The Cathedral Parish of Our Lady, Saint Peter of Alcantara & Saint Winefride Incorporating the communities of The Cathedral, Our Lady of Pity, Harlescott and Saint Winefride, Monkmoor. Cathedral House, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury, SY1 1TE. Tel: 01743 362366 Information Line: 01743 364256 Fax: 01743 341326 [email protected] Newsletter Entries: [email protected] Very Reverend Canon Jonathan Mitchell & Reverend Father Sebastian Fonsah Reverend Mr Fred Beddow; Reverend Mr Ron Ball; Reverend Mr Ben Tomnay Associated Priest: Reverend Father David Mawson (Priest of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham) Sunday 26th October 2014 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat 25 Sun 26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mon 27 Ferial Tue 28 Wed 29 Ss. Simon and Jude Ferial Thu 30 Ferial Fri 31 Ferial Sat 1 Nov Sun 2 Ferial All Saints Our Lady of Pity Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral Convent Cathedral Cathedral Our Lady of Pity Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Our Lady of Pity Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Our Lady of Pity Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral St Winefride’s Cathedral Cathedral 6pm 8.30am 9.30am 10.15am 10.45am 12.15pm 5.30pm 6pm 7.30am 12.15pm 5.30pm 9.30am 12.15pm 9.30am 12.15pm 9.30am 12.15pm 12.15pm 7.00pm 10am 6pm 8.30am 9am 10.15am 10.45am 12.15pm 4.30pm 6pm Parishioners Billy Cox & All Holy Souls Bob Cowley (RIP) Morning Prayer Emmanuel Odanwu – Special Intention Mass in the Extraordinary Form Vespers Mrs E Kelly (Birthday Intention) Deceased Sisters of Mercy William Davies (RIP) Holy Hour Jane Games (RIP) Fr M McCormack (RIP Anniversary) Private Intention For All Cancer Patients – For God’s Healing Touch Holy Souls Requiem Mass for Dominic Pagett Sister Margaret Mary Michael Scanlon (RIP) Annie Glynn (RIP Anniversary) Parishioners Deceased Members of Hick and Brown Families For All Members of the Catholic Women’s League Morning Prayer Friends of the Cathedral Mass in the Extraordinary Form Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction Mr Foy (RIP) The Cathedral ~Town Walls, Shrewsbury SY1 1TE Our Lady of Pity ~ Meadow Farm Drive, Harlescott SY1 4JY Saint Winefride’s ~ Crowmere Road, Monkmoor SY2 5RA The Cathedral Primary School ~ New Park Road SY1 2SP Sacrament of Reconciliation Cathedral Monkmoor Harlescott Saturday 10.30 – 11.30am Friday 6.15 – 6.45pm Saturday 5.15 – 5.45pm The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity, Number 234025 Please remember Shrewsbury Cathedral in your will. From the Dean’s desk… I hope that you were all successful in remembering the Clocks went back an hour at 1am this morning as we enter Greenwich Mean Time as British Summer Time comes to a close. If you didn’t and are reading this waiting for Mass – then, if you have time, please say some extra prayers for the parish and those who are sick! I want to thank all who responded to my request for feedback on the Mass Schedule for next Sunday (All Saints Day). By far, the majority of those who expressed their opinion, nominated ‘Option B’ which was to adopt the Palm Sunday schedule: Saturday 6pm at Our Lady of Pity, 8:30am Cathedral, 9:00am St Winefride’s, 10:45am Cathedral and 6pm Cathedral. The other two options (surprisingly) were level pegging in parishioners’ opinions. It would be wonderful to see as many parishioners as possible to greet Archbishop Mennini, the Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain at the 10:45am Cathedral Mass at All Saints. This is not to make me ‘look good’ – but out of sincere love and respect for Pope Francis (whom Archbishop Mennini represents) and by way of greeting an important guest to our Parish, and behalf of Catholics in Shropshire (and the Diocese) at our Cathedral, the Mother Church of all the churches and chapels of the Diocese. Finally please note the Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction for All Saints Day in the Cathedral at 4.30pm and there will be another Holy Hour, Vespers and Benediction on Remembrance Sunday. With regard to parking, the small car park at the Chapter House, No. 12 Belmont reverts solely to Cathedral use at the end of this month so please feel free to park there, and do try and be considerate to the less-abled and elderly if you are able to walk from the bridge or St Julian’s. Please remember to pray for the Holy Souls as November approaches. And also pray for me, Bishop Mark and all clergy past and present in Shrewsbury. Money Matters: Offertory Collections: Cathedral: £ N/A Our Lady of Pity: £275.36 World Missions £120.00 Thank you for your consistent generosity. St Winefride: £420.41 £129.52 Holy Hours Ideally I would like there to be Holy Hours in the Cathedral every day, praying for a particular need in the life of the Church. To start this endeavour I propose that we: On Monday continue to pray for the people in the Middle East (especially Iraq & Syria) at 5:30-6:30pm. On Thursday (after half-term when our Church Students return) there will be Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament praying for priests and vocations to the Priesthood from 5:30pm-7pm. On Sundays (starting on All Saints) there will be Adoration, Vespers and Benediction 4:30pm – 5:45pm. Bishop Mark, on Tuesday reminded the Cathedral Chapter about the origins of mozzetta (the purple, fur lined, short cape with a hood) which was originally worn by the canons for prolonged prayer in the stalls of cold cathedrals, praying for the needs of the diocese and the Church. I intend to make these times of Adoration, as far as I am able, opportunities to discharge my office as a Canon and Dean of the Cathedral Church and I invite you to assist me, by joining when you can even popping in for quarter of an hour. We may even look at an all night vigil at some point as St. Peter of Alcantara is the patron saint of the Nocturnal Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament! Canon Jonathan This weekend we welcome Sister Stephanie and Sister Rosaria who will be making an appeal on behalf of the Poor Clare Colettines in Ellesmere. November List: if you wish to remember loved ones who have died and add them to the parish November List, envelopes are available at the back of church during the next few weeks. Please place the names of those you wish remembered (in a clear printed list or using capitals if handwritten) along with a donation, and write your name and telephone number or email address on it. Masses will be celebrated each week of November for those on the parish November List. Please make sure your envelopes reach Cathedral House by Sunday 23rd November to ensure inclusion on the list. A book containing the November list will be on display in front of the Altar in the Cathedral during the month of November. Month of the Rosary. During October there will be an opportunity to recite the Rosary before the weekday Masses at Our Lady of Pity and St Winefride’s, 20 minutes before the start of Mass. (Tue 9.10am at OLP, Wed 9.10am at STW, Thu 9.10am at OLP and Fri 6.40pm at STW.) Everyone very welcome. Catholic Women’s League Shrewsbury Section. Parishioners and guests welcome to our Talk on ‘The Credit Union in Shropshire’ by Mrs Karen Farrow at St Winefride’s Centre on Monday 27 th October at 7pm. Orthodox Vespers for St Winefride. The local Orthodox Community will sing Vespers in The Cathedral at 7.00pm on Wednesday, 5th November, the Transferred Feast of St. Winefride, the second Patroness of our Diocese. Vespers will be followed by refreshments. This annual event gives us the opportunity to celebrate our ties with Christians who are very near to us in the Faith. CAFOD’S Novena for Peace which started in March will come to an end on Saturday 8 th November when we celebrate our final novena Mass, this time at our Cathedral Church of Our Lady Help of Christians and St Peter of Alcantara in Shrewsbury, starting at 11.50am. We hope that those who have supported this Novena previously will be able to join us again in Shrewsbury and that others who haven’t yet done so, will be able to join us for this final Mass. Friday Soup Lunches will start again on Friday 14th November in the Chapter House after Mass. Donations to Friends of the Holy Land and Catholic Women’s League Charities. Come and join us for a warm lunch and a chat and help our fellow Christians who are being persecuted for their faith, with your donations. The Department for New Evangelisation is holding their Formation Day Two for New & Experienced Catechists led by Doctor Petroc Willey, on Saturday 15th November starting at 10.30am, at Saint Columba’s Parish Centre, Newhall Road, Plas Newton, Chester CH2 1SA. The cost is £5 each. Bring a packed lunch. Bookings by Wednesday 12th November to Pauline McCulloch at the Curial Offices tel: 0151 652 9855 or [email protected] Please see poster at the back of church for further information. First Holy Communion programme 2015 commences on 14th January 2015 for children aged 8 years & above by 31st August 2015. Applications to be made in writing to Canon Jonathan at Cathedral House, 11 Belmont, Shrewsbury SY1 1TE or by e-mail to [email protected] Information required: your child’s name, age, your telephone number and address in order that the application forms and other necessary information may be forwarded to you. Closing date for applications 31 st December 2014. Thank you to everyone who came along to the Harvest Celebration Lunch last week and those who bought a pie, all in aid of VSO ICS. We raised £221.92 for the cause. The sale of jams and garden produce – together with an anonymous donation of £50.00, have boosted St Winefride's Car Park Fund total to £17,828.03 raised so far. Thank you for your ongoing generosity. CAFOD Harvest Fast Day collection raised a total of £1223.07, very many thanks to all for your generosity. Your money will be carefully spent: the latest figures available are for 2012-13, when for every £1 spent, 87.7p went to beneficiaries, 11.6p was spent on raising income, and 0.7p was spent on running the charity. The 11.6% spent on raising income is justified by the fact that for every £1 spent on fundraising £7.06 was raised. Once again, many thanks for your continuing support. Catholic Children's Society. Would all box holders please empty their boxes and hand the contents in to Bernadette Waring at St. Winefride's and to Judith Harding at Our Lady of Pity. Thank you! CAFOD 20-week draw Week 13 £10 prize winner No. 31 Gilbert Martial SVP are trying to support a parishioner who has moved into a new property. They are desperately in need of some gardening tools, a small lawn mower, long handle cutters for bushes, a garden fork. They would also appreciate a folding bike and a sewing machine. If anyone has any of these items available please ring Janet on 01743 351623. You can leave a message. Are you a handyman or woman? Would you be able to help someone with fixing a broken table with glass? If yes, please contact the Cathedral Office on 01743 362366. Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A) First Reading: Exodus 22:20-26 Response to the Psalm: Second Reading: (17:2-4.47.51) 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10 Gospel Acclamation: Matthew 22:34-40 Gospel: If you are harsh with the widow, the orphan, my anger will flare against you. I love you Lord my strength. You broke with idolatry and became servants of God, you are now waiting for his son. Alleluia, Alleluia! Open our heart, O Lord, to accept the words of your son. Alleluia! Your must love the Lord your God and your neighbour as yourself. Please note the following changes and introductions • Confessions at the Cathedral on Saturday will now be for a set time from 10 – 11am. • Evening Prayer will be held in the Cathedral Monday, Thursday & Friday at 5.15pm. All are welcome to join Canon Jonathan & our Church students in praying the Prayer of the Church. • Marian Devotions will be held at the Cathedral on Saturdays from 11am. What’s On this week and coming soon Mon 27 Sun 2 Nov Mon 3 Wed 5 CWL meeting, St Winefride’s Parish Centre, 7pm Visit of the Papal Nuncio Cafod Group Meeting in the Chapter House, Pullen Room, 7.30pm Orthodox Community sings Vespers in the Cathedral at 7pm ...... and What’s On every week Monday Monday Tuesday Thursday Meditation Group meets at 10.45am in the Convent, College Hill. Term-time only. Tel: 240401 Rosary Group meets at 2.30pm at St Winefride’s Parish Centre SVP meets in Chapter House 8 – 9pm. Cathedral Prayer Group meets at 7.30pm in the Chapter House Floreat Salopia! Monsignor Christopher Lightbound’s book entitled “Floreat Salopia”, which is a series of essays on the history of our Diocese, is available to purchase from the Cathedral Office. Any money raised will be donated to the Diocesan Church Students Education Fund. A sample copy of the book is displayed at the back of each church. The Cathedral Lamps: The Cathedral Marian Lamp burns this week for the Holy Souls and the Cathedral Saint Winefride’s Lamp burns for Persecuted Christians. If you would like either of the lamps to burn for a particular intention, please contact The Cathedral Office. A £5 donation is suggested. Cathedral Coffee: Cathedral coffee will be served in the Chapter House after 10.45am Mass this week by the Windows Restoration Group and next week by the Children’s Liturgy Group. All are welcome. Cathedral House contacts Cathedral Dean: Assistant Priest: Associate Priest: Retired Priest: Deacons: Parish Office: Director of Music: Cathedral School Canon Jonathan Mitchell Father Sebastian Fonsah Father David Mawson Father Ged McGuiness Reverend Fred Beddow Reverend Ron Ball Reverend Ben Tomnay Kati Sheehan Judith Hall Head Teacher: Mrs Watkins Newsletter – deadline each week Thursday 9am – [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Have you picked up Wednesday Word? 01743 362366 01743 362366 01743 362366 01743 362366 01743 351032
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