdays Celebrated April—May 1-Apr Judy Lucas 1-May April Ritter 3-Apr Lynn D. Green 2-May Florence Debely 3-Apr Sherryl Ramondetta 10-May Lyn Brown 4-Apr Teresa McAlhany 11-May Jan King 6-Apr Kathy Cathcart 13-May Jaxine Andersen 12-Apr Geniene Welch 16-May Val Martinson 16-Apr Olivia Stalter 16-May Elleen Veals 19-Apr Karen O'Grady 23-May Nancy Parrott 21-Apr Linda Johnston 27-Apr Debbie Ueda 29-Apr Genie Kahler 30-Apr Leanne Brooling 30-Apr Sherry Loomis Happy birthday (and belated happy birthday) to our dear friends. If your name is missing, please contact Amy Constant so she can update our records and we can celebrate your day with you. Upcoming Events April 19 thru 21—Fabric of the Forest Quilt Show, Forks High School. Hours: Friday noon—6 pm, Saturday 10 am—6 pm, Sunday Noon—4 pm. Classes and Lecture by Marti Michell. For information on class sign-ups contact Karla Lewis, 360-374-9201. Quilters: The Musical will be playing April weekends, April 5—21, directed by our own Andrea Rudman. Hours are Fridays 7 pm, Saturday and Sunday 2 pm matinees. Please check the website, http://www.portgambletheater.com/home.html for additional information and to buy tickets before they sell out! * Quilter’s Cottage * in Poulsbo, Washington an ideal retreat for groups of 3 to 6 *** Website: www.poulsboquiltretreat.com E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 360.710.5536 EDGE EDGE--TO TO--EDGE LONGARM QUILTING Phone: (360) 297 297--7250 Cell: (360) 536 536--5867 E-mail: [email protected] Quilts of Valor Kitsap Quilts of Valor sewing group on the second Monday of the month at Quilted Strait, in Port Gamble. We have fabric, we have patterns, we have fun! Come and sew for a few hours or get some ideas for quilts you can make on your own. Questions? Call Carol Olsen at 206-780-0379 or e-mail [email protected] The following is text from the website where the info. was extracted. “What I would do with this pattern would be to foundation piece the basket triangle strips and then turn under the seam allowance ad use a small ladder stitch to applique the rows together. That would be jut for the small triangle basket area. I think the outside areas would be easier to sew. I know it’s the “A” word, but I just think it would be very hard even for the best FPP’er [paper-piecer] to match those areas perfectly by machine as small as they are.” [ed. Note: there are no further directions]
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