“I have been deployed on the Gazan border for the last 5 months and at this time with all the chaos that the Jewish people are dealing with I just wanted to say thank you, please never stop the great work that you guys at HonestReporting do.” – Ben Z. www.honestreporting.com 2014 Q3 Report HonestReporting Defending Defending Israel Israel From From Media Media Bias Bias HR 2014 Q3 REVieW / page 2 OPERATION PROTECTIVE EDGE The 50-day war with Hamas in Gaza saw HonestReporting’s small team of dedicated staff working around the clock producing content and material to enable subscribers to respond to a veritable avalanche of anti-Israel bias in the media and elsewhere. As Operation Protective Edge began, HonestReporting was the first organization to publish a primer giving background information and talking points on the conflict. This was followed up by further informational content answering some of the most difficult questions surrounding the reasons for Israel’s actions and efforts to avoid harming Palestinian civilians. In addition, HonestReporting monitored, critiqued and exposed many examples of media bias from multiple sources. Some of the corrections that were achieved are included in this quarterly review. During Operation Protective Edge, HR produced some 70 featured articles and action alerts, 35 daily news roundups, 5 videos, 58 email campaigns and 120 original graphics while we reached almost 10 million people on Facebook. HonestReporting also acted as a multiplier on social media by spreading other relevant and viral materials through Facebook and Twitter, particularly multimedia and infographics created by the IDF. Other organizations also reciprocated by spreading HonestReporting material to their own supporters (below). HR gained over 8,000 new mailling list subscribers and 900,000 website views – indicative of the intense activity during this short period. See page 22 of this report for more about Slideshare and our success with “Top Five Media Fails of the Gaza War.” Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 3 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW On the frontlines of the media war During the Gaza conflict, HonestReporting placed strategically located banners on The Times of Israel website, which had seen a massive increase in traffic during the conflict. These banners were designed to promote our work to people interested in Israel who may not yet be subscribers of ours. Our banners were seen almost one million times over a period of three weeks. We rotated banners that linked to our homepage’s daily updated content, a petition in which people could express their disappointment with Gaza-related media coverage, and a link to our donation page. Thousands of people clicked on these links resulting in more visits to the website, more subscribers, and additional donations. “Thank you ever so much for your efforts to keep the world media honest in their reporting of events and situations on the ground in Israel and the Middle East. “You have been very instrumental in lighting a fire within me and have been active in carrying this passion for honesty in reporting to my local newspapers and among my friends and family.” – Trevor W., Edmonton, Alberta Canada FIGHTING A BLOOD LIBEL In August, Time Magazine gave new life to a horrendous blood libel accusing the IDF of stealing Palestinian organs. In the middle of a video about the Israeli military, the narrator stated that the “IDF is not without controversy.” The example: “…in 2009 a Swedish report came out exposing some Israeli troops of selling organs of Palestinians who died in their custody.” Having already debunked this false Swedish report at the time, HonestReporting exposed this latest libel. Within hours of our critique, Time removed the allegation from the video, adding this at the end: “Correction: The original version of this video cited a contested allegation in a 2009 Swedish newspaper report as fact. The allegation has been removed from the video.” This success garnered media coverage including in: The Times of Israel, Haaretz, The Algemeiner, i24 News, and JNS. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 4 / HR 2014 Q3REVieW HonestReporting not only exposed media bias against Israel but also ensured numerous corrections. Media Corrections Three mothers united in grief: Thousands mourn Israeli teenagers ‘killed by Hamas’ as revenge bombings of Gaza begin The Daily Mail Gets it Wrong Omitting Hamas Man’s Terror Affiliation In a report on an Israeli air strike, The Daily Mail failed to mention that the focus of the headline and photos was not only a “Palestinian father” but also a police officer in Hamas’ security services. Following correspondence with HonestReporting, the man’s Hamas affiliation was added to the story by The Daily Mail. The Daily Mail’s report on the funerals and aftermath of the murder of three Israeli teens contained multiple errors as well as bias. The headline (above) referred to “revenge bombings of Gaza,” falsely asserting that Israeli actions to prevent rocket attacks from Gaza were motivated purely by revenge rather than the need to protect Israeli citizens from terror. The Daily Mail also claimed that “Fighter jets unleashed a rain of missiles along the West Bank and a Hamas member was shot dead last night as Israel carried out its retaliation for the murder of the three teenagers.” Contrary to this claim, no missiles were fired by Israeli fighter jets “along the West Bank” while the description of a “rain of missiles” is also an embellishment that implies that were this to be the case, Israeli missile strikes are indiscriminate. In addition, the Hamas member was not simply “shot dead” but was apparently killed when he threw a grenade at forces carrying out an arrest raid, an important piece of missing context. Following a complaint from HonestReporting, amendments were made to both the headline and the article text. Hundreds of Hamas Rockets go Missing for Australian Broadcaster An Australian Broadcasting Corporation story stated that “At least five rockets fired from Gaza were shot down over Tel Aviv by Israel’s Iron Dome defence system, army radio reported.” The article, however, failed to mention how many rockets had been fired in total. Following a complaint from HonestReporting, that vital statistic was added to the article. The original HR article was also republished by Australia’s J-Wire. Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 5 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW Palestinian youth lynched by settlers in revenge killing media corrections It’s Not the Popcorn That’s Rotten Only hours after the publication of a critique and in response to a complaint from HonestReporting, The Daily Mirror removed a recycled photo that had been used to illustrate a story of Israelis watching events in Gaza from a lookout in Sderot. Irish Times Corrects Gaza Occupation Photo Caption The Times of London Adds Fuel to the Fire The Times of London published a speculative headline on the killing of a Palestinian boy (see image above). Only hours after its exposure by HonestReporting, The Times changed its original headline. Sky Sports Corrects: Tel Aviv is Not Israel’s Capital Sky Sports removed a reference to Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital following a complaint from HonestReporting. b The Times of London Corrects Error About Avigdor Lieberman Following an email from HonestReporting, The Times of London issued the following correction: “We said in a leading article (“Avoiding vendetta”, July 8) that Avigdor Lieberman, Israel’s foreign minister, “has now walked out of government”. Although Mr Lieberman has ended his alliance with Binyamin Netanyahu’s Likud party, he remains in the coalition government and as foreign minister.” The caption to an accompanying photo in an Irish Times story referred to the “Israeli occupation of Gaza.” The paper replaced the caption after HonestReporting contacted the Irish Times, pointing out that Israel withdrew its soldiers and civilians from Gaza in 2005, hence there is no “occupation of Gaza” to bring to an end. Fox News Amends Misleading Ceasefire Headline Fox News promptly updated a misleading headline following a request from HonestReporting. The original headline implied that it was Israel rather than Hamas that had rejected a ceasefire proposal. Israel Not to Blame: False Photo Caption Corrected After HonestReporting pointed out the error, The Daily Telegraph amended the captions on two photos that suggested that Israel had shelled the Karni Crossing on the Gaza border. HR also contacted the Associated Press, which was responsible for supplying these photos and captions to numerous media outlets around the world. AP subsequently amended the captions on the offending photos. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 6 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW Media Appearances [ HonestReporting’s work was included in a feature story in Mishpacha Magazine: “The worst reporting comes from a particular liberal/leftwing bias inherent in many media organizations that tend to hire their reporters and staff from a particularly narrow background,” says Simon Plosker, managing editor of ] HonestReporting, an Israelbased media watchdog. “This is particularly the case in the BBC, which falsely claims to seek ‘balance,’ while The New York Times and The Guardian make no bones about their political and editorial slants.” Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 7 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW According to Joe Hyams, CEO of HonestReporting, it’s too late for Israel supporters to consider withdrawing from social media, “the very thing that could have prevented Judge Goldstone’s [anti-israel] allegations from spreading [after the 2008 Gaza conflict],” he said. Joe Hyams was quoted extensively in a feature in The Times of Israel about the merits of taking an occasional “fast” from the intensity of Israel-related social media. “The lies against Israel just can’t take root if everyone is so active on social media,” said Hyams, who believes that how social media platforms are used is just as important – if not more – than why. “It’s like the decision with Iron Dome, to launch or to not launch,” said the British-born Hyams, who abstains from social media on Shabbat. “With social media too, we need to use thought and precision and be aware of the powerful tools that words are,” he said. Hyams called silence in the face of media assaults on Israel “unacceptable,” comparing it to the story of Rashbi and Rebbe Eliezer “leaving the cave” to encounter a shocking world, followed by a return to the darkness. – from The Times of Israel Media appearances Alex Margolin (right), HR’s Internet Strategist, has had several articles republished by The Algemeiner, including: Simon Plosker (above), HR’s Managing Editor, wrote in The Times of Israel on the unsubstantiated rumors that spread online following the brutal murder of an Arab boy from Jerusalem. The Hebrew Israeli YNet news site profiled the anti-Israel bias of the medical journal The Lancet, drawing on a number of HonestReporting critiques and research. People Watch the News to Confirm What They Believe • The BDS Movement Can’t Harm Israel’s Economy, Just its Reputation • How the Media Distorted the Gaza War • Analyzing ‘The Palestine Effect’ • Revealed: Hamas’ Media Strategy for Gaza War Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 8 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW Israel Daily News Stream Facing an overwhelming amount of news reports during Operation Protective Edge, readers turned to to the Israel Daily News Stream for succinct and engaging roundups of the most important stories, commentaries, and trends in coverage. 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 Page Views 637,309 Uniques 549,199 467,188 408,009 386,067 336,862 300,000 200,000 100,000 HR rose to the occasion, as the IDNS broke all records for readership in the third quarter of the year. One example was the August 11 roundup, “Hamas Executes Dozens of Tunnel Diggers,” which became the most-read IDNS post of all time. More than 22,000 readers spent an 0 Q1 Q2 Q3 exceedingly high average of 10 minutes on this page. The useful roundups accounted for one-third of all of HonestReporting’s page views during the crisis. HonestReporting Board Member Max Blankfeld (lower left) had the honor of hitting the “Send” button for the September 10 IDNS email, reaching well over 100,000 subscribers. Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 9 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW Joe hyams at new York city rally: no apologies for not bleeding More The disparity in casualties between Israel and the Palestinians in the Gaza war is a product of Israel’s intense efforts to protect its own citizens, HonestReporting’s CEO Joe Hyams told a crowd of supporters at a pro-Israel rally in front of CNN’s studio in New York. And the international press has an obligation to make that clear to the public, he said. Joe said he was tired of the insidious double standard and media duplicity. “I won’t apologize to the international media that we didn’t bleed enough,” he said. He also rejected the notion that there were two sides to the conflict between Israel and Hamas, both of which deserve equal treatment in the media. “To say that there is offers legitimacy to Hamas, a terrorist organization,” Joe said. “We are not asking the international media to wake up and sing ‘Hatikvah’ tomorrow. We are just asking them to be great journalists. “We need to see a shift to reporting intent and not consequence,” he added, referring to the false impression people get from the raw casualty figures often reported in the press. “Why can’t our media be brave and courageous and prepared to get off that fence and champion those who protect their babies and denounce those who send them out to kill and maim?” he asked. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 10 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW honestreporting events Following the success of HonestReporting events in the second quarter, we’ve expanded this important means of connecting and educating our audience directly. We increased our outreach to Israeli supporters with more events in our Jerusalem headquarters with both inspirational speakers and practical advocacy training. In addition, we successfully held a first-ever conference call allowing a global audience to participate. melanie PHILLIPS The jewish diaspora: paying the price for gaza COL. (RES.) BENTZI Gruber The idf: ethics in the field Dr. Jonathan Schanzer Israel’s Options and Hamas’ Strategy Neil Lazarus practical advocacy training Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 11 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW hr eVENTS MELANIE PHILLIPS Prominent British commentator Melanie Phillips addressed a crowd of 300 people in Jerusalem’s Heichal Shlomo building, which houses HonestReporting’s headquarters, on August 27 on the subject: “The Jewish Diaspora: Paying the Price for Gaza.” Referring to Israel as a “lifeaffirming place of hope where Jews are not on their knees but are fighting for the defense of civilization against barbarism,” Ms. Phillips noted how, in the discourse surrounding the Gaza conflict, antiIsrael attitudes had morphed into overt anti-Judaism in a “tsunami of bigotry and hatred.” Using the UK as a case study, Ms. Phillips addressed the prejudiced attitudes towards Israel from both Muslims and left-wingers and socalled liberals before criticizing the UK Jewish community for failing to respond adequately and preferring to keep their heads down. She also criticized Israel’s failure “to grasp that information is a strategy of war on the battleground of the mind, and a strategy that has been used to enormous effect against Israel, and against which it doesn’t even seem to know that it is fighting. “Israel needs a new strategic vision. It needs to have a strategy to combat the psychological warfare strategy being deployed by the enemy and having been deployed so effectively against Israel for around four decades now.” Ms. Phillips stated that Israel needs to reframe the entire narrative about the Middle East, firstly by educating the uneducated through teaching the history of the Jewish people and Israel, through exposing the Muslim and Arab anti-Semitism so prevalent even among so-called moderates in the Middle East, and to position Israel at the forefront of the global battle for civilization by reclaiming the word Zionist for the moral high ground where it belongs. She stressed that Zionism is an integral part of Judaism and to be hostile to Israel or Zionism is to be hostile to Judaism. Israel should delegitimize the delegitimizers by calling the United Nations to account, particularly UNRWA’s relationship with Hamas and the UN Human Rights Council’s credibility as it empowers dictators and rogue states. Ms. Phillips also urged Israel to hold its allies to account for their silence in the face of years of demonization and delegitimization and the constant incitement against Israel and Jews. Finally she said that Israel should present its fight not as a regional conflict but place itself at the head of a global battle for civilization against Islamists and jihadists that Western states are all in together. Melanie Phillips concluded: “Diaspora Jews are not paying the price for Gaza… They are paying the price for something else. They are paying the price for Gaza for European and Western anti-Semitism. They are paying the price for Israel’s strategic failure on the battleground of the mind. They are paying the price for their own silence and their own futile attempt to separate themselves from Israel. They are paying the price, above all, and I’m thinking particularly of Britain, of living in a fool’s paradise.” HonestReporting Managing Editor Simon Plosker said, “Melanie Phillips is a forceful advocate for Israel and there is much that both Israel and Diaspora Jewry can learn from her willingness to confront the challenges facing us in these difficult times.” A video of Melanie Phillips’ speech can be found online here: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=cKosCIScvO4 This video alone has been viewed by over 21,000 people. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 12 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW hr eVENTS COL. (RES.) BENTZI Gruber On July 7, HonestReporting hosted IDF Colonel (res.) Bentzi Gruber who spoke to an audience of 50 at HR’s Jerusalem headquarters on the subject of “Ethics in the Field.” The choice of speaker and topic was deliberate in that Operation Protective Edge was launched the following day. Colonel Gruber gave the audience a firsthand look into the strategic and ethical decisions that IDF commanders and officers make daily and demonstrated the way in which the IDF strives to avoid collateral damage while also maintaining national security. Col. Gruber is a regular HR Mission lecturer. Don’t miss our June 2015 Mission to Israel! dr. jonathan schanzer On July 15, in the midst of the Gaza conflict, HonestReporting initiated what is expected to be the first of many future teleconferencing events. Dozens of valued friends and supporters of HonestReporting joined Joe Hyams to hear from Dr. Jonathan Schanzer, a respected author and scholar in Middle Eastern studies, and vice president of research at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. Dr. Schanzer gave his analysis of the latest situation and answered numerous questions from his listening audience. By cooperating and working with outside experts in their fields, HonestReporting is increasingly seen as a credible source of expertise on broad regional issues. Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 13 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW hr eVENTS neil lazarus On September 30, dozens received practical advocacy training from Neil Lazarus of Awesome Seminars at HonestReporting’s International Headquarters. Neil is an internationally acclaimed expert in the field of Middle East Politics, Israel Public Diplomacy and Effective Communication Training. Thanks to his unique style, the participants left with a greater confidence to be able to defend Israel, a particularly important skill in light of the recent Gaza conflict. Making an Impact: Educating and Advocating Feedback from our events testifies to their value. We ran educational programming for nearly 450 people during the quarter and the results were overwhelmingly positive. When asked how they would rate the educational value of the Jonathan Schanzer conference call, 73% of respondents stated that it was exceptional or very educational. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ HR EVENTS page 14 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW Making an Impact: Educating and Advocating The speaking events outlined above have registered impressive feedback. 82% of respondents have found the speakers to be very interesting. In Washington, D.C. in July, HonestReporting CEO Joe Hyams met with Ron Dermer (right), Israel’s Ambasador to the United States, to discuss Israel’s media challenges. Joe Hyams with William Daroff, Vice President for Public Policy and Director of the Washington Office of The Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA). Social media is where a significant proportion of the battle for Israel’s image is being fought and more than anywhere else, the forum where individuals can have the greatest impact by simply sharing and promoting HonestReporting’s materials and those of other prominent personalities. Join HR’s social media efforts on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, SlideShare, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Google+. Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 15 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW U.S. Outreach On August 3, HonestReporting CEO Joe Hyams participated in a communitywide gathering at Congregation Beth El Atereth Israel in Newton, MA. Guest speaker Rabbi Steven Weil led the commemoration of the shloshim of murdered Jewish teens Eyal, GilAd, and Naftali, z”l, while solidarity was shown for Israel. Joe demonstrated support for members of the IDF with HonestReporting material gathered during Operation Protective Edge. U.S.A. executive director HR’s USA Executive Director Gary Kenzer continues to travel the country on behalf of the organization. Gary continues to be a regular monthly guest on the talk show Hebrew Nation Radio which has a listenership of thousands worldwide. He also spoke at the Chicago area chapter of Parents of North Americans in Israel (see below). During this quarter Gary gave several talks at two Limmud events, one in the Bay area just north of San Francisco and the other in Baltimore, MD. Both events and cities attracted several hundred people. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 16 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW U.S. OUTREACH In Jacksonville, FL on July 21, HonestReporting CEO Joe Hyams spoke to over 200 people at Congregation Ahavath Chesed. Elizabeth J Kanter @elizabethkanter Jul 24 @LegalPoetry @HonestReporting -SO proud ‘The Lawrence & Kathy Kanter #Endowment For #Jewish Preservation’ brought this program 2 #Jacksonville! Reply • Retweet • Favorite ••• More Joe Hyams presenting to Brandeis University students on September 23. Ethical challenges in journalism were explored through the lens of this past summer’s conflict. Students had the opportunity to review biased news reports and develop their understanding of how media influences public opinion. Joe invited students to recognize their own capacity to counter hate and misinformation that affects Jews all over the world through appropriate use of social media to drive grassroots change. Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 17 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW I’d like to commend you on the wonderful work you do. It is really sad that the mainstream media is so blatantly dishonest (and dangerously so) in reporting the truth. Linda Z., British Columbia, Canada So glad that you are on the job getting the truth out. wish more of the public were reading HR. Thanks a million! Now my friends won’t think I’m crazy!! Just love your reporting and look forward to your emails every day. Arlene K. Maryland Hi HonestReporting, After 15 years as a MP I will now finish as a parliamentarian. I have appreciated all the information I got from you during all those years. Thank you! Annelie Enochson Member of the Swedish Parliament Myrna B. New York What you are doing is fantastic. I applaud your constant vigilance and the recognition that the battle for minds and hearts is critical. Mahti T. Maryland HonestReporting’s work clearly made an impression during the Gaza conflict judging by an appearance on an Al Jazeera report on the information war. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ H De page 18 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW the Blankfeld Award for media critique The 2014 Winner is... Elijah granet HonestReporting is proud to announce that Elijah Granet, 19, from San Diego, California, and currently studying in New York City, is the winner of the third Blankfeld Award for Media Critique. On receiving his certificate and the first installment of his award, Elijah commented: “I am deeply honored to have received this award. As someone who has both aspirations to be a journalist It was a unanimous decision and a strong connection to to give this year’s award to Israel, I consider the treatment Elijah, currently majoring in of Israel in the media to be Political Science and Talmud a crucial issue. I am looking at Columbia University and the forward to working with Jewish Theological Seminary HonestReporting to help ensure in New York City. Elijah has objective coverage of Israel.” been a regular contributor HonestReporting received to The Times of Israel blog entries from aspiring student section and wrote several writers from around the globe, opinion pieces for the Daily including the U.S., Canada, Californian having spent South Africa, Australia and the first year of college at the UK. HonestReporting the University of California, staff members and HR Board Berkeley. member Max Blankfeld, the Elijah has been a dedicated sponsor of the $2000 award, Israel activist from high school were joined by The Jerusalem where he founded an AIPAC Post’s Political Editor Gil club to his time at UC Berkeley Hoffman on the judging panel. where he was on the executive Dedicated to the memory board of the Tikvah: Students of Eli Blankfeld, a journalist for Israel group. Elijah was who documented Jewish also a recipient of the Goor life in Germany after World Prize in Jewish Studies. War II and during the period surrounding the creation of the State of Israel, after having lost his parents and sisters during the Holocaust, the Blankfeld Award for Media Critique recognizes aspiring journalists who demonstrate a commitment to the values of objective and honest reporting, specifically in the field of the Arab-Israeli conflict. As the recipient of the Blankfeld Award, Elijah has committed to producing at least four pieces of writing during the year 2015 for publication on the HonestReporting website. HonestReporting’s Managing Editor, Simon Plosker said: “We were extremely impressed with the quality of the applicants’ submissions and the commitment shown in their writing. Elijah’s writing stood out for its creativity and unconventionality and we are confident that he is one to watch both now and in the future.” Elijah’s success was covered in the San Diego Jewish World and Carmel Valley News. Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 19 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW During the third quarter, HonestReporting produced eleven new videos, many of which showed specific examples of biased media coverage during the Gaza conflict. Videos were used to encourage viewers to contact the media and also to promote the HonestReporting website. Our video channel saw a large increase in traffic in this quarter with 140,000 people having been educated and influenced by our work, totalling over half a million minutes spent watching HR material. The videos hr videos encouraged engagement of viewers with thousands of comments and shares. These views came from both new and existing videos. Our Melanie Phillips lecture (see p. 11) was recorded and was watched over 21,000 times on YouTube. Our video comparing a CNN interview with guests defending Hamas and one on Fox News with Sean Hannity currently has some 17,000 views. Another 20,000 views were attributed to an older but important video showing how Palestinians often act out fictional scenes of Israeli destruction for news cameras (“Exposed: Pallywood Returns to Gaza”). welcome Talia Felix, HR’s social media manager Recognizing the need to increase our already substantial social media activities, HonestReporting was delighted to hire Talia Felix as our new dedicated Social Media Editor. Talia joined HR fresh from a period of reserve duty in the IDF Spokesperson’s Unit during the Gaza conflict. Having previously served on the European Media Desk of the unit’s Foreign Press Department, Talia brings her mix of youth and experience to this important part of HonestReporting’s work. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 20 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW social media HonestReporting attracted 1.2 million visits during the third quarter of 2014. The biggest referring site to HonestReporting remained Facebook, which sent more than 200,000 visitors. Facebook During the third quarter, HonestReporting’s Facebook page nearly doubled in size, growing from 15,900 members to 29,400. In addition to the traffic Facebook sent to HR’s website, it also helped HonestReporting reach 10 million people through Facebook itself during the Gaza war. The numbers include an astonishing 5 million in one week, largely on the strength of several graphics that were shared virally. The most popular graphic HR produced during the conflict was a picture of Golda Meir with one of her famous quotes from the 1950s about peace. The message clearly resonated with how many of Israel’s supporters felt about the Gaza war. 8,953 Likes 307 Comments 45,764 Shares Reach: 3,406,000 24,725 Likes 1,200 Comments 37,987 Shares Reach: 3,312,640 Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 21 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW social media HR’s Facebook effort had the most successful week in its history, reaching millions of readers with news and analysis during the heat of the Gaza war, and inspiring hundreds of thousands to get involved in the online effort to support Israel. Likes: New Membership 4,500 3,500 increase from previous week 2,000 1,500 1,000 986 500 0 Week of July 8-14 1,250 Week of July 15-21 499% 4,000,000 increase from previous week 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 269,754 Week of July 8-14 449,807 Week of July 15-21 increase from previous week 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 24,700 42,301 Week of July 8-14 Week of July 15-21 Week of July 22-28 22,694 20,000 15,000 17,779 18,477 Week of July 8-14 Week of July 15-21 Week of July 22-28 20% increase from previous week 10,000 5,000 Week of July 22-28 Total Reach: HR’s Presence on Facebook 6,000,000 5,146,157 5,000,000 556% 400,000 0 Week of July 22-28 Post Reach: People Served HR Content 6,000,000 501,943 500,000 Likes: Total Page Membership 163% 3,000 2,500 600,000 25,000 3,922 4,000 Engagement: People Who Clicked, Commented, Shared, or Liked HR Posts 5,167,224 5,000,000 496% 4,000,000 increase from previous week 3,000,000 2,000,000 1,000,000 0 279,978 Week of July 8-14 457,858 Week of July 15-21 Week of July 22-28 “Well done! The journalists need to be constantly reminded of their duty to report impartial and honest, thank you for taking the time to write to the media to correct them!” – Amanda L., via Facebook Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ page 22 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW social media Slideshare Slideshare is the Internet’s largest showcase for slideshows and presentations, attracting more than 60 million visitors each month. A featured place on Slideshare allows HR to spread its message far beyond the “choir” of Israel’s supporters. Slideshows have emerged as a major part of HR’s communication toolkit. Our slideshow about the worst media bias failures during the Gaza war attracted more than 40,000 views, making it one of the most popular items released by HonestReporting in connection to the war. During the third quarter, all of HR’s slideshows attracted viewers, drawing nearly 100,000 people. Slideshare elevated our presentation to a Featured position on their homepage, as well as packaging it in a “Top Weekly Content” newsletter (above). Twitter HonestReporting’s Twitter following grew by nearly 100% during the third quarter, jumping from 6,700 followers to 11,300. We also drew attention from a vast array of pro-Israel activists and even some celebrities (see right). Want to see this and previous reports on the web? http://www.honestreporting.com/activity-reports/ page 23 / HR 2014 Q3 REVieW fighting bds The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is an international strategy that seeks to present Israel as a pariah state akin to Apartheid South Africa. It aims to isolate Israel politically, economically, militarily, academically, and culturally, Although the BDS movement slipped in prominence during the Gaza war, it has returned in full force with the start of the academic year. HonestReporting expects major BDS battles in the fourth quarter, and beyond. for news and discussion about BDS issues as they appear. The Fighting BDS page on Facebook has grown to over 6,600 members, and the page remains a vibrant forum Many of the posts have been republished by other news sites, helping HonestReporting extend its reach. HonestReporting writer and editor Alex Margolin appeared semi-regularly in the Jewish news site, Algemeiner. His pieces have been featured several times, including during the period of the Gaza war. Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, a respected and influential website covering the BDS movement, re-published Alex Margolin’s article, “Activist Admits BDS Effect Largely Psychological” in its entirety on September 30. Make a meaningful gift today via our secure donation page at https://honestreporting.nationbuilder.com/ HonestReporting’s presence on Twitter example, currently showing 188 Likes and 205 Facebook continues to grow on a daily basis, attracting nearly Shares. Facebook remains one of the pillars of HR’s 6,500 followers, hundreds of retweets, and countless mentions. Twitter has also emerged as an important Internet strategy both for spreading information In a letter to HR, Charity way to keep in touch with our most active We make every dollar youreaders to new readers, reaching readers through mobile President and CEO " Navigator’s devices such as phones and tablets, and for count towards thegive mainstream press. Readers areour also asvital likely to writes: contact us through our Twitter account as through bringing people toCharity our website. During the third work in defending Israel Facebook and, to an increasing extent, email. “Receiving quarter of 2013, Facebook was responsible for four out of a possible from media bias. No other Navigator four stars indicates that your Other Social Media 15,000 referrals to our site, more than any other organization adheres to good organization in ourtosector HonestReporting continues maintain a Rates referral engine other than Google. About 30% of and other best governance presence on numerous other social media platforms, offers such an impactful those referrals came through Facebook’s mobilethat minimize the including Pinterest, YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr, practices HonestReporting as andbang Reddit. for Theseyour channels help HR reach readers philanthropic applications, helping HR reach peoplechance where they of unethical activities " #*!&''"'%&'"&"' “Exceptional” and consistently executes its are most likely to be checking their news, in this buck!effective in that format. especially #%&% &"'#"(!!'"( * #" mission in a fiscally responsible case on their Facebook apps on their phones or Honestreporting also made use of Facebook’s HonestReporting is proud )'$%#!""'$# '"&"&($$#%'%&# way.when Approximately a quarter viral effect it switched systems for readerof tablets. to have achieved Charity theunder charities we evaluate have comments the articles. Today, all%#&$'(%)'# reader &% #" % Facebook’s enormous also makes it on a Facebook-based platform Navigator’s coveted 4-starreach ratingcomments appear our received highest rating, !$#%!%#!!"%# %'&#%&" for sound fiscal management easier for HonestReporting to attain new readers. underneath our articles. Besides helping raise indicating that Afghanistan. the for level“shareable of discourse in the comments by and commitment to well suited Facebook is particularly eliminating anonymous comments, the system HonestReporting.com accountability transparency. has been MediaCentral, a project ofa HonestReporting, has been busy MediaCentral, project of graphics,” whichand HonestReporting For assisting foreign journalists in Israel, helping to get the story right. To find out about MediaCentral’s latest activities both outperforms most other example, a communiqué The New York Times creating the pastis year. The infographic from about HonestReporting, has been busy Charity for Navigator America’s in the field and in its Jerusalem media center, email Aryeh received 673 “Likes” on Facebook, helping turn Green: [email protected] Twitter premier charity the case study onevaluator, the previous page is such an charities in America. assisting foreign journalists the piece into the most-read article of the quarter. highlighting the work of efficient, HonestReporting’s presence on Twitter example, currently showing 188 Likes and 205 in Israel, helping to get the “This ‘exceptional’ designation ethical, and open charities with continues to grow on a daily basis, attracting nearly Shares. storyasright. To find about a USA non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization recognized by the out Internal Revenue Service (IRS). fromisCharity Navigator the goal of providing donors HonestReporting with HONESTREPORTING 2013 Q3 REPORT Page 6 Our ID# is 06-1611-859. generous tax-deductible donations make a real difference. 6,500Your followers, hundreds of retweets, and countless differentiates HonestReporting. MediaCentral’s latest activities essential information needed Make a donation to HonestReporting by clicking here mentions. Twitter has also emerged as an important com from its peers and both in the field and in its to give them confidence in the way to keep in touch with our most active readers demonstrates to the public it is charitable choices they make. Jerusalem media center, email worthy of their trust.” " Aryeh Green: [email protected] the mainstream press. Readers are also as likely to contact us through our Twitter account as through Facebook and, to an increasing extent, email. example,acom uniquéaboutTheNewYorkTimes rec ived673“Likes”onFacebo k,helpingturn thepiec into hemost-readarticleofthequarter. right.TofindoutaboutMediaCentral’slatestactivtiesboth inthefieldandin tsJerusalem ediacenter,emailAryeh Gre n:[email protected] MediaCentral Tired of seeing Israel slammed inSocial the Media media? Other HonestReporting continues to maintain a Join those of us doing something it. other social media platforms, presenceabout on numerous including Pinterest, YouTube, SlideShare, Flickr, 8 honestreporting.com/signup/ and Reddit. These channels help HR reach readers " facebook.com/HonestReporting especially effective in that format. youtube.com/HonestReportingVideo Honestreporting also made use of Facebook’s twitter.com/HonestReporting viral effect when it switched systems for reader comments under the articles. Today, all reader comments appear on a Facebook-based platform underneath our articles. Besides helping raise Defending Israel Media Bias by the level of discourse inFrom the comments eliminating anonymous comments, the system MediaCentral, a project of HonestReporting, has been busy ForU.S. Office assisting foreign journalists in Israel, HonestReporting HR MediaCentral helping to get the story right. To find out about MediaCentral’s latest activities both P.O. Box 7905 10024 Skokie Blvd. 8 Harav Kook Street example, a communiqué about The New York Times in the field and in its Jerusalem media center, email Aryeh Jerusalem 9107802 Jerusalem 94226 received 673 “Likes” on Facebook, helpingSuite turn202 Green: [email protected] Israel Skokie, IL 60077-9945 U.S.A. Israel the piece into the most-read article of the quarter. Media Central HonestReporting MediaCentral HonestReporting is a USA non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Q3 REPORT Page 6 difference. Our ID# isHONESTREPORTING 06-1611-859. Your generous 2013 tax-deductible donations-make a real Make a donation to HonestReporting by clicking here
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