Pastoral Advisory Meeting Meetings for September will be announced by Pastor when needed. Celebrate Recovery Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Romans 12:2 Ever wonder why “those” people are so happy? How can they say they are recovering from something like abuse, anger, relationship issues, & more and still have happiness? Please join us and find out for yourself! Every week there is a room full of wonderful people at Celebrate Recovery who have an amazing outpouring of joy. We meet every Friday night. 6:30—7:00 PM Fellowship Dinner 7:10– 8:10 PM Main Group Celebration 8:10—9:00 PM (Gender Specific) Open Share SENI OR PASTORS HERB & SUSAN COLLINS 803-664-4138 /803-664-4474, Office 803-245-5038 Sunday School All Ages Morning Worship Sunday Night Wednesday Night 9:45AM 10:30AM 6:00PM 7:15PM CHURCH MINISTRIES BOARD: Overseer: Pastor Susan Collins Men’s Ministry: Pastor Herb Collins Assistant Pastors: David & Barbie Richardson Ladies Ministry: Carolyn Proveaux Youth Drama Team: Heather, Belinda, Kristan, Katie, Rebecca, & Sara Celebrate Recovery: Lee & Gina Vaughn Certified Lay Leaders (4 Levels) Jessie Jones, Carolyn Proveaux, Joyce Crowley, Barbie Richardson B A MB E R G CH UR CH OF G O D 4 2 0 CA LH OUN S TR E E T B A MB E R G , S .C . 2 9 0 0 3 803-245-5038 Church Website: Forward Together - In Changing Times October 2014 Sunday School Teachers Joyce Crowley: Adult SS Teacher Belinda Griffin & Heather Proveaux: Children’s Church Directors Barbie Richardson & Teresa Kinsey: Children’s SS Teacher FINANCE Committee Members 2014 Regina Vaughn Church Clerk: Carolyn Proveaux 2014 Pastoral Advisory Staff Members: Herb & Susan Collins, Lee & Gina Vaughn, David & Barbie Richardson, and Carolyn Proveaux 9:00– 9:30 Crosstalk Café (Dessert & Coffee) A Powerful, Positive, and Safe Place to Break FREE from Life’s Hurts, Hang-ups, and Habits! God’s GRACE, which I came to understand, was God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. For more Info, please contact, Lee and Gina Vaughn. People Committed to making a difference. 1 Timothy 2: 1-2 The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simple, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Savior God wants us to live. PASTO R’ S HE A RT Wow! It looks like HARVEST TIME is here again at the Bamberg Church of God. We’ve asked the question before, Do we REALLY want to grow? I’ve already taught you that in times of growth, there will be growing pains. Things will change and we must remain flexible and adjust ourselves. Jealousy and tension may arise in our Youth Department. Things may be said that offend you. You may get mad with the Pastor. You may disagree with the way things are going. Harvest time will force us out of our comfort zone. You may feel left out or overlooked. As a Pastor, I may be spending more time with our new folks and I hope and pray that you are mature enough not to squabble over my time. It will challenge you to accept new people. It will test us to see if we have compassion, forgiveness, selflessness, and a true servant’s heart. New people want to feel loved! They do not want to be beaten over the head with what they are doing wrong. Most people “already” know what they are doing wrong. Let’s not force feed them, let’s be patient with them. God is longsuffering and patient, not willing that any should perish. God has given me a new perspective of caring for people. I hope you will join me and serve in this new season that has arrived. You may have to overlook and ignore a lot of things in the next few months. Think before you speak, pray before you speak and always treat others as you would want to be treated, that is the golden rule. We also know with the HARVEST not everyone will stay but let us focus on investing in them while they are here and work with those who stick. Are we ready? Are we prepared? Will you do your part? Will you serve? God has been doing some amazing things in different areas of our church. To God be the Glory! Pastors Herb and Susan NE E D TO KNO W Next CR Leadership Training Sat., November 1st Celebrate Recovery Moving to Friday Night starting Oct 3. Also starting the Landing and Celebration Place Men & Women’s Fellowship Sunday, Oct 26, 6PM Bring finger foods!! YOUTH NEWS Please continue to pray for our youth! Sunday October 12, HOMECOMING DAY with Jeffrey Hicks, No PM Service Everyone please cook plenty. Revival Mon, 10/13—Wed. 10/15 7:15 PM Nightly with Jeffrey Hicks Wednesday Services—October 10/8 Fields of Faith, Bamberg High School 10/15 Revival 10/22 No Service 10/29 Leadership Training Pastor will be attending State Minister’s meeting in Greer, SC on Mon, Tues, Oct 27 and 28. YOUTH OUTING Saturday, 10/25/14 @ Brother Jessie’s Home See Sister June for time and more info. OCT Singing Schedule Sunday 10/5 Sister Carolyn 10/12 Sister Katie 10/19 Sister Barbie 10/26 Sister Rebecca
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