Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council Catshill Village Hall, Golden Cross Lane Catshill, BROMSGROVE B61 0JZ tel: 01527 873266 / 07813 671 899 e-mail: [email protected] website: NOTICE OF MEETINGS Parish Council meetings are held on the last Thursday of every month except August and December. The dates for this year are: THURSDAY 30th JANUARY 2014 THURSDAY 27th FEBRUARY 2014 THURSDAY 27th MARCH 2014 THURSDAY 24th APRIL 2014 THURSDAY 29th MAY 2014 THURSDAY 26th JUNE 2014 THURSDAY 31st JULY 2014 THURSDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2014 THURSDAY 30th OCTOBER 2014 THURSDAY 27th NOVEMBER 2014 The meetings start at 7.00pm OR 7.30pm and are held at CATSHILL VILLAGE HALL, GOLDEN CROSS LANE, B61 0JZ Members of the public are welcome to attend the whole meeting and may address or put questions to the Parish Council during Open Forum on any matter connected with the Agenda or for inclusion on future agendas. The County and District Council representatives and the Community Support Officers are also invited to address the Parish Council on matters relevant to the parish. A copy of the Agenda will be available on the parish council’s website. ……………………………………….. Gill Lungley MILCM Clerk to the Council, 23/10/2014 Members of Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council are summoned to attend the Parish Council Meeting at Catshill Village Hall on Thursday 30th October 2014 starting at 7.30pm AGENDA 1. Chairman’s welcome 2. To receive apologies from any member unable to attend 3. To receive information relating to co-options There are currently three vacant seats, one on each ward (ie Barley Mow, Catshill Village, Marlbrook) which the parish council may fill by way of co-option or, since the period to the next elections is less than 6 months, may leave vacant. 4. Open Forum : to close the meeting to receive representations / reports from: 4a) Members of the public. 4b) Worcs County Councillor for the Woodvale Division (report for Oct 2014 e-mailed) 4c) Bromsgrove District Councillors for Catshill Ward and Marlbrook Ward: 4d) Any other community representative eg local Community Support Officer. 5. To re-open the meeting NB: Members of the Public are welcome to stay for the whole meeting but unless the Chairman directs otherwise only Parish Councillors and executive officer may speak from this point forward. 6. Declarations of Interest Members are asked to a) Update their register entry on the Members’ Register of Interests where necessary; b) Declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests (DPI) in items on the agenda and their nature (a DPI relates to anything on the member’s entry in the Members’ Register of Interests); c) Declare any Other Disclosable Interests (ODI) in items on the agenda and their nature. Councillors who have declared a DPI or an ODI must leave the room for the relevant item unless granted a dispensation on specific grounds to stay/speak/vote; the request for a dispensation must be put in writing to the Clerk in advance of the meeting. 7. Dispensations To consider any written request for dispensation from a member 8. Previous minutes To approve the minutes of the parish council meeting held 25/09/2014 9. Members’ Questions Where possible Members are asked to submit questions in advance particularly if a detailed response is expected. 10. Chairman’s Report To be circulated 11. Clerk’s report on delegated actions, update and list of communications a) Annual Bonfire and Firework event arrangements for 1/11/14 b) Catshill bus shelters - approval from BDC to replace shelters on A38 c) Wildmoor Lane - VAS out of action and concerns about speeding d) County Councillor S Blagg is applying for double yellow lines at Kempton Court, Aintree Close e) The dog-waste bag dispensers have been installed at Catshill Meadow and at Braces Lane rec f) NWWA confirm an invitation will be issued to the PC’s representative for future meetings g) Request for bus timetable at Stourbridge Road bus shelter h) Notification of approval for the flood alleviation scheme off Chepstow Drive + update from North Worcestershire Water Management and bdht posted on website and notice boards i) Relevant correspondence: list to be provided at meeting - Items carried forward: report on effectiveness of decriminalisation of double yellow lines; Catshill Post Office re-siting proposal; Dedication stone for Diamond Jubilee Garden 12. To pick up the agenda items deferred from the previous parish council meeting and receive an update from the Clerk regarding events since 25/09/2014. Report attached , 12.1: To approve the Terms of Reference for Working Parties 12.2: To ratify the following delegations: a) To delegate to the Clerk working with identified members the authority to make arrangements for facilitating the annual Bonfire and Fireworks event on 01/11/2014, within agreed budget b) To delegate to the Clerk working with identified members authority to make arrangements for facilitating the annual Remembrance Sunday service on 09/11/14, within the agreed budget 12.3: To approve the deletion of Standing Order 3L 12.4: The Council is to disregard the motion put to the meeting on 25/09/2014 (agenda item 16 Planning Enforcement Matters) which was deferred and to instead forward the spirit of the motion to the Bromsgrove area CALC meeting to be held on 10/12/2014. 13. Committee and Representatives Reports Background papers available 12a) Finance and Staffing Committee meeting 09/10/14 (Cllr P Baker); draft minutes circulated Recommendations for this meeting to consider: - Acceptance of the revised meetings schedule, annual planner and policy review schedule - Budget preparation for discussion at the Parish Council meeting on 27/11/2014; members are asked to provide input relating to next year’s expenditure and future projects - as per agenda item 15 below. 12b) Planning Committee meeting held 16/10/2014 (Cllr F Cook); draft minutes circulated Recommendations for this meeting to consider: - Meeting with district ward members to raise concerns about enforcement issues - With regard to the committee’s Terms of Reference and the number of committee members, the committee recommends leaving the number at 4 members + Parish Council Chairman for the remainder of the civic year. 12c) Newsletter – Autumn/Winter 2014 update 12d) Any other report from parish council representatives including those for: School car parking Marlbrook Tip Remembrance Sunday 09/11/2014 North West Ward Association, trustee for Catshill Meadow Catshill Village Hall Worcestershire Parish Conference held 29/10/2014 Bromsgrove area CALC - Notification of meeting with Sajid Javid, MP 7/11/14, 5-6pm 14. To comment on planning applications notified by Planning Authority Background papers available Log no. App. No. Address 615 & 610 14/0631 Land adjacent to 4 – 28 Oak Road, Catshill Proposal: Amendments to the Amended application 12/0658 for the provision of 8 No. new build dwellings for affordable rent and shared ownership with car parking space and private amenity rear gardens. The housing mix comprises of 2 No.2B3P bungalows and 6 No.2B4P houses. (The shared ownership units will be 3 x 2B4P houses) 15. To be aware of Bromsgrove DC’s decision regarding the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) precept support grant, made available specifically for the relief of parishbased, precept and council tax-paying residents but paid direct by the government to the billing authority. As the billing authority, BDC members have voted to divide the fund equally between each ward member across the whole district which amounts to £1,155 each, to be spent within their ward on projects that meet the BDC’s own-defined criteria. The amount of grant received by this parish for the 2013/14 year was £2,530 which was used to reduce the precept; this year, despite DCLG making the grant available on the same terms, due to BDC’s decision the parish council will not receive any of the grant, thereby denying parish council-tax-paying residents any relief from precept increases. The letter from DCLG for Local Government Minister, Brandon Lewis MP, is attached for reference, along with BDC’s criteria for spending the grant. Members are asked to consider: 15.1 An approach to BDC ward members to seek to ensure the expenditure of the grant is in keeping with the DCLG’s intention. 15.2 Seeking a resolution via Bromsgrove area CALC to the inequality inherent in BDC’s decision to divide the grant between parished and non-parished areas. 15.3 Preparing a press release to encourage wider debate. 16. To comment on the pre-consultation proposal to divert footpath 522A; this is the footpath that runs between Lingfield Walk and A38 in the area designated for the approved flood alleviation scheme. 17. Financial Report Background papers available To receive information relating to the current financial status and bills for payment 18. Items for next meeting Members to advise items for consideration at the next meeting 19. Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting : Parish Council Meeting 27/11/2014, 7.30pm at Catshill Village Hall Gill Lungley, MILCM Clerk to the Council 23/10/2014 Catshill & North Marlbrook Parish Council, Catshill Village Hall, Golden Cross Lane, Catshill, BROMSGROVE B61 0JZ tel: 01527 873266 / 07813 671899 e-mail: [email protected] website:
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