CV incl. Publication List – Pernille Eskerod Prof. Dr. Pernille Eskerod Full Professor in Management, Webster University Vienna Areas of Expertise Research and teaching within Change Management, Stakeholder Management, Project Management, Managing/Developing the Project-oriented Organization and Strategic Management Development and launch of new educational programs Supervision of students Education 1992 –1996 Southern Denmark Business School, Denmark Doctoral studies in business administration Graduation on November 15, 1996 1990 Oregon State University, USA Three graduate courses within business administration (as part of Danish M.Sc.) 1989 –1992 Aarhus School of Business, Denmark Degree program M.Sc. (Economics & Business Administration) Graduation on January 6, 1992 Professional Background Since 2015 Webster University Vienna, Austria, Department of Business and Management. Full professor. 2011-2014 University of Southern Denmark, Department of Leadership and Strategy. Full professor with special duties. 2010 (6 months) Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, US. Visiting professor. 1 2008-2011 University of Southern Denmark, Department of Environmental and Business Economics Full professor with special duties. 1998-2008 University of Southern Denmark, Department of Environmental and Business Economics. Associate professor. Since 2001 WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, PROJEKTMANAGEMENT GROUP. Visiting professor (on many shorter stays). Publications (Excerpt) Key drivers for informal project coordination among sub-contractors: a case study of the offshore wind energy sector, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Aagaard A, Eskerod P & Madsen ES (2015) Stakeholder Management Strategies and Practices during a Project Course, Project Management Journal, Eskerod P & Vaagaasar AL (2014) Project Stakeholder Management, book in the series Dalcher D (ed) Fundamentals in Project Management, Gower, United Kingdom, Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2013) Sustainable Development and Project Stakeholder Management: What Standards Say, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, Eskerod P & Huemann M (2013) Knowledge Sharing Activities in Project-oriented Organisations, in Goerner A & Wald A (eds) Advanced Project Management, Germany, Riis E & Eskerod P (2010) The Dynamics of Collaboration in Multi-partner Projects, Project Management Journal, Dietrich P, Eskerod P, Dalcher D & Sandhawalia B (2010) Action Learning for Further Developing Project Management Competencies: A Case Study from an Engineering Consultancy Company. International Journal of Project Management, Eskerod P (2010) Publication List (March 2015) Peer-reviewed journal articles Aagaard A, Eskerod P & Madsen ES (2015, forthcoming) Key drivers for informal project coordination among sub-contractors: a case study of the offshore wind energy sector, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 8(2): Eskerod, P, Huemann M & Savage GT (2014) Call for papers - Special Issue on “Project Stakeholder Management”, Project Management Journal, 45(5): 90 2 Eskerod P & Vaagaasar AL (2014) Stakeholder Management Strategies and Practices during a Project Course, Project Management Journal, 45(5): 71-85 Eskerod P & Huemann M (2013) Sustainable Development and Project Stakeholder Management: What Standards Say, International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 6(1): 36-50 Dietrich P, Eskerod P, Dalcher D & Sandhawalia B (2010) The Dynamics of Collaboration in Multi-partner Projects, Project Management Journal, 41(4): 59–78 Eskerod P (2010) Action Learning for Further Developing Project Management Competencies: A Case Study from an Engineering Consultancy Company, International Journal of Project Management, 28(4): 352-360 Eskerod P & Riis E (2009) Value Creation by Building and Intraorganizational Common Frame of Reference Concerning Project Management, Project Management Journal, 40(3): 6-13 Eskerod P & Riis E (2009) Project Management Models as Value Creators in Companies, Project Management Journal, 40(1): 4-18 Jepsen AL & Eskerod P (2009) Stakeholder Analysis in Projects: Challenges in Using Current Guidelines in the Real World, International Journal of Project Management, 27(4): 335-343 Blichfeldt BS & Eskerod P (2008) Project Portfolio Management – There’s More to it than What Management Enacts, International Journal of Project Management, 26 (4): 357-365 Eskerod P & Skriver HJ (2007) Organizational Culture Restraining In-house Knowledge Transfer between Project Managers – a Case Study, Project Management Journal, 38 (1): 110-122 Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2005) Staffing Renewal Projects by Voluntary Enrolment, International Journal of Project Management, 23(6): 445-453 Eskerod P & Blichfeldt BS (2005) Managing Team Entrees and Withdrawals during the Project Life Cycle, International Journal of Project Management, 23(7): 495-503 Eskerod P & Östergren K (2000) Why Do Companies Standardize Project Work?, Project Management, 6(2): 34-39 Eskerod P (1998) Til- og afgange i projektgruppen, Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, 62(4): 265-280 (in Danish) Eskerod P (1996) Meaning and Action in a Multi-Project Environment. Understanding a MultiProject Environment by Means of Metaphors and Basic Assumptions, International Journal of Project Management, 14(2): 61-65 3 Eskerod P (1995) Fleksibilitet og forankring i den projektorganiserede virksomhed, Ledelse & Erhvervsøkonomi, 59(3): 175-182 (in Danish) Books Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2013) Project Stakeholder Management, book in Dalcher D (ed) Fundamentals of Project Management Series, Gower, United Kingdom (120 pages) Eskerod P (1997) Nye perspektiver på fordeling af menneskelige ressourcer i et projektorganiseret multiprojekt-miljø, Ph.D. dissertation, Southern Denmark Business School, Sønderborg (in Danish) Book chapters Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2014) What Does the Project Stakeholder Value?, in Dalcher, D (ed) Advances in Project Management. Narrated Journeys in Unchartered Territory, Gower, United Kingdom, p. 115-118 Eskerod P & Huemann M (2014) Managing for Stakeholders, in Turner JR (ed) Gower Handbook of Project Management 5th ed., Gower, United Kingdom, p. 217-232 Eskerod P (2014) Stakeholder Understanding and Perception of Fairness: Enriching Project Management with Strategy Concepts, in Lundin RA & Hällgren M (eds) Advancing Research on Projects and Temporary Organizations, Copenhagen Business School Press, ISBN 978-87630-0248-6, p. 39-51 Aagaard A, Eskerod P, Knudsen MH, Madsen JK, Madsen TK, Petersen B & Rosenbaum SM (2014) Organisering og ledelse af multi-partner projekter. En undersøgelse blandt rådgivende ingeniører, book chapter in Søndergaard N & Ahrengot, N (eds) Vækst og forretningsudvikling: Håndbogen, 5: 329-340, Børsen, Copenhagen (in Danish). Riis E & Eskerod P (2010) Knowledge Sharing Activities in Project-oriented Organisations, in Goerner A & Wald A (eds) Advanced Project Management, Germany Eskerod P & Blichfeldt BS (2009) Projektporteføljeledelse – en udfordrende disciplin. Chapter 6.5. In Stuhr S (ed) Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger, Projektledelse, Børsen Forum, Copenhagen (in Danish) Eskerod P & Riis E (2009) En fælles projektledelsesmodel som værdiskaber. Chapter 5.5. In Stuhr S (ed) Børsens Ledelseshåndbøger, Projektledelse, Børsen Forum, Copenhagen (in Danish) Eskerod P (2008) Latest Project Management Implementation. In Thomas J & M Mullaly (eds) Researching the Value of Project Management, Project Management Institute, 4 Pennsylvania, USA p. 86 & pp. 146-150 Jepsen AL & Eskerod P (2008) Use of internal communication to market a project which nobody wants, in Podnar K & Zlatko J (eds) Corporate and Marketing Communications as a Strategic Resource, Response to Contemporary Use, Challenges and Criticism, Routledge and Faculty of Social Sciences, Ljubljana, pp. 100-101 Mikkelsen H & Eskerod P (2006) Energi er vigtigere end arbejdstimer, in Hildebrandt S (ed) Børsens Ledelseshåndbog i Strategi og Ledelse, Børsens Forum, Copenhagen (in Danish) Eskerod P (2006) Chapter 10: Managing Human Energy in the Project-Oriented Company, i Cleland D & Gareis R (eds): Global Project Management Handbook, 2. edition, Mc Graw Hill, New York, pp 10-1-10-12 Eskerod P, Toft AS & Mikkelsen H (2005) Kapitel 7: Energi - drivkraft og formåen, i Mikkelsen (red.): Ledelse af projektmylderet - om virksomhedslederes håndtering af udviklingsaktiviteter, Børsens Forlag, Copenhagen, pp 179-197 Eskerod P, Blichfeldt BS & Toft AS (2005) Kapitel 6: Beslutningsprocessernes organisering, i Mikkelsen H (ed): Ledelse af projektmylderet - om virksomhedslederes håndtering af udviklingsaktiviteter, Børsens Forlag, Copenhagen, pp. 165-177 Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2006) Bemanding af fornyelsesprojekter gennem frivillig tilmelding, in Stuhr S (ed) Børsens Ledelseshåndbog i Projektledelse, Børsen Forum, Copenhagen (in Danish) Eskerod P & Skriver HJ (2006) Videndeling i teori og praksis, in Stuhr S (ed) Børsens Ledelseshåndbog i Projektledelse, Børsen Forum, Copenhagen (in Danish) Eskerod P & Mikkelsen H (2005) Kapitel 5: Ledelsens rolle, i Mikkelsen (red.): Ledelse af projektmylderet - om virksomhedslederes håndtering af udviklingsaktiviteter, Børsens Forlag, Copenhagen, pp. 145-164 (in Danish) Eskerod P & Toft AS (2003) Projektbemanding gennem internt projektudbud og frivillig tilmelding, in Madsen SO & Tetzschner H (eds): Fra Organisation til Organisering. Offentlig ledelse i smeltediglen, Børsen, Copenhagen, pp. 116-131(in Danish) Eskerod P (1999) Computer ApS – en lille virksomhed vokser, i Blenker P, Christensen PR, Jensen HD & Larsen A (eds): Godt Begyndt. Casesamling om danske iværksættere og deres erfaringer, Systime, pp 27-30 (in Danish) Eskerod P (1999) Gruppesamtalen som redskab til bedre samspil, in Fangel M (ed) Sådan får vi musik i projektet. Håndbog fra Symposierne Projektledelse ’99, Foreningen for Dansk Projektledelse, Hillerød, pp. 183-189 (in Danish) 5 Eskerod P (1998) Organising by Projects - Experiences from Oticon's Product Development Function, in Morsing M (ed) Managing the Unmanagerable for a Decade, Oticon, Hellerup Eskerod P (1998) Chapter 12: The Human Resource Allocation Process When Organizing by Projects, i Lundin RA & Midler C (eds): Projects as Arenas for Renewal and Learning Processes, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London, pp. 125-131 Kreiner K & Eskerod P (1997) Hvad kan forskning i projektledelse bruges til?, Fangel M (ed) Jagten på det effektive projekt. Håndbog fra Symposierne Projektledelse ’97, Foreningen for Dansk Projektledelse, Hillerød, pp. 237-241 (in Danish) Eskerod P & Darmer P (1994) Lecturer's Guide, in Adam-Smith D & Peacock A (eds): Cases in Organizational Behaviour, Pitman Publishing, London, pp. 43-46 Eskerod P & Darmer P (1994) Oticon - Spaghetti for the Ears, in Adam-Smith D & Peacock A (eds): Cases in Organizational Behaviour, Pitman Publishing, London, pp. 97-103 Conference papers Huemann M, Weninger C & Eskerod P (2014) Bridging the Research Practice Gap: The research project Rethink!Project Stakeholder Management as an example. Extended abstract for the IPMA 2014 28th World Congress, 29 September-1 Oct, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (3 pages) Larsen T & Eskerod P (2014) Future Perspective: Using Change Management Principles in Projects, paper for the 9th Colloquium on Organizational Change & Development, 12-13 September, Essen, Germany Dupont DH & Eskerod P (2014) Future Perspective: Line Managers as Peer Change Agents, paper for the 9th Colloquium on Organizational Change & Development, 12-13 September, Essen, Germany Eskerod P (2014) Synergies from International Research and Teaching Cooperation with the Same Partners, presentation and participation in roundtable discussions within the theme of Fostering International Teaching and Research Collaborations at the Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting, 1-5 August, Philadelphia, PA, USA (1 page) Eskerod P & Huemann M (2014) Improved Project Stakeholder Analysis by Systemic Methods. Professional Development Workshop for the Academy of Management 2014 Annual Meeting, 1-5 August, Philadelphia, PA, USA (7 pages) Huemann, M & Eskerod P (2014) Bridging the Research Practice Gap: The Case of Developing Innovative Project Stakeholder Methods with Practitioners. Symposium for the PMI 6 Research and Education Conference, 27-29 July, Portland, Oregon, USA (4 pages) Eskerod P & Huemann M (2014) Advancing Project Stakeholder Analysis by Standing on the Shoulders of Giants. Paper for the PMI Research and Education Conference, 27-29 July, Portland, Oregon, USA (20 pages) Vaagaasar AL & Eskerod P (2014) Good Cop/Bad Cop Strategy: The Interplay between Distributive and Integrative Stakeholder Management Practices. Paper for the 14th EURAM 2014 – European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 June 2014 (30 pages) Eskerod P, Huemann M & Weninger C (2014) Stakeholder Inclusiveness and Expectation Alignment - Enriching Project Management with General Stakeholder Theory. Paper for the 14th EURAM 2014 – European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, 4-7 June 2014 (27 pages) Huemann M & Eskerod P (2013) Managing project stakeholders: Practices considering sustainable development principles on projects, abstract for the autumn meeting of the Section Sustainability Management of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB), Vienna, October (5 pages) Huemann M, Eskerod P & Savage GT (2013) Managing Stakeholders of Projects and Projectoriented Organizations, topic proposal for the 14th EURAM 2014 – European Academy of Management Annual Conference, Valencia, Spain, June 2014 (1 page) Eskerod P (2013) Reciprocity and Perceptions of Justice in Public Participation Processes – a Case Study, proceedings for the 9th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance, Klagenfurt, Austria, November 2013 (10 pages) Eskerod P & Huemann M (2013) Improved Decision Making by Systemic Stakeholder Analysis Methods in Projects, abstract for the Decision Sciences Institute 2013 Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, US, November (1 page) Huemann M & Eskerod P (2013) Best practices in managing for project stakeholders, abstract for the 27th IPMA World Congress 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October (1 page) Voergård-Olesen R & Eskerod P (2013) Non-heterosexual disclosure at the workplace insights from an empirical study, proceedings for the Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) meeting 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland, August (11 pages) Eskerod P & Huemann M (2013) Stakeholder analysis eruptions – advancing project management with the method systemic constellation, proceedings for the Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) meeting 2013, Reykjavik, Iceland, August (12 pages) 7 Huemann M, Eskerod P, Weninger C & Aarseth W (2013) Towards a new project stakeholder management approach - considering contemporary stakeholder theory and social system theory, proceedings for the 11th IRNOP Conference, Oslo, Norway, June (12 pages) Eskerod P & Justesen JB (2013) Enhancing Project Success by Means of Formal Change Agents Implementing Healthcare Activities at the Workplace, proceedings for the 11th IRNOP Conference, Oslo, Norway, June (21 pages) Eskerod P & Vaagaasar AL (2012) Playing ‘Good Cop/Bad Cop’ – an Effective Project Stakeholder Management Strategy?, abstract for the 3rd Internatonal Project Business Workshop, Brighton, UK, September (1 page) Eskerod P & Vaagaasar AL (2012) Stakeholder management strategies and practices during a project course, proceedings for the 28th EGOS Colloquium 2012, Helsinki, Finland, July (30 pages) Eskerod P & Huemann M (2011) Project Stakeholder Management Practices – in the Light of Modern Stakeholder Theory and Sustainability Principles, hand-out at the Nordic Academy of Management (NFF) meeting 2011, Stockholm, Sweden, August (16 pages) Eskerod P & Huemann M (2011) Managing Projects for Stakeholders from a Sustainability Perspective, proceedings for the EISAM 1st Interdisciplinary Conference on Stakeholders, Resources & Value Creation, Barcelona, Spain, June (10 pages) Vaagaasar AL, Eskerod P & Nikolaisen H (2011) Project Stakeholder Management as Continuous Processes for Re-Creating and Improving Relationships, proceedings for the EISAM 1st Interdisciplinary Conference on Stakeholders, Resources & Value Creation, Barcelona, Spain, June (20 pages) Dietrich P, Eskerod P, Dalcher D & Sandhawalia B (2010) The Role of Project Collaboration Quality and Knowledge Integration Capability in Multi-Partner Projects. Proceedings for the PMI Research and Education Conference, 11-14 July, Washington D.C., USA Eskerod P & Mosavi A (2008) Challenges in Developing Project Portfolio Management – a Case Study, 22th IPMA World Congress Project: Management to Run, Rom, Italy, November 2008 Eskerod P & Riis E (2008) Creating Value by Building an Intra-Organizational Common Frame of Reference for Project Management, PMI Research Conference, Warsaw, Poland, July, Project Management Institute Blichfeldt BS & P Eskerod (2005) Project Portfolios - There's More to It than What Management Enacts, i JK Christiansen (red.): Proceedings for the 12th International Product Development Management Conference, Copenhagen, June, Copenhagen Business School, pp 133-144 8 Eskerod P, Blichfeldt BS & Toft AS (2004) Too Many Good Projects: Managing Emotions regarding 'Project Overload', in Gareis R & Huberman M (eds): Proceedings for the Conference Project Management Tage '04, Projects and Emotional Intelligence, Vienna, November, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration Eskerod P, BS Blichfeldt & AS Toft (2004) Questioning the Rational Assumption Underlying Decision-Making within Project Portfolio Management Literature, in Slevin DP, Cleland DI & Pinto JK (eds): Proceedings for the PMI Research Conference ‘04 Pennsylvania, London, Project Management Institute Eskerod P & Blichfeldt BS (2004) Do Implicit Core Assumptions of the Project Management Community Culture Restrain Intra-Organisational Learning across Project Managers?, in Wikström K & Artto K (eds): Proceedings for the IRNOP VI Conference, Åbo, Finland, Åbo Akademi University & Helsinki University of Technology Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2003) Manning Renewal Projects by Internal Advertising and Voluntary Enrolment, proceedings for the conference pm tage ‘03, Vienna, Austria, November Eskerod P & Blichfeldt BS (2002) Managing Team Entries and Withdrawals during the Project Life Cycle, proceedings for the conference PM Days ’02, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria, November Eskerod P & Blichfeldt BS (2002) Redefining the Role of the Project Owner/Sponsor in Product Development Projects, proceedings for the IRNOP V conference, Renesse, the Netherlands, June Eskerod P & Blichfeldt BS (2001) Market Orientation and Management of Product Development Projects, proceedings for the EUROConference II, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria, November Skriver HJ & Eskerod P (2001) Kulturens betydning for overførsel af viden mellem projektledere, proceedings for the 16. Nordiska Foretagsekonomiska Ämneskonferens, Uppsala, Sweden, August (in Danish) Eskerod P & Skriver HJ (2001) Creative ways to enhance knowledge transfer/learning between project managers”, proceedings for the IPMA International Symposium “Project Management Creativity”, Stockholm, Sweden, June, pp. 169-183 Eskerod, P (2000) Managing Virtual Projects in the Project-oriented Society, proceedings for the EUROConference I, University of Economics and Business Administration, Vienna, Austria, November 9 Eskerod P & Östergren K (1998) Bureaucratizing Projects? On the Standardization Trend, proceedings for the conference IRNOP III: The Nature and Role of Projects in the NEXT 20 Years: Research Issues and Problems, Calgary, Canada, July Damgaard T & Eskerod P (1998) Enhancing the Competencies in SME’s through Networking, proceedings for the conference RENT XII: Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Lyon, France, November Eskerod P (1996) The Human Resource Allocation Process When Organizing by Projects, proceedings for the conference IRNOP II: Aspects of Society and Business Organized by Projects, Paris, France, June Eskerod P (1995) Udfordringer og dilemmaer i et multiprojekt-miljø. Ledelsesmæssige opmærksomhedsområder, proceedings for the Nordic Symposium, Copenhagen, November (in Danish) Eskerod P (1994) Attitudes and Behaviour in a Multi-Project Environment. How Meaning and Action are Controlled by Metaphors in our Project World, proceedings for the Austrian Project Management Day 1994, Vienna, Austria, December Eskerod P (1994) The Hidden Side of Project Orientation, proceedings for INTERNET '94 12th World Congress, Oslo, Norway, June, pp. 594-599 Working paper series Aagaard A, Eskerod P, Knudsen MH, Madsen JK, Madsen TK, Petersen B & Rosenbaum SM (2012) Collaboration and performance in Multi-Partner Projects: The case of engineering consultancies. Research methodology, University of Southern Denmark, Working papers in Marketing & Management, No. 32, ISSN 2245-7844 (73 pages) Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2004) Voluntary Enrolment – A Viable Way of Staffing Projects?, IME Working Paper No. 59/04, Department of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark Other publications Dupont DH & Eskerod P (2014) Integrering af linjeledere – for god læring og implementering, Projektledelse, 3, pp. 10-11 (in Danish) Eskerod P (2014) Forventningsafstemning og samspil med interessenterne er nøglen til succesfulde projekter, Ingeniøren, 9 May, p. 4 (in Danish) Eskerod P & Jepsen AL (2011) What Does the Project Stakeholder Value?, PM World Today, April, XIII(IV) (6 pages) 10 Riis E & Eskerod P (2010) How to Gain Value from a Project Management Model – a Case Study, web article, (9 pages) Mikkelsen H & Eskerod P (2005) Energi er vigtigere end arbejdstimer, Dansk Projektledelse, 10 (3), pp. 26-27 (in Danish) Eskerod P, Jepsen AL & Toft AS (2004) Projektbemanding ved frivillig tilmelding, Dansk Projektledelse, 9 (1), pp. 22-23 (in Danish) Eskerod P (2003) Forskningen skal udfordre “struktureret, sund fornuft” i projektledelsen, Dansk Projektledelse, 8(3), p. 5 (in Danish) Eskerod P (1997) Projektorganisering ... men hvordan?, Tidsskrift for Dansk Projektledelse, 2 (1), pp. 5-7 11
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