June News Bulletin - Redeemer Lutheran

June/July 2015
Lutheran News
Sundays after Pentecost
The joys and sorrows of life often stand in such
sharp contrast. Last Sunday we celebrated with
many of you our 25th Wedding anniversary and 25
years in church work. What a great day that was to
have so many of you share our joy. St. Paul
reminds us in Romans 5:15, “Rejoice with those
who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.”
That is one of the best things about you the people
of Redeemer Lutheran Church. It truly is a family
of faith that supports each other in times of joy and
times of sorrow. Thank you so much for the party,
the gifts, and all the kind words and cards. You all
are a wonderful blessing to my family and me. You
celebrated with Tasha and me 25 years of marriage;
it was a day of great joy for us, as we had a chance
to think about just how blessed we are to be serving
here in Colorado Springs.
As part of our celebration for our Anniversary
we will be going on a vacation, an Alaskan Cruise,
something I’ve always wanted to do. I can hardly
wait to pack the suitcase and go with my wonderful
bride. Hopefully the magnificent vistas of the
Alaskan coast and glaciers that I have only seen on
television will be as inspiring in person. The
Church Office email: [email protected]
Pastor Widger email: [email protected]
chance to view the wonderful creatures that
God made in whales, bears, eagles and sea
otters, is greatly anticipated. The camera is
ready, the plans made, and we are ready to
go. Right now is a time of great joy in our
Contrast our joy with the sorrows of
some many. I think of the family of Ryan
Lanosga, the Coronado High School
student who was killed in an automobile
accident, when he was thrown from the
vehicle, driven by his sister. A son dead: a
daughter arrested on charges of driving
under the influence and vehicular assault.
Certainly, these circumstances are a cause for
mourning and sadness.
Over the years you have had periods of joy and
times of sorrow. You have had great vacations
with family and loved ones, and times of tragedy,
hardship and death.
What I know is that Christ is with us no matter
the circumstances of our lives. “I will be with you
always to the very end of the age.” He cares for
you; He wants to bring peace into your life amidst
the worst of times. He celebrates with you in the
times of joy. And He does even more, he gives us
fellow Christians who rejoice with us when we
rejoice and mourn with us in times of sadness.
It’s something I have witnessed in this
congregation throughout my eight years of service
to Redeemer, and for that I am thankful. I am
thankful to God for placing me in a congregation
where I am constantly reminded that as we join
with fellow Christians in joy and sorrow, we are
simply being the Church that God has called us to
be. To Him alone be all glory, honor and praise.
Peace in Christ,
Pastor Widger
Sundays after Pentecost
Voters’ Minutes
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Voters’ Assembly Meeting
May 17, 2015
June/July 2015
President’s Report:
 Thanks for all the council members and their work for the
 Josh will attend his first District Meeting in June.
Board of Elders’ Report:
 A dinner was held for the confirmands and their families on
Saturday, May 16, 2015.
Call to Order and Opening:
Confirmation will be held Sunday, May 24, 2015.
Josh Arbogast called the meeting to order at 10:49AM, and
Pastor opened with prayer.
 It has been hard for the Elders to track those member’s in
need. Please notify your elder, Sandy or Pastor Widger if
Acceptance of Members:
you are going into the hospital or have an emergency and
 Ken and Pat Lemke were welcomed into the Voter’s
you would like Pastor or your elder to assist you. Please
Assembly as new members.
note that neither Pastor nor Sandy are on the prayer chain.
Caring Through Christ
Our Blessings:
 Pastor and Tasha Widger’s 25 years in church work and their
wonderful work in our congregation
 The Confirmands
 Our lovely green grass
 The wonderful work of the Trustees and Paul Deye
 The confirmation Banners
 The Hospitality committee who organized our lovely pot
luck today.
 Leanne and Brian who will be taking our youth to the
District Youth Convention in June in Ft. Collins
 The Fishes and Loaves Food Bank that is helping an average
of 30 – 40 families on Wednesdays
 The minutes of the November 16, 2014 Voters’ Meeting
were approved as presented.
Treasurer’s Report:
The year to date profit and loss for the current calendar year is:
$ 88,478.77
Net Loss to date
$ 14,127.82
Financial Secretary:
 The old computer crashed and a new computer was
 The first quarter statements were placed in the members’
boxes the first week of April.
 More counters are needed. Please consider volunteering.
Parish Education:
 Currently we have one adult class and two youth classes.
The youth classes are grouped as follows:
 Age 3 – 12
 All youth conference attendees through High School
 Any ideas for a second adult class will be entertained by the
Parish Education committee. The following classes are
currently being considered:
 End of life paper work
 Stewardship
 Lutheran Heritage
 Our summer classes will be one adult class and one youth
class. The youth class will use VBS materials for a five
week period starting July 12, 2015 in their summer session.
 The Rocky Mountain Youth Gathering will be held June 18
– June 20, 2015. Christina, James, Hannah, Curtis, Michael
and Sam will be attending.
Pastor’s Report:
 Pastor Widger and Josh Arbogast will be attending the
Rocky Mountain District Convention in Denver June 4 – 6,
 Pastor Widger is on the ballot for re-election as Secretary of
the Rocky Mountain District.
 There is a resolution on the agenda to repeal the resolution
that requires the exclusive use of the LCMS hymnal at all
District gatherings for selection of music.
 Pastor will be on vacation from June 7 – 20, 2015 and July 5,
 Pastor Kirkeide will preach on June 7, 2015; June 14, 2015, Board of Trustees:
and July 5, 2015. He will also perform the marriage
 Thank you to George Lewis, Mark Barnes and John
ceremony for Virginia Wangerin’s granddaughter in Pastor
Senechal for their hard work.
Widger’s stead.
 Thanks to Sandy and Paul for their hard work on behalf of
 Pastor attended the Tri-Circuit Pastor’s conference in Canon
the congregation.
 Since the last Voters’ Assembly the following work has been
 A memorial service will be held next weekend for a former
member, Sharon Stemas Mallory.
 A tree removal at 2214 N. Corona
 Pastor will complete the stained glass window booklet this
 The deck and trim was painted at 2220 N. Corona.
 The fascia was fixed and painted on the south side of the
2015 Women’s
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML)
was formally recognized by the Lutheran Church
Missouri Synod in 1942. At the 1953 convention
delegates reaffirmed the policy of raising funds through
voluntary offerings. Throughout the decades, Lutheran
women have stepped out in faith, setting goals and
trusting God to move the hearts of His people to give to
LWML to proclaim the Gospel.
Our next meeting will be in September but don’t forget
to support LWML through Mite box giving all summer.
The Altar Guild
The next meeting is
Saturday, June 6th
at 10:00AM
In the Heart Room.
Membership Changes
Samuel Arbogast
—confirmed 5/24/2015
Michael Tuft
—confirmed 5/24/2015
Voters’ Minutes (cont.)
 Thanks to the hospitality committee for today’s pot luck.
New volunteers would be greatly appreciated.
 Stair railings were installed from the narthex to the
 A meeting of the Hospitality Committee will be held May
basement and at the back entrance to the basement.
31, 2015. The committee needs to plan five more events.
 A new outside door was installed on the church office.
 An electronic lock was installed on the southeast Gym  Thanks to Kathy Russell for setting up today’s tables. New
table setter uppers are needed!
 Our relationship with Haven Corp, who rent 2215 N. Unfinished Business:
Wahsatch, will end on May 31, 2015.
 All rentals are occupied at this time.
New Business:
 The food pantry is being painted by Fishes and Loaves  The Board of Trustees is considering using fund 1800 of the
church budget, labeled Church Building Fund to add a
 Last one out of the church or Crusader Hall are responsible
bathroom in the church cry room.
for locking up.
 It was recommended by Bill Zobel that the Regional
 The paint in the gym will be touched up.
Building Department be consulted concerning the bathroom
drawings presented. His concern was that the plans do not
Vice-President’s Report (Stewardship):
include a handicap accessible bathroom stall. Is that against
building codes?
 Thanks for all the soccer balls collected for LFS Christmas
present collection. We will probably participate again for
Adjournment time: The meeting was adjourned at 11:48 AM
followed by the singing of the Common Doxology and by saying
 Our next quarterly meal to be prepared for Two Cor will be grace.
prepared on June 15, 2015.
 Thanks to Lynn and Karen for their help with Pastor and
Tasha’s 25th anniversary celebration planning.
Council Secretary
Karen Porsch,
Sundays after Pentecost
June/July 2015
JoAnne Fisher
Karen Porsch
Ryan Snowden
Kevin Ulrich
Rica Molet
Kaitlyn Pence
Fred Rau
Lee Stierwalt
Chris Armenta
Sandy Dellacroce
Joseph Dorris
Christina Tuft
Douglas Kelly
Caleb Widger
Marilyn Gosch
Dee Ulrich
Ernest Rossmanith
Rebekah Armenta
Molly Murphy
Martha Wiegert
Lisa Smith
Roland Obering
Brian Burgess
Solomon Armenta
Richy Russel
Steven Stumpff
(If your birthday in not listed
please contact the Church
Office to update your record.)
Arlene Muhlenbruck
Darlene Maxson
Darlene Easton
Meet Our New Members!
Ken & Pat Lemke joined our church family because
they were looking for a church and felt welcome by our
members. Ken and Pat feel that the Lord guided them to
move to Colorado Springs. Being retired keeps them
both busy! For fun Ken likes to golf and Pat likes to
paint. Ken and Pat have grown children.
Sandra Dellacroce was a graduate of Redeemer
Lutheran School and was confirmed here at Redeemer.
She rejoined our church family because many people
Sandra grew up with still attend here and she was
always given an open invitation to attend services. In
retirement Sandra keeps busy with her 2 children, her
grandson, and her husband. She also occupies her
time with remodeling her house, helping and visiting
extended family and friends, and traveling. For fun
Sandra likes to camp; fish; travel and visit family &
friends; and play cards, bunco, and shuffle board.
Sandra has two children Christopher, 25, and Sara, 25.
Sandra and her husband met when they were 15 in high
school, they started dating at 21 and have been married
for 37 years this year. They are both retired and love to
travel, especially to other countries. She worked for the
City of Colorado Springs and Colorado Springs Utilities
as a business analyst and programmer for 30 years.
Her husband worked for Colorado Springs Utilities for
26 years.
Welcome Ken, Pat, and Sandra we are so glad to have
you as members!
Our next meeting will be held on Wednesday,
June 17th at 11AM in the Heart Room.
A light lunch will be provided.
Please bring your scissors we will be working
on a new Thanksgiving Banner.
Anyone interested in helping please join us.
Thank You to our Sponsor
Gary Anderson
In memory of Laura
Your support of Redeemer’s
newsletter does not go unnoticed!
Sundays after Pentecost
June/July 2015
From the Board of Stewardship. . .
We give Thee but Thine own,
Whate’er the gift may be;
All that we have is Thine alone,
A trust, O Lord, from Thee.
May we Thy bounties thus
As stewards true receive
And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
To Thee our first-fruits give! (LSB 781:1–2).
In many congregations these stanzas are sung every Sunday when the offerings of God’s
faithful people are received. It’s a sung reminder of who God is and who we are in relation
to Him, of what God does for us and gives to us, and how we respond to His generosity.
We are stewards of God’s varied grace to us. As stewards we acknowledge that God owns
all things and that everything in heaven and on earth belongs to Him (1 Chronicles 29:14; Psalm
24:1; Psalm 100:3; 1 Corinthians 4:7; 1 Corinthians 6:19). Even we ourselves—all that we are and all that
we have—are His. We are His because He created us, preserves us, redeemed us, and
sanctifies us. As the stewards of what He has done for us and given to us, we give of our
first fruits to Him and His Church.
And the Lord receives them and presses them into a use all His own. He sanctifies it. He
hallows it. He uses it to ensure that the Word of God is still preached among us. He uses it
to ensure that there is water for Baptism, bread and wine for His Holy Supper. He uses
what He gives to you and what you give back to Him for your good. Everything that
happens in the church is purchased with the giving of the saints from what God has
provided them. Holy giving from holy people pressed into holy service.
But there’s more. For our giving does not just make the liturgical life of the church possible.
It’s not just the necessary means by which the vessels and sacramental elements, the
hymn books and pastors are made available. The giving of God’s stewards is part of the
liturgy itself, part of the Divine Service. It is one of our responses within the liturgy where
we, not just with words spoken or sung, but with deeds declare, live out and live in, the
excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). Our
offerings are part of God’s sanctifying work that He has us do in the Divine Service for the
life of the world.
That’s what makes our stewardship so precious
and significant. God hallows what we give and
employs it to sanctify us and others. And that is
why we sing: “And gladly, as Thou blessest us,
To Thee our first-fruits give!”
Households served: 518
Total # of person served
in April: 946
2221 N. Wahsatch Ave.
Colorado Springs, CO. 80907
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June/July 2015
(719) 633-7661
FAX: (719) 633-2127
The local Lutheran Hour can be heard Sunday mornings on,
KOA (850 AM) at 6:00 AM, KRLN (1400 AM) at 8:00AM
DATE: June 7, 2015
SPEAKER: Rev. Gregory Seltz
TEXT: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
TITLE: "Life Under God’s Construction”
Do you see a "Road Construction Ahead" sign? Did God put it there?
DATE: June 14, 2015
SPEAKER: Rev. Gregory Seltz
TEXT: Mark 4
TITLE: "God’s Great Work of Faith”
Faith is God’s work, not ours.
DATE: June 21, 2015
SPEAKER: Rev. Gregory Seltz
TEXT: Mark 4:35-41
TITLE: "God’s Ballast of Blessing”
When the waves begin to rock your boat, is Christ in the boat with
DATE: June 28, 2015
TEXT: Matthew 5:43-48
TITLE: "You Aren’t Perfect”
We aren't perfect and we can't change, but we can receive the benefits
of Christ's perfection and sacrifice.
Colo. Spgs, CO
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