Dr. Paul Noe, Pastor Mrs. Brittany Walden, Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Volume IV, Issue XI
November, 2014
Dr. Paul Noe, Pastor
Rev. Brian Ayers, Associate Pastor & Minister of Youth
Mrs. Brittany Walden, Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Creation Seminar with Steve Levinson, Speaker
“...I will bless
Sunday, November 16th, Morning & Evening Services
thee… And thou
The 2015 Proposed Financial Budget!!
shalt be
There will be a Special Called Business Meeting for the purpose
of discussing the 2015 proposed Financial Budget on Wednesday, November 19th, at 6:30pm. The Church-wide vote on the 2015 proposed
Financial Budget will be on Sunday, November 23rd.
a blessing.”
Genesis 12:2
The Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
are due by Sunday, November 2nd!
November 15 Deadline
Jayelynn Beasley Medical/Expense Fund
A medical/expense fund has been established for little Jayelynn
Beasley at First Citizens Bank. Jayelynn is currently being treated for a
brain tumor at St. Jude’s Hospital in Memphis. Deposit slips are available on
For all info to be included in
the December Newsletter.
Inside this issue:
Pastor’s Message
the communion table for your convenience. Please pray for Jayelynn and her
family during this difficult time.
Fifth Sunday Food Drive on Sunday, November 30th!
Please bring non-perishable food items, cleaning products, and toiletries
to help stock Sweetwater’s Benevolence Food Pantry. Marked bins will be located near the Information Center and in the Fellowship Hall on the 30th for your
donated items.
Suggestions include pasta, pasta sauce, canned meats, vegetables &
fruits, dried beans, rice, cereal, oatmeal, grits, Bisquick-type mix, pancake mix,
syrup, peanut butter, dish detergent, bleach, toothpaste, soap, & shampoo. We
appreciate your generosity!
November Schedules 4
Contact Info &
Brittany’s Bits
Page 2
Dear Members and Friends of the Sweetwater Baptist Church:
Blessings!! I would like to take this opportunity to say “thank you” to all of you who have purchased
farm animals and made financial contributions towards the Romania Mission Trip. Hundreds of people will
be assisted as a result of your investment. Please, pray for the Mission Team as they will be in Romania during the dates of November 3 – 13. Team members include Kathy Ferguson, Linda Gillespie, Roby Gillespie,
Mike Mock, Matt Robinson, Barbara Schmidt, Peggy Williamson, and Pastor Paul. Pray for the team to have
safe travel, good health, physical stamina, and fruit for their labor. Thank you Sweetwater for being such a
mission minded church.
Steve Levinson, Creationist Speaker, will be leading a Creation Seminar at Sweetwater on November
16th. He will be speaking in both the morning and evening services. Please, pray for Brother Steve as he prepares to be with us. This is going to be a special opportunity to learn more about how God created the universe. Please, encourage your family and friends to be a part of this awesome and interesting study on the
origins of the earth and mankind.
Please, continue to pray for your Minister of Music Search Team. They are currently receiving resumes for the position and will begin the review process soon. Pray that God will give them wisdom and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit as they strive to determine the person that God has chosen to be our next worship
leader. Team members include John Dickenson (Chairperson), Michael Clark, Kathy Ferguson, Robert Gillespie, Nikki Mock, Coni Samson, and Pastor Paul. A special “thanks” goes out to John Dickenson and
Robert Gillespie for leading our music in the interim.
We are living in an ungrateful world. One of the most neglected holidays is Thanksgiving. It seems like
our society pushes Thanksgiving to the side in order to prepare for the commercial aspects of Christmas.
President Abraham Lincoln established Thanksgiving as a national holiday in 1863 a time of reflection and
rejoicing. Everyday should be Thanksgiving for the Christian. There is always something to be grateful for.
Thanksgiving is an attitude of the heart. Colossians 3:15 declares, “And let the peace of God rule in your
hearts, to that which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.” I am reminded of the following poem.
“He who thanks but with the lips
Thanks but in part;
The full, the true Thanksgiving
Comes from the heart.”
J.A. Shedd
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving season with your family and friends. It is a joy and a privilege to serve you!!
It is a joy and a privilege to serve you!!
With a Pastor’s Love,
Brother Paul
Philippians 1:3
November Events
November 2 — Minister of Music Search Team Meeting, 4pm; Lord’s Supper, 6pm
November 3-13 — Romanian Mission Trip
November 3 — Neely Group, 10am (note date change)
November 4 — Norma Pate Group, 6:30pm
November 12 — Finance Committee Meeting, 7:20pm
November 15 — Senior Adult Day Trip to Ft. Mill, SC
November 16 — Steve Levinson, Creation Seminar, AM & PM Services
November 18 — Ladies’ Photography, 6pm; Norma Pate Group, 6:30pm
November 19 — Special Called Business Meeting, 6:30pm
November 21 — Joyous Seniors’ Luncheon, 11:45am
November 22 — Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 8am
November 23 — Church-wide Vote on the 2015 Proposed Financial Budget
November 27 — Office Closed
November 28 — Office Closed
Happy Birthday!
11/1 — Amanda Biddlecome, Mark Spangler
11/15 — Robyn McCay, Elsie Black, JoAn Smith
11/2 — Dakota Vincent, Charlotte Crawford, Steve
11/16 — Margaret Long, Laurie Boulware
11/18 — Caitlyn Jernigan, Tiffany Young, Allen Payne
11/3 — Leigh Ryan, John Smith, Clydie Blackwood,
Charles Wallace
11/19 — Beverly Reece, Milton Rodgers, Carrington Roberts, Brittany Walden, Trevor Brown
11/20 — Benjy Edwards, Missy Ferraro
11/4 — Kevin Byers, Daniele Wagher, Ralph Haywood
11/5 — Sara Morris
11/6 — Robert Gillespie, Chris McBride, Sharon
11/7 — Cory Bohanan
11/8 — Matt Robinson, Raelynn Meteraud, Elijah
Byers, Cindy Stephens
11/21 — Keith Ebetino
11/23 — Nicklaus Godwin, Rab Black, Mary Payne, Peggy
11/24 — William Curl
11/26 — Ben McClain, Chad Simmons, Beverly Wikander
11/27 — Susan Holley
11/9 — Carl Schmidt
11/28 — Tannor Byrd, Jane Ayers
11/10 — Bill Little
11/29 — Mary Carlton Hurt
11/12 — Lois Morgan, Peggy Whitt, Russell Britt
11/30 — Ralph Thompson, Mike Stone
11/13 — Carson Jones, Jearrie Johnson
November Schedules
Page 4
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
November 2
CMC Ministry
Delivery Schedule
Denise Reed &
Dona Lybrand
November 20th
November 9
Jim &
Shirley Wilmoth
“For the word of
the Lord is right;
and all his works
are done in truth.”
Psalm 33:4
Crib: Heather Arnold & Clydie Blackwood
Toddler: Debbie & Christina McClure
Terry &
Sharon Mathis
Brittany Walden &
Sunnie Cook
November 16
Crib: Patsy Walker & Larry Scales
Toddler: Gail Jones, Ann Hall, & Paul Bunch
Elizabeth McDaniel &
Nancy Britt
Mary Carlton Hurt &
Brittany Hurt
Crib: Helen Costello & Daughters
Toddler: Katie Johnson & Ginny Pardue
Cindy O’Driscoll &
Kathy Crawford
Diane Thompson &
Susie Robinson
Crib: Rachel Ayers & Cindy O’Driscoll
Toddler: Kathy Branson & Libby Zahner
Susan Shealy &
Robin Lanham
November 30
Benay Byers &
Julie Little
Crib: Toni Steedley & Renee Stewart
Toddler: Eric & Tina Wiggins
Theresa Todd &
Peggy Whitt
November 23
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
6:00 PM
November 2
November 9
November 16
David Harley
Miller Butler
Terrill Lepard
Rod Ingle
Ben Ferraro
Matt Robinson
Terrill Lepard
Phillip Dickert Rich Long
Mark Spangler Joe Whitt
Roy Walker
Russell Eubanks Dean McDaniel Chic Morris
8:30 AM
11:00 AM
November 2
Deacons on Call
November 2
Ronnie Berry
Jim Crawford
November 9
Melvin Scales
Robert Ratcliff
November 16
Jim Wilmoth
Bill Little
November 23
Carl Boulware
November 23
8:30 AM
November 30
11:00 AM
November 9
Phillip Dickert
Robert Ratcliff
John Morgan
Lee Leyda
Russell Eubanks
Steve Whisenant
Kenneth Hughes
Chic Morris
Wil Mundy
Eric Wiggins
Tillman Miller
Jimmy Pardue
Bill Little
Roby Gillespie
Robert Thompson
Terry Mathis
David McClain
Jim Williams
Jim Reece
Tony Costello
November 16
November 23
David Harley
Abbie Prince
Lee Hanks
Johnny Albion
Rod Ingle
Miller Butler
Greg Lepard
Dean McDaniel
Rocky McKie
Chuck Nail
Chris Gillespie
Steve Whisenant
Gordon Ferguson
Joe Whitt
Danny Fincher
Eric Wiggins
Melvin Scales
Robert Ratcliff
Clayton Benenhaley
Roby Gillespie
November 30
Chris McBride
Jeff Kervin
Jim Williams
November 30
Jon Majerus
Lee Leyda
David Harley
Billy Todd
Chic Morris
Abbie Prince
Mark Stewart
Jimmy Pardue
Jerry Hawkins
Terry Mathis
Joyous Seniors…
Our covered-dish luncheon this month will be on
Friday, November 21st, beginning at 11:45am. Turkey and
dressing will be provided, so just bring plenty of your favorite vegetables & desserts! Bring a smile and a friend,
and we’ll see you there!
2015 Calendars Available!
The 2015 Sacred Calendars from Posey Funeral Home are available at
the Information Center and in the foyer. Please feel free to pick one up for your home.
Saturday, December 13th
Special Guests: Darrell & Dawn Ritchie in Concert
You May R.S.V.P. by Calling the Church Office (279-2821).
Youth Christmas Party!
Saturday, December 6
We Will Meet at the Raiford’s Cottage
4pm to 8pm
Please bring a $5 gift (NOT a gag gift)
that would be suitable for either a guy or a girl.
More Information Will Be
Available in the CAGE! Make Plans Now!
Come join us as we invite Dr. Livingstone (Steve Levinson), Creation Illusionist, to reveal how an
infinite God historically created the heavens and earth and courageously laid down his life for us!
Steve performs many illusions to illustrate the message of Creation, Corruption, Catastrophe, Confusion, Christ and the Cross.
Where: Sweetwater Baptist Church
When: November 16
8:30 AM, 11:00 AM, and 5:45 PM
Trust God for a Miracle
Church Office: 803-279-2821
Family Life Center: 803-426-1860
Web Site:
 November 2 — United States
 November 9 — Zimbabwe
 November 16 — Belgium
 November 23 — Ukraine
 November 30 — Trinidad & Tobago
Please remember to pray for our Southern Baptist
missionaries and workers this month.
“For the word of the Lord is right;
and all his works are done in truth.”
Psalm 33:4
Trust God For a Miracle
Goal: $2,300,000
Total to Date: $669,746.34
November Big Fish Bubbles
Upcoming Events
RA/GA Walk-a-Thon
To Benefit the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
for International Missions
Saturday, November 15, 8:30am until noon
No Music & Missions (M&M) on
Wednesday, November 26.