NOVEMBER 2014 New Thoughts About Stewardship

New Thoughts About Stewardship
What comes to your mind when you hear
the word “Stewardship”? Budgets, offering
envelopes, one more sermon about generous giving? That is only part of the story.
Let me share the rest of the story.
“Effective stewardship happens
in the context of
people gathering
together to do
what cannot be
done alone.”
Stewardship is an opportunity for God’s
people to come together to do what we cannot do alone.
25 years ago a few people met together and
the P.A.D.S. (Public Action to Deliver
Shelter) ministry began. Since 1990, Christ
Lutheran has been a site for homeless people to find shelter and food on Sunday
nights from October through April. Many
of you have faithfully labored together in
this important mission. That is stewardship.
I just finished a five week study on Philippians, and many of us came together to
consider what it means to live a joyful life
in Christ no matter what kind of circumstances we face. Last Sunday 20 adults
gathered together on Sunday morning for
study and reflection. The Spirited Women
gather on Monday evenings for study, prayer, fellowship and mission work. Gathering
together to study God’s Word is another
[email protected]
Office Hours
Mon-Thu 9 AM - 4 PM
Fri 9 AM—Noon
important aspect of stewardship.
Twice a month on Thursday evenings I
teach our confirmation students the foundational truths of Luther’s Small Catechism and the stories of God’s grace and
mercy in the Bible. This too is an opportunity for teaching about stewardship.
Dedicated adults gather on Sunday mornings to teach our children. Their example
of faith and love for Christ is yet another
example of faithful stewardship.
Effective stewardship happens in the context of people gathering together to do
what cannot be done alone. Sunday, November 23rd, has been set aside as Stewardship Sunday. Yes, you will hear about
“giving generously” and yes, we will need
to continue to receive a weekly offering
during the Worship Service. Most importantly, you will begin to see that stewardship is really about God’s people coming together to do what cannot be done
Pastor Joel
All Saint’s Sunday is November 2nd. Names will be read, candles will be
lit and a bell tolled for those who have died in the last year. Following this,
those who wish are encouraged to come forward and light a candle in
memory of someone, while the Hand Bell Choir plays a musical selection.
November is Military Support Month! Be sure to join us in worship on
Nov 9th and Nov 16th as we have special guests scheduled and recognition
of our military veterans. If you haven’t already told us, please call or e-mail
us at [email protected] and let us know. (We want to know
who served—whether you served in wartime or not—all veterans are important!)
Mutual Ministry Team
Recently Pastor Joel and the
Church Council appointed
Lois Frey, Paula Spengler
and Tom Betz to staff the
"Mutual Ministry" team.
They will be accountable to
the Congregation and the
Church Council for a term of
two years, renewable once.
Spirited Women
We have begun our
new Bible study and it
is never too late to join
us as each week is
different. See Sharon
Whiting for a book.
Upcoming Events:
Monday, Nov3rd, 7
pm - Free Trade Scarf
and Jewelry Show in
support of worldwide
ministries through
Annie’s Resale for the
Saturday, Dec 13th,
11 am - Teacup Christmas Craft. Make a
floral teacup arrangement, purchase for $10
and proceeds go to our
Youth Mission trip
Monday, December
15th, 6:30 pm, Christmas Party. ALL ARE
Purpose: “Affirming and
strengthening the mission of
the congregation and the
ministry of the staff is the
primary purpose of a Mutual
Ministry Team.” This is accomplished through:
∗ Listening and clarifying;
∗ Sharing and communi-
Benefits Include:
∗ Open communication
about the expectations,
attitudes, and concerns
within the congregation,
the community and the
∗ Identification of early
warning signs of misunderstandings;
∗ “Listening Post” for pastors and people;
∗ A safe place for pastors to
test new ideas;
∗ Conduct annual review
and affirmation of staff;
♫ No t e s f ro m M u s i c M i n i s t ry
Christ Lutheran Concert
Series: Don’t miss the last
concert this year. Spirit of Life
Chorus will present their
Christmas concert, “The Night
When Love Was Born,” here
on Sunday, Nov 30th at 4:30
pm. Bring your friends, and let
this wonderful music start
your Advent/Christmas season
on a positive note! (Pun intended!) There will be a freewill offering at the door to
defray the cost of this and future concerts.
Students’ Christmas Program: On Sunday, Dec 21st,
there will be only one worship
service at 9:30 am. During the
service our Sunday School and
Confirmation students will
present this year’s Christmas
program. This is an excellent
opportunity to invite a friend
to worship and to encourage
our younger members.
∗ Reviewing and reflecting.
Christmas Eve Family Service: Students, do you play an
instrument, do you sing either
alone or with a friend, do you
dance, are you interested in
dramatic reading? Whatever
talents God has given you, all
are welcome to add to the
Christmas Eve Family Service
at 4:00 pm. There will be a
meeting on Thursday, Nov 6th,
from 6-6:30 pm for anyone
who would like to be a part of
this service. Please bring what
you’d like to present on
Christmas Eve to the meeting.
Your piece does NOT have to
be performance-ready at the
time of the meeting. There will
be no group rehearsals prior to
the Christmas Eve service.
Spring Chancel Choir is
open to any singers interested
in participating on an on-going
basis. For the spring session,
rehearsals will start on Thursday, Jan 8th, and continue
∗ A sounding board in time
of personal and/or professional stress;
∗ Help to plan continuing
education for the staff;
∗ Yearly assessment concerning the working conditions, compensation, housing, benefits, etc.
This ministry offers any
member of the congregation
a place to express their concerns or ideas “'ONE ON
ONE” with any member of
the team. All conversations
must and will remain strictly
confidential, unless permission to share is given. Talk to
V e r a W i s n i ew s k i
weekly through the beginning
of June. We rehearse from
7:45-8:45 pm in the Sanctuary
and lead worship at the 8:30
am service, during Lent and at
special holiday services. Registration will be open from
Nov 23rd—Dec 14th.
Hand Bell Ensemble: The
hand bell ensemble has
worked very hard during the
fall session to prepare for worship. I hope that you have had
an opportunity to hear them
play and that you will consider
joining us. The spring session
for this ensemble will start on
Monday, Jan 12th, and continue weekly through the beginning of June. Rehearsals begin
at 4:30 pm and end at approximately 5:30 in the Sanctuary.
No experience is necessary.
You do not have to be able to
read music. Please contact me
if you are interested in ringing
with this group.
L e a rn i n g Mi n i s t r y
Sunday School News
New Curriculum: This year
our children will be using the
Sparks Sunday school curriculum. This curriculum focuses more on teaching through
bible stories. The first few
weeks highlighted the stories
of Sarah & Abraham, Moses
and the 10 Commandments.
Ask your child what they’ve
been learning about each Sunday!
New Schedule: Last year,
children came to up church
for both a children’s sermon
and communion each week.
This schedule made it difficult for continuity of the
day’s lesson. It is important
for children to participate in
both activities, so we are going to try alternating this year.
On the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays, all Sunday school chil-
M e l a n i e An d r es
dren will come up for communion. On the 2nd and 4th
Sundays, Pastor Joel will
have a children’s sermon
near the beginning of the
worship service.
New Assistant Superintendent! We would like to welcome Theresa Greinig as Assistant Sunday School Superintendent.
On Bible Sunday, Oct 5th, the
following 3rd
graders received
their Bibles:
Benjamin Prater, Mary Trost and Michael
Congratulations to all of you
and we hope you will read
your Bibles!
O u t r e a ch
For Adults
So – what do YOU think
“religion” is? If you were
present at our first Adult Ed,
you would have had an opportunity to hear others’ opinions and express your own.
What a great way to begin the
year! Moving forward from
this base, Joanne Courtney
led discussions of Mormonism and Islam. We’re trying
to be flexible, and if it seems
like another week is needed to
discuss one of these faiths, we
may extend a week. We are
adding a reminder via our
CLC hotline, so you can be
up to date on the topic for
each Sunday. Timely news
will also be in the bulletins.
Come join us for these stimulating topics!
Marcy Boudreaux
Thanksgiving Baskets
Angel Tree Program
This program, through Palatine Township, assists underresourced families from our
community by providing
them with items needed to
prepare a traditional Thanksgiving dinner. If you would
like to help, please donate
food items from the flyer you
will receive on Sunday, Nov
We will also be participating
in this Township program
again. Festive angel ornaments will contain the name,
age and “gift wish” of a disadvantaged child or senior
citizen from our community.
You will receive a friendly
flyer on Sunday, Nov 9th, that
will explain all the festive
The Christmas Fair is coming on Saturday, Dec 6th, and
Sunday, Dec 7th, with homemade goodies and holiday
craft items. Plan to have
breakfast at the fair while you
shop for everyone on your
list. Watch for the signup to
provide baked items and pick
up festive packaging. Proceeds will benefit an allchurch project. Questions?
Contact Paula McNutt or the
church office.
Fall CleanUp Day
Mark your
calendar for
Nov 8th (or a
Rain Date of
Saturday, Nov 15th). On that
day, bring your rake, blower and work gloves (gloves
are helpful, but not necessary) and join in the annual
Fall Cleanup starting at
8:30 AM.
All those trees that make
our campus so pretty have
shed their leaves, which
need to be put curbside for
the Village of Palatine
pickup. It usually takes
about 2 hours and there is a
supply of soft drinks, coffee
and donuts.
No need to sign up—just
show up ready to work!
Questions? Contact John
Smylie, Don Kramlich or
George Faust.
S p e ci a l W o r s h i p E v e n t s / T i me s T h r o u g h D e c e mb e r
Thanksgiving Eve Worship
Wednesday, November 26th:
Mark your calendars!
This year we will have
Wednesday evening
“Holden Prayer Around
the Cross” services at
7:00 PM during the first
three weeks of Advent.
Each service will offer
something special in addition to prayers.
On Dec 3rd, the Hand Bell
Choir will play.
On Dec 10th, the Chancel
Choir will sing.
And, the Dec 17th service
will feature the Confirmation students.
More information will be
coming soon!
7:00 PM worship
followed by Pie Fellowship
Advent and Christmas
Sunday, November 23rd:
Sunday, November 30th:
Wednesday, December 3rd:
Sunday, December 7th:
Wednesday, December 10th:
Sunday, December 14th:
Wednesday, December 17th:
Sunday, December 21st:
4:30 PM, Hanging of the Greens
followed by a Pizza Supper in the
coffee shop. Please come and help!
First Sunday in Advent
7:00 PM Service
Second Sunday in Advent
7:00 PM Service
Third Sunday in Advent
7:00 PM Service
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Children’s Christmas Program one Worship Service at 9:30 AM
Wednesday, December 24th, Christmas Eve
♦ 4:00 PM – Family Service with Holy Communion
♦ 9:00 PM – Candlelight Service with Holy Communion
Sunday, December 28th: One Worship Service at 9:30 AM
M o r e O u t r e a ch
us for the “Hanging of
the Greens” on Sunday,
Nov 23rd, at 4:30 PM, followed by a Pizza Supper.
We will decorate the sanctuary and put up the
Christmas trees. Just show
up at 4:30—no signing up
required. Come and
help—we always have a
good time!
A sign-up sheet for the
Pizza will be available in
the narthex in early November.
thank all who donated to
the shipping expenses for
QUILTS. Your gifts of
$309.50 completed the
shipping expenses for 83
quilts; the remaining $’s
will be used for quilt sewing materials. Thanks to
the Friday Quilters and the
Senior Wednesday quilt
square cutters. Grant assistance for expenses was
made possible through
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans Northwest Cook
County Chapter 30040.
P o i n s e t ti a s
2014 for Bread for the
Many thanks to all who wrote
letters to their Congressmen
requesting support for hunger
programs. “We live in the
world’s wealthiest nation; yet
over 50 million Americans
struggle to put food on the
table. In the United States,
hunger is not caused by a
scarcity of food, but rather the
continued prevalence of poverty.” Bread for the World
Hunger and Poverty Fact
Sheet. See
Poinsettias beautify our
chancel for Christmas.
Watch Sunday bulletins for
ordering information.