Redland High School Infant and Junior Friday Note 24 October 2014 Poppies for Sale The Royal British Legion has once again brought us poppies and memorabilia to sell in the run up to Remembrance Day. Year 6 girls will be visiting each class during registration with the box of poppies and the accompanying collection box from Monday 20 October. They are also selling them in the playground from 8.20am each morning for any parent wishing to buy a poppy. If girls would like to bring in a small amount of silver change to give in return for a poppy they are most welcome. The suggested donation is 50p. EYFS Development The Carpet and Vinyl flooring have being installed and the sun pipes have been built. The accessible ramp and steps to external doors are nearly finished. External lighting has been fixed and the shelving and walk in storage is nearly finished. Next is a deep clean and external tarmacking followed by the final snagging jobs. Fireworks Friends of Redland High in association with Friends of QEH are holding a family Firework evening on Saturday 8 November at 7pm (gates open 5.30pm) at the QEH Sports Ground. Tickets are available from Friends of Redland High and are priced at £4.50 in advance and £6 on the gate - children under 5 years are free. Please click here for further details. Creative Curriculum As usual during the assessment week and half term we ask the girls to approach their homework from a different angle. This year, to prepare the way for the opening of the Early Years Foundation Stage building, we are asking the girls to design their creations on the theme of ‘Dragons’. Why dragons you may ask? On Wednesday 19 November Mrs Amanda Mitchinson, author, will be leading fun, exciting and memorable workshops on how to tame a pet dragon! She is a well-established, loved and known children’s author and writes under the name Professor Georgie Blink. When we opened our Activity Hall seven years ago she was invited in and proved to be a huge hit with girls and staff alike. Your daughter will be bringing home a hard copy of a template upon which she should complete her design and spare copies can be accessed by clicking the relevant links: EYFS - a friendly and or frightening dragon to colour in. Year 1 and 2 - a dragon acrostic poem to complete. Years 3, 4 5 and 6 - a dragon boarder template to write their own dragon poem. We are planning to make these designs in to House Books so all the templates will be on A3 sized paper. Please try to complete your designs using any method; paint, crayon, pastels, collage. The more creative the better. As ever we look forward to seeing the wonderful array of interpretations the children always give to our Creative Curriculum homework and we thank you for your support with this. Redland High School Infant and Junior Friday Note 24 October 2014 'Remember' Poetry Competition 2014 All the girls in Years 1-6 have been invited to take part in a poetry competition based around the theme of 'Remember'. The poem can be anything at all to do with the word 'Remember'. Some examples are: Remembrance Day or poppies, remembering an event, remembering a time, remembering a person or Bonfire Night ('Remember, Remember 5th November'). Each girl may submit one entry which can be word processed or handwritten, the girls may illustrate their work if they wish. There will be three categories: Years1-2, Years 3-4 and Years 5-6. Entries should be placed in the box by the red chairs or emailed to: [email protected] by Thursday 28 November. Happy writing! Please click on the image to access the Barn Dance booking form Second Hand Uniform Cupboard The Second Hand Uniform Cupboard will be open on Friday 7 November from 3.15pm-4.00pm in the Senior School Ante Room. Mathletics We have subscribed to Mathletics for Years 2-6. Mathletics is designed to give girls confidence and challenge them in Numeracy. Girls can earn points for completing online activities and gain certificates. The girls have been given user names and passwords to access the website online - . Please encourage your daughters to use this wonderful resource. Clubs There will be NO Hockey Club – Friday 7 November 2014 due to the Young Voices rehearsal. Open Morning Thank Yous Thank you to all those girls from Year 1 to Year 6 who gave up their free time to help with the Open Morning last Saturday. Thank you to Parents and Carers for bringing the girls to and from school at the weekend too! We had an incredibly busy morning with lots of prospective families visiting the Junior School. All the girls were wonderful ambassadors for the Junior School and I had many uplifting comments from the visitors about their behaviour, positive involvement in all the child centered activities and workshops and how smart they looked. I must also thank all the Junior School Class Teachers and Classroom Assistants for working on Saturday morning to make the whole event a huge success. Thank you. Redland Rascals Places are now very limited for the October Half Term Redland Rascals Holiday Club. If you wish to book a place please click here for further details of the exciting activities that are planned for the Half Term and here for the booking form. Redland High School Infant and Junior Friday Note 24 October 2014 Can You Help? Our Year 13 students have sent their university applications for competitive courses and are likely to be interviewed by admissions tutors in the coming weeks. In order to maximise their preparation we have been able in the past to offer mock interviews by professionals working in the relevant fields. Parents and other contacts have been very helpful in this and our students have enjoyed real success in receiving offers. If you are able to offer a 30 minute interview in the following areas: Medicine, Nursing, Engineering, Primary Education, Law, Computer Science, Psychology, Speech & Language Therapy and Modern Languages (specifically Spanish and/or Italian) please contact Ms Jephcote [email protected] Netball fixture – Thursday 22 October Year 5 Vs Red Maids School Redland High Junior School lost 1 - 5. Although the Year 5’s were a little disappointed with the final score, they displayed episodes of impressive netball play, against a very strong and well organised Red Maids team. Both teams exchanged quick passes but struggled to retain possession in their attacking third, and a low scoring first quarter ended 1 goal to the good to the visitors. In the second quarter Redland High’s defence worked tirelessly to ensure the opposition were tightly marked, a special mention goes to Ananya Shah at goal keeper who made several vital interceptions to deny Red Maids a shooting opportunity. At half time the score was 1-3 and there was still all to play for in this closely fought match. Maisy Longbottom continued to provide outlets for the mid court trio with excellent dodges to lose her marker. Two further goals in the second half secured a Red Maids victory, however they had to work hard for it, as the Redland High girls persevered and failed to give up. Player of the match was Maisy Longbottom who showed great versatility, playing both defensive and attacking positions effectively. Overall, the girls showed excellent determination working effectively as a team and have shown great potential. Further match experience will ensure continued skill improvements. Well done to all the girls involved. Concert for St Peter's Hospice Carl Orff: Carmina Burana - Concert for St Peter's Hospice, Colston Hall, Saturday 15 November Join Bristol Metropolitan Orchestra and City of Bristol Choir for a stunning fullscale performance of Carl Orff's bawdy Carmina Burana. With lyrics from the Middle Ages expressing earthly desires and a lusty enjoyment of life, Carmina Burana is a passionate and primeval work. The brass fanfare of Shostakovich's Festive Overture provides a lively concert opener and Dvořák's ever-popular Symphony from the New World completes a thoroughly entertaining concert. Box office tel: 0844 887 1500 or visit: Interim Report Cards and Assessment Week The girls in Years 1-6 have now completed their assessments. From these attainment records the Class Teachers are now busy completing your daughter’s Interim Report Card (IRC) and she will bring home a copy on Friday 7 November 2014, just before the Parents’ meetings on Monday 10 and Wednesday 12 November. The IRC’s have now been part of our assessment and reporting policy for five years. They are a valuable means of academic feedback as they clearly show your daughter’s efforts and attainments, grades and levels, your child as a learner and the boarder curriculum that they contribute to and enjoy in the Junior School. Pandora Club After half term I fully intend to start my Pandora Club for those girls with a gift or talent in reading, writing, spelling or maths. The results from the assessment week are used to complete the Pandora Club register and those girls who have been invited to meet with me on a fortnightly basis will be written to personally by me. Redland High School Infant and Junior Friday Note 24 October 2014 NOMINATIONS LF Myah Staynings for trying so hard in everything she has done this week. UF Emily Marr for sharing lovely 'show and tells' this half term. Year1 Clare Stableford for a lovely recount of her nutcracker ballet show. Year 2 Ella Law for excellent story writing. Year 3 Annie Leese for her endless smiles and laughter! Year 4 Ella Rush for her excellent sketches of Roman Gods and Goddesses! Year 5 Aliya Noushad for approaching assessment week with such enthusiasm and determination. Year 6 Grace Young for asking and answering questions so well at Swindon Steam on our Evacuation Day. Congratulations Scarlett Naraidoo, Maisy Longbottom and Lilah Gronback for achieving the grade of 11 Mon in Judo. Eleanor Cooper for achieving her silver award in Mathletics. Saskia Morris for completing the British Schools’ Orienteering event in Redditch. Willow Lear for achieving her bronze award in Mathletics. Yousef Abdelrazik for successfully completing his Grade 5 Kellogg’s Duckling Swimming Award. Anya Desai For achieving a bronze certificate in Mathletics. Forthcoming Diary Dates All dates are available on our school website at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------November 3/11/14 4/11/14 Monday Tuesday EYFS pod occupation Young Voices Rehearsal 5/11/14 Wednesday Sixth Form Information Evening 6/11/14 6/11/14 7/11/14 Thursday Thursday Friday 7/11/14 7/11/14 Friday Friday Year 5 visit Hampton Court Palace Year 2 visit Sevington School Young Voices Rehearsal (No Hockey Club) Visiting Morning Interim Report Cards – sent home 7.30am – 6.00pm All Day 3.45pm – 5.00pm JS Activity Hall 9.30am-11.30am 10/11/14 Monday 4.00pm – 6.30 pm 11/11/14 Tuesday Parents’ Evening LF, UF, (Mrs Jones) Years 2,3,4,5 & 6 Young Voices Rehearsal 11/11/14 Tuesday 12/11/14 Wednesday 13/11/14 14/11/14 Thursday Friday 17/11/14 Monday Annual Act of Remembrance at St John’s Memorial, Whiteladies Road – Parents’ Evening LF, UF-(Mrs Vaughan),Years 1,2,3,4,5 & 6 Year 4 visit British Museum, London Young Voices Rehearsal Official Opening of the EYFS Building by Mary Prior (Lord Lieutenant) & The Queen’s Representative. Tea Party attended by RHS/QEH Governors, Residents and OGG EYFS team 3.45pm – 5.00pm JS Activity Hall 6.15pm – 8.00pm 3.45pm – 5.00pm JS Activity Hall 10-45am -11.15am Year 5 & JES 4.00pm – 6.30pm 7.45am – return 6.00pm 3.45pm – 5.00pm JS Activity Hall 4.30pm – 5.30pm
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