Dear Parent, I am so pleased to be back with students and staff at Swartz Creek High School. Another year is off to a great start. During September each student was welcomed back by one of the principals. The principals reviewed the attendance policy, cell phone use, activities, dress code, and important dates. Freshmen students will soon be hearing a presentation by a counselor about high school requirements and how to be successful in school. The presentation will be posted on the SCHS Counseling webpage for you to see as well. Counselors presented college information to all seniors and invite you to attend a Senior PARENT Night Monday, October 6th in the PAC. In addition they are meeting individually with senior students. A wealth of information can also be found in Career Cruising a web-based interactive career and college resource designed to help students plan their futures. The individual student’s EDP includes assessment results, short and long term goals, career interests and post-secondary plans. Is your student thinking about going to college? Career Cruising has an entire section related to planning for college, student federal financial aid-what it is and how to apply for it, and a planning timeline. Whether the decision has already been made or is still years away, please browse through the College Planning Timeline, designed to help your student prepare for college. Please note that although your child can complete most of the necessary tasks in their junior or senior years of high school, you can help them start planning as early as the eighth grade. Not only will this improve their chances of getting into the college of their choice, but it will also make applying much easier. SCHS Student Council hosted its 59th blood drive September 30th. This is one of many examples of how SCHS students and staff give back to the community that supports them. Many teachers have created electronic files and calendars that students AND parents can access at home to find out what is being learned in classes, what a student may have missed while absent, and some really great information to talk about. Parents please have frequent discussions with your student about what they are learning in school. Just the act of telling you will help him/her retain the information, make associations with other knowledge, and make one more connection with you. Even though I have repeatedly heard over the years that high school is supposed to be fun, it is supposed to be much more than that; it is supposed to prepare students for their post-secondary aspirations. If they are going to college, it could mean saving both money and time. If they are going directly into the work world it could be the difference between getting a job or being unemployed. In a recent Economic Modeling Specialist, Inc., ATSD brief they reported that 80% of U.S. manufacturers cannot find educated skilled workers for their entry-level positions. Specialists also reported that at the current rate of employment supply and demand, 60% of new jobs will require skills held by 20% of the population by 2015. It would be great if our kids were the 20% being sought after. Please help us, help your student have both fun and work hard at school. Researcher Michael Gottfried recently published a study that showed that higher attendance has a positive and statistically significant relationship to grade-point averages and test scores. Please make certain your child is in school every day. The SCHS School Improvement Goals are for an ever increasing number of students to show they are college/career ready as measured by the ACT® and ACT Work Keys ® test in their junior year. We have very good teachers at SCHS, but they cannot teach a student who is not in school. Sincerely, Sandra Macut Swartz Creek High School “Redefining Excellence” Mission, Vision & Belief Statements MISSION: Swartz Creek Community Schools inspires our learners to embrace challenges, set goals, grow their talents, and realize their dreams for success in a global society. VISION: Swartz Creek Community Schools provides a world class education through innovative experiences while developing the unique talents of our learners. BELIEF STATEMENTS: ** We believe in a culture of learning. ** We believe that student learning should be the primary goal for all decisions made affecting the school district. ** We believe the climate and culture of the school is engaging, nurturing, challenging, and inspires students to express their personal ideas. ** We believe curriculum is integrated, differentiated, meaningful, and pertinent to life. ** We believe in culturally relevant education that provides the knowledge and skills to meet the global challenges and opportunities of the 21st Century. ** We believe in continuous improvement informed by critical evaluation and reflection. ** We believe expanding technologies enrich how teachers teach and students learn. ** We believe in building relationships and sharing resources with our community, parents, and staff members. Sun Mon S W A R T Z CR EE K H I G H S C H OO L O N E D R A G O N DR I VE S W A R T Z CR EE K , M I 4 8 4 73 P H O N E : 8 1 0 - 5 9 1 -1 8 0 0 F A X : 8 1 0 - 59 1 - 1 8 9 5 October 2014 Tue Wed 1 Thu 2 Fri 3 Sat 4 PSAT registration begins in the counseling office for the first 100 juniors 5 Fire Prevention Week Begins 12 19 6 Senior Parent Night college planning information 6:00 pm in the PAC 7 13 14 20 21 8 8:00 am Picture re-takes in Gym 15 PSAT Exam for 1st 100 Juniors who registered in Counseling Office 22 Early Release Day 7:30—12:05 National School Bus Safety Week 26 27 28 29 9 10 Senior class meeting 5:15 pm in the media center 11 16 17 Junior class meeting 6:00 pm in the media center 18 23 25 College Night Ballenger Field House, Mott Community College 6:00-7:30 pm 30 Marching band festival @ Goodrich High School Drive one 4ur school athletic fundraiser 9:00 am—4:00 pm 24 Senior candle walk following football game 31 Happy Halloween Marching band Cedar Point Halloween Parade HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT FALL NEWSLETTER.....2014 The Counseling Department would like to welcome you and your student to the 2014-2015 school year. This newsletter is put out periodically to help make you aware of upcoming events and services that the Counseling Department provides. Please feel free to call with any questions you have or ask your student to stop by and schedule an appointment. We would like to take a moment to welcome McKenzie Evert and Morgan Taverniti as our Co-Op students this year. They will each be working with us two hours a day. In addition to their classes and work schedule, McKenzie is a member of the track team and also works with GISD physical education department; Morgan is a member of the swim team and the lacrosse team. STAFF: EXTENSION: E-Mail: Carole Peer Secretary ext. 1866 [email protected] Cheryl Reger A-G ext. 1870 [email protected] Daniel Nolen H-N ext. 1869 [email protected] Michelle Horning O-Z ext. 1868 [email protected] ___________________________________________________________________________ COLLEGE BOUND STUDENTS College recruiters will be visiting the high school giving presentations. Information will be posted in the Counseling Office, in the daily announcements and on the website. The following conditions are to be met in order to attend: (1) only juniors and seniors may attend (2) students can attend a maximum of 5 presentations unless given special permission by a counselor (3) student academic records must be in line with college admission requirements. Sign up sheets are in the Counseling Office. Since these presentations are updated on a daily basis, please refer to our website for the complete list of these college visits. ( MOTT REGIONAL COLLEGE FAIR Mott is sponsoring a College Fair on Thursday, October 23, 2014 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. in Ballenger Field House. There are 50 – 60 colleges or universities represented. This is another opportunity for seniors to visit with college representatives for more information on colleges. TESTING PSAT Testing – All college bound juniors should take the PSAT test on Wednesday, October 15th. Registration in the counseling office begins October 1st. There is no cost for students but we are limited to 100 tests. The PSAT measures critical reading, mathematical reasoning and writing skills that are important for success in college. Also, the PSAT prepares students for future college tests. Students who have qualifying scores may enter the National Merit Scholarship competitions which may result in scholarships and special recognition. There are only 100 openings. Register early to secure your test. Sophomores are allowed to sign up for this test, however, their name will be placed on a waiting list. HIGH SCHOOL COUNSELING DEPARTMENT FALL NEWSLETTER.....2014 SKILL CENTER Swartz Creek High School has 107 students attending the Genesee Area Technical Center for 2014-2015. Students must follow all policies of the Skill Center. They are allowed only 5 unexcused absences per semester. (Students have only 3 days to turn in a doctor’s note for a medical absence.) Any absences for vacation or hunting will count toward the 5 unexcused absences. If a student goes over 5 absences, the student must attend Saturday School at the Skill Center to make up the time, or receive an attendance grade of “E”. No student will be allowed to accumulate more than 10 unexplained absences at any time. Absence: Any day that GASC is in session and the student is not in attendance will be recorded as an absence. Students are allowed five (5) absences per Semester without penalty. The five absences are not “free” or “vacation” days given to a student. They are to be utilized for personal business or illness. Excessive Absences: No student may accumulate more than ten (10) count absences within a semester. Students having more than five (5) absences within a semester will be required to attend “Saturday Make-up” sessions. Any student who exceeds ten (10) count absences within a semester will receive no credit (NC) and will be dropped from the GASC Program at the end of the semester. Make-up Sessions: When a student exceeds the five-day absence allowance they are required to schedule and attend Make-up sessions. Make-up sessions are scheduled only on Saturdays at the GASC facility under the supervision of assigned GASC staff members (refer to “Calendar of Important Dates”). Failure to attend may result in a grade of “NC (no credit issued) for Marking Periods/Semesters. Swartz Creek Community Schools High School Counseling Office SENIOR INFORMATION October, 2014 Counselors visited all English 12 classes on September 15th. The presentation consisted of what to expect during their senior year and beyond. Counselors explained the college application process, how to request a transcript, and how to access their school email account. The presentation can be found on the High School Counseling website. Counselors are seeing each senior on an individual basis to discuss their personal post-secondary plan. Students planning on applying to college must fill out an application on the college website by October 31st, and then log into Parchment to request a transcript to be sent to the college. If you have questions about anything please contact your student’s counselor. ***SENIOR PARENT NIGHT*** COLLEGE PLANNING INFORMATION MONDAY, OCT. 6TH @ 6:00 PM IN PAC COLLEGE VISITS 2014 Grand Valley - September 30th @ 1:30 U of M Flint - October 1st @ 1:00 MSU - October 1st @ 7:30 Davenport - October 2nd @ 8:30 Kettering - October 2nd @ 12:15 SVSU - October 6th @ 1:20 ITT Tech - October 7th @ 8:35 U of M Dearborn - October 9 @ 12:45 Wayne State - October 13th @ 1:20 Oakland - October 14th @ 8:30 Eastern MI - October 23rd @1:20 U of M Ann Arbor - October 24th @ 9:40 Northern MI - October 27th @ 8:00 REQUESTING A TRANSCRIPT Transcript requests can be placed on line through the high school counseling website. Click the link to request a transcript and you will be led to A student must login or create an account to have a transcript sent to colleges. If you have any questions, please contact your student’s counselor. HIGH SCHOOL EMAIL Each student at Swartz Creek High School has a school email account. Go to the SC Home Page and select High School Student Email Access in the student link section. See below for the login directions: Username: first initial of first & last name & Student ID # (example - John Doe - jd1111111) Password: student password used to log onto a school computer Dates are subject to change and are constantly updated on website. If your student needs assistance, please send them to see their counselor. ACT/SAT TEST DATES 2014-2015 Seniors should be starting the process of applying to colleges for the fall semester of 2015. Counselors are now meeting individually with seniors to go over credits and talk about the admission process or other plans after graduation. In many cases the ACT or the SAT must be taken for admission. If you are interested in improving your ACT score for college admissions, you may want to register to retake the test. Test dates are listed below. ACT: Test Dates: Deadline: Late Deadline: (postmark deadlines and late fee) Oct. 25h Sept. 19th Oct. 3rd Dec. 13th Nov. 7th Nov. 21st Feb. 7th Jan. 9th Jan. 16th April 18th. ** Mar. 13th Mar. 27th June 13th** May 8th May 22nd ** Preferred Junior Test Dates SAT: If any student is interested in taking the SAT, they should see their counselor. Packets for the ACT or SAT may be picked up at the Counseling Office. You may register on line at MOTT REGIONAL COLLEGE FAIR THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2014 6:00 to 7:30 P.M. BALLENGER FIELD HOUSE Swartz Creek Athletic Department One Dragon Drive, Swartz Creek, MI 48473 Phone: (810)591-1809 Fax: (810)591-1896 ATHLETIC DEPARTMENT FUNDRAISER DRIVE ONE 4UR SCHOOL WHAT: Randy Wise - Genesee Valley Auto Mall will have Lincoln Mercury vehicles available to test-drive For every test-drive that takes place, Ford Motor Co. will make a $20 donation to Swartz Creek Athletics, up to a total of $6,000.00 REQUIREMENTS FOR TEST-DRIVE DONATIONS: Participants must be 18 or older, and produce a valid driver’s license The $20 donation is limited to one per household WHEN: Saturday, October 18, 2014 WHERE: Swartz Creek High School Parking Lot TIME: 9am – 4pm Yearbook News The 2013-14 Yearbook “Red(& White)Nation” Is in and will be available at the Welcome Center of the High school beginning Oct 6, 2014 for anyone who has not yet picked it up Order the 2014-15 Yearbook “A Super Year” this month for the lowest price of the year - online at the high school webpage or see a yearbook staff member or Mrs. Karagosian in room 404 Seniors- Get your senior photos in early - see your registration packet or the link on the high school web page for requirements! Senior Photos and Baby ads (still just $35.00) due Jan 8 Contacting Yearbook Yerbook now has a NEW dedicated email at [email protected] and is still working to get our telephone extenstion up and running! Watch for official notice that the line has been open. Until then please address all questions and concerns to our email address above! YEARBOOK WANTS YOU! Help Write SCHS History-join the Yearbook club- coming soon watch ITC for Details and meeting dates Gain valuable business skills – looks GREAT on your resume Can be used in conjunction with a Co-OP position For more information and an application contact Mrs. Karagosian Rm 404 or email the yearbook at [email protected]. Breaking old Ground: We can dig up yearbooks from as far back as 1989 availalble for purchase. Inquire at [email protected] This year the Swartz Creek High School has started a “Kindness Challenge”. The Peers Who Care students started the year off by completing a Kindness Challenge and completed 905 random acts of kindness at school, home, and in the community. Our students have a variety of opportunities to be kind during the school day and in their community. There is a bulletin board in the Assistant Principal’s office that students can choose a random act of kindness to complete. If they take one of these acts of kindness, they commit to completing it within 24 hours. There is a daily random act of kindness that is announced on ITC and there is also our “Kindness Sightings”. These are reports from staff or students who have witnessed someone doing an act of kindness. A form is submitted and there are weekly drawings. The sighting that is chosen is featured on ITC and on our tv in the main office. Pictures are taken of both people and they win a small prize. There are also random kindness challenges that are sent out to students. Students may choose for themselves if they want to complete the challenge. It is our goal to have 1000 random acts of kindness completed by the end of the year. To date we have 34 Random Acts of Kindness completed!! Below are pictures of our first 3 “Kindness Sighting” winners. Senior Corner Junior Class Sponsors: Ms. Robinson Sponsors: Mrs. Warber & Mrs. Wensko Class meeting: October 9 at 5:15 pm in the media center. Senior candle walk: October 24 after the football game. Follow us on Facebook Swartz Creek Class of 2015 or Twitter @SCseniors15 Thanks to all the parent volunteers for the PowderPuff! Our class raised over $1900. Senior pictures & baby ad—due to yearbook by January 7, 2015. Class meeting: October 16 at 6 pm in the media center. PowderPuff: Thank you to all students, parents, community and athletic boosters for helping us to make the PowderPuff game happen. The seniors took the victory with a score of 14-8. We are very proud of our Junior girls for playing a tough game! This is a fundraising event with both classes bringing in $1914! Prom: The Junior class is hosting this year’s Junior/ Senior prom. We will need student input and parent volunteers to make this happen! Follow us on Facebook SCHS Class of 2016 SOPHOMORE CLASS Sponsors: Mr. Fuller Class Meeting: October 15 at 7:00 pm in the media center. FRESHMAN CLASS Sponsors: YEARBOOKS The SCHS 2013-14 Yearbook, “Red(& White) Nation” has arrived and is available for pick up in the Welcome Center of the High School during normal school hours. Friends or family members may pick up books for Class of 2014 seniors! Don’t chance missing out on the 2014-15 SCHS yearbook now on sale. Take advantage of the fall price of just $63.60 and order yours today in room 402 with Mrs. Karagosian Senior Pictures News: SENIOR PICTURES and BABY AD DEADLINE IS January 7, 2015 all photos and ads with payments must be submitted to the yearbook by that date! HARD COPY PHOTOS WILL NOT BE RETURNED – DO NOT SEND ORIGINALS!
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