St Leo Church A Jesuit Parish 710 South 13th Street Tacoma, Washington 98405 October 26, 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Phone: (253) 272-5136 Fax: (253) 272-6285 PASTORAL COUNCIL Chair: Brittany Henderson Jacquie Armstrong Eugena Buena-Douglas Christie Flynn Sarah Gallup-Stowell Patrick Keely Kevin Moore Kathleen O’Connor Susan Preciso Dick Reed Virginia Stowell Artee Young PARISH STAFF (& phone extension) Pastor: Fr. Steve Lantry, S.J. (106) Parochial Vicar: Fr. Jim Harbaugh, S.J.(114) Deacon: Michael Riggio Faith Formation: Dotti Krist-Sterbick (110) email: [email protected] Catechesis of the Good Shepherd: Trinka Hamel (104) Youth Formation: James Harper (111) Social Ministry: Rick Samyn (102) Pastoral Care: Demetra Schwieger (103) Food Connection Director: Kevin Glackin-Coley (383-5048) Music Director: Anna De Foe (112) Office Coordinator: Theresa McDermott-Erskine (107) Maintenance: Kevin McKim and Dan Blachly (105) LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Monday through Friday & Holydays - 12:10 PM Saturday Vigil - 5:00 PM Sunday 8 AM and 10:30 AM Native Community Mass - Sunday - 1:30 PM St. Leo Parish is a safe and welcoming place for the LGBTQ community. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays- 3:00 - 4:00 PM or by appointment CALL FOR INFORMATION ( 272-5136 for any staff person ) Call Dotti Krist-Sterbick (ext 110) Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) NVC and Faith Sharing Groups Adult Formation Infant Baptism Children’s Catechumenate Call Trinka Hamel (ext. 104) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (age 3 to grade 5) Oct-May 1st Reconciliation:(children 7+) Family preparation in fall. 1st Eucharist:(children 7+) Family preparation winter/Spring. Call James Harper (ext. 111) Youth Ministry (Jr. High grade 6-8. Sr High grades 9-12) Groups meet Oct. - May. Call Theresa McDermott-Erskine (ext.107) Parish Registration: new members, updates. Call Demetra Schwieger (ext. 103) Funeral Arrangements Pastoral Care Visits Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick: to arrange for a priest Health Care Ministries: Parish Nurses: Kathy Hitchcock, 564-3785, Eileen Weeg, 253-820-4141 (including blood pressure checks, prayer shawls) Call Fr. Jim Harbaugh (ext. 114) Marriage Preparation (contact at least 6 months prior to wedding) Annulments Kathy Hitchcock 564-3785. Sacramental Records Maria Luisa Kirchmer (vm 311). Prayer Line: Mary Means 564-5911 St. Leo Church gathers in community to remember those who have died this past year. You are cordially invited to a Candlelight Memorial Service Sunday, November 2, 2014 at 6:00 pm. We especially remember: Jim Kennedy Alfredo Alarcon Frank Paul Marie Cain Joe Honan James Ott Esther Stillwell Deanie Pokos David McKay Julian Rojas Terrazus Joy Shepherd Helene Day Paul Caffarel Grace Wynne Kathleen Manville Sharon Irish Daniel Boston Stephen Adams Sr Donna Fread Anne Leahy Don Devlin Jolene Mittens Marjorie Gladue Eileen Toth CAPITAL CAMPAIGN UPDATES A Place Like Home Where we come to share our story Campaign Goal $1,775,000 $1,613,234 Have questions? Are you ready to be contacted by a volunteer? Ready to pledge? Stop by the campaign table after Mass! as of October 22, 2014 91% of goal A Word from our Youth Minister….James Harper Hello! My name is James Harper and I am the Junior and Senior High youth minister at St. Leo. I am writing to tell you a little of my story and why I am excited to give to the Capital Campaign for our new Social Hall. I came to Tacoma about three years ago to serve as the Jesuit Volunteer at the St. Leo Food Connection. I didn’t know what to expect and I was somewhat nervous. Those worries vanished when I entered our church for the first time. It is very difficult to describe the experience of coming into this community from an outsider’s perspective. Perhaps this is because St. Leo works so hard to include everyone. I simply remember an incredible sense of warmth and sincerity. I knew that I could call this place home. Fast forward three years, and I continue to be amazed by the hospitality of our church. As our congregation grows, the Social Hall will give us a special space to welcome and meet the needs of our community (that’s you!). It is with this spirit that I encourage you to participate in the Capital Campaign with your prayers and financial contributions. Thank you for your time. Tacoma Kateri Circle invites you to All Soul’s Day Mass Celebration Come to remember and celebrate our beloved who have passed on with a special candlelight ceremony. Joining us will be Father Patrick Twohy, S.J. Sunday, November 2, 2014 1:30pm – 2:30pm Location: St. Leo Church 710 South 13th Street Tacoma, WA 98405 Hosted by the Tacoma Kateri Circle St. Leo Church -October 26, 2014 Daily Scripture Readings A Jesuit Parish ...a Catholic community centered in the Eucharist, enriched by diversity,committed to Gospel values, and continually seeking to be Christ’s servant presence in the world. Sunday October 26 Exodus 22:20-26 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10 Matthew 22:34-40 Monday October 27 Ephesians 4:32—5:8 Luke 13:10-17 Tuesday October 28 SS. Simon and Jude Ephesians 2:19-22 Luke 6:12-16 Wednesday October 29 Ephesians 6:1-9 Luke 13:22-30 Thursday October 30 Ephesians 6:10-20 Luke 13:31-35 We pray with the families of: Eileen Toth: Eileen’s funeral will be this Tuesday, October 28 @ 12:10 Marjorie Gladue: Marjorie’s funeral will be this Thursday, October 30 @ 12:10 Don Devlin: Don’s funeral will be this Friday, October 31 @ 12:10 Friday October 31 St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Philippians 1:1-11 Luke 14:1-6 Well done good and faithful servants! Saturday November 1 All Saints Revelation 7:2-4, 9-14 1 John 3:1-3 Matthew 5:1—12a Iryne Johnson, Pat Tyson, Joe Samyn, Joann Saucedo Clarence Snodgrass, Susan Nowak, Christina Davis, Tom Trunk, Fr. Bix, Lynda McCormick, Elaine Wilson, Mary Rutter, Cindy Cornwell, Sam Jablonski, Bernice Fox, Leo Reda, Nancy Traversie, Eloise Mondau Josie Stortini, Beatrice Roy, Hannah Rajacich, Valerie Wolfe Royster, Bob Armbruster, Kathleen Russell, Christopher Lasher, Katie Rutter, Pam McCauley, Hermine Soler, Brendan Gallagher, Sr Pat Walsh, Dave McCormick, Robert Young, Brenda Edlund, Susan Frey, Dick Matthaei, Winfred Clere, Fred Montgomery, Sue Ford, Sharon Higgins, Helen Hoppa, Mary Means, Sunday November 2 All Souls Lamentations 3:17-26 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 Matthew 11:25-30 BIRTHDAYS COMING UP! Sunday Collection (for fiscal year 2014-2015) Last Week’s Collection Total: $10, 964.93 Collected Year to Date $222,500.83 Total Budgeted Year to Date $228,640.00 Net Difference + or (-) (-$6,139.17) Nov 1 Nov 2 Nov 3 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 7 Dennis Franecki. Mario Ceccarelli, Catherine Chick, Cindy Cornwell, Grace Dannen, Emily Harvey, John Landy, John McAuley, Vern Orr, Diane Walsh. Steve Cowden, Kelly Gardner, Kevin McCarthy, Tyler Milliren, Andy Peterson, Janet Welsh. Elli Falk, Joe Gilbert, Mollie Kuwahara, Nick LaShomb, Lorenne Mendoza, Jo Ann Saucedo. Isabel Loredo. Corey Glackin-Coley, Brien O’Loughlin. Alycia Hill, Cheryl Keely, Joe Riordan, Tiern Wehmeyer, Cathy Woods. We remember in prayer those serving in the military in Afghanistan: Milan Franklin, Savannah Huffman, Keith James Jr., Curtis Long,Roy McMahon, Owen Rocke, James Shockley, Alex Straub and Bruce Clark. If you would like someone added to this list please contact Rick at 272-5136 or email [email protected]. RETREAT FOR MEN -- St. Leo Men are invited to attend a spirituality retreat beginning about 6 P.M. on Friday November 7th and ending before noon on Sunday November 9th at Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center (west of Port Orchard). Father John Fuchs, S.J. will lead the retreat and the cost is $180.00 which includes 3 meals on Saturday and Sunday breakfast. Pilgrim Firs Retreat Center is located along a small lake, it has hiking trails and we will be in one building for gatherings and sleeping. Father John will be available to meet individually with all participants. For more information contact Mike Towey at ph. 253 318 9156 and send your check to Mike Harrison, 7412 71st. Ave. Ct. SW, Lakewood, WA 98498. 40 Days for Life is an ecumenical, non-violent prayer campaign focused on bringing about an end to abortion through three key components: 1) prayer and fasting 2) community outreach and 3) a prayerful, public Tacoma vigil. An attitude of respect, compassion and support is maintained during the vigils. This new approach is a departure from the more confrontational attitudes expressed in previous pro-life efforts. For 40 days, beginning on Wednesday, September 24, folks have been praying and fasting for an end to abortion in this public way. Another similar vigil will be held during the season of Lent. If you are interested in knowing more, or becoming involved, on any level, you may contact George at 961-5822 or John at 6779509. More information on the campaign is at Just a reminder. If you have an item for the bulletin please send it to [email protected] no later than Wednesday at noon. Christian Meditation Group The Christian Meditation Group meets on Thursdays from 11:00 – 12:00 in the library room at St Leo’s Rectory. Christian meditation is linked in a common spirit to a worldwide community for Christian meditation. In this renewal of the Christian tradition of prayer, there is great potential for Christians of all denominations, to meet in common faith, and in their common humanity. For more information call: Bea Kingery 253-756-5600 St. Leo’s Club invites you to join them for the annual Leavenworth Christmas Lighting Trip Saturday December 13th Now is the time to reserve your space on the tour bus to Leavenworth for the annual Christmas Tree Lighting Festival. The St. Leo's club is sponsoring this bus trip to Leavenworth on Saturday December 13th. We will leave the church parking lot at 8:30 AM. The bus will leave Leavenworth after the big tree lighting ceremony around 5-5:30 PM. We will return to St. Leo approximately 8:30 PM. The cost for the trip is $30 per person. We arrive in Leavenworth in plenty of time for you to have the whole afternoon to shop, explore and eat some great German food. Come and join us for a good time! Sign-up sheets are in the Hospitality Area. (This trip usually fills up early so sign-up now to insure a seat). St. Rita’s Holiday Bazaar: Looking for that special gift for that special someone? Come to St. Rita’s Holiday Bazaar Nov.7 from 1-7pm and Nov. 8 from 10am-4pm at 1403 S Ainsworth Ave. Crafters, we still have a few tables available, if you would like one contact Pam Smith 425-220-5044(local) or Kay Bowen 253- 627-4979 or our office at 253-627-4851. Annual Holiday Market is coming up Nov. 21-23 Consider your choices when you shop this holiday season: Invest in your community and the world. St. Leo Parish and Urban Grace Church will present their annual Holiday Market on the weekend of Nov. 21-23 in the Great Room at Catholic Community Services, 1323 S. Yakima Ave. in Tacoma. The market hours are: Friday, Nov. 21, 4:00-7:00 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 22, 3:00-7:00 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 23, 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. The Market will feature Fair Trade and locally-sourced products. Vendors include Fair Trade Winds, Ten Thousand Villages, Giraffe, Theo Chocolate, King’s Books, L’Arche and many more. Admission is free. Do your holiday shopping in a way that promotes justice for people locally and globally. For more information about the Holiday Market, contact Jennifer Dean at 253-272-2184 x101 or [email protected]. We still need volunteers for all shifts, as well as set-up and tear-down. If you can help, see the sign-up sheets in the hospitality area or contact Shannon Brennan at 253-227- 4681 or [email protected]. Ignatian Spirituality and Non-Violent Communication Parish-wide retreat With Fr. Michael Lynch S.J. and Sura Hart November 16th 1:30 - 5 PM CCS Building Several people have asked about ordering a LGBTQ Group t-shirt. We are elated by the show of support for our group and your willingness to be a witness to our inclusiveness at St. Leo’s. We are going to put in a FINAL t-shirt order on November 26th. If you are interested in ordering a t-shirt, please fill out the coupon below and send it to Heidi Erdmann, c/o St. Leo’s LGBTQ Group, St.Leo Church, 710 South 13th Street, Tacoma, WA 98405. Advanced payment is requested. Please make checks out to Heidi Erdmann. Be sure to indicate your size and whether you are ordering a Ladies or Men’s. Note that prices are slightly higher for sizes 2X and larger. Pricing Information $15.00 for sizes Small to XL $18.00 for sizes XXL and larger Name: Phone Number: Email Address: Quantity Size Ladies or Men’s 1) 2) 3) Total Price: Price Faith and Light: communities made up of persons with an intellectual disability, their families and friends, particularly young friends, who meet together on a regular basis in a Christian spirit, to share friendship, pray together, fiesta and celebrate life. A number of years ago, Faith and Light was a part of our St. Leo’s Parish community. Are you interested in learning more about Faith and Light, founded by Jean Vanier? Join us at the home of David and Gloria Rothrock for an afternoon conversation on October 26 at 4:00 – 5:30 p.m., 1703 N. Fife Street, Tacoma, WA 98406. Phone number (253) 441-9111. Or call Sue Hudacek at (253) 820-1807. Attention Liturgical Ministers The time is upon us once again to turn in any special request for the upcoming Liturgical Minister schedule which will include the months of December, January and February. We did not hear from some of you during the ministry fair, so this is a good time to send in any request and/or updates for contacts for you that may have changed. Please have all your request in to Donna Jerome ([email protected]) or Laura Barrentine ([email protected]) by Sunday, November 2nd. we listen. When you speak, Visit to take a short survey All entries will have the chance to win a Kindle Fire or one of eight $25 Visa gift cards. Deadline: November 10, 2014 PILGRIMAGE TO POLAND & ITALY, Footsteps of Saint John Paul II. April 27-May 8, 2015. $4,150. JMJ Pilgrimages. Join Fr. Cal Christiansen on this spiritual journey as we begin in Czestochowa, Poland, where you will discover St John Paul II’s devotion to the Black Madona. Visit Auschwitz; Wadowice, his birth place; Lagiewniki, Divine Mercy Shrine; Krakow, “The Pope’s City”; Zakopane, the Polish Fatima. Follow his steps on to Rome for the Papal Audience, Mass at the Tomb of the Saint, tour of Saint Peters Basilica, the museums & the Sistine Chapel. And much more. Details - contact Evelyn Czapiewsk, 253-584-5047, [email protected] Remembering the Mystery ~ The Poetry of Advent Advent Reflection Day Sat., Dec. 6, 2014 ~ 9:30am-3:00pm Led by Steve Donaldson and Gennyn Dennison ~ Free Will Offering ~ ~ Lunch Available - $10 ~ St. Mary-on-the Lake—St. Mary Chapel 1663 Killarney Way, Bellevue, WA 98004 Please RSVP by Nov. 26 to Diane Figaro at [email protected] or 425-635-3603. Ever thought about becoming a Foster Parent? Come to a free open house to learn more about what it takes and how to become licensed. Safe, loving homes are desperately needed for children while their families gain the skills necessary to care for them. We are in most need of families that can offer a home to infants, sibling groups and/or medically fragile kids. Open house starts at 5:30 every third Thursday at Catholic Community Services, 1323 S. Yakima. Tacoma 98405. Questions? Call Beverly at (253) 502-2745. Hello! ¡Hola! Do you like to speak or write in Spanish as well as in English? ¿Le gusta hablar o escribir en español así como en inglés? WE NEED YOU for our new “Found In Translation” Ministry. TE NECESITAMOS para nuestro nuevo Ministerio de “Encontrado en la Traducción”. For more information please contact… Para obtener más información, póngase en contacto con… Dotti Krist-Sterbick 272-5136 ext. 110, [email protected] Caring For Someone With Memory Loss? Alzheimer’s Association caregiver support groups provide a consistent and caring place for people to learn, share, and gain emotional support from others who are also on a unique journey of providing care to a person with memory loss. A free information and support group for unpaid care partners, family members and friends is held the 1st Tuesday of each month from 1:00- 2:30pm at United Church in University Place, 3912 Grandview Dr W., University Place, WA 98466. For more information, contact group facilitator Karen Hyde at 253.279.0754 Fall 2014 Greetings to All from Sister Baptista: We are making progress on building the new dormitory. We have started making concrete blocks for the dormitory. Shown here are some of the boys helping with the work. We have dug the foundation, but the slab is not yet done because the City Council has not yet approved the building plan. We cannot start building without their approval. So we are just making the blocks in anticipation of beginning the work. The cost of one packet of cement mix, which makes 42 blocks, is K90, about $15. We need 4215 blocks to build a dormitory with four sleeping areas, holding two bunk beds each. We need 101 packets of cement for making the blocks, costing a total of $1,515. This year we have 12 boys sleeping at the center in a small classroom. We hope to accommodate 50 boys during school days. Blessings to all, Tetekela boys making concrete blocks for the dormitory. Baptista Annual Holiday Fair Trade Market November 21-23. Be sure to stop by the Hearts for Zambia table at the St. Leo Parish/ Urban Grace Annual Holiday Fair Trade Market. Shop for items from Zambia and learn about the work of the Sisters of the Child Jesus. Vendors with fair trade and locally-sourced items from developing nations, as well as local ministries serving our community, provide a chance for great Christmas shopping. Fair Trade sales create a significant boost toward financial security for the families of the artisans, counteract human trafficking with monitoring of just wages, and support sustainability with earth-friendly manufacturing and assembly. Friday, November 21st Saturday, November 22nd Sunday, November 23rd 4:00 - 7:00 PM 3:00 -7:00 PM 9:00 - 2:00 PM Free Admission Location: Catholic Community Services Building 1323 South Yakima Ave., Tacoma A letter from Joseph Kananga, a young man at Tetekela, one of the children your contributions have helped to support. Hello: I am Joseph Kananga of Mutale village. I am 13 years old and I am in grade 7 at Mubanga Chipoya Basic School. I am the sixth born in a family of seven. Both of my parents are dead and I am being taken care of by my aged grandmother. My grandmother used to cultivate, but now her age does not allow her to do the work. It is very difficult to take care of the family and meet our needs. Joseph Kananga, left, with his friend Alex. Update about Tre Fontaine Farm from Sister Baptista: Tetekela has helped me from the time I was 5 years old up to now. The Sisters have fed me, and sent me to school. I am grateful that Tetekela has helped me to grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and I have come to understand myself and others better. As we grow we need more privacy and a proper place for studying and sleeping. Thank you for helping us. On the farm, we have been laying down the pipes and digging a weir where we shall put a pump. We may do the work up to the tank and the residential area and the fish ponds. We need money to dig the ponds and to buy a pump. A pump will cost K17,000 which is $2,833, and $5,000 to dig the ponds and line them with plastic. At right is a picture of work at the farm. Consider making a gift today Please find enclosed my gift to help the Sisters of the Child Jesus care for the children who come to them every day. Cut along dotted line. Complete form and mail to the address shown in the shaded box at right. My gift is $ _____________. (Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent of the law.) Name: Address: Phone: Email: Here’s How You Can Help the Children at Tekekela Day Care Center. Please consider a gift today. Mail a check to: Hearts For Zambia P. O. Box 11161 Tacoma. WA 98404 New email address: [email protected] Web address: Hearts for Zambia is a 501(c)(3) organization. Your gift is tax deductible to the full extent of the law. 95% of your gift goes to serve the children.
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